HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-03-23, Page 6Ok041 Ceeltlish _
Ibtit fitii4c 1,4)r Mt*. zeal
pike ter It 04 A 0
_ • ,
luidelieek le 'AO Of the c
Anti resitsisiblesi cod ve
But the .4.4494 Ntils
I while that
inge,W ,
as g00 e,..0407.beitikottl,
inna **ddle:.4er
-: , •
ehe reeft. it . t
,.. ,
91 no
rlitintieniti zet0
.elloeithl . there .
.;vstr4Attif ,
.. .
' 4flflL(l
1 Mr. . .
iS nece•reitdr to •ac..eit. a', ,, 1 - 7i rf-flo-n
., *tin
, ' hi , ,the.' e.Ottiltletely stied",,,with .Isit;- -
e tut
'V'ir eettertt,,:,T ere! Were' ' Otttes :when
hope Jot,' snob' A ' fdtaM, 'Ilt . opr, ' pgre ..*aa,„'' &IOW,: times When • llt='
• ,030-11 des'ireir, Mari prays And' deathlike lethilreY crept over Mona*
• '-'-'''''itteritelf-jitairefr--Xtr-be'Etilnellitertnere" one t.---Alth70--:AVOili2f,-"was----'7--alte
than a creature of the dust. at a Standstill, but these periodt1-0.
ii-ttis-iiiiiiii"Vri*Wfittiffe- ,y
)0.4,1 3r:
eadiAlf*. • ,glie
'We "Iiiiitivy„'`ne40041' 0.41: *014
.petChes. up the Preesp, ttve
„WO nnd t.;110 .1),r4i1PAIO •O‘' OsOgA, th
DAVIN* tribes: have 'he011 almott,
a Po" term listed, and only deserted ,vil
new**dresses an extra Piece of ' the e„,„,._ ehe einooloe„ eomeneleateee
cods ,inatchin , Weave is: ut ""'"
reel, y or e g •
"his greatness which has brought man eit nor tatastr hie. Th wttO
--t(Hlis-Preatint-14403-14-41*-1110,--01_th, ' s which .wero
es interior districts, but the takes of
fell victims . the
Oro, Pletch in the sefet'of new troue ktulumtrills nh°
world. It 18bee,ause wan hai" in soon eeeoVered tend inn • ITO Pro- •v-ii,"144-48-4""3-4443413
idea of the awful loss of life there.' .
Wide regions have beconte coin-
plately depePulated:. Ffirtmintely
he-elieease-has-been-to the
basins 01 the Congo,' Senegal and
Niger. these limits it .W0
had- a singularly uneven elletelbn-
tion. letfected 'Itecalitiee being often
surrounded by areas.- in Willa the
disease:Iles never appeared. At the
Ineuth Of the . Ceita0;-"Itir
no cases have Occurred. While a few
• • ' _
r no of eanut to be dome and
he has been enabled to overcome eeelwArtie AND -1,11?Wk1l-P-- - -patches to Am hunted up. Now etock-
detine of bis imperfections, atitt thas e -he Gospel of Jesus Christ 'Was • hive, ere treated. in 'the same WV,
. knowledge proceeded 'fromwithine.
not from without. so when lee :new, --because it told -RUM something -they are aee- vate_mark.
vet*. for man's- primary °neev io he had not hestrd before; it was old, ,ed where the knee 'comes. , A patch is
-k-n because that etete,ment had been the' neittlY •Sewed underefeatie, *inch not,
Of the killoem of God w:11-tuet go
back of all creed, of all doctrine.. far oft dream, the vague hope, the only. strengthens the stocking hut
unformed thought of the Agee. Matt looks better ' when. the ' hole comes
yea. ,of all revelation, s.od find it in
sin his search after-Ooil heti comae than the sone Placa filled With dem-
man himself. ,„ , •elf. Re is hitt upon it and had net dared, to bee ink.
eve con, . o• rem • n.er
creed and doctrine are but man's attock olks,sotral hy. the great-
1"744'./rPc'etttl4r-k01- "Ild**714441cilns'''''''''''''. Orthicetlieftglitr-heehadeput"."'
When the work of the countless frsra_htaa_as: sainethieg_„_out_ef
age° was con-Tplet,ed. when man. stood realm' of the possible. Jesus Christ,
forth, the flower and truit et ckee cAMe. e ad' I tekin into the oYes -)bTERNATIOIVAL tESSOg,
creative power, and God breathed in-
• to this erea,turis the this frightened, bewildered child, ,
zuptcs: go.
said. "rear not; your dream is ra,
umwra OP fIRKAL LIFE. reality; you are the child of GeoL
, Lesion xiii-erlest.,;"' Quarterly Be-
at that moment -itt.; klirf4doin of God The kingdom of God is within you.
:was estahlished. ftevogion_s_mul That message has never been tea, view. deaden, Text, John 20.31.
afterward. creed -came, afterward. credited nor' ledeetede 'for ,marikin., SON:
dcittrhie ettmo arteettard, but all knows' instinctively that it is true. STATEMIINT.
--were---simply, eonilrni. to make To deny- -it •would he to deny the _ _
"clear'. to interpret thitt`whic* 'was history of the past, 'the expivien.ce of - The Lessens 'Grouped in Pains.
Taking .the 'O (00 Text as our kola!
man's already. So that unless we the present, • the. hope of the future:
we •unlocie, twelve statements i'writ-
tnii' 11011 41thit* Attu tho.,P4osibllities The world has always lived in the
the potentialities of the state he light of -that truth. in the nes be- -tgw-Ventt wc ndght 'benava that Je4as-
is the Christ the Seri of clod." .The
seeking.. eve posey, welledouht :whether fore „Christiemity it_was the faint _ _ _ _
that state does or ever can exist.
The question, then, 01 the king -dons,'
of God Is wrappedt up m the flues -
ton of the nature et leinesinitere-
• 'What de we find in the history of -
'man. What do we And as the, heri-
tage of the past generations? What
do we find as a Part of our own
nature which testifies of the reality humanity and humenity shell he ex -
of the kingdom of Owl? Everything! alted to the throne of divinity.
light by which the world blindly, ',• P3t. Pair 0. essons g Yes us e es -
half ceneciellely, but unceasineW tit1101tY. of John the Baptist, the I succumb. There is something par -
second , pair shelvs ../esus gathering tieularly appalling about the insidie
pressed forward. - Since that first
Ilia disciples and confirnting them in ous onset ' and the relentlees mime
Christmas morning when ' "the Word
their faith; the third Peir gives us of the sleeping sickness that has fill.
became 'flesh and dwelt among us" Isis deep spiritual tettehings to Niece ed t
it has been the bright 'star, guidin natives with the utmost ter -
demos and the woman of Samaria; ror, nd When it appears among
where divinity ASO be clothed in the ifourth pair manifests his power them hey desert their homes. But
has yet had the slentinff 'flickni." end
recovered in this it is unique, for
no other infectious dieeese is invari-
ably fatal,. the death rate in latihorie
le plague. the most dreaded disease
of the Orient, varying from •sixt to
-111001-$.4W0 :IIter-Centeessird-:la- t vase,
of guropeans sonuttimes filling be-
low- twenty --per -cent. - -Tbe mortal -
10 Asiatic., cholera is rarely „more
then seventy 'per cent. under the
most unfavorable conditions0 and in
• epidemics less than tWenty-
tivteper Xelit-ot ati-voliw.are-attaCkett:
the children of men to the place
even night, the refu,ge in most epi -
In healing the son of the nobleman
at Capernaum and the infirm Irian &Mica; 1.9 unavailing e.gainst this,
at iee pool 1 Bethesda; the fifth for a whole community may heleolne
PfticlisigaYttez-lestler e--ntead lefected befere_the_existence • of the
-AA- tb-.01.-
of stre.ngth. arid refreshment not only, terval between the contraction of
010 3? is kneWn. ,so long is ties fit=
five eggs. Wet the flour with part Ood and the Water of add, a, Source
and cook ten minutes; 'add butter , t a--mearts-alsoeof -tusking-Ink lot
end sugar while hot; when eool, add lowers, fountains . of bleseing to help .4 trYmPtotes. . It is said that in the
quench the thirat ot- others (thtti days of the 'slave trade cases. oo-
yolks of eggs well beaten, then the
rougblY. teachings . of Lesson X correispond cerred in negroes who had been
beaten whites and stir th0
Bake in a two -quart double holler, clesPlY with those of Lesson VI add brought to the Wm
est " Indies fro
the Contexttht
Serv-ff-with a butter and sugar sauce. ' l.e):1-L‘the 811411 pair Africa-
. shows, (by a -directstatement in Les- The earliest, signs ot the disease
son XI and by a most.. instractive are lasirittide and Indisposition to
miracle in Lesson X11) that freedom perform - ateustoteed'tasks. The
from the plever . and, penalty or sin traits of 'the Infected 141%00 change-
-can-onty , cenie thrtstigh the, Sari - of Ile becomes taciturn -and -sullen and -
God. ----* .wanders off in search of solitude, to
. -ff-iteeith- of thte-Leisterer-- a le-geete-eirege-1.engre; r,e--tee -re.
The miracles of this group of, pas-. tires to his hut morose and drowsy.
are all mentioneda:9 "'AM.' this time trembling of the hands
Let us pick them (fat .of the current' and ee-
tremulousness of the tongue suite
....... of- the story and recall what they gest the nature!, of the disease, to
• c ' . Th rirst Si 4. is , in Leeman
IV, the turning pt the- reela '
Int* the somnolence increase!, the viol .
wine. The Second Si iwe,a_itleir
Tp Dress., atel Cook, _Babbitts -First . e'Thegre,at, es. viten bumped.
.!4st 'the heiel off and cut kegs 01; rn buying Finnan haddies," remarked
,t--------------then-witlethe-shenr-blgireot-g-porke a man :itithe fish business. "Win
et knife eut crosswise•01 beck, _just 5-e0 buy Finnan haddiee nowadays
thrOugit the ^citan-you....may_get A Finnan haddle, which
the shoulder's and Itlph. Pull the skin is smoked _haddock or youmay not.
off either way. Whim nicely untie.
-single. Then with keen edged 'blade.
n an you
are right handed), cut eerefully
without cutting or tearing theta.
Then make clean with pure watr.
Q"et Mt Into ,pieces _and Ilbsee in vies.;
sel ot clean water to •soak over
h ighteee Jp_the,mortiMetepeaket_your
skillet quite hot, having put into it
a lutuP of' butter the sire 01 *51 egg
hdWieUe quantity eitlardAtol
• °
twenty.third *Meted meg ing ate sheeelielders ot this COMAI"/Yr
et the head.. oilito„of tho corepany, 201 Hamilton. 9u Tuesday. arch 7th,
904. the President Mr `Bevel Dexter In the cheir • Tee following report*
it,1eYouutr thdloreciotoOmrep.43wharetotrhet• hbotzr.....,,H.,,,,,Iti2nor to ji resevJosd nt the rasort and
. unrii- 43F,‘"*.
nt ,,,,...
1111043rd 14-"ou-i7v-uwanoUlittstrulitdreit'ileatt"-M-Wand-alsetlitietitryteiLevivggiTrenc":pspteTtit:i4a1449 fetir°"441511410d10,t4wU . 'blind:Lee '411
tepted. . i ,
As in previous years, the InCome of the contpany- shows . a g atifyin In
crealgr loud the assets of the ce pony have bola increased' by $2s5N97 ..«/.2,
cud- eueve-now-ecaehed-Ie .. , lueive 9:it geeraVeee cauitfd. •
' int. security for policiholderte including guarantee capital, einounted •ist ..
the close of the year to 3,0iti,770.01, and thov liabilities, for reserves Auld Sat
.sourrts.stanz_ding claims, s$1,362,035.36, showing a surplus of I:1,005.881;ST- klio
elusive of metalled guarentese, capital, the surplus to policyholders fees $1.85.4 .
Pollette on •eighty-two livea-becente eleient throiigh dentb, to tllo otiOot,IP11,1* '
of .$14$7.010,00. of' *hich 412.583 was relnsUred lo other comptuder, „.-------- ,
tame, with aunuitiese the totet payment to poilcyholders *mounted :to elthee , .
9. stiti.odiee cash- eividende Eel, dividends evened to the redtion, et, pretn.V
Corer* *Written has been given to Of the ect4pisprit Pottle
. 1 ,
.1.4044110,444$644/ 414A 0 K*4110050C I i i10470 :4 Z4 and A3iiiiiiii,,--iiiiitliifireofii " .i., -..itr.10014
mt•_1611 intergwt.
amply eoeured.i.:by reeervee. Our inveattinente have yiteti$ * very estistectory -
Mort* for stew business, - - .
• .1020-eniieS have rein contracer to ii-rie-stkoilehie, Whit: consistent -with '-die---.-
..... •
VW' results of tho year indicate . a plait grettlying Progress. Conquireei
with the preceding year, the figures subniitted by Vie direetore for your ap-
proval ekow an advance Of thirteen and a, heir per cent. in assets.
The essureacts carried by the company now amount tO. $100)47,806.23.
:re. it bitcobditt cothmerov-toi, abotrion,resodoozzi;ptput. i'ull
, The "field °meets end agents of the comps-ny are inteliluenr end. loyal. luxe
amount reuired• by law,
entice...et eteeenutheered4 for /their 'Able -reincesentatioi3._ot 1JLO ompe.ny,,W411n.
• eretteeueeelberiteef Abe -esiliteeststreheve• also preeeoefutztuieteetveetome
Our directors etre pleased to be ,able to staio that the builineeS of the
compiurs for ths past two months of the current year has been better t.han
ia tins corresponding months of last year. and that .the outlook for the fut
tura is very bright. . .. , - • • - • ••• ....- 3
DAVID. DEXTt1t, President and Managing 'Director..
AUDITORS, !1'� (be the President and Directors of the Federal- Life '.014intratice -dompany:
• Gentlemen. --Wo have carefully audited • the books and .recortie of your
company for the year ending 81st December lastand have .certiiled 16 their,
smear*, ey•
The cask, and lournal vouchers have been closely exatniried. and agree with
the entries Worded.
The •chibentures. bonds. etc. in the possession' of the company -have been in-
aPeeted. whilst those deposited' With the Clovernment or Winks have been veri-
fied by certificatn, the total agreeing ,sritli the arriOuni. a* shown in the state-
ment of assets.
The accorepenyingistettettente, vie., revenue and assets end liabilities, show
the result ef the year os operatiOnh and. also, the financial position of the
ltespeetfull,y submitted. 11. B. isTEPItENS. I
Hamilton, let March. 1905. •
rureiniUm and annuity income .1 542.338 ri8
tercet.- rents, .and profit on sales' of securities . 86.820 51 -
. , _ , 5 628.718 34
. • I
• 718=
-ASSETS DEM/BLit 3171904. ------
Debentures and bonds ........ ......$ 68,5.383 82
Mortgages • . - -
Loans on policies, bonds, stocks, etc . 410.615 33
All other 'masts348.605 30
..ta .,........-..r,
-4.,....v.,:-...-.,...-.-i-R4-:.--Wiraminb.6---feWiriV441:1;;;F.44 441..... II,* , .., * • -
itia, _
sating-proots. 4sarommlr,-,414114.14,A-, .....'--ir- ;1110514
' -- ' - ithill""i" 'even • W lie ,tatingri: theelootIr resnalife. -
h,t-in., Cance-ot lati- -
. -Ther-Tlitedr-StglY11-"511- gr°11P. ''fnt'711-*r*4:ra yin -fable °"Ittine ene-iiehint5........._
,'•-t=-7-7--$2.140.773 VI
-11hoill-in4passesta into al- Surplus on pollcyhcilders;"aeColint--ww' 185 113? 81
Is the miracle of' the infirm man at
e , . Tuti„,.„,,,-west unbroken sleep. At fewt he _ ,
12,148.773 37
870.000 00
„irk 4 . . " * -* '' 1' '""`"""" ' may Ile aroused to eat, but he quick- Assets •
0 azimed antettog of this tomfianY the r mirth is the miracle of the ,
wes held at the head elite* in the cone loaves and tithes on the plain" of 4 • Guarantee • Capita
_ Ay,.. .. i
....................._............-...... ..............,773-37- - -
, i .
eanytte-tesiitling-ese-Thareday. .ellterneell; Ketetibed-tetelere----1-X:eand-the 41(th-is , - - --(1-9F43 " .514E1 'EP *PAIN.
Teem, seetir
The directorse report. Whichli
' Was ner& 41.,.
iete Miracle -of the mTh
an born blind, is stage of the diPolicies were issued assurng lti 3 010 409
sease may last • Total insu .
moutly adopted. shows & Most es.tista6- Lesson XII. One simple meaning of four or Aix monthsand in excep- ,..xnaltIttot jerinuuLDI aud.alextert"::,rns rtrtr starytegref.me!Andtsewderailreeelv_vice.ived ranroguiend *doe um. et,..en the
-tare- liicriaira- Item e le -shown by -touplittgeett ional-eases- einucheton '
ger. egroes Keret.
t pie• ces o rab it in ur, place in coaspainy's business. During the yeer with the Golden Text of the lesson afflicted with the sleeping sickness
skillet nicely and stew and fey for the balance 'of OS ^tithCiririSd C^Pital of which records it: Prompt obedience have ,. been taken to England. and
at least a hall hour orlorty min- •the company was disposed of at. Pi% is taught by the•Virst; conriderre- , Olt* natives of the French ib,eCongo
ole.. Salt and, pepper to suit the the Hotta being lonely
ittitte. _Ilia 4.,;_,,_av _s0,6_4104,_,for _ At*, .t5i4 uo.. giuttoted worroutt04.0-ernittygrbstiarkolbed04, th5c.i•ChriLt istattreilloolun ofoyGod.ahlytita%b: •tiatiii7.,ivreciiiientistlyiatiteenifiitoil'itiriitris. w_Pcrare
-p WiL WiThilif---TOW 4ii39 --: - -iiiita-ii'bi4ihiS-7-'InillW::tlie:tratt--..afav iireine-Fief at, ATter.tr-,41--trairolii.--airtleilt
it IS nearly done take out .a few
. rtmar limit price In ,yout_„wirebeo!._,,rei. ,,ethenscautt.yea_iol‘alkaaW_$.1272urstritzeirlieusnectintilicririmant .pressied..-in..,tbe,tiVo..figttreee '1.1:sveth. liftAicina.- The sleep In this stage Is
living Bread IvIiiCh °I'm OCIWIL fr9r. not unnatural, ,and tlie patient. dors
and place it 011 the\Attaas:01 * r0044 - of OR ' per iota- Thil akaaune Of ill"' ' hiAvOl/:' ari(L',111. ins the Light ot :not lose Weight. The eiegroesetaken
or coal Bre . •for . about ogle dr two *metee In mite at the
minuteee Ibis is grand. end of the 'Year the worId," by the Fourth and the
a, Was fii.640.790.415. an -increase or Ste Fifth. 1 to Paris would occasionally have
disturbing dream. in which they
re...._aninthne....e°tWa Seetede- -e,'%el,*-- 474.102 -AL or 24- per. cent. The In- III, The iTeslimorty- of -the Leileonte-
‘,/-catni MUM t CST: ca butter (rather corm exclikijino- oipital jean $288 502,..• _ would eing their War 80110. The
,. The 1.ettehings _al -the Quarter leee wit st .(4.....tht.r. .12erritibsA
• -..."' ".."...:_. . • '- -*-• --be, ---4 raestarite --were.41/111..=, _-- r,-1111111 "!
four tables '4 4 4 - • .
.AUlleleite_colte - -- ,-- - g comatoe'b coaditicrre. -Feeding- -I'
.„,. , ...,,, $ ,4
,,._ liciittielento .viiiiiniieetttliet;:ixtt seisee„ pir,,,,,,,,,,. te policyholders. The recapitulation here. Dui lag the -last
, ....• linpossible and rapid entaciati-on '
" one egood tablespoonful of taraway Fut7c041ep.aitiy,:t4Ittracel".tenittliiilleivra, 17tielivie 131::deitzleveztiorn.u:Irofrervgaoisr4 .eurs. ,Dfath. ieames ca1 ter_ from ex-
ceed& 'Sift in. akar enough to malce • nauston or wont 0110 0tne compli
a.atue doesks that earl be easily roll_ the unparalleled low one of 3.04. The survey. To recall it •we may eecount
. gild, „out., jading to each cup of flour met „eert.:0443:21701.84 %I ti.: the yellow people weom 4eses he. cations which Anunonly arise:
crease WtinAigkriess as
per tettspoonful ot bekkfair powder., trot. Mt 'COMyanY's investtrieillillilve PregSeti ti his teachings and his hen he sleepg
epidemic proportions four ysumedears ago
This risk Will- take abottetwo. einiii l'144"14 .10,116140 fly g . es .v, e lofty be claim per. . econoinit importance
itatesfactory from, the miracles. Itach of these in his own
standeoiat ot le,th• iseeerlee slid, Pro- er iv . it t ite Dtremendoue -
of flour.-
, •. e -Take the lu*ttieenese. Thet,grose assets for se -
Ira Of 01' 10111000, incli-Tding "na"estnii°nY-1118 reas6ii for
be- ments which bad ColOnies in the
-Iintleftutenf-a isokeestriohr „to beer . ilia4, eafkital,„an1114$2348.29.._te, lieN•ing that Jesus le the Christ, the
ern ' every effort *its
. (-----ir-tile-vivireltrellIlet le-tores lnr6re ilAtrajrc4-4/fart411-4° oghlires-58.i'eesrixt is a Sori of floe. John the Baptist tette infeeted area, and
or the whOle- fillet 1? for s _riled- to policyholders by air, regutar of t e ep r te eteetteiding from . e- _t•
large • patty:* cut the hest part, .r.„4„„, eetotelpsieleet Is eletolete, Set like a dove, atul the Voice from disease. And, lt poesible. to find some
Into two teeh thitk stiriets. slightly Foiwye. geoltt=eatio etogrtleertilLigs-nnY'it heaven announcing, "Thie is Ile meting of controlline• it* spread. lir
flatten them with,* cutlet bat, trim win be tteee thee tee tette teeority. ay. which baptizeth with the -11oly Caetellatti. of Flotence. had observed-
er At! the Abe and eise. ke. theta lie, liatitreetidr. its polityholetere- iieetieusueny 'Ghost." Andrew a.nd 'John., „Peter se well known animal ' asite, the
for a short time it sweet oil, ecatioci it77faiiallIt gr. Ir:teeentirl;f vo.t.tto,713_ tend Jellies, 40Philip and ,Natheneele, tr_spanosomeeireethe....si • eleeeeee
e....e.... . .4_ nt nts teofeetitte convereettein Vet uthieh .bro-opitie fluid, of. pfelfents „with -ells
-with-PettPere -itnit-broil-- iikortfrelpi., iteueoracrmetl'Plis_4.48,,tx,--._4._„thcie_hen. com4verei7,_opent,d.. ,vtiethe tjecorng sie,kness. het he w,„ mewl.
Are. ' When\ leothesieleteetirt-
,.. browned sprinkle the *teak itithe ' c.ortmemyee sphere or operations has t'- truth . irolo oboe; The wonder - L1 to think that its preeence was ac -
•:ex, atellowcia4ie.04srggic' 'Lk; rite'fteseireyeteehe-t:e1"Teletre_eiken gu4t., te at the .41.4(ettiling foist i ititentu1.. although not entirely sit-
, and. geleit &lotting morestowly.
eg with IfOottd'Itteteint in 'eVtrY ', in taria: Nimeernus, a ruler of the 4 belied that it might not bear some
1110Y Ah6Old,_however,, beshghth U psrtof the lioniliden- It Is eeeeeted ; Jewiee the women , nt the well ' of • Mitt ion tee _ thee esnee olp the diemse.
derdene, and care Must Iii, the additional oteteelzetion offteee!“: sameris: the, groteioi noblemen,
ris- }An <m1*(1111011 headed treiellefitenant
tureing. them with totemeethete . the till e-eettle moot advaatzuosnoy.j4,11, hotn , _ ...,,......,_, ,
iii6it 11110 not be pierced ,01.7 the 1 'enott*haikr,Itser-pettcyhel . -me,c teentieu lirtheepowee,tlett -tures, Att5leue-iiee. eieetirettaxe-i,----,40-tho - aitio
juiers %at eseape. Mix together on
a piati?, a smelt eat et fresh butter Ube
treth trade chopped persley. pepper,
f:731l.: atild lemon. Snick,, put a little 0
tacit steSle, pent A little rich, saute
toued *eel garnish the dish with
'fried ,petsto straw's, •'-'Serses very
thoni E8Lgq„
stern gtitivo
. "..t.41,044
, end while 0 A D.,1 11
ene°eoffee cupful a d., . % 'P./WS i '1
*tooth diS-'
IiVer with'
r consteint. -
it trito it:'
giatil Or *7.0in*, 10#01 vi.. -41. eeerVe , I
e .
......., _ .
4%!:4:41,*(,, :h,
eornstara Pal4
• '
tabtesportr;itto re
in a
ot *sot,
i,-orofetiot the
lernon'Tor •vanillik„
1,v unfit it thickesst.
Tha retiring directors were re-elected. *lid at is, subsequent meeting of the
directors the following officers were retelected•t-Mr. David Dexter. President
and Monaging Piretter: Lieut. -Col. Kers* stud Rev. Dr. Potts. Vite-Presidents.
ly fitted- ,zearry out the inveStigae
tion or the eTeetting sicknWs stitd-hts•
subeequent 'Work - Was a model of
accuracy and completeness. With lit.
Castellani he examined the blood of
thirty-4ot* Caae.3 Of thtt skein
sle.knees and found teypimosotnes 151.
terentyeth_ree eleetereigeee
eistitiOsi -110,tee jeetived
rosent in all c's Of the ,dilietee.
tsetse fly (gloUina palpalie was
found in great abundance alerig the
ehoree Of *dreams und lake'', in 10-
calitiee where the sleepiag sickneis
prevailed, anti team its analogy to
the diseases caused by trypanosomes
in cattle it was suspected that the
parasites causing the sleeping sick-
ness. were transmitted to man. by
the. bites of tsetse flies.
Ter fete- were
caught. fed on pereens viith" the
sleeping -sickness and then snowed
to bite monkeys. The monkeys dee
Vol'optef tliteetiikiete elfeeeeee-a(Wi -411e4
When- bitten tee tteitilected_itiefieLlteIer
did -riet -Wee-me ' When tbe fliee
Which , had been fed upon infeeted
perielis weee. eXanziried they*. tete..
'were found to have trypanOtOOXS 111
I their bodies.
,etttributte. COntimied Succesqsi dteeenee arm he e -..‘torti; the man litedieid corpse was sent out by the
iittriLti•pe 'MASS Usti -ran ,e
minentut in respect td tildes tea, • wore tudilenly relieved; thb hungry i 'Colonel Bruce had Won toneederablel,
• le is • Disgraced': .Iro
of England.
teeiey- enntritetn„. too -pied w{th witoe thirty-eight, years of stifferiteF.,;rtoyai soiety
I fto buSineSs 16 Wilith, 41°VieY. folk . agtonislitnity fed, who Wonted' eepttteitlese. front his work iu investi- ' •
'9 ill'AS. titre trigt t:rriPltilitleltt'Slit1111:111111 441!:. to crown eiseisi, , eg, ; fo un lot:frig . ntx,gana., a , ver.st,*itioctiread f..4o1:. SofrnirifnInkei Ver,,,zrzgh
, derstood so iit le or pie spirit; thOsel.aee. fete' elfeeese of. horsee,, ea eate ,, .paper Th 0 , it!hiC:1",;Ilettlit'
- ' reasi
tYlitlitil°11lItccifig'51014... it"! sentictece vete ' wv,0011:41,04td.lostru.s.rseittib; f:1171:aritieictsiba.;te:d at , tee, ii„te ie teeetei.,: ..Ateice. . lie h.eit•sz,fo, und 1 of the:. .Miessio_ t, -.._.t:7._ ._T!htt: ,.* b,efore
.olo d ' 'co xo ' or the compan
ccadloir ' yrer:4willivid Pashto,. c
t° *helher L' this tO Isi dee' to 'eetiote'b ' ttv- 1 irOiriled autik'nc•O 4-4 ittg' 00:-Ytril.--.1*4.e°4'
, A, Toronto. Prestilent;. S- 4. Peek
rite e , en - eo :•• V‘ii ., ,
t iliii.- '-:iiit'Itlir., .erho
It 44 -
;oder ; TOrdiltd; . tote entitiee,"-
by • our Si ...'exPetteietPthitteVtd.',-'-elreitin •
r on . horn b in i titilil tretke sot' ofkerenc
o ;kite: 4, ohe Fe rtEeti Power' de able tef *Nee:.
M A,' ,.. -..t. * V :0 '
'' ' -•''Itlitiv Lttr-illeFtitit4V4/00-
' fel.' .,t T
tr • 00Atx 0... tour to e rnth of the Golden ' AS
' Ordlitia;
il• COlteet,
. ,tifircelri ,4
-- 13 1Cneebt1, ti it,ntietepenl . ft,
Jingly ignor.ant and leconeelvithly un-
htticittesslike: They -rein alitecist hie
variably polite, *nil they wale genie
al. The humble/a little joke wee
enough to set them. oft laughing, and
I do not recall -separating at the
OWN Of 'a. single intenieweefeedLetHe
nee Violeta.. _With rilev-- -
One gtworstition, that
Col. Younghusbend overthrew was
al to the religion 'of the Tibetans.
'alley ate," bee *Old, ("Still, to all.
intents- and purPeses, demon -wor-
shippers. Their rellgeen is grot-
esque and is the Trost degraded, not
the Puree. form of Ileiddhkeu in
A selentitle discovery of gre.at in-
tlreet was made during the slay of
the expedition at tr.hetriba Jong. et
bed of feseil order* was dierovered,
from which Mr. Mayddrt of the (kola-gical Survey !Ornate& titittetWO---or,
iireo rizeftlioniarti sigo1b -'s
etichielf- wa crourrd
the base O he Iliiettlayas
• l'Ve are publishing in this issee the
Aenual 'Statement.. of_tlfe_Excelelot
Life • TeSuratiete •. Company, which
she/we a decided inereaee ovcr tte
business of ,fortner• seasons. !mit the
atniittnt of Insurance In force et the.
end. of the year showed, nA-a ,filereni0
'of 21, ie an .advetee' of which
the Pecoetsior mity well he Proud,
and we eetend toetheene-oute-torteeeitV
WaS the ropliet or tilt) Soc=1 17hose ,
flie„ t.
Ultation,, hav u?
100.;. but rd hke
that' • tin ti
on *rt.,
„ •
stion to.
t" put