HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-03-30, Page 71: •.• 140,, *ir t". 4.4 .!• BT 4. (11tAte'Ul.pKiki 1 . vo .. ,., .01 , ,s rto,if 7,90. ,,,08c., ,P 0 • .; 4 ,*Irli.0 ' 0'prie&itSer lir, s but lopikt, uotati.044aro...taw - 1 ...,1.4.04itit 4°4;41.190k 01 1 nOtt era; $1,.09;. , ts,',' 2.,.--0.0; N0,,a. '1,.; with scilm O .tLiavery, on the- iip-Fritiiii,•--or- host-- „it'tie to 7c lower. . - . OUf-O4) ----o-o-sessefe 1„ esetent4" $1.. '-'-iret, 450, buyers" sacke. eaet and 5c - to 2Pchigher for choie. • L)o., canner* ...- .-- 1,00- 1..7$ I)o. bells ............ 2.00 8.25 V0040141 All,n41. Stockers.' star IUZ'trk1INI. 1,1,00 „Pete ' e 44litiee .4., •t3O 0, s . '1ba 340 ' %setter 100 to 9'00 I 3.25 3.130 . , 400 and 11. •, cwt,:' ,petr5 •2 4 ' per460 004 A. s • grdii4ed. ew-6.7 P A 1)4 .‘• e ; atenta, $5.10 to •1/5.40 for 'wend *toti. and $5 to $5.30 for bak- feedeeetie to $15:50 for bran in bu r borts fer car lots !Mat and West; anitoba. $20 for Shorts and $18 .for bren, e. ports. . 13ar1ey-46c to 1.7c for No. 2, 4410 to 45e- for No. 3 extra, and 48e /or No." 3 malting .outsitle, \elloronto - freight s, Ryeee*Notnitsal at 716 to -720, for No. 2 f.o.b.' outside. Corn--Cartadiave 47c to 48c for te1owiuj1 to 476 for mtieett S.o.b. freights:. American. No. 3 yellow, 'filee. taxed. 5610 on track Toronto. Oseese-40i: to 41c for No. a outside • With 42c ist, low freights. •...,...Rolleetechaseetele3.6_,IorstnesseeLhngs. ettiet...../stAitsferesharrelseetnetraek-he • 5cmere for broken lots here and 400 ontaide. • eatt-,62c to 68e for No. 2 ,west ettel.east. • I3leek'Wheate-57c' to 58c east • and, Werit. Ors COUNTRY PRODUCE. ' _ • Butter --Prices are fairly steady. although lierdly enough butter is tooting fortVard. Creamery , prints• • 25c to 26e • tic; eolide 23c to 246 Dairy. tube, medium 17e to' 18c tie ?inferior • ,, 15c to 10c 'Ptitiry lb. rolls, good • to . clx0iee -- .22c to 23c *ilo.large rolls .• 206 to 220 do medium , 18e to I9c Lite tains and '1.1Jc for large,. • - X.:„Iggs.4*.rices are lower at 16ec to retatoes-.0etario, 65c-- to 70c on• track and . ,750 to 80c out of store. Eiestern. it 70e to 75c on track and ' Ste .to 00t out 4cif stores ,Baled Hay -quoted unchanged at $8 per tonsfor No. I timothy,. and or: clover -In ear lots . • tin track helve. Strawu-ls unchanged at $6 Per ton for car lots on track here. k • 1•10NTREAL itTARKETS. - MOntreiti, March 28.-0eain.---There rree-fiequiese-ter -.Manitoba heat -from' over the -cable. • t" ,esseesee eticits';, alVese per -,»t "e! 0.4 ••,?;#.44 it;i0 Hog' &ICt 16040! oTF .*.ett 4.•••••••44••• 11;4•41,:.• **40.0 $6. . '•tatti• o 6.04. • 'tight% off *cal* GLADSTONE'S PHYSICIAN., • Death of a Doctor Who A.chieved -Gr.a.t Stteceis. , Dr. Robson Reese. whis.Was inteetheeenoste physician in Loudon, England, d ed teteently. IlOyal princes, half the ar- istocracy.`bishops, judges and Cab- inet Ministers were antong those who sought his advice. It woe, however, as-Ms-..--01adstonephystent Dr. noose. then in his thirties, leap- ed into almost world-wide fietue. His•hiptory is an ,interesting chap- ter in the romance. of medicine:: The - SAM of an ancient but impoverished family, he was left at the age of 15, iil‘ a „ing.t4r YPI-miIer- -409,010. and Slater entirely- dependent " upon - his. exeri,ions. .efe edOcated hinuellf " shessoiren. way tfieeligitAlls teXtit tionse working. literary pur- suits- by night in order to pay for his enedicei stodies.. by day, and be- fore he was 21 he was a full-fledged porish doctors assistant at lirigh- t an _.:M.7„toro,s0574431,tir,P1-9.Yeer la -ma SOME FOOLISJI VENTURES CH*ILGE OF If:4A wAs , ‘.A.r :*)4eVaettt Si *Sustained the.40,nn.FIA C�nued . , 044 rtish .4 1**0an (1rrrnrnentd.•hhtlf •In .410ae. or. 0i: •tbe , el,U ",:ftleer,eeltisSepteMbere 1,824-, When theleCitinopeteeree!Wit'i** ' '.'at, eta ' heightAsintirig 40 uiet tC tt hir iAittiptr000eVitdeltiti JOi/rt • to 4.P'.aPPeitrieflesee," and fitava,•Alle Celestial honor. The Chineite 'ships, tea in ail. Steetned out imposingly in Sine etereeste- however, as itesseere. dance4l rented. them. Two of the --Chinese evesseli inatiet their eSeape as SoOn a they ,could. while two more Were t on fire and ran aeltiege. Ito • C reni-Ttiar The insane dash of the brave Ger- vera out" of Santiago harbor during the Spanish-American War is itteetber Instance. Caught like rats in 11 trap, the Spanish crier s made their adtearf 001 eyes-butr-weresperrstiettebret sunk or driven ashore with ul 17 of the Americaps, and SHIFS THAT VANISH FROM cbitigrnbaagtet.lefth . THE SIGHT. • - SPain eteeePOrtirilitu disaneeared es . . .11,0*.on0thusok;, itirtt440114,elit..Poif.lwaitinot- "dsOcirti z", 1#40414047-4 Turks and Eaptians whetted, rit tbo er than aek for the quarter, whkb ot:ad,:h4o tbooltiiii.:idi tavnit_li.,:tin(1411.,i, them. ' ' • Lac would hive! been freely aCeorded iet heceese." 1 $`,. thought... -s. „ , ( honor,eP.; fl.• 'e. eo1ai II ,,in.. , 4,0 - i t ro-II.F..t40 ' 64404. ".$4.t is *Weed e'Se.t.stite;. ''.. 1'4 of 0 •.*"itateealletnb:bleitS'Allt°sAilt.„1;0**theiti*Ot;st ." :erv- ,ede-IrOn...' ittiPtit . titlie.'thenie ,' . , , 'Cardigan, took th,I*', to, , hp *o, ',ordf*- trete .,Loe.0,.mtioat*,-to ;Ciinententki0,- iii-Chter."" For ,a, .lnictitteitt he •Otet.ted inereklulously at Captain Nolan and Taf4.0.$1rAf"'It.."14r' and 14 . 4 ....„,BIGGESill SALARIES LONDON'S LORD MAYORS Xi* WHO *az r Au! 1.4mcz ,rthOdea W • Veltxeseek t;itt teatta' it ti - 1. abortly 111: FOUNDLING vino pzo.mire t, arkahle Ciseiers'Wlncb tb *jet r. 4 if 0'. ,: • ‘ # 9.4/1 ' A . 0 bat.,, 0, • . o 414 414‘ .tri:st.14;1*-. 'Thiele:Sir ° joint 'Viiie t.litne...".•-.* , e''', fkalitt4lInt :. . etil ;• • ord' Mayor ": .1.0.10f44. etiipeteed ;bite, -:eifietticti:*.at..* fAtilidietliesiineer .,0,1.Xt:Ye- 't,Y,Yo'&.04,re 'Oi0.. 410 theY',-are.tY0teak.• , . who-()!" ..til4:h4,4:•#:-.:!4:41_0."...itv'se4. .4).:tzu:0:1:i0Plotit4eilitly:filliteo:Ins t..11::71: eutOge to the* Mansion 14.Ause.".: was , Chief- 'Magistrate of the 'Oily . three „wadi .estrines was. a 'folest: as. sheriff at * public' dinner to the sup- porters *of, the Metropolitan- heeise•-he-begoriehle-otldeees-in-tbie str is.__Rt. ,... h ., . t- . ‘. , . Lordliayo: and en m . ant heart. ,Von see before you a humble . individual who has been educated at a pttrochial school, I .canivi to...Lon- don_ in ..,. ltife.et: without asshilling, 'cant-itIs generally- tinder-• benefit of am'elltesical education; but Av _ 1, 4 : atop; that only two or r -three bank this' I will say, my Lord Mayor and managers receive as much an $50.000 es gentlemen. -that you witness in sna 4 Ye."' The egvez*""libiP of '‘'''e what May bo done by the earnest Bank of England itself is only worth aiipaloatiou of .. .. . ce by s's,lar 114, .,,. 0, :10 ,„ .4.:, 714t-444. ' t11744.7 - , .4. s betids of .... ..;9itirl:1:0°I;°414ttelt:e:•11.00;l'Of:e..ellient°41.1 r*I,`Atifis.,00,.a "tioW:igorth. 0#0314 for.inMO.' e'''ell"In6s.:illieTiesittl'er'"•t1:0''uti4fia: •witi°e's'Q'fins• ttllitet Weidd tire' each rettatinkeratied 'Ate:: the hie' face Paled with foreimilinge IThen ' '01inf 'gets $3.100see0e. he turned %logy in'.the saddle end These are amonst the biggest stets 'paid to anyone bu- ineas pursuite, but they are net quite CjJ .84:4410dfieti usedtoget $350.000 Year Huss received 5450.000 year as r director of the same comPanY• In comparison with these figeres the biggeat 'eateries paid in, the banking world appear unexpectedly said." "Thic. rigiait will iditaxicee: erhe "terrible 'ample over. and the remnant of "the Sig Hundreds' lornie ed up in libe. L rd Cardigan came tuwas*,,aucl' nod-brained:4r- but no fault 0 mine." yearson'a Weekly. a nava,' 12 -ewer.' t- the AdrairaVa • 4: ‘I. $10,000 a year, . and an ordinarY object was &delved. - Ile hed saved Long List of Stalely! Vessels directorship ail lit'tie ass $2,500, but, • .HONEST INDUSTRY. therm art• not the_ enoet„, remneterative and I trust that my example may s Settles* itt emine.ction with` the Old induce others to ,attpirei, by - the-satne Lady." , \ means, to the distinguished situation - But theresis at least enie salary which I now have tha honor to fill.," *at4-hY--aTehen.k----tss---o-rte;Rit4tesettfictaeis --Ct*--lello-ther etettsionsthcself-depre--' which, is colossal and magnificent4 elation of a Lord MieyOr wits a cause The bank Is the private -firm of J. ... of embarrassment • to a. very ,slistin- Morgan.. and Co,, and their lucky servant is Sir ClintOrt- Dawkins. guLaisurhiede, duguriensgt. hisWmheanyoraSliryearl:eanter- his country's face. •which Hck •ama. Mystesi leder 'rtiti-SPartittrele of old were MIrWoro `.• _ .4, - -----, .• ----0. - lahed. successful in. their sallies, as the . • story of • , There are few. thinga which are THE 00., UE..1fIG - 40, Intl -0 neestewhielr----nutke- bi- the gallant Cortes shows. • At one 'such it powerful Weal to AM imag- ination. as the stories of eltiPti that tine) it seemed "all up" with Cortes and his handful of. sixteenth -century :vahilichganlloatrilnyg '°i'sute:eor seheaardaonrd see. of Spaniards. They had entered their . -weitileefues-new-foundsecity only- to-etter-their laastik have dipped below, whosaaalary underatocsd 10 ha tetnined the ledges, he, had at h is - -11250-S000 A YEI .M., ' . • • . _ _ - 'iFhose 'lather,. as the world. , " treelinton-wassprivate--ekere-tetry re-eekricieteestairbeere --a- lannielir imirdreese Lord Goshen. when. as Mr. Goshen, er. You see before you, Kir Peter the latter was Chiinceller of the Ex- exclaimed to his astonished guests, chequer, and made a great reputa- "the Chief Magistrate of this great tion for himself. eis a financial expert. Empire and the Chief Justice of which he enhanced in official posi- England sitting at my right hand. tions--subsequentlypt--sed--beth-the-itighest-odlees-of India. The Morgan•firm decided .tb*t the State. and both sprung feoni the he was worth any eatery. very dregs of the' people.' ' • . - Ono of the most satisfactory kinds There •has never been a.' time since of employment from the pecuniary London had a mayor to boast of point of „view is- the management of when this high,otlice has not been a gt steaznship line. which wry be filled mere than once in a generation 000 by men who have climbed' to it from' very low rungs on, the social ladder. As far back as .,Ilenry V's time, Sir William de Sevenoke, who was iletierl in 1418, bad iiegun -life as &-founde which 'a-efeWe' Yeleierrago Created such -big; 1rad, -been ----- --- a sensation, required et manager .at .E.DIJOATFA) BY CHARITY, the Oetset, and looking round the • World far a good' one decided ' that and started his career sas errand -boy for .a small grocer. Sir 'AM.:tut-a Herr Bailin, the tinanaging director of White, who played such a loyal and the Hamburg-Ameriteitt Line, we.S the gallant part at the .time of Wyatt's Very man for them. They offered him Rebellion. had for father a poor a, huge salary to commence with, clothier, and Was himself apprenticed hut it watt promptly refused. ' The r. tailor at the age of twelve. trust thenscairie forwe•rdswith ati .cif- ,to yet he liv,,ed tosamass • great fer of $200,000 a year. but pre- sumably his present Managers made wealth, to found 'St. John's College, Oxford,' and -Toithridge SphOol„ and it worth his while to stay. for ,Herr to be the first •man in the., world'it - • eYEtolirrPrIkstithi--1-t:Irree lad left hig 'father's cot- - 1-fift-ocii-A I; ventury----a --Poor- tage in Wharfedale and travelled to listant -London in a carrier's cart , to Seek tame and -fortune. As Sir William Craven he was the Lord r-of-1614;--and-his--soti,.--grand- smoanrroi f I__ sthhe Yorkshire farm laborer, . of Bohemia • f Sir Samtja-Ptiude.e-------;t..--cnt; oe------ . . duction to dui 'city of which, in 1761 he was to be Lord Ma or was cheat, at SW as - -driver -of ezetettut eof -pas -horses • coming * from the 'West -country. . He little knew - then that he was destin- ed to marry the -niece of it powerful Earl, and to be the forefather of .0go a :mar; br4t.. tto h... man toot norluert. nwohboleawt, ofraerntitioes.maAylodreitt:i• hat to do is to exaniine t railway . clutin in 1/89, had been in early and give a little aidvice occasionally. Some enormous salaries are paid Years a waiter, and was foolish ha the oil business. anti, - ginee, the biggest are to be dis- covered in Conneetion with ther enor- mous enterprise the Standard Oil Trustee Second -1g -001nriatertitster- 'If ,. Rockefeller in this concern is Mi. Alexander McDonald, who does Most of the work, and receives a fixed sal- -find--theraselves-practleallympriaonera '-theshorizon. - At present the- papera. ter- eltzterseetstersweresaseitundreds-eetee arie.,,fullsofeethteetNetreda.191..etirsn nntr new systeins of Streatment. 'deed to the end .his kleortas • found one, and screamed., for the white rine tragedles. TO -day a larger following in Germany, where ments blood. „In their extremity the Cloverdale, Which. belt Hong -Kong on Spaniards. who were besieged in the November 23r4 for Vindivostock, atrd his wiitiogs are regaleied as • it and - Royal Paltice..br ruse obtained pos- of which no trace bus neer& foetid for aril medical works. than in his own session Of the person of Montezuma. over two months; yesterday it was country. • the Emperor and induced him to the Royalist, •which cleared a few :---Pisediagnosis-01-till-Lcastealtr.enght reason with the populate on their days frTer-ti Singariore to71ronge to him was marvelliously icorrect. behalf. But an arrow struck the Kong, and has. never reached her and unlike. the great majority of nionarch thee head. killing .• hien destination; the day. before it was fashionable physicians he was ale ays instantly, and the following eight the Iduns from Norway, which has reaciy giiie it In writing. ; Cortes and his little company fought vanished front human stew; and so Even at the height' of his fame. hen the Most dist* ib men 41 their way through the •host of their on, through the long list of shipa enraged enemies. send were almost that have sailed and disappeared. the literary, political and' religious annthilat,ed in the process. ' What are the secrets of these world crowded the Waiting rootlet of The Mexicans -drew a' toms breath.- mysterious. vanishings- of stately the young consultatit. he never gave The city was free from the odious ships. with their crews :and cargoesI prefereece to anY patient on ac- presence. of the White strangms, In nineteen caseS out of twenty the secrets -lie -with the 'ships many fatheins deep, and will 'perhaps neer leaf* loslightq-"To this tipsy, go one knows- whet* became of the City ot Ginsgoivs_which set, her sells so gal- lantly in the. Mersey half a century - and more age, bound for Philadel- phia. She carried over 400 passen:- vex_ together. the.Spaniarda Xlra a1 --- "crew of seventy-eix; but she never. reached Philadelphia. nor owtaswo.eliiell, neon., 'gain after the hills WERE LOST '1'0 VIEW. • cetnet • of rank or , position. Dukes had to .walt their turn with artisans. And when he was the most sought alto* octor sin--town-41.11130----per cent. of his patients were treated free, of charge. • His dinner parties at Hill street, Berkeley Square, were among t,he so- cial features of London. • • • Dr. _Reelie;__ WhO_ Was It_ leaves three sons and one daughter. . CI3:INESE SHREWDNESS. whom they Imagined would never. return.: But in less than a Week canto rumors that the terrible white -erarrinreerassettils-killedesbut strong, and determined as ever. With the • little remnant of his army. Cortes crept along a winding route North of the city. absolutely ignorant of his way. • Gathering thrmseldashed directly. into the midst of the Aztec army. • IT WAS DO OR DIE. How a, -Thief Was Cleverly Cs:tight/ and Made to Disgorges.. A. recent work- on: Chinalicells how • the Celestials soinetIntes detect a criminal when our 'officials would find themselvei at a loss, to aecure that -Chineeessuccess depends -upon- •Vatlatrua;--the elde.f, was seen -ad- vancing on a litter, 'eddy dretsed. Cortes sprang towards him on his charger.. ran hini through with -his lance and seized his banner. It was all over hi a moment. A. panic. ensued. ,,The inveders' honor was saved. and -exito--esseseitat day -gained-to-the Spaniards. 4 4. 4 1 41 2 t but exparterm MOW -That ird 1-* le3c-per-hueheiseezt 4ine, wit tance-showa_ ehteweiness, lewd- haughty 'values on this side. The tone of the Outside the walls Of a certain inated the poor Swiss, that their sseettatimestorepeatessise-verysilrare-antl ettinit-eitereweer-a-tlettler,-ht-oll-ettkeereestung-Pobleii-laughed.-ilisdainfolly • reeetee...now asking /0e: per bush- Who-stab:L._ warai...14,..tie0 .veras. when they beheld the handful of , high freights west. The feeling each. He would place his tray of peasants, armed with clubs and other sakes -ow -0- --stona-lion-in.,,front-of-the eirftWOUp to op. Prim% have advanced le per bushel public buildine. and as the custom- esise them. with No. 2 *white now held at ors ,pald their money, he would put The young nohles proudly ordered I42c per bushel, high freights west. it by the the ItAiml tm- -heir -own- infint17-4-0 the -rear. To themeelves alone was to be resolved .00. demand for mita on spot con- sold. One morning hei had occasion the honor of teaching these insolent . threes quiet. but prices are unchang- leave Isis tray Mr. a, few minutes. was Cowmen a lesson, or dying in the at- t'el'it Vic for No. 2 white' and at When he returned the money dr -Nor a per liflesh,_exeitores _ gone. Unable to find it. -he rueheil, terriPte Plou-1The-arritored '-eXquistitest- -laughed re -The market Is quiet, ' with exeitedly to the local marideisenrtedi- /again as they talked of dying. and. o hange- -*prices to note. Mani- ing loudly, as the Chinese do, .for • presently, leaving t•heir horses to „to rectrees'• e_eare of _attendants.- advanc lex wi;-..e-g---b-ifeerie.-„--fg5;30- - When rormight before *II 'honor by upon the poor mentitaineere. twine winter *heat ilatcuts, $5.-70 to the underlings of the vatuen,. the The ino___ sixty of whom were etit down be- . traded rollers. $5.30 to Vs.- dealer stated his ea*. l'qr fore the AustOains lost a single sold - 41i. hags, ite.50 to $2.60. was all gone, and there being a° ler. flow Could the Swig.% with ee wets no &Inge in mill- trace of the thief. the judge. whii 110 . nON-13"e;:--41ititttit-- t allsource..Mattitobo idtme lion_ on. *hitt the troy Thit bags, 218: ehotte. $20 pee ton: Pei- meted should, be.brought into his ;bolo winter 'wheat/brain. in, bulk,.. presence and teaten With* a bamboo. ,,$11 to $18: thorte. • $18 to $20; as On it alone could .the reeponsibil- lnintitie. $24 to $28 per ten, as to ity rest. The proevditigs attrected it large crowd. of loafers about the lift.taleeThe demand for rolled oats yamen court. istras Aniti erel the mari.:tit is quiet, - When the punishment had, been 13 - with pikes oriehoogoli itt 52051.per Meted, the doors Were shtit and a tottrurteet continues quiet and large Jar of water placed in the en- _ itt ,,,,atk to $1.45 per . fiance, sea the, crowd Was compelled )e ---The cheese situation Was to retire one at a time. Itach to -day, the market being ordered to throw a coin into the jar. with a orin-tindeptone. The A smart detective. who had been de - 1812 -0 of th.2 0044w are thee tailed for, the heitinese. soon dierove .1.4r4.„errilir 1.,,v4iittl4c44,1fssessea. ,„..eseeespeennas 4irefaiy. peseons to vender thing after one fellow had and prie'res 'show rilletagv. tiiircrun in his coin. Seizirk...t----itint4 *Ala from foliberst foe small the• "Pigtail.... the deleellve said. i. Mgr- And salede. ehoice blendlY. "trave anY rgliatse?' wore. 'mute nt'e to 28e, eredes ' elic to S"er. • receipts by express Were 111,1reit "010 steNVIrind WaR goad nil s1e# 10,Vo-n-leule• 20e to 2te ,* : - t worth anything from $50. to $200,000 it year, An: extraordinary .fact is that the latter sum tsas once offeree and. refused. The Anglo-Ameri- can Shipping Trust. the formation of The littrvie Castle , left f nutinn liaovenirtnres-of-a-again-anectjt•nall' Y declined the some years ago on a long. voyage to 'Australia. She should have ma.de a THE X.. EW COMBINATION% final -cell at Plymouth, but she neve• It does not fiaeequite so wen to be er satine-within sight of- the Hoe, nor • manager of a leading railway- com- bats human eye ever seen her from pally, though there are several of yeshesdroppodschewn-thesChan- thASA postn-sithlrh-areArstrth-in tithel. LadIt was Nu! -n May lOth• 1854, that running into five 'figures. S read , gaits For „example. a little while n ago ravewitirlid79efet-ine2eitiveMite, Ana. 2t _ , A _Light. Titlitntry' aid' Other passe-buYing -up railway prepertie3, left , sengerti on beard. Her ' destination and riglit. tqaird that be needed a waa-Ranifoon.-but...halLa-cen • , .. : man to. give hint espert advice wed - gi..ritt,-and. neither „Itangoon ..nor . any, -Prove ,,,, in . Om z 00111711710_ .. • -million id° ninth noW and --then. other port has sighted -her. Such a men WAS evidently worth -a arly.„1.wo years later the•Collit.s neer. the Pacific. *dropped down the goo•ii salary, and. viewed. in this iffereey with 180 souls on board She light, Mr., Samna Spencer. who was - duly appointed, may be regarded as was accounted ono -of the 'stoutest and swiftest vessels of her .time-eand so, no doebte she was. -But she went the wits the Ctty of Glasgow had g.ono a coupie of years earlier, enough' to assume absurd airs on the .., d for ferty-ttine years has-been Ing at the' bottom Of the ata-•-bUt .111S, SUCCESS IN LIFE. • • where-, tionientarienow ttitall , e . Once when he wits talting..pait In iii - Atlanta started, a quarter of. a On- --game ot Ishistr- with liv..„ Aldeeman..... --revettl.ed-, Tho-lrainingevosiset• minitin seaters, and ftom that : day ' pPoungshisy aegc.gltnP-edb°:1114tiltliikgenthheet Plit)eirill, tery ago, for it ghort cruise in Here their short weaponsi, reach a Soapsuds." "Bing it youreelf, Dar" foolt6 the% nn one keens; what- became an of $200,000 a year, With his come the crushing Answer; you have -ededebyese,Ters"ksiseesess- .. .. Ofeleereandethe-,250 smelt she carried. expenses-- paid- whenever it iti /fetes- I- been far more. used -to -it than --Le_ - .On :January 28th. 1870, the- -City .Sory „ for, ithit -to mike journeye have." . tif Iloetent -sailed front Halifax for abroad in the interests of his •firtn; _Alderman Atkins,. who occupied the England with 101 souls on beard. As his name suggests, Me. McDonald Mansion House in 1818 was ie early She Was an !finnan finera fine shipis it Scot,. and it is hia smarvellous life a Customs', tide Waiter. sir L Splendidly equipped and bandied; but head for figures which hi* raised him Matthew Weed, Queen 'Caroline's Shouting tto his e..onrrtida.t. •1111 cut she. -toowait' destIned to vanish to this pinnacle of commercial dis- chamPion, and the lirst Deronet and children." he dashed on 'the pfeE piece; or Tim wkercits, . created by ()ueen Vietoria, began tinction. • a road for yote: take care of my wife. frotn ._ enemy and, catching hold of as-matty THE CLEVEREST EXPF.IRTS, his Working life as etrand-boy to a spears as his erms could eneompai'sThe victim of Another etill-tternetn; 10 many departments of comm uerce re- Ldruggist; eked Alderman Waithman, bore theto the gro'Ind with the , tiered orean mystery was ehe l'resi- ceive some itmeeing salerles. even cued OrI Aao d fr ?0' n ir tihne1823. was only res- . \ workhouse by the • , whole- weight, of ids body. ttiente a_ tine Ve3se1, .Whi0 wits alk- though thee- are not the heads of eteeritysofSan uncle, a linendraper- of . • Over his corpse his corineedes ' burst, f eceted et Liverpool in' March , 1811. -Weir Tfrala.. 'Wins 'Th'-•- -Vollmer. IviRo [lath, through the gapin the AustrrantmeaTh.priSMA and Liverpool Saw no- holds the post of chemist to the Su- sir • leilliarn Staines began his ranksend, once inside, showed no thing Of her. The ione deleY in her tiar Pruste r°-.efves $15°A.M° a s duties being. to examine and re- be reached in 1800, by earring * Year, journey to. the Mansion House,. which ..of_sugar that. hr4.4,4104.4•_46..... -41044.-iend....- -• - P come -from ell parts .of tbe,-world. - origin was not -for -gotten in his ex - etre, A. .1. Day who. is tie chief . - 'ne sinn sit. i. roller at the Pittsburg works 0 the an old Bailey dintter, Sir William Steel Tebst. • receitea a salary of was obsessed by etsiee.4 to bo lass. $20,6'00 a' sear, 'tet his work c4••-•' tering his bread thickly 'with better. metely that Of a nupprintendent me- "Wity, chttnie, and many a man working at slaimodp 't4.ititi:,,toescis„Willitl,es 0±:11.11weirte ex; wire a Week might declare,tilinself:filorrer,.. equal to "it- Mr. /Jas. indeed. •began elian, e.ho Iwtasis acts 1:nitYadeltitiaataSheir V wI aaI - steuctiote or 'dishonor" attitude tlFe Teas. who. whatever the.°Irt! htlii6Yadi tiittlaig to'iliF14):01.111104,14elbVtias 14:: iftAtetnitir.4 L. atir4.11111,u.ineble mcci ilan.iftc 10 tathete L11)6100,1 i. esic eessf el. had not the ' stoititelriler;* ltv. . , c:- .arrieg e• le • gift of repartee. Lon( dr/ t-1 its,. • I . , h 1, h i tit th t, • a 'stoical races. on 'fhe face of ' thee these are env, of the bravest and ittost:.,i'asb.,:saireoult:toi:„;:itt.eitri.:tblvo‘;ervy311;1;',,le'etnetioeit..." .t.r;° L'fillin, g: of ct-yel r446e;ttc Tit TLerit . , limrietant jOba and the ,. ee PA 'UN ADVICPs levee et ft Q. -ft tClifi t I,: heart-7MS ., f•ottept 11 regary to einploy the „,........... .......•.., .,„... , SO WAll at t.he b-ottoen of the Kea. e eatery whieh hoe beset named.' - the itimile his engagement. The only ,eion. had just iiiiiiotteed to 411) -tire %reveal in' the fattious r,iaY, 'Mt cilllY"' All th'e tinteetite ill-fated vei- , beet- non. and therefore pay -hint the , tolhatint dseayitettritypettserthere:01418,,,2t7i.inhevemeteweirsi .00 Nocomber !loth,. is88. ot large of yam. oppo4oit to itiXt#, liavrtrvie,,,toi'44',,,vilkft f'ten freTIrthe beach „, IA i tO a t 400100 Erin rivoivoi rt- sanity 'I s41,1148;"' An eepeet in lea tclio fs ,Ittflietttd, Me-e*IA'hat.: that girl! , Why. she Were -Abe- etiMbineile-Itritiehs - "leefisletal,i-Plling; tatarals the "Innil'!ift i of $15.000 to do. nethieg but taittee fl'Ael-S11.0 hna :nWn'intelY .10 and . Itus4iOn ' ffeetseeneheeeeteg Ailt, Sande. slie trtii lilatt plettir ,tor,the •tiLlereet SaMid4- Of terilliSriiiiii.etYiewv-' --- -- - ----- - - ----- - ----'--------, s1.0 ertet,ed, over the', brought f,,t•fore hiiti, end report upon': Attetie-e"itetieheifiled isn't she?" , alt.ra 0look , •5in t °edition cf his meet iymerst. thitt thelo--"She halm t .any money. . I to. • etevsssiosfseleAtionifei. _ 9rantlinte-,..'"rm afreeed :ratio's, filehi h ed to were the 'hest results. -0. is` he 'Shall letve I rot •Im.e tali „ three • Firsit . Cousiii-"She deziali"t` look •erid kenetai health iii. this eonetant monthe holftlai• • iii etteie year, thalstal4rnitiootvi),:ttn.'i'inigir,(.1101.1u:t,i::::10616,0: 4s,itilt 1..11 .4 .., 1 VIII ort*Ai iiTI0. Mndh at -Sgt1rmg dull; Zsles. 1 Northetri. 19. CortillAetilf-SI: NO. ft No. 8 corn, 521c. •OatA 2 white. rige; •No.. ' 2 Bye- No. 2. 85e. 0 The fonowing market: • $440 LI. 42S' 451 4,15 4.4 4.25: .„ 4•.3,11. 4 tt 1. • • BMW STOPPED "ATTE SEItleltiN. lier nurse falling asleep in chtireh at Birmingham. I;Ingiattil, the other sieunday, four-year-old toddled to the pulpit steps • ;old ternporartly brotight the. sermon to an eitti by addressieg the Clergyman in a loud :woke, "Please*. Man, why do 'you get ''up 'there? Why dont you eetne down?" When, cheer/Warden gent. ly led lice haek •to her seat, *mid the titi7ering of the congregation. she repeated het question, adding,"Can120 03 2*. DEADISV ., .. 'qt&tistics iiheef a eteadily cont'nu- tg in the toirhitimption of i hes Ito Franc.' Wen US$ nd 1892• IteriV wit* a of WIWI. 180 nlyr f %Or* , 10 dd t ., th&con- ii n* 't t t `.1 , But the Austrians were •not alone in their objection to dishonor. There stepped out of the peasapt ranks ARNOL'D VON WINXELETED. mercy • to the knights in their un arrival eaueed great anxiety, and direettrmetres A fesiefutsstirif West- rummer began- t ensued. In ail, 2.100 of the ' proudFi elated. rin April 11Ith news came ti rians • a t e u t, w e 0 that- hey engines and rtailvr..hatrbeeri 1,500 peo.eant opponents. but 120 disabled in heavy weather and that fell. , . she had put Into efaderia for re- nt, carnage of Navaritto, again, pairs. and there naturally folleered. a the bettle undertaken by the ileit'oe reaction Iron. gloomy ferebodinge to pean Powers on behalf of the ' do-, transports of joy. .111e, t'eSsel Was •feeteless areeks, aroge'..froni the "de! -expected at Liverpeol oP a' certain 1# 104 0 more emelent hibout 150 ship, ot w bbitting *way at each titre* biotin.: the. burning d the drottitut 01)141010** ,ot ,A* otitrit -Otto/tot AV bane Went ight fitto'ai Unpereived 'No. &Imo tbe dotkiling, rob* *if the sni 30 ioeld tl 10 ANY • ei ,24 2-••• 'org ,niit as the, oyes tit the watt followed. *her she icas. mon • to and w:thin a\ tow seeotral She utterly from their view. What ,rsett .thls.'tragiert* sudden ante, of * steely. Thot, Or -the 'tburitietef regrets „ °teen, he* in ititJetilitUs 1 wit *UM PritAtitit Ofitti it, eta struiire .sioart• the nerves. digeetioti.. lueatti-titietollniene‘,411,hify! )41*,10t a4IliettAtilkoh*_.:Ititke `1,1143, Son *We' 11, g0t, one redefining feettie. Petwative. - 0ff1s---9.11ChittNe• that?" elt, Sort 148he hosret '3 'relative , *0 _ _