HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-04-27, Page 1tavLMttneovoya' ersaLixa iviothr *;n' .41ilutAirO, if. NQL do KitttOtin flt right v*y. amt *dahw *la date tg itt . top(' 4411,41-01.1*. spa.* sole 81110S 114.1*."' ,ont11 Lqthtr wuUdetdt * at trr4476.4 (inches In unto COMA/ at CREDITON DA.Siti WOOD. IIENSALL. ZlInteu, ClasssroN • The dardeBred Electioneer Wiikes Trotting Stallion, zt, 4 11 Stendaraltnle 1 Regiatered in the Ameriean Trotting Register, Vol- XVH Urovirst colt; two white ankles; behind; foaled in 100 . Bred by Ilinnetettiti, Lima* Ohio, New owned by Jones ik Kunz, Exeter, Ont. • Sim by tlettVAL 13315. Coun umt E *resat% Lady ttoryetta ti13%, ugh ltd054. Nomad WAX. 'and 77 oaten et the sae ., Sire 01,tenve tiOciyaowinalg Tide 20014, Norvin 0. 2:09 -la, Annie bevbitini, :banenired.14 anstatsughters prod -,talatia, Son of Ek.minnost•12.5*.AttotAtifunt 01%.1%/041t02.11031.,and,357 outstatietaiest. DAM NOrat% ttsavet Wee mates es liersete sus, eee. . • . __ Record 2:2934, Sire of Marie 41. 2:1 —and 17 otbi▪ i- -formers. -"Won nt'Samn lifft-st233. d'art 205, Oaktaad Bunn !&,M SIgegeril 1"6V1, 1-04 °them. Blatt Alma Utter. dans Of Mcyozae u27, Akantara 223, Allandorf WS% ete., by lassubrino PeWb$,% iind dam 1441)X1TRESS. by ELEMONERR 125 -.AireatArloni,444:ennet-201M VOX mad 157 W.11 billttetrzrore 2.tri=r9100(1. other standard perfia by PlEntIONT 904. Record 2014. Sire of Esparta Rex 215M, Limer° 21531, Writ* WS% Wanda 2111li, iurd 21 others; and dams of Fanny Wear 21034,, and 1.5 other standard performers. Son of Almorit &I; dam May Ferguson, a great brood mare, by Manikin° Cldef 11. by RAMBLETONI&N 10. Sire ot Dexter %at% tides WA, Orange t•29, 37 others; And daroaof Stamboul eau. Estene sal% Greenlander over 100 °them and mindere of Nancy Hanks 204; and over WO other standard performers. by ETON =arse. by YOUNG WAVEZET. bsi lb099::*.paatYleear..by swill change bends on _ "::41.7;tit •134.firnOt41,91 .1441; rOPoiltatt fAV- Ortnge '4._1‘ili*:11:4:1401b7httri34711:41'eacold(k q6111401a441b. 1tiee °41:: ”puryCherns:d Miss' lietrey's interests the patents. A ligation les 441S\O _ 1.teespitia seseres'ismiess.s. The London Free Press of last week the following- -regarding an -ol 'Exeter boy, and grandson of the Atte Jas. Stew fr is-41113-lwaril -Stewart, 422 Elizabeth street, was stringing a new trolley wire /for the 'Street Rellwey Company,_ when the wire suddenly snapped, Stewart witit overbelanced and would have plunged headlong to the street had he not managed to sump from the top of the tall derrick on which he was standing -The lineman alighted on the asphalt, 04 his feet, but was ea badly injured he Could uot walk. Dr. Kingsmill was called, and found Stewart had received a severe shaking up, and that both hie feet and inS-41t turned. fro;n .a f%e, wontbs. Moukt, )114 11i& ni"ttitY•fleten {FLO sea t*Or. *ogco,golli.414 ftuasidlitOn.. the'Xiiick listas iaalso• her 'Os' it*tifiei;ie 'Ur lilacliSotistiAi; . gert, MO 'with :: a' nasty aeo dent • tbe tithe Morning, While tft.ten:tirogkutoQ4a, . hor the oliiiinal itidde.nly• plunged DatiinttOtid See P„ Metseute7s new ,@ ail" in tbus issue, --.10. Jos. Sue% who has so e ciently conducted the /Maks - in con, nection with the insolvent estate of J. Fi Hoffman. bas declared the third and lest fitvidend. being one ,ceut on the dolttus-Friday was Obeetved as a holiday Item -Messrs. Andrew Moe - ser and Wm. -Rhode left for (he Weet Monday morning. -Win. %Ionian and Paul Gabel left Monday morning for South River, where theyintend works Ing for the suroiner.-Misses Fatima atul SelentesTelontatare vbsiting' deo& , ^ Aril 110Win a riositiofito show onesof the Largest and Latest twee' * uuu "Furuitute ever shown in ,Weetern Onterioe increase in our .business d irin th last three a Shows that we is the QUAINT Y -and ,Below -ere asfew*of the thittge,ive carrian-VAick: L Bedroom suits, Parlor -suits, lull Racks&tprin Mattresses, Rockers of all descriptions (also Bee Rockers), -Sideboards, Kitchen Cabinets, Kitchen and Dirungroom Chairs, Extension Tables, Centre Tables, Kitchen Tables, Easels, Crokinole Boards, Carpet Sweepers, Conches, Lounges, Paper Racks, MUSIC Racks, Hail Mirrors, Picture Frames, Pictures to be framed at shortesknotiee, Room Mouldings, Child's tea sets, Single Beds, Child's Cribs, Baby Carriages, Go -Carts, Wagons, Doll Carts, Curtain Polesand 'trimmings, and Step Ladders. hwleedio Ise s • - 4/ s '4 4 0104r.rres * s ' We carry a s'tock of Sewing Mactifnes. We. have the New "Williams.- . Four weeks trial and guaranteed for 15 years. Items tt is 2:3 years eld•an the covapauy's etnploy & on time. bee %Ake' idetatde Easter season with 'Fiends Dere- ey are tasters of Mrs.. jos. Seell., Mae Ethel Kellerman, of London, Mies Mary Oldleyisvisitingin Blyth. ''"Eaktits-13Stiettisettisrhetterftsan ham. • Mr. Jas. A. -Sanders. of London, is in town on business. Mrs. Ketn is v1si4g hers sen fat iss Aniiii-Sas -pent th-e-hi) - days in London visiting. \ Me. Was Down on Monday left for Manitoba to visit his sons. , Mr. W. J. O'Brien. teacher, is spend. ipg the vacation in London. Mrs. Eli Snell is visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs, Noray, at Perry Station. Mrs. (Ms) Anderson and children visited in Mitchell during the week. 1110.0116 Srarrameir—The-Jap is model in conformait or; is a eon with mat substance and hs as mtioh et* andellnisb as way molt I have ever wined; has the very b%t. of feet and kga. With littIe more Oran breaking malaria a twu-y-ear ehl, trate(' a quarter in 41734:-seeands. iirnsrJcs enderancers, Comt4sa1rm. tor Itolsous Bank1 etc. atoy 'U., Loa* lowest rates di -Interest. ••; MOM**, Atnin street. Exeter. , Slionso, 14, 0. DICX13021 ghet ats', bfor some years • has been Hasv sville intends, shortly to move into the village and will occupy Mrs. D. Kirk's residence. -J. F. Stinson has severed his connection witti-the Writ- ten.Co.. and has engaged to .draw cream for the Winchelseitereatti- e-ItTce ageO with Wm. MOIttdp for three meethe to takercharge ofthrcelebrated Huck- stitellitess4Atrkensvells-ssloito -V • INLOYD Ps JONES issidOsolelhater of the Trivia Atenttletst Organ, Voice, Harmony. anitoba,anciNorthurest -.Xiarids For Sale: k Manitoba. LAnd Com*. land Companfiiii the Colitinebl C Mina Northern Railway 1.4114 'Ursa The cream of tbe lends 01 Western Canada, Parties prelim - given until lit dune to eefeet theirland. tsr tteo SMAY t4) IIRPIEST ELLIOT, Agent, Exeter Grounds for the summer and also has taken the contract for keeping_ the racetrack in condition. -John IJrqu hart has purchased a driver from Wm. Alba Craig Mr. John ibtrrilkOn formerly of this place, went to Detroit, on business the other day, and nothing has been heard of him since. He had $2000 on his per. and the police of Detroit, who have been tillable to locate -Fine thinic that he nifty have been done away with by crooks in that city for his money. Mrs HirriS013, who is ill at their home in Deckerville, Mich.. says, she has not heard a word from her bus - 'band since he left borne on March 5.- . ItELlAtta &trr in ettre hest houa s sosaisests odsweber up sseit cards ma and all C0121.00.101X4 pests; rertioing atter. COilittlisOtbn $00 Illkitith 0414 pleyment men. ace need. Oat, Canada e Exetrragive salts to the Limas Corn. !salon to trans- . of Milverton, Any inte a made t tb flAitAlt 0Allattr. ktOrs lie zyuost people complain of the 11113 of *Sothis year and the eons reittroftitatilettrisip, there Me. John Shute put of firetsclatee eyrtirs He , best sugarleashes le srtnttheeountrv. R Bets --eitinoleted his three uipprnntkesbip with John iShette', creditably that he 'will Media from: Dr. Mtn*, ••bas Accepted e alter* Eteter. , Mr. .klngeare of n Siek for. tie/ 'toupee. reit losprote ved botrie Ater* ray with his (amity to Crai in May s4The.Etlwardtfamily esday for Winrapest, where they will join Mr. Edwardie-Thos. Armstrong. hes rented his 200 -acre farm on the lith cots, of Lobo to Messrs. R. J. Robin - eon and As C. Stewart, of this villa for a term of five years for grill u Thos. Parker left last wee be Weed. Centralia Gram LINES—Had Mryuu dsbI1It, indite* Von, rheumatism; triad Wit doetosii.-failel. Thin lock one patio** aad * VITAE -ORE Aris cured soul noir I keep it Sorimie--4-LOO pelf Solve— ,. C. FAISIYALLA Seeding hotitfinielted iti this "lo calitYs melee of the late Mrs. Jeremiah Heturtatewho reutited away at London on Wednesdisy were brought • ssit--Thurediet. place on Friday from the reaMenes of het eon. John, to the Exeter cemetery. Alborg; the many who spen t the Eass ter holidays here we noticed the fol. lowingsMise Dina Wood,Mrsited hire. Arthut; Redden, Mitts Elsie Handford, Chas. Atthott and *lie, Abbott And wife. Wes. Luker-, M. Mitehen, 'Bruce Mitchell end Mite Lacy Andrews ell of Tattle retorted home Oorn London after an*bee- four ' months. --Mrs. 11 en's little child WAS baptleed after aerrice On nil a The elyn Kerr* deys lest weak with th tkon.4411ss Leona' Wilson fevesdaye et her home in' AyeArsti of LOcate wiH oecupy he it OttlteMethod1Wftureli ox - toes stuetron sale of eattle was fletturde usspre,14.11.aele.apee week in visiting her siSterS:- Mrs. Samuel Adak teturned Tues. day Irani a visit with friends in Forest. Mr& O'Brien and drr eighte. Ella spent Easter with friends in Bengal. Rev. C.. W. Senders, of Port Rowan, 18 speesling 'few -days- at hitt home here. Misses Mabel and Jennie Hardy as e spending the-hoiideye at -New . burg. sesaarringtorrand-41-ises-AV-* spent -Easter with_frietubs in Wssuds stock. Mr. George Eacrett spents. the holt - s visiting relatives and friends in Brantford.. Mrs and Mrs. Mantles -visited -Re and Mrs. Knowles in Fullarten this r.• gar DOM), of Ann arbor, Mich.. is spending the vacation- -with his parents here. „Mrs. Priiotley witb her two &ugh- asviiiited-bershretbees-Mes-Vits4to ey, 'Good Friday. Mr. S. Hardy and son, Earl, were in Port Huron this week. sMr.'end Mr' John Easery were in Brantford during the past week, visit; ing the daughter, Mrs. L. Brimful; Millie-Martirrand Mrs. tklePhee, of Auburn, are spending the Easter vacation at the former's home here. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Carling, of St. Paul, Minn., epent Monday evening as the guest of Mr. and.Mrs. Ed. Christie., Mr. and, Mre. tit. H. Hughes after ayi-tl.urTtt r. an re. es. ret . istelebresoeperisirboshierbeeircone fined for some weeks at Vietoria, libe- rates,. London, has returned to her home here. Mr. James E. jeckell. of St. 'Albans. Vett/tent, speht pert of titesetst week visiting hispermits, Mrs and ilfres James Jeckell , Miss Polly* Down. of* London, it Mr. Pied Down, of Wolidototk, ate Wade:I-the funeral of their sister, Mts. Heatrien, last week. Mr. Percy Witeutway. of London. and Mies Latrine 'Hilbert], of Ahnira, attentleel ttiesWeddings-Vre andlifisi-WeebtWay Ott tirsday. Mr. Ernest -Hill left on hitt return trip to Manitoba on Thurtalay., He WAS itecempented AS far as Toronto,b • •Is er, 'bevies Will And Fred, for it few Mr& Wm. Welsh, who hatibeen v15- iting her daughters in Winghtult and: Lhtowel tbe post seven Weeks return, heine ThstlIttlaYs setompsnied by ancl her detighttes Mrs. Holloway, 6f the fornset plate, who ',Pent it tett tlaIre With frlende here. &tuts Itlipa--Flossie SneIl of Toronto, -whosate .pending -the Easter wee with their parents here, took part intbe-eotertnsinutent-on-Sna. ---r aye* re- citationaYevening.MiesEthel g an 'Wee Flossie sang a solo. --Mr-*9r Ruron, are visiting theiot*uer's par ents hem.---Mre. and Mts.John Hall, of Lender!, were us the. village Monday, -Louie Shoemaker is having his house painted*h• iNtn rtenvititeetritsappearats We also' curry a large stock of Undertaking -supplies. In t inie of need givesussa-eall. „ his •ins. and will [Int fa foundation oiciirred on thursd underneath which will he a great con. greatly regretted by venience.-Mr. and Mrs. O. Hinter and and acquaintances. Miss Id* Brill spent Sunday with Ow* on Saturday t friends here. -In the absence of the -Michael Dorsey h pastor on -Sunday, who was etteridipg farm, \Bun:04E0ms* the *tonna conference the ^V.P.A.;. gave tune forth° stun of an interesting eotertaininent Sunday chase gives Mr. For evening -No schnol this week comes tate of 225 acres of i quer, t1M/te teachers are Away to their be found anywher differ obetne&-Miss Tena lkietsaae, health laps not been so.tistitustsrt tassiteeidedlo Rife - G. Binedfoot parch; draught horse fisun last week. tr- - • -roe as beepurchased Ise V: T. . 4Yhe°rfuilTnyweferielindsis of $5550.-R. Wallace who vompleted Henry, of the 14th con., for the 'sum The funeral took the season's work at the I:solidest:two . o Baird'acetnetery. saw mini has taken tharge of tbe as sold his 50 acre,. stapietoosoill.-Lorne Tyndall's tnany est, to Luke Ser. friends-wilaitepleased toss& Min :out $.3„000; This tour- sprain, after an eight weeks' painful tune a staeralid es- expel:knee with his leg. -While out . 49 good tend as can shooting the other day Mr. Tremeer e. Mr. Denial's happened to get struck on the leg by of the best ff.fr a spent rifle bullett., Fortunate1 t iutends Moving to Clinton shortly teed a, good beat,' where be intends reinainirtg.-J, Jam- . Win.. Townsend esson, of the Heron road, had the n `nse fortune .a losidays ago to get blearily; badly scalded. He was assisting in -killing pigs and his feet slipping be - way, fell egainst LI bar,ret of scalding waters_ er visitete at Me. 'Itis avow going fiato the sararer-up to dson's home were: the elbow. -Robert Staith ieft a few 1 Stereardeon, of days ago- for New Zealand. Ile-goesgby is. Cobbledieksites way or Enkland, where he will visit 13 -e -re. •-;•• Aeiiiir,noved iata John Ws 'house en Toesday.-Jacob ier Kelrinitti WAS in Goderich Tuesday an busineastss-Danie rumor says- there is to he it wedding shortly. Mitre par- ticulate later. • Credit011i Among • t ftofsAst ' and Mrs . &ewer emir's- as tutendies pnwhasers, of Seeds 'we have *- T astu_viiitork oektoy.tspelaailLtvesieleented Iteduv, 4araloCinsor..M1IetCiTMoroutr.andmIlica_uirs..tffiwanimtie eraser), Lucite; Mr. his home, which he left some Ilratrs Iluirgarian tiem4 whiettwerrifor atleasonable pnees. eter; M is John Stew We hate the highest grade obtainable. Atad-ataXattelv4txt sem, ParkhilL-Miss Mr. Daniel Sweitzer had the plate glase_put In the front of his -store on Easter holidays 'w Tuesdays -Aire. Alt Link, of Issantion Kir&b3"-- also -Mi'aa is on a Nita at the home of her" friends at Mandeb° mon visited at her rents, Mr. and -11Ims Afro. y.---vraaon rs. WiihOn Anderson s ent a cou • le adZonspataeti home hr her niece. Misis son, tignith, spent th'is'-"Ir Tufts spent the acre farm on the. 14th ean.,....to_Nath itb.auttoalier fa.tbe.r. Fn Johnston. of East Wawanosb. _Ntuta-v-ssAt-Perry---Ststtieees--ssrr-AprsI- and Mist Carrie e uaeitee holidays 18, to Mr, and Mr& John Noray, a with the former's so essargthatiss,whostv 11 kernel/1 g, few days. A.large munber of our, opyt home here of days in London lati Week. She was w. in Lon. daughter. Parkhill, visitettat- -110Pont8.-In Monday Attests-Arstek-Miss, oreeell. Shan14-elf- Elia uring-the-Easterholidarc=ddloesti and Altnina'gaeeetettod-Ms ---"litenottre-Wwetstwy Exeter. Ptaealli:Aeuluvr' MberaYrKrietenC:itaireketi. Zli4haers_ ssslithissea We -Rev. James E. Holmes paid our - •thu of rietreiti Messrs. g Bertha tra ter whoteaches neer Or . n . lie Tbrner spent Easter in Port Huron. meettiettee. prites-Ederin-WrIfilburir- "lbeesend-Woe--Bogiaml-4 ton, spent t e, holidrtirir4Tt7h,eis home. of Paris. to Miss Mary K. Westawity, Ubly, Mich.. and 3. A. Brown to Ber- lin.-Oer sorts are playing ball every evening. The field is almost complet- ed, and with a little rolling Wtk. will during the past winter, is visiting his • companied her. -John Underwood. way, or Exeter. 'Her sister of • Goderieb township ac- daughter of the late Samuel W'esta- who has been in very feeble health Destr115 have one of the finest recreation daughter Mei. Shank. of Parkhill. grounds in tshe county. -The eprach. B:Sherritt.of Toronto is es to to the r eery bridge .whic were zwitezhakdayocanft,_, Mim Edna Sherritt is very Ili arpreu- bave been repaired. - ent. 'Wellopefor tier speedy recovery. tlfrom Another Source) -Mrs. G. 1T1. Morgen KO daughter, Rev. Mr. McKihhin, of Aliso, Craig, Ida, of Brinsley, visited old friend anth.omcx rof ib"beThnw e Old Othre_ges charuist"thanodf here on Monday. -Rev. Mr. Sutcliff mo Rev, end Atm llenderson Tuestiat*-- pre4naciluiedt satmvedray7Inint teresting Easter sere • 121-°0410,341 terr000ls'were Preae °dist church, which WAS prettily decor. • two week o ago in the like0OdiS_ Ated-_.-_1•11Vith fia_We _reataiett einifehlsy-thelettiter;wlieffibe,-filien- Strath. of London, delighted the Grace elusi reV011ee-**4 over 40 -ger - cents 311 ebureh =congregationssEester-Sneda advance of last year. -An auxiliary of by preaching a very itripreselve ser - the W.M.S. was organized on Thurs., 0201). -At the annual vestry meeting day evening by Mei. Marshall, of of Grace church, held in the. hall. Boa- Kirkton, with the following otliteres ter Monday. Its MeLinch, ey and D. W. pre0., Mrs. Isaac Hill; let Mrs., 'Wileon were appointed Wardens:, JO. 3. Hodgins; 2nd Vices Mre.(Itev.) He** Wilson and 11,. Hodgins sideemen; and &teem Iitersegeess, Mrs. O. Zwicker; morherson. sexton. Oors,Seie., Mist; Turner; Treas.. Mrs cratIf Superintendent of Sys- tematic Giving. Mrs E. Short. Their next meeting will be on the Iet °Wed. newley in May. -Our friends of the 3letbedist Sebbettt &hoot are to be congratulated upon the success of their tnt.v.,graarv,____Scrtiqq(J/3,-WinclifotA oriaaft---xne congregations turougw. outjvere the I,trgest, the services and entertainment the finestand the linen.clal see,• lsool.----OosSallbeth-thtBetiate' .1%11E4 ineceived - our ste results the beet In the history of ij Garvin and Dr. tilintions of Ese. ter, rteatlypleased ail that hottillbeir Inepoting end eloquent tternmol. While; the eoneert on Monday, tnebialt was aill 04 01114 be desired. The officers And teitehem who, had charge of the tralir wnfostaoIkptifd well the rtr, zit the ri t for ttte excellent program.put up b the tiehopl. Mies (iodwin fairly ea *sled her ,audience With her huineroue readlngs itad tato' by her 'beautiful Mr. Currie, of sonit; also - won hbs.way Into the beitetazt ilIl by ..P.anest.ssyliellonsAprils18,----4as- - Parke, aged 31 years. illAVLort-At Exeter ItriirWr on- Apra_ 23, Elizabeth Etheleen Tror, aged m s 15 years, 3 onths and 3 ays. e IlEAtems-In London,. on April 19th, 7 Annie 1)own, wife of Jeremiah Rea- , IsigessAt Lucie], Anrll 21. ,Ja wife of the late Wth.T, in her 19th EtQEDINEL-la Datreitv On April 25th, Mrs. Bobbins, sister of Messrs. John and Richard Fernier, aged -52 yews Aleattinestn-eIn tueltersmith. April 20. Janet Murdock, wifeof Mr. John Aikenheeds aged 56 years, firelenths.