HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-03-30, Page 1r •
•-, „
Many le Are „Pc
browse thev ne'er tore jo e rgistlilet
•Vi.0 LQ ir.d ell the people; Von know who, are enieying„
lei have TemzeY• fee itit, theUtiuge 'they *ant
ugte 1kty youilndthae"everYe4exea-1,-*Ri hag a Savings
's the edly Bore way re:becoming p-1-1-FTIM1-""
e MAIMtiptoe an aecioutit here and you eta 'interest from
e of dt'post ad have it added to the prineipal and eene
ed fourt:nes a year, '
arm s- us !less
. Venigt '
4 ,14,,'I'YtrtifraWO:
bid' . , 11110 A ,:',,bpim;
talrBand, ha .ers go flit to el'I‘ter many. friettdsqn. Lt " rtceht 'be-
'haffiikal for_„,siAti time trWing SoVnige„, 'tea:v.101)04 lite sistero,. -nowteL, •
4- leers As atc en spent a 'few daye pasaitiftiaavey ,at CDetto(t tt'.feW .clays '
in,‘Claittein during. the. e..eele,...s11, Ralf ago....4, -. r. taW,eitzer, hap l*.2.14wVoil with
' 'hiis itecep Or) it position witti Intl. Zile,' WS- faintly - tO Dakota,4 where they:,
ile. Mr. Zuefk is 'moving:, his fait , ,filY , Intenfl residin i. ,We. wish them every
' ete--this#Cak.-41restlisirse•Mtierttibtre.4-434„ teArre_149,an t fete new. home.- Iter
'is on' a visit to Toronto friends.Difn-," spending 'the u4ritgl months in this
can;Stewart 3,10 bride left Wednesday vicinity, 'Wilbert Jones left last' week'
for the West. --Geo,: Jeynt's horse will, for his honieJo Hainiota, Map. 4
ropey for the purehase of
seed, grain, hoses. rattle,
,eto., can do so tram this bank at beet ratis and terms.
Branches in 'Torun CduntY at
• lpfLET4t, citgprroN, DA,S11,WOOD, HENSALIN •Ztratell, CLINTON
Summery, F, Kano.
• Solicitor!, • Manager, Exeter
_ tons Notaries, Conveeaneere. Commisaioners.
'Welton for Masons sena, ate.'
titeaey to some at Lowest rates of interest.
Annie. L. II. DIMON.
We have a large amount of private funds to loan
On farm and village properties at low rates of inter-
Barrideffe-SolieltOra,Mitin et.. Exeter.' Ont
- -
Organist and Clioir Master of the Trivitt Memorial
Teacher -Piano, Organ, Voice, Harmony.
methods. Thorouehness
Manitoba anciNorthwest
The Saskatchewan Vainly & Manitoba Land Com-
PanY7 Ltd, Lergest Land Company on the Continent
• controlling ehtire Canadian Northern Railway Land
, Two Acres -The cream of the
Wheat lands 4711 Western Canada. Parties purchas-
leg now, ars given until 1st June to select their land.
. .
Pier terms, etc., apply to
ERNEST ELLIOT, Agent. Exeter
Ms -County and adjoining torritotiee, to retire-
ta and advertise the Wholesale and Eduevtiooal
• rtments an cad established business house
of solid financial stending. Salary S3.50 per day with
expenses advanced each Monday by cheek, diteet
from headqu.arters. Ilorseand buggy furnished when
atom pixdtion permanent. Address BLEW
ARCS., CO., Dept. Motion Bldg.., Chiesgo,111.
Wanted lirtiWryalooMY
ity thronguout Canada to advertise'
our goods tacking up show cards on
weskits's*. braises and all conspieneus places;
vesx_or ex 53
emp yment to re e men.
We lay out your work for you. No experience need-
ed. Writefor full ieulars.
ALUS MEDI 'NAL CO.. Loudon, Ont. Canada
ondon. Colleke of Commerce..
La grippe is prevalent in this locali-
ty. -The many friends of Mrs. R. Gil-
bert will be pl4ased to learn that she
isrecoveripg from_her seysesee attack
eondition,- Walter Dort' has cube -to
Lieury, where be has accepted a posi-
tion with Mr. J. C. Reid, blacksui-ith.
Walt is an all-round- good fellow and
we wish him every success, -Mrs.
David Mitchell, who has been quite ill
lately, is showing signs of improve-
menL which_will he learttealseilla mach
pleasure by her friends.
REMEMBERED. -A few evenings ago
about ninety of the members and ad
herents of the 'Ebenezer church, con
4. surprised Mr. and Mrs. Joshua
ii=by takingpossessien of their-
e-withaut-any-previon . -
mation. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan, how-
ever, proved equal to the occasion and
soon had their unhiddeu guests com-
fortably provided for and feeling quite
at home. In due course the object of
the invasion was made apparent. The
worthy host afid hostess were called
forward and an affectionately and
complimentary woideal address in
which it was stated that the object
of the tine)lpected visit was the de-
and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan
to spend a social bour with them be-
fore their departure tss their new home
near Birr, and to express their appre-
ciation of them as friends and neigh-
bors and their regret at their contemp-
lated removal, and also tolwish them
well ip their feature borne, and to press
on their acceptance mere tangible ex-,
pressions of their good Will and friend-
ship. At the conclusion of the address
ing lamp. Mr. organion behalf of
himself and wife made a suitable
and feeling reply. Mrs. Morgan was
also made the recipietinif an address
and a handsomezeior table front her
meeting with an accident a few days
ago. s -Miss Claist Cudmorts of Ibraeis
is 411%*6 visit to frier* be-rer-Tharriarry
'friends cif Miss Rose Yougblut, wit°
bas been ill of typhoid fever in a Pitts-
burg hospital, ll1 be pleased to learn
that she has sufficiently recovered as
to be elite to he out again, and that
she, will soon be honte.-Mr.-McIntyre,
of the Molsons Bank staff, is slowly
.recevering feent his attack- of pnete
itiOnia.-sMr. and Mrs. Kelebon intend
leaving shortly for England. where
they will combine business with pleas-
ure, --Fred Manes spent a few days iri
Toronto late, week on business.- W.
tonernarr basing "resigned the poei-
tion of assessor, W. McCloy wap ap-
711$ • I I te
y-law'bas-been printed and distribut-
ed. The inunteipality intends to bor-
row.$3.(48.05.at 41, per colt, payable
in five years as its 'share. -11. -Hooper
who has been running the 11. Pickard
store here for some years returned
last week to Exeter, where be will
spend a kw days prior to teaving -for
the West.
Mr. aud Mrs. Geo. Lewis, Biddittph,
have the sympathy of their, many
friends in the death cif their 10 months
old daughter, Ruby Ellen, who died
on Mar& and Mrs. -Stanley
are•ort their way home ream it three
months visit tj(alifornoThirit to
leaving Riverside. farewell part,y was
tenderedethens Each guest brought a
California souvenir in the forms 751"
orange wood, redwood and bark, yucca,
photographs. Souvenir spoons. etc.
-Mr. Abbott has moved to Edrnon.
ton. -Mr. Jesse Tripp !formerly one of
the Irish Nine), bas signed with the
Winnipeg base ball team for the sea-
son of I005. --Mr. Jas. Carter has dis-
• s'
out , to , r. . Simpson. Mr.-
Carter has moved to New Ontario.-
Mr. C. W. Murdie. was in Toronto last
week as representative to the C.O.C.F.
frotri here at their annual- meeting, -
The hen house of Mr. John Wedlock
had unwelcomed cal/era. during Mon-
day night,„-piatedbly in search of eggs
but not finding them took six chicken.
-At a largely attended meeting of the
Quarterly Official Board of the Ltie.d711
Methodist Circuit et unanimous
strong,. oi Tupperville, to
become their pastor at the end of the
present ministerial year. Mr. Arm-
strong harsaocepted 'subject to the np-
proval of the stationing committee , of
the London conference. Mr. Aa-rxi-
strRng conies very highljr--vcommentl-
EA; le a rang young MAU in tbe Lon-
don conference with a br bt future
Boxiday School . These proceed -
ire over theladies produced the well-
CumPrising Business' Shull/land filred baskets, and wrsoon had the tables iting, and -Aeademie
. • t-bounta431 -1
w se 'par moat sumptuously.
containing full particulars, Address, After this a couple of hours were most
W. N. YEREX. C. B. Principal. enjoyably spent, when all repaired to
their -respective homes.
Hu h Morkin left Tuesday for Scot-
147tWeaTeTar given 'Mgt . 113,01
ag IPS Q 1 Ite Banes,
the Ti1r, emehipof Stephen, in the County -of -41u ,
deceased, Who died cr or about the 12th . day of
February, 1905, are requested to send such elaime,
flor vtrined, a ith the nature of the securities, if
atia, tied by them. to Henry Eilber, Credip:m P. 0..
Vitt. the Executor of the s4d Estate, no or before the
1, 1905.
-saletevetass date the Executor will proceed to dZs-
tribute tee wet* of the sidd estate, halting regard
**hitt* such clsesis as he Shall then have had notice
. f. And the said Executor will not, be liable for the
ssld meet% (*any part thereof, to any person qr
merit of wboseetsim notiee shallot have been
Itemised by them at the tirud ot such distribution.
ss---setsa- isetraessYsseratter,
Crediton, Ont.
at creates. March 1301. A.D.'. 1"
Sale ilegister.
priPartielf getting their sale hills printed at the
• 'Aserecars olliewerilinceive a ra,Me tittle* under
this titadingeintil date of sale.
TrESDAY, April 4. -Cattle and horses, the pro-
IfertY of Mr. Akio Dow, Edeter. Sale at ene o'clock
-Jos. White. Auctioneer.
Valuable Real and Personal
Estate in EXETER -
e offered fee Sate by Palle &Kitten. Oil
the on
S.t T I It DAY, APRIL 8th, 190• 5,
• kt the Mut of 2 (Mock p.n.
Thkmntot%v Brick Blacksmith Shop
A7:71 itnpt. eel -TOUT cmupext :132__Janrots F. Rt7*
iren, ore --meats 3IaTri and North
ett-091. hu. ea a frontage et Main street of 41 feet,
. Tieze is ie.. reet Blacksmith *tend in the Monty
litnata. tocattd le the btiiintikt ce
hn,t 41:7(ar44411tend:40.1iCZOLIS:111 4 lpiendhl
CPPertuals» •o acnisire an upteedete and fully
' equipped eleAtetith ateleparid boeintia.
M ti' ese.r, nue and place will be offered foe 411 sale
,Steek, Tools. Supplitie etc.
ERMe ralfitairlinftbert*Yietc414414' "
.7 ,ther Particular, iipply to
. John CharitOn, Awtist.fnee;• John 0111,
Auctionee7; Arti
ch. oagert, Jr., Wm.
Monteith. Itobt. Sillery„ Inspectors; or
to ilieksen & Carting, Solicitors for
'Assignee, Ea pter.
• ;Yr elcrieet„ty to secure--a-
ood market for his- hay. -Levi Car-
ter •as accepted it position in the ex-
press office at. London. ----Mr. Egan and
family and Mrs. Edsall Coifing, who
have been victims of la grippe, are all
on the mend. -Norman Clark has gone
to St. Thomas. where he has &CM ted
poFition-43,n t a. . r. a
&hog" has returned to Toronto, atter
it pleasant visit with friends here. --
Mr. W. B. Illackwell's daughter. of
Bad Axe. Mich.. is visiting at the home
of her grandmother. -James Carter‘
formerly of this place, hut now of Lu.
bus of-hisresidencettere
to R. Sinmeon, and intends moving to
New Ontario. -Miss Eliza Cunning-
ham.wha slipped on the ice_recently
and fractured her arm, is.we are pleas-
ed to report. on the mend. , Quite a
number have met with similar acci-
PRETTY WEDDING. -:-On Tuesday,
at high noon. Miss Mlle_ Hodgins„_tke
estimable daughter of Mrs. IL R. Hod-.
ns, of this place, became the happy
Mr Herbert E. George.
Crampton, Dorchester township. The
Rev. J. A. Ayearst'perfornied the cer-
emony ifi thin)
guests fron3 Ails* Craig. Exeter,' Lon-
don, Pritnan and other point*. The
brither wheewita,elegantles-attiredrsw
assisted by Miss Henderson. of Ailsa
Craig, while the groom was supported
by his brother, Mr. W. George. A
beautiful wedding song was sting by
Mire. A. K TmyI�i, with Miss Idit
.Windsorati accompanist. The din-
ner which was 'indulged in by the
happy maple and their company wee
all that a wedding dinner could be. It
was spread in the spacious dining
room on three large tables.The room
as shaded and the tables *ere .heat3-
tifully decorated With arbite ribbons,
'LIlorus. After the di -
tier had been enJoyttand oast of
the bride and gtoom proposed and re.
sponded to by a numher of thew, rires-
ent who spdke in hi' hest terms of the
Mr. wiii Ramsay and bride, of Chi-
cago, spent seventi days the guests of
the fortner's cousin, Mrs. J. R. Wilson.
--Jos. Foster'recently purchased a fine
inatiespion *Ian° and resented it
, to his daughters, adiss-ss s
bel. -The sale of farm stock and im-
plements at Mrs. Annie C. Belts', held
Monday .wari largely attended, every-
thing bringing good prices. -G. Shank
held a woo.dbee on 'Thursday afternoon
end in the evening ft number of young
people were eutertsioed. Everyone
seemed to enjoy themselves. Several
others in this neighborhood have also
held wood .bees latelys-Mise EIa Sut-
WA11itr41104i6 -111-EirebWillArrye;
on Tuesday ,of last_ week. -The Ep-
worth, League entertained new cOn-
verts and young people of the Boston
Methodist church to a 'social Orening
in the lecture room on Friday. All
ertioyed themselves and a profitable
veiling was Spell I
Mi- M. and Mrs. Nichol are busy this
week patking their effects. prior to
their leaving for Hickson. Mrs. Nich-
ot has disposed of her house to Louis
-Restyineyer, of the 141h concession.-
-Mr. -Brunner% sale Om Thursday was
I it,. •
realized. --C. Finkbeiner bad a wood -
bee on .Monday afternoon. -.I. K.
Goetz is having his mill remodelled.-
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Adain Birk
was gladdened on Sunday by the ap-
pearane.e of tprby-boy, Both mother
and child are doing well. We extend
one -cangratulations.-Mrs. Henry
Cantos is suffering from an -attack of
grie. We hope she may soon recover.
-Next week the hotel here will chan e
Win. Zimmer will he the new land-
lbrd. Mr. Zimmer is offering his wag-
on business for sale which is it good
stand for some enterprising man in
that line. -The program in the Y.P.A.
meeting Monday night was very inter-
esting. --The Dashwood Public School
has 44;1,pin-1414a baseball, team,
now open 1.7r engagements with °thee
schools. The tollowing are the takers:
Fion Pres.. Mr. Paulin: Pres., Albert
Weltio; Vice -Pres., Win. Ruby; Sec',
lect, a pleasinespersonalit and of un-
tiring energy. We bespeak for him
COM.01011 success an the Lucan circuit.
Miss Alice Johnston is on a, visit to
' '
try department is being looked after
by Miss Moser, of Blyth. -F. Hess
Son are manufacturing two up-to-date
delivery wagons for Messrs. O'Brie
St• Smith, butchers. -The remain of
-the fate Mrs. Louis Seeker, wbo
in Brussels, were brought here on Fri-
letee-titst, be -Evangelicals cemetery;
m. Miner was in Buffalo Iast week
on business. -Mies -Minnie Doan spent
et:few days in Toronto last week. -J.
P. Rail has purchased it handsome p1-
ano-fronsN.,-Contins-.1,, 4,-Merner 41"
business in Toronto last week. --Har-
vey toloskey is learning the tinsmith-
ing with Messrs. Charlesworth. &
Son.-ilarry Yungblut is now occopy-
ing John. Deiehert's houses -Mr. 11. N.
DOttglae. of Blake, spent a few days
in Walkerton last 'reek on business. -
Mies Clara Walper,of fl -ear Dashwriod,
is the new milliner at.I.Preeter's.-011,1.
Williams, after a few weeks' visit at
his home here, left Wednesday for
Toledo. -The snow is fast disappearing'
and consequently the roads are in a
-ii.3Las‘ 431W Stater - -re-
turned to h r home i Dashwoocl, af-
ter a visit iit the horde of her brother,
lertnan; Manager. Dr. 2,1cIsaughlin;
Committee, Leo Moser, Roy Davis,
Chester Gasser. It, M- Idaelennan.-
Messrs. Willis & 'Giienther have pur-
chased it fine standard -bred stallion
which is a pet:feet picture of a horse.
ir of legs as was ever seen u on it
We have 'seen
ant re--Weixs. it some it ure
time to write it up as we believe he is
one of the best bred horses that ever
raure.into this neighborhood.- -Intend-
ing breeders would do well to come
and see this fine horse before breeding
as the best horse is none too good to
breed to and in fact its the an y wa
h• orse a wi coininans a
good price upon the market -
Anga Craig
Robert Gray, a well-to-do farmer of
Ibis vicinity was recently 'harried at
I ndon to Miss Jennie Crawfo of
iisiolgreat quentitic .f oud are
ihg 4011'0 omit* (9r.nt,at
John P ,ttoiikmt'd by Mr:_ tr4(114
and .WI) Vhdthen, has gone to
to vi".84 hiidattgbter,' Mks. A oderson. --
Mr. and Mrs. John Isatic are op a ,Visit
tO Ailea , tient:lee --Miss Nancy.
Smith received a telegratia a few days
ago front. ilittfale, inftusiting her tif the
clesith of her sister,..Mrs. Turner. Miss
tiaday- for-theayhOse-pla-m•-
-NU'S Wm Isaac is at Luean 'waiting
Oti her sister, Mrs. Geo, Hamden, who
has had a severe attark...61. heart. ens&
ease. -Nelson Stanlake, after an ab-
sence of several weeks in London, has
returned., house. ,
eu -Line -Stephen
Several of the people of the -line -at-
tended ehe auction stale held at Mr.
Brenner's Thursday. tiosel prices were
realized for evervthing.--The harbin-
gers of spring have come and their
sweet songs make us feel that King
winter has lost his power. -Quite a
number at* laid up with eithAisa cold
or la grippes-. Miss Jennie Campbell
eiiiited at the home of Wm. Yearley
dayr".47M jai Turner spent Saturday
and Sunday with friends in Crediton.
-Some-of the- farmers- have tapped
their trees, bot report a very poor run
of sap. -Thomas Mat•tyn will move
shortly to Exeter' again, having leased
his farm to Mr. Preszeator for a term
of live years. Mr. Preszcatar , moved
to his -newly tenteil farm 514;otl.sy-.7-,
An interesthig shoottag-urttch-tooli:
place at Dave, Mawhinney's Friday.
Messrs. Wm. Yearley and Geo. Hirt-
zel were captains. After some very
exciting shooting the score, stuod its
favor of the former. -Fred Jones, who
tees been visiting friends on the line
fur sortie time, has retuened o.London
to resume his duties as barber. -Jos.
o ,• of Detroit, is visiting at the
house of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Lawson. -
Dame rumor says there main be a „wed-
ding ere Iting.-Master Willie Preszca•
tor, who has been laid flp with a se-
vere attack of tonsilitis, has recovered
and able to attend school.-- AIL Wil-
liams is engaged with WM. Yearlek.
-sem- ---
On Monday evening some ill dispos-
e p afiTisa-persons set fire to t tvo
steaks of bay belonging to Mr. A.
Turnbull of this place. The stacks
contained ten tons of gond hay and if•
the guilty party is found out we hope
that the law will make an example of
hirn.-Mr. and Mrs. F. Brown will
move to Strathrov short/y. where Mr.
PO w u baseserure-d-whicratrve position
as butter maker io a large. factory.
While we are sorry to lose 3,1r. Brown
we wish him success. Our new butter
ers-filis-Meddsbess. got-sseetled-and
• Insttropen the itsetery -
April. Hoe has secured.theservices of
Mr..-Godholi as assistant in the factory.
-Frank Delbridge, of Hensall. spent
Sunday at his home here.
Cam& WEDDiso.The borne of Mr.
and Mrs - Daniel Cap rd was the scene
• 1 wbappy event (in Monday of this
week, the Occasion being the celebra-
11.4. .44/444....1111.4 4
wedding. Toward eveningt • eirmeigh-
hors and friende-gathered at their
home fully prepared to have an enjoy-
able time. --Precisely at six o'clock the
guests repaired to the basement where
a sumptuous wedding dinner awaited.
It would be impossible to descaibe the
fly -delicacies with Which the tables
were laden. After the wants of the
inner man were satisfied all repaired
tcrthe paelor, where a varied and in-
s tive program wan rendered, con-
sisting of instrtunental music by Mr.
and Allsantine.an; songsby Mrs. James
Monteith, P. Madge and W. Kidd,
nd ehort-addresses by Mr. Johns, Mr.
ancis-rard-others; and sever-
al selections by Mr. A. &sale on his
gramophone. The remainder of the
eVenint; was spent tri playing 'remelt
and social intercourse. The presents
were costly and numerous, the most
valuable being it china dinner set, pre.
sented by the rieighborter. A. -chino, tea,
set, by, Mrs. Summerville and -sister,
ing lamp by Mr. A.
Miss J. Morriso4. of Medicine Hat,
Assa..; end it ha
Smale and W. Denny. The other pre-
sents were valuable, testifying to the
esteem in which- Mr. and Mts. Cow-
ard are held in the community. After
wishing the host and hostese happi-
nese and cri‘ntinued prosperity, all de -
pitied feeling that it was well to have
been there.
•4,• • • . •
• .,‘; • •
s'atoot doormat's sely 04104A1eike
4Tvirtretlay, . imi,ett,
ea e.
" zetteresa. Oeoend Rezelecat.
WEornsai---A prtty Wedding toolt-
place on Weasint, ay wheyeby two, of
ceedirott-Bast.'s, most p silar yoting
people were made baPpy life. We
refer te, Mr. Milton Bissett coral son
of Mr- A her
May fledden, stray daughter 4
Wu'. Lledden. • 'the couple drove to
the Methodist parsonage,' where the
neptial knot was securely tied by the
Rev. Mr. Henderson, the event taking
placeiat three o'clock. The bride, who
was attired in a fawn gavelling suit,
look very bewitchipg indeed. He
cou.sin, Mise Rose Dearing made a Very
pretty biidesmaid, while the groom
was ably supported by his brother,
tastruet. Immediately after the dere-
triony the bridal party drove to the
residence of the bride's ilarentss,where
the bride and groom received warns
congratulations from their friends.
The cam pany,nuin tiering about, thirty,
then repaired to the dining roora
where they enjoyed a dainty,tea. An
inspection, of the -wedding gifts -was
the next thing in order, and we may
here state that no bride ever received
more costly'or usefulgifts than did the
present one, which hespeaks tit 14eh pop-
ularity of Mrs. Bissett. The remain-
der of the evening was pleasantly
spent in music, games and social chat.
Mr, and Mrs. Bissotts-have settled
tro-viiiWthiiesterner realities of life on
the rroorate farm sopth of the village,
anti if good wishes merry any weight
the happy couple will enjoy a life of
uninterrupted bliss. Your scribe altft
extends congratuhitions.
BIRK - In Dashwood, on March 20, to
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Birk. a son.
Russ -ELL- In Toronto, on March 14-, ts,
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Russell, a son.
STANniiny -In Exeter. on March 28,
Mr. and Mrs. .1, G. Stanietry, a son.
DEARING...4n Stephen, on March "ZA,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dearing, a daugh-
M.cOillivrare• con. 10, or
March 22, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reid,
a son. • . •
RADCLIFFE-I n Usborne, Thames Road
„Irti'March 15. to Mr. and Mrs. Rad-
cliffe. tveina,_sonsandsdaughterss...____
Bisswrr --Heciorts- At the Methodist
parsohage. Creditou,
by Rev. Mr. Ilenderson, Milton' Big -
setts to. Miss Lilly -3111y, only daugh-
ter of Mr. Wm. Hedden, all of C
-At he 'residence
of the bride's mother, on March 21.
by Rev'. J. A. Ayearst, of Liman.
Mr. Herbert E. George. of Cramp-
ton. Ont., to Miss Aihe, daughter of
Mrs. R. R. Hodgins, of ChTdeboye.
elm i a
is now closedfor repairs, will be re-
opened on April. Oth.-Earl Hodgins,
son of J. A. Hodgins of this village,
who has been on the staff of the Stand-
ard Bank at Harriston. Ont., has re-
ceived the appointment of accountant
of_that, branch to fill a vacancy caused
.by the removal of Mr. Dewar to
ston. -S. Butler, who has condncteda
draying business here fora number of
years, has disposed of same to Homer
Torrance, of McGillivray, who has ur-
chased in addition to the horse, sk hi
and wagons, the Buller hotnest ad.
Mr. Torrance has taken pousesieion.
Mr. Butler intends going Weet.
DISATII1L-On Wednesday afternoon
after eeveral weeks ilinees, Robert
flamer paseed away at the boilie of
J. 11. McKay, *here he had been re-
sidin .-An us McLean, who has been
U, 011 are
. ward Wise, aged 80 years.
BESTARD-Ila lte,p1)en, tin March *18,
Thom 13estardotgetilt years.
MeLEAls-At .A.ilras Craig, on March
21. Angus McLean. aged 78 years. ,
LORRIMER-At Ails* Craig, on Marcia
22, Robt. Lorrimee, aged 41 years.
SANDERSON-In Clinton, on March 19'.
Mrs:Robt. Sanderson, aged 60 years.
MelCav-At 'Ailsa Craig, on March 21,
Mrs. John McKay. aged 30 years, 7
-months., •
YOUNG -In Seafortb, an March 2%
Annie E. Young. eldest daughter of
limes Young,
Dammam -In Blianslt,trd, on March
21, David Brethour, aged 73 years, 4
months, 10 -days.
DNARLVO-In Exeter. on March_ 24,
Hannah Horrell, wife of Thos. Dear-
ings_aged 82_years,
CAMERON -1n Granton, on Merch 20„
Maly McCorquodale, relict of the
%Ste Bugh Cameron. aged 72 years.
Mrrertatts-,-In Clinton, on March 21,
Elizabeth Potts, relict of the late 1
R. -Mitchell, aged 71 years.d month&
CiritemcY-In Tuckersmith, on March
23rd. mare Pearson, relict of the
'110 Hugh M. Chesney, aged, yeare
and 5 months.
Clinton, : Thornton Mustard, a stu.
dent Of the cotiotiate, 'rig married on
Wed,nesds y to allot Peerl .Matdoniad,
danghter of M. Donald illiscdonald.of
town. The ceremony was performedL
at HaFedd bY jimeirigs.:of
t cr.
e`s_exeelleritatiaa itiettendrwhO441,
happiness. Mr. iirnl Mrs. George were
escorted to Lamm by Ili nuttiber a
friendswhere they took the train for
Toronto and other points. to tmpend the
honeymoon. The bride received a.
number of beakiful and cottly gifts.
'which evidiced her popularity. She
*MI one of the moat highly 'esteemed
oung ladies of Mt0ilhivray and will
moth riiiase4 byher many friends.
The groom Isa.mnsbestimable as well
it most sueeeseful young man and is
well ktafeen thrflughout the township.
ithur seribesleitat itt etteisdihe east.
_ ,
sons, of Elkton, Mich., are on & visit
to Mr. and Mrs. G. Holtzman. -Prank
Choeen Friends held at Toronto last
week. -II. II. Little is again In chitme
,of Mr. Magera livery stable.-Cluttres
KalbdeisCh left last week for Detroit,
Where be intendii refria n pg. re.
Ealblleisch will follow shortly. --Mr.
and Mis. R. Wafters and eon, Peter,
After it several weeks stayat the Do-
minion llottse;; left Wednesday for
Drayton. --Chris. &brag has engaged
the serviees of Gordon King. of Olin.
tot.** baker. -Another change eff bias -
Melia NU; taktld place. Chas. Fritz,
AvEohad purebased the feed • store of
O. Sehrag, sold it attain Of SAM nen.
nie. who took immediate ,possessiori.-
'fbe many friends of Mrs. Dan.
bach, who hats been ill at her home in
• se
,Heidernan, who hies alto i
the mend. -le was rumored through-
out Virith that Harney Mittlebeltz
had died in the West, but such is not
the, cis* as it fetter has hesu ttecetved
from him, in Which he *tortes thitbels
' hale mid bearty.\41r. D. Steiubseit.
one -of the pioneer *myths% nt& nI town.
made iM aisefsnment lilt Wednesday.
The ssaiguees are Jobb Itiekbell and
JosePhr Omit. ft is hoped .by the malty
friends 01 our wdriby townsman. that
, the difficult* trutio,' he iiti*thiterted
with itig0 cred. itors, ‘tod \ that)** will
_ .404t$43:4'elluint his" '
away on Wednesday morning. -Thos,
McKenzie, a travelling- optician, and
East Williams. died almost instantly
from heart tronble, while partaking of
a meal at it lunch counter in Toronto
e.w_dayaagn,. The remain.,we
brought hitt+ and the interment took
'plat* to Nairn.- ;lir. Cameron, a mer-•
chant of Hepworth, while on hit way
toMt.-Clements..was taken 111. an his
train, suffering from a stroke of parat:
ysis. Ile was removedtrom the train
and conveyed to the latreen's hotel,
where he lingered until 'Wednesday,
posing away at four &elm*. The re -
Mains were conveyed to Hepworth for
burial,' ---On Tat .dey morning there
passed etWitY at the family residence. -
Jessie Campbell; wife of John McKay. .
atter a very brief illness, in her 3/11'
• ghtfOLoarst
aiul attention of one ortholneottoten2.
\platy mother, and the busbend of a
true wife. She else leaves her mother.
Campbell, of Ennis/111e, and it
neither of brothers 'end sisters. Thr
radon' tookplace Thursday to Nairn
cemetery.. ,
IltAnabritd-•: Oa Saturday, Mint
18thGeorge Cla ton PfAttif« Jittit
sal of Mr. and
died at thcLage.-of
The fellow
to tlievittAes ot
1 I
ap Pans
Sap 'Kettles
Sap Spiles