HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-03-09, Page 6, • 44, 't the e.att fr al 0, • preneten,,,' steni the Y4r0r1,4. • a 0 , e. bro e c icious he enlok, . a gloat* ng, as- tittle Mikeit lifitifirior "isee• -; retary es p.oseible, • • ' Ali ,e,Inattess of feet, •kbecitt, was Itothtpg lor her.eq, do. tettimer had .alreedy. tired of bis lady secretary idea, and bad Chile pot interented and amused him he would have found • awns means • to get •rid oi her --Wore slow. • . Bet eh* did interest and ammie and, puzzle him. • There tyre! something eba.rtnitigly reminiscent " about the girl. . the wee like somebody he had once -known and cared for, but for the. life of him he could not think who. •And Viten curiosity sometimes got tile better of good breeding Chris, wQUId bat1e hem, in the most engag- ingniau . non. uert-'-t.'e*e-e-T .anc tif,„ moor, be co e.x ag to rove pvery !lad clever ow ere an eXceedingly be 414. *acted for his 'home went into TbIS thlrig in ease b--e-iererent "In fact,., we "tee both exceedingly_ _own_ Teen tterWitiee get tonne A attend and 0, fitithtul copy elver." Christ rep:10w eeotly. wind id the neater. WI ,Rtginald was nettie-ethe•siOtif hands -to held teraptingly corer t`44, • t0*4o Lt e **hetted4,_lit ti;:, it he ea Tbu tfee- that be might do -a robber7 on his own eceount. owing that veil! aon VOtila get the credit of it. The sate was open, end's° he walked off with your r$as, and your nionliY.": gar young tbie i'saU mere stermise," • "So you imagine. At that tite Reginald'lleeton had a kind of ho • which he WM runnieg, at MEI Bruns- wick Square, Ilrightoe. Leidy Little mer had just relinquished ii, *hailer Usidertaldng there. Previously Regi- nald Ilenven had *hope at guilders- deld„Mind you. he didn't run either in his. own nem*, and he -kept 'et33-d- busty in .the ° 4f4i Thi bee 1 • st * ,11 $ 0 SI II t .ot ,i t ' d t, 0 . . "1 Jiae evrornesinatedi, aM.refi.dy never In ainS.tbody year old tip ,It theappeared.. Of ours.. ,scores of peoPle, lied looked et it, Henson, emeingst the rest. Bet *how ilid Claire Carfity*-e-e" • • "Vasity, ettoitgb. Benson bad a lirst copy made from a description'. I don't know why; probably we'shalt *ever know .why. Probably he had it done When he knew that your son 4,7 , 14, 41*, fire.to „ - • ' and ai't *edgMeli, 9. *t with tho c material 1‘. i*t$ me bo .1.4 . ten 1' OrOo• .• 4 aket.:. ,aw .111. ne*er ,tho 40- Ow**111-719-t-64.407o,kts.ar., actly alike.even on the IMMO dretre and 0 131 clicisto*Ito the different qua ties 'of. 're- quire. good judgment end great care. Then be has the beet interest* tittle. patrons 0, the factory to consider. Some• patrons will take proper 'car of their intik, and see 'libel it is *1 ways sent to the factory in good condition, while oth.ere'will be .cese- • I -it • ' A le 1 • I •*Wi be ossitiles Wing ' etteetio e t all Isothe and i SitUkt On*. C1 lt.34 MAting' the'. elite)) latsin-.---41te eherteet time possible and killipg theinaeon as they mature, you. mike -the beet and initindeat, wool. A • weakened' ;constitution profit- sPosee to disease ol any kind, but end Miss Cadet bad *truck* up a Ikea, allow cows to, feed On there. is. no eviden.ce that docking dirtation. It was he wbe forged a what they, ehould not, or are. not affects sheep, in that way. • letter ...from Frank to Miss Carfax, cereful about milking or batijing the Cure mieladiste it you 'Pesti but, inekoeing 'the rang. that MeeeS VI they *should be, end When it aboete.141 start, right, and bend he hoped to 'create mischief which, arrives at the factory. the maker 1 your energies, to learning how , to it' it bad beep 'Oreille In the blid, finds is • not fit to make tirstelass ,ettee Could- never have been trued to him. cheene. It in lila' duty to refuse, and It any profit is to be derived from -inetters turned Otit lie .succeeded net aceept..such milk, *440* be *6004 *imp it meet .0011.• trOni the rat his wildest el: o . trent the largest patron '`or thamoet- docks Whose- owners have...4 eye to • -,011191,99.9,99,44 tt.ttrent Itnrch Saint _0,4e_ 24ml-1k...sands' Yitstroiiire- 1 'untie." feirribere ineaning of the sign that hangs over ••i--eho-P. The three golden balls which PaVatireketillut their trade -mark wire Used tr the Lombard ineichants when. they set - 116.4 in WIWI'. , The sign was uried, then to., show' eh,at -money cou'od be borrowed -at an exorbitant rote of interest,' These merchants were sent to England hi Pope Gregory IX. to lend money to persons Who were un- able to pay the "teethe". or tithes which: were collected throughout the ktegdom. They . carried on their trede in tbe street which to-thie day •beees their names and to ankh t., hest carry their • " *0. *7/7 yet nobody is ever quite oo clever se he ireegistes himself to be. }Do u ever mike tad Mistakes; Lord mer? -'17- • 1-'1,$.01314times said. sii.tb , stance, married 'florae years- ago. • That was bad. Then I had a son, which Weer Worse." . "At orte ,titne yott were fon of ,ecution 'atter all these years. but- • , upon my word, you are the • Lady the same as if it eistin..- , allest-petron ' Event Oen who own* a. flock will The eheesernaker needs" to be a, U3, g it: aelied• 'eaitifge--to-keep-mi•--it cop you uo*u upright, . invartial utaisi And lin .eount, with, .,it by Whielk, he is able Benson discreetly dhsappeered trom should be courteous oleo. If It estt to 041 pet.. whet, bli ratUr2101 ire in Eiright011, jta.it in time to save him- Lit -Mattes head wben be wanted of milk "melts, ead, rat is not ?aces- wool. mutton end Iambs. self froin arrest for frauds- there and Urge Onus of nionies.,from her.: ' sary to say it is rotten, vile, etc. ;Finish the sheep before. sending to 1st -etudderstiects- ',k--nieniber --of- --this -LesTiieseecoundtele-7,----110--gets th -Such-exPressions are apt to_Affend market. wod A:m.0kt *tem* „Your ow Iluddersdeldepolice-is--inese-high-Pta----,numev-Atsource,,,,,,,,..._ ..,,..... e.,,,Owner....antelereve him amble -from profit. --white ett the same filene isp-at--Brightore----Iiii--ba „ " - ____,0-,..m.Y--_____-• _ MY- toeite- _...--_-Se_were ag, st- consumer , -. er for el____,_. --/' 'eertakk------ Ail tiltijitA ---IiiiereaL A" fl- iiiii67 •1----th---- - ---S-15easo * Kim' Utensil(' ' Henson ita the .Man who ledge lus hits bid Zeiteir $4114000..4.- fully advised that his milk' witir-nit ins 0-017"707,iMirltritOpettring- was ‘wantad' at nUddereneld. I Bet the in is in gaod, bands- 'rem in neetir tir ,quality not- sight. be.---' end ikbolesonie meet. • ere from 1i:wettest 0 • Li. dolft know tt there wee he a. pres- have ore.y.„ eo wale 0, elm, eals. longer zaight get interested, and **filially be- A an fito4.4st shetp can bei kept .o terlrenture-r-ever-m, s front author- ead the eudacity to ask me that question. Veg. I was ,very fond • of my wile and my son. and, God help me, X am fond of thein still. X. don't know why I talk to yon like •1 do.' Chris said. .gently. "It is because unconsciouSly you yearn for. sympathy. And you fancy you ire in no way to biomes, you Wisteria, that you•acted in the only. way consistent jollowitipa and diuitV Lietintet murmured. Always,,,so flee fancied -hat .u.siteeAlniiinseeelleedealf- yo'iiiirdiir thief,. 'And X am under the-impres. even a greater rascal., tuan I took ,slois, -that Lady •Littinter had him for '"Welt; he took your Money. and money. at. saved WM.* Ile took YOU? ring. "She bad a largo fortune," ttithat tti- Lee. do you -a- Atellaine, which he had ' made to e for_aeotiteingenioue purpose. It box s,otte oaeor _ came with nitisenge"---ifte__iffiwe inuteed unsteadily. 'she' was,. Cartax'eominitted suitlide. Meeks' to Chris horribly frightened, though she did your indiscretion and folly." - not --show4t.--,,Sbe...had_beee welting . "Ge on. t- Rub i*t in. Never. mind for days to catch Littimer -.1nr teelingS.: AM* • •••• "I'M net minding," -Clues. said, to go beat now. The testi roust'be . lliceottplished some time. PlaSed. it Wildly. I could not have • "Lady Littimer was very. rich," told yeu all .this yesterday. but a letter I had -this- inor-ittng cleared the ground wondetfully. , Henson wanted to cause faintly, differences. and be. auegeeditit.L.Vr(Tvi,ouslY Bell out of the way by meatus o second Hembree:a now, seeing that it is toe ed up in your And where do you think Bell found * it? 'Why at 21$11.-Brittetwiek Squares--Iirighton, --iettereellenson, pp!i"e,zeresO bot upo-nhii trafl is 'Win le-erfel leat you • 11' ity?• • ) "Certainly 1 am: Reginald 'Jen- son, as such, is not known •to - In- ePector Marley.. but I sent the latter a photograph , of Ere14011and he re - tweed At, this morning. with 0, letter to the erect that it was the man the .1:Wader:III:o1d ,pollee were looking fot..*.1 "Ma' t an interestiniegirl you a.re, extd the mare Will be mtposed, Al-• ome one of the best supporters of on *most any "term •vritb, ve.ry little u * V haVe wonntl bleettiMaker should inconvenience, and ,With *;little ca.re the - • ea- be made to pay e pemen a , tual, and as be knows. more about le, watering ahem) in winter ., it Is milk, and how It should be handled an item not to have tbe water too then they do, should try ,and lead coldr-freett 'from the 'wen is best - then" to a, better waY, end not at- tempt to drive them. A cheesetzialt- er with bitellisetnce, tact and good Judgment will- build up business, :where one . lacking 'thoseHqualities will fail. Therefore tbe success or failure of a fitetory depends very en engineer, understaficl bow' to care* a�nplice, tbe, Reverend curies 2 2 2 I 2 644 . • • — — she went on. "'and she was devoted to Friar, your son.' Nov, if he bad wanted a large sum •of Money very -1$011Y:aritt-ted---gore *fie -stou d Lave Without the slighteet hesitation? --el.Whet"Joild-inother-wouldn. ' * stet obliged to you tor !conced- ing ,ther-Imint.-- Your -SOU- Wail inoney. an JT robbed you when be could tee* had itnithing tor*the air; Puridr--togientA.- , _ • 44 r 4 t 11 4'11%e same num who stole ince • Ruperes rInge-Ileginald Benson. •• Littinier opped his cigarette and 1.• • keen and alert . enough now -There were traces of agitation on his face. "That is a *serious acensation," he • *alit • * ot more eerieus than your accu- sation agairist your son." +Chris re: torte& WeU..perhaips not," Iiittirner ad- mitted; "But-wlee-ilo-----yote-tikaf nit Thenles estuee tbis way/ Is there any roMa,rtei!t buddirtg under my titec ,...conscireeseeSeeter '''N'ow you are- lifkinglionsen at�ueh color in her 'cheek*. "I Say., -at atn_giiin* to pro*. ,When. the timis , COMM, that tIletiffOrt was the thief. sorry to pain you, Rule • 6 tt , CO why he came here at night to wards the, houses At any tither time. eal your -Rembrandt. And eat .you the action would have been rude, but usted thilt man blindly ail tbe Chris fully understoote She had Unto your own son*0suffering on tourhe wre suspicions. Boer blied you bast& his soul, and he was in,Slous to bide be,enr..* hiaeinntiOn. till." Litt:1=er saidmurmured. "My ieer young lady, I ad- mit -that ' yeti ere making tot pretty strong cfiee: indeed, I might go °farther, and say that you have rify- s Bet What-- you 4 • I 9 • II • idea of getting Up * bazaar has all been nonsense.I am only waiting fOr a little lather information. and then Merritt *.will.feel the iron ,hand under the vel,vet glove. Unless X ism •gresitlee mistaken. Merritt ean'tell us where Prince Rupert's ring is. Al- ready -Van Sneek is in our grasp." "Van Speck! Is liein England?" is. Did -you rered-that strange ef.----ran-leeln..gjemed mur- • -der- ste te-eteelseaffey=bi---:,.'- Steel, the novelist, in. Brighton? Weil, that was Van Sieeek. But I can't tell you any more at present. ,You must wale and be content" "Tell ine onothing, and 1 Will wait ongenscyou--like.2-..nhoettre_lsoor Cheep-, shook,ber bead; Inanity. A great relief hati bent taken at - tier mind. Eilie bad approached a. delicate ilicelt matter and she Ili"td suo. fatioes..Tho, 24. sorely was evident Iro bardnees had &no from his -eyes, his lips were eo louger bitter tied ,-, *I May have been guilty of * great wrong," be murmured. "All these r-unkriurrerinterr-living-u prelurnsion,...Artd you have d me What I should never bs,v tinrugri---I-,havaneverhad - -a high opinion of My dear Reginald. -Where-iLizeredfir --nowt-"y- - • "She. is etill at Longdesm Grange. You pike a rest dump silt ' 6 ee 1 /- 1 04,41.• ,14 to - • / I OUS &UMW. torpelled fsv-et, the country in • Eliiiibeth. The three bells .ere the *rebel of Sabst-flieliedaie Then a iegend to the effect that the saint once offered three purisefrof gold to three women to'enabie thirm . t,o,marry. The purses, efliseee days. Veit, mg/ hage,-.7vrbielestitten- tied-- --- -ate the---tore-to---kesp....bs..thiesoinse ereteenobled-baliss--- 4 -.64- • - LEAVE WELL ENOUGH ALONE. Aceording to 'a :wel-founded rumor. minion 'Government will dur- tr.-0E40 iMPOS", customs duty on grades of fence wire which are now on the tree list. 'Mit such a tas would prove an unjust !burden to the fermera- of - Canada, there is' no, doubt. • In the older parts of the Dominion the Old, • wooden 'fences • are being. year by year replaced by wire structures", and ill the Great West_ %bleb is rapidly being settled, preeticaliy el) the, th one or other Of -it* •,conticire•- wire most In WM for -fence construe- the 6 and 'then , to, give them plenty 01 time to drink, and it they riin around a little first, all the better. PIG '11110U4LES. Coughing in Pigs may 'be caused by worms, but *is usually the result - 4. • _14 is sloth yeses the- cough taking for and -manage hie'b011er end- en- Jilitee_Ok..1 soon as On jigs-ate:stirred gine a° as to get the beet- out ,of • up; teete, again, toiigh 46-4ulte coin - them for tbe fuel- consumed, and monly due• in pigs to *Mall worms have them last „a long Wee. There (fllariat) found in the air passage$ tinttee, too, when be -needs -4040- ler-eriehi_aed fume.)._ „It is ofn very cetlek.in-las decisiotts. and -• teueed by thespigeeslitepinglii-deinP teens and ot.lkers when be peeds to quarters. • or piling. up at night antt, exercise great patience. --- becoming overheated, and this' . brings ozi a coid, inti with it a cough. 'pigs thosird tel,7eferine----cinn e.' "birreifirawfol-ettatigers Rif5.rres . w en Small docks do -best when th6e- less crowdings A breeding, ewe should be•„kept thrifty and strong. . • eqtry soil is one of the grist reqUi- for-a-eiteep-farm.--.z- iTheo Idlling a sheep remove the -Sheep-41ex* lan and hence, utilize fees to this (It lest degree. 'If sheep are not kept constantly in gabd-conditliefilitS quality-eirtha ,09990.9 • 4 IF* Might. be some •"eircuse for imposing ' impio0 tat, but since there are practically no facteriee for making / it in operationi in the-D-0-fastnion, whom could such a tax benefit? That tbe Price of fencing material wont • • - - .-, . and it the ya-rds are free from dust .inrpose an extre tax oi $150 •• ._o_utlod • - . ..1.., • 9 ew-1164111/T-tagether-in-OZACY-Weather. uty of 25-• or 30 per cent.' w there ebouid be .no coughing. . $1475 On the fencing required for an Par intestreal- wormy In pigs the erage- fame -Nor would the_cural , best reteiedY le saitteditt alid-celo- vommunitysieuffereeinly--to--40, extene l,„...t„..Thle,„reixturei JO, ._,.1.1,ablelo kill of an increased expense Us theee who the pigs it one should getanover- liav,T1757 extrtit -e-grazat-drat-ot---- oser-sced---ear .. .... „ e,„„, e Inent would be delayed Ltik_s_crAIer 'ekeetag medicinaSi for many years. ---W-gilis ••oii, oper- bitith Alai eantonin and celots-Tle int- '-efe-itronetyown.---seturs- - 'be „carefully lived._ Thie_user ranst value ref litzel. Rather then impose compute eerefeely the exe*.et ' amount • e tariff on Noe: 9, 12 ,,and 13. tor. dtderfois icto-i*streat ...otir •galvanized-wireves-has-lwees--- -- --estetheeantou vro,*ree-it,..srouldrite.-„0-nousitt-seiter...,,_ --- ear-eud- own -number_ . . linesstio-- -.remove - titeeps.ent -duty , ', or ,- r qt. . '.U- it. If 4 • 14 R. "Poor, men! Chris *Ilia bard: etzieleni',..tvacea .of stiffering. • Bet use. Suffering -is east; we bitve eid to watt-pialimtly, for daylight MO*. OW* roses' 'in her- turn say wtoidd • u�t'be -terCeit ilie-itVititete and theeterra0Sito her in a court ci Iaw. If you llticiduce favorite- spot looking over the cliffs. that ring, for instance -but that it There was nobody abOut; it very • * 1 , . . ooke-a--sniell cardboard box, gliettes and , Push 0 6 - . 4 i +. Itenee--pre-4tair f duced a ring. It was a ruby ring drawn a photograph from her pocket 'with -bleat pearls on -either side, eftad which ehe, 'Attall Mirolkr.ding 1ntent1y. had soMe inscription inside. She etrei quite 'beedleigs of the -fact that somebody was coming *lions the I cliffe towards her. Sheea- raised the photograph to her lips- and Mimed t tenderly. , "Poor Frank." she treitiiiet . "Pcsee-fellow,..sa, _weak and emiab And yet with all your faults---” Chris peused, and a little cry It, P v r illts. ,befloolocrtinver•e.ry wild and haggard, et - rimed bee lips. Franle---letti ...._..............., _41 . ...• , t vanes to, see $611 ' agg r* ne5„.t'' fr110 words died away. Ile ,,,,,,, eel -back. pole as the dein betting o t -4145e,8,.: ti raelit belOW hie hand clutch in ti Y ' 191)4 lit, bit Wt-gae-ieft- irtiOre rpot pid 1 yareA, mortal, pain there. . ieive ceit 11'0;1 "Chrie, ' "lel- munitured• ip eemed . 1llienyboutofnaittmons 1 ittow„, *17,It .. litil;,;4 C•hrell,:fLevettuirdEset-ei'41nnoittrlItihoett.'t:16'hlis(1" ° and.iitot tot ne, 'retie until led •„iofilY'fo'ttbilind t; ictteett frut'Usdntbils,Irdmiliott4 l, , itifiChavi's Xida03,4-Aver *ills, sod,* ftlifli selanc,/ Isere uteking spOt. 0T hi . Seedy it *as some teatttitll vt.4 te. had came Sipe*. With one, A C -I .1004 , 160 toitthed this girfl el lie* preset& her oeleees - re With his drigere,e with telt hie therthood , WI ek the bended Z food that would otherwise ibo wast- ed. , I . Sheep require food to austAlil Iito th-ax-we animals. POOr Mothers, poor eater coetttitutireied •14 4 *woe* the dr ' wimple • • ed should be boUgb, o st askliiingrli toweeig,liteit?ut a ur Per . and ithoUld - rutting a IThe lot 01 fleeee on the * 40- to 50 poued hog, Niue grains .of sentordn tornbintod with lifteen grains „At isidoinel, Administered for l'ec'esefisetut sloP telfOre other Rio int 1,7*4 Inerket is nOVIiittlinpatible ..small-er Pig* • three gtialna 01 attulit' lent . • - ae• tonin soid ten of 40)MA:I will MtiCli-b** the metlielne tb*t tar*pig geta it* rat- Or setand urges $1ayt-or. le. etre, this were d�ue, the revenue w u d net suffer. for these grades are not extensivelY imported, but it they were -free -a --:stronger .and-inore.satie- factory fence eels . without enhancing the cot. 111 And How Yet! e Dr Chase **A movement or the p0 vat.. , • . one poitst I o are unanimous: it 'whitt,...eaustss the berets . eonalipatett? r. , inactivity ot the Liver. Is ,nature's own etabart tog OS the 4hrer• is active 0I filtering bile from the bleed ,,lio/tes of thte preperation7, have, en- .pitaitiog it it the intestine*. Rtiteles etired .me. 1 *tie noti- iano • tee trouble from onstipatedriatbits of.seirleireing any medivites but thiase 1 eartnot, itpeAk 2,,v In rwit chases Pins 'Pot for me," ' In Ostrry n SI 11, ti 014-utens. by 11 bowel* bo xe$thted ti t r iffeet we1tett.. bete t ‘• oft. you, w hi tie* klL dT 4 bo tb • • Stletad tg:116,' -74,1; , , , . • •_$. /., Pain r -"-PI don't see any suitable vicarit eptice ors your wall*. Where do you wa.nt the tootto, cents -Strictly Cash,* painted?" Shop Proptietor *On 'the iling, of. couree!" 1 fThoU"DouknoW. I'M some. is' inclined to „think -fee" Clara eritging1e)-0"Wlisr don't you do it, 'Molly?. It's not such a fieult thing if you really try." Th iserietors-i'lelet Made domer •walk out? rid yeti, otI '*, The Shopneepseel — itted 1ehOWed sot . * Srieggs. .thitec many dogs Ihelie. inert, • $'ns e than thdr resteters." eldreed. in , • r;se, **I haVe * dog like t ' 'eclf„" Atitt*Set. he couldn'f;niake ?,Otit why, thol teughett; . • e, lift n' of "nutseive iron ' end weighing tour, six, and ” _new kfler nernbee-so arge eV's-mita. The Magnet,s taw aspen' .4.y timing from trance,. ad ick u the I t le cot"- . ho t and w _ t_ Clio° s r t alio fiOunel that the Inetal plate's tan he- lifted hy, .the magnet's, while ed still so hot that it iiid be Impossi- bisfor *the men to handle them. A - magnet weighirg 300 the. will . lift neerly 'five tone.' 111:S WI,SIT WAS OttATIFile.D.. r head bird druppeti upon his whisperest `"--th?: cheek could rentain there fotetev'er. i thoieelle ivleitwas be. Llttie thous:U-7W' iiii-C11-116. -gift bmne anti tried to IVILOVO itE ebeek las dies* etat with annrioiresit and alcohol. • graph coesin 'to' ,for Ztt strati f told id tinen titleee"Sci tha u and 7 ;VMS r.04, is it? netty dose hi 1t rot?" V sleeisse'lle 111 belutt it in hire eve -01;04,v'- , 'at pieture" ij •. ty*,, re1/4 e sts , , tee see • I ' ' 4 ia1kir' 0T4 P A • •