HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-03-23, Page 4e) . . aia la Ining fG P1134 'of'ber4tithienai le - TWr;ig -'04's' 94:4' • r :fQ tlite„r .man hid ',uniter;i:". t4141 :4:!!! 'Ilk *IS titroK0010,t. :and $4.4 • Lfor7141 414 Prier 004, <Zilorthwe$t icpirea. .by. firs, which ‘eennumed._ this 'Your_AWL, otoryLaLlons: tour,steray structUre. f7-ent a house Waerde • e „Pwt j1� ._ •aohOolO iz were ble to;t:0001,tiirt.4 " se v (no a OS at 10 U in accordance with 6.0 orm by terriac p, aId ehopter 20. or any net passed in keaeal tie be ler-room. More than endtattot themof er,in eubatitutien halt a hundred ot the- employss th,e for! 'there shall .he diserimina- boo** erera‘ outlined, burned or tiowLarist ectiools of Any chest; des- beetesed_ty ett...04mte thty_f•tac heti safe . „,„,, ,_ 0.1) „wet .„,ere tne esPreesinn 461,hr Ian rinitted lieet" of in internee ,,,.• le empsotetvin atibefttion ', 8 of tett glow hid, jump** In the, meet,-rusti said sect On 93i it aka/ be -held to' mean ..- '4, Wave from • the doomed factory, .the I** as set out IRPlessaid cheptere - !Welt from all vests . omitted the In.. Wand 30, epir Wherienthe expressioo tense, -0,wfut heat of an inferee,, deleee "at the unIner 'is employed' in said 4 tog back the moue**, who In a Ave Atib•iiiection 3ii shall he held to !neon tunenta had peefortned gallant sere • Thio amendmentis a' compromise • between tholgovernment and the Lib. ---er-als of the Vest and the autonomy u01-7,71v-iiitterf The explosiFwoliich WaifollOwed by twee of union suffering. 4ecti Ortiz after the operative a had set - at• dOwe te the •werk of • tite 400 bill. with the modified separate school •iddOttly the air vibrated With the re*v tissue% was brought up in the house 61 an eeplesion. Ae tife`aelleit moment on Wedneoday for its second reading. ; the larger.Woodeit frame of the factoreL Briefly the settlement is this: • ,a four-stoeel atruetut* VilVared eel operate echooleare impteed on th4;1, thin the root portion, of It collapsed; provincesfor all tune. freAtion.fif aYiseetend this *sotto* • 4y -retains the right of velairkatieuOUth.jimiat building-wiee7treneforre-Rfl4i • ni---Carileetese_wee---Leneelopetl---1 to a tb t -tlea*--insi-' trien- hist rabeable share of public lands anifflafIre ...„4,_ent sanest in a patty* unabie'te hoe °Mite money _or e support o ts sc cro 8, miry _ et"! _ ,ek self, and befero extrleated wee serioee. provided they are managed in accord- , glebes broke out to ;no a0urni 0.110 g 1Y bunted. • Sunday a-fies_..,broke _nut reitularlY cerfired teac ers„ they What' Aterbollte Otalildliett. late* brick dour mill owned 'b Aleu- t:diet confine religious teaching to th,, ; upwarg oneet perPenitieularl tear- ander Dobson caused by an avYerhes.t- half hour between 8:40, and 4 cealock„..inif PellifeAre ,fte It went; an II ourriat-otLutet-electrie-light and they moat allow such pupils as tit) tnenY nn -the 464-fter rhilfitr The mill is completely' gutted, leaving' desk* to absent themselves during title In the descended int11 the 41P- enter the ;Sink l'r.4t /tteethe 1.0 the Flood. . ... Ing. River and Its sinalltor obutark \ trea -,-whOlt - (kr% slim' 414 op Itierahle da unday. It reee4 eoterdey i le sudde drop * t rimeratu he. two In neer y village* one in le city, reastited. from the flood Sunday. ‘, , Forced to •Leave Homes. Artte411014.-44....ulmt.s. In. the southern and western, °yellow% of the city are Inundated and.eoores of ftunIllee *have been forced to leave their bottlee. Moine. peopla. are homeless and property has'been destrozr- w‘4 at -*L. uth oheron, by a midden rise ite„ the nherienge River. • TUDHOFM*11 rAcTtonv SCORCHED* Ono Man •Barlinsly!lEtirnad While R. snovinCan.riaTits Marakh itms m. yesterdsel are brillte. out in Tudiente Co** carriage eitowtdettls and 10114e - merit emporkinfitridr_dide•severat thou - 4 • 4 dolls** worth ef damege hefore exttnintished.' The "loos rte covered • • - ur .-Altittrk***114047 ..,..N.viillofteetetittg • ance with gevertenent ,-regulation, . by 're and sairooation beciuste the ' Fleur Mill Gutted: that 1; the 'Imbeds must eubrnie ef eve!** of the one tbree. . Beaverton March .21. -*--Ab • o'clock V_emMentintipeetlen„lhqinuu-lt „ rgt half hour of relights.* teaching. tenet, end..ewervintr northerir, Out lite °WC awilteastat nednindt liouArb°waet°i r!:e°6- • 40, way Ince sorke huge preleethe. threuiti; attoyes, The leas estimated at about the Toronto Citizens Protest; I Iwtrive/talitsgblreatoraY and an° $40,,004. The total Insurance is shout , demolish* 0 et4,00e,. insured in several. economies. .ageor eci es.Tha - bs all the ories of two thousand ea Is,To o r x.nade sp. many. ng Ca\nadia# p ,shoxt t* ii ever te friends men in Imps it's use 44 Royal liousebold' made the electrical it -m -Aces Your grocer sells "ROYAL HOUSEHOLP " and you can. have the, recipes by simply sending .your name and.„address ...to The Ogilvie ,gioui Milli Co., Limited, ilontreal, and inentio4 r „the tome -of thi$ „Oa er. rthtby &QParnment lam et \ Montreal eamanship, Milk._ liarlita°10301iiitit-,- --;-"---- - - ----tistlartavEg iciii,'#1.161-p,-14-, - __ BRANCH - of Boole- -T ate-, thoroughly . , A oneng*L ektigitee rineoleeS TeMteaeleen. . _ ., FarmeATSale gates easleif or collected. -Forms supplied on application. e. DRAFTS:on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain. and United States bought and sold at lowest rates of Exchange. . A.DVANCES made to Farmers, Stock Peelers and Business Men at losveet ratea and On most favereble terms. ,, • DEPOSIT Receipts hewed and -highest cietrent rate of intereat allowed Saiing Egg -Department ii • . • • k, pounded tuilf-yesrlyend-added to principal June 30th DePesits of $1 *pd npnerds received, interest em- end Veen:titer 31st:, . . Toronto -citizens, Conservative and klitte_ar tstruett4e* ' Tie" its "ars /If" '',.. Flee at 'Peterhem* ____ Wen 0 C Llheratolike. at KISlass-Ileetin held. -----------. rm, narrow- lisps. Peteiboro, 'March- gt.-leire--Yeeter - - 'reZ17 111-there.flattl" &Are -....lha.i.two.storey....donh - tested against the school clause, of the. t• tetoush .weice; tr-Whe-: azoodthsit -in „, notrame hone.belionging .te A. Letellier, Autonom Bill b the follewin repo- I _ thILeep:„,eeoup ed. and one of ten. ---was-ovrried-and-occue4ed-v-en-tu /nut eh • a ion, roov y r. 4.. Thomson,' tieconded by Rev. Dr. *Milligan, -and ot ti,:eltbooetwere.11w. thhot welistrbearnierontit ,, st-tiret-20.0"'ipilZ)._unirrdletnitte.weor part 14411141c tattornxtli.:•, carried maanimously:-,-- Whereas, it is of vital importance to led. Mrs. Iteekvrell, Who •ivoil I - Fl ecIfi tee ' - hif *he kitettert stove hid, si ' wart- t - 4 - to. ° ......L. Canada that the new Provincee about / d * ' i ...eitefe Meeelt 44.-0,* el" :ve- to be eatablished shall be left free to 14111-14U "Sc14.171474„:1)% thil rr Irv: .t thrital, *mind tbe-14,16---Ifleele oettl- - - • raw ing through the mass. rs. shape their own eduegionial4sOliey-in - or , y g tit 0 mot ... by ft., Thinsit.,,„ ii........, ..., .., ..„, . . ..d tre$ " future, as these shall develop; accordance with' the needs of the , i Tr a UP her war c bt*Ile ellan tolled t Itildren, i are! toss itille iLlitedia:aaand seitoclic7:44/T i AtigigLY-_PrP, Wt13,14Cif f . 90c .-„,,- . Be it therefore resolited, - that_ .t,ait,t. etbis'i hwir 1Yr thUneilinealtilreSiedi a.nnedhrsittae,,e„ ,.....,.. L.. Live, x _7. I- London and Globe and rho*. for 411,00,0,' (*tried meetly' by .rteditr...foette, insorod *---'------ th*:enrefillenr- • 'ilt-SentIT'd '16" fir .ii---rien rent ,,,sti"ghot -Arroti",r-ltrux r to to 0 e'TV" • - present Autonomy Bills, or any other *Ad oof which was buried In,the middle ,d_r_ior 7.11,010t._14_,Itterixotolirrivz$4 ___,.........,.-...e.........._._ --- - Be it further resolved, that, aii7, Formerly ,of Hamilton, ked-dowri and istunned„ but recee. ethel Bell, . the electors have had no opportunity** • ( I Takes Careolio „Acid. to pass upon the principle embodied . Veritable Pi . A it'irretrilL in 1 broWelidnintt'o*veriitlithme heatShi"-ofLrersiireothaill. before Parliament, the Government slibuld : hie. Man -• which oceurred at the fetidly erne in provhdons inconsistent with their con- * ef 15 tea, istruutute, miss rot rimst Ir.', • HER MOTHIER CALLAO HER. • tetteLnietfteedortga .YOU.CAN.. PAYWHN ir NO NAMES OW) Weialiiii* Iiii,E1TTEN 'CONSENT. .STRICTURE AND KIDNEY DISEAINE CURED. **rhea* Atwater *tem riers., . It. Anefir brCight- on Bright's groin Sind feint% es t b SOMUthint llrall in the tsrethre. Siy itatek WA% WoJac and 1 eculci ecareely stoop over. Urine was roll et sear.° IneUt. Had n desire to urinate frentnentl Pawl' docteet, so -04W peclaWts, Decero nt adie couraged. hid 'spent hundreds of dol ars Writin. silty I eoso, suited Drs. Kennedy & Korean as the last resort. 1 had Bend a grut d t ' rui ecactude fro the tort that the had b.en .1111,413100-s4sor------. '-`ir4hte4lectilewiet4the-lecto • -wht **-- •f,*----TagetTlr YearTe-e...! pretty-. • runette, 21, - _ b -kg.4_,0 the- country' eti tne • reatned` standing the opo 'Ilvelp.-witro _attempted_oallebre . t -the horn er- -- .., itteasure-;70r----7,„ -- paitte.4-Wri. o_r_ce_alriftoor_eeu it to ,er. re: *TO nat, o aye • ,. venue • windows, rolt,flundtmad- 'atit-Isre - I. i o - II-To*Ing carbolic; acid. - hie farm on the Broneern line, to his 1 And be if -ordered that copies 0e1 ndows, tbe re, eeeeteo • 0 wittn,y prompt medical attention ---MasY -01tVe brother! Robert, who has taken s- , this resolution be forwarded to -the I cases having beelitern:awiegy-b ine • et- 11 1 ougti her month_ sind ittnITI, SOSSIortiVesiirsAlt. atia-Fred Silo c i - .•Tee enr-•.:-...-7-Tn 1---* -ileum on many Utristiel actare bnrood* .- \ * •tuere e t • ' ' for. Aseirtithoitt. - the city meinbers of the House. Ifrom the eeeond and third storey win- "I dreamed I saw my trim/teesold '-,:"'7,1'51:°"°P kilt 4 telt daysag°witli -••'d-were -th-e----gtirnf.n-Wiarrwas so lonely and fs l'er* ' , , ously latered. The crush on the stair- unhappy I *anted to go to her eits -4aIrtee Carespisell hoe sold his farm to. .'" .ittirs, I*esulted 'In numerous minor * *toed with her* anis outsiretcheil es,11- John *-vtlekwiere who tekrn sioll • D' ,,,.., . SlwIttkeij*Leceirf 'had the rear portion of • the . tiled, to Out tnY„jytne mount her nook Dttritea ta reside', IVO' 04 • onki wh°. / ins with ' 30,4 as she used to -do, and e' .A,pril- Me. eassipliell Intim oing to •.,etreetere oollariewl-ithier-a'tenoseent • • ,. • exiitzie------, . - • ,Intir . rotriite:-ItleSSrib.• . . r .• om an oteelleived• the poison." , _e broken* . inunkeettog , ..,witit,„ the., - melittetede---1401-14ht-theanurzeirnt-Sc blarrit -f t -hist weeki . er41.1turopatkin, i o Ado t 1 , to /4wrac*Iftion°1 711 E,"#.14104.0!11,_;;;:thir.",w-440t4070 . lin'itortPba.kerl, 41.14X0101-11.114i.400ity'coritle, lettsrerji -$6.0ii.soi7:4: -iftwor-o" an triwesiestby young man, haft iodiis. digroted, end. Geneve' Isineviteh, coue. i Oriente soldier. bas btien dissuitoed and ' Will of malty whet went down with the meat. Ire' tier delirium, the gr t aus ,bigitir t 4 by his eroployei,s wander of the FirstArmy,is appointed core that cgs's**. . Slimy pinned Pathetleally for her moth . d . 14.,,nd,.,the stionity. 'We wish ktraitteed him* command of 'all the k.neath the timbers Were \roasted to toupee her that she *In soon 134 with,. win every sisecese.__ .; . . . , , 'ReiSidari land and sealoreee operatin ..... . ereleAnA4erelestv,_,Pigielve-Ylti. of the Sauble Iligh Court ast was decid- ; ts-easele lune otereet,---- 0,heeit tbeteesensh" - . written in Istgelettent in the mottle arrived to assist the empleiseLlehtuttd4,_ _,,, ,_KILleeD rir His FAThaft. t----.. . Imperial-ordere which 'contains -not thir reesue of titter fellows. The ' ' ------- P -- - -esitigle word orpraisc, Ansi alto dispos- task become tuomeatarey mote dinlordi , Cereneee Joey's Verdict on the Death ;• -,---- , toot the rumor that Kuropatkin bed and paritot* ter tho hwifirool the gee i Of• William Phelan. On Friel* e Seven - *eked to be relieved, The Russian was **soot unbeatable. • , 1 Montreal, Merch 21. --"We the rniim. ' teenth of * ' rge and Gevernor Miaseitieleif o fir • military *mode crintan no more bit- Thou, it wits ow wets ot sactieiceand bees of -the euee„ Atter having heard the enthoehlettic aeldiettee re0Wded the year old Vinland tior natnt,it",4 . ter impeotd tit -gate. While it Vfir:aS hhrhism *hre shim, on, shin, loon evidenee,declare that 'William Phelan ,Ttrit'n limn °I Latt"‘ tba4)enasinn be. 94 revolutionist. known tEu0 tbe War Onanrit 414,4 140 Weie. etuglit under sat - *row beent; ' filed In Montreal On Saturdayine'rn. St PdtittIs D3r t"ctirt. • The al ti llt. . . boom -silt iallr , uk en disaster, thts eittrleorte him and to help the Otis be- skull,. teneed byblows inimieletered by eitli,4„e Isite.flags and he teak of seeing , hied him. • *trefoil** out his semi, he " the father Of the deteatass... w , a4 Wore .gretii the Itinl Lite- ''114.11 6000 Iles, one -tine one and pen. 1 The above Is the verdict which* WU 10.„! Of Its riikilit sill thssn to the ' Then 'the Ste *Ivan by the Jury it the intiuset held n.,,,,s st . .*wreck. and and toper. 00 4 ' ettanitatt Mtn. an Lyeeterday irtOrtliritt , over the body -ol!' ittu e 'Pert ' 1(1 , , tit i Wiilltin Phibm, 17 xearit et ego. *his __Ole 't -otirtjuitierinfiletett-tylifirfaitl.44,'Whire' - - k et, young ittteite: 4114 -ititi-' A 4ir hut e died shortly before noon on • On° teliturdey,tw tyl Ltt*std to otb.ra who Mtillittt liver, tadtht:.' Do"elori"si"rePet,111-ibe4 at Ilk h*lite' ,41 tile., rter*mr.cyiakeeikitit. tie, .1340hiion rolA1/81,7;:liorivolli.j1' the names ena,1! Vortonet. IteMaiiteri, 'before the trim. . , - ..„111f.I101P104-Of,,,,th.t._-Inausit„-,Ituctrue e the <kn. the Jur': to reedee a 'verdict *cord n eel° evelieletntoema ttaged..Z.e......---...... ' ------ ..ra°,,A. **Id***45 - ot tha to the feet* illieloied by the Mildew*. ..Itna read by tbefCe 11. . It **ilea it tertateethet; the eIdeti and ' ure. was PheWO is et the, time et the' ,*ell . . doll heigi *Lath rein -Its.- in an. week 1 telt we erasentirelyrotc&-.1Lettataisiettaittetus -drivinor CURES, GUARANTEED' OR NO PAT..' A.13.----YOtlft-I3LOC4r)--136Eft-DISILIL 81.0_0D Pitretiths artt_the, intuit Preeilent-ilie toe ythismc- **P.M'S 'racy b 6 of e victim aria unless, entirely eradicated fr•the aystentWit csiaa ims coat !kat one. Bowater' Mercury. It suppress the eiteptiore-otir , positive 7 42 , • YOUN,C1 OR MIDDLE -ACED IMEN*-Itainodom *es or: or. eXelka64s batioDwast down your truest. youlool ti ejwiptotrus *tunas 066r you. eieteelle eheiktellyeite#0,1111 you menet theatee you wed to be erattoeld be. 131V JkreYeeeoittthii Uaysyou1oetbp.? Auicm 1ntssIfag so* thoupyl triolott here ,disatited? Have oe ' *Alit I -cure ittitaf 11"Ves-iritaieirei. otitereil l ciereryett.:_co AO' itashisorat oninient rte. etCheraa ChAtairifteasintehte, atoOKSITY2$4... toteeltor't (iileetreted), 00 0106$00 br Moo, Ikeleillkott eak "D1.etaa,fWoss NO NAMES JUSED,WIT110111?, worm* coma thins cohodontiat, QuostIont.Ist for 1116Miall*Str0100 ot.threte times by a fifteen ke, who admitted that ha , b laesd et about . 11 CANIOLIC 014 HE ° • te mitre; fro* Ob 00tOperati en Mad Orate; &itieluding lie, through the he Mad tgullalt hes 'flziitey to ceeetipy territory, lee hith wee the baae the IttSt'• _csottps.1 *1::# dfl*ite- btt1e stra k the *Deo 1 d