HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-04-13, Page 3its
.in a wW1p.1,f,, rut tea arid sliaN
Yid butter, :and tilt
Id t
ci0e.• '• tti ks ,0
110.11turri the" -digit,t. Y. 1$1011100t.
. hi and 'Out 'Wish'. she was
an apca4,iing: tUll. "IL U00-4
4" Vet* Wet'!te 1"1416 -41S
tiefin t
V ilk
M A1L1.1ii,ri 1 ,i
'111!,11 f V,tii 1 1,I
-cm:04i . fit, yo,;. q.t..,
4-10e. tgti:Oattnisnotolgoisil. skt
4,1100114.1,411, q •
.oliatbrat6 - ,
' "V4citg,- ilit ,-,
i. IU. 3., st 9
wom not about. Poor Cont
BrogkdoriV nim.r4, fainted,' and,
bk1f40,147 round' fliolftiliti,';'`twitilkt the
IZ1LO 1i 'kpe,tt not geom.
d 16 vor 1'40
' -
;wow! :14104'
4140idtsi1ikottkia1:4*.110 41/11i!Vd.fr
r qustiealca.ble distroikwAim, !hulk
I lisienhatt. Abirin$00004,11)Pairts.r's
'don; is JO
• q
P.afk4:1; 1**"IrA
• P
Ab*ghlori,. .4
:•..4134474(4°1411,:. tift:rR4rCit7 :41 1.111%,..84:114.:1;:t- g,
" "0-1...04trull:V !t.' le 1/43,!',4.-'4. r 4
• or ,,a;r1V pLlitrbli,...lit. AtItik
• y. "roitii,- ' ElfolYeljt, l'X'
# 9.11 el,, 'it)h„-vv, -,, 4t,'„4nii:ii I
an( Pall.ged ob.
,r0V1)'! Ott
jirn 1(l td
, M0,14 Ilgt,011^ , tkit0h.t.;1110 b
104 tittitc?
• • s.,
flitt0a.‘-.4!4ttr,tc• ,f1
it4tittiWkwp,,t1144title 1.49,900 A4
oreat.1,114. untliOnform„.trtoOVI#40.;14r
t•herlafOiefiv, s144c0113ig,4..:7141vlicipfivit(tift
,*he what,liffaiirvalra, -.44•740'.
equitt Who- it: WIWI
• ,
.,0 .
TfiPtIgtitsi gefii,Veitte
„ 1100020, ,111**)iimt,dot
*WO* at,-;Pettonminsitite
pow toxio,,,,whoJ'elhoSitjantktilo*Otierat4"
.badlzr. 241x)entii,41„9-4: fPhsft4
booI Vtaa.„-4Uir-ktir...Alipitritit4
new editions have since aRefared.
• 0 • iS
/kV- ott.f1 hik „ban ha nett ne er n , ;
t1flft:1'11r Agnrea - walls/44k krt,
. wt •Oirl`.164-IiiitAtf
' the,.
,ly ,igt 4ho lligof face: 6, •
Is tift • tliettW* '
T'''• cried, hob rilwely. "I W-ermtething.
•,;•mbee!" ' ••• .
i 4 711.4
1794/ . , .1*,,,
ii$8 'Sta ,04tItti i it * on t,
/trineror ark* his Col!:
viito' 14tx . 0 ('w3,.IJ. Artqt,
. wir. volution i ruMi&P'to the .'kfitth co,lbsor„r"'" ,kt,,, i pre)istrqp", a 1,,
! ..'
Oink ttlii;tlblcli400Ittlit-ottilieettric 11111. ,' '
000 stetsd forIitoo
eA i ( ,,,p 'il, toirgro Ildnre orft 0, a rad,y-ip-p',Lkitiug.,1 ."(tio
advati„cer‘4..f oirttiges w:rtillii'''irdn't the „ liinkir0f,i„ ,„an,A, . w, tio.„ fr,q*.til .t* li-
NiV:'ytti'htendAvihfliVitrir'-itt silWnt-' on- ctn.el-rintep 4 itier49k0 j ,wfile,114 a e
.01 1 )1.:1,1" ,,,alittIN,' 11, •., 4 1 e t,v12.er 1 e4mQi. ,Aii-v,,,,, . oi, t
,..tioltilgeiq-'itteotiiizJit the ''''*ati. .AIT Ilet Gr• -1.40 j 1 ?v,-IY......., 1
i 6 1,1$ 19 '
, .e . '• . v
tYfillitri hiss clia4.4i 1,g rieft;i1 a ti la gr,!,,,44
s r7,411fie Snyt llittt .T1410 -14,1AISEITt 1111,11freftElk g...
.. f . ... t P.' .? ' 7•1 ,11,,, ,ti' • .
) 410j, ulit, „ f.4-4% vir0 --'4., 1 - rm : -- w -;-it, iier Oil
. , owl s == = 1
1 .
en. hi . Ai t , I e Oir‘)" I
tir eyes -Carts r ghk LSgt44241,1kitwocrio.ligh.*
"kVI b!rtiii14,:, h,.1M * pimple leirrp!loorliaronld Alton
tleh ski:trim:211i nO sig1)10aft34041;.:',1..,„*!Gli.
iii°1114 pftipluiGyouranilon(lkein4t•
ingdoCriPillsbq inye.,;*#14".;AftbielliWtlit TAIIP
-.04/1 vl*t.lt'rertAtr--'
" Nfof:i
• h o.9„w CIOSO
ave Itad no cause for
your duflet4,4n wnat one
d at a IL, Alp pitrThxdoni,
g tradotazifolsocl,
anti Oahe qa-
tote up in surprise,
'Pis glance again to the
:'".1401,giri.V#41 ",rttiOltl$4
me protest aga ns . such
An rig
n.Pai hot,he fotree& It b
tse .Agia_at
. 94"irt4 ILIA, e 111110 ell 1 14,40411i01,..' IP ePaa
III1 g 11PIII449104311d114%! attuiriteitmr,-ver, at fAL1
. IIL 1§$ hvii ---4448st:g- t gumsseo f. a is yi
ireprottorp•they-ittinegai MIA taillerkv
tch ttnefa
ei J. o tb.A
.tbti' Whoti.dn ehafedrbin handal. gob Itkiste
setreihnem1i-Iiiirsfenct1littertairitelt= hook. - -
iletorrboatistym11hi. cui4rnabdend "Impeachi 's apt it ude
afthninlatkirecr's) gClOdifei:doter "en, `le as a comp erruler, poet. dip-
utTliburtotki-r"/"Viliniinbettoltutld flitttiitt, deanalist. nittlthipttnri,litati• Hieuta4.r_ o-
kt•blh'hi ' raft,;"Whill'ilt°0114s" ekeft, t'irsititerW ttueror • erchtritea.Arra et.‘,1,4ye Tim oti hi*
he'l. flitfea %MItaly ofithwitrethrotARThkirthe: • 101141 Attowetti-
refkii'iM tit ° ''‘. 1"/I.". '44 1414"4'411 110111..4.111)1h*Iti anointed:, tgokate
• • " 1.4.,,42411....4 4
.7'77, -•s•,"74zr,
It !was Christmits-1See,---aind e
heights ot rliempstead xygre wrai
a Mantle of pure Vit flOW141 ;
-.yet sva1eJ, defiled by human ffl-
thlAta. ft*
a ted,ffettifalitAigiie
*et duly 4,:qt iffaisiew..unit ;t.hrsailem
, • `.54 • It 01,5 ..-4/711[1.•
,f1n . • mixt-frit/Rio not fitttl
'niaticot'pg):,solhatttdortat niWI Udo'' dItitakr
Vekrir.o)f. the, 4 'death of hi ptifor,
Ile laaajttio,"!eorhprehoNasitin:,of.,Vir.lrieqe
tiver..ty the r*Miliresaurst 'Mune
Rn4.labroad. 11%4 •ittowl leartntrhato,ibo
• t 4 learned , that
_! mimic w91111.1
hutlfee to eqt t o I leers of flea
army corps 'un the 'urines of .a
first...class bat t eship 1 • • leer every
regiment .or -ntivral-oppoiatme14. • be
hair * separate and_ distinct uniform.,
CQ1L1CtOifl3eVery :each; • one
gorgebuN with the costIles.t gold and
savor 1aeo6 ' •.: ..„
l'Atilfe IC1Th'CltrAir
VC. t . ,
Pittotiitilf4 !1t,
r. foi
att `.'40.41.t.q1114;,4*PdrIlelks
#rtii.1-;114,- 13 *-; *fel tiii-Vt 'Poo
117,-,6-6 for
baot,,t4A, tyd, igt8" for b trilt
1465 Wgit;-,.Itaitikio
to'•4,7ti.tor.,.bZo. ;
tketcalttt, laka
,ning of nasttion,
y" a9a.te4,4st',,,! ifeklel-grottert- 77:Xiirtm-
ond .11*.tst 0,41,1tary: 'figure: n' ttVofe6rAd .1*01,3,4e5Ifs a cbtfl.tiiifttJ••
:44' 4 I Ji" P f Ill_ ttifulttityweight, hOntiiiritth, VI
444. • efil' *riii.° ' tart 61,-;VOlt114,41646,1 -1111-
rtriptd'In1311, -,Iiilrat)1/441 - it was ht-illiiLl--far ,••Pe rtP' moistkvi.,tit f„.0.1... .4 ILA
hOtig .
Will, t ar toe up. ,
Things had cornet- hcIF t tor ilea -twee Ore! Oh, thy poor "'-'111444s° Kris' s61'ntf '81"tiWt. 'isfiinge4
Nita th. .41.blhadon. Be . had 1411e dad i„14,,,
1)1:9r1.111:1 lelifefillfailijeetsrothe tlefitthir-'114lit-
peror hittoto431*WlfriiiiiHstitiklelmialetiittg%
a ° brave strug le,...but everything ?Tip s 110 father, nis sinrir. at „ her
crpgitth it• SliabWr *fad the st liikt fa% ,1 fillr0 tre4ar (47.91•W, hilt itftv •
ikarfitilr grtoft
.„ sAxmrck:
.40 4f, au4-ny4
,QPnosing nkY
Wilcal.110. qv. +IA
‘,017t,-vo‘lititn1.9141 11(11 tf°
ek. 6
4.41PAQ, 441114°, sloPh IP 0•34:ir
,41:10 0
ILPhOlfi 4'he 1Airj9SAmt P"nil t P
44.1TrA0411;1141/1041Ati 41111(1 III 1
• aut hor her -6'W -1111retielielS /wit oval- ROYAL SEIJR1119.184:IlEr
. mast/W*41401 e is thiit l'Redittiremer, I.. dabs
-0447uWWP-14141.rik-t ' Ykance.- ne g'411tHrtor, rge ,nwva I-
-efortr•Ces:-..:0141fe. tar loutoing,Aviriuggrjapsfitinotta• seri oria- whieltlie preach -
r !Mau-hp:Dodging, 10 .tes;kif
,u erg
a 46 tit nIt' !Otte by little ?.ilciretl'i 64.4r niatif f=ed of
0.- 4'
ni II ver'"se; ill" 'foe' 'ebitinkblis • '
. . „ 1,.. Val- •
Cotrai.47c to 48c -to - yellow
4iti0 to 4;7c for wined 1. .10‘. Chathaot '
freights; American;
3 vO,Ifow, 5 1:k to 545 o; milted -5.4
*to 56Vr01i"
,,Oat-dOe '1.0 trre1fnerwol...4'2 Veit.
411e• east: ---4 fo.,,.
1ookitt4 1 4810t4, -$4t05.1.400 ' can:ie.:re
igni=10.1),Q.frr rikr.rfRo 4-Rnlittgifif
hero; ....tic more 9r, njoktin,19,ti% Atm,
El‘ 1Y/to-I:ARV • tb,"114ttardV ' °WE '42 mcre.st.
Torii 4 *HAP and )470C attitirtitillingw,Hif /IA
.-41111444adinantilfiratittit -.t.t=411411 -LL-,-,-,--.;a.--
-31i50.--ir • in -71...14•o44nin: w 11941rit ,4110.1119iii. ,
HMCO?, hArsehae,14...0 44tsbIir eribroptit-
0 lotuktit ?1,Plittt(r.-armArsg, sv to- ,90 italt.0114, ANI`but.fiAtet.Wegfaish vitlf(10 1.11'itt, .kletlart
—IZ.-t .....
--y,---41,year,_ ____
-, 7.---,
s "he- = 1,.. a . ' -'t v r V(' e'''t ' illogles kn. tbeighll. end Ismfftcrti .10tn : ,th-WitTn.i' 8 spe e '
t ...ncLikriv.t.ifit- 9ii.9fallitlift,191!VI,.,14I- mealoymet.A.11 agat,ATh efibeo Pit Jektittill-- litilffliq' lelCt.41i44-, -t"liiib '11r4lits.'itAVcri
a ., et ' - uctri•-•° 4c09! '104 111,$* Siiiilta9P-- ...,,,la -,-.6..,,,..'--- a „washnois dimoyoring, lta411”inaja WC,i41 9" ""°- i'"""ce° "''''''"""f
.1fantre--4"75TtIntillTirrirtEra4• . climbing a sleet, step higher. NWth. &ore '11431t) l'etiti .30?
/semis finial). ‘lifill rolover,plirt his begniat,arviug Alight Akomotzit, ,,hip,,wit.,:riturtaillititaliesplo to Aegir" may se;IVelffirlillinfttetrinn•
t. t• %Hist 1.. , * left .elpitt at* inCheat:abotrterifiban--600 e. hi' igiity .ficif ',Alit! taWtiffis-fslintm
" he
U- hia look,,, i of What ,'' avail" .' further, fighting - 44i, .4.4, ,7 I, . , _.i. - is - -
1'4411'4 IS'44M-f- 'It, WU- "1,11,1" " '''' 43 *r*: titcz AiNt—,5pgrisuries.%, . „am - 4,140_kit, was_ arbemi.,c-" 1=-144b,e_yrincess
4eLt log. whichi-ithutoifOrtglitiv,Itorviksint' rifeiningen.--the -"Kithwzit izitster-fri'-faie
Qib tar slii:Pw e AsPon cle f
"e„tgrisfriTerrrimeritesthe reah a oft ? n14t ' ItlittstheVli rade? tlf smr=dene, . "`L - • ..• ., "9:°,112.' ' )$.4 •• -
AltYllorts"'dfd°' Fdtlfvell.'
tz taro "'The, you have iirit'E tl,cd ',stitilie ' there" is titi enty.go
.• all the 't etfor." ,q'
-46, 0'041,4 woxasktsicsimi met ferg.thise bleit , and....trabtf, 1, .oritto,, nmi ,, i- t
elift's 1.0ar1:ic4dicentilngitithose4 iless14,,'e1b- : Count ittoltke, and the Plitleess, af-
, ib '1St" sUggestionls of eancertms origin ker., 01444r -tin ..con fplii.on,fr4org. ..:t he
me „ c ow% .. ,V. .;
WAIF:NM 4/111-11R,rill;- Mork/km(94.. 4nrRotA3/40: MN .11
• •
,Thd t' KM kOr '1‘chfritaiit 1_040- sesteat -,'' .• -.NI }- n°13'9, ,"Yo•t=ti i'll'w
sftortriSirdne it•itli"iill' IlifiliSiiklif4.°161til i doue, , lhe- kimAcrear„,u•A .strilpumg
Tii'fbrat: -1)liffseir It -Yrisi ttt 6 th° wiiii °Ile 11141'' wnea a
. . •-•.e" • 4 (11-8 • I, * t )0 t r
certain londe gl:an14111.1411": :II' 11:::al
• p-Iti
- Itlerl t 'INF& Ilv ttiVICIWILIT t4
i i
b1 hmL"h n Interrupt V 12 *sari find Itad -'66ett' ;there feotti 'early ihr; Ifft449`tri ijt
!min deTC111 .
rs a %nag Is la
ii:og er l'aie..b:4110:1' • 6,:,Thr,„4„
.c,„, -ttrrnr-tQr.omtieet ert,tri - uP r..;,viblo.9 f4haktj, ',,g t
$141111111Atradlhot to 14tiltriStihrhough ..•••
angi1or4 aVevi whi,'.e under this
'la :141
afr Id." he said. gnietly,
4,f.•1e:V11TI4.r9rol -
tweitatrettestiltilleas, mtmih or
130 sitolpive41 111eonrusion,
drotrir atA hist ?illy, ailments
.,. 0jn 4j L1,Ie4'ly belen it 1i true .
eft now.. ._476ingrio,41,4%,,1
t AilFlien/ A •fieriaols
s t•hi vet in ith °their:tense br1�11 OPriAllgrit t,littAlow /13r.-
I •
cold, -and 1W14l.04ttu1tD 4.4
his ' c:Unranion tor day* gave him bit-go:411-411-givigi
and J of,, laroplri., •;wouk, awend
no rest. ile uouid Walk a little; it
would warm him, nothin#. els.
Whleh way ShOUld ho go'? Abe. why
not? 4 ust opo last Look. and then
lila* y wadciivn
Slowly he tna .
the Vale cif Itealth, piit the
121111-42lt thrptIgl:I tkr
thi• e'rsitt.sit and wire, of the streets,
till ho rem hint tlamiten Town. Yes.
tbriStinf10.1lOgethfatr!, r •
Abingdon shoot- his tea& iltiaTAT.);.:
LK...-. eart-
1-'•4#11.1tere- -is-vtinet•tlit-inatter
still requires clearing up," Omit aityl
merehant after fowl moradistat'
sotne taciV q.understanding3 buturenn
• nt!, ht r t
em vas .
r l'uat•Jilir4.4tf-21-14111 ern- lost 84.en it. Ile stood irresolute,
to continuo. rhe latter waw ,Lovayin .„
t g raintly ilroin side to side,
rIttpi "otiltfr,f-n,elgtet,„,lr!rnt 6;141ingt1(117..., ttittdoi •1I• endeavor to raise his head
t ko as to obtain a view of the tipper
inifirat lunivity—to----the
4ftlsiiti:tiPiifirtill.,:44', 'ilitk. " t.
''.6411.11tigit3baret.9PATIllitthlT147. hy 1V(ir s1nne illinnitnits 140there,
• 4lig,rt•r4we o,en Vnie tiovin
Obilvfong t 0°' VW iiiiirrootittiv4,0,. arid
°three, *that Lin 0 an- *1114.,11.‘„v1,01 0,04144: ea611-st.h...
it* Aar Wo2iffineir bai'e it 4 a4 ibut a reorrientatiy *re -
Either vOtl dress ft9 ft gentle- a '1) '•7 tli`ti° north
tuile"t.243411.g .033Tzbit)WR nu:" 'ttlyi'"g•gie•tit Tif8 fe0t.
Whig w no%
my'!dflice tqtat---•et.
Agnes 'plated last haftd ti411H1111(01
tathOr'm .-foith a lutigh. •
l7fl43titnst *di' wilt 'Ado hutch', 1.'r'' sdid, s"for Mr. Mild' tidti
-1V111.2-ffi )Pribu tr 6 -on
1140 44 fII1trc -eat
(wily ..41„4(11,Trcf'3,i,
. 4;1914,
filentwo of *to,tgcor\OORitif '
it. ,as -quickly . ,
raischeviops„loo ,h4fr, ether: eb-,0
gOtittAttledif-ti ;Ulf 1 4 1 44,94di
9°1 "nei.TMITletiniiII6Biltli'lll•Ivialnit
hold an easy Po1 1:44 .lir"
joto fruilitlitestpf:w.let44••4.04...blgitee t‘ittAlz.
1411 41151taill---12-tit-44fht.S4-'10
0 rife lor , lots o ti.te
Jana WiAtie +ititua.z. 14 • volitalib kista
dot /urge reillitsrov. twit..not2i1clow2i111
=,i11014nit3dItte1 ::‘,..Atig 4.9 We
Cheese -1 1lc for larG e a 1.4411.4
twins in Job lots here.
• •
)I1, ht .%11-Tiw
• ,
t 14° tiqt. `,11 4
o &4'a c,4 411#4. 24410 • MO 11 ,r14 -
the lkfel 'Yang, kvfiet iinteitela d ,Tetai lietnloth
.iadenuar-c47,ititil_wwwriz_v_r_s cl'ottielareuilec,;_th-rew::_canifaifn-imuALK.1 r
• 4 . u a.Salt-AMS WW1
MeA ofrita
deficiency' °*4r.i.• rherr/teldielbtIng
up a - ern Legend,' Cal lam at ocr:T. ' A nd
bath, „beneath whigh, a gitgiet was MhVo,•ii •torrecily rZpiletetri!.- the if4iwor
-11-hiret4.--tt-t--lejton_ot the toitiroitirtbit Mr sparer
t-5t-cPidnit in104-esit ly" • i lite = his bath • thki 11"rA*Itttlitkint$141
' Man° law "the Ittd." '
14c iteri •. a Tit. thy?:e.:=4,41:4,
even owtr • figures.
',trot altbbaxmOtillirle,Tadileortiltliae on
t each andattOce toriareaaJOISAILablianra
04•41111)Nagie .149' l'Oe JP4/1111.trafik
titic toptitl5c,ott-ftell,witoRit.
Bared Ilay-Sa:r rots on f racR "heY'e
*1*°,6 toli faitrWitroil' t retimiit
61447 'fbr miliftiAlitt tfVetr'il•
• 43a1odr"Sitra4WEtra3t Cplattdiff(iladiallge*
"ilotti4W ApTtristc-'.drit14-.141acak-
'it% 'omit/Pei kletlIffnirtbilmWheitlizirlitre
*tit NI Ott; ilinteifiltniltr .koonlvese
country thtkvealtf well& 04090141tIRC
wet, but itrieet-Are 41.21,winginteyed
, Leta
• 3 e,rbtfri? .9ctiiltl
("OW WIr 10149, Air
Mirir iM1404aik ,sPrirw
upt,tt::•$4,6Qing/tthroliff ,torpfteatta
842 slaraighti rralieroilgri•dgi..409 NIA%
andwen.ihn rieufaitr 1:••
120 td.^101,.4p.1-9*orlIC
it i a.v neer tav inst. ..tirraaif 'hi:, FM
Ilitat*Onto tiBlfOltliliortip420
'inklinnft424-'ttY41109,- rier•-4titrefs-ti741,attle-
quality) 111.0l. al,",i 11".
4*"Krtial_auniit:_traiii—tanS Ton
-gt . tirrittrt
'Stendlqt°S2'.20- to'
eoaq °V 9niuggs..:12tichiad
•44 t $41.-'14,'
,King Leepokl"Sat himself /down . at , $t "
the Galan :which% the gas Mixing lust ! 34,.is ;not, at,pleaigcri.„pintore„,
been tiirned woo= nothing -0 ahort this fitiKpk•-Preqiits: pfililVntinflYe:cf: "'Ps
,of a terrine*. with,. the ired-hon,enais 1,rnose • ruthless olim
xernovrx1.! •rile .the .sama .motnent reolIM itlaktfp.ftwn v.atliMalk 11:121T-
Iinent t
ntattitt. heiVID.,x-gilio*'•:. -the --dentlitEls rrni -of -service the author W114 .11.44
disaVhing ,ataihtliower,h boloneor •ithe ° • It if.'441.' '1111"ie 1500.7it's.gt/F. of
rgroatiogafo' roaki-lattet-Ifiket guartiknattil 'prit'lletebx ttilliVirea„t"peltdif44W)..! tily
officileis hind atral,twat,g,xon! Pireolgithitql9.10101.M.
•up to. the ,13: ino.a„witi te 01.1Iva-tote:its' Vertarti104113iffiiii *Off I
-tfiltAdisf11411$44- Abier3lesiki4t1prIkaal-ntchetio°h,41114 IN
a- O)ti ,ftnirito42:6116
itiltrearch," rhiteilifirjeatran ri )res, =.4 • ho
e14opteitr V' en "
V I "
• •
- `You
your %%by, when
'tonna • kith tastes inuc411
mpersive than yours. I'll. be
41l... -.I1: D . P4 410:),
tiO4VelLe4414OLOP-10/011147 re -
474 Oirliftlflotortg ligts1181*41 be
th!1r1"M' mitt Tout o*Mborp-
rwuTril4 ilaartst ,
intl. I mean preciseffs*fft I
ive 0:1 a fortnight .
Vi44 11/).--nouiti.-poy
old 4.ilko, :not to esik toy nob 1,batilt:-
.ifonson, know it waSePe,velyfi triat
,to see tho puitFo wftiore
he • litni fIrlf• innit her, -
ylle ltritrited the -tear( trate,. his
Oyok with his tortt•eleeVe-shinv no
bingo', !Art Oh; %V1, ragged -rand tdref".
(10 ' dived- the ir rmanirof.: • .1
bn'to tnlit1t. he km); -tre 1)114. lniktling
Oniffrit. Siosetr' 4ut8dde. era(
lir. Ihodeeeti hotert,lotee,"twilleestia
waild ifflif t11tt 'they 400ke4e.gadth
ulerlOws full of lf -The
n from its peg the fray -
v yr:at which had so net-
-Ater, hurls up 114 office
14 piece. -and sallied ftirth
ong tranip home from
flittatIside, to d,unc-
i'll Tint Abitik-
W by ctnri he
oeeagion plenty -to
ears o -we used to meet occasion- na rer
tio4firtn-roiranii--34" rnientki. 4111.41'0014141reffin.41:elts•
tkiOlt 'Efie'aibrt14y TholOrediratnen.1114.11,'Which- Alm"Ts•-1024'Ii,1111
I j f itti/14
e.' ulint '4. • .*, ili• ...4t `• '1`.. Ifitrectarii Ututifec.v..saf tho Fienosiiitt ,Iiiiimidit,talno* iflitt Ili Itlittler %I.
7.1-1,:c111..w.,9,!,est 1
.0.1 alviii§toxv.i..! tittli..crim 'Raced ' thea,Ratstro lighten Mu* .-..nuefe' latt'lh: "1 y 1 tik!fird triirvidif Irv-
, ,,!). tgt,' Indierona =than that:. ()Li them 6;1%366. 4, ,I ,,ltquitlie t.'lityt,44'9iint rIPPecielr-
,l'affil ft sp.t4p,opp URA .4'.0.,9 !fit.. , r; blitc-f• Diking bee kirrifn obsernie Wow henie i r,41: iiii'..Wesiiti' I. ilpt MAW, of
ing IPY )591-tlit'ailt twmruv. - ... , .f„ - .ehes Alto her. ,insitekt liadept!itifild.k, tire ' thierVea '4 'Wittier , ' ' lit lilt i'iltrate
icAttMll MOP* • ',let,: far..t„.4. iyiriale
c itworm. ftift il.bingtion,oeirA, kir Niii1:4*Fitiatilitr.ntditi."Effo
and, tn. h68;•gra$10 orid4etrytaed -.her.
. 1"tf•or ifignes ,tevetf trie,°. .bp sgici•
eihmiyov-- of . e ' .1: 1, p',.L001"1.111
There: whs.' n ti =, raerrio. &rain VPOIPtV%
a riseireit'• Wild Vire 'reerchnittr theoteata
glow ta gtorious red 'ilee fh tirit ctartiliTT ;freddltteri•• •Intiy=-0 hiteu eyeit,
�4%41 temni Ii4fhtitlwittf ttitt's' t
1144tilitr,S he giwilzhe'crawl• tract. that I for hi.a`tetig 'tiffhligred#37 fetid
'reis•im have:1one (final werin-4-te- `nortirtfillf.-1-100/1 Tit431114. 2""
d1 4
.1 e•:---•-erf-41,-.-wyrwrit," • • If ; LI*
fOre ft • scaree knew What:, An dittl
42iliti his memory rt OW.; 40 •1aw. the
tlilcif.; Cif Itte. hnow the *ay in.
t t ft IVOly Vraf4 it not the very
room in which he had held that. 1118-
411tTlit)le interview with h,ts, principal
, He, t urrted the It ladle of tile dc*1r
And entered. No orn; wa,s there. and
. or their fi'et„ itd*they earittilky •rit -
ha grated, himself in the huge afro- wftli them a Coln& of parrs( of titiy,
jilmir,i.csihieh had beep, whcelett.,to the (k4teate tattles, iviiitsh. ifigleorati of the
iirtplace by. its last oeclipant. ones•tlay are ;rearing,' hkiso 'plate
',pa/ailed by the urarsni.h of, (be
arm weak frotu his privettions, , he to .tok
fir(' outA104: o their , doors for the et6roaqta
down and eleati.°Vadrfiltyro-
do7ea into a heavy 'limn), to . _owttice° men are said to bilV 49 the inflitlielt
lderilk41•11iii°skiilt81._Of N'llfeta-Vith`5. feel': -Pgrularib-7*0,137.0- -MO- '11'eltf,„
. . ;€44(14Citigetc:1014-*1.7,CittfieffteitlEilltatti ,
tariti good
o -w t
itti4:14 eiltrrOg.
l'hetclihirtiperin teij of.** cur -
lout eitatlyin, 'editing tratitlIng •'
41,11,1tetlying bsthtr
tloynotleal•e trY td tlieVassera
citing 'ffni4eoftrd'otet attet ,tve
r or it g
harass; but.
1, 1 IU00
q..11t into
ilteibiLfhedrniatn a. biome- sprang it
alfuti Anat. intriontiegt:litf "Coarraershhet. head of 72,71•tr,144ft044140410'd. 13 ids
fl litirnitore. ,s'outIrraVillipdfkAl Ida' uncle. re
.014012 itttatisiea .fepak.hrood.flistwiff-
tiorte=etlitT. Kaisertatansirtelfittridebed fie
ilt‘r OtrirrAtidy, acturittiOt Ar6614146011.1.F.
-n airlorn vrj atoo p
./ tl .K4 4. itA
. , ... - ' lh•-.--.T-;-,
o 15--etIgrIt Julie.
.O* ,
e ' E
. al.tnt .;tp6111
her 'pia WI
0.4c4ty :t ,11 ' iirtgl?.e.iit
; en ta I
van, and we,q.le aft
imagining that he wi
bortabbo lea
ititifings with s piece of !MI
'rho refriqerat int;
eir „its u ord
• .Afg theltrantici 1610 haretitete.
,111rit Amoeba/tit T47 vimne-ii.vhirigolevr
tntitd feet s • frerit rpresenteill sari:at the itk,
• 4 ittlifrirt!teitittikoliitionshei-Afatomnul
• tpo-
-dri;-weigt*pdi(Dimn•lr, J.
914:aota1r,fpa1l1 titiit14.filtiatflwitptOtititi
t1ilq11atelIft4' fain.%
'MY (War, th_la„Js a sorry joker
ttad the Kaiser,. c,-Anct ',Other explan-
ations nor eketi4e5 WIre of the a1ight-
:9M "=" v(v.
• "Rif* fiir tOrpentiwer"rhatto *its
kn itt, Would .Bt y inter* ?rfitf• tone
td be hill In the -leftism; and koeit-
dannO• -had- to- tide 1144 Betilik to
"The next 'thirty 'ot fort4g
ute4," talia the' UnsPreitet,' "I .4 APOilt
in deattr?g, t*, arm,
foul • handS. and etet:ioarti Patir
had to di) Cho e for •Yrio.
owe eperierteed." • •
'The tImprese t reiSreseetel a% ?fist
the niHTi1e, inittaginaiti*e. Iftfoil
;ilia poro wornakti vigottorre ao•thatt
acii,b0.•• Love Of httr* ilditbritid fa, a
Potoitr 110
hqirposenue; n „
ot grorh...ff 143
'1Itotcrizr2OtIe741 fciflh
At ift
seulGs1 ter to14,(5.,o1'1il c ntory to
titikr'S.44 ,tchi4A
ilfett Wit "SO. ittgA
111010A4 fibton. 'Rarer
,Il Oleg 1,1a4Lt9ur, said
ttirni)..1„ke'•';f ,11•Y:! -FL '
brunette pollutattell..lh
inherited..charisetcristii;fk, t
• naticm =at. tbo?-,40fPons.-91,6q.
traits.. whigh..the PlirOPIe20Wle?•"'iiilit?%
blond ..aveistry. ? 66, id *- ÷
)41:4p.16LW4,4 iwiTt• Sir'
5-ner141tPl44i4ncRA Isibikt 44. a - n
ifflum,,ebstire. prinw. firp4-14, t9.
Pet Atti-441,,g ,411tWt. 49,*).-2kit 4gs411
4ar 't Air"!
lig p4 1 iSiligh-0-44.10ASITIVD: a11 -
abort euttnillitetdOsloptelifli American
cute'malihr dot! beumkitettiailt: ohinpostek
eardertdii:Dttrottg?,Calisillatri„inrti,!gairk '
to Ilitt, kWiittlflifedtlivole41,3.0,11i;
ritlefffdiftwelPritir al i t ,f,stigallkiffh* V 2e :to
14 11 A ti OP*. tcliti:19.4( ,1Pt10 fl. ...3' P a i
11 teristleffre/441% niffii:ihr4ifiliteralr.
litilitt-WarriftrWAr .
..)6-../. ft I 1
itP, BM )V 4
n (lige. IV ., 4 nil' "40
ii51 lir 71 i
PO 4.? '
filo ' 90 III ' ,
,. virILJ•ibit,P,
!IMO,' pelge nog VIT111481A9SI;1 ,,„INI,
Vin91-41:111i111"41°11Vii/R11./A4: 11174t1.11P• 4,111F 19, 4DfIlDaFr
PO4.7g° ..86011:10,114.8t161, 'P'tPTfiqr':IJpiofr:4'•,..;r
ftl.•••410•104271%41MACM-IliEle; e rrtpe-eq
iatagitiJeviniThithas Ofpritateoptette.oiegitihttunattragtrAilLTIshoN,leattrgesta
was fair, it WW1 not la e (mon 'dh, to:
priet,:s. •tverra
s v- ti v: ants
firm' Ind hi It *e
their beauty ,and; tbs „ op , of
their. hands. Ind , the ainal1net4 ., of
their bet. ..:14te,lpIdte.ilnoaelit Og tbe
hands aborio all other "
siegard jnay hanc1f1).t7.4)t,,
Me, and, it .is -,,xepor
the t.tlwVitlflnA :$W,,
�eRrat4,i4tFii) 4 4010Vi
,ato-4,-.tt of , t hair
enct,iht%Ittelshi:-:1I'�1 141 Vjnot. II)I1
t kisn. Atis
Aret'° fltittftidig1111011w flex
Mott ..11!
-tit; rtotvill