HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-03-16, Page 24plif004
,e • ,e"
•11.1304 Se& Bood—
oo; 4149:4 Means Weals, L
fl4Vatat Const#optofl.
drop bloed in the tteelst,
That -
11 u
'0 141
gpy tlic.iue docsrthis•
en ,:04-014141114210,,
•uo.,tys:-"My hter1• * y0ng
W bent eeveriteelt, year** old, NO-
• thing_ W-0 did- for her Seeinied-16---
unY geed. . and we feared We•-
' guitte-into consumption. Often ot ter
•stbad *night 1 would Set up early to
*07 'blood • ur ng e
eight:, 4 friend etroegly urged gl.e_
Ike give her Dr. Pink, PIM,
• land within ,a Month from the *time
-*hi had 'begun their IMO, tale had at -
Won recovered her health. tinder
! the nOlithtued Use Of the Pills she
Is now well and strong." •
1,4) Dr, VirilliaMe Iink. Pills not. only
•`,.; ifnake weak lungs strong, but they
ticure:-all troubles arising from a
• Veer or deficient bleed supply* such
ne'urragto, 'general weiknese.
. and blie
• aches, kidney •troubles, palpitation
or the heartand theepeeist --tweet--
ailment** of young girls and WoMen.
insist upon the genuine with the full
Vale People"' on the wrapper around
eaeh box. Sold by mediCine
- -ers-everywhere, or- by-maWat
by -writing The -Dr. Ittsdieine
loather -,-"See that spidermy boy.
• *pinning -his- web? -4,13 -it --not- wonder-
ful? Do you reflect; that, try as he
=AY, no In. Could spin that...web?"
Johnnie -"What of it? See Me spin
this top. -430--you reflect thattr.:if
as he may no spider could spin this
"I would advise mothere to stop
ous .castor oil at4 800t11411! attlfra*
$$ $
1Y. h
JURd1 of
the sub
de of
, c One .
-to cO-
"groat. ettileaVerto
elenee. of-Ilngirand on
be Earl of Chiches-
ter, Vicar ,of Great Yespuititli„ Who
wrote that rweeli-ends havei .Much
to-r-dr-st eith the 'ftnirthwir-th
eat** work imposed upon servant**
On Sunday is 'terrible.' :1
"Our 'Sundays," added
cheater, "are now much Worse then
the continental Sunday. because our
Pimple- do not get iip-Jor early
vice.,"- • ,
"No language." Mr. G, P. Cham-
ber:I- told the conference. "can be too
strong to denounce the dukes and
duchesses, earls and countesses. who
iards.1._ ling to do all the. week,
11 t 0.11. spending Sunday in
iig and--nialthig tit '-
nts work.'"
• —
R. I
a ote
by (OO bo 100
tMt n that, ho
wouldpass for ten keit
Younge_4r. __ • •
1-40-71-kinip young, 00 .
the Postinaliter eays, ,0:4•Weii at-
tribute it largelY • to tull ;0004 heatn
and iny health is mafnly duo to tho
"I first learned the valtiti thils
XidUer ReetedY Polite year ago. 11
ease. Ttiy zieea and leg! switlefiYed-Vanilifrd
I had to rift eight or ten times in
• night- because of --urinary`-troni.
ides. Six •boxes of Podd's Itidney
Pills restored my health at that tint*
sainntiot httve used . them at intervale
"To anyone afflicted ,witli Kidney
Trouble I say slaticitra Iatiney. Fiflw
are cal right. _ Try them-tind you
It 13 nOt gencirally known that
many, of the hendsome stionnee hetet
mrettr#40--ther-1adies ----ot-thiti counter_
le*LL Uia- finest c*AITAPIes Pg. this
industry are produced in Japan.
•these wooden ribbons appearing in
many forms, sotne of which have al-
most the delicacy and sheen of satin,
while-others-resetuble soft and dainty
crepes. Oily about 15 .per cent. of
• the chip, Is exportpd• in the form of
•wood ribbons, etz ranainder, being
worked into what is comntercially
known -yes chip braid, and which-is-
emPloyed in the same, manner is
straw Wald. that is, for hats, bas-
ketry and other fancy artieles. •
The export it init single year front
Japan have amounted to over Kritk-
e -is steadily inereas-
, math it caredantly growing de-,
--the- 4
tivelr new While wino* is consid-
erably used in Germany. the' Japan-
ese reandacturers employ European
• -ePrieze. _ Chinese eVPreffs.
thembirckere,._ paulottitt,- Ws-0AI
an use on y a• a Own Tablets."
•TWA is the adVice of Mr*. Joseph
-E Hurley, • Of,Wortititigton.Ont
who has proVed the, Tablets the best
medicine in the world tor the trou-
bles that afflict young Childree.
Etetrley adds: -"My little one hail
sinee she .*.sAwitt_rtiontbs,-old, and
— -they have kept her the Picture of
d health; Thwer_TabletaL 2ar
t0-7- fEITTWn-iii every age, and
, /speedily cure' ell, stimiach and bowel
troublesbreak up coldsprevent
creup, expel. worms and allay the
irritation of • teething. • And you
have• a solemn guafautco that that*
is not a particle of opiate or burin-
-Ail -drug in Able meditineu. Solid
all dealers or sent by mail at 25
Petits it heir by writing The 1)r. Wil-
,liatria edichte- Co..- -Brockville. tint.
"""- • p.a."; '
I:RAND !Hilt
• 04,6,.1.
"" 0013,tti. Colored*
Springs, Denver Helena,
- Mitt*, Ment., Oliden, Salt
wetland. S. C., Spokane,
Wash., Portland, fie-
*Atte• Wash., Vaneetrnir,
Ov.,, Sen.ltranchicei,-.0er.
Rates 34026 to $44.00
TiCkete on sale March let to
May 15t1i.
• AGENTS, II.. .3 Ot t
Ntstre1t--sttch-A Alt4)g • occurs
again. Marie. 1 shall have to get.
another servant." Maric--"I wish
you , would. ,ma'atn; there's quite
enough work for two of us!"
• .1 V
ory and some either kinds of wood.
The chip is produced by planing with
tho- 65/1,V Oga
about fifteen inches long, and one
and & bit inwidth. The leading
• orrn.--nre-7,--,knovart as crepe. thin
crepe, striped ,r,,,repe, • scaly crepe,
•crimped crepe, netWork crepe, relief
4gures, pushed, undulated. ect. The
product takes_dyee--readilet.„. and ie
so thin and flexible that daintiest ef-
• fects in millinery goods can be se-
If a man lases all his money he al -
no manage* to lose. nearly, all his
Na 01
*"4-Erur Orr eire-HoW• you -etiti
like work. To, me it"a real • enjoy-
ment," - saki the father' to his lary
son. "Yes, •tether," was the guile-
less r 1,,esPone.i.r".•_!'but I don't want tb
shro -myself
-lig wholly to -pleasure.",
• _
Many putout medicines haw C�iiiu• ti.nd
gpim but • Blekle's Anti-Consuoiptive.
oyrup continues `to .occupy ft foremost,
ifitteit among remedlits - for CoUghs and.
LT/74V aortaovvde
that witSens its Athens ot uscfulness
year by year. If you, are in neNi of
something to rid - ourself of a cough
or cold. You annot do better than try
Dickies Syrup.
. ott44.6666....6
-.131anch-"Engaged? Why, he is con -
-33 s 4- • !
•"Yes, but he doesn't know' it.'
money ,lotity. It • is the pailicidar
:function di the kidney* to Alter • mit
poisons wyjeli„uns_s through them into
the •blood. *hen the -kidneys are •
eased they, cannot do their what duty.
rem'. ..e-711-iii-xvi'llant,..itelp_and-sttength
hat South "American Kidney Ours will
afford in any and all forms of Milne'
disorder. iv renteres 11--hwts.--14
- Commanding --ollicern-have -beert:it
ed by the War Office to note -traits
or defeets-subh--as shortness of tem.,
per, weakm.fil of charsicter--among
subordinate ,oflieers„ and iii-drention
them in report/3. ,
• Coffee Plays on gams.
-• criiiiing up the coest of Labrador,
-veltipg-pattto-the 5_ettinensettlarne
and had' finally puki *t it fax'
northern native vales°. Metny of
the people hastened to go on hoard,
- encased and "bundled-vp'in fur's
that , the sailors could, hardly WI
One /min, another.. 0134,0t -the -Mmt.--
• ber, it yotutg. nine, sat about with
ouch it depressed air that, thaAtaliort
began to speculate on the cause.
They fill agreed that he was the
racist disconsolate.looking.„indirldnal
weridered-What the inatter *aa. rosteh
• wrong. •They found out the Sad
wtory from trader who Visited
thein -A Mitt Who could".„spotik the,
11atiVe.,41ateet.,, - - •
"110,1,'.' field the tiiptairt to this
trader "there:a it fellow sitting over
*he iit the ft* of the, rail who is
he sorrowfullt-looking human be
trig ,rve ever seen. We alr*ant .to
Pied out, will vouto*,"-
The trader wee obliging, and for
half 'hour he labtered bahli eta.
forth, 'with the native:, and oreasion7,
Ittnited,- iiiid-rineeT ti*
be laughed. -At tent The came back
to um.
It tulle it story," he said. "The-
..,young,inan,wasttirtriovesoritir--s. b
It hardly pays to -laugh before
times heinillating_ to think of after -
"When' was a young itri / was
a lover. of coins,, but was sick • riot
=tat tha „doctor told TOO to quit,
and I did, -hut after my marriage
lity-husbaitbegged tee to it
&gen, tut ho did not. think it nous
the coffee caused the trouble*.
Sty trOtinfienfed /t again -and
continued about six Wraiths until
my stomach commenced acting bad
and choking' as it had swallowed
Sortiethirig-the'tite of an egg. one
AcrAur es it was neuralgia and
nditresti —
"One. day I took' & drive with my
littsberel thrpet miles in the -country,
end. I drank a cup of coffee for din.
/` thought suri3-I would die
before I got bitek to town to A doc-
tor. / was ifteica double in the bug-
gy, and when. my husbattd hitched
the her** to getmeea into the
doctors offices •rni.'101, Jelitne tIP 13
ItiyllitiAritittrifeelinett to shut . my
breath off entirely, then loft till in *
Nish and -Went to my lx -art. The
toeto'r pronounced it nervous heart
trotible„strid.wheit I *got boll& was
so Weak I tottldnot sit up.
"Atir ,litratootd hriiiight :tux pper
to my hedelde, with a nice cup of
ot coffee. but ,setid:' 'Takefftiat
8044; dear,- I Wirt never
titer cup 'of tOftee it yob gave fn
ver iiing;$011 are Arorth, for xt. I
net killing inc.' '' Ire and the ,other
At mcited sad;
Idea or .6-itreif
I s .1
-0. Ittertimps ze
Xoreoa ft
cured of rheumatism atter ilve years
The ebove *filets can be verified by
writin to him, to the Parisi Pei
AftUS VOR ' $A1100-*DeoP *0.11
---prairle-wheat fame in the York -
°I1 t1htrIct netir--teWita
Write me to -day for the tut est perticte
Jame Armstrong.' 4 Richmond
Etiet. Terente. •_
surrounding country.- ---Ithe cot •of
this _project is estimated it three'
• and a half crores of rupees. but ow -
Jug t8 the exte.nt_ef P.PnittrY_ it
will be_abletQjsatLjt
pit -red -Chat the scheme, *ill he' -*
_The_ sev-enty4irst etetuat-xneetiug-ot
the sharehOlders-of-the-Britislr--Am
erica Assurance Company was held
at the offices of the comPanY-
Monday last. the President, Hon.
Geo. A. Cox, presiding. The state-
ment presented Showed that the
premium .incoinit for 1904 had been
larger than thatof any pret-ous
year in the company's history. In
common with 'other fire insurance
companies thecOritioh.. America suf-
• . . . 4 1 3 6 3
timer° and Toronto, but the action
of the shareholders in writing off a
pot tion . of the tuipital after these
disitsters and subscribing •for new
capital to the anionnt or. 1:154_17000;
coupled with the fel:Tor/1W experi
mice during the latter mouths of the
parry -In a stronger finaneinl
tio5 than • it occupied e, a year -ago:
The , heouritr-WliTeY it offers its
policyholders is, as shn in the •fln-
other column, $1,874.042,05. 1,
board of direptors were urtartimous-
ly re-elected, and at a suhsequent
meeting Hon. Geo. A. Cox was re-
elected President tied Mr. J. J.
m 11
cial ;realities and real merits have
made -them so populer with the pub-
lic, and increased _from yeer ta Amt.
'etr. ..tvhieit, • whilst pos.
Mont retrial—
roperties, are yet soAtypie in their
but hot. father* Was tAtit against the
Inarringe. In that situation it iti ft
tOrenton practice mend here to steal
• the girl. Most all merriages, here
-teatkatt'..atreLNP$-.attd atiduttion of the
tirtde, and so '''thtstyttuog-S1104‘,..,
pared to run orl with his
heart, no Inatter whether her
*tlii SA' 110t,
• -"Ile get an outtit 'of dogs
sled4s0Which Cost. 'him °MI deal. of
°Montro And 00e, flight; 'vent .to
• 'et. "hut and crept hi; I-116
t 15,01,04, awl tied her
; 'rota -until- and iitir-tdrit
leokott :like. et 'bag of rt**1. Tht'n he
r on to the aletio and rejni&
la lnittfia*, &OE! alt .'fitelrt`
trors--her ° •
hfAt dOlight came" bit. Moppd
!taro* tiba--outtett the 0
WI lute* train h.* hie* And thc
Tr* #4,110 sad part of -tber eery,.
Met t at that !se- hit
n I,
day MY1 hus.
'buy a bOX oi
o ti hick he home. And
de it for dinner,. and We • both
"ht.,:ftest„ - el. hitt- Sett*
thought ' .and they
w. la
got orlon
d as ever did in m 10
- atoriuiei* trottble..
all to rostUnt
A. COTE, Merchant.
May--"Ilave the, Newlyriches got
quite -settled 14 -thele new rnansionl."
lad,yse-,"Oh, rest They've got alt
heit...,anclstors_ „hung,,Zescopt •a;:ofei •
who were hanged ott.•earthi"
• •
A Tin* for Everythinz.-The time fa
Pr. Thorns*" Ecleetrk when
trOOpY altn/1401/1,0 appear .in the child-
ren; whin rheumatic :pains beset. UM
.01.dt Whatt-lituthago.„-futtimiar-cMighil
colds, catarrh or earache MAMA- either
Yuen* or old; when burns, scalds, -*bred-
totitheititie • Or, -sprains to
w .
-to-ittember of the tawny. -In any of
the41s ailments it will give relief and
Work & tufa
s 3
u nme no, preps. by orth-
ro & Lyman of Toronto. Thia
•art ereW" ro
Phate of aulnine, combined with tine
Sherry Wine. end choice aromatics,
which relieves the Quinine of its
ter taste. end Hoes not Impair in the
feast dexree the ,eflIcaest- of its action
irtaUPOnuen' ttjhe, :practoottientted; whistles:el:tut:11_11 dolesbe,
ilulse, increase muscular force, and
invigorates the tone of the nervous
Mr tied .thee, by the generaft
vigtit---whielrit-fertparts-, creates- an
system, and thus. by tie -genera
toyortemnatt-garnitterfttanan intod-itioartu
s diseases.
Ask for Nortfirop Lytton*, tt0.,
Witte, Sold by all druggists..
Mr, Wilklns friiet cda7,-Triert
Peters In the Street. ceitailoa1" bo
said, cheerily. "Where hoe Yoti
been lately?" "Servincol
said Peters.. "Will; -1, :can sympathize
with you," said Nrio,
must - hetet been it -good-deal or "-eir,
bort., Isn't Lt cutiottai---by the wari,
thitt they alivays seem to want,
noraninaes 110 nowadays? ,They
never • take anybody 040r...that. ,,of,
c&urse, tuella as it general thing --
tor Ilit* do .otitte- in A. -while get a,.
plan of intelligente-Vm not 'speak.
Ing of you courite-1 don't knot"
whethervriot6, 445 rteo,:i tt no r ri ti not -but --but
wit ci t utt t 04:11 rej.t
t:arryitig. Where did you get it?"
ade \or, atizt over show
up until vet. have nothing with *hie
to amooth it 'down; .
Yob Can never tell *hat is itt
man or it cigar Until yOU, try then*.
An oine�i1get-Up•mititi-git ts het.
et. thin * •poutie of that, "tired feel.
g.., „
FOtL O'Veit
Nin*10*#*. tlenthing 8yrnu has
be. ,Mfed by million* of mothers for
their thiklren While teething. It soatinis
1 the, thild. Settees the .gurns, unto. pelt,
cute* windcoue, regtilatee the stomach
lied bowel/Jo and Is remdy efer-
rtiarrhoeit. Teerity-five tents abottle,.
Sold by_, ,dtaggisis • thtough*tit the
Siire.. and atilt; for "lira
tieetatogrtisyrup.• • 22.44
• -ton the Ttingst'llfada -ItitOr, 1104r
• -Ntreine ,Weeterri
en beg*); on it tremendous
-"ilaur, ThIi rta1s even the, teteuttY
constructed Autumn doen ou the
Nile, Tbo soureeS of the I'unga Dat -
d, are 13
the; westelin ghats, tei the;
rho" -
/Our bemired milee to
ot thiSTrroiet
6 on tit. itdant 'neatly, 44101
reservoir appro?l-
ntcly tines in length iland roY-
-rMK an
• " Of ono hundred ir
re mate. BY moans Of Oft
two hundred .billititt4,
bent t13ie
Ity of the ttati,
„ „
_ AktIlitt11.
United St&tea Government
and State Bonds $1.37.304 00
Municipal Bonds , 642,934 72
Loan ,Sevinge Com-
pany Ronde and Stocks 201.056 130
Toronto Bonds
.1-sight 282'5." °°
Other Stoolos u;iii 60#904,
• 00.'s Ronde . • .. „ • 20.200.04
Real Estate-- Pornpany,
Office Purni1.4,ie, • • 21.514 33
Building 14.0,000- 00
Agents* Raleates
48.350 se*
13iile•Ilecei;ihko .. 8.1396 00
Interest .000 anti .Cei;;;14z 10.947 45
.013,678 59
animal Stock
subscribed .:4800.000 '00
LOSS Call* 1,11
tennis or PaY
went 1• 4.003 09.,
* $835.896 In
Losses under Adjustment 103.505 1.11
Dividend Ise, 1221 payable
,..lanuary •Intt. 1U05 20.0,44 2Q
Reserve "Ind • 4 024 042 05
.12.043.678 .59'
Capital --13 AMMO
Reserve Fund- 1110 4,0421'95
---tiOrtOrititonsTWErs eintekti jeer -77-
• . .
• ?ION. GEM A. VOX, President.
Vrce-PresIdent anti-...parteDWctj - •
-Atietifittia litrefiTrIan. STC,713116W4Tifiiirtas Long, Bo1iift Jaffrey,
John Hoakin C C, LL 1) Lieut. -Col. 33. M. Pellatt, E W. Cox.
OFFICES tor, front and Scott P 11.- SIMS,
Strode, Toronto anti . Secretary.
'rho hattleship, K1og. ladward
hi the mcutt powerful warship 'afloat.
When she was undergoing armament
trials. the recoil of' the guns:buckled
loovietit Y-7„: (Wit* Head) Diehrfecte
entSoitp PoWder le a; boon to -any
-ItAisintecti Aand-44 '
the Isom. t1m .
A German scientist has :invented an
61se for big .gtuta. •
therliaueneen 1ndIge$tlfl
aud kindred ailments, take, imge,„„,
foie the -healing qualltlee of Sonth
American ilitivine, Thomas Ireakine.
�f DUrharn, Ont.. too* his preather's
advice. followed directions and •Yitalt
cured permanently of the worst fort:.
of Isiervous Prostratiat • and Dyspepsia.
Ile has recommended -it to ‘,0thers wltb
• u1lder.-342
In, the Japan ese Navy night signal.
tired lights and the tiered system.
ainktra: uns
, ttotostos66•64,66t
lOrchate is rant asitliberheea Is
shevias hit approdstien of cash bed*
41)40114,41 rree,. thes• women
0 you do • not hop* this Stereliset., *it*
. as as4 we irilLeeko 4.401ronwhetsis,
thatfetwavd-yesieksnd,oieewtiven1r MOM
raise eanestsitoratetinfse., 14d1
Toeohrro,, astiana.
0 malt boat Kaiser Wilbelm U.
. 4111M1141-411111111,111041aralrirtiallt
• 11hours and 58 1:04111
ol fRha . way.. that, man looked
at yAU- --was -j1otUsly Atitetitingt"
lictgave one -glance, ' and _
-theiCrobk-ed-at liiiiniithrnir
C laftt
acts directly .end qukkly, stimulates the
heart'. action, stops most acute petit,
dispels all signs of weakness, fluttering,
flittiaug, arnothering„- or •**vitiate -It.
wondetful ewe-. ift-ttit"
Which terrier" the titart.isick .pattetit int,
the haven_ofradiant,extd,rierfect„,
acute terms ,01
hurt diffuse to 1110
fool' refuses a, lyinis_job_ to -day
because he bas a -thankless one for
to be successful 13 any undertaking
in which he may eit e. is there-
fore, extrerneb!_tieti4nFL_b_ro - the ,pro-
-prletiire--01--rigrifieta el eget& it Pllk
to know. that th&r.efforts Le Vomt,oursu
a medicine which Would prove a bless,'
ing 10 mankind have been successful be-
ood their expectations. The endorse"
Lou of these PIUS by the pnblie is it -
-guarantee that * P1H h&c -hew
Vac*/ -which win -1u erythibg glair&
4ed for It,
A Carefully Prepared thee
And _itttoetioti ...nere -expended-in' thri-en,-
perittienting ,with the ingredients that.
enter Att., the composition of rarnie4
Vegetable.-IIIls--befOte.--ther W
brought. to MHO state .Irs which they
Were first ofTemd to the public. WW1
ever_other nifty be„.Paretettere 'vet.
rills sr* the' result of mutth
pert atudy, and an persons oufToring
rote • • dytiptpeits. • ur dlsordered
'liver and intiinaia may con6
tbereas being what they atir
r.e.nted to be. '
,irannefro, Prot won% take
h oirrathstir. • You take it." -Pred
WehOth take it!"
tOfl$ 14' '4•111
Ove a tt .0
•••sustit ,esitte
1,, 'bet
.Is ILvrsUable AO;commeic
V*lue f the:anger
could he ttittotot , -On
*be' prOrettii of reititni*
•• ,
O tont! • o
. ,
.Young Koos and his wife seem
to be doveted to each other."
that's the way .tiley behave' in intb.:
1hs3ere .not.so aftwtionate
other times." "Why , -I thought they
'were -lest -a -pair tuetleiiitteese'
"No; they're merely a pair of. mock..
turtledeveel"- - ,
•ituatirs liniment Relieve! leuraigla
Dooine-Jilifirre ;you lost. any
atlents jattlyV, Dr, tionno-"Only
two," lir. 'Doetine-odlivrom what
• ta"...- Dt. thitine:4"Non-itagment
Theets---weefiteg ottal,t - one eriptt.
catkin of Di. Agneit's Ointment, will
glee you comfort., Applied eVery tight
fOr three MX nights..a,tid 011r.
effected in the Most stubborn cases of
'Mud. b13cd1rig qr ',lubber Pike. Dr, •
Agnetket Ointmettt cures Ecreine and ell
itchin end burning skitt diseases. it
acts li ,inagid.
Gutner-.-"So retuised yo -u
ttaount • •yoUr p,OVert r'Citty--
''She has intieed,_...i•
hips/ there illifithet*R*1-10 n
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