HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-03-09, Page 2A • A le Lten 3 •rte, "r• r, 7/. J 4 rail &AV VI( fkat A1-1111 'need itutIofl: 4,1tifte I 1 r, 404: • , eesTh • ehrteS - aruss On*? tee and his 7.. v. nn Lher. 41mi, The clover. 41111 er. pretty, tim ci. creature stood in her . 0,t: .1 ft ' ' 0 9.. -04Ieat.. 4/ OP '''40,14. Ai 4 r ' le7-- : i .. hi •• , • , ttWintet. liielt ''tfu. ' it - , ,y.,,, „ , oU et „ iiint ' ',Of Ape:, '. eil,,, slid- t'i $ , p 4 , leaindee ng t1e X ir;itet'' s*pin 4 t230, *o1e,'ter saw le" lietWeen on le u on* ....saute • 1 r, 4 fr4 ,•lbouglt, o'n that at4 7: •4 . ' '..don't.,151,010" the. litii4t- ,„1-4.1i•Pk, steho eeStteit teas elec I have haalli':a4re" 't " 4*(14t4''- .4`11P Ltrical. literrittli sneeze' jaw firelMed. e ant not num in any onse.,,,it wow- ed, Eur„ tive cies • that he cast around done You .4 grave lulus . -4-110,-. glsis:::it.'s*,_.irjetk„-,.thor.. a- sr,os assfearsin„stho. , ,Calteesteit,teistliinks, t - "I read a eu VI TO,VIOr I- ,for the thee. For the utoosent. bicid policy? tor yoo to .,rosnain _ o sno-smotes, 4 • ears it gaze her eyes with raptuee and !anutzerseet. There was plenty oi time for. explanaitone, us go Jae the arbor." Frenk, suggested. 'No, I son not going to release yoar hand ,,for a moment. If I -do you will ily away again'. Christ. dear Chris„ why did you Serve me so?". "It was absoluteiy• necessary," Inlets .replied. **It was necessary to iteetOre Re:404W Ilenson. Dui it *as itard .werIS 'the other ,night.." • "You mean when X came, here ti Steal the •liembrandt Ole you needn't explain. , X know thrit you had to come. And 'we have Henson in our power at Init.': --s1 siff*I be true. But tell me' everything from the begiuning. -I am as dazed and coefused as a tired num rousted 011t -*** .14T 11111114111114 • . 1 • :. a . of Reginald enson it might upaet Miss filachievellits. plans."' . ---.-17Tfitif noi occurod to me for the' ruoment,„" Chris exclaimed. "On the whole, • Frank had better not ' emery liketo .eee y.ou two Shako hands. Frank: Littinier made an involim- terY_ tfestute: itedsthen he drew hack. S'I'de-I'd rather not," he Said; "Ai least, net until my character has • been fulli-vindicated. Ilettvon knows I have suffered enough for a, lioyith indiseristlein." s's"Vendessiotisestiamieyoutiteolveselttilr said, ,.grav,r. la; know, I know. It has men titr- e all round. :.1 testis thotieeletters o -pc-‘0-r--Clairess Away beefiest,. they wero.sacred-propertysatod for no eYe but minet--...• **No eye but yours saw them. I • a, eP.Pc sleep."' was--going4o- -send- -them- back -again _ Chria....proceededstosexplain front the ,r -. b&Tniiig ofa11 things.. It w an "Aye iso -do t. I took them and fo-rtyllentriattir-k4137itirraet-naXiting-he destroyed- th—ens. but .1-titke Tr., ea., ired narrativo to witness that touched nothing followed it carefully. He Would have else besides. If it, was the last word fertmined there all day listening to I ever uttered -what Is that fellow the pmsts_ Chris's_ voice Land_sletthe - nine --here in -that garb? It is one ing7 into her. won. hetcl come ss • • s , ere nuSer-iible-Thi-W dOWiteittit ste_rAtesseptitable At wrestlers and behold he hadsud- • tools." deply found all the JO and sweetness Merritt was coming .acrose the ter- . 01 exttivare,. ra.ce. He paused-suspietausly as,- "And so, you hn,vo etccomplis6,1,1 all caught sight of Frank, but Chria., „what a with a friendly we,ve of- her hand, this?'" he gild, at length. encouraged hint to come on. glorious •ativenturdit must have been, and how siseoe yon nyta so in "It Is all part of the game_,_"" ehe David suet many ow 1 hava "1 sent, for our friend Merritt, that Frank would be present.Since ' demlicattit't Chris smiled. • et enee insts boos Strange doings of Reginald Henson. "r- The time has come •to - let /ifferritt opening your fatletesienot lit ti eyes." known that.rtink 'ea -the-clever lady lsluid ": I a triedtbreak through the shackles. t but When 1,,,dtd so I had it20 idea but Reginald- has always been tee ' e 8,trorct, for mo.., you are here you might Just as .wall .1 Ili • Pvt.! tt n r 0 W;"pirtaiiite* , u 4 it ti, ,'', a , iSlieli . Itta,4,0 . '1leoiltiteii' isiteist%an. ii ' '1,10 set • Mill4„- #htiee ' produCing `United.: XingdOnt.- „4"itac* which,. in future, " Oet the rtuttesi,o that industry. The Meilen, . moat without exception'i are reafieged by companies formed on the English Aneiple. Th'm have es,cli e. capital of 'a title * regi tered ..a,mouitt, this caPital holes- di- vided into shove of the value of '$5 to, 150. are held by :enrolled 'shareholders, _ ----Severel--ereateeries-sinslreland,- one ree.ently opene,d at .13rtstol are carried on by. the :co-otterative whole- sale society'. ltd..' gigroitic trad- ing concern which Supplies the differs elit co-operative Societies of the Uni- ted Xingdom with their stoeks of tudea , Of fungous• *mores. In 'thresh- fund west necessarily be a.cetneulatest gooda. The co-opera,tive wholesalceiag,Sthese spores beconie a,ttached. to at the expense of surplus, yet , the the hulls of the healthy oats. When Chris sem on. appeers 044 gr. Taylor is a person who no- body steins to have 'Seen. Wit who from time to tMte does a vast vice to the comMunity•at large. He is not exactly phltanthropibt. he well rewarded for his 'above both by this pollee and his clients. Suppose Air. Merritt here 1`4041, done some wrong." , "A great effort of imagination, Littimer =Armored. .genti3s- "Ilad ,done something wrong and. a te or letitrelion. friend wants the ebirect expreselon. In that. case he does net. ire -tostlie-police-hlinself, because he is usually of a modest and- retiring disposition. No. he Os- untlY Pnti -down, a few particulars in the way of 'a letter and sends it to Reuben Taylor under cover ett a cer- tain a,ddress. Is not that quite cor- rect, -Territt?" s'itights* Aloarsely. --wassdiallsiindssceit_isito Taylor is, antit•-'s.' **Never mind that. Do you know that the night before your friend Mr.. Henson, left the Castle he placed In the post -bag IL Utter addressed to -BIrsitiethei~ort- insvitrie-ofewh I rend recently in the paper alluded -tcestlis struc me as s ange. Nast; Mr. Merritt, is it possible that letter had anything to do with You?" Merritt did not appear to hear the location. His eyes were fixed on space; there Was a, sanguine clenching of his lists as if they had been about the throats of a fee. tam here2Lbe mum on y ad-ii&-zherei ilsg me away. ',After all that I have done for him he's given inc away." • Ilia listeners said nothings they 11 *, - - ed. for a long nue. -4"---:---roti-bieau to nay h&dun know who you are?" he asked. "'Sly dear boy, he hasn't the faint- est idea. Neither had pie the faint- est idea when X made you a prison- er the other night. But he will know goers" . s said, fervently. He bent over and pressed his lip3. 4_ f ,r. ui t` A J • „. ti- r, Iter rra, e . • ;the- test .tn • . eheeivii by the urks e read' off. . Unglish meat. contain -iittile-CottuncinlY testa 0.2 te 3.4 Vern -tete re - VOW* SO' numb. per ;elation for the knowing the milk mor,rp.,..1,1•01,1.10111.1& rt7' • , 'LI p tix? Eras ljz nisory: ibe aS-LifeslueisseitteiSeVon": new 'era. h virig 'within the last year passed the $3,00,000,000 mark. But while iis size kia ingreased threetald' stim Te.ststwenty. letres 'thitts--iff7 A fat. The price paid variei with- thei overshadowed in iniportance by__ the season. In the summer. country remarkable • strength • the companyli creanteries pay oiny (n copts). reserve funds1 have acquired. ' per gallon. In the ,trinter the price ._ hal. to 2 centrr'more„ 14cord .41 to lotitlity . and supplieasS 4•'' TO\ PREVENT OAT SMUT. Oat smut is composed' of multi - The President, Hon. Geo. AS -Cox, th r t, ClaTIftd.n,,-1.011 Policy reserves, are now g-reater •than' the present Dominion government' standard by about, $3,000.000. In he 'course of a masterly address he - pointed out that while this great : I 6 society is probably the west vaned antdaatueiniessMiestAl..-InA-W,CJA dom. It owns mills. soap *oz factories of different kinds, a. fleet, of steateers and -a nuMber .erstrosirrei- les. The opening of the company's new creamery at Bristol Marked the inauguratiott of a liner branch of the creamery indiistile How BUTTER 1S HANDLPD. his• Belated ereareert's erera." Mei Thiess _esituntettsirritioughtelatostiter-creane- ery. or factory. The butter is vrash- ed and blended. - by machinery and formed molds, squares, rolls, pats orecitheessmalispackages, of-the-kinde which are sold by the different co - TU 0-1-"Ite itTE-s 'et. molds are most used, in' another ginathee pa The butter is wprked end blend at the' Bristol facten-y by machines of two kinds. There is a vertical inechine, Cylindrical in form. which is diced to a strong end low frame: A shaft or spindle passes, upright into the ',Worker froin below the frame, and is revo.lved by Mans of t - 0,14044411t9111$ -4,W.,. ROY -1kt-he use or -this inaeltine the buttermilk is extractedquickly from the butter.. • A. new branch eit the creamery bus- ate .UEC own th following spring and,gir--iiit'Ee-thti'ssiiititsitfcirtef- also germinate and infect the young oat -rants., -However, tlye disease does not Show itself until the plants commence to heads . After the'. oat plants are sip it is Impossible- for smut to attack them. Smut cannot *mad from one plant to another glatisrourid. ,Neither can ;the smut ores:live over whitesitSlii-stits-gelt. ectiors -comes.. -ooly`• froiir--stiores a ittssetune up .tieggedly. Evis Y Prey a mer dieturbed him.. Chris Motioned' dangerous and hazardoins for -Hen- ei. presence at •-thes.tets' tie wasstio d ist--the--Pmaelice .011 Frank Litti.. Alva time ago 1n this bran , rnargar ne, hhe to a seat, quite 'gaily. sem. i - -- rn-iterd-Iltsmrp-a-Prtryttlafcobiuntitfilkau-sindbitit,ptoe.tiy.is "YOU are very punctual. ' she said. litf you went• swat' to -day You from suitable oils, on the plan fol.- . * ht be safer,' Chris suggested. lowed in the beat Dutch factories. * ye, rmight." Merritt tetidseivith 1 At all of theselactorie.e where but- Lerd Littimer and myself a. littLi! "I told you I wanted you to give 121 advice and assistanae- In the- -firs -ascinnihigsgrinsitt hisseFess. flied ter cr•am and cream ch t are eses---e-esetassTesiessese=weestee "' intlkesisstessted-sla lys,„as_spreveetseDgreeishle_less_frenissneut interest, of old pollesholders-hed been ' i conserved. and they will heueetoilif - - -- u ssetrars-tts render end loan values than hereto.. fore, noewithstanding the 'lever pre- miums 'they Pay as compared with 'those charged to -day. The report aintounces that the nee business Witten In 1901 was greater than that of any previous yestr, the amount actually paid' for exceeding assets -were-locreasedaty--$3..0._-- bezrgaed-gal-a--...-.. There fiCii,Thimpte and 'inexpensive In any, single treer in t company's way- of killing the smut spores with- histOry. ahe atssets are news over • out !attiring the germination* of the four. times as large as -they were oats. The treatment la as follow's; twenty years age and aggregate over Mix one pint (one pound) forznalin e 00 000: over the grain theroughly, using an of the 'tweets to the lay mIs ind the 't20:0, --sass Per,luilis-thesinostesstriking -feature-- , a gartiett---,spiinkler. -Spread, its a eautat=iffilit the an Life has since its inception paid or credited Oolicyholtiers with over $7,000.000 more than has been paid in: by them. • , This favorable shoWing illustrates itgain.. Repeat the operation until the careful selection, of lives, and the 11 or the- onto on the ba.rp floor in a layer 1 or .2 inches thick and sprinkle them; then put on ,top of these an- other layer of oats and •eprinkle 4 ste much grain has been treated as can be dried at one time. Shovel the oats into a pile and leave them two to, fossl_,.iours after whieh s read to dr- dr melt -bushel of, oats about one gallon of. 'solution will.be moulted. , , Another 'inethod; Preferred by some. nu' ,sound, conservative • management which here 'alwdys characterized ths Canada -Life. IS • CITY LIDS HARMFUL? Does city life break down clia.rae. te , Wealth and poverty show them- ' n 011-1-71,1-1-1-0, 11 u on an t, u Spread them opt to dry. Whate method la oyeds-svet every' oat with the solution. In practice it has been found unnecessary to treat seed oats ,everys year. Treatment °Pepe In three years b visually sufficient to gun-metal, •dieniondsmollittesl• cigar- Chris glanced stgnificantly at. Litt brought in. $ampleg are taken' sti--irireignall-naY be-otitained- almos case. at p ent for, sale in Itutter's .whe nodded "II "!-o°1 uP the tested for butter fat, separate ertes any drug store- at trent -40 to 40 --influaneu a -Dulling and passionately to those of,Chris. When ,thods arid apparatus for testing WI, rents per - pound. The saute treat- breaking character than any --fithet "Yoe shall have the tneeeS".- he ing employed in difierent creameries. nrient will prevent bailey smut and knotin 'force. Character is .• more- s-- - he looked up again Lord, 1.4ittimer 1 wiad°wo eame frwa* We votnt parable' • h d wh Ids • 10134.111111111 MIL $ large : 41t owns much more than' in ' , And the two eXtr43100111 are thought by some 'great thinkers, to be harmful, And to prevent the formation of 'character. , To be un-, empleyed, and to beg, cap ins hand, I for an opportunity_ eit doing labor, • - 11...11fr 11.1,0 111 was standing before tbe arbor,- wear- - ng "mosr-cyniced: . ‘,. prosion *Jilt _ ' said- -My move.. 'The expre,ssion of sweet --fusiori- face-sta_lnlini pleasing. I ,did - not lino:gine 'tha n w w g t It to Rutter's people. Also we want; said. "And you shali go as soon to ROO why Van nee t have .answered-liiss .Lee." Wilar_eigivescasesesfrom-Walen,Se, _questions." , Bri arlainteirblittaiiTir ea Merritt 'is heavy at dropped, his say anythingBut 'Merritt a in orma- lace .turned st .--thasyelloate-41 ---itio -41011--ft.4-6---be--lt. -great 041-4-14 „ 0 fly one method, the Burmeister and slitain.centrifugal tester is used, To test railk by -this apparetus, 11 ec ut tolght taltenrio-rd-ot -pul- an cc o araYlle ono no,vartocut,4poionobood soo. ot rseroUandp:uipdiessl_oitny--f_reori-faom.nquitwea,;ttie d -•ettitt t0fl loop like that. It gives nie 'quite - fessed, "X wite torought down. 'Tere .niite seY2S6 of sUperiority. 'And you, Idea wItli, a aigh.."1. ' ' - . sir?" -"Done., he said... "Clear done. And son purpose. Major* sent to London '71'1'W -fits t Yens-v•tiguanestooLsAssnuirt_etsunis • n_d said he had *, job for roe. I • oriunr-al1-4110.-sate, aft-z-t-alffirlearamikr...._---Bel, face was palehis manner resollit and eespectfullirdidet-yetetss-es-....„ Merritt,paused, lost in -the claiitem- si work -at once. ' .„,I came titre va ask leits eto a plation of a, problern beyond his In -"Did you know what the picture ' . , tellecteals, strength; was?" Chris asked, . who he was "-Vots4ravotrattliing•--brifear," C lleses_yo..y u,..est, ,it, was a And she betrayed herselfeit?" • Rem- --question„sirssinit_krittr, said. with a aMile. 'Tell us all you braudt engesaing. Wliy. it *es,1 f", oil tun sorrof 1.bity* tiona so... know and conceal nothing, and you who in the first. place .stele the first etters-Stild.: "but 1 shotildsnot have willbetree, when_ we "lave done with Rembrandt from his lordship yonder. - done so unless r had been taken her SruiL"- - - ID -AiDaraftralti; r -got int -4 hi" - surmise« It, Waft se ..hOt that 1 bad Merritt wiped his•dry lipe with the ship te •sitting -room by climbing.ileten takezi_oft_40_,_glad pot , my beck of his hand. - , • a spout. and I, took the picture." v “,t onto peaceable," he saidillOitrsyee -hair-ups Then:.---k-raeks.M,04-111.4 "But the other belorged to Van turprisell me.'' • about it:" lYs-- "Altd--14-4n-stolat to tell yo girteek;-ssaiii Chris. • ' -_, _ 'Ito i 'have grown an iseeedingly . "It did; and 'Win ia-firliiiil-tcy pretty Oil, Chris,' Wilmer Said. .. 011"APTOn XIXII. cave Amsterdam herriedlY. being •s,,ceitteellesourse It r 1 se '', k t I t....---- tel by the ,Police Henson told g ,I yodnoW. Von are nit i an there was an uneas o , eitt's ,facts a Utjofl that ny4 copy o 'The C11111,21011 II ft "1" 4. loss ;to butsties that as .Wellt ' and bait - ..., , .. p ur c seTip arA placed in 'a test tube and weil :Aitken; Ole ttilies then pleeed in a cavit in the reit ot -tires tester -And ther-trayro - the bitnt or stinking smut of wheat, but not the loose smut of wheat or corn sinut. - 00 --litteltns•NOTX8:— ss.9-3-1.--rve-4.*gmultUPecies. of grilse...46 known to botanists, but only about tonal ancl-prtibiblis a f these are vrerthy of being retained bay. it 'easily feigned and ennobled in rural life, where a niares prosr„ ess more s quickly - noted, and the restraining- — sintluences...armoresseasilY brolight. put he-iliCaggis her hair dolta reteoletek. stVoUswill be.'geed e Ugh to- We 4 ' • - hlt igiuseaset" "'Gun-metal set with diaertil ms. The sante case or a .ftimiltir one to •that purchased by ,Van' Snecic from Itraleri'S Com, peek yoar brains A, bit. Did you ever Hee anything of Van Sneek about -the times- of. hiss -4444144M:Yousjcnow where he. ist" • ,(TO be,SontTirued.) , *Or .0.,,,,roortrer 3,1•431,4 *4+ t Oa ess Yinif7nwre,--ohan to SeCUre It is by providing itti abtn- dant supply of absorbing matetial, Even if there appears to be a Large nroPortion of, this materials in the manure, meicing it strawnd coarse, it, will answer an excellent purposes, its there is need of, more huielis-insmost-of our-soliss--- - -"The gluten' products are %Ott front corn from width a large Per ,eent. of the starch has been removed,.for the niditettire of glucoSe sugar "41 ... 4.: I• ' bilit Ilard experience suss's-it-ref-NI his ma taw. the wjckcd.had Wight' tshtherre°.•:=ArlalesionieboW '0)**0.7 "theft,inc ' It wag sill some deep game of 'feu- .onyeti nuts be pretty sure -he didn't ty tell4ne what the game was. 1 got my money and returned to toi,niontitnaletit,.441pct„st meet: tly I saw ncilitowot0 'Mut you, *Same into the genie sistittlinriacitesittidi44,11.slyt,tt;toer. utiordshim ...went down to Brighton. I wet told 4ts. ik4t had got told ot the seeond Ateuhrit0V4ng-to_Ilen..400$ rare* eestiess and that, he ,Wast prettY-O.Ste tAin to bring ,it here:, lie da !bring it he* Ala r' otett to stop- Itim on , and 1I half kilts' nie." c are -un A ,Persisten SYINIPtOrn Netvotts ayspep fleet, y so- 0 nya suffer fro onie , 4 PePalit * *rid *4 41 -- Inc he began to teel "drowsinesa that each dee* N eve Food is ot.stnnebelie ; -:.tc and blood is weak'. anti- there that the sure win bet eersplete *rut not sufiltient nerve foree'to carry on the. Work of Alostion• and supply asd Tom the. vital force required for mental •sa" olnutout Unt‘g. viftill(igio"_'“AtY prin- and physical aCtivity, tipal trouble 40144 ItuiigestiOrt. and as result slitietite was poor Headache.ettettl WO *lite' nervous; Vretpientiv,in Inabit tillod, broil** f I 131 i t*ttittb- 'wording 'severe : (.9/4 peIls nettv ht ou-tenus-oveir mto in e end stiy ar be resulting 's-Yra ‘iwn,lrs 1 felt that I Wes it - ail well. The IN bal4s_tee-datectika body is.not.deilving proper natl. Nit trent the food.. Add Stowe Ot tncthod of obtaloin-g Strength mu t ,almost, aathtr s ood. iny'neve; an 1 blood*ht (print( elttnunt* 01 in tendentied to liSken into the hi I ' s' to. he. the I *114 dloiness eon:6 ,ter rietintmend Ott, ifeve Mod, 30 joi" r.drOs; Toronto. , .r t it and t 46 1 *litto lou smiled. , , , .. , llts- -fully et iated the hurnor 01 the remark. ' *LW , *4.. it 1was bronght ahiut acte sugretekr . oti,*4 bc aent soli. ,91 it fell 1 was to ma up 'to. ttte Co.stle,' here Wi'hohL del anti tea' Utnsirn oho ivod,iii ,coitzett$1 my movetnent 'whilst X pinched 'the Piettires, I had heed •trild , that the•thing was, fasten- ed to the wjII, *nit * Pair of Steil p)iefs ide no°,odds to that. I took 4* , s: g • ate thet seed coats, Wben the bran is ()lied out, and the fine meal treat, - ed with water *Ilia% fl off ' stare -by part, leaving the nitrogenou :idue, Which is the glutenproPee, --tontsdnesthes--mitiority protein, and is Most Velatible as Stock food4 otho -That's the way it Works when ifia'Oter 41'1,1i:sing her' fi Scott's Emulsion is an ideal Trieilicine for nursing Mothers, ft has a Aireet: effect -6i the milk Sometimes the rnother weak; her thin milk does not make 6-44 gro:w that.changc all liver oil itt Scott's „ Emuls mother' flow o for e baby., , -UNRT;:W-AltDs_HD--HVRGES'';s-s's-s--- -- Without atteutpiin-, the pluck displayed by these who. • ejthout_st moment's hesitation, dive stsississeept ,ft droWnins__ n1iIiTt :a t :cult 11W other- --7101.74xlitelt---ztreuM-14 s oval risk. and call for similar pluck -should not .be oflThaliy recognized by the award of a ,ntedal or certificate. .0r-p4ifeley _rescue e ittin eases out of every tenre 'warded. by. the public. presentation oi Hunrane and Life -Saving fieciety. Very rarely, however, is any such honor, oOnferred .upon a brave fire - gaunt,. who, at inuniiient-riskenters oMM-- as rescues Or to the .11*n Who howe undoubted pluck` and. nerve ifi aoly: • t oi fir. 14 *6 ietv is, needcil ot look aftt!r on-lant $PREAD GV ENGLISH T9NG1iE. iiVeiSs-11157100;000 peopta-- LIVE , STOOK OTES. speak . It has • diSplaced French as ilk; lareetteae of dipionnicy *rid is now -intiking; great headway at the intiVersal language, tif trade. "All Nottlt America,-sSoutti. Afelea, Liberia Australi*,sNew '7,ea1and, Svnott, Hawaii,most of Polynesia. and Varintati Stitti 'Ittivre,14er- loktierilly adopted our mother torigtie to November as it would be In theiiied there IA. e'er!, retirtiste-te belies*, 3fareh- 0*' April followlnga-Wirdee-sthat-lhes40i00*S000'- umet be marketed at Irons be USii% it In the coup* of time o twelve weeks of.age. Sheep 'With the, corertruttion of the Pans- 7eer aid enetoll nut .eerist. Central Americo also wik rl ke to bi ield to ifs rtiloonees Ilreed your oivo tows to the best thoroughbred bull you eari retch, tt tOsta yOU ' /1,00 andi.eireth* uitder stny'circUlnstenees.,breed to * ,mon* grel huti. Titia applies to sheep, and swine. • • I a lainh• dropped la-Sterch or Apil if Well grown, *Ili be werth as nnich, k' f -4 1x to .ight rnonths of age. Of he flnet tablc geese foi ..„..'rensUmption li the -1C2111tie:Chltvelos, stier d the.litroltdett. goose. This', *it (1$• Closesfeeithered, sweits'Ittee dtn.n• Of •it Size ler Urn,'"*00 mere e den tfrm*el%e!. " 01 *11 lltegt;.e,, ,` • flent, is u0cflttoom.;I tur'i thrr ds.. A Chla,,' n 'Out ' ti tOPI•19. .i nii1�3sodling l,its•ol nd 'thistek stre ilerS In ttese eke:* in on. ,Theiustirlds *di • are ma1c by buying end self* - rdUee: trot this ittio cith tliskt .• , I g. . • • lncluftn tt And diem* oortemototilict. :ireattro 1 11 hi • tu • f� :t. 1.1 0,1.1 Wt. 144 • to 11 4 A,