HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-01-12, Page 6tr tbse Wittew's res^at the
vo became great, friend-, ha.viSig,
tLC sards of one Witness; "no !ice -
rt. ror oe other.': Whete„1 Mr itwj W$,
i iwtural that crine. WIIso
otilti be live wattifilif nureb. II
ndispOsition conirnenced on Thtirs-
, Y iri anti on: Rrifley titorn-
g-, . docter • was Called in;
. stfittgits4liink-Vi,fs. litOtiltne"
tL'„coU,Se of her
,610' tkat'"eateo.”.
Lay Iez'Iing
'»41..A 0ZI1 . Paine litt'"a,. Iti•N I1'4;:
eutt‘iie.Pos.. ,
evo '•exarninaltiere.,i)f
„ststniatie;.: The stitertVart,•
.attriboted tts netUrtlf antl the:
,Itaroiter*sjury hisitioht . that see»
cittti:Fitclites ,
ha os
1criL *f
zgat its
tIrtra!1e(b, , 40st:tilted' aSs
ot's ,top of w
t 0-, -onto
r, 1 pritnitta; Co
Xt, $1*ENDe
sist; Its
31.0S13 and tastes' Anyone loekin at_the'
lotigere Wilsonw'er---beside
hurl* Wilt" "utd -11111% 16Tv''' her, and gave her all her medicine.
Jur doivn as a c
deent-heartedbright ,
i- ;So careful was she that when she
acke; had -r m
t c bottle away wr-1 or, an o s-
swas pretty, It Itati a Ituack, how- '
ever, as was noted during the trial,' ed it up in her own room, lest any -
of contracting. into a tit*. firm. one -should get at its precious con -
straight line. , 1 tents!
Mr. Justice Ilyles was passing :sot) When Mrs. Soames was dead, Wil-
lem° of death upon one of the most i on appeared overwhefuted 'w ith
terrible creatures that have been 1 grief. After the funeral -which took
revealed to us in modern tienes-a t Place a few tiaYs later -she placed
i iitki
--ectlne tsn. g*,
rdxar Way' in; svbiek$om
-10‘1 spen.d. 'the. Xetipitt
it *aid
skh. the !ntu,w1Io.-;%,V4
nOitWnan • W.4s. q.re8
tei/r4.1,- 'sprige: of oVange
lesseins in tier hails
The taittritet.xturdeoirs Who
l.. -the ,enuple •tie
lained that they
stubstantial wesisling-breaklest it a
Paristen restastrant had started • for
secret poi4oner, is cruel and calcu-
lating as the Marquisede Ilrinvilliers
or Lucrezia Borgia. There WAS, this
olif.frrOTI hatXteell-theJeaVale.-.---raOn
sters we have named and the one
whic# stood there _in the person• 4 of
thatlittle, „ preasantsappearammd
woma';n; they niurdttred for lams
stakess for .revenge, for ans' talon?
. for hoards of treasure CAM;
Nent 'Iter svjetitrut
to the graves for the most paltry
• That .occasion -eon the 28th_Sep-,
---tertiber:--wherr'Mrs. -Justice *les ad-
, 'dressed these words to her was not
the first upon which Catherine Wil-
• son .had stood in the cloak at that
courts eharged with. asterrible. era
Iler first appearance there had been
TiIi.•Jtine, three mon pre-
• viously.
-The insinuating raanne.rsof Cath-
erine Wilson had settired her many
friends, and among these was a wo-
• man named Cornell, who lived in
Marylebone, London. Mrs.' Carnell
lived with her son, a boy of - Nur-
" teens - and was -possessed- sof -st-,
sissepropetters?'"ITirreTiftliffrIlttr- a
- erine Wilson, calling upon her, the
• two had tea tegether. Airs. Cornell
felt unwell • aft-erwaeds, and her
befeire.' Mrs. Naticke and Mrs.
Soarnees brother a piece of writing:.
poper„ on which, in eomething like
the handwriting of the dead woman
iR1WthIur eignaturesttrits-was-ati
acknewledginent of •Catherine Wilson
having lent her £10. They paid
Wilson the money,
- Of tihat- hodslars Betimes -died?
As tO this point -in the trial, ovi-
tee as given by one 9
rmnarleatilessitedinta isdentists our
ation—hatr.--knovere Or. st4tre
clwst-yn4s-Strylor.---Periusps -man-
" 6-"fe-dild7Fall ever nuide
Anirnais and InseCta"
• Weyer 4ten, by •th.-s•
•VassetigeF, •
.• .
tAranY'strit4RO 410 WrcI
1ULjfitteigtOotina. eltifte
farm, ;:or aniet atitt titsce
aro rAit4tqi
'‘Ate,tbOr..'!tlfe seessei,
, ..tlAfttf5ittlittl4t4;'n,
••:: Oikt .•‘TaW.t.,)A'A
flo etalYger'nt Sink%
ht of '• ratS .dieser0181'
u Defeat • „tee,%it.1vIges
. ; •IT.4Catr•o
:tayiug in th hold vhths3,,seses
/Mgr , ley tree e the snilor's
quarters, and even make their\ ap-
pearance in the captain's cabin;
Ocaerati btuusscI, Who rotieent trotu Port Arthur with Military Honor
tording to quality; halms, 12c to
13c; fresh killed abattoir hogs, $7.-
20 to F7.25; boxy fat hogs, $4,75
A:living at the "tease, the bride-
groom found that he had Sea • his
latelikeY, and whilst walking back
to the city they had sat down to
rest; and, being very tired,
only •a few days e ago wedding
was eelebrated 'esi the stage in t,nie"-
Jund, the ceremony being performed
by a local minister during 'an inter-
val in the play, and ie full. view of
1h7"eitidience. The couple for whom
the matrimonial knotwastied were
not English, and the custornary
The asfing prices In Live . stoat, telectSc5s$LM2latteitid leo5tsars., $5 to '$5.15; Ar- ith:i0ley17:17h:011007.ndWtill4hSaevdegiamtietriecenneet_shore_the
• toliwttirtnhg* liV11 la lei Id)
Cheese -Ontario fall 'itiltite. 101° ;
to 104es colored, 10:c to 10te; Que. 'were honeymooning on the stage, re-
- Iluttests-Finmt gradt„. _21e to to, 11PrTeri13:_wits an •extraort idinatst4" send-
tni the-
--Toronto sdans-10fe'eseWites.vse0srtitri 0 -
titre a-stet:1r of -polsone And their ef.s.i.'980 And. i 'asked- for -rettstud whitefects. Ho had studied with Orfila, I 4Pring, 94c to 95c; goose, 87c te
Dupuytreu, and Gay-Lussac. When 88c. Manitoba, No. 1 northern,
he was -twenty-threwhe made it Jour- $1.08; No. 2 northern '$1.034 to
ney of 2,700 miles on foot through $1.04; No: 3 northern, 97t to 98c.
Itai 8411 tik-the-TYroI, and ti:leoriff•t-iie litay--ports; Oe more grind-
. .
ical schools of 110113.0, Florence, Bol-
ogna, Milan, Heidelberg, Leyden,
g.tades.s-ista.. to lolea and western teortinent .a. month -ers,--so _ago, After
dairy, 15/e to 16tc. es • the welding -breakfast the bride- and
„Eltrgtr_souct new laid, -249 tali 2,1a„ ii bridegroom led the guest's to tin
20, garden at the rear •of the bride's
straight gathered _candled.
to 21c; Nos 2, 15,tc to 16o.,J Iparents" house, Where a huge bet-
., .,. :a, . • s loon was insrea-diness- to makes Its
ingsiastrausites-•vter_kosalmum_.6p.-. ,z. flight,. _ The couplej baving-taken-
kioins--90 per cent. patents. $4.20 their seats in the basket -car attach
to $4,35 buyers' sacks, east and Toronto, Jan. 16--A fqrly,, heavY ed to the balloon; a •vvhite slipper
Amsterdam, and
west. 15c to 20c higher for chciice. run of stock was offering -10 he the. - was titel US the car with silk riVson,
Taylor was tterror of barristers Atanitob, elm, $_;._4605,4% $for5.7fx0,csefo6r(.1 pat-
ing. d rls_..s acdrifted away the bridegroom hrew
Westerbutn :Cattle Market. this 'ill°r/1-,aital the ropes cut. As the balloon
defeoding prisoner guiltyLof -poi ' t
tive and the deman., .
was fai
ing. He now declared that the ents, dna $5 to $5.20 for bakers'. price4 were maintained at largequantities of confetti from the
I about the old level.
symptoms observed in Mrs. Soames's 'I
, ear, • and the, eiteet, was eharnsinis *
Millfeed-$14 to i $14.50 for bran
.... _setittiLs--.....Tratie.setasess,stnietesks.......4=4;aa
es,aRgtsssAt'AMS;elisttikft7rafialigtOish * --littittekb--10111"' -.7 is ere betas's-low eattte-Owthel -s7-fti z- sTit-Ti ouris."- _ _.
-114ea--'44‘ret°44-1'&14'.-10*611'''.141*Is"'It'''' east and ' west ManitOba; $21 for
shorts $18
tural for bran, exports. Priee.s are lower at Chicago
considerable purchases are being i On five or six occaeiens in Europe
"A poison that wo Id produce all Bar; ,...45.t a 4ae_ , and Americo/ lionstainers have been
' -
ane aTS'perfOrn-Y.-Th-e eerie-
.. .
. iimarried la the eitges n
_extra, and 4.1c Itn• No. -3 rattitin v 0
ou st e, oron a Ire g ts, they were generally of poor to me -
The, medical man who had attertded .
CorneeNew canadisui ,yellow, 43e; changed. Choice are quoted. at $4._ toutside of the cage, 'nobody being
lin- Plot*" . bus been cOnduct roin e
Rye -Firmer. 7tic to 76c for No. 2. &um quality. Quotations are
Mrs. Soatoes remembered that a -
yptiii0-. man named Dixon, who had
ladgads-74n_tha__nania....hanelmd. sto,ixed,__42e, f.o.b. Chathamfreirshte,-• ti.,....goodsio IneetenssaL,,s4_25,:joi,mtl with _. ,§utficient Cour - •
whom Wilsan had been on most new Astierican No. 3 . yellow. -5!..c; tO $4:59, gtext-cowe at Sa..25- to $4. 'make- a- -iiiie----inst,de- -the hero:— ---
y emits"h-a-d died four months ed. -51-Its, -on tea, k, Toronto. Butcher Cattle -There was _a fahly AMONG LIONS*,
r en ,
previously tu . Aft s. Sonnies. ' Tito -Oats-480 to Safe for No; 1 heavy ruo of moderately gond cattle dust as the marriages 1111NO been
for , which thertel was. sosno demairLs celebrated among wild animals, - so -
The heavy run imparted a slightit-s' have. the boneyinoons„ in a way; for
easier tone to prices, bet not sum- ' on nearly every occasion- the
eientiYas to, in .any way change tho tamer has continued - his erfoio•-
tain some medicine for her. When
Wilson returned Mrs; Cornell had
• gone to bed, and, taking a wine -
_floured some • f .1.
it, and brougt it to theindisposed
woinan. -
"Why, it's quite warm!" exclaim-
ed Mrs Cornell, in surprise, as she
held the wineglass in her hand.
• "Whet -11,v
doctor had had some conversation Wliite. east, low freighttis No. • 2,
with Catherine Wilson, who, as us- 3240, IoW frtfights, and aft, north
nal, was playing the part of the and west.
devoted nurse and she had told him -Rolled Oata•-44 for cars of bags
"There, there!" expostulated Wil-
son in ipsinuatin tones. "Dri k
1, (ear. wi o you good!"•.
Mrs. Cornell tried the nnolicine. It
- .-sivetseseerttrinlysstrangol--"Tt-
• mouth so much that. ...with a C • of
n, s e spat it out, and it fell
upon the bedclothes. Just atthat
moment her SOTI entered the room.,
to Tho enlist
1X0I1Wan ng co
ors rave n
ships withent the conSent of teither.
owner or captain. There are imany
insects that migrate from one 'quar-
ter of the .globe to another • b?
means of the vessels whieh ply be •
twt.en distant ports. Indeed, the
spread.. of molly an kinds of living
creatures has !teen dependent on to
ships of civitized nations, Winged
pests and blessings have been stead-
ily carried to .new countries by .tidas.-
' Not long ago a ship from one of
the tropical countries was followed ,1
rigging of .the vessel until tho'shore
s a
tiecks:•' ine--tioSappeared 'the-
:night...and were_ „tiestroyed-in-the.--,..
water or reached shore safely. Somo '
of. the others hid away .in the cab-
ins and hold of the ship. " • •
• After the trip of some thirty days
the --vessel reached. - Englands---arst---
trent their hisileg-Plaree stn the, slap,
a, few of these butterflies emerged
and flew ashore. Thus an entirely
new species of buttfly- erwas intro-
duced into England. Cockroaches aro
too' ancient an importation to be
worthy of ntoro than a passing no-
tice. Grain-earrying' ships are. over-
n nifft-Vritre-itmotint of berth to tile 7
ShiPs engaged in fruit carryin
n -warm countries are en v s
Ed by -ti nilseellasteolis cellection- p •
queer creatures. Concealed in tho
bunches of bananas • there may bo
poisolma re Atlas
Ke- travelled half r unit -the- globe.
They may sting or bite the hand of
sinner -receiver of (reit. or they my
be .d beforeth h fll
they esca.pe ashore, anti if tho new
country proves congenial to their
* *
__-• net.. - ant onsmoresst 1 one osse
"It is a most dangerous rnedi- ronto. 25c more for broken lots here -n(---- ---e hest on.ticasion the bride • has entered the
Cine,"' remarked the doctor. "No.' aud 40c fog broken lots outside. . the market brought about- $4.25, al- r.s.s.
cattle,- offering, i ;feet eh
page_ as well for severul days after
one should- take it except by a • 00- Teas -erre to .---68-c .for -No 2 west 'Though realty good eattle ore nista- . the wedding.' so as to attract crowds
0 • IP ' • . inally quotable upto *4.50- Tittle - -
, so the show.
range _of _quotations is unchanet.i.....maays,,,,,,sseussago,,,,s,wha•
Cl'ad-WefititiTtiiltaa-tle-aVrifirkiyeu -
ihiis majesty's Navy had snore lati-
at $4 to 4.50, fair to &---M-1--a-t- -$3.- I mile, it was not an infrequent oo-
50 to $4,,„ ;mixed lots, medium, at
'currenee ter the captain of a ship to
• o prescription• east.
Aftersdeliber.atitigs:forsassetintele_111 -Iluckwheater_5.2c-to 5.34 -..east
ours, -the jury brought in their ver- west.
bas„maile _it up wrongly.'_'
- And the boy se• t'
Be brought the bottle-back'again
very soon. The chemist. I tisi_l_neis
its contents and found them per-
left .the house later on.; The next
•'day Mrs. Corbeli. found that • the
bedclothes upon which the medicine
_ had giVen her •had fatten
were Ultra through and rotting!' The
pollee were_socuLbunting-for-
erice Wilson, to charge hoe with
having -administered loit -of vitriol to
Mrs. Vornell with intent to murder
her. She had disappeared, leaving
' _clue.•
rmted, one of the detectit't
tally meetin her in t
on mie littn---elte-sivass plated •on
trial. After att,` absence of twenty
minutes-, t.he- ittry. returned a verdlet.
• of Not Guilty. With it little MAl!
of triumph; she stepped lightly from
th.6 dock; but her exultation was * In 1859, Wilson melt, on a visit I° "Baled Iftly-No. I timothy Is ituot-
ShOrt-liVed. ' During the months she" to lady named Jaellson, Bos- ed 87..."7.0 to $8 awl mixed or cloy-
hed__beenison-sthas-poltce- -ha Mrs. Jackson *ma -day •„weitt.J..e._,, ei..80.50 for _car . lots on thick
been pursuing their investigations to the bank, and drew out £120. Mere.
concerning her, and had discovered She died four days later-without4 Italeil Straw -Ts glinted unehroured
many startling facts, and very quiek- doubt. of poison -and the money was; at Se to 80.50 per ton for ear late
ty after she len the dock She found !Mt ti) be found. Wilson produeed eon track' here.
herself again surrounded PrOrniory note, signed by two per -
(leers of the law. sons at, lloston, for the lost money. MONTREAti MAIINVI13.
I arrest you, Ciitherine Wilson
„_ On 8-titroition.oryour litifii.rg inutile -r -
•ed Mrs, Ann Atkinson,' or KIM&
Lansdale} Westmorland, tify. poison,
murdered Mrs. 8011111V3 by adminis-
tering to lier poison!
s'aU-- ••-,-
es --tr'T on--
tog crwn o • e ury- an o
uteksswith-reeeipts light.
$3 to $3.50; emulsion at $1.75 , to
• ssame -day Spend
bulls at $2 to $2.15.
perso •0.0 little_ Ina touhioutkpcinte „tile sence vt on ware -hips -Is- much
sold -a ut steady ---with -quotations.inwie gri41Y-Atrirt .c-yers .
avenging arrtt of the law had over- Dairy tubs, good: to
-taken. Ncrver-had ho-knowira ease," choice - 111c..to.17c feedere are quoted at $2,50 1,0 saes wal; consequenco of this that the
ho tvent on, "where guilt had been do medium .... • 14c to 15c 80, and stockers. at $1.50 to $3A0:rnewspa.pers devoted a great(1091Of
o ring an e range of prices; i
more-Tfirarry--"pliirs e . to in.1-1711Thritr- -12trttrilt
ing_pitin_axeLage )aley-lik:-rolisrgtro-d o
Unchanged at $30 to $60 each.
victim were watched' with so much choice 17c to 18c
young natal officer, who was married
at one of the naval ports in ' Eng -
ti . I tie to 17c Calves -A good number were aiter-1 .. P -
Then; slowly; relentleeslysite*-110 -do- it-1011nm . , VIC-10-15 • Jog. -butstrade seas steatkv, and 400.... Wit, his bride- on the voyage -he -had.
folded . the terrible catalogue of Che -'Phe reerset, efts a erra tations are lirm in tone at ate to to make in ' it Warehip.
crimes that she had committed. 510 per lb. and $2 to 810 eacb. to large grirrigonstoWns it '' often
time. • QliotaticinN for ,jhb lots hero '
eliberation by the ...murderer!" do large rolls • land and obtained ermisei071 to
in a -very. short time establish a
progeny that will eventually spread
ire all - directions.
(weed 114Q Janda Where none were '
ever known to ,cecist before. Moths -of
a• destructive rioter° constantly go
ciiiIntries in theleitit_shtpes_s_and
nn tu• -
They aro visitors. thnt cense- tro-s.__
trouble to fliesseellors---who-art- -
often not -even aware of their pres-
enat on boarili.-but -they ltrove- -ex-
- . .
ensive to the riners_ahj
ants' of -the lantl-'where-Tiftir'IrRtsture--------
established. •
Even flowers and plants from other
countriet: bring with • them new mi-
grants in ..the shape of bugs. bees,
and other in -Sects. Coaled: _the
blossom- -or --tutted-up: leaf a et
plkots, they roma/fit dorinailt 'during • ,
theelong voyage. hurwliell" they reach
lb.rid-Where eirmittici and- surround': -
ings aro conducive to their propaga-
844. -Wilson, -biui -been- h -114-Y----14-4441.--4,446 cot: tar -0 -:.•'.811("P -A1174-4:171b15".4)05,Pi" A fairl riprions-that, er...etikliri...itiarrli.s..... e.
:‘,..peper to 4 man Pained 31:4167ert w --h° .ands1,14e to 1144 for twins. heavy run, the market had a firm da before his riVritent Ids.pts 'Par.,
had_made a will in her favor lenir- ttggs.....Tholnarki.t.hnsi it th.,,n, ,tan, tope and trade was nitives ,Export a foreign siatieri, and the._hone
log her t.he whole of the little • are qttoted unchanged at .$3. moon se epent on board 4 troopship
nr--c" but is •clootekonchanged at 20e tor frilecl)
!limed and for fresh. •to, $4,50; culls are- firm at *2.50 .t.gt if, the gallant .stildier has olitained
perty he possesi4.- Masver died slid-
. 1..v.,and-mysteriously-themlellowieg. • s. ,......_ r*Osealidelani, --
r-rarreir-:=T- -Fr
1.84, tiias,aung man 17::* chiefehil. 7Td tce; .*5 -
tr nog Th t I
.es —
land of their adoption:
et mar e s air y eteady,
,100; . : _ ittid is quoted 'tine 11frirtt
'died of ,constnuption. The sytnptomsitnrio„stoeks'..65c to 70e oh -trite;
who -nursed hints had stated that -he -1 — L.' --
w'ero. oily r.eeonellable with •petiSon, ands,7,50-to 80c out of store. Plasitern
*Pot& Ittonths later tante the death 75c to 80e on track and 90c to 95e
of Airs. Soaritm •,.. . .. • —out of istore.
The signatutes, it wan proved, were
treat, Jan. 10.---Graine--4Little
In - October, "1860, 'Mtn; -no--esport-Inutiness in- wheat, att.
-131 Kiri> Lorisdale, Westmorland, 44hippers -claim that the bide they aro
,In-OctOber, 1860i" said the , chief tame t� Vieit Wilson -At ICennington, "getting frctin the other side, areaway
Anil the newly released prisoner eonaltlez'able sum ot money she bad,.the market for oats 013 spot the de-
OtiM i00r4 toUntt fltrOelt- Iti:dtiratiCe: brought with her, sewn upin the untiy‘t being stilt Ste* Khd _prices on.
. investigation late; lirra. Atkin- Corner of her stays, wassmissing. Ithanged at 394e for NO. 2 white'and
POWs death extended over several 1861, a Man" . mimTit
ed ylor,;it 1181c for No. 3 per .1ratiliel, eX,
' Weeks, rind during that time the *hum W1lon vlsRetl was seized with 14-coro.
pollee became ttequainteil with a,
_ to:od d1 Mere of Catherine:, Wilson's; t
earNr. There were sinister ruittors,„1
• 0014 her Cannection with a Btriy„ ts
*4*-idow,. who bad lived In
Ord Square, ,Loriden, and tvhf,
died tinder. strange cleat/a-
" ntthis .ileteetiVes exiiresited
trial fri couversittion
is counsel:
rid died a few weeks. litter, and Iv out or line. There Waft n� change in
for selects lent -$4;43 for lights
• fats.
Opposition curet' apathy•.
.PrePorations are, beirig made to • 11;aitatallliscrritesttakett:1•eitiliu-tfiltareett.' out of
, .
furnish the. soldiers of the German
army with paper kettles. 'It la •ors•J _Rusty __pipel! do -not
erettiii-d that- the new ilavi
-es- *7"qt-wittfert of life.
the invention of a Japadese. ,Att • man may ha land•and At not
though the Utensils aro made of , Asa- y much.
pliable paper they. hold Water read.,•
ily, Ily pouring water over. them itilirsP114ivener 18 • never gall"' lint11
they tart bit hung over the lire With- Many Would rather be in ssin than
out burning for a length of tr'rne
'Sufficient to -boil the water. One ket- • "poirf totyle-
‘,',Eannot. tit;_ro'
tie cat), .13e so tispd, about jgbtL
tfitteti, ifod thoi-Foa mil. two, 1111"1"varg-;
facturing sorroW is, one Of the
cents. 'the thief advantage' in tavorr
oe unique receptacle/4 is that they'woott of slwc,
014 math lighter to carry thatt'any. crusty tongue seldom has a
thing 'else .s'et devised. hence to get rusty.
Mk your ow,tt Way.
Character is the only basil hat
NtitTrentnittlyhrnvtik°Cled some fool's, Wit
1 Abe- Iiips make thetoselvei,
f'ij�wing miltat,poet ai, men is not
!same •thlog "ping them flour,
The man who lots ao mbld ,of
Aifttn-!.,,hsoi mot of it to givs
y.' •• . ••
II the initial symptoms; Sollowing. flour-Arartitotor tOrinct wheat po„t., by tbe Agriculture sho*
tidiniulStratlon, :Wilsores fay- strong bakorw, grks0; that there let a olletti40 in the British
ceritiedcliptett.isionv. iry:nrltstitnaantctigy,, tthittiroutigth. 'swcree wheat patents, $5.70' to $15.- wheat acreage front 1,581,38/ scret
onpt ,Lpst came, the aissut,rtitillgthltotaraco.1172a,..40Afito.rtis2tmoo.$3..- 'rill 1003 to 1,415,284 in 1004.
:As little more than a third of the
eged 4ittomPt earneli. Peet1,-:!ttanittilet, bran. 'In haat. S,I1 acreitge .under wheat itt .1869.
Catherim Wi1601 listoned to "0 to$1FP, Aboris iti20 per tun: Ontario
whit history other erinlea unmovad. n bulk- $17 to
rel'faiRt 'was' ....
1319? to .$20: mouilte,
e judge
ttwful words r ban. a* to • duniitg.
whrev, 51ie
lisle ;Were Vie facto. the
th*t'the authorities r
her with the death
the otiouneel
t ridenmelt,
. , te0,41•40.g.q-4-114.
'eats and bigsTii
Ty'frana Tho doe)c
no conte4'
tision ml went 'Pt' Iron. weed tr41.54 0110 4*1111
, . ,
11110W3 its tuba :rmt i`tv '1 to r.)' 3 • "Mt,
sks siss heti bivo tt'aveeSft to" S9 ."*.0!
o'S, Wes,' t 2\t' t 7 awes. tel.
see...wee -
rat 4'Aitat T,.ey
53, eo ry Mr. nny it'Jt:;‘
allteritte do! $0-4, tmpu 61,a,t7.4
80.:onci‘n diAit rs, in lila t.N3lk'n,..0,'' 4,it141;
• /ler itt.1 whs.. 11410ip
' 1;1,1
Ist ton - ' tots. •
' titl ila%y cte;,-,,,,gia r, sh6t.
$*yrf,4, CIVE.,:, $127..r.19: 110)it
Jtiowt,„- tittl;., 4444 0.f..,11; Asitooieciti
St' .,h C, , e”41';„,1 i1ifl....iiint• vt 1;41,rili•
et1100 'tor Parro
rh 1;t roik b3 -
me wile tout
tili thy piele tht
3,7 SOS .
11000 *n4" ear
bati heart pay,
• •
clibrehserihee thst do
nutOtt to aireet
the '
it titan thinks be
ditto t
rtitight lnseet-e byvtlte 'hulittredt
pealed In tbe beautiful &Aster Lily 'c
bloSsoins, andstrotti-saltspaets-of-the
world strange insects bidden • ' away
in the cup -like blooms of orchid*,
'Whieh hunters. risked their lives
Weill*, have been introduced in our
Mitt* to -'Work destryetioo or add'
to °Ur- Pleasures, Not all visiters.
on our incoming Ships tire °bitted -
Mit. Some •arc of " dittinct value to
our leotintry, and thekr introduction
in this secret Way very often works
.Out. succoefully problems of great
public 'arid, -
_.-C,Q141114:11tOtAta_yA.r,rtrit „
• s .rave ors nt io tt.nd C nts
•will. remember the revisislort. of :M-
ing. with which they were seized on
first detecting' seorpion or inostvi-
to in . th'elr • couq.. at itincheon oti
Minter. .8i:inlet or the.iinerit
are- kept eomtantly far the trate.
,fromrAden to, Ilornbay, and known
KS the Ited Sea boats. are never free
tton these.pests.
With the• tramp *hips that. , visit
the',•South Pacific monkeys ittfil pari, • '
rot aro are the most common visitors.
It 14 a very frequent occurrence, at.
ter a "tramp" has not touched • 4t
y P.Ort, *leek_ or so; for tbti
They ,knarr
cro on, boas
trout:01y, g tok
Once. that roOnkert
itt abortly afterwards
,tomet1ntes hitlf-a-dosen.
0110 rapture at it
soon t the inevitable! *WI bd.
.shoo, !In* e
#Soilt tQ• tleolero ire
siOd Of., OS decks.. M*ri
Otte lertnight to edit