HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-04-06, Page 5E TttHt PROVED SI- MALT wrcnc Morph Sof the ear testpioneer* of this di* tori .t. u n : did at his mus on W d+ : . armed yeti's. f,e has been ill tic iia, few ' 'a arai iT WeoL~ab of grip and a iiioniez. 'ai � fia ► ]' Birth.: • . J Ineti Atkin s t 4.11 a,�a i k� °i 1 iuklutam . hd daing' a as • attriettag. 3er441atlgcn .M nLt4, 1�S ,,Ts 4+4i.nten 1 �1��`fY.�tw n7 ' ij � n :ta tt 1100414)0e ''. � t i ll�r, xt�ilt`2» :rieari e:elfi t.t:ck:e a;,'l'cIudiriitt�t"; taL+ee llii>i nt'oe1, a the ia-riierl! e:jaaitre, ' ` H1aai siibtt: :Joni St attli; a uaadaelrl' atrl•e1:with;. a P in of Accident, ate w e.ti a e, iri arnlfiXig. 1i g ' •w en, tbee•crrew bar L* naiad under as ;re ey ltwigo.Oneslipped. ' The leg fell 1a.ati'i;,., meet broke tii, right leg lust Ertr Me she ankle. , w . Ssaf°orth: The halite of Mr. °lint/ l1ia e.--J'tasia;it T ra +mnfn;"• wa : s"'tlae'r• � of am iutearestrn , r'v srfrn-,,,a:ai .e !age oft only daagglaiter, Mini line, o John , >t; "rtrceoo'uy:ratr! followingletter • is only one of by e of it -. A,. R. Pitts. in .the Pres - The Mani th. . , w is �. L a°ttx cit:rhoi�h fiftyget • the ,l'ianl+tla< � "or�ee . ;ainci into.s atri i t , qtr le aeetta n nl d "1t z er ab1e tisane �e t ' 1+To rdteco tira> rL.ritil ae,ti.3 %rireleuitsfir ta!•'a'kf irar t ' *Jot ►e dal '1 Uoi=; dt J OB i l"iKt."x`htir aP Its'ai n •w� 0, ; as a>•` nee, to rte L .. ur . molt 'A `r � r hr 44, * ti vGJ, a1c ,ppi ►>�eS ch, TEOPRIEMOES DENTIST. T. firth eliira ct Fvikhoutaeny' Pzin. or ansa serene Tester. fi',..' at rite rim D. ALTON' ANDERSON (D,1 .SC Las .Manor Graduate of Toronto Unh-eraalt.y and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Past Graduate of Chldaga � of Prosthetic Dent£tte (with lridnoai'a►tarin: mention.) e tngtn, and Vulcanite Oates to *eldest st manner pomade. A perfectly harmless P.71(AA gr..nri. ._&.L13..[.: K• ' -. .. As the. sprung is corrin; on now, gather up a your old truck such as Rags, Rubbers, BROWN. �Winchelsea.. iie�ene3 Ater'• for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex. also for the township of Uaborne. Sales promptly attended to and terms reasonable. Sales arranged at'Post Once aviucakelaea. Nit ANTED.-.LADlt AND OEN ,LEmEN ir► tib county slid adi'oining territories. to repo- t anamivertise ent-tandaadvertiase the Wholesale and. Educational laatrta tents 'aaan okl established business aq{alid financial standing. Scala $.60 per day with 6 advanced- earth'- Monday by check- .di beadquarters. horseand bum, furnished when • ,-pt�o aitlon nem Address BLEW C.O #:11 ►. ., Dept. Motion 81d ., Ch:. o, L L. tether hto rove Qil'.;' u t z ► � + Will ori. -tile haves Vegetable Compound must be a - 7 • -. 4. remedy of great merit, otherwise it The ,deecetased, essay has 4eeit . al*uffeiVr could note produce suet, -marvellous x frca spia►a 1. trouble for. mean 'ears as a and aaa woin,ena * hot 'bit* taw/ye �a been. . -O t 'and and his . ai, dlldi' lilt 'ht r4ti'Id. was alta aan ng ;sick ng . �. , de th. f og R Dear Mrs. rblkhams entirely utlo�k for. The, funeral ii after my marriage my health be to declined, My a'< Mite failed Me 1 1 waN ctcok purse . °to the ,,,,, cemetery. serer unabl+etosleepp, and i,bec very norm* .S*tt' t1 sfternoonp ; M and heti hooting paras , thr u . h the abdomen .111nton 1'„ tl%1a1, Pickertt white en l ku. attnlaerr th — ' #.IC 3ry. The Mee Horse. .. ' became air, ° andimoro patnful,arr�c • . , . a burden and Old Ro a expense to- my_ family.Inst et a bgip and L # pleasure. Lydia E. Pinkbain'a Vegetable ones. Compound cured me" within thrice anoutlts... Soon after Ibegan titling it I felt a change u , .tUus 4id Iron, forthe better, and at ttie time of my next One door South of Meetrepolitan Hotel That's where you will get the highest cash price for them. period I noticed a gg t difference, and the pain gradually diix tia3daaexl until I was wet. • k-bettarttuta ' . . fore i< was.ramarried:,andhh griat.rj tc-- ing in the house over the w'onders.your rned- Naoe works":-Mrar"M A. C, Letellier, .1114 Cadiaux St., Montreal, Quebec. Capital Veld V 6,00,000 Rent, Tradlvided 'Proiit+s- 3.218,959 1705 BRANCHES IN CANADA interest:it moSt favorable current rates Irons date ti led allowed oa Savings Bank accounts and De. Posit anoelpta mil Letters of Credit iearaedatra ll3a4s. is Ctdna, J span and otberlate1 I"' :cases, $1 To. a 1' de; C .I a iron err .I 1 •a ' gr **for Coors tot- ,, Compound: take no M o.,, Windsor. Ontario 06' p:t ''�+u� zrrw'a�:..';$tLW 03 receive minis#es. the 'Ili lay hinp for a while. One end of the log_ slipped off its rest allowing the other end to g�. cs up in the air and in it cote stirnck Lou under the nose tearing the flesh. The .lcig then tooka roll jamming his ankle against another log, John B. R. . 1y six rr► -n hi ken.meth.pee i a.. i : was .able to walk op town on Tuesday for the first tune. r ¢ince he ala S taken ill.- -Mr. Frank f , u o aiantiut -Witt set -wtitrwas menstruation, weaknesa of the stout- ne arrly:aa' yeaar: arg©. is Also gaiiaing'• fl•ooding.anervous poatr<tion" drre out_of`:doors s3rthis iealeck and nd enjoy ; to oieilf-lidige noebiose 'd,�u enare fo hosYtuanstiCgntil anad basbbengasbtlenst aeala " want -to -be -left -alone " feeling, ex- citability, backache or the blues, these • Eguiondville : At the manse, at are sure indications of female weak- six o'clock, on. Tuesday morning. Rev. ness, some derangement of the uterus IZleilShaw, B. ,A:;united in marriage, or ovarian trouble. In such cases there Mr. 3at rues Aird. of Kaatnloops, B. t'`.. is one tried and true remedy -Lydia eanet Miss Christina .1. Gray, of MeKil- E.:Pinkhaiain's Vegetable Compound. lop. The young couple left on the r morning train on as trip to Loudon a and Ingersoll, Ad on Friday departed for their future home in British Cohan:114:a., C fiitstri : On Thursday night Mr. George Taylor and family bad a .naar- row 080 41 e. fie was awakened in ttw testi WO *ring ng ,1; e' .r near -o •_. his little son when the "nu'rse, who was *aiting upon Alto. Taylor, .also COM, plained of feeling very sick. Mi. Tay. for did what he could to relieve the r,e. ed, , it w a a .snout inmost nvereome himself that_ he thought o t.be coal strove and on exanrinaatii n • he found that the gas had been escaping and the house .was filled with • it, Quickly Orenuag the doors and win, .dow:s.tlie ziiai'_beeaa naejt,l:rrifle'd, but these, who had inhaled the gaas.: eTt tee a rd efeetsa twit -for sever°aaii hours ... '. S. CHISHOLM. Manager. That Have to Sold. kFAMOUS S which have been in use for a short .y,,ad watt i a to make room fornew goods, we are going -4o se ithese Pia nos. at. prince .that .:then will tiztve-tri-go. Tt teerieTetit purebl sers would' TO -Weil to call and inspect these bargains be. fore -buying. Publicly uying• FCR SALE - �_ _. Viols and 'Piolin Sund- riesat Exeter Storeiouse n Always � �t��. Headquarters for Stationery. VEGLr''ai�'AfL" SICILIAN .K3:t=. .mrt ��_ e neiv splendid °ton cfori the r,mati�hair, grow long and the f u hair,darkrich color 'heavy Always�rirrr+,c,,�cot�arxn � ��r .�� '�` to' fsllln ialr, also. aitirr for �' ycars.'i to a>liy4a�,� "ft lius ness men •haave teamed—that our graduates tare prepared for positions of trust. No school in Canada eon do mare for its Students ti 5 -than trait +orae: - ur gr eta al wza °e .+ :wre crsi. tions. Write for free.catal.ague. It is a handsome Spring term opens April. 3rd. ELLIOTT & McLACILAN, - Principal& Clinton : W. Maiclntyre has /par chased the milk business and goodwill' from Mr, 13 (htwehill, and -started, on: the route 'Wednesday. Colborne On Sunday, 'Henrietta Stewart, widow of the later .fiats: O. Stewart, the one-time well known farther of Colborne,died at; the _ resi- denee of her son, Percy Stewart, in her 83 year. The old_ ,lady.' who bad b»en ill t%vo sir three months died of • okl n , her endbang no drier t heat- e ned by a fall tonne two nroothe pre viousiy, the ` result of which was :0, fractured arta. Parkhill : Mrs.. Shears received word on Tuesday, 21st inst, of ' the d 1 Murdock, of Port Huron. Mrs. Mur- dock was only 29 years of ago. On Men ay morn ng t net. e un er- eat h :of, her daughter, Mrs. ''Whelan) E IIHKETS e , �i► ">irif 1 RACK WEbNESSDA`i heat (old)--....... • a.«.....r•••. , Parkhill : The death of Mrs. Hugh M:ei.cra=f il�iti, Centre Mind occurred on .Thurrsads after at) llne is which con.» finedberrto her ;'bed for many years* past. Mrs. McLachlan is survived li ... Y.A . .. • .... e ' 38 ber busbandl nand one daughter:, Mrs. iY..«1. ►WA, I.k,.««•.i Kl,•• 05 Andrew Nichol. � ` to Nairn •; Teter:`. on Saturdaay. • , i *fr rth : A few employees es of -the woollen maillcalled 'on }fir. T. B. • Sim, pl 4wy, Fit his residenbe last Monday evening. and presented ftni with rid silver morirnted pipe and leather case. The, nt�atioii . wow made . _ Mr. "aelli ejoto,: bks alit atl mill star read >an tided < ., went-a-naiperaation. at the 'hospital -and e # xtiso' oc h ay. She survived, y' ii r,h r sti d ed as cl k m. t er sante d l e , ur�viv a usbn nd her mother, Mrs. Shears, of thtetowri three ,slaters and three brothers. Clinton The'iwo nse was the scene • gXdatu noon whe Re P. Br. Stewart, 'united in the holy howls of 'matrimony Mise Bertha Whiteman, dau hteer of. Mr. Edwin Whiteman, to 'Gem rind. :.. tt tame i norm Morris eta wits'bl�f► where they are very hiijtli e;'tita"+tletl�. 'I'ales�rdity'. St. Marys; A ; e, iei t wedding was ehx and ret tb Ee oineour n. sdaay, March `Ott►. when Miss Rhea Speari'ii'► became the bride . of George Brenner. The ceremony was perform- ed by the Itev. A, Grant./ ¶he lhride's niece e. Miss Mary Spearin, was brides- tnzud, aat t he grown Wes etteoded fry' his bt-c)her. ' he irraned{ to rel- atives were i:n;vit� sire - • :' Clintoiu� Samuel of our .very old - esirients.. 11111, paseed over . to the majority on Satuarda. at the age fSO years, & ono trt~iv '-d The + sees-a-durrng bls early -life.: was-- arr active business mean to Toronto, where he neaeuauutlaated considerable of this world's goods. About fifteen year* ago he moved to Clinton, and has more or less -made his -tome -here, ,Egrnondville: A. young min of F. `' '}o w ge nerftlly. ilia' Red •• ,.tis aa.e, tt , i1tO C ; la.iol doh dare.l rides of: high, -,class goo * Thes4 ate merchants' who do , not look for goods . which ghee them the Largest profit, because it pays tbeni i iia -+c m[er* l greater ►ti sis:ttott. , _ Ask a grocer of this kind bis opinion of Red Rose flea- -his opinion will 'honest, because nearly a of er teas pay him it larger profitthanRed Rose. He probably uses It in ybis own house, and wird tell you in a they latera. TO Contracting ert s e e± Telt 'for laableY, Ate., where tete rdcitu�i too Grp land last, y t'end uptan chichi Ley mil a ttlea s'rAAsROOKs, St. John, N.B. BRANCHES: TORONTO. WINNIPEG. The startling nnnoimcemenrt has Leen rn.ade by the Secretary of the :taadianar, tatref! Lfae l -o ? e'� •. ?_ : - a= �?�� ' xa1 ,.__ 4 '.-za» ax, near? �' _M.,in- ;'t'l��iE w iiauiti r;e food products in United Statesla-t year. . (PRONOUNCED SI KEEN) ' Weimer* _Cured two ;news off." ever e drowning on Saturday. Hewes statnd- in •-oi - �k�of- the-. riv &L. -the badge, when in some way1i 611 intaaa'the venter and °was tarried by the strong current demon• the strr;eaa iii allied hey fea tt e?dla Ion• of° lricl'i be got hold and in this way got to the shore, and _nzs-e•.his cold bath was none the worse for his adventure. Will Print The Ferranti. , ,a good deal has been aid of late a a'ixtuthe(publication of the formulas of proprietary medicines. J. C. Ayer & C`n., the well-known manufacturers. of Lowell, Mass., annnoufree that they 'iltbere zfter' p ibli+sb--their-foranulas op the bottles. This may be take" i.>iY to mean thane ihes coam p any r5 de*nitre ail liasuing the>r iitrhlic'thn t .late liuedic%e continua nothing of which they are ashamed. A. G. Mc1 A''","ItsTJURE . A. 0. McKay, M. L A.;' for Norrt i' Grey and minister anti crown' fad Wild the last Boss cabinet.,, was the victim of as tr°aalleep accident last week. 'Ile, was nanous eious for about 20• °rsllrinuti and sustained a misty scalp wound. Those who picked him from the pave-, ment at first thought he had been killed. Mr. Me Xaay left the parli `tanent builditi ,; ►r _the r t -box of sr. coupe,; and°it was while i rl riii a You .treet,'sit.- Grosvenor, that. the car bye entangled in. th movement of tw 'trolleys, as ,wise struck and ups t. The O. P. R. *litho teriri aridly b cbes In Manitoba and the weed. , ' G'illie' eaxie e f Toronto, � tiro, ,juste robed; to carbolic acrd p�ing. Thr Allan Line's view Itu nem. er Vietoiriatx awed' at �Lf*z on Sattlital►y., irirrub* horses � Hilar • ed tit's tete sta+ables of the Olt ► Illiealaar 'alb„ Toronto, ift corrninitted i Mn;h�fiina; e'tan'bk. , `""+rilalnd Canal will be o'`d virrn April Zth, end` tbt L Quebec Canal* on ° 'ay i.• Mr. nae Op Webber farmer.: of t "` rig #,. at, + ('d, ft •, b IiL Public% corro or es-#rhe►--histor a► ' his • stllirfi tion #.o maith.,w.a ub1i shed recently r t s paper. _: , a te despirett:: ora cure d rid° !'T a 7► e but three:a onth to live; ;nirte;t..o.ILuai �titeand of inedieat mens • and whose cure and complete restotanoli r t health i§ the talk of Galt and the wonder of the rniedical profession. Such in brief, are the o f remarks arm case Of Mr. Nees—vat, of wportraitctppnlars above. Weaver is today a splendid specimen of tsaasataaoe and the picture of robust health. Ilia - it:ta ai laltn no moreI trouble. le to strong �#eatlt y esti and sieepti well, and feels beta r e a.i eaten arra Mr. Moamar'. Catn..as Fomenttk • ublaL.ha gb -#his-pap. _ Pr. V. A. ; toctt n:—P'or five years I worked ss *grinder in the Jaynes Warnock, better knows: aaa,the Axe Ira story, here. The dust from the grinding ig did for tris what it his dose for in ► :therm.. Dare uric "grinder'a•eonstani m.�' £ ,wwaaa cots iltd, of To� , • quit- -dwitityree .wryoy.rk. I--aiper. • au`.te'1 a number sig Tung in stallers: Their dial > were -Alt alike : -' '1 suis have Grinder ani and antsy peUlbty Ilya throw. iarsaot s.,bat yen are Habig taw drop off at eratry'� time This was over two years ago. it then abort abandoned myself to what seemed away fate, ally twa bothers having sherd stat vasa ption a few yeaaritwvi ka. 1i was to start• va aced rata of the x was this and weak had ht Sweats, chills and' foot. *adsterrible teas >` saw' r adv seratent of "Part' alto, ` *ad iK a>Neii teatry ft.. Tkrongb the kind. *dirk* aa►rrd sl+waieitaia ' e Itrt°. ma. it25 ' arrirlrllawr incharge kerne aatF t wauek` 1r< gem re tz buena,. The linnet �gr ant retial. *nd iii ttees»`ttaa ' a ax y e'Mak down tow* and 4011014Y. ITO* alum tke* eatl&y; i el Width. and work hang •+ . i exit !tart i aieenimwa il. 1 feel'}f d liia�la al'ealr