HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-02-16, Page 2a
ire iveiVU tie; .
uditar. end, 0-jor
'Watt, J 41';'• 014'
raing'qaPPV4 .In'tkv
, , a
olation. o i d .,;tO thr'• et•ti.tilon
ttratilettk foi4g!), Ti(rik,•0;',,I4:010
;ileslsion.ii),•rettTiiit t • th's t
01 is votes 040: in. Weet • itat(tii'iit••
tbe'''' ree0Ok.'ProVipeittl-elettions Was
. 0 pos,tpatied°,141enday, Judge Deyle
s'-belegsotill ill, .
* * e
eedipgii contemplated a.
that his election was illegal try reason
Of lita being one of the sureties for a
eoutractor, have beeu dropped.
vit., eft' tot tea 1-te
1 • hy: !d (SSV.' .00,4wfoii
t;s0obtt #411aford hear:.
Li , at.ot Vtlitton (.1ftit
jftt,.VCd itialentiOletitity Neste s
1,0 aIId Oarrip thot dohiilorpOnce
44.).1)Qisate4 Arafftee et 'Olintao
late; oteVed by 'Wore, Mctdan And,
Isnisfer thatlev. Dr. lhe he appeint,
. trustee of Goderich Collegiate,
edareatid-o-comoi it tee.'„_''- --
mite r_mattalk-j1.0.0L041.4.4 toll. wit"
on Ulu. toimetcrai rererence to
wtrshout at Port Albert; matter refer.
red to road and bridge committee.
Moved bv Mv. McLean• seconded by
'tiotethe• tinag0.
John Leadesbo
is on atialt-tios,
ItIcoatt awl other
crmdueted & furni usin
111) ' 'Isc4n pet'l ',..*4.
1eMei ilisi :-: ,ene.0„..,.k.
•.11,t1..,Oreiteltaiat P;?.'.014t4,...,P9Sal)1.'.'.1,tew.' '
0,49d:tilt 'contniittee retibited tittit . Lethbridge, I, '
i hitt latnce last re irt, dete'd Doe. iit, ,: G. $4., Bleck,' reeve itf Titelterenti hi;
portaideipted, • , • • •, • I1 Iuie,.nf ,ttrtia
the contreetorbaa•dolie searceiv asK. ,bri rekltillen aWi*Y LI her brother* •
--.. Titirty-four thowand and fifty-five 'my *Quilburi-that-tthrneuriti°Iftit
- is the popular majority of the Whit of the coinicil go to Port Albert and.
nay, government in the el,eciaon held*: examine bridge for themselves; car-
ried0i; Thursday a depUtation waited on
10 tarloani January 25, Complete of. ,
c , I returns have now been received the council in relereuce to a proposed
fromell constituencies in the Province
said shows this result:- . . •, .. change in bouudaries of IL S. S. No.
Membera elected -Conservatives. 67; 4. Godetich and Hullett townships;
'Liberals 31; Conservative majority in passed en to education committee.
Popular vote-OonservatiVes. 23/4713. The committee recommended accep-
'Conservative plorality Over Liberals.
.34,055; and over Liberal and Indepen.
In 00nriection with the resolution
'passed by the Kingston- ConsetvatiVe
Aosoeiation Tuesday, esking that the
.„ • trbtritopenearattitil a -vie
or e oft ia "fliscavrit vbere
IA 0 I RPM', tiffirtMiritrif
Turner Tire-it-Mrttie Pbrlta�eut.41
„ ing# thittinorning:that edmelniportaitt
mar evidence hattcome 16 llght. Mr.
R. owney, ,who ,ya's at the bend. -
tinges as ht' has heeo every for over
.a -seek, sairEwhiti ask- * °ricer:4310g
;the tutnot.„--“I da_not. 00.0t_ outtne
doe* evidence. I nia7 throw Sintle
light on one or two, points In my Own
nactlita.olta WH,X Ina.reatatt,
Aiteessment laws -;even. the • pleinest
ofthein-are enigmas to the average
cltfteu, and. of course, the prtetent law
is -no exception to the rule. Evety4
- body understands a portion of it, bat
• .
thelys on . titliequetitt—hir-y w .e the
• bachelors of this fair Proeince were
'basking in the sunsttine of single
thiscountry with malice' aforethought,
prompted, perhaps, by the ladies. ac-
tually placed a law on the statue hooks
-of Canada which makes it tine:hole-
some from a financial standpoint for a
auto to remain tt bachelor in Ontario.
According to the law If a man is a
householder his salary up to a $1000
19 er-Ta-firTfirinn lout if be -la
tAiot a • more o er on y $ exemp
A householder does not mean the own-
-er of a house -it means m. man who
anitintaips A heuse. Consequently the
-salary of anrtnan who does not maiii-
6st it -is assessable for all over • 00
per annum. The mora t en s, eep
house if you wish to take advantage
.of the 81000 exem • flan. If you do not.
' t ca 4N irate
4.4XaS S TS. X
. ranee -
stfitalarch `Met, at a Coot of 410 per
On, attention to damage done by
weather, and requested him to place
skylight in position or Otherwise pro-
tect -opeoingt contractor would' be
charged with tout or heat committee
had directed Mr.`Prench to turn on.
Ora= Itateoirr
Executive committee recommended
that John Knox receive $50 per month
while acting as, jailer; that Ontario
statutes for 1O5 L,e obtained for each
councillor, the Consolidated Municipal
Act for the new lumbers. and Muntcl-
pal World for each member; no action
forsoperstructuterof Aotherley bridge, Childrens ran c
*et g
at OD ee SW: Morrisbank bridge, each. pub). libraries, eachr $15.=
span IS feet, at $1,400; Lucknow bridge, Aticultural air 'Horticultural that,
imici—nuixtHm tirostilvtes-raeb',_
60. feet, $810; total, $4.050, Comesittee- $25, risonerat Aid"Atisii• *10,--781Sit,
advised acceptance of tender of P. Children's hospital $20,' for flowers . at
Outteridge„ Seafarth, for concrle court home) grounds $10., To be paid
eets....at_Awherley.....britht Settforth Collegiate 12.221.83; Clinton
-per-ouhicyardtof tilagleJa.ube _ bri1i000c8wiviate •
for-MeGattute-bridim-stt-$4,014-of.,.. .for,-ttttendence_,oLpupilv fnatlIttisee
r-AVingliank t_nder. of_ Sanders &-
bridge, at $4.15, and forAucknow Creech for printing, being the lowest,
bridge at $4,85. Itettontifiended that was recommended for acceptance. A
no action with reference to deputation supplementary :Veport recommended
front A.shfield in connection with Pots the usualrnb of *50010 suplernent
Albert, bridge; no action in reference Par of 88 regleledt w
grant mit to exceed 25c. aday per man.
---- Special- committee, recommended
thet ItationiofIetrich, 'to he incorpot•
ated as.police village, be granted. bY.•
law 10 be pima *Orme iteseloo; that
the clerk atertreasurer sign the pet',
to commutation from Ontario coin,
talselonerrtif'Wt; ways re government
grant; no action In reference to invite-.
tion tr0111 Western Ontario Good
Roads Awn. tomeeting in Toronto In
Pebruar .Report amended. that 0.
Barber ' given contract for abut. tion of the t Mayor of Toronto in re,
silents of Atuberley bridge, inatead Of Itarcl to amendMeht toobarter of tele.
P. Gutteridge.. phone coreptudest. , /110 - action be
The county commissioner -reported VI -Wm in regard . memorials Erma
that several bridges would require re. YOrkdourity., Report adapted.
flooring, and in some cases new Pieta Regarding letter from 1 'rondfoot,
are needed; most of the iron and, steel Bays &Blatr, re lavingstonev Huron,
and tland rulget have been satis- considered the county liab e tor $30.1
factorily contpleteed, save the painl. and recommended the atone to be paid
in warm weather. Total amount of e ' to ula e exp ana on tot • e ,counci
orders:issued during Wt. =203.23, regArding the "me. -
since December session, $5,081.80. The Piller reported seven vagrants,
- • orwinsanc inmate, three persons con.
EDUCATIONAL fined for theft, and one for fraud.
The emomittee.8 report; as adopted Atatsrs. Mellat and -Canieron were
by council, appoints oho .1tansford as appointed on the board of eoutay ex -
trustee for Clinton Colleglates R. S. am,nors, . — ,
Ha a for Seaforth. and Bev. Dr. tire ati,sea by me, McKerizle, Seconded
_ frivi..- , • : • • • • :.• • 7- A MINA rla s .—.2s . it a * lin -
dot) in referenee to reguset of Triteteea
Assn.,,,to se nd delegate to _ con ven tion
in Toronto, Iu .reference to request
of ratepayere'of V. S. S. No. 4, 11. & G.
iliettftlad,e the section
recontrocnairiarall parties not
present* in writing what changes they
&Sire, to the countv clerk, so that the
• Ottawa,. Feb, 14.-s-Ite'1orns received
• Devlin, the Liherat candidate will be
•elected by about 140 majority, .defeat -
sing Mr. McDougall, 1 • 4
Cabinent. Bye -Elections
Toronto, Feb. 9.-Preinier 'Whitney
announced this mornittg,Sliat the writs
for the h e•electione "ade necesidar
rthestccep nce o o r Whitten
.irotild be istitied this afternoon. Nom,.
inatiOns will take place on Feb. 21 and
the polling on Pete 281 The gjejtjoris
wiul take place in Dundas, Smith Tor-
onto, East Toronto, titleth Pert
titirs-banar Woatr Mon-
th Bssex. • e mo ters
portfolio no doubt will allhe elected
toy acclamation, •
West Huron °Still In Doubt.
W. Cl ham, the Jun _
minty awl _the inspectors'
`E-&-t-icu reserlintraticuinposs-n-
board oterintratora•
Statistics of Clinton Collegiate were
as follows:
Agg. attendance 21,387 21,079 22.242
cOootY • 1Pils. • .10.018 040.0.104_99
Seaford% Collegiate
latteudancie.26.427 27,18225,623
F. 641
County: *titipibi; :113,415. -
Cost maintke $5.042,0,64 i,fll.1U5,817.23
Legis grant 0.-495043 96&0199'2.7
Tatal attendauto 31,477
• le, grant; •711A1,01.
; •
PrOligfiVirnf--elioittstiftat.atepate. he
party then repaired t� the dim -60M
Where* dainty wedding breakfast was
served and eongrittuletery iseeeehes
given. The number and value of the
gifts testified to the high esteem 10
which the contractingpartiee are held.
theirffiany friends. :' Mr., and Mt*,
McOlureleft,on the, afternoon train on'
*honeymoon trip to Brampton and:
Mt. •Plitteisiat ateother points east.
On their return they will spend a felt
days here, riot to leaving for their
h,ottte In the weet.
• OritINVAIt.lblit.,AlfWAISp. Death hail
te4thtfilled entlte-atevArt_
ago. Vire, ,Eleostis tottiden name was
EtberhOttou. and WOW born and num-
ied.before 'catnip t this.ceuntry,h
inga-natittess3 ireattegland.
Virer came -to- this country- O� years
cart. tiettling first In Torontti, they
maned there- four -years. eOrolaR
thence tO Tuckersinith, whore they
have since 'refolded and, parted front
thotie whom they loved most -dearly.
There were six. children -Min. and
Appleton. jr., in Tnokersniltb, thelat--
ter being on the hemestead, where the
mother died on 'Wednesday; David. of
Osalforulat3lits. Wm...slats/day. Godes
rich Eris; 41tsit.Jente*Zinell, Hutlett;
and ,Mrs.llugh Attlexender,of. Macao -
ba. Deceased was 84 yearso2 Months
'aulltdays oldiatrui suoctunhed itrs,c1
tatageneral breaking np of 'her
once strong constitution.but for a year
past. had been a sofferec-from rheuroa-
P Ida and
• esp ristyliFla, Fir' was lime-
ly attendeds.thestutetment taking place
to Tui—We join in. ex -
moeslof one o 'our oldest and
1 ted residente. This' time
•now in _session desire to express oak
sympathy with Mr. Griffin, our pre-
sent jailer, in the loss 'fat one of his
family by death and his own serious
. uust.ersisneranneasan soon .
restored te his usual health, and that
Mr. Griffin.
lariaws Pass= •
it irs-a
timinallustice accounts, And7Fr8r
orle and S Zeller, to audit and r
pot on a 1-#31bitirireehonta istrectligr
tile corporationthe auditors of crim-
inal jostice'lrecOuots to receive $3 per
da and lOc a mile one way only.
ftfl 0t ee aus r orecs ve
13s1eaa. No, 2,..lom• e • assed trthorix.
-row-money' -130tillty
t40 Were, received, the „tete!
iziounit .so borrowed not to exceed
ylatr,No. Was passed_Linointin
Judge liolt; H. Ruston, Exeter: and
W. Win ham, arbitrators in
33.618 • 4,'Ilateria.4*04 rtudiett towolibi
, 11124 umberate:payers of the section
bsdlittitiOned councils of the two
C10000 rek.i0e0r1,1titt to take ,the nes
opeetoe Tom r4ioet,4rthres neir- deg, s stepe" fitillett granted
ick and One. dertie' hdock schools the th ftlon; but GioditiCh townilki
. t. n.1F. al-
• 111 it„epiino., The petitions to.
the townhp COusioibt asked,. 010 lot.
cakieessfors 4. Itullett, and. iota. et
itit In 213' vela 66006410n 5, Haltett,••
1,200 t'ed, 10(1. 8. 8. No? 2, , Iltillett, aurl
bat lots 116;slind 30, t:o* ifeession 8; 1101.
lett. be added to 8, S. No. 5, Ilultett.
Andrew Cattiiifle WIII sto to Cleve-
landIt0.401#11,40 theca*, against Mre•
(.14010 wickt
rout 411ariiitisate-J14111ntiots in Tortais
o ,viettt entalittittoloSOr -trial" on, the,
bsre taanslari*htert
c °id in U,8. 8.
le& tiladaricli
1,,) in tante
A done
t. *
iideriehi Ont,, Doh,. 1 -est Fir' o'cboo1' a
Huron recount was • ,-,04014 -irritate shorrid be ' i 'iePla.001., Thetis'
, . ,
;rad e Doyle to.ilsh hii,hieving reporter- Ire 56 brlck, 6 stone and 48 frame
1 or his ;lineal', and* a client was school houses. there were
c WA, - Th,re aeeprsctieally linty 41' anon iind 8 'womsn te*cbers;- Aver
rise 'harlots to be' 41ipo.d of -two itge ‘101 a tiatti,s441; mato woman,
marked for Canteron and one for VOri; changes of teachers du
e• . •.. •
over which th re hai, been tints der -
able conjectufix. ,
.The judge lits14-he...006141 -net count
/ these 1n4initc-Ofing' to the fact i of
theif- being no-----Ultittis on4-theires4k.
the game, and there being one Mere
rbonot in the box when counted than
• bad voted. This is sttppeseitto.
rounted for by V560004,4, retizin
, ollleer giving a voter Iwo ballots fot
vows by mists:keg which had strict
*ledge:bent was reserved reed On the two
• eatriertaii ballots, and els° on,Irregaitirs
Ities In No. 4. Ondericli toirls. • ,
VOdnisel for llolines argued that the
. *bole vote stionkl he thrown ont by
son 'of all the ballots being inumber-
rig ()Meer . Thlif division givett
eretafil5 majority.
if ('smeron succeeds in holding 'the
a result of the, recount.
Going through the hospitals in our
large cities one is surprised to find *Bich.
*large proportion of thepatleut11 Wog
on those snow-white beds women an
girls, either awaiting or recovering
from serious operations.
Why should this be the case? Shu-
r' because they have neglected them -
v Ovarian and womb troubles
the women of . country -a -they tree
Upon' them nnawarea,71rut, every One of
linty, -of mr,•itt • a
bearing -
down feeling, pain at left or right of
the womb, nervous exhaustkin, pain in
theasmell of the back, letroorrhata,
sinessrfiatutes.wdisplacemeptit of
Weald) orieregalaritiew-r
•. Whim these- symptoms *how them-
'obliged to go to the hospital mid sub -
'mit bit an operation -but remember
that Lydia.•B. Plnkhazres Vegetable
Compound has saved thousands of
women from surgical operation*
_ When. women arre...tiVObled wlth'lr
regular, eappresied ortsinful
atran, weakness, lencorrhata,
=opt or uleeratiocr kif the womb, that
bearing -down feeling, inflammation of
the.trtrl.el.h backache bloating (or flat-
uleP4,3)* 10110rii disWIty.* indigeStion,
also petal* prostriitlone or Are 'beset
'adth SlYmpttotua as dizziness, ,
ox4h4t,hiuty, ini,t4thliit ;newtons-
nes.% *reepleeinteets ly,
one" 4 tvienteto-be-,1 otteleet-
Dear Mrs. rinkhaini
" I was a v?* serious condition whom,
snots top, for , vie% a ieriCALIWOOLD
112$1 toraIIIIM troll lb and I conki not carry a
child to maturity, and was advised that ela
'operation was my only hoPs of move
could not bear to think of going. fo ths
:tal, so :wrote you ,f0T advice I did as You in
Ara Me 446 ftkhtuttie
V hie Com ; anti am net *
111X I an A
Ilalrang Schootforiqualies, Braise
Ont., Write*
Dear Mit Rinkteate- •
0_11/0. are taught In -the trsin
in tho boip1tsb peek tiugly,eir WM-tie .
''t1. kat**
• vel•Ydis. 4it V
Com to 11,0*.enOtrirsiet *Vie* Meet
serfor4 cenwil , Of, 44,erbiei: troffiblee4
fallin (if the to:attest and other
as,,a,ndispat It tn
rigsdartnedic- lualiettiatand iaP tante
or other names,,but I itatairatweaajoar. Cow -
d eget ,thenif 01 Witt.tiriscrip•
bottlett• *.M*atiott' and 'tit:station
hams been relieved andemea *few:weeks
by its use, sad I bait britAns to youto afro,
Lydia E. rblklieet's Vegetable COMpoeea
peeper credit.*
. .
• Lydia E. Plagloka's Irerstable Cow
pound: at once removes smelt troubles.
Refines tit buy any other ntedicine,.for
you need the -best.
. Mrs. Pinkhent invitelisilsick women
• ereaved family.who lave oet a moth-
er that has merited the call of the Sav•
lour to a better 'geoid.
rit -trio reme iy, - e.
*AL' Se del. 412 N. 54th Street, medicine ve -restored thousands to
West PhUadel. ; Ist. Pit„, writes: health, Addresa, LyMt, Mass. *
Lydia F. Phikkias-Wrefiff-Othtrs Fa
Once upon a time an hottest Ilour.
barrel WAS sent Out to a farmer's house,
IL.ofileur-4he wise wife looked the
her husband.
44 -don% think this -is the float*
on it."
'Wm, it aint' 'Royal Household' said
the frivoler,
U IS t e as
for the ;trivet. sal so.
utehen I asked for 'Royal - House-
' ' -24 "
' ng-it-was-juitsoi-giroodbut,didiet.cost-
6$1 vrish ou had done as 1 said. --4.'
our that is purified by electricity for
lailieve it is beelthter. However,
gbt as well use lt.." and sheltad the
rrel rolled Into the pantry and open -
00 up.
"Looks pretty good" she sea to her-
Ca _
itel Paid. 147 $3,000000
- . • .. :.$4,000A00
F MY -BIG HT BRANCHES IN TUE156M-Egrox ----t)P--(21ANA
Forinees-Sale Notes tstibtal oir—colliretTerifi *Pi - t 1
DRAFT.5300 all points -IOC& . Dominion. Great Ili itain and Utlita
States bought and sold at lowest rates i_xf Exchange.
ADVANCES made to Punnet% Stock Dealers and linsinees Men at
020 1n1903;the *thin o Is I
eontlnuatlon claseas lit
,t n a ,_ the
pu li • dor
,. -7-'1 .• i is .,,
was «kzrig full junior leaving' and cot
wtortivaNatirk7icith remarkable Su -
all school's loote visiteditirtim
• . - Atttisstiv 1 , tics
' VV.m. Coates' **tarns far 1004showedt
TOW netriber of inetrittenttt registered
dwell:Alper, 4.9,7; total fees therefor,
$4•1,4*05. they"were i 1 potteht, 1.431
detidsi.',1161inortgsges. 1,006 discbarges
of 182 wills. 4 lenses, -13 me-
c:uaic liar* 'other\ im,trucnents 161;
4ts faished,006 se* t4es '011,
fet's `-d and$520.86.
abic&unt paid deputy
1,0 chirgns paid ts
.40 iitounL of surplus
rre with, white 46d otee-but,
Ifyou Wits it into .131W -trod then bake
*Id 4°141.„,,,,, 0404' intobo$40,2csu
see ....,4fsserericel
Oro *Nth 404.0 this_ too.
top trolist, CluStP:rbettt; ; to a cheat/
ttabst fLebeeti- nritC.0•0,.. Moor. *Wit;
is int hghby Ptirified" ettetaine,* lot:of
tr. Ont low!tfiOti 41,0.00,1:woo
alIalt, out lolperssive-4 e
whir_puts tiost.eslets are., -
"Pure fbour ta'vtie4h eUlt 00ste and
nett* too. It you: itneyir ,the
traittitibititt itoists. yeti/ -,,oerii-4
and Ritt 'Royal4ousehasa_
And.theilOneet arre1baing
aai& lt. e *Sy *obeli:10, . hot after
ar'*ii .ln-lts stad.,
noir ' evskii, .,.,
' look eIse
end tbe groer Mil tell ,f4tiat
iliiiir *07
,40)i.. *rider may hors the "ittiy
•Icntst-tiild" teat** . free by •,tietidin
liti O •
And address to . ottV1
LOUR. Kttot po.., .. olostxt.
, .
, .
. On; :, Ile o
DRPOSAT Receipts issued and highest current rate o Merest a • et
1 , „44, permits of VI end Upwsotis rteolvrd. Inttreat Porn.
YID vilikpatunfillti_ecitoomi tiot}:teley Rod_ ode to Inittelval .Jun* Vqh
and Iltronber SUL •
,Agents et, Exeter for'the Dominion government.
' C4nt,;w0,,...Soliel,tors, IS1...D. niTILDWATanaRr.
eivf4rOpa ,
AIWOO,Vrit will be‘chiblted with
the following papers) at thepriee set
4411°6it" It Id
Advocate aril era —
. ilviseste and F1 ['retie.
Aitroeste and
A4Vrte and Wittets .
Acilinffate and Weekly lision .
Ad!oeatC andlfarniege Adt- *
Advocate oind 'NeWit. •
ds$6cate and Dolly 11.4veitiSer.. 2 36
drooatelsnal)olly Otto- TorontoA
Subscriptions for all fnr.tgri papers
taken at this office at redireed„raies,
detnplieettrotio heve stisen between
France; rintiTtirkey lieratise the 1,, Itter
uettonor ttootteet tor olge,hito..
Rehh. 11k4rhostrito- of Ot tortitle
*i1wt11 loirnsti' li lithI•*0
.0 • ts
ot titats
34 440. 1:31.0.10al
teller aiid iiiho"ti
'print an *hi.' post 14d ft
on .(4` Le* o!' ttlitOlt *bit
ibbtbe'EStproto,•1 Comport
Imek4iO4-. • •
tad( le igiven in,
divides' instraction.
The Shorthand SY-sfoni:.
*alight is thst used by all
riii*spaper ind coOrt rs.
Btsrt- trystema, of ,Ilork.
keeping; 'Perailarcrinp,
4ietici • . et c , thoroughly
ritutittons grifttittiteed
to over). Griteltiale.
CALV41,0914 r.z.. 1 1
One; ,nf the jetgiet 1;00414)o (Bagiand)
whoteasslirs states that lie will
-t„ Milted good4 olitY
yet; ti he re
A Yriorlitinartleit Women at 1.tatilo0
no.4.0* d lihtekwell pot carLolic
*tooU1.A 11*58 tir gin milli drama
he 111 recover
Hill, ebiimed the n
It; on 0. far'
impro bookkee
Mr bi'1 t
fi ne