HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-03-30, Page 3void c ttretUllY
In Whijb the lotto', is 4sPOli
erent temperatures at One
ne; Some of tIa ,statioit
44Pitilfsie (Ow* hltafir'
8ted-Jtire helphist 011011 ti
t empty of the open
h wore ahvedY nearly tun
ante, who* taki
_ .
'tflur.; we re *tpping
,I.. fainiUsli
Aft, •re ,
sn,.o» 1IeI,
• WOleas, to do
II weaknesses
/MY others came to
Le knewbetter than
' IIIn thcnJbt even tramPle upon
• - their.rush to get down. He
had always bad tt multitude et
friends who wished him welt; there
/Sad been many -priests to proVe to
him the curative properties the
food. But there neve h
tken ono Who would takeup his poor
wasted frame* in arras of strength
and Jot, him down to the posii nt
right tin. -
Or along. time there hid...been a
cy. Ae„,„, ,JerugaleJvthere was
• need ,S0 One 'who wotild hell) the hail-
• • .4esns, 'Proved his right to ..0o. celled
the eon or 0.04 by his recognition of
the claims of men on hies, by his re-
.epoeee to the ties of the divine fans.
fly Of ' which all men are the oft -
opting. Men aro always talking
about the.claimis, „that. :Ietrua has_ up..,
There-wlik-be istrtrowe'
• derstane„,..4110_410,inue--th.'at-isumani
has upon deans. 116 was the great
humanitarian.. lie proves his divin-
' ity by his humanity. No other, was
eVer Se filled with allecling of our
lielpere - • -
Men toward men are More brutal
• n are the brutes. • Seeking, their
PriCgd-• Oyetersaltec mufti
Oytteri mutlheoolus,
coer t kesie4, crea4
Mold's' or randkinsii
Ortnitle. With • 4 light dusting :of • grat-
ed. ,ehieS'-.11..14, bigterert.Ittreact crumbs,
hake a.._ • .440de brAwn, and.;.; eerie
very - • .n
- Oyster Sausages...4n the propor,
_tionat oneAlozen_lierge-oystere-- to
one-half A "pound of rtittiti teak, chop
.both ingrstiletits tine, „season with
. Selt;--pepper '-and herbs and roll into
.form ,eausages, frying quickly
In deep liot fat.
Oyster Patties.-ePrepare__ciwt from
'eaterer. Seafd sufficient 'oyster's " in
ereere-dreasing Anst while bot stir in
the' 'oyster.", the heated shells and
Oyster Itissolese-ttoll pull- pa$te
. very thin, dotting it over with fine.
:large oysters in pairs ivhich have
been slightly -stewed, seasoned. and
. the. One
,witli sepassien people. Who -dots
not despise the fent:Ire, who forgets
UULt- heggre is dirty and
and- who *members only that he it
is man and in need; who forgets that
be might bargain -with him And bell
his strength; who sem only the op-
portunity to/1"mm.
ity. He is les\ high priest at
h :glorious altar o eacrifiess,
his pity and help for that one ai he
turns the squalld Pool into a .glorts
4.)U0 temyle. 'Ire shows men how to
vrori5hip.; • • - - • '
The teat of any reil on. of any
• of any %clime of sociaraniell-
Oration: is -hetes Deo it roally help
inerd Itteit-OU.4)," daia- iffeint
who are Most needy? Is It the minia-
tration of the strong to the weak?
irow much ot our .serccess iss but OM
In his eyes? liow Much that we call
religion is but a pressing about the
pool to that the really needy are
croWiled hark and for otten? Aed
71t- 40044-1
th.`r, 47
OVers ior few tuirsittee tisreC.
in Often 'nntil-,4t wilted, eteatnin
and ,greaetY. •Apply, 44 • *IA
ottlent. inow, and ,0041," with a
'warns 'Cannel.. T1i riIjet mill -co
1 illtfit.1* it
Villien threatened neth peeunsonia,
try an application :•of powdered. lo-
belia, eeesis end .aweet oil. It, is eX-
mOingly penetrating. nave; the
patient in bed, and rub the 'chest
thoroughly with hot 'sweet oil (any'
• altUriTers khen iiisralrir on• Ihe
It Cannel saturated wit h
powdered lobelia, 411eN7.0: with
Ca- To ke4P .114 position, it: is. w191
to piece a flannel .bandage around, the
entire NO!. It it should happen to
Cause naumea„ it could be removed,
but Otherwise, beet to let,,it,f re-
undieturbed anti) the ecorenes",
For an ordinary sore, threat the
'home remedies are often •the most
effective. A. camphor gargle is one
of the best. TO prepare, tint a table-
apoon of gravitated eh ar in
of 'crunphor.- Aitd-'a-tittle'-water-and-
tte-Ahoroughly:,--:-then- th
glass witli-Mom.-cold--water.---Use
as a gargle as often es the case.de
10012d0. ,
A gargle of alcohol' and warn
water is also escellent for a eore
throat. Prepare eachtimirthe main,
tity-•you---neess- for- one gargle; On
teaspoon alceliol to three. .tei-
spoons of 'water, is a goad prePor-
tion. Have the water as warm as
you can ,conveniently ' use It.
Sago tea and eluni another valu-
able gargle for cankered sore throat,
while for simple irritation borax and
Water may be used with berielit„-
e Wonder if -OVerybody *news the
Isr.irtsre of bed...Steels for vessia, ing 11
eammetion? peritonitis,
.4.1eithe,anst_____see't •1* 1nv41uabl
Refdace,"Vrith-fFesh? ^Ache tneresearY•
--ithicien. life -10V-receiving- beats
sisIr highest torritnesulation-becaewit---
ireirying to do 'what he did thenLit
Is simply seeking t-Tifielp &gime one:
• itis trying t� be eyes to the blind
or feet toAhe Wee. It is helpful to
those who are helnless- 4oree 4laY
It °will- hear -one saying: -"Inasmuch
•as ye .did -it -unto-- me one or the lost
of these my brethren ye. did' it tbito
epoontul of/chopped parsley, one tess---,.
apoottful of 'MOO juice. halt a tea-
spoonful of salt eerie light sprink-
ling or PePPer. When thiekeued add
the y.olk of one egg and £1 - 'oyster*.
Arrange buttered lielle in diip*
bell An With the mixture,
thei cover isith buttered ,eracker
teen Minutes in a hot oven.; •Serve
.-Oyater Omelet. rim, ttreptY-lisse
geed -alio -I oysters* make A thickened
sauce with :one cupful of rich mine._
one tabletmoonfut,e.tell of butter and
flour, salt and pepper,_eild' the -Yee
feica, Stir till:the giliseheg. in to ruffle,
then Atand over hot. water While the
omelet is. prepared. Beat six eggs.
very ,light adding --tiva--tab
fuls se/win watte. them. Into
the frying -par- put a teaspoonful of
butter -end; when the' Pan le very
hot, turn in the beaten,eggie •stirring
and shaking until they, begin to set,
sprinkle quickly :with salt, .speriel a
tnre in the centre and fel
e. over s „. urn out on heated
• _Z-1101M-tays
ters an.1 sauce around At. k ovko
est cooking may succeed better With
helf_the ssuantity-at
01Sater, Chartreuse.. -Pare and boil
six potatoes, mash very smooth ,and
add to them half a, cupful (or leo)
of railk. Salt, r. one t I
rause( ery ry. o t e pas e u o utter . and the' stiffly beaten
aroundtheoysters, tweeting more white's .or four +eggs. After generoits-
-Peete firmly over them and eue into ty buttering the bbttows and sides of
shape, with a pastry cutter. 'Pry a a two -quart Mold sprinkle 4171th-roll-
, golden broils ver" hot, deep lard.:Ied „bread ..crunitis send line with the
,yeter". on Toast..... --Wipe statIclait—potisto. • While the potato mold is
Oilers to. 01001y:toyer the buttered ornan of onion to
*rut toasted 'bread. ley theta Op the a pint ,,qt vetimLaml_kb
1.0.itt,.#9,400 ; and vor- is- extracted. 'resnove- the
bit Of butter prat into a very ..onion, thickening with one tiebtee.;
het: Oen uot.11 the edse, or the spoonful or flour dissolved lam HLtle
curl,stOrs 6 gave prepared sr.:rich cold Milk and •rierolon With salt and
pour over the dish and peisper. • Let quart of oysters
Wine to a .bolt in -their.±-4,1wa Alquor.o.-
e im, Wain hem and add to_ the
cretin mauve. iiatiiiisictorily sell -
pried gently turn the .-oysters into
the tsRold. covering the top with the
remainder of the potato, taking care
that the Sauce is not foreed through
or over the potato. rake half an
hour' in a hot oven end minutes
after esnoVingteem the oven place
a suffiCiently large dish, a platter or
chop plate. over the mold and, turn-
ing -both aver at once Chi* the
tneld to slip WT. . anralsh with par-
sley and sere hot.
hot. • -
e'er .iftiliblernove. -the teag
•Musele from sufficient' oysters to
cupful,. parboil in their. own
lifilter end drain. Melt tiro table-
SPoOnflils of "butter, add one-half
000ad.,,ofrhild.„elietese (grated), salt
flntt PcPPer, and as .the cheese melts
edd the twitter lieuor and the eggs,
* alightlY betters. When the, mixture
bfternee einootb, add the soft parte
Of,the 4yatere and oerve at once.
, Currie& Oysterafelt .
poonful of butter in a granite pan,
acid. orie *with+ teastkoentui es flour.
etirriug until well browned. Gradual-
'oyster liquor
oreeinedi,, with ane teaspoonful of tesuiPouniul •Of. Sugar added
,on.forr _infect' and Air until thick arid Paneaker hatter 1v111 make ,tlie
onooth, Drop in 7tiventrfive large ir'''',...ikesat7.11:denothbritirt,wiL.ett
(Vetere, Which hare been carefully •
• 'wiptiti,. atitt atresets es the srels*es be iteet freshened, by soUeing 18 004r
gln to euel andthey are plumped. • •
. lake ,froin,the 'are arid serve itt once
on buttered toast.
• Opiter,Loisf.e.-A Sesvel seaS* to Serve
lioised:''ssySteris te lit a loaf of
bskCr's .crnste, the
rohnd being nicest attractive.
NO a /4'M° from the top .Onel'
I the letwittg.
ineide and era
- with ted 'bsitter ins's% a bru'lli),
• at -a g ass al burtehnlik taken
the lair thiter et 'night. ,ivill eure
atorresch trouldes.
itteat beginning to ,
out. hetonse sweet sg,airt "' if
placed out qf doors over night.
. kerne, Tie 1;often booto
and ehaes Met, bate beer" htirsiened
ify water •
'Ibat a ro,:z*fed or raw essremeal.
ire 'in is hot oven After itnolstePed wlth 'Water, takmi 00 an
looking over 2 quart " of l'emi'tY stomach,' will' etrte roestipa-
yolke er two eggti
'ith salt; liefifser. and
ittnitte iity-ero o
*ue In the
bread l!rturAb*
r. 'IOU le the ,overi
Auttlag the bre-ad ioto
. •
2*11 00401%.441460 'atilt** „and
shighty atop one pint'‘ Oysitere„
Vette it it:lett-S*00e Stith $100-thirdit'
• esrfel �tmJJk, tee -Wirth
ef butter *adieer, halt tist/so,
. ,
J�n,lf persisted in for PttnijT,
fa'....'"PlAtint!ti,„of tlJ
id tbe whitening.
ekeine il1 ict.
will .tord new
not be ad
.. leer ttieses,,"wi ,Snie:
.. . —
le'eOu , 01 * e ,-; 000- t ,. a 0 '. M*4 in
' VW.," - Reht o the t..,,•' '''' ,'Vroul.i X.4411*1#"ttiltk0-fs - not,, enerat''NO
IM,rt Ito O .
intelY necess . : „, inn', or. 4t*tiner... *hot . tit [I. ::plAspltdei,,, • 000,r04 04t 00010 0 ,,, h
e.arron,-oli is"the Aaron .0_,lva, t9- 'ij,.''-‘441143p. *14 MO th,O Unialana had to ' soldiers end tound root* Att her In
ixture ,of equal parka -of. lime -water cover on 'foot.. On the' 7th the first truck. . . . . •
inseed • "a :•'' ._ • • i._. _' ' . -_••,•, i -•' --altercirrithiMat-'whilitlitite-i
. . . . .
9: Or. burns. Ito use was discover.,-:•-NOnderfully piCtUreSqUe ens* 'appons• slowly moved off, 'carrying with IIt
'hy etuince at the lurge ironworke _mimes was on they, marched along the the, true mouse, of Russisti.s oortitu i
at Carron, Stirlingshire, where the 'bTgleroatisr. , in the far 'oast, and leaving . seated
Worker's are naturally much milieus* • First .:eatise • 80in30 eineer$4 mime on 'the piatforin. t,O await for lioure
to burns, -
mounted and others- trudging along the Arrival of ,the next train, the
Clapper appears ,detrimental to bac- carrying their swords. The ofncers majority- of the woman and children.. .
teria„ for, tvldle they abound on .sil- were till splendidly dressed and look- It was a, miserable, scene, and clisst-
ver coins, none have yet been 'found 040 in their tight blue overcoats and pated the last remaining feeling of
leather boots Atfit they. ....tiesi regret for the relator -times of the gar. _
.:pinpeigTsiwuwtaieitio'si:u.easntitait:tobfo. suip et 01 cop- come° sul .1)e olrialtre 0117"''''''' ---
an yphold ilthout er than having just one through a
dein aohettbei. bofootx month All for. tile ssot
diers the cloth , a d Opeeially
The best tonics for general uie are were in poor, condition,
a brisk walk ore. bicycle ride. They and many wore Chinese costumes and
rouse tlie whets! votou, tait ell the sheep overcoat*, but physically they
processes of life, and eliminate the appeared in excellent condition,. 'and
_Weete produets of the body, . Stay-, Lin the hest of health,.
ntiromec --t*tie*ii.-0-peepte-are ,r0b4. ' - '4'am:ft ban- clusEsE.
hing .themSelves, of medicine whiph
germs \\, ItA#S A 1-1,1
Cause of Most of the 14esent Ace
cidents. . 4.
X will reek° A statonSent which will
he-challened,- lint 71110dt on not be -.
disProved, Writeri Ur, F. 1,Y, - Ailetowf
In Success; 'rho abrioimanY bevy •
lor.Ometive, " now the -Votinsdarst on •
American railroads,' -is- the --posttive '',
cause of a large percentage of rail-
road accidents,: most of which are
eliarifed - against . other factors of '
espiipment or service. 'Ilio craze for
powerful---iotosnotives-ent--in-,. about
1878. Prior to that time, the aver. "
agreloconststiVe weigKerfrelirtteenne
.iive to fifty toms Our roads were
planned, for enginea of this type arse'
weight. The rails, switches, bridges,
viaducts, and other features were in
conformity to, the mectisurs-weight lo- \ -.
ettvelt--was-disessvessstit ' '
there was an economy in big A eight
engines,. hauling ft large' number of
ears, and thereby doing away with
train men. -It was AISO discovered
•that tile 'greatest source of safety in .
caeo..of the inevitable collissions was
braving as Many tins of meet arid as a car so solidly constructed that it
The igaFy vdests Was tfigpocy al*IlY packages of armY biscuits eWouldv.suuseh through weaker ones.
. - he could possibly desire. All we Po haul these heavy Cara at high
*1.6n1 the .14iltria ' apparently in excellent humor, and speed required engines; of increased
• °Vali: :nue*Plainell,hal30114.V... °Pea ,.-1,frne=tft_11314:4)Iteri,,eee rietitefr.psral:eit'14" -parfeed; 7h, ,weliertlilineriZIOnwtY°*triedir Ilvitet%finuw-'ur. '''' . •
he sea,. for the Wri*te keep- ir -Set- 1111; °Mit s.inokirie Cigarettes ' ' atut 40e -web erialOunced.'. Then lti-- Went -
rids. Among the ,- many' nautical. jokingfi!aligei' as . to•Irti theoes...).Lurreveriulkile_r of •• the to 4eghtyfAthen, to nitiety;': And' there .
,tioty,t ssesitertinorinsvIthiehtombaltheconott, Mary
.49thing imt.aili".0„vork4u.,. y apevoiwnt. Thwllizt.zialisinmounchsteracctitla,asim:twitolitith:„. tivisfiirtehd,..e ..
Celesta. has for thIrty; Yiiisia,_ Mayen WA, 'P14_111;201 ot .tho.n. it, of,keita tO. shape. - : A passotgar- ,., 0c0m0t,tips,
' bib 'lad.. All- *Ott* of -0-Planitions tne ins.griteetul defeat their; carnal' Willa does sint.W„ ides one hundre'd,
have":;,been atUMPteil 'and the Ind- haaLaurrered hs been the *oat • ionaitenow. considera-odt"'ilf 440.-
. dents bikee- liven -Mont as. the ma -4 erl-, feature -Ott the surrender,.. arid pee. tAgiatatiji5 .1_14,....-stu
irelAti—tovris -ma-move , ye ..no.. -sate ' 'OR-PrlirluITIC615tbati 'smith monsters, the -NU 01 the rant hasi=
isfrietory soluticin has been - offered. else th_e 1."‘"*Sans for that de -eat- been slightly increased, but lite etill
A -writer in the New 'York Evening, _.„,,c,O§1111. 1111) AS Foil A BALL. hold thesis to the till by the primie •
Post has _recentiyAnonmeif u • e • n .',t,.4_ft,s.s.,_ra.ehe,_,stgtetotnd--.- IVO-methed--or-spileing-theirs-tiew .
act's orthe case, And strange ono' think nionoerieers. ono dice with.* What is the consequence? Ilse rails
they are. The ' 1110rY Celesta "10_412,_, 100/10t ftit SylriPathylOr -tho--Rusedens; aProlid-ore-A-442"er-antl-a°11fiet-leletir°Th •
- 4141111thad--hr-18O9V-13WWIAlnis --iitt, toi. SO treat had been the *letzten a straight piece of track, and it rids-
* tended her very start in the world,
for beteg, built of green timber. she and so complete the humiliation of .estrous Wreck ensues. SuCh acct.
IV co-Ituukrans. that common human.; dents have increased- at an alsxrreing.
'°01suliteicisiitligrtheeat livettitYpesinsearl.'fill-Irit!Vedragtedes s ni eth re with inili,viibielePeri-siteret-that•-hundrede,
not but feel disposed' to rate.
0 unPrtilitahlei er - on 'n feelin a Met the nati is r ceidents are Char ed a altsit miss,
ma n the same. But, ,after *etch -
Ing„ -the- ereNd...:9,1 Rener419, colonels
-----leiti'er-ritagnates aressYea,Wini--
Lumen more fit for s, bell than the
(Male of a tragedy, arid watching
-hoir-lightly-Ilreir leittbeirtliesition,
and -seeing the contemptuons manner
in Which they received the assistance
so readily -accorded thenslet-their-ad-
reihnps. the -Most aisagreoable part
Islatisre- dispenses- of tim •journ for AbenS was when
--eongestien- of- afig-part -or orga
y ough the streets of
means that the VcAsehf are distended the Chinese. villagers and heard the
with blood. It me,,V be active . and
f,„,it Jeering. remark s - of the Chinese; for,
arterial, when the part is b°t the last time they. had passed that.
red; or' nia,Y be mechanical: at° Artair-th4.--had passed-aiii-iterireatbig
Idd:0,--and-11,011--)*al-ia--chla. lUaAter-a. Now -
•.bur -not veletersted army., and.' Were
venous, w .Y.TX
a- -be.% enittrrypintistiois .biteding,._,„„ bvotrisil;_ts--/
e g sT4-relt-departed from
... Whooping -cough le an -'fate°inun thein, and the Chinaman, unable to
hiferitildemic disease. There ' is nO prererve , the •iroll' for ,hinmelf, at
ectual. remedy. The frequency. and
_ -- - leastrsessi-not,,going to miss the 'op -
severity of the .SPatims maY nu re" portunity of tilling a Janes at the
duced,hy _medicine cent -sluing 4)"
br ':expense of those- whp had to ttitti-
* *wide ot_motest. timAture. oflaella..cloia Imlay instile_thentsoves_iii
and syrup of papaveris, prepared AC- A camp was • termed . herashi
cording to age. Tho air of the room station. and here the prisoners were
sheuitt be -impregnated with carbolic housed, pending the Arrive/ of the
*acid. . , . ' :trains ,to convey them' to Delay..
- 4..' ,..* ---7-4.....-.7.---. .-:---...-- illeres also was served out to them.
with no stinting hand, each soldier
LANGUAGE- OP' liATIV11001, -
_ .
C4ing thednniVersatolostikisage„Of
„batiyheod.' only-tueseise,Alet
bies have -by which: t�
*sires., ;,tilseensferts- •-and;;-enstitionk.
ver y.o v-irstrarTs nary. or compensat-
sid for by tone and voluret,g,tiend;
and these- qualities loll "eon modi-
dietinctisi expressive of entreaty, per-
suasion or cormnand
-Peridetent crying 7iiiirtiya indieritei
something abnormal; nevertheless, it
Is not No often * sign of hunger. as
.the mother Ja diapoeed to infer. 'The
mouth, n
rustras'attions may denote eoreneis of
refused, tind headache ' earache
when the broivx are knit and the head
is...toseed. from 11.140A0 Ogide-AJitutrise
cry is caused by dryness of the vocal
cords that may accompany an orein-
ary. cold. croup. diphtheria, and
'Otlie+4.11frettions of the Issryes„ *AS
. U ice one
of the chest: in fact, it is usually' re-
placed by meaning. Wien trying fol-
lows the coughing of brciechitis, it
'often - the supervention of
nehopneustioniai and the doctor
should eallett, at (mei. Sql.rirtning-
.And kicking -Attend', ther trying of
" ntutconditionir
A 'Veiceless cry-denotte'great westie.
ness, except When -the sound is AUgi.
on -acemnit. of pain i or hoarse-
. Tearless ersfing, after the
froirtit month of age, generally .re-
veide-111-ne-SS: tflien-----thif In an . cress
Upon being picked .-up, -there- II usu.;
ally tenderness due to:rheumatism,
pleuritry, rieketii-Or Scurvy. Free -Sine
over different regions discovers the
04eneitive *re*.
The cry of fear in on older lefaht
is short and. loud; the eyes remein
open and are turned toward the
source of danger, While the tate bee
comes pale mid the body trembles.
An *Ur,: child alsa_betornee„ llvid
through holding its, breath. To the
pempeted child crying beton** a
habit; even young infant* learn. to
reeked, and tornetimet, iipparentlyv
merely -tor their edenr.dolaration. - It
is, of course; Poesible that a sudden
piercing cry night may intlierste,
sOnit serious trouble,' but it is InOte
likely to be nothitsg Worse than
gt4tion neiVousitess.
Illistaket ealt-olton ise isteided in
the interpret:stint of *. fit Of try n
If the clothes of the child he rens°
ed and et search be Made for
• pih or local 'signs of injury .O
recent rupture, the kat -
tore ot bone or the dieloeatidit of
a joint,' In no .eircumstaneee
an, opiate or otbte slebning potion
be given strardy to errest the 'eryissio
end. the infant ' Nee downward
11100 the lap, stops sheeresi*. only by
*rig eeepirestfon Wittiont
mv, 1t -h o •
e refisror
Continual loss, • took hie life.
-:`•--•'' -- - - ' i.:7.4 -7 -,.=to. ' ---
Celeite, bound for Genoa, was- found
by the Iltritiph vessel Del Gratia,
.about.,..._.midiVey'lietweeis the.j.-Azerese
and Lisbon, adrift rand abandoned.
She wan running 'under sill, bei
long -boat was gone, and the chromes.
-pieta' and isti-s- - . inpa y a once ev,a-
deserted in haste. By the log -book
. AN ev dent .she had been
Poroted, and * feeling that ‘att the World shout it. -There is not tt•
loeemetives. 'There is iso doubt in
It was judged ishe leo been cruising filet:WI:Pair einuatiteo„olleka irpnistetheere .7.1t5 Per" railfoad man In the eountry • who.
without a crew for eight or ' nine , does not know that this statement is
days. ' Natgrally , one's feellegs,
the same towards the women and . .... , le
"Leaned .-absolutelii true.
but etier*eart;Sitelivryssis*"rnly 4,_%ileripeed clksted.,reltu_14., ..i,.Y.e: few. testrAudiookifferlqr AI* olOil . - riz,vom irEELs.sain)
A children huddling together*ob the
"44' dar*-Etatheil till'uw wlue" www 'port initerable., There were net,„„,,,meny, ,,,,,..__ ,•., L___,..„ ,,,,,
eatineo .-te ssisspieion W. 1404,1,11,470 samv '... maid* 010 116 wives of rpOtne of the . with unottia, .
tater extuninittien Showed the *tabus ,,,, ,_, -
• . , _ _.....-....- -- .
.11•112_1, 14-1t.I.,..4*,,1..,„411, „, -o , e-rir'4.--itiTiW.:-.-PA!aent, but MAO. it -is /lire Ine °Bed to Oriendabi
19,1 be ,inzly . rust. There were rid. °villa" '1"44 "Th"r4innli"1°1"d dstli. '
irate*, a strife, , On . the cabin table ::014hotiirt.°01;-rork Vtorill*,%ntiliditar*e. , The.„ittart°,hitteta ' er 414*. Angisn.,Pnri.eir.1,..4h °TT,- _.,
e-.4.0/14.10erest:of-a---Wornair' , ' " ,.'''''„ . - ' ' ..% t . it's a arewing.-teolthg
dry, tiu, cargo intact, •and nothing lizterrupted 40,0ing.., ,,,06_1,nunpolvtro an54.Aoo much for her t liiattwa•
bid, no helping band was held out to
-° -,---------•of tonlideneie-,11V-the eineerity-2-of,:the --
wrong with the spars ot •rigging.*termination with England among
her by the Crowd. _oi ofileerst :whose ,s ,-- . -
'Th, 'brig was taken to Gibraltar Priljatia" l'" bad ae bravely ben*" 0.11c1nueof prouttittioiLThey are
and investigatione (begun.' There WO erbeY laughed and th4t11 talked, Ahoy
an attempt, to VrOvtt that the cap -' *brushedt..4b/ ht.t inviistild itt,wlikots 74 t ttlihee
•tatin Intended to los. hie Ship on 4olitsw.tat Mik/e*
one of the reefs of the Awes, but Itusal" 136141Er 66*(44 nia anOtri°n‘
the eviee fell through. ObViense till: it? am I tterttlemea t41 Ida °keg'', as
jetfoils, to this theory were the Piiiiie littiehrilio .,„,i.„tthii, Aittir irvkam,,,Tsild 1 etimmin
ence of the Optein's wife and ehild ' e '''' --- - *-" "----- - 4. ----....AP
a humble Pellet*. Pi nimbi. so.
read, Went tip: an} took inse of . the
chlidisert in his 'arms and kept him
• the train moved off. This
7-431*--41were ntertY tient; like It
, 'SCENE' OF SIMILE. . Bic s
*1 Ivin bit
mitteretsle4teire ,
_..... ' be, --eh , , --of meis
Britain, and With 'it a Pot -
After deocribleg the arrival Of. Gm. *I adrscgliuseed"efeilthllliskereillterYy* Oilt .
erSl 8tore/0 arid hie atilt at this eta* Its: ‘01rnt 'merits, and from A puttly
tion the rorostiOratetit ', dot Olt „ to totelmiCal stendpoint; that is to SAY..
vermite the ose*p4s of. Aloft.- wide ear. Then OtrUrred * ` seen" ntnickg without the ,bittee' Anglophislio spirit ., ,
he pressure of. high temperature. thoee trim witnessed it will never' which used to repder controversy be4,
Theseai ofliwIcOli,:ihoollittc:14fIrriesr_lijoertiltitig the tout i forget. and Z•Zid.:'roit,ittistill el.e,r,trivememsattiheeir.it‘tlosoith.iithitiett:natiihdetow.coigieci etioiiiunotrliestopt9os,s,o;rt_tion-
o umes, of Vapor pouting out batch - would e elk"' *i* *4413"' on the - 1:41nY. It, May he true -that the -disedeliailt.
_will& . ble* oft the or*
have enueed the, captain to ' belle* 'ort Aisth*fr 1-1"; '6", has to be con- it
with their lieseiati .0,....11ie*., far `••
the ship was on Ore,. Attordingly 14.„ !t° '"Iltlie lib° l°11"44r
but on! this, oreasionh* *tie flti"
intending :to. lie out ,At' * tele dis#1 irk terriages for the 'WoUsell end
***1 * 'sale" for 8:ters.'1°.* itilli I' 17.1., 411isit:tft';:rilsisiest•tt6'toi:44:11°foletstrti.iyi.'tlitirhivk t-ifilte:-'.
to.t. .0. tin., in. taking to the !boat, l'
lento. Thett ' wall 'WO ' 602' but Ow, h id, ' ...° In : I-. ° (ItIttell --4 'iltb:ettillirttirkitethlit, itsr4tritittlie ii;iiirttitt)611:kii*g.lithei-e .:
tool, taught by the *lad, eipsitne his wire nad entered the 'train one
eVeCttel to See the Women 'and third. Wm.* "44i:to'. *
led forwaerl,,nuct itted. into '•1W.arti, et'.0$1: dikV
placed aWitehen •!Itben the
seemilaniblertkr-construttAh -0
locking Jeeltelles, which aro -eare,
against the 'well‘nigh resistless*
fief' one litindred Toni` •
of 'metal burled fora:sad at a • speed
of essventy miles an hour. 'Me tracks'
.00, board and that 6414 of all- lives
In the innikbOati so tor, gotey 'row
1101teri the
Writ , abandoned filitning ore
strong.treere-a Min&
ed to .in order to lire&
boat. Her fore hateh
tOm side up. on ,the argo
!rot* alcohol At -tired in red oak bar-
rels.'• Bed oak, is "very 064'0004 and
way, and left the lorerboat,to Make
te In 1fl%
, end prOred
;wet *reek-
_ -
trolled of GeneraM,anl
ed' forward and entertel
pushing pest the women
lre1'without paying the 8llgt4
rd for them,
or • 1
convinced that, tert0 in the event of
a change of Government in Great .
liritainthe eame friendly intertwine"
betiveen the -people which has bwit.
begun Multi* such promising airspiceSi
Would be continued. •• , •
It is not only • moeg : Parisians
thentselvee, but einong .the whole
rreneh *oPle, that the symptoms of
terdird aientlinent toWards'iheir
lab neightiote is rapidly becoming
*Magee -of the Angl4reneh
ti*teare tire thenkt of Ortstittit‘
i'rcejativs rOmMent. , The. -opening
ParJi*i,,nt, and (14*. likoSPerte .of
Mt 'would; in' other cleeithre'
halm ailed forth that .41.154
y of hoetility to 'filingitidi polities
polltittEitiothfot was ustit ree,
leitdiug thorittterlitte *I' the