HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-03-30, Page 4amen44. iI- hough he mad ea sweePitigConciefoil.4. -of-the-originaV:ellutsea. try reluctant in accepting the AMMO.. -clauses. • . "There is a certain distance." he said "that I am prepared to go in the way' et compromise. I have se expressed myself to the vim° !minister, and to the extent which is embodied in the reposition before the bailie I itm, wit- ng-tt I -have -ha r hat exte and b,ow far oho Id v spresSed, 40 op 11I0 11 'hold, in order moUoltroy the gOvern meat of which I hnve been a member." \ Ile had only two excuses for agree- s to iscomproroise to which he had• tiscientione objections" and-, these foluntly put? ,are: ' (1)-Ilecause the Separate Schools, guaranteed by the bill are undenomin., ational schools and under public con. trot in every respect. , Bedause he did not want to -de. fee, -the government on the question. Atetirreault-of--Mr.- fintentsi-decis tolinkfort thtliillmany-47-the- oTher- westerb Li rarwhu li esitated- lioitg as he objected, have now fallen into line and *41 likevel6e vOte'•virfth the government. The ex. -minister is stot the only roan who has sacrificed *pen rpronouneat-lone party‘ and, no doubt, unless he Can make his petition good, he like many another will ;have a. difficulty to ex. • plain when he goes to the • people for asselettion. ; •OWIl ..iTOCtOtitThtSi He us s.ii,n s and h011is 1 16414 lor tortiblike:Vor vs. --ThiMI , .1,A,H.T.= 41700/124417 r isi oar 00 MCI '''-iir*scrtis,--akirrolow, 024,1 )tick. • . . .. --c.v.-smut 0o4 for , 1....0 ape, o• 'et:lionierin, Mite an visit' With. friends .„ honatof Mr. and Mrs. J. . four. A. Switzerkft last week-withhis favik Ily for Hamilton, N.D., where he WI ergagein terming. Mr. Sweitzer for- Merly resided in Dikota.-31r. Men- hargy, of Bidatilph, is visiting at the home of his sistek Mrs. Ryan.-- Chas. Jefferson and family .have gone to the Northwest, as has also John Pep ,• gore hT-urre-irt2 ed,e-eo. r term of 'three \yeArs.-s, t eKeilar. Who distinguis • ers lege tiy taking the bigheir- that has „been taken there for 'some time, hastitecured a goeitiert. in Strat- ford, MIAS jean McKellar* Wb0113'14 SOa graduate of theaarne olkge.12 ' acceptedipos1t1on In Stratford. --T1 Hibbert, takers •and McKiUo Threshing Compttny,clostslatliSti wit the Robert.Hell-Engine- abd-Threshe Oe„-of..Soaforth,,Jer thi...riurehase._of their new threshing outfit,: cent *of *20 house power simple Bell tion Engine and a McDonald (Snubby. ed Threshin and cuttlii machineand INI:EITSTING • DOINGS.- ; •Much Moke than the Ordinal*, *miens of the.B01/3ittiOli •and Ontario . Parliaments at Ottatva aiid Toronto, the...past week, •• --.-Irrthe grarse. of 00111100/3‘13 141e, Au. tonomy BiJLJiaf beenthe pointitround *War thelnterest hae been concert. amendededu coittotral datum having been up for lee - and reading. SeVeral strong speeches 01941. Both parties agree that. the • erritorlea sinstild be grantc1 autene: my but disagree regarding the -educa- tional clauses. ,t,I.rs Bardeu, leader.;--itt the Opposition, in a strong ablesepeech 7, Crated by religious ,fanatielem,;' Robert, (.;titick, of Oaradoe. -townshipt_ •-near,..-Stratbroy, kind, lather TO' 'ha family of -five 'inotherlei3slittle ones .a04,aloving eon to a -Mother eighty. ears. of age, slew hie Yollfifier-brother Ifted, on %third -ay afternoon wit his, naked 120,04.9.' For upwards. Of hat an hour the two men .fought in a death rapple that began In the kite!? dedArt-tite-little-42arlo helpless ehddren,- -the-eitlest- not tett reaA_Agpst00-a_$oriataittic „rwfrth fright in theyard outside. Med Quirk fought with the:deli; eratien of despair, but he wrie a smaller . man in eyery.,,,Way„ and -no inatett for the insitne -Strength of his tiler. At - litA• he ,rocking.Chitir, and In a moment the. assailant Was ehoking'his life' out on .001300. • Robert (laid; was Within'. an hour arrested by Chief of Police WilSon, of Strathroy. With but one *ItSlidctiff upon hitn; ' he fought the officials of the law so fiercely that it took.; . three ritising men t� hold him doWn; upon • the.bedwhile bis hands Were pinioned behind his back: Again attheStrath. roit lOck410 lete-24 night he ;Attacked •the-etaisMbtes-witirtletperitilh • * witeIngain tiverpowereit[i ' .110:was'ibrint ht ,te. the dainty jail *n-Lende • VS.. day morning, and now Itteiteteratect itv.the ceil nest to that occupied 42.1; the clesnerado #4Textis at the tirneihe effeetedhis. escape. * Thetelie,• will re- nainto ausWes ttO a 41440:Of lout and brutal' to utier,,om tit'tii *imprison. -ed for life as *dangeoutstunatio. Such, in'brief, are the • *tans ;of- a: tat.emoretheJladdes the , ensInty* One that has many% ,'.tures of pathetic ,Interest. that' has ioldia an Aged ---won'lan of 1.W0 eta - *wart sons and lett O.Ve little children' worse-fhan Theresidt ef-the-Anq'tieet, -Wile that deceased tante WV* Oath by istranfl- u Ouick Was ronouneed insane, and will Royal; :gouse,liold' re ularly if he, won ways -eel) it oichrna,-- but-hesaid le wou1di4, take on another brinctiif° flour until he was obliged to.", Another says----" My grocer is am.- ogie' and 'never getsewe or the, best thhigs I \ttie. syeaf .A an en,terpri T67==,- o •if you, n t get "Royal Household" from 'your grac -immediately give you, the 'name of the nearest.grocer who keeps :" Royal Household." and ---7-77seu cat-alsp the recipesi, There.** . inferior flour -no.. first class grocer will hesitate to order , "Royal liouseliold"7jr you, and .,even the smallest dealer, etit it you insist uponit THE OGILVIE FLOUR MILLS CO. LIMJThO, MONTREAL. 4 *.rtga. At is our very, duty to chronfcle the death `of one of the ixiddb highly resk-cted pioneers, ot our little Villatre4n. the Peron' of M". Tattoo:tn.-after otilY *few days 111. esit-of4hat-41 •* About tWo' weeks Ago she: tentracted .4 Veil severe cold *lath biter develop*, ea intePitettmenia. Previous. to ,this time Mrs. Cameron had beertaremark- ably strongond energetic iiroman and het death cdtneaftS,4 great shock to beetiamilt ancl.trtetido;_ As soon as it, Was known that berilluess wan serious her-fataity'Were telegraphed for but did not itexivevntil'4ortie Winn; After her death.. Mrs. Cameron- has been a, resident of the village for over- forty Yeare;e0mihglieteith-heiltnsharld 't he late lIttglt. earneritn: frotniondon. During this" tirilet4fite has endeared f to foi btieromorAtt nose *mallet •sivei44' Cheerful disposi- tion. She was alife leng,trietther or thit 'Presbyterian church,. The fatally h ve the sympat of the communitrIn , 'etnitt.1"tultibe It** vee44t44511gto 'temenliile-4-61•Iti* de- 'mise seven Ohlisiren. ;The fu end, which was.private, was held on Wed. esila toweemete .; -swoon. .W.ASHED...iWAX. - Winghans. Morels 27. -The new Po. cock bridge over the north bran -ch of the .Maitland, was washed ' away by 1100 to -day John Bell, brother of N * his right leg In twoplaces itheve,the • s eft I • had bee sina Lwow' 001411e8-57163 e Each pu give dividuaji. * The "'Shorthand Syitern taught la that used Is all newspipor and court re* Boo :4:08%tetritte*ttLg., P*ort.tetrisitinailP', Aritli taught. Situations patentee& to every Graduate. ilea - r . Cagtearal • $3 000 000, sorved.,1 FORTY-EIGHT IN DOM -M014---0.2 CANADA. vsicit,HOUlts4-4 4/01INSitinf. BANKING StlAiNESS TRANSAtTillh Farmer's Sale Notes cashed or collected. . Forms supplieden;appliCittion. DRAFTS on all points in the Demotion Great Britain, and -Volt Stges 'bought and awl& at lowest'rates ottl*Lbange. ADVANCES ineidtitp trartners,Stiock Dealers itniFtinsiiiess Men at lowest rates and on most favorable terms. „ waptt-101frd angheenttetSttd1ow Deposits of$1 and upwatit0 tteelt:ed. (131:0.- edueation,.svhich 4sshould hcs• eft abso- lute/yin- therentrol.of_the ..ets9Pirice4.- to.be created,' He declared that the rovincea should be given fi1I autono. • Sittort-cr-r4i- 1 the virgin& said he would Support it. Mr. Fielding made a good speeeh but abandoned t he constitutional argument which Sir Wilfred Laurier had used, and Mr. Borden had endeavered to prove ..theatelktrivuitref the: ducigima ola lite** and the insertion el a, chose giving the new Provinets full control of the educational system; The debate continued thiii Week. edit esdass-afterrioon.-41est-w when Mr 3 W. SL John was elected *pettier of the first straight Conserve.. Sive Government Ontario has seen, This fact ;Wiled interest to the open- ing, 6,04 the attendance was unpreted. imtly large, every available foot in the thruaiber being occUpied. The eire- mony did not cosuinence until o'clock Irut many' smile& ones arrived its Cir. ry as 12 O'clock to securevests in the gallsitles. ettneurieement thatthe were In communication regarding tbe ex‘ndhig ofbiititiTo boundarine 8i;415 the principal feature of the speech - *oat the throne* Other things to be' eonsidertd, In the woosion, avercthsi re,t port of the Beltway, Comralosion, the husbanding of the,..„Vistgayit Poiversand • the antendnienti to the Editcational --itet;---The-f011otsfing day the piddres tinfoly to the speech from the throne Sfitli Moved by M. floyie and second!, *ail Xt.. Pashto. It I expected that the vitiation Will be etiortt Eftizotaolipt., 3.P1:01NnY 8i CM, 4r010:10, 4 the undersigned. have nowt' 1. torfof the lastilt$ regrosand hint 'perfectly honorolde in tilt eilos transaction*. and :financially , tlrnrry out „any obligotioas ramie MA.143,14 litter. he, ,11.101tla *eaten's, V.11,1* ward u,d the Russian rear guaid has haek from ite„ •pesition about thirteen miles north tf Sipingimi, 74 miles north of the Pass. The Japanese army near Mukden is learing-the-battlefield, --seeting- the enormous uantitiesol stores mla*,triar. tet a iteeptu and .attending to the anginettet'4rtitap1tlite.7. pairing the railroad hedge 40141441 the Hen -River, Which, OAS -badly damaged - by twilluistilans., Trains are now run- ning to the Hurr.,,River. They Will reach ,Muktlen in a Ievir days*, The -14iMitr-lvitrunaallhAFIV is thawing rapidly, making themove. mebt of gune and if:Snap:ft WiOne difficult*, Pritetieally cemplefie .reports show 'that the Russian army sacrificed gen- eral commissariat stores to the *meant of $1,260,000 and stores for an army. eerie; amotteting to 00000 heti at iflukden, most of It being set on fire* "the "boots And uniform* aniong the stores Of which the whole army Vtalt In need. Arriving from,Eurepe four days Were the Russian, ,retlrementirott Mukden.* The Impression prevalent to some military eirclesthet this Japtito ese, *having retrieved the possibility Of the lnitlatiye, will now turn their "i te,ritioa to the nextobjective of tbe afar, 'Vlattivostock. It strengthened by the Associated Press dispat412 frotit Giirathrt Petit announcing the with- drevral of the Japans* -from, , the Mediate front of the mosittn favy,for distance of 26 miles, While the voice of the Emperor's. advisers Is for peace,, if honorttbte *terinti itre-Obtalited,,AherGattertisie44.* ItS is the port' of'Whifitigflt is going lot., ward withal" provisions for the con.. tinuance ofbe war. rreparations are, nePorted..tobe malt tog Or the mobil's. at,100 .01We • • late dlspttch ot Tureidot :have „Ind lestried relbtbleautliotity :Oat RnItain has asked Dekaise to wt, as interited ancl,Otottliekte, . •!W•.' ' netitt.but OnSi .t .1408-40Wilf,- • co,inperatiott15 gotientfigi to . ouctetm, Theinte&-nn1 situatiOn in • goost4..„..,. I,eiamit:g tiiiity" more t'ilatttotte. POIISh 'it:nation lit cond.* .;:great anai. ths et holt is Said flitticilitettnile -.twa.tbt „.. ..it1lit0t4classes disapprovVe,:of the, Itti rv*4'ntinntr? .01rit,;"whichrisperintio. ing the tioasaintry 1it lataAera ;In Po. A*W. not The; Crimea* bolliag Vilth di htmiieil r4rnt11tandtbehe strong :hariatiof fflU'ttily forte;1*.:* ;WOO 10404 . iusb 1!1t0 lnrlp!erttrevobitton at StIts.. il'In.o.tettriatintriater resident uttittegottle toiptameat .rittottitte clositigrthe*.ohottle there' ;,.. . _ accouattifthe0easta- t: it LOSES tiFt IN TI1A-31ES. *. Win. Green, aged 184 son of Henry reenvet-iffulicey. waif -aro whed-To• •e antes Itiver o The father And son were etir the hank and were capturing the lugs vvhidh were being carried down the stream by the sw4t current by the, !weans ft a rope andhook. The boy threw otito the book and fastened it in the 10 NI Sinhecurren was s rents it rev' moo Arm Vainorry _Da 0,,Sotro, Ottlibets, iskesteeoe, we, as of Abuse or *11 of which teed to Conehm tout nitY antan eerlY ere • for $5.o win plearet,, six w y all Us (*mailed lain -~1,‘ reoeiptotvelorkliVritssforlosm, Lls4. Theptood ssenicims cpt• lirbutreo* - esnrfitee. twlCe nn.a.1 OrtlOtie610 Of.hire. DEA TEt OP A. MiSCAMPBELL. , Toonto Match 25. -Andrew pbelOwAnembert-thoi-i3Aoda, *tare antiervaserrativevarty organ zer. for Ontario, this afternoon 'Ot tYphOla fever. Mr. .6114carnpbe had bftri 111 oince, the elections. . Ile Worried greatly over the rush and the' hulk of detail work, and it Is very like. ly he laid the foundation for typhoid feverduring this time. He represent- ed &St Shoo* in the Iegislathre fol- lowing the elections of Ms, 1904 and 1808*nd 'was well known throughout the country. • 0..1farelt 'Cale .2iiertZ•ehildffitk-WM"NetittOrtedlti'dAy to ten years 10 this Ohio State 'Pent tentiarY': by Judge, Robert W. in.the united State* Court; S • itOt practitallyaffeeted..br tht, ictn of the 'court to,dity... Chadisitcl; wout convicted ,On "erten tnntitt' 'aba *patented nponsix counts.. • filar foi,114 ' ' eentenre of t'ls tate- - 'dente .46k Niss Little bas leasedNeil Mire resi- dence Ugtneutilvilles arrdwill 'reside there tor.* titntbekillittletifat of Frank Waltersfell out: Of 4 their the'. ether •.-s_ari..,Fratils **-nrierrovtio-lias-oecepled-lt1liiX4114 ney's form on the Mill road, for some yeorts. last ;week MOV0(1 his family to the Metristoo flown about a 111110 cast of thiselhuist. Vitt len bite got * good two htindred store farm there.- Briorrniee ',has exchanged fartrity 'with:hie eon. Robert, Mr. Brown IP* tsking the east half of hit II, Con, 4., 60 aei es, and Robert taking lot Pori the tame concession, .100 acre's. and they have each Changed rest:Jew!. es. in the exchange: the100 :att..** V110$ intlfied at45,0fifi and the 60 Hetes at 118;360. our *last on Tituredity and' ,earri!,,.0 away anothtq tietiFtildltidy In thett.t-V ann of Mrs. Hugh Chesney, at the ego. of 81 years and 5 months. • Her eat it retnofis another of the remaking pi. ersOt thikaeetion,..fer she -was .eoe o hod 'indtirell' with hotoloin IIfl4I, forUtiH'e, ,411 tho bodoli.10 incidentt Ibeimtly stettlement and tifireleit. t of this settlers, The funeral ti* oft . pbice"itit*tattltdnr ttythe-Y4ttim-dvili ctnetcry and 'was laegely ritytided. Drs. K. 4, IL Establish** 25 Years. Jor NO. NAMES USED 4Hevraashirorto4 at 1s.w the -44.res, liti1ta.,-1 'took*y'our 7.tresr. ..ifr,etttoxt--.T.renttrlsnt-ztTr,-ttt-ltteriOIOAE- blind dlgoass With. whicir I had •'bee& *inieted fOt" twalV* years. I had, ,eonsuitsa a Store oftphr, .01cierus. alt kinds Of 10004 medicine, vlsited llot Springs and 'allot tninOrad 'water rek- a time, but eater eisesatinuiree _the ITedicknert the .. sYmPtoMs Would ' break out again-ritnrung reabotest, sores, blotches, rtteurnation pains, Ant? Treatatate Of the hair, !westing* of the elands, pelmet of the hands author* itchiness of the Ain. tie. $t.:et& I had..givert up in despair..wbec a friend advis to consult you, as you Tad- cure4 iiIt0 Of * 00101101* 4,11$0.!*** a, years *gm had swo hope, but toot( Isle advice. in 'three :Weeks* time the Ott* 'commenced to healup arid1 bocittne encouraged. 1 continued the New Method Treatment for lour months ani at .end of that time every loratWm had dittiptieltriti, I wait cured years arre.,..aucno algrui ot any' duniais *Into* My boy. three yt., ears oldi i* Sound and healthy: ter. tent)* Oarr ratommend your treatment with alt" My heart. VAS estri Igor* trile Pfeson: tcs lkut.Ifetr-Cart,tuar this-, testimonial as yo wlih.'- - - = "W. IV ft - We treat' NW/1W* Ilebnitiro. Viteltotele, 'Steidle's* vita, we* nag Skin' ditetteS0 VrIskarlii Vellitcso SSAJddey V"ttiPlatintill 01 nen 4 wernert. - Ar Ott Itit**4. Int' to marry? - _Bast your • lood been any Istaltnersitr---,OurA,Nest-, Method-Trentsalnt - as done for Ottierit It will 44 for you. CONSULTATIOX FOX= Iro matter who hes 't,r4030 310u0 Write honett opinion Tree of , Charge. .tthitrstei$:reasonable,* .11001CltrtritElt*,Thsirtwf olden- Monitor (IllustratedL On Iilstsata meo, Staled 110k, On ",01SeaSot 41 4 Otnerr rivet, NO NAVIES, trth Mr; Walter 'PieltArtl Ws* JL11es itteene,,,:, the, an bo', tletl ,gdmittectits a partner in the iiAtnierisarattee. Wan. Pickard *yrs, Hnd. tbe, ,f401VM, AtiC640tiatl /0 of be • het* netiteltih 'b6 it.eiaelit.,,ustaittrd 10 bttet, e, tor 40. tit* Son.. • ' dro*niog in the terdgy whfle returatie 'n4. Mr. Rupp ask litit ttoivo u- bLtige AS 011 right. - hut whfort atm) throuyh be *481'610, iiioe0tit we* ilifitine rJ this e the eerie q hors' 5I!d gy btu's) thi, eS* Vitt $ 1...tryng t' flie I1* hitt it vf3s. *%Sint ,L5,