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Exeter Advocate., 1905-04-13, Page 8
dead! w - -:Hert at $atraase >atotres» eir?dar:raa caS' 1'ba lar a sat le of n �A inmates titer d Stull r .'her"'over er age the Riouse a few days ago, toaab.i.ng the Try 1. ►os cy'n.11 d4che Powders. iiaiii. l'er now enjoying. Mr. Frenelett _. s � cl Tow,fjaofyCelin s 1»: Ali s....Xersic- ' �.:.� � � ,�'` an aged pers�,ii lis►is on Iluaro.n Street. � t3���, ts� Ca���lr��rt��. foe iiite'.�:�a,xat. Ioikair Mr. NI<' -tebeli, +of'Centraasli ,• sang .. a tee to lc solo in the.. Trivitt. ' + . n{lcfis'.li t for *pen, • 'nail ► m'€ b on:S , ... ay+e�ve,fisn,,g, Iaatet. •7 e u G et+�r�tit,p�+ear'ic ixts�lta►404 the: Ike l ng ;s4o very a'tc..1 t() a )t ► t *Sive, .The Tats= ptaa 3r in t e ; Ts iyitt Metawossei ►1. ter and lilt, , — n to tisaSab r leetial eq ► » 'an _difiea�eant° a i. l ill}y aced. in tits l tb agaMwa,.nna.,+. rnt�,ry G '"`-R'S`V b ni , • int Ewan► sst4 qSe ogsce; jai srsu aayn t t Ot.. drily aStvenir ¢' ° 1iT10.01 1stnrrn►* vi r,aas no i ` A f to adir i t s . • 0014 n e n that nit llsg w ass {nishinae from that 00, Sooistiiiues the' right rw:eath:er.. is wv fi 1 jokingly slow in turning:, raeane fet'the 'ham ir>�s3. Miss ab k� anch+o 'for :sot*, Clow t d . s k i for + ra. "atwk, & n» h takep.le ihnlials position irittiWooers,''inning roe,,, ,con epeing..her,iit itiea .finality. The ww•mc'r..Y'+-:«.�+r.aoym .w+s�r.sa.rv:r .- �„ m Somcti cies for ai' month of more after,the 21st you are the better for aiarwning a Lightrowelght Overcoat, Its a nice handy article to have *round, anyway. A niceone Costs $14, Mgrerything right about it, of course. rim;,,ro:pose:titbsist.:0,ort40:8,- airsahieat'will '°testa ap iptra..spasm+►: sgraalle cavae rii;uch . the . country,. o1*tl?s .'and: be followed; by eeverd d2ty Of bleak .to. frptty eta - weather, iaate sleet. atorrnI wi Beware of +d+ alers that v isit . you to try other flour, for . bundrede of cera sure yoas get-'BsVelr's star ` Breadis the staff of life and you want the best and in order to have it you mustmust have Star Flour. People often drive fifteen or twenty miles in order to get it. HM.uv,EY Baas, Miss Irwin. teacher, who has been unable to fill her position at the school here owing to illness left Monday for her borne in Wingban and intends remaining until after Easter holidays in the hope that ber condition may be improved. The vacancy in the eshoo1 bas been filled by Miss Mary Parsons daughter of Mm. Parsons. town She commenced her duties Monday.) With last Saturdays edition of the Mail and Empire was given a w re of�tbe,membere of ,thes new On rio Legisat+sre. ame a n 1S th ansa 19tn. 1 IM a tiotlwin'a £ntertalni eat. The enteitilin.w,ent_-_ 1„►tven__�n the > lou'otr- ra Friday-evenin last by Muss Mildred (Godwin and her i puppls in Elocution was well attended and gave excellent�._satisfaasction in every particular to those present. Besides Miss Godwin and her pupils - in town. others from out of town took part, amongwhom were, Miss Madge of Thames oad, Mies Miller of Elim- ville, Mises Rook of Eden, and Miss McDonald of Kippen. The Exeter young ladies who assisted in the pro- gram ro- grra w were : Misses Anna Martin, Mr- - ' Mary Murray, Hazel Browning, Beat- rice• Howey, Kathleen Stewart,. Katie Collins, Gladys Biesett, Pearl Godwin, Labelle. Handford, Stella Southcott, el and Ruth Hooper. The program con- eisted.ofElneut'ion selectiono, Po e ono ogue0, e 1 , / + ' ►T .: of the members of a Cabinet and l ima- Obildho'i to Old- Age; was - particularly worthy, and those who took part together with their teacher deaerve.much credit. The pantonine by the little ladies was also excellently rformed. The orchestra was pre- sent and .rendered pleas1ng ere ec o r,.--J4G.. Btanbury _made an. excellent. cchairman, i` • y New Books at tk• Isastitatc. of the the, members are given to gether with the party to which each belong& An error is made in naming ,��,� Donald Sutherland of South Oxford - - sea Liberal, be beinsr a Conservative. Mr. Wm. Dearing continues t4..im- A large number of extra cop es were 1, sly. ;=id. how to. insure sane said - _-comfort On Saturday afternoon the brick liana age in Sovereign Bank Ad. front blacksmith shop lately occupied b Mr, James Rusee twaas sold by Pubit Kr. D. Kernick, who has been suf- Auction, the purchaser being Sting Mr froman attack of la grippe, is Thos. Handford. We understand tha J,�Ji�,a �i JliJ c Thwfollowingmis'ar list of books • in the Public Library: --Nobly Born, t Father Fabian, Violet Vaughan, House Mr. W", J. O'Brien, after several asTi' as cllm,se iw"' g iIfla __ i i . .duties in the school: Mr. Daniel Kernick has sold his res idence on Gidley street to Mrs. Woods et Bethesda for the sum of $500. naor Don't Forget! Eyes tested and glasses supplied Satisfaction guaranteed. lrlowey's DrugStore. Use Formaldehyde for smut in seed grain, it is a sure remedy. Sold with learned the trade in town but has lately been living in Rensall, will conduct a blacksrnithing business in the old. shop. Mr. John Wamsley returned from London on Tuesday. Mr. Wamsley for many years was a conductor on the L. 11. & B. and is well known to nearly" all the residents of town. He will make his home here with his friends Mr. and Mrs. Samuel I3uckin Any of our subscribers having cop iesof the Advocaats for Dk:. 15th and Feb. lath, will confer a favor by leav- Parties desiring, plum, cli'e3're or apple trees sprayed will do well to Save their orders with• Lour DaSt, market Gardener, who has a first- • spraying outfit. Invitations are out announcing the yvo Girls, Betty of Wye, P i ppa,-+lllis�'ia Beggars of the Sea, 'Soldiers of the Valley ---Betrayal, Beatrice . of Venice, Commander of the Hirondelle: Roland of. Atternberg, Marjoiies Canadian Winters, Forest Dratna, Ringed by Eire. The Masquerades, Beverley of Graustark, Deacon Lysander, Old' Orch- ard. Sweet Old Story, In the Trenebee. Abbess Vla e. Tommy & Co.. Lost Eden. Red Window, In the Name of , 3: , - , . ,'t gel stn ° -:: :►- - - country many years ago and with whom he has heed on very friendly visiting terms ever since. We wish Mr. Waanrsley a pleasant retired life"in Exeter. On Thursday last, Clifford, the little son of Mr. iln d Mrs. John Mellott. Jr., whileoros4ing Main Street, in front of A. 3.. 'Ford's butcher shop, Was struck in the chest by the wheel of a rig which was , passing and thrown Intro. of •Paris. and ,'toss Mary WestAway,,datighter of the late Win. estawa ,._of Exeter. The _ruedg ' lake+.. place on 'Thursday, AprlT 20th. he.1a once, caned by Mr. E. - W. Illbrue not enjoying " t -hay" on 'ua-ul n the rig did not pass over him nor were any bones broken, he was severe- 1-y-,iaruised,-and:hassince suffered-con- siderable uffered-considerable from the effects. It is for- tuate the accident was not more ser- ious. - - _ - ila+A .A MbD:ie ualf dispos • s o snot . er o en' i ne Stallions. `•Kingg Charming," No. 15671, the -• urchatsera heir -Messrs,. Bei er +te a. rn1 S �:�! 1 �s ng 6 • _v urea P an , ,o =i :�:1i. aisaup e d the pulpit % the r"ioit ' Xemorial Church on Aunday haist, retching two well directed and pprac- iii*ad sermons to la e congre alone. -thlc icy at Winghann. jr.. J. N. Howard has disposed of engine and other parts of his mill machinery in the old Pickard mill rty to the Roes Taylor Co. and now enga ed in moving the balatinc a still -proper _• . , 1 -Whore' he%r ndi~s putting same operas tion. a . - Partnere fnnn all sections of the, saaaintry repot tt that -why its looking unusnally well this spring. This is accounted for- by the` -fact-fiat the lifititke was -very 'steady, snd as .the ...,• 1 _, `c,`orered by snow durin . entire season. suss of-tli wheat were not frozen out. in: isav' ante as • y,wii ace, three white .8 �+�e t t , ., / ♦ . on a set of limbs that is hard to equal in this or any other country; he weighs 2i00 poundals finely proportioned and .' ere t by em .patent-b0rsemen, to be one of the beet shiitestalllons ever imported from Scotland. For three years in succession he never left bis stable and proved himself a'sure breed- er. Messrs. Geiger and Hodgson are to be congratulated on having one of the best shire horses in Western On- e -TO -,a ..lrii' rivers of ,ih of Hensell barye every reason to feel proud of havingyaneb a . horse within thein reach to bred from.. Mr. Chas. Birney'a isbusy those d4si ilefoetning inquiring friends, ash to the o ► tneer of growing squash. In- rers come from even as far as, th roy, Mr. Stewart of that town having, called on ,Mr. 1E31rney .last we.Thereiss rio,one more . capable elf giving ssiattisfaetory ansswei is'than Jfii sr~:�: Sharpshooters, Daughter of . the ea, Lovers of Miss Anne, Blaized Trail Stories. The Mountains, Return of Sherlock Holines, At the Moorings, Other People's Lives, Evolution of the Soul, Law of`Menl Medicine, Silver Poppy, Fugitive Bliteksmith, Piller of Light, Millionaire Baby, House of Ful- fillment, Highway . Pirates, Strong Mac, God Save the King, Being Done Good, Black Barque, Mysterious Dis- appearance, Queer Things About Ja- lanshan, ' atbiinderei of the -Wesal, Where. the Sugar Maple Grows, Sir Roger's Heir, Dr.3,uke of Labrador, Dr. Grenfell'.. Parish, The Marron Enima, Mystic Springs, Tillie. Farm of the Dagger, Nancy Stairs. We underssstaiid-at Mr. G. B. Snell - has made tt definite offer to$s 11 the ElehaadaLightitilihmt and build to the Town for $10,000, the plant a one -a ye tr frau chiase he will Inataill a new plant -one that would give snetisfaction. As the outfit now stands it is not giving set - infection either to the town or to the proprietor and it is certainly time that something was done as the present franchise expires within a year. The general nudersti nding seems to be that Mr. Snell is willing to purche a new outfit if the Town Council will drst' renew his franchise.. On the other. kittr4 Council dry tiiaeit, the owner of the plant shrill' grist lint the work* in a satisfactory condition. then the hoard will consider the re- newing of the franchise. If this be a TO SEE. ----; we ----- Seeallthe-good teddingChar preseRta Fair, suitable for They are the beat. Caswelli►tlsssitos. Council meet pureuant to•adiourn- ment at Town Harill,Fridssy,Aprd 7, at 8 Alt reeent, except Councillor Lev_ett. 'Minutes of last .meeting read and approved. A commuxttcattotis. read from the Clerk of the Elgin Municipal Aesoci5t a. re appointment of a dele- gate to co-operate at► wait'' upon the Government seeking a repeal eal of Sec- tion 006 of the Municipal Act, No. ac - Reeve and I. Armstrong be a commit tete a fa3 on house and buildiogn at the ceme- tery and the Clerk notify -the Clerk of the Township of said appeal. -Carried. Mr. Thos. E. Handford asked that the Council open street leading pass Mr. Samwell and Mrs. R. Pickard. Mes- ers. Murray and. Hodgert consulted the Council re drain and crossing, also ask fora light to be placed on the corner, opposite Mr. Murray's house. Arm- strong—Wood--that W..1. Bissett be once- - Carried. Wood -Armstrong - that the clerk prepare it By -Law re. License per mile-- vendor. and submit the same at the next meeting. --Car- ried. Thefollowing accounts were on motion of I: Armstrong, seem . d by J. Wood: -Mies Kemp, part sal- tily, $25; Harvey.. Bross., coal account. $5.50; Wm. Davis, caretaker Fire Hall No. 1, $10; R. O. Treble. wood, $5.25;- J. 5.25;J. Grigg, account, $l.00; Municipal World, supplies, $10.01; T. Hawkins & Siontecotmelllafek--43anadi tract Record, account of 1903. $1.70; Thos. Creech, labor. $6.50;R. Richard- son, do., $1.25; R. Statham. do., $3; T. Brock, do.. $L87; Jos. Sutton do., -$5.2;-R.-4naue lati,-$1.8;-•d.saytnr do., : 12;8. Handford. do., $9; Thos. o ; 02c; Riah.-•Davis,-te amif r 1 e business in Exeter Lodge No. 07, • In- dependent: Order of- Odd- Fellows on -of. t e mem lIa�t 1" romrth rpose-ref-doing-hcuio to one of their members,, Bro. Wel- lington Tohns, through whom the past had during the p st winter u: s' -ncr+t-memrberehippup til thereare now 100 members on the roll. When the meeting had been called to order the Noble Grand,' Bro. R. N. Creech, acting as chairman, call- ed Bro. Johns to the front, and rend an address extolling Bro. Johns for the good work be bad done and tendering tribal anni i'apnrecia tion a;n of the members of the lodge. At the conclusion of the address the Noble Grand, on behalf of the members, pre - seated -if, re=seatedif,.. together x h _ tt 'beautiful ring, beating the Three Links, the em- 21f rtntle, brick for cemetery, $11°.50; J. .Bar nevi la bor .at-.ceametery,..,..$ll.__.Jnis ,► at cemeter a ' 0. we think it is, it looks as if each die - treats the oUxer.etinnd if that be correct. there is not much hope of a ,settlement on that basis. Then the' town rnuId 1W :� issc .to'.. ae dvisahili of purchasing the plant and going in- to Feline OveneVrasthip business. Swiss Plower And eeasre grawra'rss- as►lsxtr aril kindtof•+confectionery. Chaaritosin's Fair, Exeter. 'listed of TIM* The -Board o Trsade tteet.in Ore To Hall on Friday ' evening. This .bear then aarinual menti the 'el ion of officers took plasicek the resultbeing a ss ollo.�. •_..:'� ca.?�'a! i ° . teallum blew of the Order, to the worthy Brother. Bro. Johns nude a feeling ply,thanking_the lode for its token of appireel:aton, cif terve ch a prograt consisting of appreciative addresses by-11rotbers Poptesstone, Eacrett, Spackman, Heitman, 3ronks. Amos, and others, it pleasing recitation by Bro. Hastings, and several selections from Bro. Martin's graa►pbophone, were' rendered. While the hour was yet on the right side of midnight the meet- ing broke up by singing "God Save the King." s„ Being a progressive person and a shrewd buyer you are always looking for the best bargains -Aren't Yost?, Therefore you would be willing- to deal with us if you knew we would give you the best for tbeleaast money -Worsted - Yon? home some of our new furniture at prices -thaat=wwil Yon Here are Borne of Them: Sideboards in golden maple, double shaped top. I4224 mirror, as low as $8.00 Bedroom Suite, 3 piece Golden or Mahogany, 36 in. dresser, 10x20 bevel plate mirror $12.00 Pat for Suite, 5 pieces, upholstered in best velours $18.00 Couches, uph. in velours, 6 ft. 2 in. long. . 23 in. wide, fringe all around, $4.50 EVERYTHING' ELSE IN COM PA1l:,ISON Carpets & FUNERAL DIRECTORS Linoleums SPACKMAN'S New Spring House Furnishings. 1l=adjauraed to nee hK:.� - April' llth at 8 pan. Council met pursuant to adjourn- . t-.in',Towbu • :.all, ApriI 11. All p res - :,.. read -crit...-min gtei= oi.'�awt.mee approved. Levett--Aranstrong-that this Council ere 'of the : opinion that Mr. Snell's ealuatlon of the electric light plant is too bib, that the Coun- cil procure the services of an expert to give valuation thereon and submit his �c�u�•�C]a-rt. The marriage took place in tinnfi.. peg on Wednesday, April 6th, of the youngest daughter of Mr. J. P. Clark, who for many years was a merchant sxr'e well remembered in town. The following' taken from the Winnipeg Free Press haus reference to the wed - din : "A pretty home weddin • wa ss cl:, when his youngest « daughter., Elia Mae, was united iu marriage with Thi D'Arc . McGee, s retary-tresas- urer of the Thomas Ryan Company', limited. Theceremo'ny was performed by the Rev. R. P. • Bowles. the bride a rind grt'n standing ender an areb of lisle in,the drawing room. Dr. barn. iBOWles and Mies Clarke, sister of tL'bfide, Attended -them as lit man acrid meid,of honor respectively, while Master Winston and Miss Marlorie Gould« of Miarni, consinss of the brde,. gur . 11 . - a •1' consent be secured for said expert t have the liberty of inspecting, the plant and to give any. information ,de= sired. Wood---Arrnitron -that the Reeve -and -Mr. Ilulr it --with-. r. Snell re expert'e privilege of inspection; also lr..1. N. Howard reurchase of old, ittill property and secure option th ,ed— llctir _.av t. - Adjourned to call of Reeve. J. Saxon.. Clerk. Splendid Values: in brussels, Tapestries, Wools, Unions,' Square Rugs, Etc. LINOLEUMNS .. I n bot1i FTii itrand Brok'atter"ns. Elegant stock, Iiid ani commend hese •. , . s for the excellence of finish, beauty of design - if I' /kV ut �!! LACE- _U.R1 .u» .._ mmence quan i y rom r, meta, Arta .a_slin ; Art Sateens, etc. New patterns, pretty colorings. sin!Ie'and adoub wi / t 1 e. ., NEW T•APITRY CURTAINS and TABLE COVERS. Our stock is now in splendid shape for yew- Tiu t'ie . i ` have not already visited this depurrtment it will p�aay you to call at once and see what we are doing in WALL PAPERS. Everybody welcomed at the Busy Store whether intending to purchase or J. not. E. PAN Ieadquartersfor the celebrated Ncor E. S sriford read -to-weans► clothing. Wall Papers Lace Curtains Now is the time to buy Vic Pre s dent. l' '. D. Burdon; 1;t4st'- of Es; tire'►} D. A. Rossi Secretary, P. Wick- S ow't''_ wire; Connell,, W. H. l erett, 0. H. la nderw Dr. 'RolltM 'ns. . arney In the id made !t charming p ' acid The wedding marc iesis • sl+ Mies liretst Clark, noun of gurdvri. e. After the ceremony, dainty St" otbser matt t etaihments w served' from a Peet. . w` ref>m�ents were to a considered and di.Scusseaed. An table in thea dining , elft.toarce rend t. ratogftbt wotk sr Art lirand 3 ra. M ee whowarts rade.. by ar. S . 1 , s ruders, ';G, wss where tris , noneymsoon Will he tory . ueh information was ren. t.. e4 gown d lkwa.e of Tm � rrss�s�.+reatsssld+i»>p'ars"�tlstanr to the n� er,s�►t�soof wa it>� .. with y arra. ' enstt Mr. S andersb to whom it blind ode Mskit�e tote, the,g Skt tb.A boo tsy vote of than' a w a. *fte rwardi s+ 1, b , Dr.+ aatr of T ; Ming OVA t . ew►enetag of thi* was ti alit iti is- dented'. itnd" " iri, is atntkipated. By DR. E. F. BUTTFERFIELD, of 'Syracuse. N.Y. Believing 1© clairvo - rtnce or not, there is no gainsaying the Act that the doctor can iexpl t mental or physical and has restored to health and happiness many het less invalids all theirlives. Seto lock of Irk name, age and damp DR, lt. F. Btr1 tFIEL i, Syractwe, N. Y. Call and Eiee Mr IS .00 Velour o+uch, and our 52060 Parlor Suite, Faneral l3irector (One Door Sale °of Spackm*n'a Store.) Embalmer and t the kb tang f"as► ~ ca�caiigi I. the St. -Paul= dyer for the twin' as n smith atop a(ut recently one: Rosa* sial, work int br with and s s F. to do .. log line st,ssrter. aolfit a cow - the at`l +of • an 7" torb wot