HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-03-02, Page 7•
.ur�4 b rOlt*
u cc!
1 s,
CriI)ple.' toPtured dt a j nghLPet.
the. 1iasc may, spread: . to the
heart. -a ..10040*.4,04den,death,
You must not -neglect *theumatiSiiir
ttt---yoUr:Catt't CIA** Witirlittitnentit.,'
Plasteror hot cloths. They cennot
possibly touch* the blood, The
.stilre scientific cure ia Dr.liitilliannie,
Pink, Pills, because • they, stoCt.0411Y:'
Make- new blood,; They sweep Oitt.the,
•, painful aeld, loOsen.Jhe joints, and
niUseles, brace up 0*qt:serves, eml
strengthen the liver antlidtbleYa.fer
tlielr .Work in Casting out impurities.
Thie is proved by the theeseiMis of
guttering rheuMaties who haitia _been.
made w11 and stront by Xr. Vil-
na** Pjnk rills. Mr.
of Ca1edeniair::••0144--ls•-•0 "theso
znany Atnessise. Bo, waYsi.,
. with rhcumatlsin, nd was'se
pled up • I oak, scarcey do
- --work. -tried 'a number• ',-
clam, but they 414 not 1 inc.
,11**. rt.
tied 00_0, oyro.,fot, filen_ i
4 ntP
.",rt,.10, ono, y 4.40 , .400
" ubl*, to doctor:-..,::.ol. th..
medical . coims*1on In Kintrbite , Ur
order to. be.,rejaet You are then
„:„.......... . ........
allOwer1401,00Sitte . „ear.
after .sthich...' som ' , .„ .'4.A
axdu*4 t
• 'you niust do f one taVOiti when.
ouru tid, easnee horne, will you
let. In ?' The lady prowised
to-do *0.,and.. a forthlght' ego 1 r
cetrott tho.'fO4o.1.000g note: "MY 11114-
Moted. on account of diseese." That
gentleman had been exactly. two
Irsentau*'- in; lifienchttrier Just in time
to get the dineer*N. Pass through the
commission, -and_ return speedily
home, proudly thinking thathe had
aerie his duttr 13,18 conado,_.... I
afterisrera-7Iearned in :Russia that
,the practice is not. a new One. for,
during the Turitith war of 1877 a
doctor who was pennilestewhen he
started .10r "the war • was worth', at
the endof it. about $50.000. rrOM
,the number of .0trisere rejected, a.nd
fron _wttat have, ,heard„,„.„I.,:think
that the 'do -iter- no* UroPe teads n CozisumotXon
1ioIding, 1ent
. 4
ei:.. 0 kin.Jv
' .
4C 4ttlac4-
' 'it I c ,'tillY, AP4410 xl''
0,i Igt1,,
'.overd and Jw .841Y ,
kinei Pilba ;used h
"Yee's"' SasaysIlichard, had
Piney ,Trouble over forty an
ith th.e result that I WAS a, worn
•sterted taking Dodd's Kidney ...141110,
,and the result is that the pain Is.
'gee° from trlY back, and 1 am able
to Work. again.' .
Dedd's Kidoey• Pills' Make the old
'feel Young again. They make the
Kidneys sound, and sound Kidneys
:strain out, of the blood the seeds of
the diseases to which the old • are
subject. such as Backaelie. Mounts -
list" Urinary and .1:Ueda:ler Troubles,
etc. ...
to whom .the lady alluded. Prom -Ism' Beer, Spirits and :Wino,'
At officiel British return is *pub»
„Weed. ot...thil...stuantity' a Alcoholic
iteVelliges eoneutned by various tut-
ops-in-theArear .1903,,,-1114.-13avati-
ens were the greatest beer drinkers.
e.yer•aging 03 '-gallons a* year each.
but, „of--':thet--aationsi-llelgisms---came.
lire -witivestesiiiiirat*;ettaiiiiiniPtIDW
7,galtints,-....Z_IL .--*-----....'„,_.,
-trnj-tesf liltigileies- avetage. 29:7-
getions. and Miseriea was sixth on
the listwith an average einisuinp-
tion of 15 gallons. .' *
Iregard , to the consumption of
wine, Franco leads, with .80.2 gal-
lons. • . America is last. on the list.
.with 0.4... In spirits Denmark .leetts,
with 3 gallons. 'The United King-
dom, consumed ,99 gallons per head.
The * consurtiption • hi the "hilted
States' le not given, teit it is stated
to pave been greater than in the
tliiited.lcingdom. .
In regard I to the revenue deiived
.from alcoholio beverages, the United
32 per cent. The United States
comets. mixt. with 29 per cent, sev,.,
era o er, coun es ave* an
per cent.,rand the -everage. is at per
tol beet the reiord of his confers.
Meted. to try '..therrt, 11 your little ones are cross, peev-
ird hdOc was gone And fretful, give them B "
*A -Tableter.... and they
ey• have completely aired me. mothers- IMO use thlisneedieine•----wiil.
.,..,.day• without * coat and not feel a Ws. X. Sathieu, Noshonsing, Ont.*
twinge -of the 'trouble. . 1 think, sayss "Adore .1 began,. using Zebra
every rheumatic; sufferer should . Own Table little one was • Id.
promptly . take Dr. Williams! rink way* sickly siti day and night.
. • • - - • .-:.-Ilute-the---Tsibletat--Iiitve-regulated---shb
Dr. Pink Pills cure •meis sten:itch and bowels, given hiei
• -**Ilirn who ares-sripplect with -T. -strength,- and bo-iii:420w good-tietite.
ed and growing finely." Mothersneed
, lumbago,. rheumatism. *Utica. Para,-
• Isils-and even locomotor astaida* not be efreld to usthis
ust, tho, 400.10.1.0 „ ?flake new., Eich it le guaranteed to contain no opiate
or bottom drug, and nifty be given
blood. 'rola. new blood ;weeps with ,perfect ietY to of new born
• , 0 painful., -poisonous imtmeities out. babe. spid. by safal•I medkine dealers
Of the Yfl1fl nd. puts the whole. or, sent post paid at 25 tents a box
:body into a lieut,thy stale.' Nothing y
b wilting The Dr. Willia.ms' Medi-
•birt good tiph blood can .do' eine Co., Brockville,' Ont.
oad istiotit Dr. tWilliamar 'rink • •
11 r1. the blood it bad the BEEF' 'PRA:
on a blood.. That is the cause of This story was told by an old phy-
. Sleeplessness, terveuzinefis.' hysteria, eclat; who had practised for nearly
• St. Vitus dance, neuralgia., and loss fifty. Years -in a -.small country town.
• ,.....O.Oitalitss in meand'women, 1)r. One _day. he xves summoned: to a
ltsiliatn& rinkpine' faithfully used lexinhouse, where .he found a, woman
.cure. theft diseases and other blood in a high fever .and evidently-, -ex:-
disorders -*acts as anaemia, 'bilious, ceedingiy ill. -1 Ile. said to her hus-
rams, ingigeetion,„ • heart,---troublet,barid. who Was the tnly other person
•..:backache, kidney trouble ,end, • de -,i,„0 the house: , •
Inc pills. The "something else Just have nothing to eat except; milk and
• its good" medicine Which some deal- beef tea, but I wails you to give her
ere'try to persuade their customers a, cup of one or the other every tie°
* Anyone. See' that the full name, morning mid asked about his pati -
"Dr. Williams' rink rills. for Pale ent, her husband said: ' •
nu 4 smiii et iMi
box, If in doubt write direct her noctor. • It; certainly don't. She
:10 the Dr.. Willititits' Medicine Co be -to feel bad as soon ,its she
_ilroeki1lle7.:Clut,-and-41Ail *ill -Conk •
be mailed at 50 cents a box or six "That's said the doctor.
of the *neat in it, did your'
*count or this giLounde-.."t
now 2•Tany Jtussianz,70111cei
I • t.•
two conualssi_otiers were appoint
.2,..1*-ixattelne-otffeera-and-aoldieris after
and to report as. to *their
fitness; for further service, writes e
„ London, Times* war correspondent.
One of the eeentitiesions resided in
Zharbft al71- the other in, Chita.
Z'ie,y Wore .coMposed partly of min-
--tatty 54seents-atnerpartiy-ot Tiffteirs
I.Vbe number of mserviste wee/
utast Was, about twists as
thett..of the younger solill-
very muelt :whoa 1 cone ta, Pliew
SOrne .of the results, of the .Carritnis-
Olesr-Proeeedings we *t the Per-
eitntage***or 011Cers refused was neurlY*
-**144S-Xliat f th 8O1d1ek- AS I
IteAter liVed leng tn Itharbln,
Chit*, I never had an explapation of
ibis. tact -until on 'my way back to
Europe ; I then *Met a lady who had
accompanied. ter Ittisbanti, a reaery.
-1st -offiter- going to the war. 1, ((*4
Irleatusk. Vre travelled fa the stone
train end 1 noted' that Aie. did` not
look particularly affeetett by the
isetteratioti. "When do you. hope
tiPe to pee him vety.
r is that, -Veit "ksioW
*dt notend for the
.1ttes, Imo*, that,
iU tf,
-LIZ-1SG. • *
There are .a .thousand Ways of ly-
ing, but all lead to the same* end.
It does not mutterwhether you
wear lies„ tell lIes, act lies, or live
same. There Os no more demoraliz-
ing influence modern life than 'the
Unnatural straining to Seemother
lowers ,self-respect, takes the- One
edge oft honor0 and blunts the con -
ea .4 •
1114.4 01*.
sham, a gilded fraud, or, an unreal-
ity. ° It cheapens standards, lowers
Ideales,sapa- ambitlors, ata• takeis-the
spring and •Joy .out •of living,- No
himself until he is absolutely honest
true to his highest ideals, endtbI
r -o -t 4Toim. Asis or*
I boiled 'eat together all yesterday
utteomon to gut tiro cugth yet;
LMit it don't agree with her. doctor.. It certainly don't."
I • 144 t.
idle 11 I
L. p\''
KFDNE" 4,4
en dropping theta. •ey *vender
their energy and waste their efforts
•in, rushing from one thing to an-
• -_thifift.-","_eittir.':_gfcorr!Pitshil;
anyt nit.; -.."Therliter-iclife-Ititulty-o
beginning things, but do net seem
to hate the inclination Or the abil-
ity to finish them. They are. the
victirnt -01 epaistitedio.„,enthuslasuti;
A' new. plan is suggested, ora new
idea strikes theifir and they are all
Vigor and lenthusittsai When they
first begin to put. it In talon, but
very eoiin their Interest tools, their
ardour ,dies, out, and the thing,
cver it is, is lett tmlinished.
Such people glio you the IntPr&P•
tion -of being suffeeated by the tkulFt•
high *bout them., tiver3rth1ng is
dition, begging to be finished, hall-
wrttten fetters and
htilftekteuted plan*. *brit of al
entiii it; v,ariou et est a (lovers
meat, and alt itttutter
onteStoe. ,
Olear oirt .t/w rubideli. go • out of
!3e rut. and you'll itrogreeit.
T 0
A Strange' Way or .distoveririt ther
ix6rtsbouts ot gsh hao been cliSCOV,
red by i orwegien. ••A
phOtte; Which'is an. that
Will 'oath and tranittrilt the 1614 bit'
Of Soinal; islowered into. the. 'Water
frmr a &hie • -boat, a re from,
, .
. *the
tr 4
la #
' Vhe..tenis and iilii'OCthe ,Clergy .
the Established' Church are the hard-
est worked and peorest Paid •-tteit.1 of.
Ilarpaa 'Weekly. I.' doubt whether
there hs anywhere In the world a
wealthil or a more generous laity
than tit Church Of /*England laityl
ft subecrihea Willing; 014 - over-.
Ithotologly to ovorxt lag that ''' is
'eliiirehy, to sehoels, ission ha:11So
church benevolent societies. all for*
of clerical philantheopic work and of
parochial andeevor.
The ..otatistica, tor -.44 reCcre'l Year
showed that the sums autogerlbe4 by
Churchmen amounted . to $26,090-
000, or, 11 We include thedonatforat
and 'MdsseriPtiontt to home anti to
Is tittily..magatficent.",:lt-ht IV t
,over16 from every household he - the
ItIngtiont it e*Obede the *mutt ratite&
by tithes- pleff.the total Jerome -that
accrues from all. the Church proper-
ty in the. country. -"Itift-'itery "Utile of
It finds its way to.. the_r,ler
Helves. The total incense of he 1
.000' inchinbents is 'only: $21.400,000,
or rather less than -averts o
1.-4.41W--,4*-,,y,.004.-,ati ete...:-41,,,,,neeT-1111P411.$'
y that there-sre-Ahouttaads of
average. . .
-Fifteen hundred livieggi are wort
less than $500 a fter and 4;700 IIV-
Inge are worth less than $1,000 *
year. 'In;sthe yew'. of-'4.tricen7-1,9
la*A.Diamond Jubilee a rdiiii was in.!
atituted'to-=Saise-the-ne of . th
poorest, livings to i$1,000; • q • To do
that it is ,said. that Something like
$2.000.000 poi. annum is required;
Ilie actual itteount subscribed
sonteethere. between $,50,000 and .$15-
000 a year. Such assures tell a do,
plorable- tale, all the more • deplbr-
able because it is unnecesstoy.
taglea •iiometimee rise :to the
height • of 0,000 • feet, and larks,
rise up 2,0.00 feetiltit the itiileago
bird seldom goes 1.,000-ifeet • -above
the earth. .
The Most ropular Pill. The pill Is
the moat popular of all loons of Medi-
cine, and of pills the Most papular are
Parineice's Vegetable Pills, InKatise they
do what it is asserted they Mtn do.
ant areAlgt_pult..lorsversi on any
compact and portable. they *re easily
taken, they do not, nauseate nor 'gripe
andthey give retie in the most stub-
born cages.
Mrs. Jones -"And have you any
•references?" Applieunt-"No, mein;
- 4 1. in
eurpriseTore them up. Ilow
foolish t Applicant,--"Yez wudn't
4110.14 801,4/101....1f-yez-ileIt$Pen-f*t12*
Mitartraffil tititlifite every'. Cie
"Gentlenien. you wOuldn't take in,in,
Your- own?* "Not now. . "You have
sold It?'" -"MO; got mareied.",
"The iros,4 to Wellvills" Po�d
the Way.
Down at Met 8 rings; Ark.. •tha
visitors have al sorts 0 conip a n s,
but it is a subject of remark that
the great majority of them have
some-- trouble----withr,--Stormich--and
buted to ths heavy Mielteines.
Naturally, under the t,i.veltionit.
the queittion of food is Very promin-
ent. • • • -•
A young mar; states that he had
suffered for.. nine years from otonmeh
and bowel trouble, had two'' opera-
tions wlllch did net cuie„ and WaS
at lett threatened with appendicitis.
Ile went to. Hot Spring s for thew -
:Metiers; and WS' steingelt trotible go
worse. One. day„ at brealdest. the,
welter, 1046Wing his,tondition, mug-
gosted he try Orape-Nuis and croau6
him portotly.
• Atter -th* second day b began
sieep peacefully at eight, differen
that; he had for ettra *The petk
• . t #
grs 01I-0
no fin
seye: "The iliett morning X
sistenished to And my tonditio
.constiOntion bad iirtispptnrod..
not`b011ove IL true Alter su
in tor many rers. be
.more inter* la the feeet,
bOok.. ito*tt
viilee' rind started
sittiple ,diroctions.
"I haVe Met with,suii
th*t in the lett fire vi
beth - whierN,
Iroin atiYoho'4,.
— 1,41,11
young man. "Frankly,' we should
not." '1.17'011102_ Would _tho
alto; askca him last. Wight,"
Much distress and ackness in children
Is caused by WOrkfus. 3161,ber otaves*
Worm lilsterminator gives relief re
moving the catiaiii. Mire it a trial and
be convinced. ,
Husband -Pilo you knoiw that-every
time a woman gets attoy•lthe• adds
**No; 1not. did _Ilut if it is so,
',presume it Is a wise provision, or
Nature to let .1..1.10 -31'411,d __I*410w_ 'that ,
*ort ot-a-ltnshand-a_wnnfatk;heel" -
Sign 0 ol Danger.-Ilave you lost
your - petite? nave you a coated
tongue7 ilave you any unpleasant
imam in ilhe filOtith/ , DOes yOUr heat!
eche onit - have you •416thiessi 21 no
Your incense*, ie out of order and you
need medielnel, lint you do not likt
medicine lie that ,prefers sielentSS to
medicine meat Stiltert bUt tinder the tit-
euniAatiOtr the wimi titan would prOtUre
a box ss roomette's ' Vegetable Pills
and speedily get himself in health, and
‘ 404•44 44,444.0
Strive.. t.0 keep so.,, .•..
, Although Wtatint sitordti has
tIrely ceased for -twenty_.Yestri In
Japan. the old System And reverence
or:theAteapi.m.__suuLitt,-1Vt_a_ till_ mc-__
iste, oblong _the gentlemen of the
country, and, •many of the nobility
have , at their „houstii regular estib-
lisbnfltB ' , ia practE-cd.
• 'eu Ig
ArM ton**dt troubb 1y ui1n Gra
#1$14 er lefte
ono thing. In piiitleul
tod„i great thanes
tinditieSE. Formerly'
,ronionlior tinythIn
,0 *bit
idi;k htXt mu*
ing ots,.
(44110-.4 Y
1* p1 tro difteront fro
Man glvito loot" ,•4
so wivers and 110,rizoos ar ali
tilt •
The: World: F -%
Ta violation of our Ca *diem Patents, an indtating am
Separator tailed the "cticedit". has in !mine localities been 'tit-
tered for sale and at Iasi! are now 'Tending against the
inittrafacturers thereof. Vidor the Jaw a USER of these in -
patentee through his use thereof. . We -.hereby ,inforra you that
in liaising or using one of these 'ssseralled "UNEEP-A" sepses;
torti you. not <ally get 0., very inferior generator, iticaPablii Of
inkt Jelth_all_itit_gOenetv. e' attendants; mut with.,..eytog.„1040,th.
of lo*Ing the machine you 'rave bought, and verdict dt bars"?
da gets against you.
i 1 •
subject before' lbeibininie. hoirphied Writ* to
be made from our solicit-4
Masten- Start f4, thionce„ Toronto, Can.
AN "AUI0D C. ."
- humor:-OtEnWit#
church, but, it Is never •WhollY
to :Wlitsa517:tiotrgrriasegTa;lo4117-in,d "theal'a'anus
urgintiy in need 01 Miler, and as we
have failed to •get money honestly.,
.we Iva Wive to gee what a b tear
will do ror us."
'Millard Liniment Cure: Oandrulli
AN 1,011S, IMPROVE)) r.A 101
L&nd for Sal.. all located in the
• .. valley itwairtithe grrdffilninoir•
tha Wairtines*, -Marfa 10 the ,Garden of
,the.Souris tr_ort*reo,toararestmereioofear
terms, all locatednear markets, senools
and thurchea; write for lists and fur-
ther particulsrsi,to: the. Souris Valiey.
Land company.? Westioieihs. Manitoba.
ne -bairfliven e
by an Erliglishinan Which, it is said,
has the, Rower of resisting X-rays,
and will Prevent that terrible
poen used by milltonii of mothers . for
Abet children, While teething. It seethes
the chlld, surtenw the gums, allays paid,
and bowels, and is the beet remedy ,for
Oferrlioea. TWeriTi-nYtt *4enta a boStle.,-
Sold by*-7-aFfiggiste throughout th*
world. *Be suns and' ask- for irs.
avausliWs,,ficLojOing_SitrAza____ -04
• tiftlifLAHE:,..11/11ML
Nrosiissoi 121„ tiott totioitsitissit 1.
Sits lus *prolog* ot salt- OM*
t" DIV.(
',Eyelids set *saw tithillfsreksit.Writs
itt w not nalit.0 rem tasks la
as, but T didn't know it! .
•If .you are • sufferer from colds get
battle _OE 'tickles _.,,Aut VConsuitipti-vo-
Syrup and test its eualltfes. It. will
be fQiiii4 thart?-liir'praise bestowed on
It is too- high, it does all that.' se.
claimed lot tt atia dote it thoroughly.
Do not take any substitute for Dickies
Syrup*bemuses It Si the best. having.
St0041, t110 tetit 01 years, All the best
dealers seli it.
• 1* 11
•-Web ,
hate Still be on sal litade in Sivit,
ablate -1, arid saililisi-ohaped, they are
get Wet the straw and th
t eVen better than before.
S • CO.,
Some time .0.0 I. had .11 hail at-
tack of (lenity which laid, me up for
two wee* and coat a lot" of money.
,Fintling the lump ,again forming in
my throat., I bathed, treely with
rs„,iikutvis. X.INTMV„.*NT, and eater -
tint a cloth wlt1 the
nting a cloth ,with the liniment bit
night. —
Next teeming the Orienting was
one .and_tattribute_thewardingoff.
an attack of ttliti"44 to the tree
irosainis oars,
that .the bY0 bits-lioit'brouebt. rwat
shell *Id 'tin -to kill !eral.--4
Mistress (utterly, unpractical)
the poor things, 'Why, they must •
be alive • Tell Thomas to geta
. bucket.- Of Watecc.-11Pd-1165iiin
rvo heard that droivril causes
*offering than. any othW Way of
a often
Otte of the lateet ideas tO be Pro-
pounded, and which will •ho brought,
postal congress, is a :suggestion for
ati ititernattOnal • stamp.
• A. Wide klphire of ttsefulneies--The
consumption of Dr. Thomas' ,r.ciectrie
on has grown to great proportions.
Natisritbettinding the ,,feet that --it 'hits- .
new -heat on the sisesitet, for civet 'Mir.
ty-one yeam its prOaperlt groat'
art *e'er, and Um at '
peeled has very .gieatty hicrea.4. It
Is beneileitl itt alt ooilittrie* whet*
evertintredured fresh suppliet ar cOn.
vtait rintked-for.
nuM see of tinibee eieeper* on-
tbe 1.411111*p% 01 tha world is calm. •
It t *boll 04
ooptosiiha *or* present srni1d at
the; littlo pasSsigo. of *Avis Wilth tbOU
Plato- Wit/wool two young Wits it'st
• luneheon recently. One of them,
shaking hands in bet
▪ cordial war, said to the
:1d ti
me 00
vo.been throUt
.",r1 La read all o
If011Ostaysti Corn Cure deStroys *11
kinds of torn* and 101,111.01., root and
breath'. 'lithe, then *Auld titstlisre theta •
With *mei ili-;tiie*P. loknit ,giiiItitte4141 rattle47. "
With1n :restk/. •
'at banks in (1:0...
O On $ torbgn4. Ot tbo
'nly roar Are •