HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-04-20, Page 44
It is probable that there is an an. 044s
tti loose of toilet three million bushels
Vs in Onterte :throne' the lojory
th,erop eaueed by, swot. This'
4 be lisegety prevented if the seed
re intmertied fer twentymin..
solutiou mede by mixing one
nt eleleltydge •••(forroggliu): in
10Pttoittre• galtoteeof
.11W. Wilton, the imud ni.ve1 ,
ttert *vs: _ "The .14pitnege bave the t.
Rusian lteerlibigoltitely located.
hagg been eareleglitt testehed by oPectia-t.
getitse of the lePallegie navy. Because ,
of thiesthe itusMfut:eggetiteli urpne
In Oi
* „Ift ,
0 a tot Iv
tiott. there
• cent. tett
, Ogee t
. , or tij
emen letter fecal t e r4.31.•tatit
ters. of 5Itteliell. szlys thiit he has ti
lowed the legal arguments
00vmeer It. the )4,,annuilon uov
UW!It has n t the right to fix
future edecatiduall policy of the- new
Proviness, a1 therefone he will vote
nainst the bill in its present shape.
• * sit
- E. N. T,eir wbo was in November
lgist.e1ected z tonrvatie member of
theflueofOomurnua for West Hur-
tles been ted from a charge
ot Iibjktugst, him. Mr.
lief of Edwrd Ncruian Lewis, n mem-
ber of th Houe of Cornmnns,"seta
forth that on February 1.3th. 1903.
, Thomas Gundry. mail }contractor in
itiederiele, but eras 'not interested in
the contract, and on January llth,
1905. was , teleased from his bond.
"Therefore for the quieting of doubts."
is enact that
from all liabilities for it tving eat as
member for West Huron.
-Mte R. R. GaMey„ member for Man -
toulin, who reeentle gained so trinell
o oritosi t G-anstev-Stratten seun.
the eyes of the world, and will move
in the Legislature this week the fol-
lowing resolution: 4tTliatt the Resolu-
tion of this House passed op• the 28th
day of June. 1903, adopting the Report
of the Commiseioners appointed to en.:
quire into and investigate the charges
of bribery set forth in the statement
roade to the Legislative Assenably on
the Ilth day of March, by Robert R.
Gamey, Member Elect for the Distript
In the On rut 1100$4, tt t we\
jkint0,2-spo on -New ' g 'to
made a strong plea on nahettalt of fai•
• tteent for that part of our provin.
which contain e Such vest quaflti-
tjv valuable pine and at er woods,
-Ontario „been end _yeas being de-
spoiled 0 the great loss of ther Sett ei
and the peevipee,and o the 1enrich-
meat of corporations which had se-
cured large timber lim. it -.and' Mining
rightefor a mere song, while all such
righte were Withheld from the settler.,
His speech showed -such a thormigb.
grasp of the altars and conditions
the district that it is thought by /his
friends...,.ss.titat_sitesititee_attets._onl ,nts
hin!self entitla-firthe port o to o
Minister of Mime hut that he hes
showed such a thorou h knowled e of
te satisfy them that he genially; credit
to the positeen.
▪ * '
For the 34th time ' the Registrar..
General of the province has presented
,ftwe ts-rosge-ainteshirtio4---deat
and marriages, in the province-. for the
year ending Dec.. 31st, 1903. In it the
potation is 'estimated -at- -2.19/091
he birtita registered, including still
births. were 48.742, of which 25.071
were maleand--23,071. were female.:
nioners for ibeir just aniiipaitiat
conduct itt the matters referred to
them anti 1**ilMt•tin.it that it hStS,
•eerriethe-Clittat the Rouse Tospla,cie
on:record an expression of censure of
the conduct cit the Menther of Mart.
Wolin in,connection with the matters
. _forming the subject of the in vestige,-
- %ion. be rekinded and eel:imaged front
the Journals -of the Rouse." ,
iTT,W.YAIE crinati ilr eT
imine , ue „
., •
ecisive:*nita,001, tItIOP
doo,the nu-
etl.041.)1.` Ofibti.ogOitigt:04044
The PaOs 40-tino Atiwiro I' Togo Are
greater than those against Neiton•
sittt,ion tile* most difilcult
Admiral Rojestvensky's last
gram betore leaving Nossi Be was sin ei
ollerit* laconic and eloquent. Be wire
the .ukttle. • If lain n you will
learn it through Togo, If defeat him
I will announce it to you."
. 'This was accepted as meaning that
the littuislan'tteeks victory or deaths'
MCTI�, •
DP041Itttnh' 044.011.xjt
15404 and 11111404 ettt rdereeto
Cif •rtettupnah riZedk '410.'01
1111 li• p IA hit lexily and added to )40140a:14m
o x alit. • .• '
There is ncedellnite news as to the
whereabouts of either the Russian Or
e jitpa nese fleets, but it is announced
from Tokio that Japan has formully
cchirod4hteTst 1 II" ttv
t e s $ 0 on o ati esso, rn
Northern Japan) a zone of defence,
witit the usual maritime restrictions.
att apparent restiveness -lay the Japin-
ese against Prance continuing be give
the Russian fleet shelter in its ports.
It iteheld that this is a' breach of nee.
trallty, and, indeed. one Tokio paper
nt-t1Pon--the-MikeWs- latverniseent
to take action which will bring the
Anglo -Japanese, Alliance into active
working. France. -on -the -other hand,
declares that she ie observing all her
obligations as a neutral power,
atron,-- win& WAS rOW t at . o -
European countries, according to the
reports of 1900,- except in Pram*, Pinetanguishene, Ont., .April 13-
where it was 21.9. , , Alestandte Desoehes, a farm laborer,
The marriages reeorded were 19.830, is in jail here as the self-confessed
or 90 per 1,000 of the population, an 'Murderer of Maggie Priske, his „wife,
increase of 1:812 over the preceding and her little daughter Annie. He
Year. ,In Raney River the rate was did the deed yesterday evening, about;
lowest, being 5,5. It was the highest 830, in cold blood, and it bears all the
in Essex County, where it was 28.3, tnarke of the work of a man strangely
an abnormal 'figure. June was, es gone med, in a nioment. • The deed
egaUttestostetspoptal asejoe4talyososet, e and the
etb tstTlhurch le s iii -The mnue only motive • e ere; preren
her of marriages, 32.14 per cent.- of, Ali is that.; he erisie 'words With, his
belonging to that iChurch. The Pres.,' wife.- He takes Ots. arrest 'cooly and
• byteriattashad --10.03-s- per 'cents. --Ittif iseentstsit#ertf----titellitutted-tivetestlie
Church • of England • 17,20, .and the terrible result of his act.
Roman Catholic 13.95. s • Deerochete in hie donfettittae it is
- There were 29,061 deathee including alleged, said that he ,and the, woman
still births: This is a proportion of bad some cross iverdayesterdby even -
114 per 1,000 of the population more • ings and as he had n oxitIn 10.0
than in 1902, but bass by -0.2 per mit. be strock- her 011 the heed With it.
than 1901, •For 1903, however, the •
'She must have died instantlyes as be
under-Togoatifithe thePreqptirytt_orl_ n emu chore at th moment
tier Rojestvenski are about to engage Per cent. Of the total -death -a 8.631, he struck her withhisitrid-broke
ina notes estop aornewslese to tge or 29.1 per cent., happened before the the handle. Ile then took the other
east of Asia it is interesting to twice fifth year of life and 4,700. or22,5_ per, ails, which was lying close by, and
the relative strength of the two fleets. pent., in the first year of life. Thus struck her again, while she was on the
The -meat aectnette estimate of, the ititont mortality was J41 inseverY groun4, No being sure -of theirl)e.
fighting powers of tbe two fleets is - -000 births. In Euglunavand- Wales, ingrilead, be took tits jack-knitenut-
wen_ herewith- The Japanese, have it was 138 in 1902. Enteric fever Was his tocketsand stabbed both victiirie
of 18 knots *peed, with ILO -Tech ate
and throwing a total
1 broadside
es.,...Tlets-Itiargs -bus,
four of 18 and •one e . 9 knots. with
-----frot-Trtrrif. 5--Msr.1=1-0 armor, an -
• with a teed heoadse'deof0,11410pounda.
ArTeiti-e-T--c--rtittietei the cantrast Is
owh&4n1mZLxavor. of, ja sin.
- Stree-tort re e.
of from Ze to e knotand with, a
total broedsid of 13,788 pounds. to
---Ru-T-sei, yr s ips,ea • Ong.'
/5 an, 19 knot% and of only 1.388
pounds broadside.
In tlie th rd clings, ot protected
adeantege. bxviag 14 alips, of 52..513
against Itneiea's •six ships of 23.818
tees and 2,532 pounds broadside. The
grand totals are: -Japan. 27 ships,
of 190005 tons mid • 4,74381 .tio-d-ners
broadeidte, Rossia„ 15 ships, of 121,305
tons and Mt,S8IS pounds brotidside.
tier -al, end not a etc' was free Item 11 t e neck. Ho then stti 4- them
ti -hentortality was ig err rura n t er ot • ing, an t reW :t iern
districts than elsewhere. e Tubercu- doWn into the hole ander the floor.
losie was t*Cs n iblesfor.2.72-3-in eiole-hitexam_suollefe
disease totals about 90,000 • eat
in MOO.'
• ng-1903-thereevrere-125-cate '
suicide and 1,211 deaths from accidentl
An a e as removed the 0
boiler from the mill which has be-
come unfit for further servici and
1 ed a new one therein, recently
tes Carrick is suffering from it
severe 3oluiTsaae and-finn-
liy. who have • been residents here for
the past six month!', left Monday to
visit friends inpolorado. From there
Mr. !sole wilt proceed to Washington
where he will Attend conference in
connection with the S.D.A. church.
Lym• an '
iiiitise-iiiiditarted for
son was 1 e rst• to 0 Boate-
1 lorteeraterresitott-ttristweig
bora4 after a search, discovered the
the holehe husband was found,
lettrinte-cooteirsett-war ckitrittritted
for trial.
Desrocheit *as a respectabi
• menswiltaearnedaelivingity-stakhi
in writhing and going mit by the- day.
She had not lived with her husband -
for some time. The daughter wee 14
ears of a e.
• For utting powder in Edward Arm-
, tiong s.pipe tool damaging his eye, it
Whichester soker was compelled to
• ay *100 to settle a lawsuit.
At t,he half -yearly meeting of sthe,
rand Trunk- Railway the President
said the Company would fight anyternpt at-
1,0_0:tou, inereaseeiatteaLes..
.aer. s la
wife. whose y layrn t e ouse
awaitino trarial,SitichardJ. Ftstriter, 0
Toronto, committed suicide with a
83 years of age, was hutted by a ram
in the yard of his , son -in -14w, Alex._
Bennetts --ettnaripnith'IVweeilitte----stral-
was art seriously insured that he -died
a few hotel% after.
Ripley, April 10.- Fire at midnight
Friday destroyed the barn and annex-
IL of nurtin Township, and • three
milee north of theist place. The are is a
sequel to several ether mysterious tires
which have occurred recently. The
loos is -about two°. .
Henry X9rth, a native of London.
Ont., is in sail at Detroit;charged With
shooting his wite three time& Drink
and jealousy were the ,,ettageeS. She
414 e t • fi a
alVois-rWItlie-whiWted• tiure-retto vet
and shot three times. killing her, af-
ter 10141 he knelt_ down send 'reatlessel.
Iierlfii-eorrie-rxiCk an forgive bme
4106 &Its -$100:
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least ,
onesdreacia.distaee that'$elente hes I
been able to cure in all its etagere acid
dud is Catarrh. Catarrh Cure!
• friiternityettan4r.414.1
1? you toil or oonttaotod any nYon new sees tinteat: the
vlru'or polio has been. erietteeto tomth.setnem .at 'tune* you see elute 01
semetoutte but live 1.* IMPS oortous tiautto follow. Have you -any of the
toliewing NYMPtronal 6ora throat. *core an tbo tOnittle or In the mouthi, naly
044 seems p&Ina, Ateitt40011 of the aiOn. soros oy blotehaa. On the WYeyo*,
rod and 'Primaorstooptto atoolaeb, soltuarwookn000--ontaroed eland* Donil.trust:
t4..1gOO,, ,1)0133: TWO your‘syatent •with' the•old fogy troatroant-Anaritury. potoolviutd.
Oatent medlelnea, vititoix suppress Um ornsocuo for a Mutt onty to break out *gain
'when happy In donteetie life. Don't let emote. eXPerihrittit'Arn you. Ohr NEW
:stitenort Tnille.131ENT esemeetteete to- cure you. OUR GUARANTEES MOP
,..849.10EO BY BANK RONDO that the 'Bleed Or Skin Meet** wilt neve? turn,
_ -„hart 4tteeix:*lrta.dlr,:ktlited,;h
I or lea047 aPera . -
*Ot • ft:4404 13o,“ but * voattora oura we:at coils 0,ottotod.:
mouvuuntimenimnwatnEwOosittit W41IreVrtaaso
Teo Sew Iiitettioil Treatment Cure& stal
otters- bre" Mercury. Het Silrinitik.
' fatted. _
Win. IT. Patterson,. or aterkim %MAL. ire*
4 Wear bit experience: "Ido noLlikroxitttorietY_
*a Uy or Una tteri "_ewe
this modh to Dre. dit tor the *Teat it000
they have done me, r had * Widens bIbOd
east when te years of age. The skin and blood
symptom* gradually_developed-,rimplea-linft.
-. °leers termed reentrer Imes broke out, bait
,1300-0:11/110“1""; became icmse.. Pains In the bones and joint* ittserristment
erotic atOinach. tont breath. Itchy skin. etc. Pt is needless ,tor mei to 5a.Y.-1
tried doctors. t grew to bate the look* or one.. 1 visited Hot Sluing* twice Or
-lour-monalw, *maila six months a/ter returning
1,, .
nrdy& 1ergtfl - *eld,he 'tad known of them or • ver
as beir made.* specialt,y *Mese diseases And trotted the worse cases by—t
dred tbeY ottleht to to expert In curing Om. I iirats.4grald or ildverttslog doctors.
• but tat‘k his adviec. They agreed to treat tria linger guarantee Or no ttey„ I
tromttgateel their *tending and found they"were, perfectly responsible, 40
X commenced the new method Treaitheilt. The eruption* disappeased In two weeks,.
the Una Patti* in /bur week* and in tour months L*lia entirely cured. 'TON
renemmend the New Method Treatment tor 111004 and Skin Disectes."
acensueetton tete% Beau rreeterrotaletrest onsets -Ito tor a Question 131111*.
8,t ROM.
K K 1.*C 7inc 144,
.11atilett: Ttletl
he, ugoseyssohloisotsts
Shooting, a young man named Tee,
sneer, of con. 4, happened tostet struck
in the' leg bT a spent rifle bullet. i
'Mitchell.' Mr. C. Ss Moore. has pule
elutsed the grocery business of Mr. R. •
ing it constitutional disease, requires n ,hisImainess on the market corner 10
constitutional treatment. Hall's Ca-- coujittiction with she "Red Pietro." I
tarrh Cure is taken inteally. actin.,
directly upon the mooit Jima Goderich Tp.: Ott 'Monday While ;
Aieburs-yonugeitessonsof_OtteriVilsono --
itallsielt.x" or the system,thereltY wee out "hombre., ins- -ritlessaceitleitetv
troying the fotindation of the disease. went otfand the bullet withwhichit
and giving the patient stren th .tity was Zbar i•ed entered his side Ind ass-
in;indlan"11111ture In de-tmvsoing ing upwards is suppose to Ltve test-
prietors have so roach f Its Iva iotrbg i e'e ed in his-100'gs.- Wil on Is serious-
111t~t ArWlifir 11 .1 2 :14,0)1; tycovery.
listedeteetignonialetit. ,-Mst° 0 leas well, •
Address P3 eHENEY & Co., Toletitea, kittavn Nissoart 'young men mysteri-
Scdd-h-ysaU-rk4tggigeeer:aweeiVtrgr---)-440*1-y-44*xpistlautthutt-Ller-et • • '
Take Ileirs Family Pills for consti. in the employ of the Niagara Power
—1---lirervilif So Wear. "
There ate 22 steamers ice-focked at
the Soot_ e
A horse and a eow.-were burped in a
Ore at Wallaceburg on Tuesday.
opposition to Prank Oliver at, Edenton-
tons- .
Joh Atkireson, who hae
be" "'I --The Mennen Hotel was destroyed by
covered sits to be We to, be arotind $4,000 I
It is reported that it second earth.
cleitningthese days, and as a conse-
ill for some time, haslli
euciently -re- fire Listowel on Tuesday, sisees
again. -The good wife is busy house -
(Silence the meals are anywhere .b.e. quAke Indiahas caused great loss
tweet) attic, or eellar.--John,Piper has 0 e.
rebased the draylng business, from e Ifon: Geo. W. Ross has returi.
wiara,Mcblitili& leodgine and 1 p ed'frotu Jamaica, somewhat impreVerl
Cities uta NtiOda/..--,,Harry Colt irenithiss-
lltitthouet_and wilt put is, Oetv" The Ameelesio fint;ittire feetory
undation under same, have rota oeforo,, N. 8., tivai destroyed ' ROME
botele enlitegedantl brick vetieeted; bees o20.000,, knives a felony of four eons and, roue
Around About US
ffinTin is:4,44 stele -nee, li.V4A4 i SSIllif
- ed th
ad his 1 h:ind badlyi
o ri, a hero tile funeral toot; plaee Thurs.
planing mill 00 Manche. hylts coming
fin e enturietety cut on ne;tt. the i d-ty tit. St. tlarvs cemetery.
in contact with a. (taw. The second '
eeem mut., the third linger ta in: a s„Stitirisitettlefilel er,r(lovon°41eewItle'tterkiek,9 111)alet
lured that -the eloctor-had-to.anaptitateerte-semeseerweettertrsiresauttesat-ri
it past the second 'Joint, and the first ° small quoltities of jewelry. until it
ilngerstvaa badly cut. t
1 tees estinetted that -lolly $70() worth
Each pupil is go -ea tn-
• dividual sasteuction.
The Shorthorn" Svstera
tvirr le 'that useThle aU
e,„ e-Fet-w--e-ratiretert reporter.
_ leg, l'esesJ1,=hip,...1
mete! t C. - teoresee
at Pore. Bohmson. end. the reinaltess -
Wirotbann After it tedious illness bad.disappeered. They were at a loss
(emu that eidious (Meese. eta:wrung,- to Areutilit for it, although vart, stv
troth, Mrs. II 13. Antleison pasut d traps Were "et to cateh the camp sed
away -on Thursday Iast, in her thitty, euiptits. it With falind thitt Ilene or
1-441*-vore reeponsible for the -dicks
ter of Mr. and Mr. Thos. Ilendeuam :stud- about -three Atm% g.krtga ..„etteut
Of t011111..,..Fstr041ttle_,tiltne.pa.ststhe harts `,.elstreteditath the Xeste tamtottr,
on account of her illness, )esitled et it h expected the balance will be found on
tier rettente. $he leaves a sorrowing tenting up tile floor of the vault.
ufshend, and.three young children.
• St. Marys: Ntra, Egen, au esteem, d
old resident. -died bat week after a!
brief illness of pueurnrnht. toted 74
yeata. , She hed Iwen a reeldent of tha
town for nearly tialf a century Ha d
wits highly esteentiel. nor htio)30,0
the late Mi. .totati fliti);•dieerta.
on the ltAllwiTy;:- She •
Baal& Reetedy.
Oa ErittaireCaltillee? nOttatia,Sper.
wiegt4C=r644**LOrrhefloneed• to CttnetreiltiOS
. nitrated au _rose e.
litD3we e1 will
ottre,""joss "i`eldtalifIti-ni=14-unewluer =nee is pl*Lw
'aiinkittemsreocitrit Writeitorrain
Trielit(000 Settedinislik mutdsot. ox
too .- sspretentle4-elergee
-1,101144,,Witeaikitenceitt.t.t tlirerearttM,111.__i_
the penitentiary at •Woodetoek for,
forgetyit •
since ria it reaiiltof inpries eiiS1111riFil • segto‘ LLJEf
Wititnitte pretty wedding
iewlertinited at the borne of Mratrel
re.3. R.Atkinson, when theirtrouit s
the hol bonds of postritnotfy toIstnes
o Siding. The bride 'ert..
terell 0 room.. leaning, on the arm of
father, to tbe nit* od one $ rains o
Men1dsohn'a teeddin 'tomtit pkyed
eye cousin. Mis. Wie Wire
uaf Exeter . The bride and greoin were
id. The bride's 'emddinit Polon
s whit4Organdieitrilrirned With val.
eneinneti laeo insektiOn and *bite Sethi
eihhori.. She esrrie ,bouquet of
white woes and Maiden _hair
Xtms 11424 Sttatlin niece or the bride,
le a chergning
r the wr1t1ing t t • cnjyed:
\\nsimptw-trepiem the dining :mein..
"elloxtetraVellitiftsifte xis; - -
Lee cloth arid bet to nottetiss ,The
_tentartteeived Weresiteny and roet,
hith shows the high estteni 'to
bleb they Aro both hell]. Guests *tie
presentIromAVItfaiiii* Exeteri Grew.
*try; and Mitehell. Their
manr friends Join in stiAleg !lent
hong Ufe nod' prosperity. .•
titre& insane by the cOurter. liftbornS •
'The Ontario Government les bee e (olio ing is the resale at Ile
asked to perthit German eittp to IM Proinotion Examinations held in S.
•glitsineuttalusTorsantley...,- .143,,anti '
elating sheep twit) exiets in townehipet o , Cecil Skies er -
,,rkst :Belle Da ji
A prOeisnistioo his been looted
in Middleeset, istilibtort told Kent. 551, Vine eke410. Ti, Jr. It",
A meth:tel. to este-Mist-1i Csitholic 1v.tft Pggta4001,seit ke. titre, Streleee430,
liniversi in Ireland was defeatol J.,00 0,014 •bWI, Annie tireCinttl 30431 .
the Btitioh• ltottee of Corittriotne. et',111,07-',1-kie377 sii .4. skin` tlit i350.
Lieeose Cottnnissioners in North -0: --,,,teatiehttlipxott, tieirev moy
foria 0ln-celled 04! ii"ns's 11-"'',hreit n'itnititql ft.iO4.4intiiig p148
hotles," three being in Woodstock. r it * •
At .Couriell of Mitten io Wsithingtotes; gut 4" 4'; e
the t...,onventien ttheNation4 T
111,4,`Sosati 0. Anthonybspolte fii favtflr
tf tits -meet.
reatititeht dete
'adieu -Cat
ThO appointittent of Chtrit .Vi iglit
,raoilotktmeAnopettor for 1(ing,su
heen earwelist. Mt. Oitidden lwiig
An exploolort otsretyiet 11glik 0t0,
tlovertortrot t)oitt $11,11t,, Kirigstoo
*TilosidottlyttititillottrAtlitnix6:11, *\rt,
't011It ii ittte1 on -710)04 *uthoi-ity that
'hitt the next Ox'troo
11. "itktittwiy will Wive
butidtrd toot tq 'London,
i chell7 -14 gkfLFri
Witlailp-.44 woo re he hopes ,
146.11,414,1 nirtg yeAtik Ile tiro 4,
to Miti• 1041 in the „sottr l.G0 and li s
ttee .t espg Cleft teaVleitt tf
R1I1 Thtiflbb1ln'era getast. ,
It rig liitsitteete fitt meetly e4 itiluct.
tuidee the :fifth Owe of Iloitteth
:LA- plot* d viola el of ' M.•