HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-01-19, Page 8, t •-•-'-**'-'--,,----4,-,-,-- - - 0 414.-,...t,X,X,....-:--Xx,"XrX-.V.t!.,x.-,,,,--•-,.-,,.•,,,''.,,--F-4,--, , - -,,,,,-0,44,0,0,-,..444,,,,..-411--,4,-......,,,,,,,,,---4,044,4,-,---40.4-4.-,,,,--,----0,44,4,-••`,-4-044-44,044-0,.-,-.,44.4,44.1-4-4,44:14444•0444,..-4,-,40,1---4,4,‘,444-14•', 4 4 , 14 • • itfit • 444'0 cho evening eaude moo - et sit Oburchon eV 1. Waiwin, of xnornlng he talked Shout work , in connection rch and why it sho by the people. In th. eacbed an excellent 0044 deavored to *how that -1',14101( /41*041031' light this was Of ,the Ohilit life; der.13- Ile gbt view to • VsIwIn it-TOON:7-* pez'fonned by Rev,„140‘;'0.':SailiniertoO0' Mount Bzydge.,°' 1 „ 16•,..*hitecrenedenhe c*rrhd bouquet of Milt; 1;004110* lobo was also d*Lntily gnwned, in • ' t „ e • eri' giri. leaning, etheni.nth0'41#01100, mrcb pbiyedby'”,Mra corni • even oohrittii-dt th- '' ir 4 . AO 'lJft Up1' deIiveretby re. Of (rand Sena C MOW ' 11 ilt, a '1'4*(0, ontert400 epetk.r,id throPttbottt tlae •000ree 0 bOr re10.1r1Ct WINO AtiP•Ph goodvlee olltolit present in regard' ' tMr. Mark' rnetb.onductIi p�sce120 ch.( r Was oeunlqie4'by Bolter. 0'0100 of the ,431c*Itstelit Boo I:lie moot 1) 14 in tho Tonto r no wesWell lOgpmtent fr�rn .11 Ibe e' Po-nostoti, -coxnmodlty i not -errthrde r. Geo oroto took it anentertainmett L'bur�day evritiln Delve, w,i ” eoge cry, ° on aymorninglaatabout4.3Oo'cok0 iiDevoushire•Emistid, . , • sofiiaitck 1010y 1r0PP4*ingf 06.di itu,10eol)„,04,4110,2 Ing f Etat and '1'1174.1 104 Veeztend,oto, friends of the Ciuven surc —elf* severatyt years *go be moed many ”400 ,wpa e are Trunk3. the decease ti e brokeo uphozi ‘4404.40XX414, 0,0404 ',044,40.4:t..10X1444,14,4t4:4-1.4,41.4,00, .5,004:4-444,0•44.4144,10 'ff rif 11 tY 1U YMrt , 04444,444.4-01-;,444.44•144X,X4 the mlnuteii tibial report. Thi _ cooditron flnancially tors Pertaining to.Uu etrwell C�nduc now in -the • Taggart; 1s1 Ince.Preiti B. 2041.Joa..&nor;L 3ob Htrnter..- Ian., Delbr14 John,•.,dllitto - 11. v. Smjt • C 4 C • :tbeiiextTwo Wook. and4 r4, 4 4 article. in onr atore for t1 4 -- -- Wetarrytb Iaigest to t * . .:11,°:rfttMoz e r$ a'bliv ' arc •,; ,41,7.•‘0A771.4,S,4t, 7: 44• 0 • ;444441'.W.:49.14 - -1.44P, 4.4.1,149,4.14,04,44.* --• • ••• ' rnmbe, Of bet'friendi. 0 tttltaiU—it incialts of Toronto, was aj - „ -,.-- • e teacher to securer Wish Mitt IX , 4X41:.0/00'..!/,•In -3' 174' 1-0,,444X-XXX441 •-4,44,;,-04-ii-4,4414,040 4.A I &4U LA.A.O.U44.41,4•440 L141 cry . fittnilt of two ters to *tour:*ks ...3. JI 'purchnied Mr.o , . . is excellent• , , • 4 undred *tee farm in tbe:townshl of Th'y.--known- er*oki Wilkie and4Ittui ' iixt-tbe-toisti• • -• * . -13t- . - , t... -.3 the spiiis, -pro.pects,for good !vi • ults are iLsiired. Mr.:.-.• will • :.., 4 -, ..... • , ,,,,, ., , ,,-,-; --1--. ----4, - . ...., , Deo Butlei,, Lndon, will hi* k OentralHotel, on- Jan. andJut' exception''Dr. leckytof Fritlitir .0-1061; the*ttenitineemsenota e,* thou h etches -dui e *itoelied the per' ry .nage. •Mr. Rowia 11.fOrni rtner. 9 STO AS ever., Iv , 1 -. -citing snit Mae* Adsttnit .; ye** -4:tf. a- torder0 Thentheemegibers Of OM . . „. bee decXattbe bbmeotMr. flenr ith. Hay, on Mon441* iste„Anniej• the little 40001** ',101r tuOnttie fon( • r .one 044,0, 4,47:0-14,1444-'4,44.^,--frO 430 , 1r4).133tAllibt' 4, 4 • • 0001131#1i ' • 4 4, 0 .• Matt /Mt y, •e ,dearrucLjve: -ettet -tot 'evait - region., and s, ir remit C1',) 0i -• tbiepe cold es 4.7 en 1f*rnWthe uth h stop*. oe.ri 'Mercury:. 1 Dr4JIWPWO$frl&OflafMrji who 1;411_,. for . •, - - - ''--- bellii:Affiln.i.. ,„.4 : t13 1 471 * • - ,fattitktett '01110 twentyrnlles tyi-ttitf". ' ii,VV* 1* theep iricto 01 • ng. t lotin- each to*n Ib Iuckypergon"WhO.eCOUpOUfwasdisiirn presetiV7To US Of furniture t* he Chdeen", from fear_ tElmeet exhibltion-ln Talnizow• oupoo Ingthe inoneof At 2,4 Mayo lik 117:41114t; 115 Vi4t01/11° _ re, *nd tut( • „tvotnagerof thei OPIti1111:4 gr.ttlngthe bolt that he -would ° 441 • *boot is • ly,Irripkt wrested in ayear, and t: 11,4 &Gin jive 'iatmt. tomtit** 0 _ the *bac 'Prosontei *44 him ,centititted suc better heilth than h.enjoyei • W. W. Teinant- 10.13•V• °bap, Elto• ma. zokit*.$04414LAS0i 1.84,013reAtisanoellteiret0004- . 7 0 7 ! 4 X X I .""" )•:" ' It 1 Ito,* 111 1.7 61140tE It• a So 1014.1tAte Itifint44, lis Fjorz-j-e rtii0 et( Y.141041 *bid Mies KV* lir. 'John Ilyodukto 1.1ndentield. *arts Ote ley* st Annual meet Old Boy's A held at the Te*Plr Io ed 16no-tiosirto *ee of etth, ' Th. de naa$efrn notme weir' du)ghter of Dt,Eutool, tut of the Aolunt at sow nautili • soorbige to Mr, •Ribr 04ila4at *Aquae** *est*, it tly *WWI* and t. but , • vGHi* •