HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-04-13, Page 1ItiPit Or eP,e.,:bu ei. Invre&Iiz.
our destintsi, . A life'ift,stesdy PiOd 4; to'4!ittskt1440,ng
"OW Will.4.nsote l'a,turc •consfbrt,--S time
when yon'Wesijoy.ft better. Wby not optis isTrOulst ;kit
thlikliutiC Ltd expetlekre,lerrenfetif-the-/kiabe -with ,whielk-
alialkit.rtoluAincre3q'9 wa'aqftni!bi.
-4 . =Stine
to t nekpthk of fanucm,
griwanting to borrow money op th *own name or a aweek,
month -or longer aidesired d rates.
Branches in Huron County at
ailf:ertN, WhO,,
Brantfoitl fervaoTrral
to bisfioine 'hero fuv
Ln ,
town ate* tiaY.S1 ti}e ftagfit or
'B Sannykl and Mrs,,Lialamlon,
-Tot linsoo, W L00figo
0 pewit
• ,.. „ ,q . . on
bekl on 7th mtt1 In rhe tMu, of cl: ' .
,0 . itt ' tt;epi WI . , n 444tess
4'010 ' , 1 1 for ., the. coirt- And lo4et,!aed a set of silVer knlvett itatf.0 to .t,4eir 'hiatne itt
‘. 'Tetmis . PeSeof feats,- Wited 4 n .
• .
‘ ' 'e.:. ' ctliondp ' officers and forktrekpectivelreThelfclItiar- 'lett Nati Titict' beetty,`
, t , jr4,041 4n1 duh.. ,t 00ted lo gt r popie.yo, ,bi41::,11Plo ,•1),u,ftb1010 by' P4ri- les.,met4'' Wet)!;, out ott.fif,t0ge`the ,
'their' lOos. '.r, '.....nrol aitiOt:-.--, Oita; ItteVornii4.ars1 obbo; '' 1,1 other iitON ' We Iwo/lc:the 4ro, Ilitle Is
Pres.. fka'' ()WO': V.i.re I te\s..,. ;lobo S. 11.C.COonivk buymg ,tlie. ore .buil biklier *wagete.,-Mrs. John., -Apiiieten
- An Eldti 'Treas.., ,l)r,- P, Slelinghlin; : ing for $M00\and Chas; liob the oth. still Contionesilf,a,nd 'cOn ,nolt,t4 her
-147R",-,..'4)4.--Atticie ant _COMmittie, et-fsor4,700----Mr,',Morklia bakt-,P4FghatJA beCie''-, We h7r0,-fqr he A
jy. lea4.118a, went , the winter iii burgh last week. ,. ,iler people • have
'Ilan 0334 Wn'
have _been akilding '
'.01:0„it 4000 liCtnard,
the Northwest about Christmasan
isitinprin- Toronto- -sitt'ee., I
now visiting hie father, Mr. Geo. Hill,
for a few days prior to Veturnieg to
the West.
\ a Mr. II. Parsons, of Diningvale. Ohio,
formerly of Exeterwho has been on
a prospecting tour to the Northwest
Territories. Edmonton and vieloitY.
, returned het•e Monday and left atiain
Wednesday for his home in Dining
, Legal.
antr$0. Batuuswas, 001401-
ConveYsseees Coonsissioners.
- --
Weems teLou it 1�w.t rites fittsterset.
Ottlessi, Main street. Exeter.
yew** •
Central Hotel. Thursday, May 4th,
all day. for Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
consulted ss. Eyes testedandirr aiisea
*pp .
mrgY to wax ,,. lioreessea—Atteatioet
Ws-IWO Marge mount ot pirate funds to loan Horsemen will be con ening their
tarinerstsillage properties et low rates, et Inter- hest intei•ests by gettin \their horse
set. bills printed It the Advocate Office.
01,41,tatt$ a =ASBURY.
.---ssiutswaigieltas--...Ssetar-• ood-dass-of cilt0 to-Whiet frtlUtiand
- pracearighDt pass the Advocate
Lands For Sale.
TheRaskatchewan Vafls k Manitoba Land Cern-
pany Ltd..Larget Lind Company on the Continent
°len-trolling enUre Canadian Northern Railway Land
Two Milithins, • Across—The cream of the
whest-lauds of western Canada. Parties purcha
• ing-now ere given until 1st .lone to select their
For terms. eto., apply to
Batuata May
• igiugimpag,-„niesealoosi,
• . ity tftroughout Ca.nwia to vertise
oar goods tacking up show cards on
uces, bridges and all conspicuous 'places;
haft small 41dvertising matter. Commission
when in need of such,
Soptuagessarlaas Married. •
A more than usually interesting
event took place in town on Thurs-
day afternoon last at the hour of five
Asso41...,our_ehlts. holy bonds o wedioA. The persons
to whom we refer were Mr. Daniel
Kernick, formerly of L.:43°rue Town-
ship. and Mrs. Martha Brewer. The
ceremony was performed by Rev.. Dr.
Hannon, at the houae of Mrs. Brewer,
In the presence of only a few of the
contracting parties' most intimate
friends. Both Mr. and Mrs. Kernick
have lived longer than the allotted
riuntheEof.yeara,Wing.stver severity
years of age, and during their long
lives have always been highly respect-
isarnest-wish_-of-thei •
many friends that thvy may he spared
to live and envy many more years.
They will continue to be residents of
Gidley sareet which has for several
ears been the home of the lady in
question. The ADVOCATE extends
woussues Institute Notes.
• The regular meeting of t e omen
Institute was held in the Reading
Room of the Town Hall on Friday,
April 7th. This meeting, as was
recteristle-of -fortuer Aiwa's -Anis
well attended. Deciding eta previou
• meeting •tfa secure flower seeds and
stay act your war ,..tersaa _oicporience need-
ed. iltrite tor lull os,rtioulars.
puma Nowt .
n)rarXeL4r glee •
that I bare nisdeapplieation to the License Com-
pners of South-Buron for permission to trans-
fer kw license to Won. Burrowsof London. Ar
objections- to said transfer mesobt be pascht to the
tor onor before the tOth last.
in secordarie5 with the, Provisions ot Liquor
notice is hereby 'Oven that
ieeLIne of the ',Jett's* Board for the Li Dist
trWt. of tki Huron. *fir 'WNW
April seat. at 10* clockLea.. to consider a
forth.tione sale of in the saki d" of
• TnekersinitJi.
nal hunters are bus lowin ,-Mrs.
ilifor some time, is, we'ire pleased to
e orde of
day. Win. J. Sillery tapped some 80
trees. -Wm. Hanna has purchased the
honiestead in McKillop from his moth-
er, where he will make his future home.
-Gentle spring irmairing-itself known
a a ',Land if the A mil frost don't come
too severe there will no don }e a
good crett-Of-aVileat this year, *as it
looks very promis ing irtpresen t. oh n
Hanna has disposedofhis farm in ils-
bowie and bought the fine 100 acre
firm belonging to his brother,William
on the 8th eolicessian,. where he With
Wraants0,--A very pretty scene w -
enacted at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Chris. Swartxentruhernear here1 on
4atril2ntl, when their sop, Jacob, took
for, better 41. for Worse Miss Agn
Drane, of this place. Only, near rela-
tives were present to witness the cere-
mony, which was performed by the
•Rev. Jacob Bender. of Tavistock. Th
bride was neat and becomingly attired;
The young couple are welt and favor-
ably known•here and they carry with
hem the -best_ wishes of alLto their
g s mem-
bers for experimental purposes, has
thus far proven to be a master play in
*ng a deop interest in the work
otthis body. Still greater achieve-
ments are certain- to -foltow- -as
work goes on. • A very interesting and
ney on "Houser eeping' in, gene
and "House Cleaning" in 'particular.
stitute to deliver an a.ddisess on "Flori-
culture" mos them called upon. The
oc o
fully into the' details of pre ation
and cultivation of the soil, the care
and attention afterwards necessary
and the results to be expected. Theable adarese, coupled with the ifieue-
ing of the best varieties of seeds and
'bulbs* will untigibtedly-wfult
beautifying of the surroundings of the
members' hotaes.
Sot Desalt* tethers°.
On Tuesday of this week the and
death took place on Thames Road, Us-
liornte, V4olettwA,-Rossellt teliaved
daughtermf-Mr; Thomas- Russ,e11,- -0
Exeter, at the age of 26 years and 8
months. About a month ago twin
children were born to Mr. and Mrs.
Ratcliffe. and the mother, it was
thought, hair fully recovered. and she
Attended church on Sunday last On
Monday the was as well as usual but
was taken suddenly ill on TuesdIty.
'McPherson, at -Caries and. althoush everythinw poosible was
his- uncle, Rufus Me.-Plaersont done, sliediedshortly after. Her sle
anu other friends here last week,. -Al. mime Will he keenly felt, not only by
vready • the spring wild flowers have the young husband and other near
made their appearance, Laura Stew- relatives. but by her many friends, as
Milton beintamorig the rst to pre- she woo * favorite in the district in
The new Applicant. for Tavern License are wee,
Bend }tote!, In the Township ot
end N. M. Contin for the Balmoral Hotel,
• --"41.400044*-theiewsialaipotilay.
Maned tor current yeer were: TOwnehip
*ern it Village Tavern 8, sir months 1. Town
* L
Teresa% Towitlesern Cps Skftp 2. Village
84solp I. Any petition against the .granting, of Lic.
1 ease to any newigant or Premises must 'he lads.
owl With the und ed at least (bur days before the
,stettiotot the
umngt inepmc tor.
• Eden •
Wedding bells are ringing. -Lea ue
hae commenced and. the prospects re
t we are to have san egg social in
the near future. -Mr. John Luxton is
suffering from an attack of pneumonia.
We wish for his speedy recovery. -
Miss Rea Essery returned Monday,
after attending the wedding of her
- -- sOlita.MAMIartios-,41,-,X4J-
larton.-Inspector Totn visited the
school on Friday.- Messrs. Tom Brooks
d ---Al. frectolites.tools-iirrAluOsetat •
at Credtton on Monday night at Cred-
iton, which was delivered by Prof.
ruah- ss Ida -Caves hasbeen undo,
Essery_ is visiting friends in London.-
Rev. Mr. Butt will Apreach her net
Sunday. -Mr. Paul Coates has avalu-
able horse suffering from bloods poison. -
Mr. Norman Mitchell spent Sunday at
of our young people attended the Re-
cital given by Miss Godwin at Exeter
on Friday night.
Creditan- --:---
tilaus,1"eit.renotboedallYyountae1ecte4uay taltelt, Sime°7* mAkAkinette:—Mmi -Ernie Pierce and family are now corn -
Hungarian Osed,their home on John
_which we otter at reasonable pices, fortably settled in
___ALzwiests, oeuratatercasat., rriends°121"°_,Arjesifillriun.*-MiTritli"teawregrerit'8oll many Wo have the highest grade obtainable. Th
conitm_busy 1l91131e*
wain& Mich., is visitin her . parents lituele;sgmbrurw-outue-aMt"43out.e-
_.. _
, mute jitaa_bite cleaning, and every nook and corner,
engaged by out band boys to Tatra
them at the band practice. trader his men will wear unpleasant smileifor
eadorship4)tir_band__Du while, in co uence eatirik their
DEATHS.— 'In the midst of life We
are in death." Such was the case of
Mrs. Michael Dorsey, who was sudden-
ly called away\oir Friday morning.
The lady arose in her usual health in
t e morning-, partook of light break-
fast, but4rely-a reW-4101.11wilad eta
when her spirit took Hight. Dr. Joh-
el had been hastily summoned, but he
arrived too late. Dr.fienunell and -wife
of Cromarty. happened to be passing
and heing called in did all in their pow -
to help_thead, " woman. In less
'est. -surrounded by her sorrow strick-
en children and neighbors. The funer-
al which took place on Monday to St.
Columbia, is said to be one of the larg-
est that ever entered that village, over
two hundred vehicles being in the fun -
oral cortege.-Wedneaday afternoon
Mrs. Hothatri. widow of the late Rich,
Itothoth, Ilibbert, died from pneumon-
ia at her daughter's residence, Mrs.
,e,94.-ladtans-Wai-tchell---She bating_
-been sick since ri-hiti , 60 tbailier
death was rather and en. .Deceas
and alwaytia good living and christian
woman. She had a wide circle of
friends andwassr -model- mother
sons and four daughters survive her.
The funeral took place on Friday to
the Staffa cernefery.
The syrup season has, not - o
• duration this' year, --Joshua R.
Morgan has moved to Birr, where he
intends regiding in future. -The far-
igliing,-Mhla -1
rdy; who has tieenwsevere suffe
ations at 1)ita sawmill, and is buoy cut -
Al r. Fitt\ilay, whhas been employed ting logs. Be ean now supply het:Wink
as mina with Hay & Om, since last Lumber to any of his customers. -Mr.
fall,. los purchased the interest of Mr.
Michael O'Rourke delivered to . Ur.
Eilsteh in the business And has-141LenJobtr-SriellItatE3tetWort Mooday, ODO
possession. --Miss V. Lynu, who has
been working in a large store at .Vir-
of the finest teants that have ever left
den, Man., for the past. Year. has gone - nell a thousand dollars worth of hors-
eepted a more lucrative posilion.
to Vancouver, BC., where she has ac-
Sthis section. Michaehas sold to Mr.
-Mc- es inside of a year. -Fanners are tak-
hag advantage of the line weather and
Kichan Bros. have, started their egg are busy doing their ploughing. -Mr.
waggin on the road\ for the season.- Herman Neeb has returned from a
West -The death occurreUn Friday He has a splendid gramophone and is .
`Albert Davies left last. week. for the "yen' weeks. stair in reeeppet. web.
:OJveni.c.of-afelnt--„ entertaining
'whoeete soiree ft th-emjn'ttu-alawucvJoffh-ni,"eit-ch--
WM. Ottuningliatte. 0110 has been quite
e unera was con etc • ro ere
to Nairn cemetery on Monday after-
noon. Deceased whomas a son of the
late Mess. Garden, was born here and
had spent, all his :ffe in this neighbor-
hood. He was wen and favorably
kraron throngh�utr-Ihe---cowm.unity-
utl4he -news of his_illnesa, and. deat
have caused general regret. • Some
'eight or nine months ago he was
married to Miss Jennie Leiteh and
much sympath) is felt for the young
widow in her early bereavement.
s --
Grand Bend
Mr. Ray, Harbor Inspector, *arrived
here Tuesday,. _-Mr. John of Exe.
ter, spent Wedneedaf here- with his
Teesster for severoLdays returrit
ed home Saturday. -Mr. BaIlantyne.
of Seaforth, was iirotte-htitg-h-Thuro-
day. -Mr. Clark. of Centralia, was
hire Saturday.-Mesere. Sid. and A.
Bossenberry arrived here Tuesday to
he present at the marriage of their
her, Brucev-Mr. Joe -Meets -intends- •:-
Mt -fading a hiitike-Isliopmhere4linttly,
We wish him euccess.s-Mr. -Turnbull,
of Toronto, has purchased a lot from
Mr. Joe. Brenner, and it is reported he
intends building a store on it in the
near future. -John Robe is home from
the Soo. -Asaph Graven° spent Sun-
day and Mouday in Thedford.-Mr.
Sherwood is busy with his men at the
harboe.-Henry Green. who, has been
oti the eick lint., has sufficiently tecov-
'Malts to be able -to :berpont-agaltriss.-- -
Wesley Millen was struck by a log in
r frJonILL-which - necess"-
tates •un laying off work:- race
Bossenberry and bliss Myrtle Taylor
were united in marriage on Wednes-
day. We extend congtatulationef.'4-
v., ee , o • -
days here last week.-11enr7 Bonen-
berry is busy making &went _beick.-
Mr. and Mrs. Brenner spent Wednes-
day- in Dashwodd on business,
Mr. John _MeNevin's many friends
will he sorry to learn of hie continued
illness. We hope as the warmer weath-
er approaches -he will gain both in
health and strength. -Peter Grant,
our reliable old gardener, who is now
in his 84th year, is preparing for the
summer campaign.-tlarvey Caldwell,
who has been attending the London"
commercial college, has formed a part-
• ership!twitiratr,Balfeuernira7-th
office, and the two will make a strong
as Me. Caldwell is-welL_known
this vicinity.-Reportstafrom thefarm-
ers to the effect that fall wheat has
wintered -Welt and-with-favoratacl con-
The acerage under wheat in this sec-
tion is larger than usual,--Wtn. Gra-
ham, of Clinton, was in this neighbor-
hood last week intervieiving farmers
In regard to growing sugar bfttil this
aseasatly astusetad.
r 5W Lareds.S.
aairrarast. vrat beat
ihe Commercial Hotel, Exeter,
spell trod, sat day. Next visit May
Ca-firettrIfillialittlfe -
R. English spent Saturday in Lon. eerie trympLithy is extended to jibe t*
don On business. -Several of our young reaved. The funeral will take lace to
le attended the sugar social at .11ogerville cemetery on Thu y, ser.,
ilvatilion414 eiteningAn4 report e. vice being held at 1:30p.
. _ ,
good time.—w..1, 'Wilson spent waver -
aye in 'London last Week and bat
some nice new, good* artiving,—Mias
'Gammon *tatted Mrs. A.Glenderming.
of Parkhillr,over Sunday.
rapid progress. -Henry Eilber,M.P.P.
of Toronto. spent Sunday at home: -
week painting the lodge room. over
the Sovereign Bank. Ile bas made a
Food job.of it -Mr. Currie, of Ethel,
as in our uojghborhood reorganizing
large number of young peole In our
Anklet _who should _join tins worthvi
society. -The excavation of the Holtz;
man building is finished and tbe ma.
sons «11 100 doubt commence workbe-
forelong. Our town presents quite &
busy Appearance. If we now were sure
of- the O.P.R. our town Would certain-
ly-tionniOstr-spoesiz-Wer -
The boys have worked bard*ndif
their Work is any Indicetion of. the
coming sports, we will have Iota of
amusement this summer. -Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel Oestreicber attended the
funeral of the latter's father, Mr. Manz,
of Tavistock on Sumbiy.-Some of our
'tamers have commenced seeding, but
the weather still reinains cool:
m aPY
Spring millinery is eke • y bere. A
lovelier iris changes on the burnished
dire and the
theii ostrich plurnea The sap is stir-
rhig. crocus fires at* kindling. and the
breath of lilacs, and camphor balls
olent the air. -John Patter-
ocir4 while in Parkhill Saturday came
mighty close to making a disuisterons
connection -with the Witness eita of
the 6 o'clock express. Several warn-
ing shouts failed to stop him and the
best speed the horse could *care up
bkrely imffleed to carry him over in
time. Several people watched the in-
cident futly cOuvineed-othat there- was
et iVcralevin, of Al.;
-. -
on the road. -Al -
vinstonespent a _few clays here last Enivasias-At Orediton Ellats00 April
week. -Mr. Squires. who has been con- 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Thoe.Edwards,
fined to his bed nearly all winter, does a son.
., „
' -.4- ....
ot twin to treprove very----apial .- In Ste a. WI April 2. to Mr.
Mrs.,R. M.eini is *in a via% Whim iiia _ r
Mrs. (M) llutton, of Forest.
The-following:is the
o. 2,--13`te-Ph en for-
aritin order-oljnerit,.. IV. -Boy Hill
96, Ito Sims90, :Herbert Mitchell 80,
Sinis 80, Laura BIEIS 18, Sr.
HL --:Olive King 213, MatirChaiiihers
1.11, Beryl Hill 40. Sr. 11.-.Lilyan
SWA1tTZSINTRUBJLIL—D1t4204.7-4t the
restidencs of the groonfirpatWa;-on
-April 2. by Rev. J. Bender. Jacob
March -81, by Rev.
A. Grahame, WW1& N. Low. of Mc.
ivray.. to Beatrice 11,
West Williams.
Fullerton on April
204, 'Sydney' Smart 140. -Jame, -Osman
132, Ethel Sims 108. Percy Lawson 40.
Jr. Cornieh -154, Irving
Stahls 127, Godron Marshall 92, An-
Mary Robertams. Teacher,
It look?' as if taffy pulls ain't 111 it
this year. -Fishitnr is the order of the,
day at preeent.-J. Tweddle lost is yid-
nable horse recently.- The animal was
being driven along the road when it
stumbled and broke its Ileg.-There
was some changes bete Ian week.
John ess moved to the Delaney
farm. J. illiance to theBargeoofarty,
and B. Armstrong to the *Williams
farm. -S, Hunter hasrented hie feral
for s, term of five years to Mesiere.Ben-
t and -Waters. Mrs. Grahame, wbo
$100 &mud, $100. 1
The readers of this paper will be
pitmetlto'learn that there is at least
une dreaded dist-414f. that *ciente haft
been able to cure in tall Its stages and
that it Catarrh. Ilalt'keatatrh 'Curt
, ss the only railtire,r1.0t.riovekno vim to
ttiettledtea fraternit attirrh,_
lug* constitutiorml a *owe, requires*
: sort ca.
tarth Curcio taken Int r ' 11
•ditettly upon the blood and 1
iiurfitces of the system, therel
tmvirig the fourtdatiou of the
\ :ovalItiiVing. the patient, s
build ng up the eonstitiiiio anr
rtg *tuns In doing its work. •
hare so much faith in Ito enra-
era that they offer One Hund.
red-Dollare or any ease that it fails to
let of testimonial*,
it)0.v totedo"
OS for ttiVitti.
• License in3pector Dallantyne was
• in town Thu y. ,
Mr. ,las, Walters was in Ilittniltott
laspikeek on busineto.,44
Sweet, %Ir., kft Wednesday
to V**ifriendAtilLondon,..
Mr. A. 4. -BOlifir, 8t*ndul
Mr John Shute at larkton.
The weatber etill trintinnes fine' and
seeding operatione are now infull
swing rnaking our little burgh kind Of
ukt.-Mr. Holman 1* vieit,hi at
Mr . James anal/3rd' Percy Slav
son spent Sunday at his bOttlt4 in Lo -
can. -Mrs, Wm * Hicks, who has. been
visiting friends in London for the piet
week, returned home Friday evening.
Bert Ward* of Stratford, has CM*
111elletba Ms duties as butter maker
with T. Willis in the creetnery
Duplan has movedinvy the premis-
es vacated by the late Mr. )1arshall..
tOttr town hat -of late become the head,
quartet* for *lot of Engliehmen, the
latest arrival being -,Geo. EllLott. Ile'
WAS it tittaliel1 er MI the 'landau, the
* W04
41 ' McE*en, who
rowed. -,-The re-
A:abit 1.100Mfito
Xitrttv_ iiiCtbs, 00
lit to the. reel.
Mrs. Charles
be nteritient tisk-
Mrs, -Coons
was borw.ln
After the
boilt. 24 years
-bigan where slat
ren. SI* Is aur-
ghters sevell
of the U. :S. S., No. 13• Hay and
hen. Sr. IV. -Charlie Dunsford 73x,
Jr. IV. -Freddie Smith 65, Silas Ford
63, -Barton Ford 58,, Gordon Hooper 66.
Sr. 111.--,Viaiton Prouty _ 72, Clifton
1Sia- -
Nelson Stecm. . Sr. - Orman
Ford 75; Willie Stacey 5411,
Horace Pfaff' 78, Grant HooperC8; Bea
Box 40 Part II -Annie Green. Sr.
Part 1. -Ethel- Smith, Emile Smith,
Willis Hooper, jr. Part L -Lena
F. B. Graham Teacher.
. • •
Heal, to Reta-Mity, second -daughter
of Oliver Harris, en of 'Follartoo-
Wiliam-Taunt-At the home tof the
bride's parents, on April 6, by Rev.
•. W. Brown, Win. u, a
„ _to Mies Limy, third 4.imbterLoLlift,
and Mri. john Tilley, of Mitchell.
PicOgs-01.sai11r.-At_t- reektorice
of the brides paten* on -April 5, by
Rev. R. P. Bowie*, Mr. T. D'Arcy
McGee, to Mieo Misr Mae, youngeet-
deughter of Mr. J.P..01arke, Wine
formerl of Exeter.
Parkhill, on Aprli 1,
• Edward McIntosh, apd 82 yew*.
NOVIAMa-ki Mitellent on Akil 6, Etus. .
anah Hothatn, relict ,of the late Riels.
Hotbsr0, Ilibtiort, in her 7441a year.
Ittscunnt-In Csborne, ou Aril 11,
Mrs. David MeGn Irtee burned to Vh)letta A. Russell, triftk of oh* N.
death at Brockville
Ratellifiti. aged 21 year*, 8 scoaths.
dayslfl tOwil th'is week.
A. Cottle' isito bet been
In *Ion4 hat returned home.