HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-03-23, Page 2eat of hris.were 'Welting irah , have to carry nLaU w4th Jiand,„lei reer--1--elneft,oiniiit---- Itratawlins .through” lije 4004er. tomc our votiv o Sts top." done?" "My-4*Juar, s •eulto o new.- Ytk...itase r told - that Nemo wa quitc ware what , you were going to do -at 'least that, \be knew you WOO going ,to consult - Steel. ,:',,k1,s0 he knew that you were going xoan4k. $teel a Proseut, and ir & littie judichnteeaveedropping he contrived to,glein oUabout . tha The, fellow has i]rcady yoti ought the eig , *horrid ,Afty it,••might hev be week. We had utquirles to. you know. In the flret Joe. .0 tiever ,drearitt oS ofteritift itt. St Mewl:. 1 ,bitishs' ti$ Oink Of th , g'Weltrc, you have *Vire An*.Then Uons b • cberne -, Es knows all about the c1garcse; . go- ng to be bOught.. Jfhn be goes to Lockhart's and . purchazee 4003 V the shapes ot fl cigar-cizo; be has Ths 1* his dumnir. • eyea °Pen :he vita •the ehaitce be -in waiting for. *Ali Oa -fisintest :idea; that, he knew antbng, when she lettethet,,Case the day she bought" it z Within teeth art Ifesmon. ife get* her out .ot the way for - .minute or two, he iintiee the parcel, snd placethe. Vim Steckease, in It. Mt, b 'JOY% he needn't haveslionglit frOid'r.oelthati.'e at elk ot Wt*s. •iiod. o get' scan tt• rei.s IaUn • they r eut.et Age tbty ould. go to hart. ,eie get some iinIlar As te. 'Matter Of fact tirei. ot. Woke)! aasistants Nets oent rotted to 'studs" the ease It Lock1uut'a Window,. The gags were piocured ou. ,the ehante of a italeibut tho Arnerlt'an hover turn. cod up agein, o notice WAS taken o( thfS. beoouso such thine*. often happen to a o e fore the ' IWO"- Walt' a shit,. X lievo not 1410 lint0bed Ott. Now, Once / had ascartftined till*, an important fact Omes tioes. The. Anterierm d'tiger eitee at all." subsoqueittly purchased the zod to Va. rcruark do not sugg -,?Arterr ulng tho le-ound for VSn puxcbaso with a view to a You. have not ped the vilenees of this plot 44ett ' 'Tour men,hero?" n , Chrls' indlcat in a • Ow, oppoite. she whIspet ;And what iml" A 0XPOC * , . \ Afit aincere aeld„ , ro he Cletereet /* 0 ' OP* ion:\ wiliii: t i cibiAilt.,. it v u.-liave-oneeof . I znen u Europe to dee.I with. with flood -night."' . •• (r0 he Centinued.). , atiuove4t xmx, ittinter put up Ilia ease and gaz. ed with apparent vacaney in the dire- eetion of the windowUo aaw a all man With a gr board and. hair . 0 '101 Ofd4i.tlictlydiStingl#01104 ap- porene&. Mer wasfain t�ad tnIt that he would • have taken him for a gentlemen U0der aey circumce.s. In ttantm, etyle and Rieeett Ito ft nothing to be desired. hat Chap has a fortune in hia fere and „aceent,!: Littimer said. "Vort-:-My--vmr-4*-he-is-a-chance--se. tiliettttitntu. that V-00. ,-dinner---withouV-the--slieteet"Ivia tion. And the girt -r-;-;"" his daughter," -Chris said. The likneas is very strong." ' "It Littimeer admit .9k. -awe oat -SU& pingoiarly pretty relinbd gir with that-the.--Pltre' -quiteeet,- that mere qucation seldom,' give*, ut It -tee -Ms have dono so .in. yon. der case., And how toad Me seem to beof one another! flepend upon IL Chris. 'whatever that Mart MO be hist daughter WM** nothing of it. „Axel yet, you,. tell inc *liet the pollee "Welk never' mind the pace, noW. We can let Mr.< Steel to tell Marley all abotit*4.1' hn Sinith" it we ca cbasor af tbo ro tirned cato was a tall rnertcan quito 01 the pattern POCted. Th,n 1 mnnaget to get on. to the trial at the Metropole here. They*-tittitlieeted-- when 3 toutd des - I moo; they also ;recolletted he &Wei of .1i/8' tips. Thite traced IV man to tlie. Lion at litoreton Welbt whero he had ob-• 140130ly f;otte tit; See Reglne.Id Mason,. From the Lion our friend went to .. the yellow string and tlie stam hols Stayitig at present." apex that ---Lockhartra-ve0ple ,"thi Bo erst takes one. case out, of - Suppeliee so, seeies that the Pftvecl"end 110111e*7*1000r 4hat. name were sue - and there yuu ere: vest unto -4epon esstul; 11 oi would like me to uP0t* It. that twos- the Way 'hi; **Oita cone up and Interview. the man fete, it was dolfs," e"*. . you,—p•- • • r.• , The,-..teore Vitrie thoftht altar the. . should ljke you to , do nothing ' more certain she. felt :of thi-kfted." Chrle .said. ''You are -that stielt wait the case. Like MOST, Tritiriii'etekifut ,in Brighton, ender am paron1iy Wonderful tbmge...,•telte_eete ' awiine SrCCOF-7. ''.are getter 1y the. rioet foolfth at us net to have though of tMa beifore,*-tWiteL Id th-iitsetittilly. any rates we ',snow all about ft new. And we knew .who bl.,:itight the tiptr-case so Henson., r should like APIA t0-113 0 said . • utOitce. was se, r niysef.. . o. e rem will t!--0 the Aoyat /Teta eiredalit Sands." tis _countermanded_ the site ,hact•ordered and repaired to the 'thrill* where Littitner was tying zorne trOutottlie0 Whin& a; cloud .„ of "riliOught .you bad -gone -WelA4! sluAl., _have' t ..for_all-those Jon 'qtr. steel. payelhi ,s said* gaily. Ult. US jot given me some information that obVisttee the lefeesei • nie-intet41*---town Moreton -Weller efriion Steet *eat tint up. Chris recognised 'hit% with a thrill, of eagerpIMaUre *Tett need istit* be afraid." , she saki. "toll • eati spesk.4nite freeUr. now iVeseteSneekt" "V QU00t srid responded hirtr 1 orefAhho bnt bit"etot The.dlot t wi ndeedee-- n tingetilte this We het at Wolfe's, Mar tittle has tem* now 1 behind the emcee 1 VI upc et. yo "DtPreeaton. of *twits and a e .elliestion too exert's& atter food. Alsit °. s" sleep every -night. • What's the morbid craving for seven to eight hour ' little weer' AI it,' Chris ism bed. And bis lie:driitattf; deyee at ,Sestriebele Sands, Royal Ilotel, to .rtteliPerete.after their liter- ary letiOni.!" — "The air Itere being so ',poor and ' arint**..Littimer ea. ;id, cYrii0.3I7 rt - "iTow elever u admiringly. I LattklutrVe etet piorudor whatMrs. einglegett with the litod. • Ohn Smlth, are would call three' iled*Into one. We .tttacut �f AC•- Ativetile le e obleined by t idnety-LtVer . ed an• d invigorated t na*chinry ot digetion se fect working, order. • 111*.tray, • oet;. * keind 't1 to .411ctit:,4 " oT t •all tepecities 1 tide ,of.'Weether. eerv e0.144.,Itheti. e fond,. he,rallof ed jt, 01 frig tS0e4..01,,hu„xlviii„ity, end here 404'n4 newnnu tiKvalf,Iftng ,Spet4Men. the he "Iwo talked together till 164 ' star tete. dark,- - andeltaerliree-ine e eyel t eIte might have hetet pr to li But with-that-prettr gig b_e_tea,n;* eyes, r .Shotildn't 'life to ,tto, anything harsh. Up till now, 1 have always Pictured the tYPieel 00Itated beenn, AA A. man. 110116,"" Was Utterly do, voi'd of feelings of any kind." • , Dinner • proceeded quietly ..entiugh, Chriii having • fVe8. 19,e-bittd1F-.. any- thing else beyond the couple in: 'tins, irintio0e7. r000 Preoe.ntl$, with e gesPand ilicstl A Ai aret-ot. mwsteretromethe-etable, luck"at Its or1ln, , tillivr-0114 ty; ' o More oniversal,;.• stays the Chicago chronie Illitee *Plea horses boon to, wear sh'ces theser•erescouts ,of leen- /fete-been accounted 'lucky.' emblems ot all peoples, races and. nations that lieve-beeneitequainted-wIthetheir « • OA en 'ton o ..tor,..instenceti...ealtthelt •,bittertastc,flavor.,vtnaIl11itin tip ,s lrE*-01;tha-6p111:.-110{5:51b00017u007 '''-'11mbajec; tuetal1171°. useeiclutiresed* '1Sich flavor 4" of tb clese.rilemblance In' ehefle he- a good starter, but it too much Whey ..tween them and the embed body of is retaleed. the (loft, May be sew. the *toed snake, Ifitgandra, 'one of Plaitor'and texture are • quite olOsollr they, principal deities*. . connected, at tittilitit, alead ?do* . Turkish-lidoltaiminidatr for a ' -ising-,e_mr-Ae- information ein---the-subject.:;rta-he- poor texturedand- poor • flavored will tell you that it is became° they cheese. . are in form like s errheent, the sac- The various steps in making cote red • .lein of IsIsten. toga cheese may be ametmarized es A sti dew will explairt Oat at ...tolid*ot„ Use, skimmilk rather, than the Nescafe*, the blood sprinkled up. whole raillc, to avoid lees' W. To mentor directed' lot their ,rituoi ing, add a smell smount of go on the lintel' and dorirpooetet iseccutartteter.P.777its liestitv:ratt:hosuPiedeliboy spOltete.• forum the chief .pointe an arcit; hence., oleviousile, the -value of Arch* Plistr•o od frtuntheetecratiam"h Itthe 'se?. ni a d tie 1 fertill C IA . 0 0 men .P . tt er ,fOr - .ostato crop. Thls gtvai ,auandj af homesthroughoUt 0n- •utr 3rear'rotationW whigh lair '- table ' dainty. ,. st . .titiub . 0 n 11 tl. Ar i 9 , ittuig , Olt 10010 a 411 * iffillitnY Of the producers,' ,e,ould ri u give Mere than ab super chit esceonntt hig crepe of grain. or pottoae. The Of what take e Place in.the proreee..0f snaking this' form et Chicee. It is however„„sikne .of the simplest of -o/r wee rtIrd`I'cortsists Mainly of ' two stancts. teeter and Casein 400, t . 'The letter le one or the two einlcdcompounds. or salts, re- Pet% crop may NI:used lnstead of potatoes it deslied. In enee the clover -Shows a weak growthit would be -Well to apply lime .to the* soil at the Unite the crop is sown, which follows the ploughing under of the clover sodby this method r tin Gooa)tto:ettee0e: 0014 soft texture, being 'neither mushy*. ' ry nor saW4Ust Wee .Suelit" teP. tuns will &Wit:noisily a moisture con- tent 01 70. to 7,4...p,et. . 'rho flavor etiould be that 01 mildly soured rnflk or erelkiPen are. ,tothi Wait Pravan the gtnaothetrhand,i"-ittti'' timintitimi tbst the lue* associated. 'with .-the horseshoe is (WO dim to. the Metal. irrespective of its *baps* ,IPAA being traditionally a. therm 'wherewith to nullify the malevolent :designs of-eyit-spielts-and goblins. - Arc riefiand„ up to comparatively env tirnes hoteseehoes. acidity from the soli. POptirillt NOTES. .A brood hen epolls a fertile egg for table. purposes. •by 'sitting. on it.. ,toe a few houra onlyso collect your rgga _regularly, Vinegar ;dinned in warm, we eggs. 'Brown Shelled are',iti richer 'thstei White once, but those who pre, 'fee tinted Shells sheuld burner*, . their eggs • for,,an hone in strong -J. 'tea Water. • • ; • when the.:rop,ocet price is less than fifteen ter tWeittrilve cents. The egg yield from -ten • or, twelve , • hoes ranging over ,sin acre of grass . . will fer:inore than pay the rent of it. and 010 lavethe- herbage reat tree to your dairy. stock. Fowls' ,much improve thecharacter of the .Stubble land over which they rettgo. 8 giri-opposi -er urn 2 I rPalemr. WA*, d.erk had drooped ..10 not even yet en extinct one.' No ar witch. it used to be ttaid, could enter Itopeelt-As--esete-seriouseee--eitid Chris, "Drink_ ALlit,:le, _v_s_ jatitti_of thin; arteliorsenli. oe0-4isr.v3itajau., better still, tliree prong* Jit that le-- bettrr." **Mid told Ow had no ice, downward. • ti•-theehostselle-nutitawlins-ittitel-/-The-oiten-eefe-thilt-Pertired .,olaintintrt . Grace. _A it_32ninistati..:_.147ti iisfewiet_refer:: _eas virelticzletfiezitixndutic024.? It; _t I tfinAT positiverelief on his face as his daughter smiled At hiin told of a deep* devotion and affection for the 8014411 *dee-. ng vague y whether or not e • inistieke. Lord Littimer obtained our ice, she Mild.. "Pray keep this.Oh, yes. that. -is Lord Lit -timer ,over there. I ant his eecretary." ' Littimer strolled aertYiS himself -end: .inurraurod-hia-cotittottateak:. ;time later. -and Aka taut of them wore outai * together. Rawlins might have been, and_ AMdoubt- stasieareilnishett-seoune drel, but there watt ifo queetien as to his fascinating raattner *ha bi brifliant qualities as a conversations. nutn 'requested Durettan to - Ana hiif single hoof.' ZLIe saint, 'although he at once recognireet his- mall so much pain* during the •operation that....Satieres,--begeotehins• steiAesi This Dunstan did. but .only after he hitd mede the eta one, promise that neither lie nor any 01 hie ledufar etter.` its, his sereatta. would ever tebleste this -inmates of n, house Where a Sar u y 'reo0f). WO cove upon. mud 'y yards itinrrotedwaye, ered,s and.,,,,*.roilght...to.-at-letniPeleature ,eslioreeinueh%41s'•-trodden,‘,.undee,.foot..„... of 90 degOva, and then allowed to Don't forget the importance af dis- itand front. -20-„bto 24 hours at a, ' tribetieg yOtlr- lewle' ever your land temperature of from.`05. 10 70' de'e in small flocks of ot.twensty, or dirtygreeS. The Aipper. portion 01 - this heed, rather' then crowding too many 'should be dieearded and the amount together. needed strained, througtea,in.: , thicleMis---thavt ee oriteir-sieve 0-ti-drough1y mix- 'route on to lay during thetot/owing ed with the, milk, from which cheese autumn and winter, when eggs etre istobe made the nest day. A, por- scarce and dear. * • iloir Away also-lni-tmettin--pr _ . third- --of ,reur 1 'Iti -a-stitrb3r-1or-tt6emtrtnte otTect is stockyoung, . noticed, a new startershould be pre- reed and kill off -your cockerel pared. ' when about tour months. old.s • "Ile-slusuld-be-keet itt a tom- to -WV :101'gret-tirefiee 01 perature of from 70 to 75 degrees feeding young chickens early, late Unttl well curdled, often be 24 hour, :and Often; and dry rood is far better some imea not unto 48 hours. -molt,- such as crusbed - graln. 'ettrtlted-atw*i-ls-Tbrakttrk--tht=-1)Y-hauq e-breatr-sold'enat-se blacizi or b & coed knife. raised gradually reed. up your ,chicitecis for a week, • titee-ittthrrproeeeer—The-whrrshout h - retide_e_learin 15 to 42.itserdit curd, and the latter placed in muslin bags or reeks, to drain. When whey cossets, to from the ,.curd, a -added -4o tetheereta o a .ut.s, petin or fa ,pounia- 9 dreeee., Theizurd he then ,forrnell fete, bane and wrapped in oiled paper, which may be obtainedfroin any, dairy supply house. Par the -fittest quality 'of -Cheese, thick. crearti pre- terabiy bripened-ereeen, Should be add- ettzat-- for one pound •oft cheese, betore the kop e :et a ecp se, r wont *St. eniPi, _het health. then nier 'was 'aeking himself . and Wonder-' ing who the Watt *ally was. .Di birth he' must, helve been a gentl Man, Vittitner dftl riot- doubt for Moment. ; , .111A, theri4, was one soft spot in the an and 1:lutt wet his love for his 1'C -or her rale her had been' •trave)Iing; all over the world tor; resrs; for had deepaired of sering women/10ml. ,llut sher wee--;gradttslise-growing heft it she had not walked' 80 la today ri(ithitig V000114 ilt$88 'fiaPPC11841. AIJ „ire tittle thttt Rawlins wits talk - 4100 Were reSling_tenderiv o ug ter. The hard; Sit-e-ely to, have 'gone keit ;sot them alt ther• o liter a charming end MOS haVe. to gain a potrnd taking an, owice ti1erOft-W1S it oftctt happens. refis kinnY• f -fed .retituiteeettiviipric.$. IfetrAyeepting,iinite4ummef___ elutes% eommand a far better price than. those ot/montha later. VOIRONTAS FIGURES. The Tremendous Activity .01 the World's Itretropelis. Londe* has been reduced to figures io remaileeble manner in, the stem etlea6stbetteeto iseuedeby-th* London Count ery.' vrittriti the.-- opal* le_ la_quentitiesee. from the "po • the halt -pew • traintrat the, out- ' 1 of are NO lawn CAA create so ntueh as spoonful of eerth: neither' tan create the. element* Intett_whieh_. 0 Pr yo e so. ory voitime: ,101r -V1* --ht the worldt-an4,whlit "JAM 41 47". 'itniiiii-41eing-the i.A54* ,...« . 104162 change. where), he teethe* the hard'rouses (e010;;) ,,.,,, ....... ' 61.0,33tt . . ,, earth .rnellow and its Chemical tonsti- Elementary school chil- tuents. *tellable ss plant fowl, or A.,,..„ /72 295 *Aids to it 'Other chemicals to main. ,,,,_"'"*., *..„" ****"* ***"*".* -,„in- -e4,,„ tale,' or to increase, its store of yug ilcee"`"' **; "see* **- tive*"‘ ' eveilable •plant food. Pattlihroketel-.„... 4,70.4.d.. 4#043 Iferein lire the sublimely beaulfiful. .1**1418t8 of *II 4418,16"6.- jaw ht co-operation lit which. Lunate asylum.........- 141.05011 finds himeelf , Joint partner • with Letters deltvered I30,600,000 :14t,.,.creetter; and 11, is ibe realierettott rtiettards delivered of this, vaguely or timely as the Ilewepaperie delivered. .1.3,100moo • 'roe may be, rilaktaetiur istriter. TelfSereins .1iitnifed Itt ... 2$-;214,000 st "good Ureter. ''We may think of iteglider-ot lettere ... 4...4 Cod saying..; "I lend v for Use the Outstanding lottna,....... —sr i and Ter e ant n re e ,), .11 arriages ..... .. b„:... .... ive .you the, . stir _ and, th tttlflliIrie, /*Atha duet to attident the odes Of summer, end..th inters'untipt,nny , tramWey ow. . But these will not Itiv - you: paisalgors ,... „:..,., . - d AMbastador .or tlebinet ' iending ' rate! .leng'period011 plt1eflt'lS ee. Jf ere !While f'hri,..$.0 bed drawn. ris *pert fronvthe otherS, es -quiet and *Ifecontained, iptin Ty A lady. $ txt few. * n't st11.-Alteet-litreed, ,and !slialt;t1tO, earth be ma uritiant.lt :left .the girat vieric le4teed. uica1 ind « rueal 'rendition sh 1 tiae it pro - 10 ite u itoSt of the thinge nan eols,t sestaitt lite. ,Ilow 'llehtI,,v look' otio r bat to toes highmt ouleavoro dimetilt to understand. .. "harrrtony with the tto *Inlet Vitiate 011'47 eentei front whieh to earn,' ,o treekil-ewo epreseRilreiltotedatee- orrepeq, London Globe. At - attest eery itt ne',of "the waits tit eVo' y tr4 .of 'the, platter tits* Ling tost * life.. icholas had given,' ,the thee, the pa1io7e. nrtst bo rebuilt .in 5 veer, and whet *SS naan life togsloftt the. desppit!s-wilit ousand men wire kept At work-. iti h