HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-04-20, Page 2ioonr or .1,eter4 Ile- OM* lisre to IleMbrandt tor Hehlfett. bet -VW 11
tnake WO* 0,94flnfla yoll,; also Veil", lie floil my Atenibrandt: ..Ilifili
h. com.. to Spy out the lend. Now, what you tell pump Merritt,
Without being, Meth CI -a geniblotW, telliit'Ole all about the ou.pp
o ros willing to stoke s large puta .berY et Alneterdaut and w
that be intro4'-14W the 00104 of found In ths- PertMaateatt "er- •goc
yiitt .old.,trotiblesef Pr, Bell yonder. Then go to
&tell , !On ,
ellakt4A,T..tt,* ' , .. s so
atitiilPtede ' • ' , pert a'.,the
"Xtifurs Y.., l'hlit.yirsa ,,, ,,,Qo
" ' '440:400, t0;x1fs: 11
Ld got, nVegr:,rour Wncaa• a , tkat
It 'POP *Pt.:
leritage, don't. get,; .0!
9W -W ffnliztes 3!POrg: .
you tbt thing ivaV done deliberately.
. Here, if you are 406 weak or feeble.,
_ irreiturs*Itatt-w-etti 11-444
• an Matt heritage pulled himsey
to -
be said, firmly. do it.
It was a cruel„ dastardly trick to
e, •bat 1. quit see now
PlaY ut\:en
-tba " %vas- Only -going-,
to to ke a in' ri of me instead. '
11011 nodded. His eyes were blaz-
• ing, but he said nothing. He watch-
ed Heritage at work\ith Stern ap-
proval. Notbieg cold have been
more scientific, more skilful. It
seemed a long time to David, look-
ing on. but it Was a mere matter of
• "flotlie&s.'" Ilsettesmssaistsswith
"And another second would, have
seen en eild ot our mire'
Mb's coming round 'again. (let those
bandages on, Heritage. I -11.106k af-
ter the mess. Give him the drug.
• want him to sleep for a good long
**Will be be senaible to -morrow?"
Iravid neked;--- —
pledge my reputation upon
lead. -"Ifadn*t-you-bette
telephone down to -your-electrician to
„ come and see to those lights'? I see
the hoe in Alie meter is intact;
n-rtha.mona-,cisgai.t-tbat• -tie
have gone."
t 0 18 •eyes an
stared languidly- about him. In
• clear, weak, yet wholly sensible voice
he asked where. he was, and then
lapsed into slumber. A. little later
and he lay snug and still in • bed.
There was a locik or the • deepest
pleasure in the eyes of lietitage.
• **I've saved him and ,•he's saved
me.",„ be said., "But it was touch
and go -Ayr both ot tie when that
ht failed. IttesejklIsIst sancied
• t at Onid haffe-Tainted:-A114• en
It -Clone -t,O me 'that sit _
trick, 'and my -nerve returned- *--.• -
**Never to leave. again," Zell said.
• sit tried you high. arid found you
not wanting."
•"Heav,en be praisei4"' Heritage
thurinured. "But how was it done?"
• Bell's face was stern as he took
lhekttcben eantilt.vtiCk. -traet-th
table and went in the direction -of
the dining-roorn.
ha Said', curtly..
• `The dining -room was- In, pitchy
darkness, for the lights there had
teen tbe sheirrit; Indeed.
lights on the grouhd-floor • had ' all
failed With the exception of the hall,
which fortunatsl „shad Ix= vs..:
—other=eirEatT -had
Vire Sneek's life, for-Itsliellshatt not
Speedily used that one 'See wire the
patient must have perisheds-
sith a start and asamile.• -
'I am afraid I must have been
treeep92-Ireesaide-languidIss------ --.. -
'Liar," Bell thundered, "You
have been plotting murder, And hIlt
• -shave--beenesticeagetal. --Y-oushave eels -
ed out the whole thing in yoUr Mind:
you came here on purpose. You came,
, him to stifle the light at the very
• moment when we Were operatiag on
Van Sneck. YoU thought that 41' all
the same circuit: vou bays heimit
"Are you road?" tenson gasped.
iviten have 1 tten here Vetert,'''.
"Tile night that •you. lured Vett
, ....-0
.141:h : r * . -- , 4-•••.,
no egoitae . tit tbe'An; ' " •''''• .."'
, enserig his4lipe intret,u4 'bitt,
**itron itariv 'a:110U -,knewledge di
otlectrieley."' ttell- ' Went on . 'Anti:
.yeli saVf your • tray prett clear.to
"ssnisitsisers's_eration, So- ' ' Ott
get, that idea from yon •er wait -plug
realliog lamp on the cablitet yonder.
. 1 vett had
to do waS to dipour ingerd
water and press the ; them
\agaiest the live wire ft ^wall -
ug; Atm tli4so-. And- eately
the wires fired II over the , circuit
and Plunged us in darkness, But
the hall ligbt remained sound, and
Van Suer* was saved. If it is any
consolation to you, he will be 418
sensible as ape of flla to -morrow." '
Ilensoit-had risen to hisii..et. pale
and trembling. Ile proteeted, but
it was an in vain. Bell eipproached
the china wall -plug and pa -lilted 'to
- - ,----„,e_tses.se ----------s7=-- -7---------
."110id the iplidle down."' he said.
"There! You can see . that the sius
fere is stall te , The e
the holes new, and some of it has
trickled down the distemper ori the
wail. You onght to be shot where
you stand, murderous dog."
Henson protested, with • some dig -
Pity At. was_all_se_tmich Greek_ / •
Wm. be- Said; 1.1e bad been aleepi
so quietly that he had not seen the•
i t tail. Bell cut ltitesshort.- --.---
he cried. "Go away;
. e , _air that honest men
breathe, and you are as fit and well
dersfield saindler is here? Oh, if you, "VirligWhaterheas
1 elated. and this frantic efforts of the
' must .be experienced to be appre-
as am: -- y on --you-p c
eration. His eyes were clear now; compe 1 or t e
you,telephone to Marley_ at the .ssna them. . , . , with several Already in one' grasp,
e res ess, eager oo bad gone frienit-k-df----Pieltin
Pollee -station end say that the Hud- --
keep my hands off him!" -____, Bell explained briefly. As be Spoke
ahlnapileilr.;ed?te d. emended.'
only knew what an effort it is to "young women to pick up more than
his anxiety Passed avpay. fie saw they could hold provided no end ot
Henson mage for\,the 'door With that Van Sneck was 40110Wing (With amusement for the onlookers.
alacrity. A moment. later end he 1 ,
was in the street dazed, confused . intelligently and rationally. girls
' In the result several of the
and ,batffed, and with the conviction "I remthedropped every one of their captured
ember coming here." oranges before reaching the Winning
strong upon hire that he had failed Dutchtmen said. "I can't recall the
; il
Ib his great coup. Van Sneck would rest just now. I feel like a" vaan pointand only two ueccedeil 1
. - carrying haute the ten circles of gold-
, . Al II
speak. And that-.- -of a dream together..? , ' - Ien
'n-ut. w.hat seemed to be the utost
But itesdaredstert-thetk eo_f- "Yon% have, it all right in an hour :
and courage now. He had Just one aging mill& "illeanwhile your break-
er tiro7r-Beli-Sairl. -With ittr eticatir-ilmintlar•-•zumPetit4011-st-sat .704.--„,..-
present. Be wanted all his nerve necktie fece. In which the partici-
last oaum one single opportunity bi fast is ready Yes, yap can smpants proper were gentlementhough
oke the tels see had not a little to do
making money, and then he must get 'afterwards it Yea ii-ke• 4tud then 37°u with their' chances of. success; The
out of - the esamtry without delay. shall tell me all bout Reginald Hen- distance to be run was some 200
Ile almost wished now that he had son. As a, mattes of fact, we know
. warda.....c
eat been quite no precipitate In . the tilt about it tweet? andsthe omp-iititors had all
to start with their neckties undone.
atter iii--4-amer-Aferrittr---Tit " •vlael -1112.0--Z-1. .
bumble toolmight • haVe been of great 71614'11°r' eh?were stationed the young wonian wire
advantage to hint at tbili moment.. **Yes, even to the history of . the
- ,
heundertaken to assist in the race.
. - err ts-•a• reatene ---------ti5eennti---iletnbill'ntl, ' -What eric -tetape 'tor bad Us dei was and must be got ' out of why 'Neilson stabbed you and gave
the way. lint, t•hen, tbe police had You thatscrack over the.head. If you to run as speedily s he- Maid to the
otspicked Merritt .up,..yet, Was it, tell me the truth you are spticular girlwho was awaiting
afe; it
Wm and kneel down before her While
possible that Metritt had found out4371:)11 IletrtY.' Ysu stsnd a 114211116ef she 'leafy and Properly tied his neck-
- of joining. Henson In. the dock." tie, This done, he had only to get
But Henson did not care to think Boll weet «1, leaving Van Snack • up and finhih the race by covering the
t He wawa 0 baek to -digest this -speech at his .leisure..
toldAnd ot .11. , ,. $..„ Or.
• Tfeefran ‘ and '' Ut*elf,.. '004 ,
, 410,440,-,CO3 41404:
z.:•.; .1, ,.! .1
w , 0 bo 4101007:•
, I
O*4 $0 W t914 Iv* mver kiP'..
Directlx. .1,1:eaSion' , NI ).UPon,,.; hat 1
WAIIVItikfie.,44e*. heW It; act...,.i Q rt?P CO,rapStittAX4i,-'10,.Com
initta nii. his ;Wad, that the electric ' , -s, tie.r4: et rratltc..*' '
. . . s ,
hght.'sheuid.fait.,at. a leritical .india- xceedingly .novei, racsa:IVr both,
en_ _t. „ilenee...tb.0„, ,"._, 4,1r-k*atie 'accidrAt.7 ,wo_wgiimisi_ rtrivsillitft.-- r_g_ra,......,
itith--thlti: il,ycl ,..."--eli(Mr XtelTERMT- .
got into the 1,101,1se tho rot was easy. azmual gyitilt n at Corapiegue, near
.41 • 1
-0-taraiti-to Niorb-rir urrreraii an • .
.iiiiiiimk.uk.tileAualuougt.044.444,41,,,,waS the ,seda water running math,
been erranged, lei' • cent-
prees them herd against the two which b
the light, in conseq ence th fuses
blowing out.e. I dot\know vhere At fixed here the course
Henson lea,rnt_ the ek. but I _dti bottles 0 ighly a ed , EngliSh
of it. You flee. the lia, I light being .inst. wlanteror- wder JoittZeirth"le rrafece!,eacileil
know that 1, was 6 fo not to thin-li:
bottle had to be opened in turn and
dropped through the floor above was
on another cireuit. If it, hadn't. been the contents swalloWed, it being ,a
we should have had our trouble with rendition that none should be opined
Van Sneck for nothing." , , to avoid the ordeal of drinking it.
"Ile would have .died?" David 08k their • The spectacle of the competitors in
ed. . , thole attenips to si-allow te bottle
The two doetors nodded aignificant-1 of soda water at once proved highly
diverting, several suffering temporar-
ily for their baste, although benefit-
-:---7-,!:' ._,,,...„a‘,,,__-----a-,,,,Poisonc, ouraireLbe;,, ,. uses -
-'-'74Viu -4:4151611---"Werir etvr, charged with gas that they- fele,'
Son does not hesitate to say that he
v to _instrumental _in if they were bursting; and three of
moving two peePle who helPed hrj17-er ithecentts '-11°''e-'41of tha-dt5e lirserTat7110 ht"lhat'e-theoyf"
and her sister to defeat Henson, and could not fate the second, and forth -
now he Mall'eS two attacks on Van I with retired from the race.
Sneck's life. * Really, :we ought to What was described ita all orange
intone the police what has happened race for young women proved an in -
and have him arrested before he can teresting and attractive event. At
-do- anY-Lturther-lbrietatt; l'etal•-ga"vt- regular -41staneca of --•---twe y- -war
tilde for life wbuld about fit the from erreh. other ten oranges were
cressit'' I placed on tliii ground for
Van Sneek-waa-Aealously guarded,
by Heritage and Bell for .the next
These had all to be picked up and
ours, - -He awoke the next '
brou ht • back in the hands Of the
ung n . •
teleetesdeed:.;04-eavQ0rieatbnceit rte,shtiuttt:e.,, atItihhoute,,vila u#
,of- a- 'heretr- aPPIT-egftiuU- el
rairextrwcuitivatiotriire factors that
,should not be overlooked.
-WNW* C ickens de\ 00 roll
DUST Sr e' oemseeebete
water shotI'd be within their r(•-cli.
The_usa ed. dust _poisons to destroy
--at-all -times. ae -arranged Abate -the-y -
OA yet in an experimental stag4, bat brooder floor can be revered with a- ''
insects and fungi in our orchard!! is can drink without gettieg wet. The
ibose •,who have carried on the enter- thin laYer of cut clover. 'A handful
°ugh. way, speak very highbr sa bread slightly moistened with mile.,
Patents .in the largest and most thor-
, of bright chick grit or very stale
praise of the seethed. Like 0,11 other caa be given. The food of the 'chicks ,
new methods of doing plugs. there , is practically the same as that fur
are always some who do not do it 1
right e.nd t‘hen condemn tbe method pared, of couree, in a form suitable •
lashed the. adult tock, behog pee..
'see- ,- ..- es- 4 ---- •-stetits•sss---
to tilde Smaller size. •
-times during ' the . day, - but. c.ane ...•-•
should be taken not to give them
machine; weighing' about, 75 pounds, smore_than tit P 11 •11 '
a cerrier and 6,, whirlwind cluster 1 in feet. food Should not- be before
them more than five minates at a
to scatter the dust. In thin lime 1.1 time. Green food should be supplied
Put copper sulphate and eirsenite,
insecticide and
es to have in one mixture a complete,
80 - regularly after they are (1, week or
km- days old. and grit -should be con -
fungicide* the Sal" as I stantly before them. Granulated
I -Woad& in the "Watee-80111tt08-0
herdeette. 1 take 100 pounds stone
Mee -and Place it in a tight mortar
10 _feet. 1ong and .5, s.:,et, wide
with boards 1 foot high on sides
and end.). Over this 1 sprinkle eight
allonW-of water slowl a s not to
becalise thew do not mimed writes
I have only used. it ma year. Mit
obtained splendid results and I shall
use it again this'year. Luse lime as
he lime or paste it.
110 b e oil of un-,
will start` it. then Work_ it thorough-
ly ancreturckly for 20 minutes or tine
the lime is all slaked into a vetY
dr Y Powder.
'Over' this 100 • pounds dry, hot,,
well -slaked lime I sprinkle '16 pounds
pulverized copper sulphate, for fungi,
ten pounds 'powdered sulphur for
scale and lice, one pound praxis. green
for -chewing inisec,eadlhig zneth
and taus -cello then stfr th rou 1
wi oe fa7.i.Orritituttes, oz -until the
tsPPer sulphate and sulphur are thor-
take tight barrel with one head
011t. Make two death. 1 foot below
the top on the inside, let on th
a round sieve that will Just fit in
with 1-itich- mesh. Put in the sieve
two or three, shovelfuls of the • dust
and put an, old carpet,avei the top
the process until all the'dturt Otte.
arcoal -is a valuable corrective of
digestive troubles, and should also
be kept within easy access of the
1 they are allowed free
range. • Brooders should be cleaned
daily and a fresh litter or layer of
Symptoms 'Resemble' an Ordin• ary
Cold in Spring. .
Prof. Welehselbaurn, of Vienna, re-
cognized as the first authority on
cerebroespinal tnerlingitie, who - dm-
coVered its exciter lo.1887, which- is
bra-pinalais Wescheselbaum." says;
"Mysexpertence-is ' that the disease
principally tittaikiC -Children - and
youthful individuals. it, of course
Offers in its manifestations. -
many cases death ensues after a few
days, in others, after. three and,. •
'even four weeks. • . -
"Frequent recoveries haveshaPpere •
such as _pare ysis or deafness. Science
to _the Aulet4e1gings. he_. had _taken..ifirStMelrinr- b"it"Inriliz-bediri:161-1414&gOT10H041.ardstiOVELTY
in Kemp Town for a day or two. he Ped up with' pillows, and ismokedt--
would change his clothes and walk many cigarettes before he expreesed a wan a besketrand ball race for ladies.
over to Iscosuslean a 2:0S9is and it * desire to eenilelt -againrilier-lattcr7Each- giatie.4e-bask4lartiert-ca)Unentgainhig--a-doin 4 • etreatarmatt:
q d-gzi-hard-If-bliiit — 1
theee,_1Lkt_w. . . e ,i • _, 0 _quick he could be "Thie gentleman is Mr. Steele**, her
base knef as:rib/tamed, btottutet.roowneouatfteorf
cheque •from tbe misguided lady gone.elsewhere-
there try eleven o'cl-. ---V-ac-Beecies• euggeeted.---,_
He passed into his little is -tom. Bell resPetuled somewhat drily that another, while -her knight in atten-
Ile started -backtolsee is_snan:islee.:- t771Y/-itt.----4J. Id -11-t4-Ifett-'40-1"10-4"4444)-(111124--‘-ctItvalt p1.00°Irand•retont-tygnt t
h-g-Thwa,airr-littsit-thirinftni-ttIr be- everything's"' 'he iVeht„ _ Mt "IY
INETUFh& by -the traiss-of-thesew-"That heillg Ct. .filiPP0seu-b,eglii - ----- - - —
- -' theeflwrsi,nogligri.
comer, opened his eyes. And those at the beginning. When you 9°1441 "
plooet"weciadthine gettwteililvge
eyes were glezoning with a glow that thatit copy of the 'Crlinson Blind' to to
balls restored to her . Market was to
filled Ilenson's heart with horrible Lord Littimer had you the other'
I be the winner. In their scrambles
dread. It was Merritt who sat 0P- ce"?" .
eyes told Ifeeeon that be knew o
he latter'e black treachery. Hens
wee bee to face With death, and • he
0 not, something muit
be vrongivith_its tooti.
•the m/other's doesn't
_nourish it, fihe ntedsScores
si tort It "su4lies' the'
.elements of fat •required fo,r,
• the -baby.----. 11 'babylrllot
• nourished is'jr • its Artificial
• food, then it-requito
alter the balls 'some of the mei tut
"Acb, 'ou have got to, tbe br3t-
° Seetlis'". Iran' gneekttletirs4rdrarrldus-4w'ript"itli ilet-e-tr
�e turned and fled for his life; he
scudded along tbe. street, past the
hospital' and towards ths dOwna.
us •
*ts exceedingly- IAA:UT rare was the
one tor young girls, in which they
truhdled large *wooden hoops which.
were fitted With spokes and gayly
decorated -with li,eftutifut -flowers,
*rhere Warr•also a most eccentric
ed. ...._
'Yes. and have saved your life,
foolleh as it might seem," Bell re -1
"You- -came Vel7 -neat- to- lose"
ing- it the second Attempt last nigittl
At liaison's hands. 'Henson is donel
Now -slut barrel and duster on a
stone boat or -light wagen and you
-are ready ,for a half day work for a
man and boy. This amount of dust
will go liver Irani liVeTto eight fiereir
of -sla-sitax orehard. and de a thor-
ough job. if dust is thoroughly pre-
pared. The dust will - travel over
the. orchard in such s t a/ it
will, appear from a distance to be an
fire, and every leaf and branch will
the manner -of infection. have Ater
certained that in all cases the exeit-
er of the disease enters through t,lie
nose. Nearly. all _patients in the
first stage iiulTerlrom inueent-itillara;
-mations the nasal conditions resemb-
ling those often been in common
the ,• twee- 4-o- the .meninges (mem-
branes) of the brain. .
"'This -fact gives an important . hint
�r IlreVPIttIng- uteetion.tt
s ou no any e 30 3e
strict care -should be taken that, the
ezMugh of this dust to destroy the
pestesand if applied 24 hours befdre
soon forms a te with natural
ne,esture on. leaves an --bark-of trees,
I apply the dust at the same seasons
rid the yearTaid -We same
times as the liquid is aPPlied,
contact with clothing, whereby it
may. e ‘arclut t struirere7—II -
kerchiefs^ used -by the patient Should
the with*, probably, because of the
sudden ehringes•in temperature, caus-
ing colds* that dispose individuali
— ,favorablystorstles-iugresee-of thesdise --
bestloacebtesdightedesiation irom the. from _one to •two menthe until out -
My experience during the past year ease.
„growing -potatoes: ist what, can **Thor epidemic 'is likely to last
ordinary methods' -tollowed in this';' ward eirewastanepp ot temperature
locality SaYS Mt- Irving D. cook.! and weather haw chongA,d, it 'being
.lisstead .of plowing the ground for ;almost certain that infection is car-
-Patatees tater the Wring truPs ried by the Innen, from the nose.
esestesesiaeges_hets,te..„,..esseteeteeteet4i, treestssAtim„,-sens--Jeattli•
with Ater-ritt after hint. The *art for, played out; bur ...m. e eaudozen , rut). between a baby warthog, Piented. as is usually practiced here. k i I at
Merritt took the wrong tern. and. wbes,s,s,‘" Please' 3" eialli....._ti" '3'I'll' goat, a monkey, a pet goose, a Bar- , and *Lowed so -remain -until *the , ..-,,- ,-.1 1tt ee - Viitiatilia7rrick14 =
with a heart' heisting fast and hard, arrt'bwu sul7 time un- sit unttifie °1, barr* VISO. ' a- loft -Wise:* :iii-: UAW* ununt-tinze-vt --Iiionttrt/VP-Itho'- itekl-:a7Froraii-0170--410114501--antneol;::: i Cowdder
Henson climbed. upwartie it ititir * COnsPiraey tover those pictures---"- 1 _pound turkey. 4, _bantam_ rooster, meningitis far less infectious than
ati' was thoroughly and deeply worked '
"Of which I ant'innocent;. I swear goptian searabaeus. and, Inoit with a four -horse spring -tooth lever'
long time before his courage came
back to him. He did not feel,really its" Van • Sneck sold, solemnly. I anuszing of an, considering Atbat „scarlet fever or cholera, bag ft is
barrow. This was delayed until tot -
t t bi .after , ?, much. More malicious because it may
fell' each competitor was driven by" -ite di •‘takesthe form et n shrople Cold in
easy in his rebid until he had parseml "Those two Ilembrandts-they
the lodge -gates ,it Longdeari verlitegti. f into my hands by what yeu. tali a -own lady owner. et eonnnon little; preparing , the ground as an ideal'
the heed, and pati' may not be
where he was fortunate enough. after' ante 'of Rood luck- 1 ala workingt,.mouyel Tt. ...key wrung Abe reedbei. it. Was moist. loose and
a call . or two, to rouse up It Unarms.
'The latter eiorte with more alacrity
than usual. There was a quea grin
Oh- his face, and a suggeetion - of
laughter in his eyes. .
"There seems to be a lot of light
about," ifenson cried. ",Take me VP
10 he hallee -*and delet let anybody
alb -here: siiNis laiittlroo4 one
to bed?" , .
•"She'S in the dr•ening•roorn," Wil-
13*1313 -singing. And Miss
there.. '
glad to ipee you. sir. .., ,
Henson doiihted it. ,but made :ho,
reply., 'Ibere was a clatter of voices
tildrawing-room, a chatter of 4
' likmetiteii thief: Henson had never
'heiird Cgtirciree-,-Wellv.h...44.0.1aoon,
itet tle all .thatt. ile' passed . quietly
to the room then stood in Puzzled
fear and etinaient.' -
"Ottir dear , ramPliew." said a..eool.
te.Vniec,- •_!Cotnio in, sir. come
38. This lie trite eh/anthill', . 4tre!li,
philanthropist and, mbst
tiqzaqing atklrisn..„201 What. *may
hanJ in glove %vith /leoson at the
gooses neek, the turkey swallowed
tbnc ariii--fihow -hint them atliggestf the scarainteue, and tit ant bear
1.ord Littinier alat a Purchaser Ile gest ^
cane!, n
Would: perhaps,. •bust The two. which
Would be a little, fortune tor me,
*Iles} 'Henson, he si-ys, 'BOn't, you be
a fool. Van Sneck. , 'Suppress the
other,: any nothing about_it. Vins
Strt-aw. morh-fronr-
°Melte you get for the tvro, berztaterned.
Ilia average 1
:What,„,15 the life of a 1ot4mot1ve,
Aire is said to ,
Lord liittimer thinks it unique." Some of the. Preath
"'That blea ceinrriefided itself to Osiinl to batetne Oldcut, and
curio ilertierr suggestetLiirli
yes,"* Van gneek said e*gery.
"Later on we diecloee the other and
get- a ,s3osid big price. And Lord
Littimer he buy the ?list copj for
long price."
(*.Atter which you discreetly dissp-
those pictures)" 4 •
"No, Van .Sneck said; intlignen
ly.' "They came to 510 in the- way
of honest business -a poor workman
whoknows, nothing or their Valup.
d tales n marksfor them."'
"!lonott heel_ id t
at the Milne thne tbr quicke3t Toro-
'Tteirtiiitielr'"iiiiiii _,,,........_____-..-
otriPany' have on some of the Petrie
subOrbart: line* is nurnher of eaglets
that were MOIL 4 1871, *1d tho'
ire still making Oar
Of the good eitginelt *aro' the
1801, and in vitt of Its-0,,terottt of
aiong *004 troloA, But the Oldee
erigtoe on the eotopoortt 'toe is otte
Whith was turned out of the roakete*
harido, in 1855,, and to thus nearly ttiO
years old. it is atilt used tor light
otructecl t the5r oitkr In 1816 by
•fe w • rt1ed HP Attci' niony y,
licecasio down nJos me so uddenI
that I got away with the '
teeth. I leave tho other. brofidt
.0r.Uef AO 0,0 -60rvtlillgt...-1*14P4-1.m.46. , r
305. iii iiii*. lt'now that Ile'ution he We inc a
'''" not sothathe can steal the other 11
„ quite ,git 111 bang . of ---41.10'yelt hove 'found that
ettid. ' that done &Ott *II/ "%Cho told 30U",. "i 4eattit that not, eo Nog ago,
It trot* & voittoltet oil/eft Mee
foal of Ifeno0h. 110 fen* mi
' to 1,JttiAner tootle 44 atm) thi
hir eogioeer..
stood," .00kl &
'011 tbe heiwd Patel
friable. AtSthe scone time 1 disuoiler„, ,, isolated. Another great danger ex.
ed myriads ot weede thilit) were Just 1 lets in the fact t hat science litiS riot
begineing to make' tbeir allPeacariee.! Yet aseerfAineil all the waYs ef Us
Potatoes were-- then planted .abont tieetiOn." •
Jane I. in drills with a planter. The L.
heed eperiyer. ' one appucattoit
P„ueetsrPrst:'•to the betty application:It of (,.01-,,,rgo iv, 8! e iloongea to t
have ntocd 114 good ' Ini‘ltr ttills Or set* age of nineti-one years; having tked .
onda frOrn.ibi ruarkttilti&l,--101`.---Witt---ln---,411elreigte-et-fi've-lirltih,..-teotar-ehi)-- ----
bpi:6*artr°01;trirc4rittli'!ttlg ti.lifst"titl°011r'ci''' 11111: '
but during the hist three years t
ultsuedra.1 W.N,,sieitivtielliei..orolnitiillt."}:spirivrt,,ivsialgietivittintilidgentturvIelltrhieturehvItlYite,,itl:rdsg.,6rloirtalti)ethulaylio,Istpenol.anhi,n. .wid,uot ivothoerf
ol large.
cStructive fre-e; in September last
ice *et seed was so 'high that
.1 X had Owe:team Inas Attu of its me:0feet'. tiler tathtr tencheJ
" tiOn$Ard 'IsoUture ,lithitits... ..,; .1110.We„d „ family remarkable for the longevitS
iititined platiting ttzle votiety ere . doctor w1,11- linovi,..n jo Nietinliern.
tordetux *tat 'given with a lour-
✓ growth
at*O-IrvIelSt"-210.0 ' e s
We eed
t1":00:th!y,'46..b1:4_13)770.74‘dei,. ed' o)4
sona tetrentat,:etord-kitin4,aw 'waft 100
Oe use of a,
- t.ond well Emend:et-lug the coroteltiar
. i - -.
matinsthie rperiltibcn3Aeirtea,t herilt otlaoundittcridtsl:ewli
watt eighty-six at Ilte thee r.t 'her* de- . .
Hire, Isiglabei, lei' forty yertra. Ori---,1-
wagtioys von.
lipht trust that f4.1,313
'njtt'the dentiv.,„t_orests
,guleites_ot 14"orthfitt::14Wit..1-`h-1%.,7-t.
si*ui irzlt»s
- 41.OW.eh Arid.
t • Ida 0110i -tom
1'*'it ,go
, t tim Wits* ot root is brand -
hot. lioriteAkof ' aa
red tj & Wc* bolt
to the ott, *