HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-04-13, Page 6Asangetitts eipebz that ,Vsm Speck would be ra4 an im- metiinte .Pper4tion, • vitia. ,rec.t. 4s the du* Wore .on the dmui atvnted 0100, ftlYeriSh eltd, irePtieseo WWvh fee pS4t f91101ited• eeriaig 1.1'ftfit 'Of tO.Oirth. After -dnekriteliberatiotfii-4*: Pat the OperatiOnshould be post-: poned-for-eday 'or - rTirrefilltra. he 4- -You have identilled bimL • you cleArill, Abet heislickuld remain here. 'It•Iti pretty irrtilatit altogeth- er. And I hope I sha'n't get Iffato, trouble oyer _Stliint, such ,citpa-n ble habdti'sAitits - Bell " likknowledged ztha coMpillnaeti Irith a' smile. - ." " f I 44 1:10tWeeri Heritage and myself." ho Said; "Ike abaft pull him through. eh. Her; t The lititi3r• ettli,,abddedtbliglit.44 For 'some littlepivietpd direttly under -, 'in _mace. and' . g khat tatcr in, WIa- .",„.±. 1tfl you were iirto." 1BelliP Said. r: **Otherwise chei:e', would have n -d on Van, Smock.: My, dear,. Herb.. tager te Your eyes were -0PeeettitloOle !frte lelirreA of Y"t. f wai.c ed Steel and self' eitit-CT ilioAou..e. tie wante( •to see Ytwii.* - . : • •ii1Ty Was"here." " • ° 143/atter 111' PhllartfroPLY, „Pelt aPs.''' 11°1144ge $1100e^tlf matter of murder.' Bell said. vatertily. “My iciest teito*i.lvan Sneck was netArkydope to death in y onder. etinservat01`y,itbd• his* would-be assas- sin" was. Tte*Inald '1 ytfff 43,9yop5.sm0rg,a4tunded In tny pi liltae '1 haver alt' aytit 11oiod - noPotti.alenson as the poul ofh(mor and integrity,. Amd ht 1h454;141112S, IgititkPitnri° mo'" ..."For. hip own puepiasee, no' douoino.bt: You fetyitlfiCt4131; found h upon . itottq Voce. rolV 41741P4:1At :4014 3ifffeifsg: *41'144% 1200,4111 to- ' agitui .13eqr some- Sniv4.° th4tA WigavVivirZr INFA 4110.10$4,_ 1-140-7;-tortftSi- EletWeilmire1swi4tdmitaati1t• Aietlieety.-LlievOtivieekSzesikaisjutdco anttskilitestVoilit'Arite erthsy isigv4awskt0eatept.Outtn. fl a witligireaut 0t017141.tr'',i',. Ore** UV. w -or hin3 aSa Cat tre(dttidsev"!Ancl. he ro.,d0,,Teall ft:osiee1et,44).UtiVql3 bcr• bind jhatt.,10TfOtAt fAxpafiniSr., What It Was Ifek•litd!tuit 'OW_ but he 'tneitikt tois 1ndinibtlpefore the4asp.# was aiat •••,0 •• ft" tiatisett we better' seha hint to" the ,hospi,bier-rphvio suErgoitea. "%hat, for?" was Beira It/Ilia/I be- 'tfrefiralikti the.triattl."!%. . , _Appear/Inge r• of grecs . Pa n• ou, perhapt, but not An me: the Man 14r ile.ht4cceme 41ere km borne purPose, 'whicn• will he protty• e.ureatovtrassAM:lifirenti.Y. Whet know, new ailments, thi*.we are Wetchingf.hieb ,a,241,ihe hue...htemelf with tre dellts),ona. that, „vie , this story fro;,-, owe; waft ,iin kits s •t1lititlt prfitmbis,fte„.ki in X-10 thAm AtflY, vii211 M741441,R,4-li4ilP un 43./e ••40in Ao. Acpshisva •ii'Phter Ather444,140#11.11erfc 4100 sitiatAgefi. I ...Whom, *wiz wils•dorn, loioxhatwipoll. 6 mtrot et; tleo, SOcife4"111: 11e1141*atehed Jiro the 'World ,111,I sort 40-464. ,,;* v. ff 1 ff X eall srtand t ot iIS test a , tog 'manner- an was ,, . lo(AciRg;',...forn1,944, to ,p.te ifiorptioni Wileotterienii,yintiemizievitit loch otteder. , likours- rfax 'w0.,the fiecee4.,intec. , i 4 ke 9 . a.. titt 110.4 Tx, ,,,,,ifi I Ofttlep antitidt law right," Bell said. "/ faurdInthfttiMe4-,,kfaiti, ri7P",.,otrtettniliftr gwouititir. 4 ....,........ ,I • • wlilt,put 11.00,,..au,i, ,,,4,,,, 4.,..t,,,,,,,,i6., gi,e„,„„ha,,;_ , has , c,ome mitten, ty Pen ce ' In to a.•iy.brczyireil.,, i1f4 okii iriwittikettakbe. ....VOititt;44/ St0P34161Vtrik4t4liiiii*Vii+ilte,gtetai E. ' 459. 44*Prqw-t •"--a -;"“bei'zg L)avidt-procectlext-WYgt AelifiAllittP,K vpv-7,f-dfir -, wee i-,th-at -1'15"1gii-ri - AILY. teatith, , ,, Henitagn, . -tippeargilif to., he; Artg. iloorte. • 14. • ; . :4 ..' , . , deep* i 1 p,‘Intereated.t • And n gnittLWIPY . t•rol.41 was emphatically of the -Immo Theitty lintg.forgetten Miinf441^-r ;Rum • 0pitlitto.,..44ite1 'on, in the COUrite, otebgett .eemmato • •411 451 a. is:''u 1, • •T pritiefoliett, *t4talli,PelteC * 15...wie J. If , were ffiefidal ' LIke. most # prop 10041waith. badly htitriniledi ..inteileag: stut .bad Wil . • she §,bowed Me that ring with' a great IllerettlifittriliNftfAtiiii!fttltelar*Ofmalsfil me its• e in w e did. T a.n.ited. to • ill got the^ - * • t • answer for mo- tiong interview; • with lirrarklf. ' DelL- nCore-iiderableuttentz, ;' '• " SN citi 1 must.';. etaikgre tAdAte to conft•ns that things looked pretty d, I sho.dd ha Oa in iting • of V 'r.rtliMer didn' . "I argued 'taw that there eal for me to know." "And which you _are not ave ghee eady to swear to &t 11114, -ti iievnaorpoitotinsigre-to besat 5 4. • 411,Wieriesiv.. Sen. tord;,. Taxteken'iot,,,en tonellwof Wit 6. :11 , if, the° Ith#41117-NrOlu etaturvivasi an!, expel,- mown,* -a tndt ,tleteirse,rtlotala VOIS4 alit WC/WO - - 1441. ?'I •okttall bit". qtiitov•comtertable *OM Mr, Yete-8 Will' Vanes itaigabaso'of.4iAta- 'tkWilvel/M P11101104-0, 0014101e ittilflitt0711,061"Itieettwilbt.414V(ftfatt fteViit'i 013* Me If& sttillt.cfl aIIU Tifton t rritre drive I .7410,!leS a adt! 'WO hel tati-Ittissill•sduticee- iWora, Aran as the guLtieratiffbrAW'tirlte'laYoba41* iVitb 4okelka gione stimnseethat• *he .rewva; his e.,1 es half closed . lie -fttfetf011 to enp1,41Tilytoloseslito :fOn these stakes • ; • id, presentlY.* She esent from atgoo4 "'maid Henson; had "PlopP. 5 met -didn't ; men • blrkgrup. gioAtiklpft, loivhole ..am.**64^leteretrstIlitsit* cam/ thinix in a- nicatMrelP.- . '14eg ell neettio log op. story*as lnphclta,tmand netage Peau n th- - tgilax show you the ring and Ito got a bit frightertetik arta Q,u br /II eye- upori you. aftex•tito be us 004 ,e4Velp4er*n year rabYtticOrfole 5-"4"u "1 gl gui tzes• tit at once,” eyes. Whenever he came to see you he said. "Reginald Henson has beeu siWaY? di,di ',bat • 1.4u 5niertifItt'rlOt tliit•trq Iler- Page, admittc Thlb t6Ir 1 t w thaurtium*., They 4 ova stmld ppssikly -thaws ▪ guesieci .th,at j-IfL cauto . to 00 me, ot i‘ottr%se.:" • '4* -Oh, of edurse.' 1,71taid. drily. 110 WOld'*vt4n04 r Ler motive. 11.41214.347,haPPell know. tbat,„wrarad ..rt...hrt, I of patient under .ifte tootr „. I le; itag&LkitplititHIL a t Henson seemed to knveq-Stinsyting about IL A 1 0, hy::*•tffa,11"e`ofticiifence, he had met Van Sneek leftiiita.C. Ile express- ent, tis.,ettia.ifitore49,11.0K t44,..pitt_byt IZita4JSVOYNTIlfbnfilteaution ha got ti e bettor oF.ThasiMiendship fo once. Henson litith9ft way linaki A good ctu basis For the. :pa Lift zlok, p1 )04071A • •fieft ky've go • to. W If the 04, • After,' crusher, to • apply UCC acid stilpitatti e ra671'of about 1800 acret s.• out the,half of it •I peas is to be. edl- rrowing "it in ther- ing thelitaound In pessible so, early out 84t "Itett'4 , Os best unless verritOfilit- titsc , tie to one, sieft to ,Pg.a4 p.st. osF,.. dthext, netkr „ trn N1na#41 Xft arst • peas am turroSt. and cd I j low in the' sante; ittii a e row is -made ith about, 0 INCITES- BETWEEN TIMM. t • Illnittt':"'40.110tOseroOert,4* Wilge sows and/the. vit1iltair7110ttifiet and Matt tato tt timid/ 'Itit odreltisier or Into that •orchardlishereetthersontet a :Place made to sh.eltere.itkonitrotanithe sun. andvraintr., 4:Thegtettltson, asaokapt slopViir ivflifuififitH 131111' \ ad durinp summer andAreljp. mu/ ,egre, 4V,it, ceig". ar.mIggvil is VhP ifIcle •7119 easYle i ,c I MlineRsko 0- 1_11 liT":47.14/1 0144 delnertiMittinitpakiaftotod roilkisleitioor kilp4it1ap.rdiktt impsatired up. foratotittaitint: etiewtskiits4riwb1lisags be -sissy* II clice41141,ovairids- ot4.4 When; cersouraist nestrlY a$' I( i,rsht4s .311Iadediffn Wise tie -g 't^6ittp(fetveteit4V ,Ititri!theirePtititir '111414vovre- • Ate-ieve- 4faitc! "Ttiletir , •Ittqauzit :1147N041,* v tahter found the criodula '1-'40W314416. WV! • He was drowned in , Motheisiastoppsdi,...1414itrzta minute Hertrt--lookstt-' at-taer.....selento)v with wit's-0fmk e 'es,; n his tip? parted, **Tell me 'bout it again." She hesitcalk); 'lltrilled between the longing, to. Outke a lasting tnipression and thlt fAr 44gl,41046n, 4,.,103' 7re sensibilities. But no watt and-agftin-sha....told- the iittir.V......sver- ing no touch ,"..,01LittqaM01419 ,..effect!„ the calling___Ao414111k t.Anulng of Abe ivp-rftnci,hp,*Tit ,Vith.MV),d h1 ,tS .attbot iligmont.estaily 4".14"i 141,111,t t in ass a *may 24 .erWA.KAA. ▪ tite• • abstiNot -al tittr stories talsout Ms aaliktfilcORIB"— 4 to thigret,„ ow, NI toRer.mleek, at., y r , ----1-----,- -1---- - ---t 'tittri ter 1101IST . Ehistafe4isd-adnatt bunt lhotirtetiftibt'XI. ATV aVittiliCACOVI tria5e; Kft7U-...., --i.jar"a:1:0,1- 47 . . Tired& cie 171.1111107'-r lilt indirintitr- --Ar2114 ova% ightzittiatila *IP Plhing pigs are taken, from the sowAINVitt into a pen by themselveittottilatilabeyi ..1 w " maltiddrett,a ne.pd, Mham! n!..1 further e I pty. -Per- '145Yorilit-Itistntatfrriltiev"it cs:(ealaY 7341- '`-'45,cBigirts3,17,Inin.11411'tiwnla it i . • ar feet' -t-1W iceq, littoteettil 60 ilen.son not n 4. s vep -task on; due and athec t&1fzu nbou e osied4the iitaurognotbavititdasitirkag' his Aiyek1-'1w4..re-,itetegts4litiirstiit the famitita1ia411-14 ext-hsubillarira *ivitcvs- tiovidkodezvePhisy skettioid the others•rhallwl#WetWiettoM:410neo ' .,heMV9 omunbovillitIsall ortlattodthwAtitist, *Ns- to 4n oogii, is was ateneth v'arns.sarst,, mad, vigorous etittannftattsartnt on, et2TOSIAWittariedtitt01Y- nd IV^ wAyl The hogs and_ BellSkid. 1,t\itfill-def#1% "We fivia "1,-1 rza.7.77.z77.,,, ' ott Torii „:.."-itiTriMiZek STOW4C,-/sa 47.411&-4 ,„z4 • again '3' • , la i A ? ,,,,,:411.:1! • • , -.. Vilituentlitistitliv; gvowittei kittilits: alb& "Ten minutes." he mut tered,.;USEty 'rettiaistddisi,dfrkl-44 1er.11114cilui4ll be ts;. quarto/ ,,c)f,, an hunr. i. A5t0n91s, : is WppU4d„? fultsdasaltse.thil sowsliatrautmthe not 01 .ivatv, nock ;the thi„ng,irt dope. OntrItePitaftlitiniinortandtkettltivaltIon‘L "1.. : -.- .. kskarktin-kt .1, :'',, 41'7 antiltrrittellfr --f*da-4fie Made Wore, 7 0,41w4amsplaicati - "7-itInt,7.".-_,,r7r. --- of' • r 0 i ,.. 4 03,mivilE1i; hid ..,17„ i 0 i nu. the vineAtitaltetii tliettipltif the -'Wire 48-'1 alit. ii ..-.14,!••••1,,, lie Once the ylp,_..c.,yere, iti.t.fiet____,:ving- it:,keeril '@:p7, 'color '"ii- tlatik green. a ufilfiettr yfe"distf died' .W &Jibe at 1 Stt011 lit' Miluattri3. '"j1/1101` 'W0101 lat"tar itbStit .61161 i hof wast 44W:ft citiferAdntt Fite0y: • Ilikte.Winst 801ftio. * „,...,:ii, ..aTtliefirtilii yetirt,f 41Attulliwhigueyes4 Ave 7.71.,x 0vett, tneti tsaits, ir D.1 /14, 1. -...) tl . l *+1, ° ' is t • .44/10innuoil * 4 ) IVI4iiiiiiiiiiirlds Hatch Vial 'Snack . In.'4 '- 15,470Igligr4 ,.. A Ttielltat lent- e^ta iittil I- - vt.t,tdh jii,ngtrotraotv as r bivivitdyrii:.4,%.:17,17tteiiiwroilcitdc:( rvuirroxattr liely; aroused. from ,a, (Wein sledp. •Out,.• he OVey-.41 quite- willirgly- .'iratffir . Alen ,CM:Straft4is4J42.1a-Itior_ _ .. A ;Anoni4t04..of itivo. 81ajte1, must, p was ,g0110t.tintlen..lio IPAthicncit St .1*..qt her adminstered by, Dell.. , .. 7 A ..cp.rx ,;:tf, 4.0.trring'.1. ips,t,,rttne(t^nrtisc . • , 4,. { - . Asit0 rinsplsoittt4 clause moot I mid' a derill'intf`telitilfIrlind • age. • tnyhaj t,l4tot will dreS9 TForn, "rt it*'11 t4thli trei st;Milid'tp diwicaffritz: sale and can he produced cheaper have Ithan one weighing over 200 pounds. Fa' us 11. until Alali 1n ir#1s & d de- ig to 1010014 :In . Ourlett4t4"4:' °U . Is • , • Van Spacliwile,,,Alkqt me 1 14 thought it'‘‘ Ise ..-slo try D.rity 1„teiSc4t. op '' Et0011, again .withl•tlie 'eleetric Hight :'!' t - Vtt-i=ilfttr----told-----blin-h talking nonsense. Dell said. hastily. 'Mums. l'. us change the subject,: Thep intTifexc.s1:70C"Chat man 1 name -seine &h. **".""'". '''' r 14orei lirought,"„tong Igttrr ,..fronit thits t n to litifid,r grigtaigrhim : • d aitk, he r OK ofhail frig.° t1 t6 , DatillthIMEldttilre justt- . gng.°11"14fcf 'redid:NO rptntairr. I igh if, Wits .tfk‘vAli % 'On .4114 .46,US over the head, 0 fissile tinFopSclovoi Pa- tient - opir de:0-rtte., . vt Very . 9 •1 L5 wit tile wlio:lias Cour- 1ls'1it4' is t,IM MA the tirvi MOM. •Fiet;itage. aV"isnliVfigil.:8tlitir41Klislli ieti°;" hnd n 'IneRt41:PtYaqii. a Veit. vv11: " k,, T„ gio$. . ittgrarAtotel&PniitVen- '4791.4'li;tt id. isViltavtglowetk aural . „L._ flat., .4tre rtestifliy.mwoiskto.,testy, o; -...o.ik. 441 ,ni a° air? ip I 'grriPr t "itliti0": A PIL'.11115V-itaigi g0e41 le .21dinitill6041-belgalikiliTer '''1•1t134424 j . ° r+1-- fruttifke "--% • • - qiihrthu aataw Loltrosikorit tit .4,16,thyles t- El* 3, ea la ongdeae-9,_ro.P.ge_t ._ "lif. his-tiiiii. Thu tact titvay- - - -.d4ovrittrate-^n^ Iiew,,Tias .eratiehiofc. in oAleep adpira- Plerreitgriv ... -entist - mmizosithsnotitonio94/14,,that..w4fL-Yet1 = 1 ,0, -v 1 rkt eililifika I11 flight an thriat/Rdolim• poilitke higzidlecqi - . tveij •nt 'gtzfavg soil --iii itritc, light idGered -khr ',Lusk li Ipporpro ' c(66 `4.1111 i A Cr bli 404' 1 ' VIS'il,. ' 'Much better." It -Il replied. • a .1 , eat. nd Ileritatati stew* 41dlitrAglikto It Vihifdr P &Wig' el _ ;),e0n;til lit phiskrialt,"taell, onsald., Jotron Idim 4 p pigs y are a full' o Die.Mlit gi g :64111 * tag 11. zu.ast. Da, 416,41_ akuino. otathallthictihattar Ianlja Is seiRmiturey- alrr P.') Pr ng on /truant...I-or ktOlatlitettrne. diness:-.4t•-deeerotoftetr-at.rin, t V004 tf eked. e large the „soil, and its qua gr h is jus: La- d* atrizetTng ard bv• hn.v1n j, gen &Ai: in slum, F Wave ntlY no contaltititt! 0114,43.v'tviettutstrevaiheretel. th ' he if verit"g-V hottliekeettitet:q • Some may say thbnsa I anteri- reo;diti hwitsed to .fidva ' t1 imivdiftoomemvii wiftschin 11 IsEWIPItli4 doublet voters, r, an 11 411. Sue il marhiWthint t ibettantstnctacircipantk in yaort4filtviiip •rta ti* bItflatflflhl(,ttit 'tV11W 8" Was vtativoiweliffm thin! Joltddithor- have wo°t"16114,1111,4111ClalicHiC4IfntIV" *irtht • • 11,"9411.1efet1 kgtfrail Tifithlood.^41tere dilly. on Davitts mvtltaysifeels errate op„ ca;,.141convutstive mostetraent. Of" Van as °nap two bine age that want oul double chuck! VhiClihtalrig e"hn attputc, are'n. -1104s- Van $42,1:g10.0.:(414:2 Davi?' asked.- - Lt. I _ t4 Z.1 a.. FArg-Zfrs. The manure -of -cattle, like that of hogs ,is net:ally poorer than that o 'Mlle i anitqls 'on aecount of -4 0't :,. . -4 ^',•. I'9-4740.* 1 / Ini29V0O.$pf a ' detoe biiii lit - P IlliPlus-e,trming, Mat:erre* „nice „tier ca,.I.ing- anina and vegeta -le matters t''ef4ttilitbilt 4Witit_the "Pot - 0.911 or c twit ., of -the soil to form humates w hielt are rtiad- ily as.simil4tted Ity plants when acted upon by the proper soil organism. IS lIie rnei'-3io tould_kwve a -Lew lnJnarde- dthe 14`,11-rottli: - 1 (ttlg' ,nn,Cireiza4rinf. 4,9, tbp Ltd' j littfutlf itittehitretwami- imPlements used on the farm. he would be bet - ,..ii ii ,,.... ,,,„ 6 h,ii occupation and; ttli^Wat . 1., sate money on the.i, far - t a th I k of , 2, . . ft -7n caring- for the farm rrAcbinery that is re.sponsible for 75 per cent. of the Go r psblowthat the darnanIt- chickens la Canada _IV gediatly,in,,exemst,of the..„sng" and j�' al!*ly* te._10..m ring for more. that- eady market and ood • rices for chic ns. percen much less than that Chatham Incubator. . ithalltaatrgit tct 4141-t4hathitm • f•A ' - Chatham Incubators contWn every At tOT,dimpqrtstotte title.- " don that that 4:m0o- -dared. They are made of thoroughly whin scrogr willt.rfOo.waillsp taper inlegera#,A,R101 is- tel the sirtiXtv.W. tOce of • jht k mortised !avid grocive4.and • !totaile,'Oklioliert0 itelid • 3113 k. Chatham Incubators are equ salter in to'be at% ay a day or two long: dtimsz, ese.' ou gxitygt b - 321111.111311ittgAikvilghlitiffed .bud be': ate: /situ" bzs 115w sit "Abreke• frit;t4 '4;4 ori vi ranicist.:4,14.144E alPtittere41-1.1 t The laiso on tiC • 14} igtr amourTh 4 nit rdaiftfIVie-ex- tAsniisttoultatter; bot,soeltai a nnzakvbet XPV gr, Og if( an, 41 field was armed- id tr 114Ytytt "Twit apotiaplign ale wheett tni;ifiry fitiarts.5dfial'" the son? itiaktifilli4147VMICY • goi,neg,110,1 ,. i i I . e__. . 0 . . A IA (54Iy andithine quieza it#N111,2g - ... W #10,,itho- r--7 Is !obis* iktitilair r - 0 117- crtnii:71.ri-vdii "hatun4fib'R 1194#4,11au 14' 11(1.1 . -•-.t Pliatsfin it uicitidbinwik i• --e sliaic 1C4T..9 tilti , . ).-gi ft . .., 19 "Illnlj j - ' tall& ilStliViltiolivi43VE. first otitlia”. 11041 - 'Ohl, Alitsr-rd;4 5i., " f tir Iliirifig, • carl'S Xi.Elt- itit; .?").toirr gm 7: s 0411. as.' yirtee-dtelfr+-"re-r71114"P If' el Chiverlit. rioriwtasaembtaki REllAli 41: ilttNattbetPlt a,' ftnkti in connection with 44.1,,....0,43 ,FLF0,,,, ,no...._m_,r7(10061*-1 i'leVOishavoz3irater Tanned t stud and_ _an, operatinglitiMieliTiFie " ti ithan thiPliffirdbifflOaVilletteaMtre gala dtsidepine tsalle...-iniprovig.4-trom the I. itrhertri.olltvlidni4MiagaPs • a:C*1n tv • ien totfl'oeintnertiaklevtInherti . whvie rootrt in in tier stood titataittam,,Fiatc4.1pi ql .:14 II" e op(irr a I bat )14Viiii.Prla."N'intPgfEs P, t, , •4:13 makivg. ilcritagetniMiligleft p ataA,uta r se- alt y carve* iyir idvattat: I 'tit lierita scrutin • Wag 11% Ou ti '41414401tiehaTti:rOP ViPL.q?", „"41.1t(j; Ili Ina ttor 911/13P efil? 7,„Alinfmefir dinner minute an:1 an Sncelt wouTd` latrqdrynati ae. pull your- rbombratg , dotte. gy, giOnittiontS5 fault of ws of Uinta-L*4T foul ram rez., s 1,•7.eqc .ntastn :r ctn. out thelr t'olkolog p moor yl4W. 110' 9a, anwer.PcKyn nii.t4v711-imee:: .14ea',t)aA.:ttivotiandjnS 7 j1144' P 1 - f •i''PlIllialltst1/941ireltiiittl•tiF401,r,i,'' '-eittlitimmitubtnegsn, wilth Pb91t.11!lt:M' k rfro .utttgetymehtqly,rigt4PAL4.41:0_""- k- the gromd-dfoor 4"i" ft 11 Wien 1 PY44)1rttl° ,Sitiforit::!liii ? * had i Jail pfrer5I:P11,4brle P ' Mtinte4 " finvipz-ncr'ulth t 11 , ancerasq,n hi si n and ci70 •• rly taken aback the question• at cotAlks qctakktn the ltIhthfti lain* titniti•ftottlriftictose. -1-capfilli- joined cralt_Aowc. ktu tine terxr tier- lalwraitvr hwtit e14atusY: ziaR tcaY* t;z4re the • retruou That means dial you 'Mkt:hatches e ^trOdinty out of aitiallidatiMbr s duo. •• W. couldn't make thifgeffeigirvie wer.not certain that if you aifedtiVit yoia4vi1l get complete satisFactitiiifit we ee not positive that the ChattliAla Jnctft,afor will partdi10111 yeaMy income (MN' `", lis aitff3forW1T!fYeiWr tnakii it tt3Aluiiit1daloroapventeltutiff, derma in the Chatham incabatott7We want yeti to accept this offer arm& are.Sure of the aWritifsietiamirwer lnau 'boor will give. EveryAilaisee thaviitpiet out so far has soodeNigier saieWhilhe same rieghborhood.(41-n syr, of/sr is te *sad poor -9frotittin , A vilthoutifil“ o eta !nom Om • rs :tient lit id yer ftroge5.-g;1th olitnerot4 og annot say.7 ckntIfe 1L