HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-03-02, Page 1-
diafts ounonay,pa7a61e anywhe
atoris to lave* tes relation,* sourly txrsopta
val Ito tottotatt* ot *e ;4 mato sweet.
Branches in .fluroweounty st
ITOIST.-DALSHWOOD,, Mr44$4,101-4, cnCLI
itAI.Nodi to loan 's • .
• The . Largest and 'most Snecesitfut
Commercial. aw Shorthand School. Weetera
eon oy gretuati*** Waters. •
Nom may eater at stay thee,.
_wett.lot treefoatvogue.
sworr & xtpukotiz"
• Prineipal
Mr, Ooldbyi who n
o Yale .40ring. her Moose in
Ezete& NOrth, has 'returned to
Hannah finders antlattught
Misa ora, left'on Ifriday last to seen.
• weeks- m Toronto with Mra..ren.
3.14ltir.vWeiinah.ettignoann, .TutfeedLuoca.
Will. is
w ronnirag a blacksmith shop in
flint 'Villege.
Miss Mary A. Tom, Who bas been
on . an extended *too, inVancouver,
B. ow, ami Portiend. -Oregon rotor*.
even -
Ms;,Wea. .Ittstilakeiikfter* _Pleasant
visit With frlettle in and around. .Exe-
ter during the past two months. on
Monday- ,returnett.,-to-,Cryitat-City
Mk* ,011,Ve Ilooper, who Us* been,
e guest of her aunt, , Mrs. • W. O.
issett for the est week returned
,tout et, -*t otor
Mrs; Saes, Hallia,44104 Mr. 1 -Yin# t-
rio, who have' been spending the- Win.
ter with Ontatie friend% left here on
iviOnday ,last for their revective; homes
n the West.'Oarroluft and:, WOrktuan-
-Parsons, of Ed.
• ,
, tree on. the Thames load, adjoining Exeter.
ng.hodofict, wheont, In, 1,2 scree hardyrood bosh:
teld.41wwanaeirckteecuorxn.re Fizsacensmtigoitoun,
'Aligned Ix oteri for sale that- excellent
It I„ There Is on the premises'
an orchard and other 'con -
is well drained and Ca bra good
Will be eold reaeopablaand on
ATK11,48c-alei, Sarepta P. 0,
14 Ding territeri
Iie the holm,e end ltdaatioW
:Mi. 5. M. Sanders-wx
Annual Meeting of the Farmers' Co-
operative Ilarveatiqg Machine *.
on March Sth.
A general' annual meeting lir- the
-Association for ,I41,xeter will be,held in
the Town Hall, Exeter, on Monday,
March la. 1006. at Sp. m„,..sharp, for
. the election of officers and ether lin-
is reqUested.
✓ 4, a ys visiting old friends.
T • hive been in 'Ontario for some
weels; and intend returning shortly
to their western .horne. ,
Mr. Jameti Weatchtt, whO heti been
Woyitig his - usual mid -winter visit
in Exeter and other' Ontario point,
ou Saturday returned to his home in
the West, IleAMIAB____IteconapitnirdL_Iv
Nelson Sbeere, whole on a
By Charlie Marine. The Most catchy
waltz song antehornsvhlished; (CAn
be' applied, to your own town.), , If you
are not pleased send it 1
return starts._ ,, Mailed toan_y address
. rove-0-ot etaturis. ixotr WILL
LIKE'71110/80116, Addrefoll AU (Oda*
to ISAAC, Der...0.4-(Pub4 InattratIm-
11% . .
Brithels sate -Fero's* etetesochsty,--Esstse
A xneetin of .the comtu ee *WAS
n t OVirn• e Wen
t following order o business RSA
•ly submitted rtud
ident, Merl R. Perkiest oicupy-
previone Meeting. --,Per Itevs. Godwin
snd writing, end Academic
psrtment. In Writing for catalogue
cont*lulng Addreise.
it-BASX. C. B. Pihicipat
urdoni_thet Me. F. W.
y J.„,, • ...tkitte a
Dr. *noon be the speotkers for
evenin , Per N. D. Burdon sod Rev.
W. in, that. the. choir of the
the tousle u ; Per Re.
ot the twin be requested to obeervis
Sunday, -March 6th, 1006 as Bible Sun-
day and to preachtsepeeist iermon
on behalf of the Society on that date
and further that envelopes bedistri.
closed, desired to be given in *Id of
the Bible Societe* work ; Per Rev.
Martin and N. D. Bunion'that the
_following committee be recoramended,
for the year WM% President, Rev.
Godwin; 5:eseretarn S. Grigg;
er, T. it McCallum; Depository,
chnreh. T. 11 McCalln
demon, -Cavan Preabyte
3. Senior and P. WsI
Memorial, E. Eillotand
Per WV& Martin *Ad Ocalvrin.
the apportionnient of the grant mufti
the mute as in former years j to 'Lb
British And For 111M0 Society and
the balance to th 1,. Canad
Society. Per Rev.
went. , 3";-(Irtt
Mb* .A.my :ohne was
Pod Bowden. **tin London
thi* week..
Mr. P. E. Kern spent'Sun
W. C. Ituatortic_visiting.
Mies Pesrl Rains spent a few
itt London tbis week.
fia left Mon** t • *hi
. Dk
t hi* home in
sad news of the death of Mr. Charles.
Wilson will be received bf his huge
c e o with deep and pro-
ound egret, melancholy event
havingtakenOtos on Tuesday -mato-
• about, 2' o'clock. Mr. • Wiloon
bad been ailing for lone tlitno from.
b soppoeed to have been as*
• but *boat
five wee sago be was obliged to take
A13211304 i)r his phyeician it was 'secy.,
f th,e *ton:itch. From the. time tie
took tohisbed . be suffered a mat
wee h• as hovered between life and
was waited y w et,
Het- Ths-deosatsed_ had resided In ths
ourytt._ . I •
ved-here-from--Enteter -
months Ago and • took charge of ;the
hotel,. By his obliging toanner, the
ll_AT 2_4*, CcIIIttleted
II • many": other .good
lities • he endeared himself to .reen
and the dee • t- regret ittexpreseed at
his death. in in Fermanstgb,
land, In the yearlSlikhe came toes*,
ads about tiO years ago Auld settled in,
the Township of Visborne, -Ile wag a
cabinet maker by trade; he, 'followed
oegt---tptt f
during that iline in - a
laceein Western Ontario.
eral years he conducted the Manilon
House it Exeter and WM well and
favotrably known. Mr. 'Wilson was
three times married. Besides a sot.
rowingwidow, be is survived by one'
gnaw, who hat been_reslclhig
is father. The funeretwill take
-0 I
t"4• Lzed Jones : iter
vantage f tbe good• SISIghing.:get-
tingtheirAeaming . 'a,nd
Itobt,';',MaWiriongy are on the-sca.
WeWish .thernHai. SpeedY 1,.eenv'•
Martyles.deg bulk!. its Im
he otberr.biy,
•, $04010
. • "
Mr. John renbale had a nuMber of
sheet) wOrtled by doss one night last.
week, ,fitorne of whie'h have Hines
Mr. Wall' -Ilarxio and. Mr. Mu..
Green, OVINrndOlf, Tt, and
els° Mr..,Ettin: lighten and wife, ,,of
010441' -qt,:re.., Manitoba, 'have,. Wen-
eal log on Iriendti in -Sonout and Vieth).
prattle itotne..--.-Mr;Satn.Startitike. who
.halr beett':-110Well. for ir-number:•-o
-lbonthi; bee improved in. health. and
.1t/ttlit* to 'be around
Ole 14.,4400.044;.:*.C..ISTartita..,,..iLvialtits
nuMber of the
young toi !Ls from Sodom drove to the
home of Mr. jag.. Green.- One .night
joyable thne. '
Mr; Thomas Morley, of Centralia, is
spendin,$ta few days with his, parents
here.;410.1VeTetcOn.- after A couple Of.
menthe* yielit with friends in tondo
very some
whichI (1' learned'ilwi6tnh itt4telrnas'eutrez
by Iver many, friends... -Miss Ella Alt -
kits -has Rohn to Winnipeg. where -she
will visit frientls' for a time- We wish
her a safe journe and &pleasant time.
Mrs. Seales an Miss Hattie flodgins
o London,' were pleasant visitors.at
owe -of Mrs.. erbert--tor
a ft -
days last.* r. A. of - u-
ean,•is ItOVin back • Van' •his hLrrn,
d line. • ord.
inov as w he art
4fToroeto;'-wherelusbes-purc as
tttrtn. We Wish him every success.in
his new home. -Mr B. 0. Jones hae,
epternedirom trip, bale
and hearty. - 116 eisited-Irelandrvets*
'delighted him greatly.: .110 WAW favor-
ed with .betutifol weather and saw
nyanylote, sights. - Jones alen
visited -Scotland, -England. 'France and
Belgium. • fle is so well pleased, with
the trip that he le going- again.' 'Be
'ought them several valuable present,
Ills telends_gave_hint y
come on his return .home.
-Ura. Krueger, of Detroltriten. Vie -
it to her mother.. Mrs. Si de. --John•
our new blackemit Louts
Meesrs. N. M. Cantin and Win Milier
were in, Buffalo last week on busines..
John gia-:----gner, et-ielOwk-te-aton
fe Woke visit.-Mr.jend Mr. Sohn
- rang ansi son, of,Godericht Vent,
few days in the village last -week.
Menno Liebrer, -of Minh Dakota, .1
renewing acquaintancealn this vicini.
Beatrice Steltsbec4 18 InLon-
don &twitting the.raillinery openings.:
the--76ItiToy -over
fear years, has .gone to Weterleo to
take& position..Addison Koehler hat
Completed his studies at.the Stratford
Boone* College, and ittnowt home on
a -visit. John tiaseho, who recent.
eolditis farm tiettTavist0414 *Pent
Os, "t„,?„11,0_,Itteving,.for
MlobIgan,, e• hes
larger one.-'lienry, Lipphardt.', Motes-
18 now comfortably tettledin hie new
butcher shop.-Isabdt 'Wittnet has
rented th. farm of his father -in
John Gellman, or the lith ton., 04
alto th.50 aereitlir. Gellman recant'
purcbaaed from It.. $ithotann. ThIs
gives . Witmer at, splendid .farm o
acres to work on. ,oMr Gallmao
will rennin on the tarm but will take
llfe Sund*y afterngon the
death took pace at
north of Dryadid
tberipeo)d so; t.
Was hig
rnty Tbefuneral was b
Wdneeday to the $ub1e Hue ceme.
was conducted by. the Rev.
Fitther • ,ItItlitt
ays' t •
tggi. Atc. goio
rank le retnrned
14404' 'VAN
JO *d uoud St. Thottras,-;The mat
riege of Mr. Ridley, of,. Todder, Man-,
and Miss 011yijkaementi.otthis place.
'was solemnized at the Methodist, par.
sonage, Elimville, on Tuesday, of°
tweek„-tteritt-Ar.-Wc-ii. Cooper officiat-
ing. Ater. a 0041, visit with relatives
Mr. aud510,, itidley will leave for tlte
West to the beautiful hone prepated
by the groom. The best wishes of the.
entire eommonity rot veith them.
()red itto-ty
rimavanvO Sitn•Vieks will be beld
in the Foresters' hall. Cteditori _eath
ity.-Ith inst., to -the 10th,; inclusive.
he -services will he-cootin tied the tot -
lowing ek. The fd 11nWi ng ate opine
of the soileets thst wifl he isentsedt
beOtinitesstett.orDtto .iir-Treet
e onse (Dan.
aved.".ete.. , T_Ise 'Sabbath- question,
tme fund_ import
goes ionsof, be Ore
iteetedlif-deolinte. liAnestleiss di:1W
respected and courteously. 0116We'red.
Come. -bring your Bibles. .Your are
welcome. Itnpectaftodillys. 1
1 $(':tore -
bas for
re cow1ueedt
t r10.
, h
on linc, vtuie intovillage Fijd
ight and whilein'the act of tying
tam they 'became frightened. a
made a dl4sh:tor liberty. bat Mr.
tie ttluektly held en and brought; them
to a standstill, after Tunningsome
teenor twenty -rods. No damage was
done save the breaking of a tie post in
front of Mr. Edighoffees shoe *tore.
Misses Molina •Motter and Theo Vert.
leak. of .Exeter, spent Sunday here.
The recent fine weather has been hail-
ed by all. -The flax • comPany Imre
shipped s carload of flax last 'week,
realizing a good figure Or ' •
ale informerd that a wedding will take
place here in the near future. ' Pattie.
- - -
ne matched team last Vffet4c,-Jit..4 •
Wilson hurt 'his arm Oft-Fridity. In. the
flax suilland has been laid esItit Olne,efr
SOS. Wambold is ititing sobs--
'factiOn at lighting ouratreet lamp%
r. and Mrs, Wm. Osiltas, Of ZorIch,
were in the villagerridny:--Several of
our roun people atheredat the -home
spe*t, an enjoyable . :sole. . . frvjne_
itterOriae eniiiit IS-:30jiendifig"' a; ••
few; days at . , his 'house hoe, ..prier to
leaving for, tile liVest,%'Where he has
SPO.III*4 4 situation. --On Monday night '
'A kiitaiSized load of Yortng pmple' met
othe homei.of Ur. and Mrs. Sam Bea.
The Idetchant s ;ink 'have .Messre.
• . . f the Gosht.n 'Brie, and s,pent a
Itztnan It Esther ;engaged- -rentod'el- ' "
s al _ ow_ ey -Inem-ren e . A
. r Arthur -Wirtitenweder ,
frti*s ,. . 0.1Cestie. Wheo finish Vflbeery I/I last isweek. .1)a , we are ,
0 banding Will have. an aPta.datv pief.sed to report that ts much better.
ppearance.-Owileg to the illness Of Chas. Guenther Who has been %lilt,
Ite.• 41"0. 11°14"644). gote w(18. n° ing friends in thetNiagiwa district and .
retsehing in the "Aletbodist.church ott at Buffalo, for some . time, 'returned
ohdAY nights-- Mr. NVol.. -Winer has borne. fast week.--.1"o1*n ilell„ of Lon- .
rented itilb• faltIlt 60110 • by' Mrs. 4.0.T.- 'don speot, et few days , in . the , village
deri tor attires .of y,ears and will take
. .
t er. of Ildertoss sp,erkt Stutday
• omeiotTii_s=rtic'ttiteh-i-lohn---Ap
siert inthe epring...,-,Wri& pirt.c,_:.
Stitday with .4triiiita.§ in Zstricb.,;---br. -
this week„ --Miss (Nara Noeitler 'spent • .
0 made, 0 bust, wil trill J11..
ton moved 'hfs-lipaseholll effects to ay,.., -It, arn lansz. or .
4.1,mtiodig°,:fit:Inbtii:awftitreeotckft.4-4041..., . odinxi:::::::,11,:::, will& ,..4444e-iiritItairroM.'llitielt d;.43:4-17:_irsvliterlitirisd."re:Iletest
It4f ort. PrAttleitt fSeroloit,,MISe ' attar leenacted. .,Xlext seeil. litronn,„ s..' . .
-4Tuttutitebs: -L.:, _ _
death of.'a young friend at Guelph.
Week. retorned to SebeWaieg, Mich,
on, Udnday.--The Parmer's -Institut-
Ineeting-which--washeld4w-the- • 14 A i 1 .
liall Monday -afternoon was well at- Mier Whitney. prottised enforcement '
' tesuled.4 -Medan. Fraser, Sanders, and of the licenseliter. buc-indicated, :Oa, t.-
-Gardiner delivered interesting addres. i to legislation:et iioportance would , be
Faistlas returned home from ilatall, - ..
rm. INIKVII ibiR.***'Irill. 011351r-- - —"–
ton- and-Mo.r.riston„- after -,a. --
*s• wi
ager of the Merchants' Bank at Lucent
has en appointed e,,gentAtt the °red,
It4li rifieli'aSiiell. This mates three
'branches of which Mr.RoIthybaknow
cha ..-Lucati,Gran ton andertid.iton.
: .
. e anntversar-litTreTeleTeirlithrilr-t
v; elical-church7.--ott-Sitrlday All
were will . attended. Bev
at fine veluntarlei On the: pipe organ.'
Mr. Morrow sang two appropriate
Mita** Ella Link artd:,Pearl • oltzman..
VtivceNT, Exeter, on Februar
2004 1005, to_ and 411is._.L-
g • Vincent, *daughter.
Sum -In Orediton, on Feb. 27th, to
ausi_Mrs,ilosph. Sifts, a dalaght_
. Of Tolder. Maoirro Miss
Motet Clements; of Winehelsea.,
Matrutste' Suriowt..-At the residence
was delliered by Rev. Daerlation. ,The
choir cert,airtly did well and assisted in
making the evening's prOgram a, tame
Disii4T.1.4"otpov. A. sad deatb,
,on Frlday wbenbee=
pieton, datter of Mr. Thos. Apple-
ton, was ed to joined the silent ma-
jority at the age of 21. years;. Deceits -
ed hadIust recovered .from -a'Setious
illues* when she took * rebtpse And
evs';ytbing poesible was done but
young lady was s general faiorlte
anrnng the young people hers and her
buterOsit*--deeplitOolifiiiiiii this
eomn3unity. Mt. Appleton lett on
Frid*y and brought the. remain* to
Oredit,ort. Ibe forieraf'tottic- Otte On
Sunday and was largely attended, .the
*main* being laid to rest beside thoee
of ber mother who illea Etta*
ago. MIs. .ton
-Mr ObiLL
E. Masters, to
fifth datighter of Mr. and;6Im.
all of Mitchell.
an Feb. 23rd, Elle, daughter of Mr,
AfLangfordi to -Ern*
tt-SuAnP.-0nFeb.10th, byRere.
4. T Stitclitte. Mr. :Walter Neil, of
McGillivray, to Miss Bertha Shap,
of Stephen. .
illattilggWOrtT11-,-BECLICAS-40 Stoatordown Feb. 20th„ Leo Clierlestworth,
di(ugbtA'r of Mr. Win. McLean, of
grit bise--.-
I1uiat on Feb. 11,
Mrs. Eyre relict ot the, late ffenry
Eyre, sged 713 Years. ,
Woodhatn, On Feb. 20%
il#on„ aged 64 yea" 10,
Feb. 21, , lUbeceet d*ugbter
Tho�.Appleton, VredItOn*.
ti ttil he
1• 1.
• tetra ourdeeJ
est PortbY.