Exeter Advocate., 1905-03-30, Page 6Ouzo Blood ,II1.., ,M t Clotinat InitiMattem. crateing pairsts-stehing joints, s AKA tn0M4104,,.tnZ 144#01,044440?: fr " - :4'0190 4.2 :the • Otnrs rbeumatini you bijt rMiovu the itt!O , 010,4 ,..41A*11.4" 404 414 tigettly on tbi b1ood,„, Thor mnile 11. 4160 nd. Lend It 440:twiner+ . .his ti4ote blood hc.iiniSlie • eVerir nehe ,..Pain-shringfr OSt. ialth and fuji actility.' Mr. 'T. Caledonia, Out:, siayss-"For s; *umber of yearsX was badly trO* bled with rhetuna(istn, and was so MPII work. I tried quite a nuinber of medicine*. but they did not help me. Then 1 saw .11r. Williams' Vint, I'llls advertised, tor this trouble, and- I got a number of boxes. Before t • third box wail used, I. found, me improving: 1-vontianed-tosuse----1 PlIs throutellAjins.lianterainadetuite, nesssso,i-asssittritirairrtiliitely Owed inc.. 1 got so that I coin(' work on the coldest day without a cont and not fed a twin -go of tliS teollble. I have told quite ti few atmy niighbora about the pills, 4;4they are a popular .medicine bere.' Dr- „Williarns'..:, Pink *ilia make new, pure,: warm - Wood • that they nave such great power to -curo---disease,- They positively -cure- rheumatism, sciatica, neuralear, St. • Vitus dance partial petr.alysisi. kidney and liver troubles, anitentia. and the alitneots withal Women alone suffer I:rm..; Tiff &reburials' must be care- fult•104 !*Dr. sliVilliam4...Innk ior„-Pale Itect Nee' ts' • ,Printed on the around eah box. o1d by all med cine dealers or stet by limn -at 50e. 0,12csis or six •hosee trir $2.50.• by; • writing • the Dr, William* Medieine , Co.. :Brockville, , • WILL 4DVERTISE CANADA::: • Motor Car ,i*:41iihit to Tour • ths English, Countries* • • • Mrs Preston the Labor Commis. siorset• in Loridon, for Cenessie, has arranged an interesting-teatt.. war Con tout througb th� putrof-therway places In England and Wales says .-- the. London Deity Mail. • . ' The waitO4 was one of the exhi- bits at the St. Louie Ethibilion. and ie-. ile_sg,•_„4„..tzwill*.berionded isinples of Canadian produce, and lettered with information as to..the openinge in the tiominion free grants 01 land....q1Y-this Mean* the men its therms wUl be able to.•-proville• an. oblett-lestieu to people Who Would be unmet on an ordivary. "train and IMO*, ._enct the. waggon, .opete, ing outward at will. ptoirlfies quite s-iiirgs-areg for the eilstelitSrstir -the produce. If the first- experiment proves is great a, auccees as is anticipated. other waggons, 'costing t4,000 ts.000 each, will bo sent on similar journeys. tialnesce.W.; , At tbe toet•ottho lifts A • 4 • ut,. ofrock. end ,h104. , 1141/10Atirigre-firel fOulta.S0000.41ights•Ot twenty ent:ketit of •'ssielii at the 'cad, 0.101, eh was a RiNg311.4 doer ol,blocked stene‘,8*„ Or. (niter • face of which was *till plastered with; mud on • tvbich ,weee. impressions of the \royal seal. On th ,.fite a were Ou crb pectoral _ • , h, Midi. re matter 1» thU »eighborlioocl.'MtL 4.1aff. XiliSalai'Wif of. .14,41,44.*QWfl citizen, had .stiffeled from 0, COMP,* cation af trouble* for about two- Y'earii. She had a pain in the right hip, in the back .and was obliged to •• • . • Men in scarabs, brokeilting an a a burning itching sort of way.- . ol alabaster. . It was evident that the tomb had haSat_ta_atthe could not sleeP at ittght and been entered by robber4 short)-Y-Attg' summers. its construction, 'They had probe- Dodd's Kidney Pills cured her. bablv been surprised at their Work lifre. Kinsella speaking of bet cure and ficid in hate, leaving. some of . says, • 'After 10,9 a ay mitt lir. Davies found it I got more and they did roe a, world the tomb had never. it is thought, of good. \/ have never /slept in tne been visited bY Man. chair since I used ‘Drield's Eidney THE TOMB I7‘8ELF Villa.” Vogirui!'s health depends on 114-er is not large, The walls Were not lildnOs. • Nine-tenthe of the so-calksd Smoothed • over or decorated, ' but -4‘ *eta filled from end to •end with on, id infemale eentiPlalflta Sfocuoareusey.odurbym`tirdi.O. 40oehe.41--eleb- Volla-4f. aliefentE- ..3T14"- aneasWithikeib41 trobdd°.5.ktdiley Pillts • ntsd Mummy easea encrusted with gold. 'yeu can have no. uric acid in the huge alabniter , vases of exquisite form and cbafra and boxes brllliant - with paint and gliding Were piled ....;;---...4.--.......;. bewildering confusion.. In 4- sepulchral charnbdr about thirty feet long, 15 feet wide and 8 feet high. on the left of the en. ....,,,, trance, there Were found two great SEEN' 'Di' SIR, GILBERT Obiller FOR 0-04111TFAPL . Efirstur knoworrs 1110111-THE7cuaromEir .10rohant he roar melelikorkee4 Aoiping essfeeistios ns nook triple et " eihmeensiy• free, u,ks 'DANNER !fleet.% salaam this Jesrstmettanrite Ur via len net *air wit itu *holm 11.4 tot fennel svioesseiessiesoeceenttitlytie einsealenlir ne... Ltd. litniTOstetleati ____Ii satirtn„ tst:-O.Vs i fit** y the 41811' ,04;noro ' lltift.'. :State* 'that ',they -.40„.., xageit ,to a eXtent tlf:S.g50,000 .estunially. ' to be oyster -beds Of that -country, . • . . Ilse :safe. pletaaant and effectual wenn :killer, Mother GravesWorm -Ex.- tertninator; 'lathing ectuals it. Procure bOttla and take it home, • The total' number of bankruptcies u ,Engl nd and Wake last year o be Preceding year. - etnrY* a a redIstay. -The tum -4o --atop ing-becauee-you..-baYa indigestion has long since bean explod- ed. Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets introduced a new cre. in the treatment of stomach troubles. has proved that one may eat his Ail of anything and , everything he relishes, and ono ifkifiet--taken alter the meal will aid the etomech in doing its work. GO in . box. 85 cents...as \ adt n bla.ci and g�ld. Within- were the mum - 'Mies -ot. a --men-and-.-woman. There were two cases. The outer one sra completely Paver plated on the out- side and covered' with silverleaf oa. 'the inside. Tile' second case was gold Plated on '03s ontside and covered *Ric goldlint an inslde. threi a ,gilded rkiesk belonging' to one of the -tuilmmiea, a,. veil - of "dank muslin was deaVrn. Vfist fi, the fitat thue " that anything of this kind hen been 'found In Egypt. • The inticrfptions show that it was the burial place of Yu's, and Thua. the s Pitteatt' of the (Amoco Queen Tele, theWife et Amenhotop III., of the _- • . EIGHTEENTH. DYNASTY. Beyond the coffins the ground was and wine,and hell -like bops* wood, each Of which contained a piece of cooked beet wrapped in black - Plaited on top of these Is a, chariot broad enough to hold two. This is richly plated and Incrusted. with gold and leather work as fess& as when itwas made. • - The other object* found were Mr SADOPie_jarst..„oLatabitsffe the entrails of the deceased were de- posited. These cannot be-tnatched in size, fineness and workmanship. and 'the licads,whieh form the covers are the best style of Egyptian art; • Underneath is a second set of heads of plaster 'coated With gold. It is tibio how the chains and boxes tables and sandals bore out the statement, in the words of the Tel -el - ;AR ArD TO istOrtels11S. _range -men 'e.z e _o LitOWels_is resnonel Tor insir" ailments that afflict infants and or ' • r no ing • can equal Baby's Own Tablets, that ia whY,,children in the harness:wit these Tablets are • used are bright, _,.good-nntured 116althy. AIM - Joseph WallaCe; -Simnley,--Onts.-sayst "1 have used -Baby's Own Tablets • for -my baby educe Ater earliest in. far.cy. and have foupd them to be a. medicine that meets all the needs. of. • little 011Vic, 'Thor tiavs-lopt -Ivry- -lite tie one as bright and bealthy can be.. -These Tablets are sold under 'is • -guarantee-tottontat -paitio.naue "soothing." stuff. Sold bY elt Medicine tiodeni or by mai/ at 25 cents it box by writing the Dr. Wil- liam*" Medicine Co.. Brockville. Ont. • ortztvr -zAgrartuy •memo, ,a es a 159_ as aft Eighteenth , Dynasty. There is with - 4 s not literally plated with the gold of the desert' mines'. A CRUEL THREAT. itr. -Snips- (who has called- -about tliat 'long:Standing aceetititi-o*S- you won't pay to -day. eh? Well, now I warn you, if you don't settle with Inc by this, day week Pli -go round to .1 ,your others creilitorif them that yotiiVe- paid me in full, and- then you'll have 'etn all down on OU 'Seti what 1 taettn?",_ THE- S/MPLE-LIE.M... Ways That Are Pleasant And _ Petite Thnt Are _Renee. - Ship • That Was Years Ahead of Iter Time. • Of all ithe great braitus that have galloped' altertd of their titnes. none went further than 4tiose marvellous engineers:, the tWo liruriols. In every. ' thing MO' undertook they were at least generation, in advance of ...their - • 'Me elder, Vare Tesainhard Bri- ne)* wis born near limo% in Prance In 170. After beglimIng his engits- tering tarter in Amities* in 1794, he. _ • 0 invented a writing and drawing reechine,• which Was too goad' t meet with general appreciation in bloat day* and soon ofterwards Le- gan to interest himself' in steam tie- • vigatton: -Ires1)8141-116-1iiitiftWeiiii7 to the , seirieltY •tha.immengetita tugst,vtould. Ife getting 'warships out of terbor, • but the !imposed Was quick -1v reject- ed by the Navy ' TIN eon, Iisamlierd Kingdara Brit. • net, is best known foe -.that, marvel-, lout steamship. the...Great Eastern. built 1853-1858, end Which.•though . never et k.ourinterilat ancreSs. rein -kited , the biggest ' ship in the wowild for ' • . - Th o mai ettO*1 fftilar6 Was. $941int-t ginealsot-the day,. wero. not st ntty powerful to dr U44fttefltIo113 1iTiuc turo tisrostsh 't ,Vould tleent. Eatitern have been . , essipilisd with Modern tit-scretts itud V40,000 h.p. .teigines. 'there is no rt.ttunt_..nhy '.1the Adiould not hAVe ' -fakers ,stosik of the titers . of teilleY. A , tretchanita tottowpicker to'vtoteti. the simp-fer, Iffe-that gives length of -days, serenity of mind and body.and tranquility of sots4 ' SiMple hopes and ambitions. bounded by the desire to do good to one's neighbors, simple pleasures, habits, food and. drink. • • Men. die long before their' •time ins cense they tn, to -crowd too much into their experiences -they climb too nigh and fail too hard. A wise, woman, t -Writes of The ',good' that sfreple diet hat &rite her:' • '1 have been using Grape -Nuts tor about six months. I began rather sParingly, until I acquired such ft1Ugt1t1t-1ir't1?rTh' ths turre:depon • feast entirelY for my diet, eating nothing else whatever; but Grape - Nuts tmo bregkfeist and supper. and believe I could eat it for dinner with fruit and T. satisfied ivithOut Othet . ,....-.., _ _ „rOssibility___.,of Creat -.Britain , . prasitings--11epreseritati•ve - -- . Government. . . • Sir , Gilbert. "Parker, UP.- recently • outlised the Mentniren . wbiebr ili his opinion, intist precede f 1 self -goy. Londen Nail.: . • ., . •• TI erinuent In South Africa kayo the Addressing a largely attended meet - Mg in Csactori Hall, Westminister. Under the auspices of the Imperial South' African Association and the WomeiVet Liberal Unionist 'Federation he said: "The way to reconciliatian lies in so Ordering the mune of adminisitra. tier', in .these auxiotts days that no false honest -Can be roused on the part uatuLare„gatt_our. j'er tesega,who were lately..ou_r enemiers "From every standpoint 'a le reason' and exped.lestiOy. an intermedi- ,ste form of goverenitent should . be given. We should delay the - cosine of enlarged administration until a -Nile sari be drawn diagonally through the two races on some matter orn . _ tional policy and parues coroposed ot-botts. race* can be formed. - "-POLIO:4- *ND -LEADERS. - "It is necessary that the unorgan- ized Political -forces of the British population shall find common ground for aetion. anit policy, and_ftret...thejr leaders also. - "It has been said that cesPital would rule if representative govern- tnt-icertrgiverr; but thnt sPPtelles shin IS not well founded. Tom -"I than itt wh got mar- ried that I 'Would be :able to have n w " of the mutitteers, and is the author ed-4n-San-Franci telling t'he story. of the Pitcair ou peer. misguided 'man." "No Wenders. e -I'm de Itra..gtdded irnan.". , . trOn ovElt SIXTY YEAIM. To eery • 100,000 people England - sirs. wirtsjotra Soothing syrup has has 150 medical MCD. Steen used try *Miens ot rthers for „Pile it.ostired-in. tiv4I-eillighteiv- ins- -emilicittion- -gives -relief. Dr. ligs. new's Ointment is a boon for Itching Piles, or Blinds Bleeding Plies. " .It re! Heves quickly 'and permanently.. In Ail, eruptions it stands without rival. Thousands of testimeiniali if you. want /evidence. as cents -23 .„ "Yes, indeeds, bele can :Make rnes do anything ha wants me to do." "The ideitt „Your untie must have great willspower?" "I should ,think he 110 fan will a ntillion \dol. 14°' 11 a cough mak, es your nights sleep- less and weary; it Wilt worry you. es good dead, itad with good. CAW*, To dispel the Worry_ and give yourself rest try Blekle'e AntKonseniptivel Syrup; It exerts * enothin ..lifyidanittwa,e, en the air g3rdUtied* to innaniasistiOn. lt Will subdue tho remit stubborn cough or and eventekliY'eretelleista it from the systeni, as e trial °tit will prove to sou. Ilfebel-s."And hiss the young man been -see-A* you -lo nou to Wear out stow petientel" -Patience • •WbYi be has been com- ing to see ine-loeg •-fnIPUilbstos-wear- otit three safest" - • 'flair -children- while teethiss 1i -soothes • id, eoftens the woes, Awes, 11/2 Alisii,„Atiodttatt.„.rigulatax-tha-atazaach.. and bowele„ end fp the best remedy for 7Diartheeli.-- -Twenty:five cents -a bottle. Sold by druggists -thrtonighout..):: rig it SA albrt and 7 • o. ne Symp."- 22....04 TI 11240 : lee. ea ,11.0 • OacrMi and nitivated. ca, frame. hens*, new • gistatters nevi ritir did:AA& _good water. best' • of whet a :splendid- nerghborh004; -charstea- ivelleols and post office convenient, . epee,. terms reasonnble. Several sec, ' wheat •land is,t from 87.50 to $1.0 'per acre, in the district south .ad south, west of Virden. Why o west to th 'rex ,itorien-and 112, when c , nrricsir: Virden,. Canlathiell neat 8011041114 Graduate* fgesS this scheol'OrOdiraw. Ing trom 850 to gsoo pas manes; ria., smelts furnished- to :our grachnstife, Prospectus mailed Oda. Cital_ADJAIktili0114001, Oft'TE4,11401/4 'Mr. -We** sae lifeseellm.„.T, lriat-Your--broneititis • tens to beCoutes tuberCulosle. - Have you any idea what brought on the erighial attack? • Patient-eYess.- sir. Sitting in it strong draft near an open door. • Physicittre;-Ast snspected. shall prescr1. nenstiture.: Yo - -Ther-irillount-of watersimwm-devets °Pad in Italy is not far short of 800,000 honicepower; that of Frances- • about 500.0u0; whilst the United Kingdom only develoties about 100. .000. horse -power..• Lever's Y.Z (WI* Head) Bleinfect. ant Soap PoWder Is better than ether powders, sie it la both soap said disinfectent Orator (exoitedlYks:`'The- •British. lion 'Whether it ie 'rettinknix the .dss of .Canada, will met draw n its •hori2s.or retire...WO int shell." • • Have you 'tried Holloware Corn Cure? It has no equal for removing: these. tronblesome excresencee as many bnya testified who, ha**, tried it. • , "-It's pretty ante t�- conclude that any woman who doesn't gush OVer pretty betsss-is .'continstid- old ritetid."- /'Nest always. She, May. be a mother who has n baby the thinks lei prettier," " ' ' . . IN DESPERATION. Moneybag, with some, anaiety in his bridge over a, difficult time an you an e :we 5 quarre ?. would prevent dearifriation-eittuT .-.141, "No, father, not 4%. quarrel eXactl British or Dutch. But tell mei 'Has anything happened '4"Por-1u1tsreltsroverinuent there has t� him?" ' - - boen still. neoxatoc's broetplyal:oariortr!: -whose -object is to fan the taction." -- Sir Sir Gilbert Parker s`Pok material prospecta of 'South Africa, and there: "Did he or did he not propose econcilables, marriage to you?", /fame _or "Tess replIiie girt now thoroughly _alarmed.. "Do e on the tell'me it aththing has het ed to him. Has he committed sui---" In his. jOurney of ten. thou - Raising thing imps only in half it dozen cases thei_ltorae.untreilt._ PitOMISMI-INDVS- sand miles. "What was your reply, daughter? eased him- Did you accept him'?" did he find No, father. -Has his body neen • essirts; . "rkfr.r.y otz givs hira tiny encourag& He believed that some d Afriea will. not only be a itself, but will export too to Englsuid. There will he kW -South however -4itludiestriessaut- as egriculture. and in Inver Colony the indostri promising. 'The Duke of Argyll, wit remarked that ong of the difficulties lacing Enirli South Africa is that .of g English vrife. It might ' under, proPer guidanee and to -found hontes in South giria ,siteho would- grow..., upon the tountiry. as their In time would. become wiv settlers. d products 01"--.' without no ftiture `2-Y.0e1•rejected him finally and irre- voc..tmly.,titittlidhest,ouitnr'd • jul said Ica gc, and do something desperate, bui, the Orange didn't think he'd make away -with es are very hirnsell. Oh, father, isn't it awful?" o. presided, "Yes, it's awful. I suspected that greettest You had, rejected him when heard semen in what he had done to -day." • "Oh, father, do you tbink I shall etting an be eoP°64tectilbot et:'•*OtocabiLetiardearytr.°. IIIIiI jutlensiu:wraeruletstie;beo ball kg: Africa for up to- look lid iit)°-.1 es ed Ems - "tie's settled down to earn ' his own liting." • 1 aivn. a-nd ."-telt me; What tits he done. father?" „ • =smuts Cut off rrom. World by Loss The Duchess of Westininetei's baby • „Their. Boat. I son is heir to an bleorne fif $3.500 • day, " or $1.2. 5,000 Yee:.Ilis , rite Pitcairn islanders, descendrints4 • --- he ig 4athres-lifetirtie'h 11 muclr;-,better eumi EsiVe liannty. • heit sustained ,!,everel toss, Grosvenor -taken from the family - more strength to -do my housework. h* the- wreck of their cutter, wbkb naniesttnd if he sutvives his father Grape -. 11 1.,01 completely ent oft their e. •he will lobit 000 titres* inciud,- ” C40 - ; L began. the •iiSsi_of Gra Nuts / wits, thin, and w)eak, my mils- munientioi2 with the outitide i 600 -text's Of - 'Most valuithki wero• so soft that was jest says the London Dail,s Exproislend the 'Nett -end of Louden. . *hie to do any work, 1 iseigbed tit the ilisester his just reach- only •108 pound4. Nothing that <, t ed Captain P.dwiltrd StUbbd, :ate did -me any good. I wa goiig sectetary of the Liverpool $eamers'el down hill rapidly, waS nerVons and, Orphanago, inIs letter from ' Mist miserable.. with no ambition for any. Rosalind ,Young, one ot tile . little. tbEng., my condition improved irap.q commtmity.. idly afteisi began to eat Grape-Nutq She lett Pitcairn 'Stand in the Cut. • food, It Made use tett like,."0 netits, ter some time ego for Tahiti tifrpgt.4 worroan; rur muSties got solid, tend' * Missionary conference. She heir() tolinded out, In vrogbt In was, in return by the cotter, but jukt, • Papa -"I bear you Were a bad eel to -day and had to be Whipped." Stailt Daugliter...,-"Manirna is- saviful 'str4ct. -If I'd 'a,' known -she used to be a school teacher. ra told you not to marry her." , The Menem, Dyspepsia.-xe olden times It was & popular „. -4bett-,--dentoris rnoved invisibly through the ambient air. seeking to enter into men and trouble them. At the-prnt day the demon. dyspepsia, is at large in 'the tim-babitectiorr-tir who by eltreiens or unwise living in- ditucult, to dislodge 'him. n• t - ant friend. to do. beittle for him with. the unseen foe by Panseelee's Vegeleible Pins, which ex ever read or n • • "Edithi" the old gentleman bawled front the head cif the eters, just ask ypur young' man it he -doesn't think- - nitear bedtime.n. ss-P•as-*!',/ePllstl-Jbs, girl in the parlor; then*, iftTisr a pause, 'Jack yegs You're Sleepy. go to hed;,7 4111 intansr., Cheapest of Medicines.-Coesidering the curative qualities of Dr. Theettas'- '...01Lit_ig_therrebonspest medicine now, offered to the. punlic. "Phyv dose ire- quired in any ailment is small and a,' bottle contains. asvoty- demos it it were valued at the benefit. it eonfers It could. hot -10e-pterchneed.--for-IVIIILay-tisma„. the— price asked tor it, but increased COD. wuraption hes sinsidieed and cheapened ite inanufeextrirs. -Miss•----Plane-"1. think Whit very good portrait of me. Don't you. think it would no nice to have it en- larged?" Miss Pert. -"Yes. dearest, you coeld numtn— and ears reduced at the team Utile." tit_ s' balk' al'.."."- ternative 'tor welf4tiosin and highly-- - respected fatly of Winghim. Oni-, who had travell0 ever. two continents le• "It is hitter cold." remart.ed the bility and CifytepSa ijilia.rsAforir=evareuse`et shivering huthand. "Why don't' you mended "with- -HU -one- vszsulitlmoiesit-is- ctfir:difte-anei e 0n--- buttonix has saved my life." -20 timoDny closes with these exclaimed the wife. :"Why. did II"Zotrildisir:117teilen .44 up your jgcket?" "rho wow' e_ !it with fur." South AmorltsinKklikey,pur• Is the only kidney treatment tkii.t has _proven equal to correct all lb* elite that are likely to befell these physical gniiitars---ilemalresiscst,teetrinitesetesto ;wove the curative ..11141441.4.. -Of thie liquid kidney opeciee eifites41 Bright's ellseese. diabetes., irritation:et the blad- der, billainunktion. tiropsieAl tendency. Don't delay.. -22 • • Smyth -met, his friend Brown th street -ihn -Other ,night...,,:_t•Weilloas-, 14 exelsibited;-"hove"are-YoU getting on?" "I'tetty well, thank ssoss answered Brown; "but," lee continued. '1'14 fidthething lar done." \ • Erful7-When I asked her if she would be mine she fell on my breast and sobbed like re -Child, but Snally sbe-Put-tier-arnet,rounit my .neck..ensl___. whispered that she, Was so happy." Ilarriets-"Yeas that is w.hat she told .4shit.-was--"-gOinit-lo-do..LSite,ba 'been practtsing. -:wittr-Cousin- next- ' for ever And ever so lope*" • I have handled KINARD'S LIM- • MEM' daring the past year. • It is always the first Litrinseet asked for . :pre* and unqiiestionahts the test •edler saf all the different kinds ni ' sireeks,_ ay -nerves ---grew-- that it had been' (wreck clght my mind •better and clear . y mflc frOm tan.), One of the treW*, friends tell . inc the hitVen't "Ctiffin *Junior" was droWnes1 nt hreeother then\ anteeedta, in c'nching *bort in their small hoe.. Young appeals to elootairt ilubba for help in ,rePlaeing the lost utter. as It was the only trseani of along suPPIit3a. end its lost may esult in the Stafration of the d me look so *ell for yiliks. fit-cotisider. Grapelints the food on the market, and, shall tiev to halt to meatti and white bread' again.' given by ro$tont notti• Crcek, mieb. .'rbtro",11 1ototiort, Look in each 014 for the bittle tok 'eL.* • PARCF4.0 POST wrrit AMERICA. The- aniiatineenterti: inside in the London Express that, an agitestient far an official -parcel pont-to login on Asril 1 --between Great Britain and the United: Statcs )or America had been signed hi, Lewd Stool,ey and,/ the POstanisterGenetal of the Uttited States 'hits 'been olTietilly confirmed. The limit of weight ter parcels* from; e be '4 -ouncrsynmurtbe- postage 28. for (alt arca. ' e ill 144, it- vs -apart duty, he inspronee ays(trn dos, not apily to Are.1.6:t T hit olicIal hosever, will be carried', an ihe sSen-tifficiat scrvIe itt prosnt antietteirisoil thrtiush tbe atnoy o; the Artarleitti. by Whieh pareetle • Dvanit toThe„fere* used for fedi.- ing rats on the British cruiser •Pont. one entombed to. the bites of the rodents,... Admiralty, as a ecaution against the poesible read of infections diseases have ordered that the rats in the ship eihmild be killed immediately, and their bodies buried in quirk -lime. A Iliegk Oat. Dyspepsia is a foe with 4iiiblefr men ere---CoMitketly nir but cannot extertninete. Subdued, and to all .appearances vanquished in one, it makes its appearsuice in another di- rection. 111 many the digestive sippers- tus is as delicate is the mechrinisin of watclt or-stientigt0 -in4truknOnt ' which even breath ,pf-afr will n&Ji6 a veriation:. With mica persons dile- or ere o s from- the - 'wait trivial C111114111 Arfd CMOS', much , suiTering, To theft Parmelee's Vego- titbit Pais art recoMmended AO' wild • and Sart. • TIIE PLAIN "Come cheer up,". seta the. opti- mist. Things Are Ileceer $0 bed that *boy might not be *gorge." - **-1 know 14" greened- the pestle mist, "but they're never sir ,,geod Viet they might not..be Letter." 549,Ke e