HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-03-23, Page 3Inropluto t OR
.v110= orio
ozgol3&tte. Were, SirrY*4.
Pit* a
.wiovre,it. 0
* 0
..4.10,ily1et,„ ssit
rnrnted doctor, t tit the
4titd f.8:14
.:teet were
t 'stend
reedit° 'Woe
iiirnIn zuy
d net
.dr when X wits advised to use "Dr.
ud boktre they were, all gene
ew 1 had found e. medicine to cure
\lie Pine for about 'a
On ). tui ,every eymptorh of
my traubl Was gone, and X have
ince enJOYtid the best of `health." -
i». Wjfljam9 Pink Piths 'cure after
ottore, and Coninton medicines have
100 liOattse they-aetually make
hli*d, and no strengthen
Ana and brace Op the
t in the way they ' cure
ftgction, • kidney and liver, trou-.
14'th.411 got
tok, thern
dLvcr$Iofl. ,.1,!ggPSt
t37. 04, Ilttle-,,diritltbiO',on a. Di3
°JP Thc idea wee:hailed' wit d
thouglt :thp wjfl
LI dox 'Churc
. driven into hiS *shoulder, lite
inte.rior courts of. the Clover
lags, az
ed at *
Ittedk' an
blown o Moms.
Some time afterthis, at 400ther.
cotivival gathering„ another "expert.,
mitt" watt euggested. A *Iwo was
to be caught, decapitated, end. his
head made into a /moth. -
Tbe natives were then to be' tolled
to a feast, and, the broth served to
them sus part of it. ' Alter they had
gla;palpltat!on of the heart. St.
,uss' dance, partial ..paralysis and
*0 niany WOrnift with misery. DO
tnice any ,pillteirithout, the intl.
*Dr. Williams' Pink Pille for.
Palo r'eoPlekl" on the wrapper around'
each box. poi4 by.all met:Heine deal -
sent b,metil et -50 cents
bor or ON beim* 'for $.50 by writ-
ville, Ont.,
• e--W*P....411.0...-LIL:Weak.ssand. humble
little itutii that when he cameinte
tbe grocer's to make complaint the
aszistant. Wika disposed to be hnugh-
ty 'Imperious. ,
Y 1 inquire,he said, in a
Mall voice, ""if any gentleman hero
eold my wife Some Witter yester-
m the. man,, responded a big,
brawny fellow.
"Ole 'excuse me," exclaimed the
t no
olTence. The butter is all right, but.
ritest-to-say-that-tinve---eo/ '
01 hair 3n on roll is somewhat i
-ice/4009ms. And I just thought I
Might also add a request that if
you eould send up a brush and comb'
• , 'With the neSt, lot we aliotild ,he ever
sti,much obliged.. Of course, it
an oversight -On your part, and I
sant not complaining, you understand
nt -complaining, merely 'Suggest-
assistant's face wasa studY.
**Awl," went on the little man,
*X don't think itle quite fair to
• tnztter attwenty-flve cents, unless
you make' s',.-disseount for difference in
Weight and pr1cs, or throw .in
Trier 80 a we can •raw e
tck* upon getting the butter on th
titit't-if7"-ganPed. arld-Still-thit-
,Iittle ntan"Went on. •
001- firrineitgairr-iirihelut. b-nw
'Coned previously," 'I' he read, ' .,"per-
salt no to sety that I find no fault
With,' itaYquility or its itingth.The
41,kiactiOn. In the old times we'
of it, and your butter
our entire family is bound
Olir only regret :was
id not *end it up in ti".
7 -
0 -if -IC -had now • fallen-
, „
1 SO
lity continued,
- gently, 'touch upon its age, but r
li*ve reason to. Suspect Unit th isi but.
from _milk,. and that_the
from at On*, and that the
t�ugbt frOtri rul/ youth egoo,krds Jet
- relation to all fesuale kind. There-
fore 1 sway no rnora_except that ,
thu7jhraso4 'Ord age,' does not
remotest degree apply to this
-'1 wlsli you'd send up to the bottle
pound -of sods, four bars of seep,
,packet, of starch, artgf. fourteen
po nife • of 'ftsugar, My *ifeasked
Wei to lesos n'the Order, And she SRHI
• shed leek, toned' herself and • see
,StInAtt the bUtter. (i.00d morning!”
And the littia mwth walked. itiKbekly t• BABY'S OWN TABI
to be ahown with what it' had been
made, and .....the._,horrer.Sultd.-difigint
depicted -on their -face* wae-to-co
stitute .the "entertainments," The
Prograinene was carried out to the
letter; and the "entertaliunent"
voted" higily, amusing. ••
The discovery of theee horrors was
-due to the fact-that-
litted them as amusing experiences In
of whom -however,- took another
view of there, and riltriPlY counnuni
cated the letter to the Niigata of
the .Colonlett, who -ordered the legal
authorities at Brazzaville to open
• an -inquiry. One -of the --part
the crime* was arrested, and made a
confession, implicating, the ,rest.
The trial will take place at Bran -
ravine, and the official is now on
h a wa,y. to Bordeaux, where he will
be embarked, underg-uard, for
Africa. He is a man of stoinewhirt
delicate aspect, not giving at all
the hnPression, of savagery.
The accused are also charged with,
eettin.g_ foes semen._
firing at them, to see whether the
modern ride bullet ,would • kill four
men a a me; cesiysitb, ng
Ing negroes to eee the.effect- of sabre
cuts; .•
The Tanager Of -the LiroPolto con -
comae*. it the Ubangi region, M.
Dubois, confirms the statements
-tett have -been made ceincerningthe
accused. Ile declares that this sort
of purposeless outrage is, very much
commoner than' is generally suppos-
revolts which are -so cominonzin these
. unable to wolf*.
4T31 I started to take Dodd'*
WiPter and smuttier while I Was un-
able to work, 1 took 14 AU tWelve
boxes, and now I am perfectly
thy. My pants are all gene and , X
am able to work. I heartily seem-
mena Dotid's Kidney Filia to all suf-
ferers from :Kidney pisease."
rfodos Kidner Pills always cure
the ICIdneys. Healthy Kidneys Strain
all IMPuritieti, all seeds of disettae,
out of the blood. That's • witi
Dodd* Kidney ,Pills cure, such
lJrIgbt'a Disease, Rheumatism and
Urinary. Thuddest.„
DRVTAII ontR •scitus A
vor-op-zezczn, rEA • ,
Opera. Singur ---Xisch&igett --From
Theatre for Expressing
• Eter Opinion,
.1114 London 4Times-publits31es •t
Russian lady in ,St. Petereburg to
an English friend, under recent date:
'The officeiss, as a class, make
themselves most plijectionable herc.
In one instance an °Meer went Into
a shop in the Sadovia street and
asked the proprietor whether he
would let him use his telephone for
some message. 'Ile was left at the
telephone, but as he, etayed there a
- 1 C0 5 40 0
sert .speaking, 'whereupon the tomcc
drew his sword and stick the at-
tendant on the-hapd, cutting. off
three lingers! And no protest can
be made. 'The other day st, little
boy eight years old .saw et. -Cossack.
Officer On a horse in the street, -and
put Out his. -tongue at him, where-
upon the officer drew his sword and
has since died in consequence of the
regions. • wound received.
The Freese published an interview
with a colonial °Okla!, rho declares
that the outrages) alleged against
te everyone in the Von o a
on ever s acethey were cam-
had been 'regerded- in -a matter -a
astounded' et the*fourore created In -
Paris by the revelation.
Ile asks 'why 18 months were a1-
the offence were the only reason for
the • resecution, • and declares that
the truth itt that the administration
Winks at Such caste, lance tbit guilty
parties are generally good hands at
squeezing, tae* .frcins the natives.
,M, Oentil, the presentCointufsefoit
rieratot the florigo, lo a food-
,. I11,1
"Mine ITusa, whose_photo 1 send,
is one of the leading drematie Bo-
.. •
Ora,wIfe-of 'Malan:atm, the corn-
everything to. tubordiriate *to
"twinge in the taXes-; 'arett•it WOW-
beeause this has created discontent
among the lees euceessful subordin:-'
sites that the matter was brought to
the notice ot the Paris authorities In
In the inornirtg„ jtnnhiater the- Hold .
• Art& their lizatLvolley-a
people. n er n gna on an -81
ural excitement othe.exclainited to an
Officer 'patting, "The Japanese you
don't kn
rough t eXperielle0.1" in the d
.. 0 144414C
claration of is gentleman living at
Ithy ney, 'South ales, r . with
"g 13 21V WI. ts 04td to ha t the
ler alva •n Army 'bar -racks. -
The spectre ,takes the ferns of "a
tall. .stoutly -built lady, clesd in yel-
;low, with At drewn-fecti''01 iastIy
hue., and terrible gleaning( e;yest.
Salvation AMY losses are not uei
nalIF given to romeneingt but th
young .114y coptain. of •the:Intileick
ban been so unnerved that Ore Wil
not enter the •Pittee.
• "I„lurve not Actually. seen the 'ePir
"but a few' triorithd ago I hOnS .ra
11 oino
On Wednesday night 1 distinctly felt
an Arm Pieced across the bed."
lEfer female P511011044 a lieutenant
has .40011' the spectre, and halt in con-
sigignownencproorecelvedteastue.eh 1, Shock that
Won"-T-uf.: -firet-saVelli-e7alieett
when sho was 417040111t -the 414/P.E..a.
the olikrragirts-Sinitienly the tali we.),
Man in yellow walked with noiseless
rites* through Me hall into th,e
en, where she seemed to Melt int*
thin, eir. Two evenings liter Unac-
knock1njs were heard,
Vniae lLght recently hall a dozen men
stopped in the house. About bait.;
past tour one of . the watch°, saw
the "woman in yellow" passing A
doorway,and, calling to his friende,
he darted after her, but not a trace
could be found, •
While the rest were away a trades-
man went. to:another -doorway, and
there 'saw the- ghostly visitant with
• 0 1'
,I�. O;Wer,Jvaitus
th.fhleit. 101 :„,
,rtn4iin ••0 ;' .me-
• iiio11hs. rougPOP ...tPritude
*Puld. make me Vete felt him.* '
Ifitistrt In tic& sin baur..-
A Irdy la NeW WO( t' •
ea,rt, seys: feele,like bought
bnck front the gad, so gra t 100A tny
Ana On I In art tronble nd ea\ 01.
mos mI cblo ray mover" through
the -
meat. zny e to i ." 9
t4ingleton VI never think ..of judg-
ins, * merited- woman by her
clothes." ltliedderlys-"No?" Single -
"No; I always judge her- by the
butthns missing from her, husband's
• c 0 es.
1 • • ,
Sicithes • Antsvensueesiti've mossy Is
anAtnpereneled rem y..tor .00Idi,
you mayeasa:_wad diseases-
Ald!,tine regta.uPO4_,Ifenla -01,400.40138101
Ss In e.flOP41110.1 'w -sok aUetIons, and
avoireit-set-ssmeasepticuti-oss ;41---4*-44seg.
leotett, cold leads to. coasaiaptiowil on.
'cornet he 'Ai. b, Careful, to seat it in its
so.40400a. mekie • Syrup 1. t!le
, weapon, ati it
e, burning eYes. The .tra,desinart
managed to gasp out a question,. ask-
to say $o "in God's name." At that
expression the eyes lit up with a
still more -unearthly _radiance, and
Without a word the -"ghost" glided
laway and was Seen no more.
11 your children moan and ars rest*
less during sleep. 'coupled, when await*:
„with a. loss of appetite. pale eounteri-
- nee. !eking of the nose._ete.... you ma*
�f uie2 4
• troUble'mints. • Mother
Graves" Worm Eximininator effectually
removes these pests, at once relieving
ths, little sufferers.
1 ain often tired -in, but never Olf,
y workoe-Whitflets •
Do everything you . ma
x% ettahe
Is 40iiii-Ilioraughly.--Duke-of
saiames...*:_whatreck filen7ftrinfon
owt":111,4 Menne* ,(foot
IIESS11$."0:10. RiellARDS
three children ;seri;
dangerouslylow with diphtheria. On
the advice Of our prbeit 'my wife"' be-
use-ot 1111NARIY$ LINI-
MENT. In two hours they were
greatly relieved. 'anti 'in Ave days
they were coMpletely well, and I
flisnly believe your valuable Liniment
saved thiiJ lives of my children.
Gratefully Yours,
.,131kt oat;
tele eit-Ti Utah,'
Wash; rertliend, _Ore;
. Si-
attle, Wash. 'Vancouver,
D. ft; San Francisco, gni.
Rates $34.25 tot4t00
* Mimi! on aide Vowels ist to
May *Atli...
ALL GRAND Tztvwx Talitter
1KilditIS. •
0 yours?' "Ile was until lately. 11
had to drop him. Ile 'Wall always
f Of
Ursa and Na Rale Water. -C. 44.
_Archer. of Brewer, Ilene, says; "1 have
had-Catarrh-for-nyverat-Yealra:-Wlitar •4•-- -
"could run 111:41/41 my viva and nose, for
days at a time. About .four mouths
ago • 1 was, induced to try Dr. Agnew's
Catarrhal Powder, and since ulanC this
wonderful reflied3 1 have -not 11114
attack. it relieves in tea minutes." 60
cents. -17
"Bat what reason have you for
thinking women Vaxe no aim in
life?" *Wen, I have seen stvral of
Old Lady. --"Little boy, djd you see
anything. 'of •tt, *bite mart Little
Boy --"Yes; she:fell into a barren, of
black paint down the sittet, but
'fixed her all right." Old. Lady.-"Ohp
you good little boyi What did you
do?" Little .Beiy-"I tbrowed hoe-
into- it barrel .of whiteentsh.":
kSThii e ug san co -
see st person whose letnds arocoveredover with warts. 'llyhy have them
--disfigurements on yo* person when a
sure remover of all warts, corns,
etc.,can be ,found liolloway'a
Cori ;Curt:
"News," said Mr. Gayboy; "is
what you tell about other people.
COT about, you."
Ask for ifinarirs and take no other
Usually. *hen a'mai proposes it's
.in a' back* parlor with the gall
' ea
lire what he's up itgatinst until it's
par on; alt-merel -
aids, apart from those chancers- of
rising in the world, of professional
there is no greater blessing for a
Men than to hav acquired that
ea ns me * •ea s in to
, take delight in his- work lor the,
work's sirke. Liord..9tattley.
one words not- Very polite, butex-
revive, end went on. But the of.
firer, Prinee 0bo1enky of the Pr&
eibrakeisky. Regiment, liad teas •-
4 and,„orrowiriktt V
lloadatiOn to the Miniater, Who in
hisi inns wrote' -* letter to ---P
hoolthY. Director of 'the Imperial
Theatres. This latter would have
suppressed the inatter„ but could not
du ect, as it was an ofitelil excuse,-
a ....ss
es discharge iThlari-R-ts use from the
bass at the ettimeseperi, has handed
MET SAMBLE ,A341:1 14E. in his restIgnation in coneequente of
this alialr. and also heeltUati Or at,
fairs in general, vide istrprlititaisent
English Vicar Speaks ot Wit/dies of his great triertd Gorki. An Shells
*pine is an immense favorite with
'It. was °see my privilege to hear the public; this has created great
peetillarities *of his -familyt ".1 jorit snsic immor.mtviror.
dilrilot„.' but does not liel Vile, - but - ,..A "-' hi b td
end deinkse** ,...
do not drink* While .Jack both lies1 - vci*Y ludicrou*. th ft, *PPen
to the 1.4ostiety of MOdern litinici-,
In this Meunier the lletr. iletitieph Ari41«. el whirl,' 1 am A Mestber« Illtel
Henrywrioey. vicar ne 4: ustry,..n1 hold reunions one everting ' every week
helitt -•. 1 t •t•t
ete., of mins which they merited to-
do at one ei their concerts. tAt), their
last meeting the polite broke In, diSts
Sed,theln, VOlier Alit Pletifthot.
wmoro than five people were persidtted`
to wits4 onble at one time, and closed..
the 'wttiowits., putting 'All the Omsk
there'under odest-with• therfloirre-
seent,., o-- stkif-inuslt;
ronLOVElti ,ytiatse
rir:WilroW**---Sciothin --17-rfa
Freil---s44Whatt riga ft -duel oit- aes
I'd invite him to come over for it
days shootink-just as .I've Invited
Mit Outtint Algal that *rhos best -44
stomach and almost *tr*n�s. ia eased
by eesneetation or tit*- loco tit the
_ 0144
_ ,althaWmatientseessedessameassseik.
physician and sufferer alike los. kart
Iter----excepuor Norwood. .
ost., says: !'01 was Romig doUtplati up
with rheurnattans. 1
• uth America* Cone lead thy cu
UM Ws the quickest sett*/ Dna
"IhisOner- at the bar," said
Plx OITA_ Irou wo
tts, Isifdt* &eat e
ers or
eldicitest whi teething. It tesethes
the child,,,seitene genes- *Pales
emit plates- ationiath
vitottres, Inge„rgitt, ce.411:eligtirer.
Solid by dtAgrists throughout the
World. 1110 Mira and Ask for "Mrs.
Whiskiw's Soothing Syrup." 22,04.
no ego.
,ot-the world -by -pursuing his- studies
In e rocking-chstir.
lt, tree ..)Riustioe to -Men
given tolltauscular sports And exercrese
and those Who meter muscular pain.
DtaBcbleeccitA401 liPPAZ111144 41,101"4*
As 01,- lehrkaat it keep the
muscles pueblos And free :from pains
which often follow constant f
therlii. *About eoftesing them or lot.
sPp4rantits att‘abttillsott.'tsutsuutiengsthit ier°41thel"uftire84
the selt-nuide ninct,and The hos**
made shirt ve_a_p_t_toba, more 11
u an ornamental.
. -
ed.Lemeice.hire-town p1 Clitherrie, bpi
troduees A strong denunciation of -the
lying and scandal -mongering ethkh,
be detioreS, exit* Among his dock.
"As.. : eorittintilty, our besitti
In is not drink" he &litho**, '"fle
gamble there than we drink;' and we
ie more than We gamble. or our
vitt of • thohittielows
'ells 'Of -the ntiglitY deed* wt. hiSs
one.and the sharp eet1;tils' we halt
tlered: There are net, a tory/oho*
obby is the dhowentination of midi.
ions's, untrue refwerts about their
eighbos&r. ti,torniftintity so less
reordinarily credwilou* this vice
eritoble ploonw 'spot. There Is no
toternsnt too wild,' not eCondstt too
d lmpIIclt ben
to coax- and I
tiltekterk to get; the little olvms to,
take vousesmo**-444114140.--
wlth W1iich theyare •1 oZO
with liquid wool eines Will
inother. None is
witted: ..yott knOw just how bi
hos rectched the little,stowno
h.. As retwiedy twir all the ins .of
byhood end' thildhoodririting front- ti
'is Bab tileit Tablets t
Von 'Sten*. pple Tabun* taussid.
attarraa &SO it Win wawa
thpr-oritrige and ANL digestion.ta
& hex, ceets.-
"Mr. the said, graelonigyiv.
i'_You Aire one of, the _most. or' inal
ou haVen• 't said a 144.1,vA,I.ro,r441,-b04
Ihrti Sittather. irplieds
With a tinge of .itgret in his •voice,
couldietritiVe my opinion of the
weather in the •ittresetwee of ladies."
Sightstecr-s-"Voultron, evHerr
our rtryttiel
Itit es. pecialii"whera people
come round asking foolisk q
flop jfinardit nt in the Imago
• ion .
It so hoppened thitt
nor, *eel...writing
444swist *list cf the hien in
Ste 1 kin1,10,, he Said.
litt lelat
ntird thc. shill) of
• re
ti etheel.essorlisreats ,shorst.
lirtues Tittsliretet,erdithri4 •**Itit1144ia
ing up *rotted ee which
vain* that cannot be etIniatsd it is
Jmeld by sesioreitee-leattire
Ore foe every ,dineatee-whicir -neitte
igeoriuscs have visited: *you rases.
ever. thiS MaY, be. It .14r hrts*JA
tbt Par/aloft:1;st iftelttiltble 4:staled,'
ro root* a o,- are * severs
reaerly in curing ell daiordmr.if ti
lpino nide iho lu%a had nottn
In mountaineering
ee the be;,twoviour of 414
*110, thOS' Aft. on
the • door, *vat roam'
th*t be odd like to say;,-. "Good
eirohing,, islignmahle • to • the
Trillifil-you ever notice that. Almost
patters *re single meter Liked Mr.
Watt& "Yes," answered Mrs.
Watts; "married Inis0110 are too eon*.
mon to he worth meittioning.".
A Coro tot Costivesess...Ceorttvistees
-44)1014141" 6111114 the refusal of the Eterititry "
emua to oettorm• their statics' regulark
ly trenk tOutrilotting (44,14101144 vauafly *kr,
Ord0r414-dirwt1. remote* yetatable
Pills,• 'preps -rpm. *Ai beitAtilie
copotattleth that certiatt
nt* I* theta , peso through tit. *tow
. ach4ad tito ,berweis oe es to
ressove tItdr i.rp.s aad * ,110* tMsa
to Prover thrn,saa4r .r.
t your lowebtr
indOlber .Out, ot
Poor Jack Intd",,Weit carrying tbe
hy lot jiitht,txtiot every night rot rs
imrtkok* oihtz -**s hitt 40wri
*readz eitzett-tht,ifakifq, sin
. . _
I le_ '
o i„\y•ou
ore let