HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-03-30, Page 8n,
Q.�iF'• I-{f1.�1.
trj j
{k9Pw�.p grfat values. at Stewart's.'
Mr. . f1. ofirriltties to aznj0,0.0et ass, d
that a,ats'i' bias week the chopper aact
the p ewer b w e telt only 1. rtin � +
th •day's ofd' 'the 'week Tais'n.s also eor
l tie7.
oW truer
, on'th • .or • lot e
th+e .,bet'ter foz!
�b 'weight vee o' t
Mteee+t•of tieg,k lnea
t!•r " ' p
rrything'right about- it, of i ot;i se.
t 'am
_trait paper
patterns and
ha;t[r7le VOA tt4's
• I A t ;Y. +r 1
est i on Sundarmorning.
vieree reasons ski ;many people •are.
�q�sax the $uvertwi n Bank .Ad. front•
rocure toe
areMidt y�sein' do ixsg at the ` Ad•
I e cutler .
lrank't►Voods haspurchasedthie
of .
i y'
'1i}�Cl�se»rt'itig' � n�
tarsi took session on . Monday.
Mr. "1!(r'lti asratxi Dearing,: g,: Sr.. is still
t . his Case is pro,
rrMluaicl to:liis bed and �
nerved one with little hope of recur-
frown very delightfully
ttraained a number of -their young
- it $u -S
�daay evening. _
foxi want .some good cows attend
•' ti , intra is
frirdaay. April 7th. For partic. flare
r —i
see local elsewhere.
Mr. 3'ohn McI stock, of :(soder. is rc,a
Pate of London. lens taken .4 pusitrci0
app-od is at, the. ConammHouse,'
wonsmeuciog' bis duties Monday. ° , f-
illies Lela, Cooper. of flu4on Street,,
aat London
rtzda•"trti,the hospital
swing taillInesse fifer - inotber,r ' rrs.
/mi. left .on Friday to be at her bent -
Ne: trotter fine boots for .men, women
IOW heax,?/ school shoes _ than Ahrens
• . caV Stewart tells them. .
-At the beginning .of its career* STAR
to assert its clai.n for
r.,orotk. a. 3 it re .+.
r-sinc a ithas-been establisshing its
eiaha. - Harvey Bross.
bred hens' brie forth—tin
- of
on-•�ieasdat �ittl��rcbiek,en
aliYses y bunds thaha weft g t the fall
kir prises. -
a t Bs4staat `'• : 0
f I
1; 04'
for 'buuyi
and et
+b raft,
ue ill and uogura
vener►blepid • en
YeAre 0.
itist the
nusent y he
ol" tiiarae+coverl►.
.'; . . ktrt rtu
i our -many customers who -have'
t eelt with us dicing :thet threeears, and -•further, we' wits to state
w.1!1! preparAuLto.:. p1 _tha-
otrcustom a it
drssrt:eines rolik.—LOMErnAlry Milkman
and Market Gardiner,
Mr. Wray. Reid, Exeter ° North,- t:hie
Week" purchased from Mr. "hos. K;
flaandfor;»d, that fixe Standard. Bred
Stallion "Brinker Sprague". No. 8450,
Record 2 and will.
travel • him this
Season. Brinker!. Sprague -is an 'excel -
lent ty z f abouts and, possesses all
the zr tltrtic, necessair ry to turn the
very t of roadster stock,
1 ir. a an lseadrv+rtrr--
the Presbyterien church wi I have a
social tors• inrrrow (Friday) evening, at -8
o'clock in the basement of the charch.
A triad program of music and readings
"it n.-zafter rich -.refresh-
. ` -.., E ion -1&
.-wc+-E�e�-%i� sired Etta
nrl- (reenter: The rds to be in
ate•e r+ee + spiral for consu rF-
tures at Graavenbn " -
Miss Mildred b'i'odWin, 'as+tssieted by
her . pupils in ;Elocution, will, give a
• . rra us ]a 'ter
e errenirs o . Friday, , 7th„
5 ; The ro .asnt>E coin rr�encu-
o a lectioons, Poses,�M�onologuee.
and Vocal .:and : `:1nstr?uwetzI . music
furnished by Mesa Amy Jahns and
others. This event promises to . be of
peculiar interest and profit and should
ensure a sssa full house. Admission 15
cents. Conic at 8 o'clock and enjoy
the evening'>i program.
Thomas Dart. and •Ohsarles• Myers,
butchers pf London township, were on
Saturday ian%.0refur-trlal tl�Li
general sessions. on the clone
of deal-
ing In diseased meat.. (It alle.ed
IF y:
' 1
diseased carcase of a •cow *bleb -was
unfit for human food. The principal
arrrtnesss was John Wilson; Of Mcs il.
livray tnwnship, from whom the ani -
Mal .tr.' purr as ed. The, butchers
paidpaiditittenly.for the beast, took it to
a-peighbor''ss ria ii" and killed it, but,
itne: slid not elieve. that the meat
aittiitx to he duan
rCe>asi�8 drseacarr:arzl .-- - ._._. �--�
p ea af* ti f 114 .C`e E3 tb
.Ailsa Craig, and. also paid Worteott.
S to keep the salt %Wet. The was-
ed were allowed lbaail in personsal bonds
of $400. eaach,n.and sureties 0000 each.
-` 'intlc oubtthst. ; r
at leas have been mostbiarittfal:y
is ringlike. At times a warm !hove+,
rm-south-winch-ar-warrzn !urea.
warm emile'from a neighbor, have ens.
I in ; the atmos heiress • eo►
lipa►ttrrtday and Sundayr lest rose within
• Rto feet of the 1931 mark, causing an
arrsstutiotus time tor forty-eight hours. It
sieterwards receded, and it is expected
Wig -went Mond is over: d
Thane*. J. W.' len Eyck, of Toron•
„ w a rte toe rn ovti; i cy -she
Una* with many of his fernier pa
a�rers and friends. --
ander the effect of a{ very severe A
l e *scam in the ssereice of the Trivitt
.1114einerbit Church Sunday morning
ry ces on
lnf*nt son of the_ Rev. R. J. M
a[1 Mrse-`: 'eritinssin heatt sou ru
+ czupied the pulpit in, the evening,
iching to a large and appreciative
shoos. He returned to Toronto
ontoMooday '
%"cerybeily says Mooney Biscuits are
oke: then they are• s a cheap, at Ste.
'fM?3Ea« ▪ til Con. ,trAhorriec
v ot'81arjp primtrDOg iky.
) n �� `thlrat; tr uta ,r �tb y .itl
t F ,
1 1 1
cttaRaih ad�wla>esl%li
If �rictoriss a A( y t
d. iItit: the . l rma`7>«ly .t ►
*OIL of nsssi
wh ►a
t r rrrOf tiff
fts ti s t_cfr
Mre ing has ztaas ong frstitrer
and for the 'greater ' part of it iai
months has been in an almost belpise
+ ditlon-from-- bats.might be,terns
neral `brsr
th nflrrwit� of old age: - Dung 'tea'
last few weeks of her earthly existence
she ecarcely recog►nir ed ht rfriendsae
they milled Around her, and she had
for SSittral days been > hoyerbli . be-
tween life and death. Mrs. Dearing
was ap► natio of Kn land. and came to
(*nada in the good Old, +drys.
when thisspart te tbe:country,:was t -a
most ara dense w•ilderrne:r»*tattling in
the Township of''ftephen, • trims many
ae=heenc= reu
'. srter a and by her kindly nature and
to aualitiee of both heart` and head
at the,
r5m;aqy�are `�
• s4
f• otyet
not FAIL -
;'�"rsc`�^R_.oiv-�4 .zss�-'�t���.:�:t3s .a�e+�•a
d' endeared herself to msny who
will rregret-herdemise. amides tr r.•
rosin : husabend etre is .'miry ved b -
three _+erg to= -ate
JohirMoore.ofGlen-Adel d e,N. T •
Km Burk and Mrs, ' `bst e .:of..Men..,
Jr.. :a
Celottac,..,Mlch. i end . Mr.�« Deering,
of Chicago.The funeral took place on
Sunday o the. Exeter cemetery._
nicks Fer�ts fee as .t: _ . _ _
-A marked cbaankee to waarzner, with
c'orrres din f+ l - he --barometer,.
will per+ rely pass from West to
Eastover the. country during the first
two or three days--ot April. Indica-
tirms of mining change and storms
will be apparent to obeerrviug -people
over meet pert* of the., country, and
there fore -running Indications, will
culminate in storms of raiza, Wind and
thunder, centering onand touching
Monday and Tuesday, the 8rd and 4th.
Any locality in all the great storm:
helmet -the -country -wilt --fable--to:
these visitations, ,and wherever high
humidity . And temperature,, attended.,p�
` " ray e'.I�ist», t'bat�
eacf t., forceful and violent storms
will be probable. Anyone of ordinary
intelligence can tell hours before'
whether his icturrned ate locality -Is goy
ing to fall in the,. direct path of 'a
storm. The tendency to hail storms
will be vrelitlY increaze at -this. time,
ssa copperrish, electrical cloud being, a1
certain 1 t.
is hail. ` The period will
change to much cooler with probeble
snow flurries ,northward, sand cool to
frosty:, nights will follow up to " about
the .lith. . Thal t . a Oth %erre central
• n t .0 : te✓Etction-;
orcin changes to storm ' conditions will
take place. Thee* changes to wraarrnerr,
Mug bitto . breas lts-o
rain and storminewe will begin
trranalt t to
lCi at'
Soo* e .irad ,ostI i.,.,. ...` ^- f.
A,neetingof. the Exeter ;Board of
Trade 'waass'held•i �� the Town' Xtt on.
T iuradu ni t last the • object bein
to 1 seals* ma =1-perrtzttn rn to Rai
way, Knitting factcirry and election of
*fillers. The first of these uuitteraa
.ware discussed at some length, when
it.wa s dace fed that'. a: joint meeting
/ 1
.• 1 _
waarrrisisia _ twat
been propped uporletdown,doors.
thrown open, rea allowed toted e nt
st.r1_�r. row ill�scatwi in an _en-
deavor to • eep the e tenipieraa lime : on .r -
mak. The.anowv has netirly aalll dieap-
p ed,_ the. (rod is out of the around
accept t in shaded pieces, the roads as are
rapidly drying. and but a few more
da s end the dust will be d irng. Ther
rot = an tree s' -which
swollen are ,quickly weeding:. Evan
the any laces are fit to walk upon,
while sidewalks have.forgotten to
to slippery and slushy. e 'huts
are mating. the .slap it running, the
«..= arree_bndding..i rid the _grad is
greening. Neve life seems into d lit
aali about +urs Arid ring is s rely ' Ferre.
A very inspiring—meeting for wow'
en ang:'i���ris was held by Mrs. cNaali
on Tu eda 'aftaerri;oon'in the Deities -6
ciiairsc .{ Ric vnus:'-"Jeers - -th
. _
nit .' a _- =rdw rig t . ,.r
Love,'* and portraying the 'glorious
perfections of His person." It carried
the thought of everyone tto`thee
greatness end power of tavloisr of
men. A solo entitled The Beloved
wet* fitting a ee mpeniment to the
whole. Mrs. McNair ri► lx a address the
W.M.S.1B. Au : ileetk�.•
rr t e,it continue�1�
the week and until Tama ae duo
sev`ault* to
» I on Sunday w1 kith
der. The lofty Mem and conception
of the Chef flea cbar titter cannot fell
to deepen theitttuaaaillif s oftb+e ma
bars. Nr. ir''o molting a
I a u1s40
far sC rrisit. arr`iid t ult a aw refumb fn
tt iu..
Mra McNair
"Brower) end omeland"
"Jost for To43:00" The *ete
Ane tit I.. melt
tom Hell butts!** in
do tinder ni "Thesit
IA tumbling." Al ere :settee's]
41lµ YA
d ti �•=
4idere. nb' to
ideng thep'"- route
th▪ enew�hel =in ,the -Tow
Kell, Exeter, :.on_ Monday, April
at 3 o:*cl ck p, Ms - A, Committee wa
ppointedioiatke_the_metter in hand
of netifying eard7pattless,94 making
other necesaar4 : arrangement in- con-
n -
ter of knitting' factory► 'came in for a
of disco .ton but dna detinue
g deal �,� .
action of Its ultimate eatabliss'
was taken. A committee wile asf ppoint»
sed ttt investigate certain matters: tters:' to
report thereon at the next meeting.
Other matters of isrxrs i tan . were dile
cussed and the the ."evening being ter
advanced'. the smatter of election of
- wee deferred. Mr: Gregg. the
prevailed rev'ailed u •tai Oft Board•.
to rippoint a e errs ary `a.srr he was
not desirous to continue in that cape -
city :my lozger Owing to thea" rase ing
emergencies of nia-bilitneas dicey.
However, no action Was taken and the
office is nor vacant,
Miss Clara Cudmar a is visiting in
Hens. '
Mr. Seranel Martin- is in Toronto on
busines> 1 .
iweera oorrl "
izt Windsor.
'Mr Ed. Hooper spent -part of 'last
week in Toronto.
Miss Lillaa and Army Johns spent
Tuesday in London.
-Cottle is visiting =1gre:�. t g friends in
'' to
rrrrr,rtrt nrtrt,'trr ftittt'trYrtifin
fi rtPt111"k1T�afP
p_y�= �a-�#mti m.tak#-ami
,tn_ il h-]e�.tl m; az Wherr-thny;Wilsot
the determination to come again. That is why we scourer the
matt ka is for the best fuenitu rs. T#'.eell at paces that can not be
beaten in i)anadar. : :
A grci-‘'1►►uses - usAl,tat ute
e= -o4•",
• ilfodest as our ;*ices are You wilt be:sur�..rzsed" at the •choice
ve' yon in t
o ' i latest designs arid' finishes.. Each" plece
: b e._th.. o 8
of furnsiture ' wrra s oboe with a -view, to durability as _eel a, -
a aartletic appearance.
The Leading. nderta cere and Furniture Dealers.
i•?Y+tYY' Y{X. 1114 t.0'I Y.
41 '1C:.:..#'Si.
rR Y.4.1
t.Y t 0 47
4 i i
pdon testas week:
Mr. John White, of Detroit, is here
Es itingrelatfveraran kfri
Mtn— 3armaige._ of London, 1s the
tensa- =s tion ahem
rapid rise of t e harometerand change
ta�fr - l9c u coo : F
'should be *Armin- ` of >erarsii�Ieirc, • c ... wage
In000ler.: rilh t. .
a ii cast •stranteit. x,. -
sllociticil Mit as per call of the Reeve,.
at»Town Hell, F'ridn . March 24, at 8
meetings read end approved. tom-
'munieationas were read from 3. J.
Knight, agent at the G.T.R. statin
stating that in the C-mpa►ny's esti-
maato s f.'0E they provide for whew
station at Exeter with other improve -
us 'mocking:it as � -ate �=
tion ofits size the province.. :Also,
fact+Har=tlrser=k' of the ty-tet Toro
*eking that Cooperation of. this ('ottny
oil inlay n applle ttiou to. the Legislative..
Ass4embly, providing that the names
Oftsiersiest women t sisee se ent
.�:�{{ , 1i•�+p 5'yy�y�a}�Awy
n vo. n money
larwaeR....LsId over' foe further �f''►n-
eiderration. .A , from Toronto asking
stibecription from this ' municipality
towards the erection of as monument
Os the mee ►+ler of the Caintdian atol-
diem who died while on s�pr'vric a era
South Africa during the Boer War.
Action deferred till..R t meeting. W.
J. Hemmen oiler',upper the Um.
plrrsr wa r- a re;witth, connection n tor.Ortbso -moo;
$21. - Mr. 0. Her
for the water
rle bourse; street`.
Mate. The tot-
on motion'
by 3.- Wood:
' II .i ' e
March 31st a1st:
Our'Milliners are hard at work prtparirg for the ' Annual
• SPRING OPENING, which will be 1M1d on Friday and -Safari- _
► y'sit NEXT ! 1.
lit Jai -1 Watnsliike- 0f , was
r. Curt Ilarnesi ill on a trip to
Orr IfortintrPeterboro.
Mr. end Mry. Samuel Bockinghitro
Moe Flossie Flynn- has aceepted
• gondetrit the Innate*of gr. Geo.
rr Monday hist to -fill apoeittein
a milliner.
Mr.. William Sildon, . of In
iit nett of the week with Mr. an
ametil_oTat4;0114T41:4704-.'n—aon, forme-
r.D. Mill here last week.
Nesecombeleft, Monday for
tretford, waive he has engsged to
Attr. Marahall Do** who has 'been ate
ending Min* School, Stratford,
,istetiocir.eierte.. :121.catt..bOonighalt:e...pertt4rtteto_lie...it:
his parents, London Itood* North,.
Mre, Itells, of Toronto, Is the geed
of her atter. Mrs. W. C. lloatoo.
Hon. Thorne*, Green -WA
it 4
Miss Barnes, of Tcironto, who was With us on•,
Bitl'rrrsg tsrt l ►t y!.1941144"8 hasarbz vtttipg eorne of
1± Milllnei y centre*. incinding : etiltork, Detiart"t u ,
- to rr -preps zt d p2ay�e�e
--sshowran i tax et+ r •
Yon are eordit;lly invited to attend -March 31st and April ist
ipid,'1416-w-lpg -days,
a ford re
-tcerre clot
Ca• and see o
tunertl Director
Pallor Suite.*
e no