HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-02-16, Page 1oreivilid,. 'rut ssoistsise.47,'sarii S*„4:-.--pet.It ie tht Vifig lereg ll,rbe°ry"bst.A:=2 VIVZi#*.f. W� et..0. ga, 0 work. r ''.. , t c ntlybyt,heLondon erv*tory �f i liiii0.-. : the foflowi an4 'Ova '414vettickta,•olfbtrithfste°age. The,oun Iadlea• are to be n tu. • urge 'onto rnake the start NOWly opening an , • 00 -win et son with one at our little books L.-- '10Whith-younatrathl-to,whintyou=liks and withdraw when you 1gede Su 11.0Y Idse Amounts. Then if anything. happetta to atop the wages Or earnings you'll Now ustontors nro Always Welcome. 1Branehe8 io Huron County at . ER. CREDITON. DAS-HWOOD, CLINTON THE SOVEREIGN BANK OF CANADA, 0141\dutast & Stitablitsz' F. B. Kars, Manager. Exeter Ba 3 field Gc.SALUZIST Conveyancers; Conunkeioners. res. Ronat -am 3,- 0 1owktore for Maisons Rank, etc. to London where they Intend making Itottoy to Loa* at tweet rates of seeress their future home. We a.re sorry to tars_reter. it , suolutn.q,,..amable fansi riv IL II. DIMON est Wwere kind- T171408 aucl neigh- bors, That they 4.njoy it life_of happk„ ONEY TO LOAN. nese in their new home is the sincere , witth of their many friends.-MissFloy Webiise s ease tasseet si private funds -to Joan j. daughter •of Mr. and Mrs- '''11411?-23?Ptrti-r- wittlre„anetsvitha- vele, OJa*flt*.N --derwtheotheriltry., whileplayingott .84"14tere* 8didt.""1.01° it• raa4r ..°12t tImata.irwity-iiv-schusrecess,,--she- -,slipped and fell, breaking her -leg be - LLOYD P. JONES tween the knee and ankle. Floy's *mow and Choir *aster of the Trivitt Memorial many friends deeply sympathize with arse. messess-eissa, ortse.voles, useeens. her and hope to wen have her with 12 accepted t,osition in London.-Mian-Mian12Laa"T" c"VETANCE4" I'M -*Lillian Ring and Mr. Alex. Cameron Pr1at.efundto1oans on tom and village Pro. have both recovered from the effects party as lOweat rates 01 Interest. "Account* Oollootod• • OFFIC*----11ala Strait enter. • n, who bait been--viait,l this vicinity,levees shoztIy for bis home in FAmon10n..141.,VM-s.A. „Gas, stay has returned to Dakota to re- mo444-44st4ft-aapt.baseitilretedxsells" O'Neil disposed of one of his hones to it London buyer lest week, realizing a good 11 ure.-Miss G. Quigleris Oh it visit to London friend* . Hensall Miell Lily Ortwein is,spending a few day* in Loudon. -Harry if.dighoffer, Blake, has accepted a position in Mr. Yunghltit's shoe store. -Mr. and Mrs. C.,McDonaldstpent a few daYe4rk 1,40 - don during the week -Miss McFaul. of Lucan, is a visitor at the home of I rketta Oa thtl'hinnea R0114. Sid10110114g Exeter. - Plowing ladone, wheat in, 12ocres hardwood bush. This Is a good chance to secure it conveniently situ. land and well4Mproved-lorm. 0 interested call on or w . rite to . W. 11. autvigye raieter P. 0. untended for last week/ DRATIL-Another of our, old pioneers has been called from -this life. We re- fer to Mr. Francis Hamilton, sr., who passed away on Sunday, Ian. 29, at the age of 73 yeare, after a short ill- ' •DetteastWwassherwin4seimia, IFTVACS/4 mat molt SALM IOW. near Glasgow, but left his native land in 1820 for Canada, settling the The indereseted is off for sale that excellent „township of .D4ihousie,,county,La ark hal,-"t"ettifozrz imiretot, L Twat %Vele' -"Ielnir where he remaiEaeteed till the year 1851 *good barn nod fances. an orchard and other eau- when he moved to this township, and 4..„,,,ril9"4,6ft'l It? 1°°d hat resided here ever since. Of sturdy 01 eultivatfon. WW be ""'"*. en on bad and possessed of the indomitable, J, 4VICINSONT. &Opt 406'. 0, piockt characteristic of hit race, he " • •tackled with determined willthe work Sale ftgj,t. - hiPvirePreiniseothealosa -enceioriitmseltnnd-th artairiresallrbilis Dtfaairiri Airocaz owe will receive nurg mak. won, on the fruit of his laborious toil. stweettesitestsetssia---------------mucts-the-sund.use TUESDAY Feb. 2L-1arn• Stock, frapIstoenta thousands of his own and other na- sad houehold effectsthe property or John 15e11, 1.01 Atonalities had to undergo -in those • e°n* 8' tint)nrne` enin 011 4kraccir' nal" times to accomplish the grand object . Auetkaleur. ever uppermost in their tninds, have 1„- now -become landmarks of Canadian Arliglidaelat"-LAbv eaelagi ndlit8a" rarriGtorillTheekurtrepre7. histomiunzi• iteroic 'efforts in behalf of it sw.fiestuansik.sed ,irsittestiesst_ country stri StesSiti Deprtaenta an old satabilshod husinoon b01306_,„,,,,p010,,,, , moral or adorn a tale to this Snancial standing. Fut Sit soldier:AcilLtireet.,,‘"14",o7l 4tettfortiteurtcat1611.i= iarrueokesete furnished' when ed never profeesed to be other than --"srew-fiFic e seem -a p aire 1ines .ri - re.aved ones we extendoursytnpa aflLeu ivirict: KI' throughout Canada to verthre Miss Mabel Stanley has gone to St,. easan FinsatiF=commustorly i--faouiteorhere-ehe-wtn-pttt-in--a,--f months at her profession in it hospital. --Miss Bertha Robinson has-been add- ed to A. J. Gorden 5s. Son's staff. - Misses Anna Garden, Flossie Daven- port and Maud Senninge are attendin the millinery openings at London an Toronto; -Oliver Baird, w o under- ent-- an soperation at -Isortdoicittet week for the relief of an ',amass on the arm which has been troubling hitn for some time, is, we are pleatied to ;tate recovering. PRESENTATION. A I* from St. JameteChureb waiteti on Ur. and Mrs'. Se M. Daly, at theirresidence n Tueaday eieeteg_Atillresented a arewell -Andrew, together -w Pro r Book and somorpiecesof 'aro lOonerlY owned by men c • no, pr or to Mr. Dales storeAnd.te°4 °Wreware.i °n portttre to Iloydosinister. Saskatche: or Brick . brkk MAaad metre essaties. Price ordy sexes wan. Rev. 3. Berry read the addrese. �� 11041 atat Wawa at II percent. Appropriate speeches were also made Ate 004 &gnat* FroFertithe "ler °man congratulating Mr. Daly on his -pre - mem lately occupied by the Masons *oak, mid oaks rmd luvoittnent by re. motion and expressing regret on his leatleise hem dwellings, or 1T remodelled WO 11 WA• departure from town. Mr. Daly' re - woe teoes., lied in it short apeech, saying that* 441,00 fur ada *non cottages and vacant lots. stay in Parkhill had been one of the $0111( Age* *tete: liar/pleat miriade of Mei and that he was eorry .to sever his connection wth SL lames' church. Mr. Daly Was aleo presented with it pair of heaver ritiuntlets from thellank ofOommerce staff here. 11"1" 3 or SOO a math and expenses 13 *toady employment to good reliable men. foou Writii htY (riot Yr work for au. No experience need. 8L1 UED1C1AL CO.. Loudon. Ont. Canada ondini College of Commerce. o prising Busineeer Shorthand nd T povritingeand Academic artrnent*. In writing for catalogue ontsining full partibulars. Address, Nicol has returned to herhome in Lon- don.- W._ Cotten' intends leaving in the course of it few weeks for Alberta. ,,mmirtstrbormettrortdr-ttestlthr -Miss Shaver, of Troquotement a few daytibere during the week.-Dis7-Gem- mel. wile -and child, who beve 'pent the pest few weeks in this #illa e ha, re -the -- opened uut-& practice. Alte_wish_birtt every success. -Walter Lancaster is undergoing treatment i-WVictbrialfai- pital London, for an ulcerate.' stom- ach. We tope for him it speedy recov- ery. -Tnes4ty was St. Valentine's Day s as naea was !f!akt m$0.ittieelVed here. Net ,ittliolaesillafiagervinferMIP8' tbe deeth of hie cellY•iiousIAtobl ie 0 -tiara 0.0 &Towed wat Ken witb an affectiori af the brain It we* deemed edvisible t he moves* to'. the London ylurn. • Aort t we ego *.dhange--carne-over Min atik. it was easike seen that his likayir days tai-etitth were 'horn red.-He- graduerllystanksaudson.Sistar 44414 • 4, he peised.away at the a e of 28 years. The remains were brought here and the funeral was largely at- tended on Tuesday; --To the bereaved Oriel we extend our sympathy. Khiva - Thorne* Barry was visiting his sister at London for it few days this week. -Mr. James Collins spent it few days in London last week. -Mr. David Lipperd returned home last week, af- ter spendin the past three months in place ike home-Otir Assessor, Mr. Joeepli'Guiana% started on his duty thiew. It. Judging from the look on r •bered on_ Valentine's day. orry Wing„ts the possessor of "Tom APPlehar hose, winch "gives romisia of soosething fast. -Mr. • Jbus!. 1-.114"iietstreWhitilLm. nstilLesustinuessill—Hitsmatty friends hope for it speedy tempters?. • a consequence. The fad of sending valentines to friends and enemies -bas apparently almost died out. t . • Zion Avery enjoyeble event took place at the home of Mr. and Mt*. Thomas Brock, on Thursday evening, Feb. 9. whets a number of their relatives and friends decided to horuir the anniver- sary of their thirteenth wedding da • The host and hostess were entire given a right royal welcome and the house was thrown open to the pleas- -ure-of Brock, however, little dreaming of w at was in store for them when they Were again led out to the, marriage later there tO renew ths boly bonds of ''smittrimony. The groom walked witlra celatauddl softened with yearrof cgretniti he-sichooLoLlifasstralsette camethe bride of thirteen years, gym' ease and gracefulness only acquired by years of culture. After the mar riage , ceremony was performed and congratulations had been given the -"newly" married13011plewere-Dresent. • with *couple of lovely oak chairs me4set-ofdt Jdeti they * root - - Tbe special 'rev eervie ,,whi are: in 'the Itesten° :dpitvat,:vih,noilhitiAroteo hveettrwintriteltruiti vPry , mole welcothe s.ervieeS (*Orme: this Week.44fise 'Untie M. Wilson left last , week to aceept the mention:0f shorthand teacher in the Frontenite , eh- on ever euccess.--The Farmers' Instifute meet ng elti here Mondayeifternootr-tindsevening- was- 4edss,T,Irrsspea4ceess4ere James, Mr. R. Thompson, both of Langstaff; also Mr. R. Twteldle, Pres., and Mr. W. T. Amos, Secretary: Mr, Jame& Laurie gave a recitet on whieh was enjoyed as ustuti.-Mr. Wm. Wel- lis„ who spent, about two montha with his parents here, has returned to Lem. onville, visiting friends in Toronto on the way. Crednots • The blizzard of Sunday and Monday blocked the traiue and we were wltb- II the thermometer registered • low zero. This kind a weather makes no move around lively and look at our Faiii"TiHrWrtlinTiMatle-ersr-Sh pwpiestsho are short of fuel are kept. inlay going from one place to anothei trying to keep warm. -Miss Sarah Sroith,of London', is visiting her moth- erVilm---tlenry Mom--Mr:--Christian-- 1,11tilit_visited friends in Colborne steksagoBanday.__ Chrlawfrons. appearances has souse attraction there. -The Misses Huston, of Exeter, were the guests of Mrs. Chas. Zwicker, the past week. -Rev. G. D. Daman lett for Naperville,114.on huelnees. He has been appoifited one of the trustees of the Northwestern College in that city. -Owing to the illness of Presiding El- der Knetchel, of Berlin. Rein Yaeger, of Zurich, conducted the Quarterly services In the Evangelical -church on Saturday and Sunday. -Mr. Thomas re._ Br.. atal Rev. 3."B.. Holmes, who have been ill; are recovering. -S Dinsmore left last -Week for,-13titish Columbia. --R. Ironinde has returned - from England: -Mee JessieCatneron has sufficiently recovered from her illness to be able to ottani to Lucean.-B. A. Tibbits, of (UM 8.136 is on a :visit to friends in this eection.-W. D. Stanley spent it few days in London on businees last week, -.3 -Mr. W. D. Whitebait sold his farms on the 10th -con., Blanshard.one to root. Dale and the other to Mr. also sold his faro; wept to rttsetiU Gowan. Woodham Mies Maud Harness, of-Bzeters 100 shortvisit to friends In this ,vicinity. Wits*. Swallow. who has been ill. • Irerer1.44.100 Vapeland, of • lbert • cootinues_in. slow state of health. -Mrs.Smith and ring• r, to friends here. -Mr. Jobe Stewart, who had the misfortune to slip and fall,. breaking* small bone in his leg. above the atillossis getting on a* well as can 1* oxpected.-Say1 boy. liow-W cu like your velentines? We also •that sorite-ofottr--gi _ •lier,"0."= r -OT London, was a visitor at the home of tb.ankiegAsem for a sumptuous oyster .upper provided by, the Visiting ladies. .Reving done .mplelusticerterthergood-things- satisfied the inner man, the guests evening till the wee *until •ours in games and anibsements, after which they dispersed to their several homes well pleased with the evenititi eir tainment and wishing_thet Mf. and Sirs. Brack may long -be spared s 111* of usefulness and happiness to each other.-- • Zlirieh Min Maggie Stelck, of London. was it en/ i • the latest 10. have to pay nature's debt was Aaron D. Sawyers a highly re- t -o passed avitty en Wednesday, Feb. 8, at herage-olif yeart,10-months.27-days; Deceased had been in failing health for sones_Aings but the Immediate, cause of death was the generic breaks ing,up of the system. Mr. Sawyer came "to this country when quite young and was among the early set. tiers who did so much towards trans. Ors. Tucker, of Regina, is a pleasant Isitor at the home of her sister* Mrs. ft ut be be Northwes fa th of her CromArty, , ft a nt visitor in our Wiles fiery Edwards has returned to bell, is the Mitchell after it pleasant Atilt with 1leHt]0 hert"-Lawden ('l'itllStOflr Clinton, was a visitor at the home- of his brother, „Rev. A. Crantton, ilast. week. -Mr. Wilson and daughter* of Stratford, spent a few days ber* week. -Dr. Cemmill, late of Tilbury, is soon to become it resident of or burg. We hope he will be successful in workintup aRood outlet. He has rented the house belonging to Mr. Donald Park, one door weet of the APPLICATIONS, as Mariee.--The many frIeds of Mr. It h the beet of the dia. B. 1130 gist who a f er years ago wan I is mood constitu. enitged with .Tooeph Speiirt'. near thf vs1iae wIIltie in o his utson--• arece tJooper, of Searrath, Is being et -the home of her sister, lit-HattiblYes The attendance reit on Sunday was • very 'gins, ring to the stormy weather. -Tues - 17 was t. Valentines' Day and some 4were remembered, „ take nternn rem ts taken intcrnn 1. in the blood esnd t isle ant U0il. 11 1, composed nI ka known, consbine'd with �d riftersseeti directly op e or her brother. -Miss MI vin* Bock is on a month's visit to her uncleatAyr. ts itsis orm ng e un ro en ores n we tilled fields. His high sense of Intig. tity and moral rectitude *on him the slonfidertteestridstee Or hie fellows cent nines% -Aiex4Meesois,' of seririleNs mao no quIefhead Deputy -Sheri Cemeron, of Gide rnion and a true Wen and his eat waa the village lest vreelrel-WM. si severe bereavement to his family Fritz sports It new delver. which he and friends and a distinct 1 to the purehased front Wm. Fritz. --Mise Jos consitunIty. 'The funeral '. .k_place stThine Ducharme. of Sennett Centre, on Friday to the girkton cemetery, Oerrivean. Bauble Isine.-Welter Lin- der of sett& 'ceased was a faithful derfiekl, flensall,hastabeeptidar member. - ' sition a* tailor with John Dekhett. and Mr.. D*.. Stelisboth -have returned Detroit. The were ao- earopanted by Miss Stoma liteldeinmx. ch.i is a visitor at the home ofOliver under the ausree of the Orange Qr. ss.Y. Sparrow has purchased * driver from Calvet Wainer, for width he paid the sutn of $190. -Walter Fee, of zear With:wt. fEF—re v ng. 110-ttifithe1',4Vreatt-Stsinhach- sold his 26 -acres of land on the 14th eon., near frolhfielechlttnill to Henry %Pod ;dwellingand a barn on the pretnisee. Pt.atrne.-The-gridfbarteeter,dea.th .visited the home of Mr. and Mrs, Abel Bch Rhos_ on Tuesdaynight and els1Med their infant son. Leonard j4att its vie. tim, at the age of 11 menials and 18 days. The little one ,stitetimlitid tO an ettitek of that dread nine* knOWO as spinal (fleets& The furter/13,watt held. 'arida, afternoon, interment taking. place in the Lutheran cemetery', The' grief.steickeri parents have the *Metre' simpathY of the conituunity In their • * On Mond* , the' he Presbyteria uth Airiest. Att claughter o Thomas, of welly. *les. Mr. Thotnas bet n on the surveying sta.If of the De 10e Abtee. leers, during wbkb time he won for fit lattelf many friends. Thar armin' Arai cf.nIs' Misa lune Pi* Corignelf 9,,!betb1 through iflnc*s her hAint•'. ilkOranyintikretutertegte, we are; pleased to.setf',Wqo our -int again. -MLe Pauline - Stafiley's flatlet w.as-etnotig. the .nemes Of :succesitul cerididatee wtiti passed -their y0,011444 goo et the Conservatory Of Music Lon, etuesesatt---„stleessirets tend congratulations.-- o o •or ie . w o tie • en in 111 health ler some tinievliter-come---to • tdty-w'ittrlSTirdOrihzUr. r. an Mrs. F. C. Clark and Miss !Attie May, of St. Thomas, spent a few days &sr- ing the week ot the home of William Howard. -The prospects of it 1)40 sea. son for the huiltlere are good, ars it num- 11PV of new building artsprok.cted.- A. Stewart. B.A., has been eppointed to succeed S.B. McCready (resigned), as head science 'mister of the London Collegiate Institute. -E. B. Mahood, of Wingham, has accepted it position as clerk with James Park. Mr. Ma - hoed coulee very highly spoken of and We heartily welcome him as it eithrn tend holding an assenib y -on or item March 3rd. Dusan OP 1111ta. week it beeOrries our duty to record the death of probably the oldest per- son-hs-thestoweehipistn-the person_ of ary-Aun Simpson,Tendofthe hire lohnLairronorkwho died nnFriday met to the -000 year of her we, The funeral took place front tile residesse of her sots' Mr. W. 11: -Simpson, of the 18th eon., on Sunday last. to St:James' cemetery and was largely attended.. GRATITUDE von Waiter. GENEROSI- TY-It will be remembeted-that some months ago, in the course of hurri- cane of wind -that swept over Biddulph township, the house and barns of Mr. ' Henry Hodgins, a well•knowrs and much respected fanner of this town - sang in the Trivitt Meorial church end his family narrowly escaping with Morrow. of the Merchants' Bank stiff.ra!ship were-pradically swept away, he last Sunday eveuing.--Toesday was their lives. ' The loss to Mr. Hodgins Valentine's day. Your scribe was re- was very severe, and the aYinlilath7 of membered as usuaL-Mr. Chisholm the whole township and vicinity were left on Saturda to take charge of the extended hitn in his unusual and tin.- ' movable household effects in it short ooktan 'hie form when the sum titne.--,-Mr. IL Holtzman is having near) as raised b sulserlptioni' kdrawn-for-tbe-se,reeti new brick Either. M.P.P., and wee -handed over to him recently. *ea in Toronto this week on business:. This formed the. cuiroitiatimi of many -Mr. Ezra Krebs lett for Stratford .on' a.cts of kindness and sympathy 10. Monday where he has secured situ: -s arda hint and his- 'family and Mr. salon. now Amen , is , becoming origins thanks his friends most hear. quitcPopurae in Oa village of late, It thy for their gettergeiltY and the kindly • e _exercise anditeenkt_tda_1* en,- spirit dieplityed. wee: many. ed. -The special church anniversa- ry tre-EVAIWiestt-elturcir -Dierlanun, it former pastor, of this place, busbeenengaged as the speak- er for the day, On Monday evening a very interestin program will be ren- d° .- Sect the home of Mr. Brown on 'Monde nter Miss Ern it at the borne of ber brother, W. ilast vfiepgsf:rf IgirehoTellirYirtMl4et ingpro ramme was ren • e eons st, In: 01 three pa .•rs as follow*: -"Lord .„. ft enzie, “Gibraltar :trammel: •Eta, Songs were rendered by Miss Beaver . Morrow and instrumentals by Miss Murlo-c2. Mestre.--1111 r and Walker. The next meeting will Mee. EL Beaver ARAIITAO1B-1n LUCA% on reb• es 10 Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Armitage, a daughter. Ilzianzzu,In.exedi.tonsitaetosnleha,_ to Mr. and Mrs. George Hedden, son. MARRIAOSS. .rthetride's-mother-otrice, br-firlsr--- RL. ev. A. K. Birks, L.B., assis by Rev. 3. H. Edmison, 013.A., liters " •i-T-W.-WitYliff----fe, o "-th1---41 g 'AT- , berta, to Miss Marian R., daughter of Mrs. Mar aret Black, of Tucker- 1 1/11 departure.-lifrrandliftes--Geow eye. who hasre been elintinse frtendit itrittle vkletty, will leave ihortly for their home In Manila!** evening* ego a few friend* Mistime of Mr.\ and Mr*. RobI. El 0. of theaTkehin lint' wben tbeir daughter Miss Eliza /..leas **di .the reel too ,of apnr*e, accompanied, hy as 111ark of the esteem in which the young lady is .heldby the'eongregation of St. Lakes church, of. Which she Is *faithful metnbetS A pleasent even - tog was gent by al1.s4ohn Ifebehen, ,etlielnietratotsh as dispoestd of theta:rat , the 204 onteesions belonging to the estate or the late Thoinas Pee- felltid; to S. Thom jr., Of the . , .., . , . n s 00 titre., is e Miry Stelck,4 . Oa, death of her . illia01,. *hlthMtUAtld a nd * gond property. but r' . 1 blet Winnipeg, Mao.,on Ssmdsy, . .' OLh. Deeetteed had only rs.cbed tbe fariuer a. will soon bavo age of 28 years, 7 month*, 8 dayz and tito Lnoet rnwfortable- h ,was * popular tina numb, torpook , 1 . th ming' hist. - It Ave eareag0 lite has removed from our m • et o • e therpioneers of_ thie-oeighborhood. le, the person of Mr. Win. Banes, who died, on Sunday overly -1g, atthe good "littigtior ss and 10 mantle.: Since the dent , of his wife be has made his home with his -.eon, Joseph, south of the village., where he died, • r a- lingering illness. Some five • . • e was unable • tel the names of his' friends or recognize them. Deceased has been a resident of this township and village for over 40 years and was kfinteti-Willie's 'kind -neighbor -and, one voliTs.."-Td a _ a helping hand. seed leaves to mourn his demise five sons and one. deughter, besides it large ,number of friends and stertuaintantes. The -fun- eral took place 611 Wednesday to the Fairfield cemetery, the services being conducted by the Rev, Mr. Henderson. We extend our itympethy .to the sots rowingories in this their -hour- of be- reaveutent Eight familise are billtlg atilt from England to Canadi, hy.The Daily 'rete- ll fund. DEIATUS . , lisams-inCrediton„-on Fell; 12. Win. Banes, agedill years, 10 months. NAeztourt--Itt London avlum,on Feb. jaceti 14afziger, aged -28 ram Saynrun-In Woodham. on Feb. go Aaron D. Sewyer, aged 71 years. 1 tbonths, 27 days. 6 • of Ur. and Mere.' Abel icichilbes aged 11 months, 10 days. Nicuots-s-In Parkhill. ea Feb. 8, Met- cy, beloved wife of Abrabeen Nichols ---reged-15.-yeares6-months.--,-. I/IPSON-- n Biddiilph. on Feb. 1 Mary Ann, relict of the late John Simpson, in her 90th year. • Toa. -At Medicine Ilat. on Feb. Itrid, William Chester, only tion . of Wm. and Ellen Tote, in his 23rd year. Etcoier-In Tuckerstnith, OD Feb. 9, Jane Etherington, relict af the Appletoniticoat,Sra, aged 84 years, 2 months, 4 days. . Ormoit-ifn Winnipeg, Man.. on Feb. ' 0, Louie WM,. Stelck, son Mary Stelck, 14th con. Hay. aged * years, 1 months, 3 days:\