HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-04-06, Page 4(0,neftittkio 3as.iteeo.'"
Routb,Ode,* '
wbusee,leetk t9. rows .1!..
1)40defeated Ltiber
y • • emu-
liSt oiPection'dle,.initeS. ti;
btLtiL'dk the courts *011ie -time tor
filing protests' has pow expired. Theri:
are now protests in tert-eeostitoeticies,
.... IA A
A small part of President Weise-
riNee a dress -to th IsTatioual
Congress of ',Mother's of ;is tington
tor-here-given,and-ia_good "THE
"Into the woman's -keeping is commit-
ted the destiny /4 the generations to
come after us. in bringing up your
that eibi e'it is essential to be loving
and tender, it le no lees essential to be
wise and firm. Fooliahness and, affec-
tion must not be treated as -4 inter-
changeable terms, and besides train -
loft your sone and daughters in the
softer and milder' virtues you must
ctalititir-vorfrielr-Ati after -°-11
they will surely need.- Some children
,.. will ge wrong_ in spite of the best
tralining, and-sorne will oto riglit even
Ifftleu their- aorreundings are most on-
tortuarate; neveitlieless an immense
amount depends upon the family
training. If you mothers, through
you will be responsible for eau, ti sad:"
ness among the women who are -to -lie
their wives irethe future."
Winnipeg, Mareit 30.--4Shortly after
seven o'clock this vaorniog eight
doaebes Of a colonist extra, due to
reach Winnipeg t� -day, were derailed
. near Dryden, about 200 milee, east of
this City. _SeVerel of the passengers
were burt, but none setiouhly. ,All
were on their way from Ontario to
the West. 'They are being cared for
in Deyderi hotela by .1oeal doctors.
-Averting tholie injured from Western'
Alan; Vita tase Boxighard,
Daniel MaKay, Whiteehtirch; 0 F.1
Stuart and Mrs. Stewart, Alias. Craig;
Annie Gibson, Wiarton; Frank -Jacobs,
--Brum • .
Famous jockey Kiliett
Otto Wonderly, the London jockey,
died -in St. joseph'e Hospital in Meta -
phis, Tennessee. Sunday, as the result
or-lirjorleffe--;-''.7" 4 -
our a horse on the Memphis track on
Saturday morning.
/, Tlie famous little rider met his death
In the same manner in which dozens
of other jockeys have ended their
career*. 1It wart galloping a horse
in orting terms -when the tinitet;t1
_ en* . shied at „soniethint_outside
" svas„
thrown from the saddle, and the Wise
-scousv1iLbiood.00zixig front ,his
Joseph's I:lospital„ where everytbioa-
poeeibIe was done to save his life. An
• •
head bad been *broken. and the lad
. died titter an operation had been per-
formed, without regaining conscious-
Ile was born in 'Woodstock lett lived
• big WIT lite in London where for see.
- -end- yenrsine-was-Ait- -newsboy er-ibie
• Frorn the time when he won his
first mall:et-bee had. phenomena' stie-
Vele irt the saddle and:'has, nettle arsa
•tweed several thousand dollars. He
• • is geld to have been the most gentle-
4flentyjoekey in till, bits.iness...„,
It has been .annbuticed officially
that Mr. James Carter, of Lucan, had
been Appointed leiter- at London in
soecession to Mr,Itobert Boston, who
resigned prior to the Dominion dee.
tion, Mr. Cartir will commence his
duties; 00 fitondo.
--mweetter bas been 1044 Me' Pre*
sent A. storekeeper And' postmeeter at
Cbmdebuye,end was well liked
throughout the tiortla
t there
abZv to corer n
tifsterrit. Heir
, the *uIypiivetlireiwknownto
he in fr errdt
"ott,th i t ect00
..,• •
atient; ,St
. .; t
101 ,t notikiwtoto10,
t ; tg#4, 43.-,
tRt 't a il,e)"•`'. '.'
i4 Li Lit fotm.ilite' 0:
The Council of theToWnsiti e
Ati..1P011Yetik' If to. own Isar
iton, on Menday, April 3, IOU. • 411
preettut, Minutes or previolis meeting
read and adopted. Anderson -Year.
ley -that the time he exten to not
later than the 1st of June next foe the
li-etieltiv-Drainagagine a
ramage viewers to file their e
io reference tu 010 Mud 'Creek Dram.
-ittrer,rFence Viewers -and Pound -
keepers appointed: Pathuoisters-R.
Hicks, Frank Abbott,„Thos..0.1iver, D.
McCurdy, A. Rollins. 0.11111, 11. Elson,
G. IL Windsor, J. Willis. J.. Font, W.
Penhale, W. D. Satulere, 3. Ileptetrn
R. Davey, 0. Hoffman, W. Wirier, F.:
Short, It. Hill, 6. Parsons, IL Lamport
Finkbeiner, J. Schwazz N. Kestle„
11. Restle, 3. Fiyen, S. Henderson, J.
Rattler, S. I3eitver, j...Madden.W: Wit;
zei, M. O'Rourke, X. Meyor, O. Fink-
astaed, W.
Smith-. F. Preeter, J. Willert, W. Eag-
leson, T. Keogh. • O. Baum arten, A.
'# b N
Pollard, Bastard; A. Ireland, IL
Adare, rt. la o n R. Stone, Zr:Lo've„
A. Meliard, P. Millard, .0. Mason, D.
ilson. E. Gilt, J. Statton, 3. Irodgens
1. S. Hedley, J. Gera:tette, R. Taylor,
Steeper, T• Whiteside, F. Green/. 'Silas
titanlakei-Jr4 W. 8anders;-11:- Atkin-
O. T. Wainer. Fence Viewers. -Sid.
Davis.. I. Rill, Jr., E. lIabit, P.SleKen-
nie. 0. Mawhinney, G. Finkbeiner,
Love, ILL; Down_ A. Hayter. Pound
Keepers.-W.,Moffatt, T. Shaptoo, J.
Mersagic, R,Cunningham(' J. Hiekey,
0. Webb, S. Dieterich. 3. Edwards.
J. Amy, 0. Finkbeitien W. F,rite, F.
sPeeeter,- W. Zimmer, .A. Messer. 0.11.
Wilson. The•following accounts were
paid: J. V. Blither, puttin in two cul-
,- •-•
:$13.15: R. Hodgins, vele etliverk R.
Hill, do., $2: J.Stanlake. 404 $tiPW,
Pickering do., $2; J. Edwards,. rep. !tide
road $2; J*Sims, Work °a Credit=
on Crediton road, $3; W. Anderson.
drawing brick bats, $10. Connell ad-
jourtied to nieet again -in the Town
Crediton: on Monday, May I, ,at
1 p.m. II„Ellber, Township, clerk.
1%re. mad Mivec-11e0.4-11antle spent
Monday in Seafortly.
Miss Maud Handfeed, of Winnipeg,
is visiting relatives here.
Mr. W. W. Taman' spent TueSday
evening at his home in BLyUi.
.the •t%IL4I8 of •
3, St.ephen rant)* -month Of Alfa
The nu.ue* in -:order of tuerite,--
• Hiekse . Harry Trieluter,
y Nrsetts, Jr,
ImaPuP Gladys Dear-
tou Dea
tt ors, Earl
tePa*n' Pert nter V d -
or, II Olive
t014 tiordon
Le -Merle
POtievoliteti; a•Ovhearsgrli;
Banes. Teeeher.
for Match of S.
AlMa ndford.Sr TV
Alice Dai.Ei1nves.FIusie'Huin.
lie Rooke, Russell Mav, Frank Room,
Ethel 31cCiarely, Frank Baudford,
nie Lwow*. Jr. IV. -Alvin Esser'',
'Will Webber. ArthurKersleire, Richie
i its, Nena McCurdy. Sr.
lt eCta 4'1 inner;
is. -
" Davis,
r. George Davis, Thos.
Coates., Hedley May. Annie MeCurrjy,
Ava Skinner. Carrie- May, Liieereigh-
tm, Heckle Colbert,. Pala li.-Mary
unte_r, Leda natligo7g,* S r
Ai e±67.4 g thi
?.1iniie The
name s in order of merit. Average at-
teridane 42.
W. A. Davidson, Teacher.
The following is* correct, report of
he standing of the pupils of S. S. No.
4. Stephen, ler the month of March.
arnes.in order of merit,: V -Elgin
Alny. Sr. IV. -Nora Brown, Wilbur
(Meek. Idea* Schwii Willie Presz.
Lopitts, -SoliWarz„ Min-
nie Kestie,, Mercer Met.- Sr. 111. --
Ethel Kestie, Nellie Amy, Jr. .11L--
e Morlock. IlerliieWeiu liarry
Scbwarz,Sr. H. -Leonard Schroeder,
aet ,E -Ari, v ii-CereltUeva
Ora Ctarence Either, Herbie
Kraft, Merin Broker:shire. Emerson
Mildred Kluttapp. Willi
Scbwarr Geezer Cornish.
0 inton Brown, MAU Ooxwortb. Sr.
Pt 11. Ott a Brown, Gordon Cornish.
°-j4.11111441"111G. Wrk't31*-. Lawson, Teacher.
The following is the report of the
standing of the yea*:Is of -tire _Senior
Department of S.S. No. 1, Stephen for
the month of Marth; V-Verport Wil -
80n S33.
1,Virson 'Elva IkVind.
the best I ever tised in all iny fle,
have as long as X can get it."
(Signed.). MRS:.
To any woman matting in, mune axt4 addre:ss to The Ogihrie
Montreal, and menuonning dus paper,' these recipes WiIl bent
(Iselavoratolib$ ,8,41t •pari
upitsis gieee„
dividual instruction.
The -Sitorthsaul System
taught lei that titled by all
newripaper - and court re*
pest syatenli of Book..
eeepie& reataithship, Arith-
'netts, et o , thoroughly
Situations gitaranteed
•• la every Creduate.
rummers Sale Notes cashed' or collected. Forms Supplied on application.
DttA.rrs on all pointiin the' Dominion. Great Britain and United
States bought and sold at fewest rateof Exchange.
ADVANC)S made to Farmers, Steck Dealers end Business Men „at
lowest rates and on rivet favorable tetras.
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
, _
epeetstor $t cilimals twelve& Interest eon -
Saving Bank Departnienta
, .170ceemberded haitlautti: sMed to vetripitl June 30t,
Agen .4E:rebel. fi Th Domiriica •Goeuunent
DicK80X& Oitteteo„ Solicitors. ;' X.).. TIVEDON, llfanager.
News of the Week,
• 1
The operation upon the Ptince of
W.4egreonsi6ted inerelyin-tbe lancing
o n bee .
.ora ,oweli as re ru • risotto,
a pleasant visit with friends it Wind-
itl;-zt-Creditnn, s
Thu_ -mother
Oa trim,
• a so oronto, who haai*eti
the guest of Mrs. W. IN..11toston, left
Mond4 for -tier -home.
- •s-,-43irney=-=i-tttr-43e '
s' • -her-ouitheri, Stonehouse,
who is ill.
Mrs. G. A. Itanisden. of Georgetowte
•is Visiting at Mr. 3.- N4 Reteliffe'e..
Thanes 'toad. • ,
Mr. J. O. Can left Monday for Bar.
Miini.oettere he 1ntend4re1huttl.
og the atwitter,
Mr. Jacob Wilcifong, otlhy, ieras
Among the number who left- here -Alton.
Mrs. Jae. Murray ha* returned from
a pleasant visit with friends in Wood• stoek and Burgessville.
nLL„relitek _Ana «itqter.„ •
Mabel, -of St,' Marys, spent Sunday
with their P0000 here.
Dr. Rollins *nil Mr. Ilugh„Sporck!
manaPtot pea of lasteweektin Tooter -
to, returning home Saturday.
Mitet,1). johns returned home Bak
urday'evening- front a vielt with her
daughtee, Mrs, Goodieort, of Sernie.
Mrs. John Sander* and thiegliter„;
Mise Norre,.zetttrifed rrie1t3efettin a**,
It with Mrs. Bleb. Penliateat Toronto,
Mr.•Itichried Betnteer, lett on Wide'
n14401'0 ,Alatatelte, Atari.; whet* her
letslant; aledIntetider rentaltdelitUst
Tufsda7 morning for Woi,sh
Alr. Alt. Sheer* lett Tuesday
leg for etyetel eft**
will *peat ,the anmmfz' follow
ottupitt1ono4 -*leek
Mr et lam
are ettendtng the .0),43t1USI
ing of the W. A. M A. or tbe
Huron in London thisweek.
atal Met,
har been visiting
the poet *ix weel
thir ettrue with, Mies
ftw Iferliet Friday.
u, 4. Stephens,
tiktkog A course ,et thi
Coy flirt Id Dot lan 4i9 Alvin
ket 001. _Sr.IN. ilft id Ilodguis 0444,
illie-Simsfia"k-Ins. A .
ep turnLt3l tar
sOrt 5ZaxElliiitt-532e°01 m
Itageetft $18, Gordon Wilson 813. Mer -
von Elston 113). Sr. lit -Hazel Hicks
Austin 14i MP John nembie
1 tWS .),7orinan Beaman.
Jr. II 1...=.311041. 791, Noble Bi.
sett, John White.
Minnie Botterill, teacher.
Junior Depaltment. based on attend.
ance„ goodoat:duct, and general to-
ficienev. Jr. HL -..John Hograth 1011,
Ivitelcieeryarinite-Ellaltelter Mil Alex -
well Bonham 417, Earl Califs*, Ross
emcee 6-reltr.-----.V17-0sste Davey
lalLnarey 103, Willie 739
Roy Callfse MP. Hubert 'White 64e,
Harry liVindsor 108 Jr.. II. -Bessie
Anderson Mei Fred Fairbtill MI An-
thony White 78. Uoyd England 730.
Fred Emery,, Robert Alexander.
re ttedIfies,--Reterett rattfat- Wiretew
Colbert,. Sr. Pi. IL -Stella Neil, Ethel
Colbert, Wittrettaker. Jr. Pt II. Mal..
van England. Hobert Neil, Madeleine
Hrtist„ Othella Motz, Vera Motz, Mabel
Eiliat, Pat L -Ethel ilowden.
• Miss Porter, teacher.
Settool,' Ititrotteee-The following is
ot the Crediton Public
/.7k)t„ of
rqulred for lionot,rtnaft
Ames are in ortkr
T. Conti/met n
. Frazer Brown,
usl, Arthtir
tle hert,- Ade.
trey. Jr.
ILIith.11111 A1.
'Ati?ttitte ettendateee 31.
C1eu4le Dinetti, Teethes,.
utio Gate
Attired* .Ptok4
otter:satin, VilHe
r, MaiId •Qee::
#1.104,Pe litsi
*4,, tatty. Starlit.
eat it Tteitz, tlie
re. Mdhin, Heritric'
itt ,Ilolteirtart, 'Vet*
Lett: Gab.
Wellingtort Rai:,
*Wellington Tlaistti
Mittat. T#103r1
ter. Tae
I Leta
.11;11411$ kitLtilclyltirt
be.- Ilene Etb
Parson', who vet
nd, making °mere:
le0,4lft' Iterideo,
• Iloltentatit.
haS 1)4441 ,ger. Nutbel
t city I
arall kcyfsjr
w1aet-0 he ixill igain eomnienee.
lossommerriutiettait pilot on a boat,
• •
Me, ;foretop!: Maxwell of Clieelek *a
, k Ued Ity,re timb white thcopinK
in the woods'. • •
Allan betties, the IttOcket Player, hiti
beet:Acquitted of the .elettifo or
. ' l-tughter, snd *lhilt 101044. -
Tiliattltlat Meert*o, tor yretti
intendent nt th getotmetety
d 4,4.4 \
Mr. A. Asquith, of Hullett, Is ar.-,
pointed inspector in place of W. 3.
_ trorget-1., yearp„•
maev yedis a linetnan, wag eleetPorttt-
Nation indian9, was !plied in attempt-
-. Mirlittel Smoke. of the: SiX
• lit...16_110anL4 .
StAt t bitis .
Cornelius Murphy anti his wife.were
fantod- dead tri bed ztt Magara.on.thie-
Lake, having been arrphyxiated lty
coal gas. •.
Air. E. I). 0 -Flynn of Madoc is dead.
He was a prominent banker mid „Lib..
end -candidate in three elections in
1411141414*"-isince Edward Island asked the
eitilietatrfenvermirent-tn-huildir tien
nel to the intilnland at a cost of. $10,
000,e00. • 1,
.Five estaltlisheuents -itt Chatham
wore damaged by fire. Loss 320,000.
-Thelire'wawatteetided -with leveret
..citing teseues„
Itev. Dr. sione,,- or swot, -Ste: Alttelr;,
a preominent minister of the Methodist
chapel), lately rethed, died suddenly
at Parry Sound.
tottebittg a live -wirer- -
• su_ttist
Wipuraied __
0 you, Wier its Innuencs the brats Decorate az
altgrapies. blotches and •ulcers beat up; the nerves t g as iteel, 10
tho.t Die rvountess. bashfulness and desponuency dlax;Vtior; "ttla •zve s bezotpe briset.
the face full stud clear. energy returns. to the body. am, the ehysiger and
sexual ,systems are invigorated; all amine 'icease-.4c., waxte fnom the
6p. -The varloul argars become natUral arti InikrZy. Taw Stel vaftreett a nem
@AG rOW maftlit40 cannot be a failure. • We Inrithe a.„1 atlfz:ed to e3USuit us
Corti erahally•and free- et clusrge. Don't let at:auks Yr=
bar .w._44.-eignoedziclAoullstrAs. vi\t'0111.1 '
dIscrellert, Pal ex.coson
bealtEarirory tTa.
didn't care whether I wericed b:-
nuesscd riy secret.. lamag:4-41se
()reams at night wealaned tazkl0;
sestd, ti1VIlas In the bac* tt icy
hold, banit and fevt were
were eiriaLly. eyes !germ
memory p3ar, etc. ;$11/13DICEZ3
- fitters set in' ani tht
he feared p3rity-4s. I tmlean k
tned12Ines eel 111e3 =stir -111.ret-eagi3
we ---an, eIerT
three months, went to Mt. CZeitorv
TREATireiT bloats. but re:eared little b.i TREATMENT
at Mt. Clentitin I. was Induced b consult DM & 110•4111, thOutals T had
•lost an faith in doctor's. Like a • driiirtdris man I tweatarecet the74eIC Method
Ttalittnttit,end it iared_lny Tha Imprevelakeitt Ink& :I Id feel
the rig& groin* altrouaTinly nerregli Cdf-ed
L tyre sent. theta many (agents aria will •eintlalie t 6 low
-4'.--Crarai-OVARANTVOrciflit PAX:,_
-I' We treat and cure VA.RICOCEL1C. reretcrevest stele
tenon nunearues, URINARY COMPX,O,k115,, lap7:9gir
REL .3ootr3 ram&
OntiitIon Blank 'Mr HOITHS Vegtratilt
...rebri Melt entie or rt
The Ontario Government- has defile- cotton tted soleide wi ile t e
iteiy decided upon te. (tweet Provincial Jim ping into the leke.'
wee of ge,009,090'Worth of bonds for
the Terniskaming Railvetty.
A Chicago phYtticien seys ri one per
Ord. eolution of eat ledie geld used •rts
* spray' for the throat will prevent
epinal meningltie or "spotted fever."
crose petition Iota teen filed t
wett Ilureen by Mr. • M. O. Oetneron
ested by his opponent* Mr. Du
tIPSeirimire. nriytxineur-iivere etitom
'Monday in 30414Leiter-1i nine
Zeigler, byirterrific exploelon EASY TO US
if pm and it itt"positible that thirty or
inure of the biateituren are des&
Itt4j'NoytD.,(7)*Avettiot s Method
yatitertt ott the Iltiffelo
Stret,e HoIntsJ,totneeitted suitide
,liertgireetumeelf itt bill room at the
titutiore Mr. Cettgdoo „wris U7 yve
out. end bad been *titterer filen title
OltfOr a Iongtim.
-irnrit1 aterntei
today, di feat-
• lengths.
Q flrnt'n efte' Lurt in b
fix Up belt el'It I WI* •1110 tP
tin)1#-y Ott*