HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-04-27, Page 4eth' century life outside. The elie for Oleo le one or tbe' greAteet eerSee der which thia cpuntry leisure, . . . 1 tp, :Toronto, dkprit 2 B Wfl b w am e 6 kee paLn1ee (Z ig,'#o xi* deteikoiliets from . dupliestinv° the. at4 iupr Iltfitgpt, i jtist the arkep they are lookiisg for. Pun,. t silmead be such that it will ;y kit'xis that, criminal from do. bue-shOuld-• -be of a ,cither. &nee from be. To the man with feelings bodily pain 10 necessary. Ease, 'comfort or sudden cleat* have nee borrori ter him.. Tie • diet a stout arm _ad; thrasbing: *vett ecesry Thenctioe oir uet,41 th a tendency tocrisne the fact thathitbeir $ilLbe one otouffering, that wouldaffect them etbiug_la. ksilesr nto Weekly Sun says de upon the new Pro. overaiintentforoffices are in- -, creasing. but there is one, notable ex. o the general rule, and that foundin the ease of South, Huron• on to state that Mr. say,* be bast not been pestered with a .ho .u4e seekers.. 440aet roam* for this" , says XT. Eil- per. "la that I made no promises dur- minipaign. ' The ehiefreason t--Shat-l-represent a with AL, thrifty indepetid- -Who ask- only- thatpublic beak-let:My and 'honest. True.; I have had a few d lataigt 4 .••• 4,.. wan then 1ham Amen them in the public accounts, what la thestalarrattached to the pomiitk** smiight for, and invariably 1 voelaten abilo to convince these etp. they are better off .where f** •pod-sireL The trouble jq that g0flC e te °tic° , with emoluments 01 tooe three thousand a year, and t Tegt• 017e -fit TiVeUE 40.traf:ACtit All 'Meta in poorly esu • t Mr. Either says is true. The Government official who is deserving altisisesitiessrand4onestly-end Antiot _expeeted_of_Thiste. • esiesitemolunient.thaale-conid earn in private employment. To the young seen '4 Canada this country • offer* unlimited opportunities in pri- vgie,lifes An that is necossatry ieto .go Out. And tielter _the chance offered. It it *rotate than/011y to waste time in wbenobtained petrifies the energy. of theme receiving it, and unfits hires to take port in the stre4eus twenti. t,eat1_ of the 'PeePie of Ontui t s Onrernne,Qt 447 5111tit: • Vint-1144 • tore Ehe'etiKr day. • ' 4 "\+ : Fromill3Rech deliVerett by -the Bon, t. Greenway in Pilot -Mopud in the interests of: the Liberal cantlidat audat interAiiszsmiths.rite.atilfresL utier Arid wllLypte..,for-tiw--ko the idneatiiiniir 'Aimee is,ex ected that nountairt wilt re- , turn a Consevvative to the Legislature tit Winnipeg to -day which will be a changeiuc M r. Oreeny repres- seuted theyidinemn_11470_to1903.- . • The increasing ravages of plague in ludia are a. source of the greatest anx- iety to the Government. So far none, of tbe ineastires adopted in the hope of checking the Alsease has proved' really effective, except inoculation. crwhich,thcnattve From Septereber,-1806, to the eLwil of Mg the deaths front -lagueln t e whole of India tun° te J.,r00.000. Tiithe eingle year 1003 there were , 578; in 1004 there were 1,021,616; while in the present years there is every prospect of a still greater rise in the death rate.• twhile einvT.- ib1e gambler in high finatree_ who bas beentrying to.cornei'May wheat, has - et-tbe fate ofothers-whe have gone before. The corner went to somata on Saturday. May wheat broke in cents on Sattuday and Gates loss is $2,500,- 000 or more. He still has many bush- elniurchnstitl'ar -51-te-v-411.10 a ue e ad on this be will also lose. Some w ea was •au • a and on Saturday the pr ce fell to At one time he might -have made 000. Now he lases many times that sum, Others who have lost when trying to co ner wheat are: Joseph Leiter in 1* ' ", $9,000,000; Edward L. Harper in I887, $3.000,000 to $7,000,000t, James R. Keene, $4.000,000. A not- able win was that of "Old Hutch" in 4104 'April. has• 0004-11.4t Ot*arrOw. cOOted14414000 'nIght:••-at nate ) :Iiutt- 18 MitlectOtti Montreal, ". • • •fiee Which broke out.abonts- 1 o eonvent ye,dthesiutildin _et heinmetes-periehed- • .The dead include one of the ssters iu charge of the institution, ten girls,. mplia ranging from twelve to seven- een yeare of agte-Artul-frate 01.4*-011itin 0401.1X,Fret 411-6Ver eighty yeare old. One of the most brutal murders Per etrated in the western ,section of' uteri's in !natty years was committed on Wednesday of last _meek _ th hOtne.Otllenjturtttt-Oovlire;-A7ailwo.P *eetiOn co-aploye, sitnattell -about I mire north ofm_Elgi, The victim was Mee Eliza Lowery. 65 year otege, sister of a, well-known resident of Rodney. The murderer was an...unknown man., apparently a tramp, who, heavily masked, called at the Covina home and,demanded money. • When the knockas heard, at the morning--Mistr-Lowerse Aibeeaskedthe-uatne-ef -thtt stranger who sought addreittance, and also the objftrof his visit, and she was- told in a gruff voice be wanted money. Miss Lowers; refused to grant -biteraeineety:wbe-mnpon-tbellitteliei her, and dragged her iirber night a • , ,,,I., , ...0 0: . A Oa , . ,.. it,.#4......0.A. .. , . l4,4$5.: A: Plit1C-e,S4t-' Notes ca1&l, 01e4*2114 .Ftn ni .14T141.0.t1 qn opole ' i ttriti-the, Pcitogoi) . reat Brital ,, ' , ,h ottghtx t, li `,16t*ttl:tte'S,,erit.74,ehattge„. ., $14,),ess es „ t i:04, Vt .14.1;(4:11.14.„0:wAtilt‘IticaVyick114lber;4'ilielktivilet,i4'.Pe., .4714 i."0.(1 ' • , • 1:,Beceipts,f6sktei,tand 148br,x enerent ra,t8e.rof41"%te:re\st allot ' Iuttreot co . : . ,rmiptithvz, 1,1181-1,:i: 1/4u t avint Baiiir llo artiti.ent„......._.' "eilgran'ar Liic4.4.4.7A A et ts t Exeter for the Doinin ro Give, • ' DI *801+; 4; CAMINO Sacitora. ,N. IX ntifit,DON l'ilankle Naval officers are expecting to re, eeireat any hour new of Jirpatiese naVid attacks on he Russian fleet is -doescome-tt will -t. /-ofthe -most des* went* ind heroic torpedo .boat light. gibe World ever saw. - 'Ttse.litpanese regard the , torpedo, boat as simply's, human projectile In the Japanese naval tactics a 'torpedo boot is merely 41 weapon of destruct on that in destroying the enemy is to • ,444,444 e -ma r es to corner wheat usually finds' that Wbeat_carners,hztn.,---.., * * At At the convention ..of tbe Ontario Educational Association blehifhird" in Toronto *this Week it is proposed to discuss a new plan for the superannua- tion of teachers. In brief the propos. ale are: Males.shall receive a pension at 05 years, and females at 00 yea iinsenotto-axceed-70,4- • vergeyearly laryOontributio to thelinfier shellbe corripulsory on all teachers, the fate of contribution • be - Ing as followe: Three per ten on salaries of $500.0 less, -314.Pe,' een salaries from $500 to $750,;•k per cent. on salaries from $750 to $1000. 4 per terietefrout-11 .11 shall not contribute nor receive a pen- sion. The Provincial Government 31/411 contribute annually from 4,.. -to ent-of-the-tota kito.-t6t4biwa'AuytiniliE4 shill- bear the cost to connection Wit the management of tbe fund. it after six y'ears' service any contributor shall withdraw from - the- itramioji- . sue persons contributions -,,t4ball-be-returned-withdfirraterest. 11,..a....contributor-4Hess4lefortr-getti his peneion hie contributions shall be returned withcnit interest to 'the heirs. Total disability shall be a cause -tor the return of ail contributione paid in. /rilitlaLROPOria: The following is the result of the t.n. Promotion EiriunhaatiQn for 1.3. No. 2, Stephen, for April. Names arein order of merit, Promoted from III. to IV., refit:kW:irks 415.-Oflve xit4riaorsi - 1400,MT- __ -iftorn-li-tAL.„.1"1-tetto mar 41315.--litileas 446, Jamie* 01 roll 404, Lillian Stahl* 307, Ethel Sims 383, Percy Lawsort 880, Tillie =ward* 350. ' Mary Robertson, Teacher. • The following_ is the April repozt of the U. 8.5., No. 13, Hay _and --Ste - .hen. Sr. I'V;s-Ohlirlie Dunsford ntermediate I'VE -Freddie Smit Oi(100, °Hooper 58, Barton Ford fi3. dieted from Sr. 711. to Jr. yton I'routy 78---Olifton-PrOott- ancy Smitk:03. From Ji. 711. to Sr. . el 13 Stsce 01: Norman Mc - P t oilier • m *IL to Sr. IL -Home Pfatf Box 51; Grant Hod art 11,to.Ir.111.--,Antilo r.-Pait-ITto Part I1.--Ftbel Stu Emile Smith, Willie Hooper. Prom . to Sr., Part 1.-Lena.ahlthy. • F B.Graham, Teacher owing is a correct report o the e received by the pupils Stephen, in the Prsiino- tkm and trietraiteMination Of A ri in order of' - 'Sr. I Mown 70, Wilbur Morlook. lisk Schwa)* O. Willie Presloett nt for part of exittninitlon, I '44,stIc 641Syliejla_ r, t 11-L CbW&fl18 Si!if111. t Jr.•th lock 70, I, !tarry Silt *vat Smi "trontird St ound by the neighbors next morning. witi‘the skull crushed in by a heavy thib, which la y near by After committing the awful erirae, the matt returned. to the house. Ile found Mrs. Coville and on demanding natmey, and threatening Mrs. Coville with the same fate, that had befallen Miss Lower #. lie • was told where he • hwite.41: the -4w • Not being satisfied he begartleating the invalid womag.whorAineceedfukirt, "figaiitft tain .olf 'until it ; happened that a cat in the, next -rnotumade a ncilee and she;exclaltuing that,herittek band hadarrtved, the murderer made his --eseape.----Althoogh-the-traged happened about 1 O'clock st tut tiollt- ing ICAO known :of theaffate by neigh,. hors until about 8 o'clock. Alexander - Will* a, neletliborin 6.43114r-w414444*.t.4bo3ght4.0:40,-„th rieletteed. The police are now looking for the .assailant as dowelled by Um- , (Wyllie:, “A men Anywhere, between, -25and40:yeAreofag. Inset airert,' hair cropped short, thin pointed sown if stny mustache, a very *malt one, us -outside -1h 'moonlight. but bed cast itoff when be appeared in the house:. inkslie *ore fthand...stes... vers.. eot've and • p Either is around: again a bei tblj - nem- ev. Schtte ke couttemes clitittrnitteteetrglile iuil boys 00 ,Suntlarlast.51istrileatficelitelttlateli left for 'VVingham last week where she has secured a good situation as millin er.-Mr. Kelehon, of Ilensall be* . thoroughly overhauled the mill engine. -Zellee has sold tbe Zeller, block to Adam Fitter, who will movehie under. was 0-, Mage is or WAS badly used in 'a runaway' on stroyed cxict1y ns a shell Is detroyed l'ofhP titbits it sltarget ond 18 s linter - ed into pieces; Iaetthat.thetor petb toot krotteetile contains human gs, stationed there to manipulate 11 a,d make it effeetive,does not count for anything in Japanese reckoning. It 11_0;am...deed at the.cnemy4us If by a rare stroke of good or the r 1 - •ot destroy et men to get out alive, so much the better. But nothing o tbe 'rt is counted on. The lose o th tile and its creir**---matter af essurset in Japanese philoaephy it i o ray one of the things that has to The • and Japanese fleets are in tub, d a running 'settle, is no w that heavy cannon - been beard off ICarnm experts is *twitting one between' the fast Crtlieseill of Togo and tbe sqeadron Aolestrene17...and is designed to fteratstbrAnsetansontheleWaX nOttla vrittiont -.the /intention of risking a pitched engsgentent. Sir NIII,N.01M USED WiTnotre WRITTEN CO,NSENT. Confined to His Homo for Weekti — art a, double Serleocele. wnen. I worked. herd the aotantv wane. fiereto-ari4 1O14. ror & Witalt "at ak, Vine, 'MY familynbroloiatt-toltt hie an oPere fon was my only hope", but 1ilreeided- It•71, tried several eller% Ists„- but 4toon-tourtft put an they wanted Was my money. I comMertoett to_ look upon en &atom. as Ilttle better than roves. one day my 'UM smted trot • why I, was oft Work op much and X told lgus my condition. me A advised me to cOnetilt Dm Kennedy aria Xeres; as :he bad a., taken- treatment frOm them 'Monett and knew they were square • 4 skillful. • Zle wrote them and .got the ;slew. Method Treat - Or ma My Orogrees Welt somewhat slow autt during the- . t oath's treatment 1 was eonteatat dlscouraged. lioweSen, ailmeott trtoter"Aufe.ttf only :am $ Week In ok Mbljongetand *4ttiltitte, op • beforetreatment, hOW 1 am tOrtailf 421 amtnever loss •ak. Iy: Z ‘Wislt Sufferers knew of valuable lmatnteht. , • • • YWR--BLOOD BEEN DISEASED -T. .140qTar.. 13:LQ0X). POISOX0 are the most prevalent and most setiotis diseases. 'They- *Om the Icory lite blood of the victim, and uniess entirely eradicated from the system, .wilt• Tante 'serious eorolleations. , Bowers_ oX Mcrtury. it only suppresses :the s reptoms—our 141.11'1140D pooltil,•ely cures all blood diseases ,forstrer. VN,411-0114,11001.414v401C1)4$=,-,4mIondgmt aeti•Or:-Iater-ezessses-h_ 'tge--.broksu- down your system. You feet the s, mptOnIs stealthg Poet' you. litentanY. PhYalcally end.vitelly yott axe not the 'man you Used 10 be or aboum• be. 'Will you •Ileei the Atur,,stine,l R A re ak• tes Are YOU II vlettrAIr alive You lost hope? Are you . Intending, .60 51/ itojnarry7 Has your blood been diseesed? Have you ay "NU., nese? Our New Method Treetruent -cure you. What at (lotto, for others it Will do Or you CONSULTATION /MAIM, _pfo matter who has triated write for an honest *gluten Y'ree of Charge. 5•00101 ESZYte-"Zie. Golden, Mont - tor" (Illustrated). On Distant* Of lOn• ' NO matte VOW WITIROUT WOMEN CONSENT. PRIVATE, No' 1461:4011 OA boxes oir owe v.:weans: contidantisa., Question ust and 'costot tOiNstotent ititE ,Treettnent, .„ • , , . „ on; MIch. Avo.lind SheIby 3t., Detrolt,MIch. . 'The mice of Andrew Carneel eecretly---married'-hee tiding ntaRer,. about teyear ago, Hon. C. S. tryst:mil Was the ,guest of 00: Pa w pleased to at there ts at least one dreaded disease that science has , bee* Able to CUtCin all its stave., atud. that is eattarits.' -Irodri 'Catarrh- nee is tbe Only _live cure now known to • the seed' honor at As. big Liberal reception' at ont-Atoodaymights.-__ 1,14tOrrkettt littPOteltqf '41 vaiilitimntlipmc-watriltreriicerea"- aiItrusteausulT in Hamilton..._The victim was a color, . .1 D • siltitr.111 onivdnum, e4 man named Bennett. . - ,, BO b7 One** -iitRiiii:WrItss ....,..roniAnietv.weroldlipe) Monday -in -:a ThsWood1444 !ivt-i.F!f*, 71,4.Q4 0* row over a prohibition movement in Hempstead. TeXtin. • • ' 1 •„.„ 41. -a- tarrb Cureis taken internallY,.. act sig direetiyupon the blood aed raucous 'airfare* -01_,-the, v At' • • din St. , Petersburg-to-murde the Cvtr and members of the Utile' ial f family. , - --A ' Kent cam.: - termer :. iiert .._ _ ing natIve in doing its work. The pro- prietors tAaveso._ .much faith. init* cora, e*ti** -corathat,Theysoffer.Onen4lt 1 r or.any,aase.that,itrfailsto - egato. Send for list of testimonial&,_ (10., -Sad bx All Druggists. 75 cents. Take Hall's Family Pills, for consti. paten. white practising with a revolver. A thomand or more etnigiants rot, otwatti. vati_saii__from- islverpoot- on- "nnder.-the-uneriire-rs-of -tre—wirirt-tron f -44* -r -ms' : Hon. Gedeon Otninet, who was Premier of (414..bee Own 1813 to ISIO, and later Supetfintendent of Putdie Instruction of that Peovince,died MOD, day, aged 824 bt Is ht Lo o, i c g• ttlerttP(rt°firsi 7; 1:14%!. Wet be"(fif having been -the cause tit the death r 131-iitmi-Xicittiiiik it Cirque/ruin, ill -Hy 1 A.rt a farmer, being destreyed, seven 1 ritik:144, Xiiik. A terrible fire occurred in , Quebec Lis t .week, the home of Ohatles Bench. upSatueday.eveningast. ft was hitch- ed up too sh.cortand when he stetted off the driver lost. all control over him, He ran- ultee,s4lataness Ittromit as -And Was badly eat about .spent ,, -41 Raster holidays with friends ittlIerlin. -,-The masons have started on the stone work of Mr. Wm. Benders*. new Mettler took lt buidriess ttip to iNtiento hist tio4sehi-- Mite Annie; Schnell Of Detroit tear**. led to her honnto4 the 1411). -con., las A. fluelianitb, B. 41., of • Obit:440' University, is. spending ft • eeke-a-1.--bio-botne°4 -.The friend of Mrs. Mrs. Frank 'Recherati Will be letwed to hear that she is reeotering • m anAttatek-oftyphold e Doan hatinfortned n* of a wotideiral Rader*. Of the 14 c�n. calf without tan or eve Othii -tat littlebevine is perfect health. The home of Mr. and M 0.441 leatiant pnrty �n Wedeiiday STI he 'event having been rrang honor of $1. th bitthda e gathering nu ettabtlittfortY ing *saspent by Ali. and Eghert fielder:tan SPen "in Detrolt...,Loniti Poing has 'ea the reithiente 1404 blacksmith shop of J. It Witmer, the ,ptieep sld bring '*2100. Uri-NV/Inner has nomitteW the hut; nese for abottt,eight years and has. nmath many triendallfrougit tittling‘, -a3, end, --ftlficis.-tta ho family W11 retrotin in „. Item 4U -the - t Voiti414::k A the on seat Street,* Toronto. did .$14X500dituarige, *London earpenteris mk for an ad. Youittotl.pfr cent. In " nilgt.r.easscottand A long and heavy earthqunke',,ehock Wain experienced at Oaayttettil; r.:cqua- dor. A million whitellth fry were-deos. fled ito the Bay of Quinte at Belleville by Mr. Baker, from the Sendwich trbrity. F� the int time in the history cif 3114sekeippi negti.. charged with as* Sault* has htiestarqrsttted hree jury Whit e inks* Ka -AMU a hostler of St' attacked by tte.,--bt...,14.114=11441 •eeseien Ailey let, and Will th tie KS it part;ner John Troetnner„ who is* 'ems Oiled with hint. , • Dtattt Q4 Iit,Ntor, vrtt..-014 ItI sbire 1401111, re I WHO Selovni% Jr. IL to Sr. IL 1) Clinton Brown Oro zitti *Ida boxer, _Clain; •• Of tite 'iliteittion ttt aek Olceefe In ptwM e ; WIWI by an thifiCtrie 1100004 art rinance • re convention ,Id not to °prattle tht k .b' Ilaetior. was 'Ind deed at rite Ct'n'tt ..stat)itito..-Lotalttn, aieitag *died trate ° • • Each pupil given • in. --dtviduetilmfr_rettoTte ' The Shertband taught, is that used b di • -YfiTcport3eirialt • ta. nest •systems of • Book. keeping, Penmanship, Arbil- weirtificibte t .thorou4illy • • Sittiationa guarantee' ti to:every Gredryiti:tte‘ woo; Wm. C. C:3 CIO tut ht•r• seriously. tt: u - - 'Itt'iTaire-Pstairtitr„ a negro, Wee -Used of murdeting i companion by throwing him frt)in a circus train last July, wee tonuuitteti for trbtl on Saturday in Louden. He defended-bitute1J. I 1 11'1 Ci itkn L ThitisidaY iii-ght• George Brown,aged ; 24, a. convicted burglar. jumped through on ttpen' ear v‘indow neat. Oshawa in ari attempt to escape. lUs keeper. 10462, Plunged' atter him and P011 ThZ orei,AmOtio.s ' 44444. A•littselitt) eergeant Witetondetnni to three $earte ituptisOntuent • for tor. tiring prisoner's IOW • Ileri..Sr. Matheson nottrIeed that no railway tax: ton I klation trot 4 be introdueed this 5 5ftOU., ' tA UtV7*�w i$ ag*1n4*tedift ort o. while torrential talitt hav .en from'Atizotki to Montana. L.,, . A orwotitl,'Crtt.,• Ati rt lila ) a*, iiiiill‘ e)lingle Mill ni.d v id plant, X4044 . „ eathsir 1114 Arttitte , yotts. itirfor eon* t to whiteirJ was Wel