HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-04-27, Page 6•
, • 044
slut !11(I .;V1X 'h '
1,:l'„e-,apted'sbirtetti,tag, he .ge.vis
t h- s,ati• "A lig!: It bd.':that.otnethinli‘ 141
;Olt Ili:Or to. .11.0214).0: i°.;th.e.l• over: to iciitn,
hd'iadke it .,411. r i•14t,.440.0t° --;• • ; • . .i.1
• IteMbrandt.. anti that) 'do as I an "well, g•eattbrhere. . didn't•
, told he'give WO45•th. Ills nioriey •fs •htra,. Arid1 hkti wirit ht, wantctt la
to..00X110. CtO a certain days. but, ^I 1.ocet.. f 1 had handed it, over
Plasup. and I ptunP• "4)4111 1 itL thdt to liini be would' not have Snared Me.
-A tern. __in sumo aga: st Ur. as he a oached 'ine m foot slip-
'That is very iiind of s 4-,nt,/": Duvid vatory1 •fell backwards. And then
aatd, inodet 1 1 rem ered myself and defied flew..
• „Matt Snee7e, went on. ' net t ha • • Vo4 hissed, •'do„yeu •want
young lady ,iingei *mkt a -LINO 'her; Mgt dI&t- -
, therefore. I say1 will be no party 'Thom I keew that 1 should die° in
to grating her into trouIlle. And any c,ise. ENen into 1 could snaRe
Benson tfas 1 am one big fool, and' to rws,11 Lt.:5 1 • thouglit how I cokild
that be iii otsly tog .111r... Stop' • a baffle my foe.' Once, twice, three
•lesori in the art of m1n14ts.4 bus 0"II; times he repeated his demands, and
'business, So •1 ask no fortlar cius.s- oath time 1 was obdurate. 1 knew
t10084, though 1 am a good bit Puz-; thet e would kill me in any. case.
dal. With ' the last ba.uk-netes earae with a , snarl of rage;
possess I go to a placlecailed Walat's I there was aknife in his hand. I
and hu the cigar -case that Henson hullo1 a flower -pot at his head and '
0 0. . ant and
4 0
44 t
, flh1 tnOXU? 1611EItt TITC--by-
lenson swears that be bas no 'money knife leteeen my shoulders, then a
••„ at all. not even enough to repay ry, e StlinT.Ing blow an the head, awl till 1
the--pi-TeeThf-the-agar-case tie ll
i.a., woke here to -day I eattnilt--recdi e • a
been disappointed. And 1 ha‘e be.).. -n: magictbieg,',
drinking,. So I swear 1 will write' . ‘'all' seeek pnottpd and wiped his
and ask Mr. Steel- to see me, and 1
• do so.”
"And you get an answer?" David
"Mr. 1 do. You said you wOuld
see Mc tile same -night. Itwag_ 4
forgery?"- •
•"It was. Henson had a.ntitipated
something like ‘. that. 1 know ail
- about the forgery, haw my notepaper
was procuredand u hen the forgerv
ae_ -.:liciltion Itiit tillikfhalf-vii'vl s
tle to do with the sto • now. i'ksise
,g an. . _ ......
Van Smck • Paused before he. pro, "A riegi," he murmured, vagueli.•
ceeded. • "A eingl-itAleit ring?" '
• "1 am not (PM° sober," he said."lio•s, look here," ,. David se.id,
41 a
. m hot with what 1 called 11(1Y sternly. ' "You aro more or lesit ' in;
Wrongs. 1 come here and ring the our power. You know, but we ere not
bell. 'The hall was in darkness. There disposed to be hard on you No 10(1• 4
was a, light in the enitservatory, but as you are quite candid with us.
none in the study. 1 quite believed llencon required something that he
that_it erase Mr Steel ArtiO opened believed to be in your posseasion;
the door and moil ned Inc towards intitk'd. Y"Il -bale 11H -1g°
• the 'study., Then the door ot the had it with you }tense!' Jared you
,,An40.e4.i_inhin4_mo.,_ into my ,,houiie to get Veit more than
and the electric light shot tip. When naiiiiing idlse- That lid 4/0111a -liitcro
1 turned. round 1 found m'yself face killed you even after he got it 1
to face with Henson." firntly .belleveilut that is not tne
Van Sneckas not Itenson look-
PaWed again and shod- point; Nein'w
-,t., ----dered-at-some• hideous, recollection.l ling for._Prince Rupere,s ring that yo.a
Ithe -eyes were dark and-eagerl- there got frouri-hliii li-Y-41`64-arifol-a-tf•Iticr'
, was a warm moisture like vartilsh 'Van Sueek dropped his hands help-
er' his face. • lessly on the bed. '
4, 1 - f.Lve-ii-that discovery -did not euite- ".Geistlemerr." he whined. "you are
nth Lr tee. The marVelloi.s
was some joke, or that perlipps I accurafl ba
had got into the' wren& house. dint, 11443'''a4O'w e" 10*.".*°141'.0-4h rifig-' 'I-u(as never very, much Mame*,
no. it was the room of a literary Hensob was after. deareit," Steel Geld. "If this thing
• . gentImen.._ .1--1 eareetiet to ace mr,„' ' The one you stole from him years had never happened I might never
Steel OM in or to try tbe doer
gol-- Mt . -What -did-yrru--know febout - lined mad
-you,- -An-als noon-asr-t 'his
.,L. ......... ,.,.. C . . .' it4
--11e-iitlibt ano14.-ar--a-smilier14. t4"-- --- ------,-. _ - -='-',.--4iitizitiostierinitelyesettlesk.L.,..,
Ile asked me if 1 had the receipt for Van Sneck smiled. come and see your undo. I am a
11 0 t-inei --amt I.srchi......_ 1-___!Thera-ts-.110._11..Ving man wholtrows v!‘try impotipnLinim. .1.1*b .s., ss
it semi in troy Wicket. Then hi smiled more about those things than ' do," "And you shall see my uncle when
, -; ,,
he said. "'It is a passiand a you please, .slear.
*gain, and something told me my on she said. "Yon
We was tar 'danger.' • ' , , study : with :•-•ine--- ----And •, "Cline W.111•4104 -10M• (rite so -charming an
, - .,•,, :. tt. tit , 0 • ; _age . in Holland •. u .1 • t is. What will
'maye me t;he dee.eHitfilifee-I.41,...siosor_ -1.-.,.......-.Q_____,. ..___,-......
-1. hid` liein-Itirtid-therste--that-Ilens fl,
had got into the house during the
. absence of the earner. It was late
-..night..40-0,-tiinet„holaser„ert; ring.' 1 made the copy, and
_ are t ed
S ---
face, wet with the horror -of the re-
collection. Das, id Steel gave Bell
tfiget: cant glance, and the latter
nodded -
"Was the tiring that -Henson want -
'ed t'W3.,rr -StiTt Wm -Li, • quietly;
Van Sneck looked up with Home
.eigns of confusion. had -not ex.
i)ected n -truest leu -ot that.kind_There
was just the re.ggcstoen of •euratina
Clever .11den. 'D Bell',.' '
admiringl,y. "lie seeus
r t' through )7,049.1r1 Wm' an.4
snit Other side. TO a gre:tt ex-
tent L1 te�Uct oil that hal)Pelie4
that eveal oil alglit, And just at 1
let itlf *.•
ood Asti* ,eee, ,
-teltY031. What
t' s
'Not -e, t o
our..!le .4
er4.1.'„Aatn. ittte the'af
WO*0 " PIA '1111,44. „into '
eil(iatt,71UrlitgLdiAng1444Iat1Z with
46 4.cocordiu.. .t\,.0.01 ot 0,007.
Wentloirs.,:, Van, $,.4.00, "*ott ter ish'onld he dug •thret wider
• Van Sae& 'e14ed his eyes ohedient-l'and .deeper than v.w.auted-wheta
lid was eomewhat tired -with, the, -cd... -Nhonld. he nearly ;IefetfroP,
intervieW. But, on the Bar emit to „end and. what finished eight`
g1 .O1LI
tnn:pmg -f 4: 4
ID 4 ()f OhOitfl41 „
q,( 7444 14 -to • 't' *0.14
nit'tam' itele,Plate Or Otter Irot0-
woYt'"thre0.4.nelten. tO
Artlfic ally I at*d atiutter*
4thas of Chin
o t o. I
7••• ,
O 0. \Thawliguren: are ettiniertir,
tie. a:dd.:the) value ot os,,,tatibieg
to the termer, ` is reallY More then
•.--.4,the-improveraeot. In
arieties,obt__aineo from the use of a
indeed. nd there was I t e m .
snore te be d..ne for the present. The. to use in laying the gutter.
two....men-linttlettitis .pepees,i If foundatlets are *used, me
,fully„, • ,iiiitrbit-Fr-fiesn :twang . p
"We W,Ne got to the\end." , Ilell oistance and drive piece* of cope -Melt
sal d. _ IPIpe eighteen inches long lute the
• "1 fancy so," Davi4. murmured. ground, leaving six Indies aboveTsur-
"Ilut we c.„n't save Vie skiandal. I face to set foundation posts on by
$ze how 'Reginald Benson in boring hole in the lower end to re -
going to gct o).it, of, the mess with-
out a prosecution." '
At' v further speculation as to the
ceive the pipe. Posts set in the ce-
ment Will decay. Take a 24x6 -inch
piece, long enough.to reach across
future of that engaging rascal was the floor the short tkaY and a lx2-
•est abort by a pleasant surprise, no leek strip of same length.
othe.• than .the urexpected arrival of Mix thoroughly one part cement to
Ruts' Cates t 's.s.ts 11 131 1)I' •rnne parts gravel., then sprinkle untll
*.•••• it
happineSs; she had .dnrde.d 1er-ohs:-
guise and Stood confessed before all
Ole was.•
Lay \two and one-half inches of eon -
"What (lees it all triean?" David ereto in bottom of trench and, set
asked. "What will Longdean village box in gutter. , Fill around itswith
SaY?' concrete to within obe-half • inch • of
"'What dLes Longdean A Plage
11...j,, top. When last strip of concrete is
now?" .Chris_ J.: et ortal., "They_.•
vagtiox aware that 0001004 waL:littid-titro_ see -row
taken frueo.tn4butithetoili;_otnniSea Slurettthrtl'infinicegh144,e°1titineb strip. _on top .01
e2-1x0-17sch add apPlY on top of the
all their knowledge. And 'there is
'concrete a laYer ot cement and 'rifted
no more need for disguise, Lord
sand free from dirt, in proportion to
Littinier says., He knows pretty wen
ever,8.thina; iie.shon been very re„,t_i one part cetnent to 41,1w parts sand.
Use board for a straight edge end
less -and uneasy' --tor the -past -slay- arl4:-
two, and ye..terday he left -saying'
Early to -day I had a charaeteristio
telegram front hint saying that ; he
was at Longdecul and diet 1 was ne-
cessary to his comfort, 'there. 1 was
to come clothed 1n my right' mind.
and 1 Was to bring Mr. Steel and
Dr. Bell along."
"It can't be managed," said Bell.
"We've got Van Sneck here."
him," said Chris; "Was the opera-
tion _Successful?"
Ilell . told MS budget df goat news.
down to the story of the ring and
the noysterimit manner in which it
had disappeared again. David had
folloyeg- Ip_th into the conservatory,
-i-here race Isead
buried over a rose.
She looLed. up with is Warm, shy
smile on be.r clam
!`i hope .y_ou are she•
"you- atre- satermoIv?"--- -
co.s 0 g
will not be any greater:
Skim milk is the beast valuable ad-
junct of the dairy, but many feeders
do not seem to know just how to
feed it for hest results. Not In-
frequently it is poured into the pig
trough clear. That will do for very
young pigs, preivided it is sweet,
but for growing shoats much better
results Will be obtained if the milk.
Is mixed with some kind of grain
C r n l' and skira milk
tr$2,ruiron$ almet,c-a
the 21X04neth. (43trID .j./170 Agt fr ,
starting eoint find with concii4
tamp --well-e•ven-with---to•p- edg
sirike .011 the- top. Leseee ac
when floor is troweled off perfectl
The instruetions-are-plain--and by
then) any farmer can. lay such ,a
floor himself. There is one thing *to
be kept mind: The grave!. used
in mixing the„concrete must be 'ash-
solutely clean and 'free from 'gaud.
day or loam.. If storwis are to be
and used for the first or foundation
layer, but sharp gravel is necessary
Tor-tritt lifirsVng coat.- Oray-the-'
beat cements -61tould..be steed.
.1. 4 4=
never told Inc what the ring warrtii,11: and sweetest in the world, and
ed, but I knew it was the Prince Hu- that i_am• alucky fellow. But you
00 iread "
we musts -Wit -1111.3*.-- sa,-
body-had-seser-nre-coreen :---Tf-thut-masr-Lidngan w -ns. Pit4MIL-W,t11 • tL1"..111,,,,,t- .`
1044 to kill me he could do No and. time later he came to Inc,wA1,11.-knet-ttethe.door. And Pana going- t�r brave
0 nil eakett.for_anether COPY the h6rrcitit 4.
*OM,: IPA -01--tila h011.30-1PrithOnt the origina.l• .. 0
I meant to be honest, but my love
for those things got the better of me.
I made him two topics; the one
goods, and the otius. an exact fee-
1 •
402- *PackllefilAtq
on of the best wane an( 01
than CCM be formulated. The, Meet/
Is vete heavy and inclined to set-
tle. It 'should be ground rather. fine.
We have fed tons of skim rnilk to
hogs with most excellent results, and
hat-gave-excelle reetki
POrk NIP „Wheat,: -Aorta
stveet ekim milk mixed just so it
• Would rub. connection with this
protein slop we fed all the soaked
corn the pigs -would eat.- We --'have
with pore -bred hogs. to make about
• fteen-posmos-of-gain4eara-ap-huelsel
of corn, or.---rather.--„frons_the_price
of a bushel of corn invested in milk,
shorts and corn. The shoats had in
addition to the above the run of
Clover pasture. Such results are
rarely accomplished by swine feeders,
but they show the possibility and
value et -combining feed' coupled with
good. blood and careful feeding.
ese"--rirTeritYr- of--"6---cormrts-ail
the _mixture of • shorts and milk
. would nOt be .stit _good IPS 7417
TAM' inikttitie.-heettuNIX
the milk and shorts are highly pro-
tein in character. There would not
be suficient carbohydrates and fat
e-rat,ion-to-properly balance -it.
-Tfigoroy_etnetif-lii -11e stodle; But- with pleety of. corn in sucte_reas,
grain farming is the • order of 00 dition that shoats ran use it with -
day. Antiquated 'ideas have op out getting- sore. teeth it -makes a
room iti the 'bruits el the proirreaatee
great combination.
farmer of the twentieth century.
re.i1'lltild---firteortire$100-Ver-ittTir ator formers are. enabled to get Ane
we noist get more out of it tban when reindts tram the best by-product ,of
it 'is worth ,oniy a tenth of that the dairy. They May feed the milk
amount: To. do this we met adopt
waste. and sweet, almost fresh from
-Wern- -methods -and- "-Must - .118_4a
produces like Thin is a prinCiPle
141ithed--11-4"1"6"6° ogs, Teedi ea' keeps ever3r-
seed we need not eXpect to raise a thing clean end wholesome.
good crop any 1. ore than . we would
4101POCt' to raise .a. gbod calf. froth a
at Ira*
77.1P -
f.t.-4114 I
7 ItUsSian Estimate o
lan n
That Vcrentry,
. Wrote aod pub i
his 44 co CCt10IUg
llg t of present eveets some ol tho\
gs--be-sittit-ettee•-obeeitti . _
est. A few extracts I follow:
"What must two expect of this
numerous, -iiilgenious and industrious
people. -who WM 'capable of every-
thing and much inclined to imitate
all that is foreign, should they ever
have a sovereig-n likss our Peter the
Great? With the resources end treat..
sures which Japer!, postre&ses. he
would enable it to become in a few
years, the sovereign Of the Eastern
4,44,46 4$ 01,011010.00.30000041.111'
on the Japanese and Chiriese-
ernmen . ye a brume la thelr sys- ,
tem is not inconceivable: necessity
may ceanpel them to do tbat to
which their • Own free will deee not
impel them." •
Japan, and what _is beginirioto
ehips of War Cla the model of 'those
of Europe: these chiles might increase
to fleets." s
• ow'strikingly this prediction- haS
een futtilted by Javan Russia
the world know, w.hile 'China is now •
p 'Wang TirrulTdairs
44.A11 the inventions 0
might. gradually take root in Japan,
even without the creative spii-it of a
Peter, merely by the poWer said con-
currence of circunotancee. The Jor‘
paneele certainly would not te in
want of teachers 0 they would only
invite them."
pen -4114
not only of Europe. but of Araeripii
niece and she is tieing therm every
things foreign is almost beyond cal-
culation. Japan did send for for
eign . teachers in all depe.rtmentse-----
paid them swell and made good n 'se •
artheY -knowledge. The apteildid ---
educational} of Japan --will----7--
stand-for.all time as a monument to
the work of the foreign school, organ -
1 • and teacher. ' In dosing, his
"1 tr-writter-Ntidr—
"I therefore believe that •this just
and upright people roust not be pro'
NTA„. 1 make money for this
feeder. firdtrided he has well-bred
r -cow -b • • 'au- --
excellent -fanning-mil on-ttte"-mar-
ket capable of so grinding our grain
AB to rbaket it„ 'possible -to separate
"6, •
faintest chance a diseovery. • And
• was twice my sire. and ta IMart
out feeling. / looked round rtie fur-
tively for it weapon.
it, and smiled- legato; I was- trembl-
ing: from head to foot now With a
vague, nameless terror: Froni the
.very trrst -I-knew -that tstd-not
lanallest chant's. Irenson approached
0 "4' •
• Right fpodwright
• meclicineftright time -
these three things are
ance to the 'con-
sum- tiva- Right food
and \rig t m
these are contained in
huo /never ally-iiitt-iti-keep-rng
thee yielding -power of- our"grains.
spend the night there. • Only, 1 fancy sadly "rims out" sifter a number of
that the 'horrors have gone for ever. years has been exploded. The tree -
I shall be very disaPpointed if you
don't eAnne to -morrow." son varieties deterierate .15 ' simply
re.11&-id,th --e_Print..- --These- liehisest ... • . s ,. t beesanee etteugh taro is net exertised
issr -------
anti-kia*l_the ehr_lipe. with s, vow -ein-l- -the-fartufsg-inill-- isrlsot- - useet
that he 1COUld ' see Longdetm Gra0g0
on the inotTow. Then 'Chris cet as much as it shindd „be. This is a
n0.111011 with a. widrl, and they were grest ralstakle' EV413 0 *tanning
zeill,could lee ItUt let no ether use
It nras after ten that Ile.11,inal. tinui to thoroughly ,grade the seed -
Steel managed to ,convey yee snock each year it.would bei great money -
to the r..faiteervatory. The place w. saving 'piece of rintchinety for the
--itiled-voitit-irrigh .4. . .4 t--'
cotoriVi1i a erg W o t•ei sun -
Mane. -Tlie artiistre- eire of the Ihih- snail grill' Per year, and -Mel he
nom lighted up with genuine ideas. has gone to,some expense in proeur-
ure. ing good vurletiese. If- heneeeets to
"riles Ikay' you islanders are crude save' the best seed each 3fteir hhs
and cold, and have no sense of the grains at once begin to deterlOrate.
beautiful." he said. "Ilut there lire In the, course of five or six yestxs
no houses anywhere to compare with heir yielding power will have de -
thole) or the better -class Englishmancreased fully five per cent;
Look at those colors bientlinge--" 'SUPPose we cOnsider thet Ode tie -
vjgoromily. 'Sled,there- is nothing
like moisture to biter oat the full
fragrance of flowers. Turn On your
hose and ,ive your plants a good
over to Henson, and he
went away perfectly satisfied thet he
had it good copy and the,original, I
• ckled to ra_stselt, Veeling _pretty.
sure that he would never find- out."
"lint he did find out'?" David .eatd.
"OnIS7 lately. Probably be .took it
t� an expert for valuatibn or P01"
• tb1I rang_fo-T.roFdiattirner-fo
of -money; inat-when-lur
• dovefed he had been done he knew
that Lord lAttimer would not be Oo
deceived. Also he had a pretty good
ides that X should keep the ring
about me. You see, 1 dared not sell
an historic =gem• like that. And, •as
usual, Henson was perfectly right."
u had' the ring in yner
. ..teisamtiogazt. rin
Sna.Fes-a, "hie -Whiter -IreM-forlitirittiir
The test hay produced on the hem
Is none too ocid for your faithful
horeedictioeraryarshould imisaued.
-that we could all get more horse --
sense. We need more. •
Ilorses should have exercise daily -
Standing -tied -lip with -the halter day
sifter day often causes trouble. „and the resUlt was perfection. The
the- yearr-and- more than.0nee ,eacIt- title of dust wan -to be-aseen.
day, and in winter as well as lainir The head -groom then let him into
mer. , *clue of the secrets of mitnegeteent
nooses need Proper food` in order The horses were the said) fed rega-
l -6 -km' in trod etinilit1014 and ilteritirly, mtereited regularly, ..groomed,
ideal grain for horses is good *eta. regularlygiven the most wholesome
See that the cracks in the barn are food in strictly neemettry prepar-
e/ewe& 113$1410W.tlet.the horse *hike .1.1
more hu ite. to Tun for their lives.
_nowt_ int .4.____tronts_bit.„ln.4M-
lise-deettair7inipaireti ter thseta;ua-
horses inouth on a WO lammingof this establishment, the man -
The. skin on the tongue. is there for through whose care these admirable
a purpose.' • rentilts were achieved. Ile was ill in
. •
t o
as China found out In 1895 and as • •
seta--ia-now-learaing,to her -cost -
and humiliation.
IP, te. _
That sounds rather strange advice.
The moral camels _04 in the folio -
stock farm.' ne found the stables
models of riginess and sanita-
tion; every device which could make
for these two ends was in practice.
r0r. Oil 0
• $
tl 1.
of vire cod-liver oil.
Right time is at first
sign of disease. Right
tiine IS now.
asked Steel,- witiv-a_commendahle ef-
fort at coolnees. Henson get
"No, he didn't,1! Van Sneck ChUCk.
8! m ,what mi ht. 1 had made
-up my mind that e shou never see
'that, ring again. Yeer-sete- I was,
frightetzed and coefused, and r was
t properly sober, and I did some -
h -t
my lik 1 couldn: 0'siy what X . did.
DO -you know, Dr. Bel1, I have.loit
any eMase of -smell?" •
Steel wriggled impatiently about
en the chair. • The interruption was
exaeperating. Dell; however, seemed
to fake a tiffterent -view pr the' mat-
ter altogether.
• "Quite alter:illy," he eeid. write
blow on your .head held all your
ten5e.8° snercirded for a thne, Alter
•operatien I should not have been
"It's the proper time," ,Davi
Itinghed. 'Turn on 1118 trap_ Tor me. .
A icioling str'earn pleyed on the
flowerer; pilots dropped their hea
whole ntraosphere was fled withthe
odour of moist -earth. 'limn the air
seemed laden with the mingled *tent.
ean Nandi the eoll," Van Sneek
cried. 'Itow good it is to smell any
thieg again! And X can Just catch
suggoition of thenerfutrae of some.
thing .familiar." Whit** that red
He pointed to & creijper groWing
Hp the • wall.- Davit) broke ,off
„„ sPraV.
surprVed to have found you ham? "l'hnt's a kind of JaPan
luta_ it 4,•_ !Jt
ia iirrtal
always often
cures. Or rnary
helps feed. Fres
Ips cuie.r
nulsion 4oes both,
ano• I will come tul
• I
tur of vi
atm* on
to 2.5 per cent. per year for the firist
• ruins. F4 -or 20 acres of wheat,
80 •each cif barley and Oata, this
would amount to an annual loris of
30 bushels of wheat*, 45 'teethe% if
oi an -1 bar ey. t , cents
per btelliet tOr wheat, 25: tette tor -
oats anti 35 cents forbarley this
would amount to, a yearly tot* o
Width the little things in horse.-
raftdrig or the, horse Wilt be lacking
in 0, greeter thing. Xeep your eyes
Ilse the .eurrycornb and brush o
$ •
tern -throW mit, and silio use-theiii•
for looks..
Don't put the cart before the,horse,
and don't try to rnahe the horse nt
the harness. Adjust the harness to
orate '
PO* some et tufa straW under your
horso&t, and see` if they do not enjoy
it. Keeping the horse comfortable
Going to we him, the' hector feutd.
thatOthis WA% se wise in the care of
his animals, never dreesned of apply-
ing the eaatie principles ,to his •OVV'S
-"*.•11'e would never have- allows -e -d
one of his helves to dwell in such
an atmosphere -he confessed that hi
took his meads irregularly and lass.
gam& Imp
oimetlInes too lIttie,and k n
_._ .
egnsr exerifse. .
The dottor adv sett him to troat
19 own body just as he treated his
wbere lir. Stecl is now. Give me *
.moment and 1 shall shis able to tell
3r0111 trerSttast, Oh, vs, the firs
tiro* / slipped on ,PUTPOWN 1 told
VOO I stumbled. ' But that was
elite. And is "I fell X took the ring
front my' waistcoat „pbolcet. Let
have another sniff of ,thiatt bloi
Yee,, Vve got it now Otte clear.
• "Yon kilo* Where the ring I
vitt asked,* eager
01411, nototteita th.
kr/ 4 Yr Ir
Andy returnir a fiw tnonnt." Van Ss e1,4•' a ed. i e dripping
• "Vcilic.tt on -i.trth his tLIs to 'do , oreore to ltits 'nese. JOst, for an '
ath our intrri. " NAL] 0,050d. I stant it COUVeved nothing • to him.
„-.,eat=tieskiss,,,,,...1k.1 ainittAtthstit,Li'ott:.-Acith-,4",triurophouil,.,
, 9, -of smell --lios-W.grcnt. -r . •,
.„1 ,
to do Vith lortiPorS• no'r.s"P[i-, 'tici "Steady, there, **id Bat '
• c.reA c 7 Pot-•;r:V.1 If.' ing 14aez i..11,1'.; iii r6- gleje,!ret get up, kettle-. X
c011itliiirs: zf 6ingt \somAitifee' ler! itro io,.6ted. 'Ls it come • -,„h,
t eots vfortilt ten? Von 1reet4 wee ge,••,, 1 oti agaitile
a to say tt',.6 air Uas.1 lieaVy :with ii ..nta.st th3 go_ van
‘-,4tvi.70.1t ,,,,, vi . :e.,I *ti.,,oLlat,'`_kriate)r.,..:vgio It 4),t,thitt,
1 ble-C*311 %Iff 4 l':.0.' V.:C15.. '''''' - 4 ' uil*in,;,' 1 telt bax;kiisarsig.\ ite,1 Ilatson fit
l'w 11-1=01 irtiour colltstrysitorSsk ' ovcIr tic chiefly, by 'thattacki
54 t
r*pe4 le
• your horse a comfortable bed
'these lufglifsn 11 not, see to Lit at
mate. Act just as quickas if your .
oWn bed 'was ;la sternforteble4
Are you the owner tkt that horse?,
Art you ashamed of his keeping? _Can
you not improve in your method?
frileee, are only questions.'
tcti 0 • V
A man ehould look uqn !ds boIlg
t aSt, hilliSta, but as eotnething,
looging to nun. A PossGstsion to be.
taken, tare .of issit at he takes
Of MS • do kt his. hat, 1 or hIS coat-.
Drawilal? relfullits. *dentine tnic-S, end
keep to thetas,. illood 'health will
- •
Whorl la man bi
ented 'tits e I
sdritlin th�t 1*
:41,41 Itaftia
dons eau ear a1 a'e
0 00 groat! obstkel:?
In life iban
to mething 0 turn up.
alanee of " Said the
•hat ehoWeel .
ded .4.*C73
¶tObe nk