HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-03-16, Page 4Ly ebncefle
i�n by 44f**,
re * hears that R
aftitelie of a'llutis Embassy
nroPo tino
'belief that gurepatifinis 'Went,
I force. Russia, tor-isk tortt,
ti‘ tbe educatiOnal Clause a four*
•..teen have inforrned the Ptemier
• uteri° Liberals also . have si
Wiled with
their' wish tolhaVe the clause oh aged,. Tn .the complete abeenoe of fuithr Ifl-
or out out altogether. Mani', Petitions . totinoktioo= 7041itor4Y. tit `ditlioalt to
• • • -say whether the pUrsult has slackened
have one to Ottawa from 'Protestant .ne ja_beins 4tanduetat by: iat./ ,
district,* asking for its 'effacetnent, of the Japanese.
*On the other band guebec. Liberal and dyer), Man la Vaiwoble.
ConierVitive• is Solid in its req noutort /irtni event man now
Is valuable Sind the. footsore and dile
. Sr Wilfrad ritOrier to stand by the 'heartened detachments hays been given
bill as it is now Worded hot= -..TAle *Parcel* an hones rest before being set
ti i; It at work. with.-srade end OW
,l'OlitcOkrie Will be is difficult
- • int, the defence* of tba Volt'
n boite uittgb ..tulitit.ver,m,thatat
---Ante:11, ntei. itinitteisrititt lortheir lif
,,. Will beuble to stand. are current that a Wide eastwa
int movement begun before the
battle, anti 18 in progress and on the
Around AboutlTs.• other tilde it is feared that columns are
-_ -moving-north -at- Fakomaa to -take a• -
Clinton: itCallen Graham 'hes pui. position in the Russian .ear.
thased the Mason 'Rouse from .Rol,e. t • ' MOO Wounded Carried Off.
Mason.. the.PProhageiltlee beIng.•=1..4bont a Ge74. Kuropatkln ft1 holds COMMittd.
T15,OOO11fd'Wfl getpess1onM:;y 1•t. An cei-artife'gineral- effilt-- -7."
M; PinI pffnw.,'I,
Aii-daY-fhot-probably he. will not - retire-
ene sUli
eady completed
-gt.lat'd souKeeptnginth*
riming 0010mils Of 41*Panagte.
;Jaffa -
late S. per, I3,1x, (iiked . restore°. " The ttuestion..ot. is success°
beim frbititido_ xuorniao. Tbesmains is undetermined. There are indication*
that the tood supply at Tie Paso is none
were brought nere for burial. too large,inartense-quarititiew *having
forth; . The congregation Of Stbeen burned, at' xtukdrag- amd _moots
to no nis wile" AS•ev:4.« aliti- airs, tave had not:Mktg to eat for two daye.
1001, to A farewell suPper in tbe-.;•Gen. IturoPatkin-now admits that BO.-
• • .slObOO x0901 on Friday eveOlog: IOW' 000 wounded were carried oft, but says
ng the everting Mr.. and Mrs. no 'gins nettling as to how many killed, wound -
Nome presented with a handsome ster.i 04 and prisoners woo ion behind; and
• lin silver tea Service, a parse of gad oain his picture of A little, handful of
• and a beautiful, bouquet of flOwers.• to two officers and 1$0 men of the Tope:.
which the Rev. gentleman*made a fit- rlal ,Bigaa marching oft, led by their
ting rePly. ' ' gallant colonel, clinghnir to their Stand-
• Clinton: One of Clinton's oldest vt. Ard, can be derived some idea of the
ono in the person of Benjamin Wthtt losses sustained by the regiments, 0144
from 'heart failure. He wastound dead explott of the 000 at Balaclava pato
:beside an 'Apple tree. . which he had ...beside' tins. ,
been pruning. The deceased served 15 . The Russian army is so badly trip.
Yeara, on *Intin.of.War in the' Bridal) Pled that offensive operations are .irti-
.--:.-0,,ity.iieing.locatedlitthe-Restinilies- Possible. - - - - , , - -. , ----,---- --,
and Australia. Ile %ate** widow and • I 1 ,
- seven children, all the ' latter being
ntaFtlect .....,-............
i Victory-Floshed • Wises of the Mikado
Change 00°0 Japoniav,Stri4 ilus‘
san m ssies.in London.
London, *rob reports of
peace thine are not cOntirmed at
be Po Ottleer or the Ituselart or
Japanese Embassies.. a-Itialshot OOP
of Opinion Obtains in diPionuttle, oircles.
Where.ie.. retotere, talic_ct._•..propositions
for peace. always have been reinintited.
"OW peace evidently expected. This
•-• =
where It Wen 'Stet
Yesterday that' it was' probable!, how.=
ever. that Emperor-fneitolasiinfitten
by public sentiment, !night consent to
negotiations. The Vinboksv said the
St. Petersburg despatches yesterday
summed up the situatio correctly. It
ivite said at the Embalm that eertsiniY
o „ orter.heen.:AtIt_
Itntirtbe-,-tlxvii,ustritivittgriVwerp' tot
dirict 14:t a neutral Etn..
bass*. • however, tht! opinion 'was e*:.
pressed yesterday that the Ciertnan
goalie/a' would be the ',peacemaker for
• • -
That is a. Precitical AchnlOion of His
- flawing Done Deed.
London, March 14. ---The tern* ains of
Joseph Kennedy, who gommitted tout-
alde in Brantford jail, atter being
eatitenced to ilte, imprisonment and 75
lashee for assaulting little Irene Cole,
Were 'turned over to PIO tOilliOn Medi -
dal authorities, and when the clothing
'of the dead man was itearched yester-
day morning a note written by KertnedY
was found. ,
milady "does 'flet'AefirliiDeing
etnrunitted the Crime but &votes hinf;
eelf to a contredicti6 of 'IMO details
of the evidence given &phut hint. Ile.....,„,,,„
'el:aimed that he did not have a. -chicken '""“".7*"..-
tmst her
death In".. (mar- but admits
he made It purchase Of a' tbIthen the
He eaYaralso that it is•untrue that be
- it4AVIrradetati-61- -11.'''Owili=4.
• '''' ' Ansa -emir. -
by '4 o'clock in , the afternoon," ,
lows," and that it was there he secured W, Ilurnble Is recovering from his'
ie. -poultry -4414w day the girl met hpr, recent, illness. -Miss Colvin. of Tees.
death* „Ife says_ further that he hail water,Ji _ ;ifi-lifilliner-a- tr-0-_, J._,_
ttildes,„allhe time of thi-Jirst Joreit-hkdigk's-dgelhirthe * a 0, nue aim
that he was charged with tiii-murtlei of-Striflat tit, vii.ilrfitic
f rtn'eoferthe--pcdke-of--)3ntntf
leadio •jihrt to believe that ho......w
South_ Ranges:1)10y Co., N. S., ',Savember Up&
want to tell ,yoU that Royal lionsehold Itiour is
used in all my lift, and the only kind will
long as 1 can- get it.r. , •
(Signa) 1R8. ALE. PORTER.
h WpU i even •
The Shorthand System
•taught is that used bY.afl
Best ii_Ystirnli of `.
'cooping, reurnanthip,M
metal, at c. thorolighly
•, taugift,
, Situationeguanulteed.
tO,Stvary Uniduste. •
Oa:4*mm 1114L-
OghlERAL **WINO 81,111513SS IlitANS*CielM., • •
ruler's Sale Notes Cashed or collected., Forms sumilled on application;
DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion; Great' Britain and. United
tee *melt and told at lowest rates of Exchange.
AllittANOES. niade, to Farmers,. Stock Dealers and Business • Men at
owest rates and on most favorable terms.
DEPOSIT Receipts toned •"ind 'highest current rete cifinterest allowed
ponei"siaitsreitleasil, esuPow'44ifidsvariteat.11.ptd.rIneipIsintegitesunte c3etfmh.
-Bank Departnie t.
e or the aniinien GoVernmferit.-
▪ .aitLiga, D. 10114.50, Manager.
toondon; march -ft..-Ituserans who
ve reached Tie Pass, Worn out from
has been protested on the tzsuti imt .e44,41axtbateer'aiThreaedylatirrirtocare. !ant Isoire;
'Charges. This with South Renfrew turning movement, which will force
Makes ninerotests irtall. The others the .Thooans on to the plain* north of
are: San-it-St:Ilex-4e; -So-tith-Oritatio."-- Tiro pasn. whcre, In-tin-ewasoreaffized
• North Norfolk, Kingston, Rain !Rivei'etatei,they*woolkbe .eutay, .‘preyfor_thel,
/Ind -PertArtiorrrAtoutizt-No and': WcteidAirslie4Lifildiersi..nt..timiutikado.
- --" 7- -The mon who escaped are strengthen -
IO fortifications in tie Rasa but
' us_,Iagear:poasthlethaLth. pas
rilang twlifalort-rw •
"Iiratitforit not like y that °yams win rest sat-
of criminal assault on Irene pole dm snit, maorany
and Senteneed-tO life impritionnient "
---Vritt15-1rtsbevrtortiniatta-kiiTciff4t In
birnse f with a glee •Net Hi If n
• Kennedy was watehed all night ,
•Extricated - -LI- H.
the jnikr. This morning betwelm -1141.111 1-4)"000*----
St.- _
and 8 o'clock his watcher went to get Petershur.g,Niarch 14. --Emperor
his breakfast, and whilegone Kennedy Nich°101 1187" lortiOloned virtir Council
procuredsbeet and banged hirotwit for to -day, at which Abe whole situ -
To the bars- of his cell. - The jailer wt ation willb° Smoldered.* tittle infor-
-gone but shritttitnei but when he atoikw-NA--wa*v0vidionfodiit-the-War-Of.-
doe yesterday. Gen; -Olevitehis 'arm*,
' Kennedy's-.idtheitur, htlts.-antor-eronlr.)wafteriitt-
totbned.7 *se s. trot acquitted Contused. got at with th feWest low*.
.of the irturder Of ale* Irene Cole. Italtithir: r airi:onithelr s Iii thler Ihstiwinfur‘
but was, y'esterclaY oert 0e4 life of the Japanese.. Vault*** hileWif
Imprisonment for bastingcarnal,know- „lath the remota of, bis army , it
' led o ehsd
Given e - '
think I` hav
w escape. Vinton the- Japanese-
etA enn geratroll
•• n imfairlyal° e lit ' deer he just managed. to pull
' . •
oleer stat-the-titr
Mein , stithesmei- and then-„ ' ' tont- Iiivertherawingeoutheteriuid -Into-
Inet41:14 eil-mti'etrot vIrel-"112-1,-ctl.41Tele' tittle_ onuthe Illi*Alnzurotlaillkt.atigt,eobStirulnnbe 0.11i tivirrithS0, _10.*:iferiii:
over an hour. .......,-./ alreedY at the Hun River, bombarding
• Iteopodt .4111 .matOt414ted the, .14)* 112 rem. According to- the lateat 414-
peosavei of ohm/item , t - , *Imo, tutu ,..1,,....,_, „..,_ ,_,_ _ _„,
in ponouncing Sentence the. j sties/ and zuli _ fl ii,:auct7474:5d, PlIgni_r_p_.
remarked that he was tharettigh in binateif li • ,the moutitirottreiolinol:Ing.
accord with the verdiet Of the niy. meyendorm tornmende, of tuo itinkt
And In his OpittiOit thet-nlitze lolootilleo- ,,AM -y- ,Cprimit_w,Igoittaid, itt, ithiL
- -----oty-fras-tsmerteetatrongser----iincie-tOr-shOidifer . "- -- •
- ofteuffettftigq,,t:ipoolety.
'One C
Pectoral a bcddmc
alight h
• a IO , lett* War&
Tit14Air• following 1 wino.. „
have :advaneed north
'pursulng the enemy In *II .diteetione
and In ' ' '
, , deeated the . . tolydani**10:6. , anattettititrt,
Ouitrittosi.. ' •
Their Itusolies.
completely Oared
of eiltstriscunteaotS ,itti*teltees
r ..
ill Rus*2ana'
tor:441 '
t tritt •10t.13
t titt* talt4
,Iiie '',ASItter
Tors if the 162nitt * '
of thetttilortt.toit•
. , •
Coripined to 4110 Homo for Weeks,
irassyry work write strairdnic and .evit'hibita in youth brnught
• on a doubis varteetele. ' "Wben 1 wetted bard- tits dieting would.
„week at a. time.
ound out
uggie Graham has
in London flarlton, of Claude.
hes eidepted
LT.„.eflOIACEEW:REQUEST------earterto•znsistitirairrliir blackunitir7r,
Hon. Jsont.if h- 210. j reawartio has Xs
t$ °use an proper ffert).
ation--.8occesition Duties increases ?obi/Iwo:1. Mr. alvvaras. we beuere.
tivi Committee of the Ontario Pratt sprin McNeil, who has been
Growers' Association asked the Minis.
ter of Agriculture yester ay afternson -.While walking up street • the other
for a grant to ,aid in establishing a evening, Chao...4100'1er ,s1?jiped on
system of' to -operation In tacking and sonie Ice, fend Sprainli4I'hri,..
shipping fruit, four tie* power new visa obliged tO lay off work: and isnow
Ing 'machkies and the appointment * of
an'eitlireit to assist packers and shill -I
pers. Ron. Mt. Itatitelth promised
'The succession dittlee tot 'the peat
two months .amounted to $.177,000, an
increase of 4120,000 over the corrett-
ponding period last yettr.
Beats Proteited.
Toronto, March7f1...,..Dud ey o mos
litts. protested the " election of IL 0.
„eanierAtin 1 WeSt. trutak., 7.ablitlt;' 11.
Latchford, ...attorney -General, has en-
tered it, protest' *Reknit the election of
T.liticaarry in "South Renfrew. .This
Mahan/ a total at eight protege, the
others liehrg Port Arthur. Kingston,
North and SoUth Norfolk. t4Outh On*
farie.• and Sault Ste. Merle. The pstl-
tfoners against the election at C. !frt.
lintith- of the Soo ate ,Thoniat johnsaft;
,contractark, Alex. Hand, merchant, and
,Edger 411.4“.eivre, lnoket. The gentlemen
who protest against the *aura of
Charles ('alder in South*Marl* ire
,flobert Myers, David 1. Pugh and 8,41M,*
its** 13111.Agilrost Mis. Dee.
Oodstook., iv/arch 14. -....At the Astillte
,Vourt here yerley ,atterrtoon the
Grand Jury returned a trite MU egettlat
ItTrs Willlani tiee; an a charge of mut*,
do.ting,her itsteband Ittat 0-etttiter. Th
mit eotionueil before ,zusti
Valcoohtidge this Morning. It, Is allogett
that Nike. Oise' poisoned her huStand....
171141att6f ORd suddenly ininiediateTi
after'lits broichist on Motid*Y. Oct:21
'Poison' Wasiteurid in his ttOrntotetti
b-lare the itiont4f hls wite was
ft is cieliiiedr that, the eon
trtquently quarrelled. floth are about
35 eArs;.ot
ht barLtcr and
fulling a few; days in Walkrton.
John 0. ennui son of Dr,r-ffon
thiii irejy"tho toe been for the la
yeir On the-Iii,SYTUM-Stalr-nt 'LW -ad -oh,
has resigned his position and for this '
next three Months Will ,take charge of
Areek'S practice at Port. Rowan,
,Ont.,;- during the lattees .obeeince in'
Europe.-•Itt hasrecently transpired
that one esteemed ,fellow citizen. Mr...
miter 011ifesch-as-detided o'
a permanent resident of Minato') "inet
*hit tanntlier•
withdeant'al of S.:Gilifea & $1,00
hastiness '° Alba Craig, adecision,
will fill With rivet, the bosoms of
residents of North Middlesex. 'rive-Ten:pis tin Ilan
rntintlfterr1Olt.".4..mtiot enjo 6t Ct*eil a'Still
evening was *pentitt tbit home of AzolOtiebort Of Pet:Mies.,
and Mrs,. J. McNeil on. Friday, When
sliout sevantr .,of the rueMi)elis and
'congregation -,of .the Itiptitit church
sseembled to oho*, their appreciation
of the service* rendered by' Xis.
cNeil orkatiist cif the rhurch
Stinday'eeiti41 for the laat sit
The,eretat *as a complete surpsrise to
tea McNeil, but she '
ierals in a., MOSt. Mat
ilue were sung by Miaow Brevror and
• , after which Mies Utile:it was
1led forwardr-and--al "
address hy Rew. 'Mr. 'Spidell,
Brawri i*esented hrr .with vt,
atth. (13 tin mai brooch pin. lna
she'tbotilted her tootir fti
hektnilY Worded tiedr,
hundnins' tit4ii*ittt4t, *hien t.,'•ier
,it& of /toe
qIrttt_,11(5 the q*,
ions tot,* it
•why I Was oft wpric se' much and 1 told bins tny e•endlttort. He
1,sl1c1ted_ro4 con* tilt,_re Kennedy and Iftrip.*as be bad
Skillful: 'Ha Wr640 there and got tbe 'New ethod Treat-
eflt tor auk Sty progress *as sotnewitat slow and; during Oa
,L-eantinned-treatatent.-fo wree-nosattwistusiar=aad-Avaa-sowarde
'With eel:Inlet* cure. 4 could °WY earn: SP a week Ia.* Snaehtne
before -treatment, now 1 ant earning Sn' and never loo *
7"1-1,IterlangerrergrrilleirtcritnVerilittWer-treltrfrent-----' -
- ,
'Moor) roisONS are tint nosi er***teef and moss kserteou4 diseases, .They sap
fl'- e-tr.s-vicust.s.r.4-23,Diets....f.xkurery....emuclety, f I h., it„of
yet tome 0r1Ous eomplizstlom Dewar* of isierenry. It only suppresses this
a$11111(640.134:171Orylkarrous3111":1)1761)LatotEloli.14.7tZlEirst="1,,-.1111vneirrueduelkesnt altatilsbrir is?eareaueeLftltevset bservse broken
......-............- d tO batoriVrrz•uVEtvimeryzuift --r"sheari Mir
daalkee signals?
16eale 12f4foli 14.1)334741oAt 11
REA .. a vm? 4Tara %lit hone Are reu jeweller'
11? -11s$ Your blood, n diseased? nava ,YoU any Weak,
-allsattnient van IOW* Otii. --, What It VW •'*, *-11:Fr-iltbers'
ifiti, Slyttrraltr FOTS„:43411atazzionstiter • wilint trisAtot otslt
xUflDs of lien. , VD :
SISPaileaSsisaxall WITUVUTICTortsbssilinzMENe 4:141taki"t101•1447.' 074011011"r*t 11111426°
COO et U'INItt**At ts .. ,
s •,'
lin-001801On nnde the l'ithitney opverntinnit
penisliturph) of Ottawa, and Jacob_ ,
11 , 4
"11 tiv H.ti4
di purl