HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-01-12, Page 3V4VerV4 un . OliePhOtie to iue,., on ug to ;haul 'th0 .,IOWIYi but tek_.pell me up ea ' ot44----0-nior-teitt " . t- w oi4g4t AP 0.74111 ha dec. of the tug b clOrO ieziet; ' but r.irent •Ptf. I'ntq j:dgzd&wnipn before I: bed thiee to * vhther tbe rut ct. Up,.0401 . . '., . . rnv co the otjmts.ofth roIe n4.tbad bot le,q141fl.,:at tbC il,fty ofThe., %'hatis7.'' '.414....t 4 eit. th N. Or tb(r ,.‘140.0,,,,' , ,.,S. ';',4`.. .,.. , 0.144 - .... .. $ . , 4 en‘,Stealiler;'• ' a, . . ',Gantt, •vcrv . e. t, 4011* aLT day. .be ageet, of the, Marine:, nail '400orot41 , -aneo corneae ' "-• . p n . . her ''p tb. Complaint. -,pthOr. sotesion.xf writerto the t -class lawyer can ea n in thn ,thcr&so methieg tek\ncenhy i ..minutes, 48111 It?' '--- " II the work 'of a sub -1 :ithlt, say. that Isn't rip. When 4 p a clang ja. ,9 11 meet e. true figierman; Just telt tht, ducated Mall he is. "Our du- . "Tm YOUflaw ar'r-uai'I516FCtr1li3 -e. ties of. 0 b the nw erica of'suple- on the bottom of the sea. That'. yers buttered with the nialadY,ot Urn ift11. nt&ys r telt, always feeble -and was1 erten In Patn=. On day 1 received a T4.U04-Wa-Alinienase-ando '• .worederful cures in it. Then I deeld- . . , e idea ity of the dettti m,ysterloue attrac- Or thou° not lei our „profession. ve not alwaye been a salver. ott0i)ed lelca ustations trom ttoeps to increase the *peed tbevessels;1 bav,e worked in land have delied, in ilowiee I tne followbg interesting inciant in Doddie xidrio pins. .ve even been an ordinary connection -with the religieus revival: - But, of eourae, we deep -info° was a muster joiner or builder rd ourselves as that had undertaken the Work to add lg e them thet of thl:iiii"011Vrtuirartwk OftZfrird-tbrtittirri ork.-,14' river* or- along a coast; Ale house* And -was .engaged therezt. syi, too, is maeh higher. 'One evening he attended .the revival 14 northern water* the bottom of-lx°4113 'rind Iteatt Inerning'110 10117 -ZOIXII traterAftLAasts ,444-4,-,74 4 HA the woklunen: "Welt, boYet. miT•7.14..ErrI7 fo the a WO* ti a ' with crude pictures of Da -WV*" Aquierno.". This tragedy occurred 'four year ago and McFarlane hen said he Aid 'I" OrAirr7Wirifailirr" lat from theg fibre he met Ins Donald - ism 3 . all and now I ..uni perfectly cured." see- il— .-rore i,„e. cermony 'the bricie-clect had to make several agre,emente. She 'I= vv=s11 itErgvA.L. . Dodd's. Kidncy Pills always cure promised: sic Kidneys. if the disease has got i To decorate each week the graves 1 alitraer -Declined *o Complete a. a prin hold it takes them longer. of her seven predecessors. To make .7.1) 'Titir Job ou it ern. than if is filet starting. Uut there naefriteiCrence in conversation to the A South Wake correspondent gives ill no ototrristuor nnootsta Ki-t-IneY - eleact„xoives., 'Po see that the hitch - be 1:111efred t • ing post with its seven black bands kept clean. To visit OnCe 0, year some relative of some one Of the d,,e- ceased. • -paw. \ *r. , • "Mr Sloman hap been. Corning here • to Pee you for quite a long while, Maude. • What are hl* intentions? Do you know?" ttWeli. ma, 1 think the intends-,-te- keep on. coming!" _ ' Syrothe-"Were you ever in a rail- way disaster?" Brown -"Yee, I once kissed - the wrong girl in a To Make talk wife his. sole heir,' • take bar to Boston once a year. To Patiente--"Poctor, What do you do -give Alp -brooking plpe-tuelta- stank when-you-liave eeid--.1a,therheaiW cigars. To build a seven -room ad- Doctor -"Well, metlant, I seumze most dition to the house; - of -the- tbne;"— " lc. ' ="Z T5 unluck fr. Ire has -sore throat---that-hw-Can't It and.---" "1 4w him te-dire and Tie seems to have a bleak eye t0o.„".1- -I*ThaVe just, it. Neist, being' trie-ttruiti-zera,. - ex plat t 1 h 0. go , ea, Otr-ity-terfettity-ini. _ 014-4 141 ---,:,-Ito ... ... Pinti • gcntianmn 4141 .4nild forests ..0f. ex. shim not par *.oui_ilor sham I take ,re e, *wen Ciaalent:11:41ilt_bi:„.71,:m1,;,,gp!=lictW,:. 11.7::::: enig:41)1,0:04cat7 your,mtts'imPL:i '301r t° .,..: -„„Swe,ita prom- , 4,11:11 . nti ve yitxro. tlanYtldnagatiornormtilishoe &work that le _ al-- --17_25er_eloriatrAtecoorn.s.,. in is _ _foce,,,e24:1 .777 time. . :,.. ft_ _ _b_07 i: " ave -lost- your-pursei?" `" Geet-'ifeel- 04 Where there Tiiiiii6"Verer-AlPO- --e : : nrtal--A ti-iSe-o*--tralett-thirinite- --------2-_--. ""*. _ Atell, I ' e -AlIci-d--Ctir -t-Aiteek•,inails- ' /.4.0b.4 I.1414F-JA1-Sus 0°2-1'4° ' "..., Vhe-werld's,lereSt-ar•en-ia-iestinsat rslZrYieftvr"----"""'"L-A43tL;*0-Atl ii inoirkin:‘:c ea l'!ee.,0"tV4:047-4-der-aasin- g ifir)si---- --'.--Turitiliiiiiie"---..--4u72-1-he-p-rac---- tice 'fie widower,' tif, Oak tireton„; has',ed at 4.500..ogo ams. , . . ,..._ . 0.,• ' . .. . . ,,,... - . adopted by the. bends,ok reeriv'alists, painted one more room of hie- nouse'i 0,t, ,co . our . eautrig_ia extra of catering public ...houses and induc. :In mourning and has marrie(.1 again- er 11.wralitatiarPea' "Or v eye aro probably wthtioiritoW"uothwtOull no little , Johnny, • od ite4111SUraneir ''Vainw'44$-CUstantarik-ta-lOrSAICO-their"--W SeVerat g ,1411"1"411---."--42-1 V . fte the ttarislicautiorlaiuntyVi ted hannte. In one instance the roam say it is. a duplicate of six , Reny will. insure tur. So the marine INDIANS' STYPE/tii TIONS. them," answered the fond parent: ° * 1 Pranbei. etimpanies-histispeclal-p, e I " er:ed. ttl°: 1431angeli448-431:. thCethet11". girlr)VnetVr7q. artilb:hcal—tilreepse:Sight—() liciea On our ibteif to provide for us° ot bi* club -room. but this they our wIdolarcia - - . . refused, end. Upon their refusing to . The new MI15- Maerarhuot. who "But. you , dont peed insurance yourself se badly just now," I re- Itesl: •'ter you haven't -spent that *20;000 'you earned in that 0110 dive Other day, have your' leave the premises they Was Utah Irene/laid, daUghter of Believe in Ghosts, Wi thee. and "T trilly and unselfishly love yaw were -• Donald McDonald, Is the eightly PoWer of the Medicine Men. • . daughter.and it ever I give her moved by physical "force. At an- other public house three enthusiasts tress that hes ruled over .;the house Th0 Ir.Edian believes there are boa moment's pain, hope shall be of Itacnulosne in the last forty - constrictors la the St/Vain* of North made to Suffer for it."' , you engaged a room for a week, not years.,. stating. the purposes for which they • 37.141.' w America, and also that the South will. You don't knoher!" t r. "housee son, intended Tile dinner. ' She Improve, meats. and *how,* cook new w047 of Preparing dishia, The du:. ties ere Pleasant and the' compeasa- tion is ample. 1 • Levosr'e T-2 (WI ffead) Disinfece eat Soap Powder dusted in. the bath, softens the water tufd diatn k-1*-4,:-,--Uver-I1111,i-atseerst-thie-a114 `Monts that In** has to coatend with have their origin in ditetiler** Whitt/ Li a delicate organ 'parte-nit - susceptible to the dititurbericee •tht Coln* care in ,ke d d This ao. -remit% for greet man *or rein. tato** now_praitsLori the Attentitut del iftittetera. Or tite$0' there Is *One 'super. for to 'Earinelee's Vegetable Pills. rineir operation though gentle ill ell'ective„ and the moat delicate can use them. "Thut you were here hist week ap- plyfrog for a piece. Trave you been out of A phase ever sin<cor said the shIce then r or t id it mtflute First X Want to tell you of don., TO, some' latitudes; for ex- iteriPle., there I rernem- pogo a selcool of,,Inan.eatiere or. g--•ta---diffilniltWO-71-ri 2021-06-040.4-6 *we ives on the inks: dozens- of converts have Oyer* - bottom, in Cuban waters. my .dilem. up• the habit of -smoking; na _Whether to tay betel* Air At Caerphilly enthiTitistic services dr_b are -h a- IL v. low tlie hark .Arht Min/R- MY air. Pito the. early hours of the morn - erne up 1. might_ sot. jax. Peliowing the service a pro - or at least yeuncled. re- C'eSSIOn • is toromd and er:Ovrds-paradet- uutind perfectly ,14,ufett .however... the ',streets, singing hymns and plead- - eboosing to rik ftb ing, with wayfarers to get Converted. si Mir -choke Was a good *one, At-----71---Xanelit&-torrsequerice-eit-thi- for alter a while the sharks *ant revival meeting, the Felinfoel toot - away. ; ball team, svhiclv got into the final "That 'sir -hose is our very life. tie for the South Wales 'Challenge /Once Iliad -a .rtarrow escape while COP last year, has been -disbanded, putting copper 'plates on the botteen and the fixture was cancelled. • At of a steamer which IV in tide -water, Tans Well a young man, after do - Meeting. went, of his ona.,aecord-at Midnight, ' When- he returned_ henna .. coat t •1 1: 11.1. 1.4.1.,111" 14r 1110•1. • 4.4 •sins it ; was used ,for objects subversive • of •sinew .,,,eviel-hea4ns peeled the ovangelista., Not only publicans but 'tobacconists are de- V ialti ,t. 11113i .4.t 3 4. it• I tat •1 •of the ship . the tide changed the vessd ank to the bed., shut- ciothiste---44;-comp with ndh ro con • if_ et ilittgrth7traTiWa. n • 0 SiZe CTriiii-- ill-le-tilit;lii can s gn , the isterachi•w . :his name to. The ells arit in their' . . a - sterna erfitr'ki ti . dzupen LiT '' erite Indian Whores be WO a cure _ .fect uport their heppInss and preventive for rabies or 'hydra in the..I.ake uJie IOW r rter . „4 4. ge"-itislrbe I: i a crrile— "s ri t„ it set.--,--efin, any. ;007 e bite on .0eXth* - frem tlement made up eit Scotch Presbyi-- *,--grOfind rattlee to a velvet tail or .s terians, who are o orthodox that, •R diamond• rattler. An Indian,...ne_ver they win not owe, wen en Prrie• l'ellFax.-knotietittliAtlironi„,a. do 4. 3314 a iw ' Arg-irite-p--oeizdie---freor-la--rattiees-b , 'amounted thereand has made acwhi,‘, ether races suecumb to the Ve, =• tnniband to hit sneee!_a_ive...illytts.e nom oot a snake ,01* li0 Xnad from the whorn-hedreasod _ and ounneloo.w Pilbite' Or it rabid -dog. The -Indian be'. envy of the tt of the eezeteeeltY i, Heves that eleanefug the, stomach SP.mirkine.,_ ,,, ,,,._ - pear&-z----141,--theig.4nootk---Sr-,,manalti lioptis tw TrrE statrEs. - ' gives long life and good health to 11 all who wili practise it through Ile -was marriedt the age df 201 to Mary McLean :rid lived happily 1 The Indian,.: when in battle and e. until the first heir to ther helm 43t , fatally wounded, believes that if his MacFarlane • was born, co -incident medicine man can reach him with with, the mother's death. Be imme- , hie diatelY went ,irt......._quiten....meurAteli_reFldw=i bitter medieine before he dies it r.nayer and calla the ..,reinitined-a-recb2se leer fromPaill be able to escape from the bat - the day his wife died. Me celebrett-,, fieneid. _He -thinks every wan (Man ,wonderear wth4.13" d• rue -m-7 _to ...eoelet3Lb. .•,,, = , nuititer41r-r71"uut-Mu1c-rl "T"S"r1 ra Peri -0610e hits given to the 'world one of the most, unique mem- .0 reiiiir0/1 to Inee_t int for a Pill vriticikcould' be taken without; nausea, and that would purge -Without pain t--liee-atet-7quit444eitt* in-that-diy- rection, t 1w -sellers! Vile not only become* elth-eee two qualities, ou.. because it is known to possess.alter16-• tive and curative powers _ • It in the /rent rank of medicine*. . • "You- Are getting prettiiv, every day." She..-"Zitst' now 1 ant living On brownbread and water -to Improve my ' completion." "flow , "Then let us get mar- ried at envoi" Minefet -tirtimteHigetliornsretcr "Smithers never lights one Of his receive the most awful k* b3r oc,onaing in contact With b But even to this horror Caae inured . As a rule the In *hips are -floating. srm -itittitig 0 . r pros* on the floor,' as one • Are' * ran en are Thee is Vouch known whieh VarmOt be re- Ogon- Witieked in 188-0, the-Watees-cdger-ler -senkr---olt Florida, ortune In gold on the The **rine insuraneetom-- ust big, commissions to ive for Olose tiro deposits of tree - they Ile too deep. Our late de'ptb Ji.150 feet, • but et eir from which I tit the other do, lies • A VA3rD024: FOR Black "ilteCnitnyi! Offers Convincing • illn---itat year of Robert Taylor's inctunbeney of the guberna- torial chair of Tennestee. Am ancient black mummy eau* 'lir lino ;day- . firgoliverriorto pardon -her �Id husband. "Marte ."1 Wish you's pardon dist ole..nigger'• tn. * itc- to hustle.' flbO tiothing, gold. The tbe gold and Lbcsurround- oUld hisve bethird Oro tight tide dt'* en --tie *in no -geed nOvehar, en- • ,we_nceds_hbn at_hozue."1 astsraor AsevsPaPbrit-s, .roaattnit Me to * tarn now for par- doning ao .ronviets..and **Lima brass ye' Wei: Mars*, Bob," the olerwoniiiiv pleaditig& interposed, "X wish You would. liteise Bob. Ise. toted you in mY armee when you -bigger ---dant-it-iniiinitt • • dont lie got dat ole nigger in der en be *tin nn good fur notate, an'i;-." _. • rfalling-oUVIRTtli---any-----bife; ms•4 alsot But- every bit pf- 'Woodwork., speak to 401 entro.371.00 .be *wee*, but • was painted deep Wick. Sixepitifahe .dita # -Ile believes as much or has es were rdettires of frying iszrgels. Thel, touch feith In an *Indian doctor as host attexopted to dispel the gloom l th,e paleface has in his. `1,7 • I east by thebe surrounding* by rec1t-1 Indian doctor elaime • 'never und�- 01 to • and-otherevise--inaking-f-enteri-' thoroilghly undirstsads the nature taining., Ile made no allusion to7or of the ease. explanation of the decorations. The red man once believed in 'nit,. , shortly afterwards , . likstParlanel the ;,,f7Init..__ac-doct-ntrt-now-4--- ritarried =Namara T:Itattriett. r_4ortimme, 4ikt4u-*fpla---dfajia-erere witch toli-the Wedding he reqUireirliii: 'Co but they are not tbb nePerte in nied- I -make oath Were 4 nOtery 'public idue they mice were. no tietfoites that She never would go into the that throughthey midi was ifient hi* -first alto ,h141--oe011iiod ' - *1131.4 1}, - --. - - An idea of- the poputtrity. of TIkkett's 'Marguerite ‘ligars ainetl-fronr-ther-factatimt sales in 1904-szeee4led,12p00,000 -which is by far tbil, largeet 'sale o any brand in 43, tho Itistorl: of Teach (to geogrepby elass)rT,"Costs. y-Cof-ymt-boyfe-tel1-rea-whaVis1ttud'------7-s he noted for its great internal int - lel . 4 • One trial of mother Graves' 'Worm -Ex- terminator will convince you that it has no. 04;04 es a worm medicine. .Buy 'a-Pntte'saerseirtr-ir-doeirliat-Fi**ssi- you. thweeheee'*4sr slia****11 110," his mother said, 'a Can't' help etlam"wie44""se""ililelleellia'133"44 it,um:* " ' lied the •littl ma - rep e boy, -me word 'obey,' said Mrs - ro X".it-nritorait - the marriage ceremony. A better plan," retorted Grovrells, "would be to substitute the word 'sup- ' the gOvernbi taked. L4W beni. .Tim fie jea went doith to Mr. mire; smokehousehe did. 46' ttz�c one po" 1tt1 le-hanri..aret 'dertudc hint' up furgrat ftlt eilf "int-doern der in .de pen, art hiS,-Itih bet Marto Bob, •an 'If he is oh' 4,4'44 Votress 'Aunt Unnitn1), hire out tor7" "Vv. 'laws bros. o* lito. nob, Iv -me out et" Meat ergint." The goVernor.rarlatied vow„ 'rive •raoathe Meterarleoe hy-trying-to-relirstross---t Again the widower went into seclu- pion, but this time .„ elite _for ijjc months. Then ite,gaie ft eteivti ban -i quet, and guests were served In 110 Chollyeir ain't live without yotir you cant- Work, 'never killed auy- body yet.*** second room decorated atter the mint ner of the first, In addition, how- , HAAITIS CHAU/. - &um. Wets Inentl card* *Alt borders and bestirs hend sketched tombstone% upon which epitaphs Certain Habit* tfneerkeelene were itiSteihted. When the lei e 'ouee, after listening to witty stories ; relating to Urea Aftioraristne 2,they obsevited that •tivo • Meek stripes hitching post in front. Ilifaclearlane. married a *Sintfor three years bishl monplate. When CA -Al ifax his wife 'died of dip -Wis:41,03, bitted. t- - - When he *at well bef decorated their room in moeining and iiav bi friends to s.'strawberry t suet. ttablired his guests; the thembeit oe -copied by the eteettly departed. Ile delisettood funeral pestion before the dinner was toyed, to enliVen the evett14 Oft. %bele meter tke irritation in tke *laroat the Mora. distreviting the co becomas. COM t- of it• tare to. eNtinttlintitt- We 'A, Venom* il.,•-iitel-k•V**",,iirk-'- L':''". - V, k dia *woes, and ' te tete.' Os , retire • ia,u14,-/ - calpt.'", "Didn't X tall you „not • to lisk-for_caltart„__."rni-ntit A item,/ ihatt atke* all the vocompItttr int Ent one timidm % have a eifeart rry ,,• Itb .11. tackles cough. Toape1a In IM be — *eat he wan- asd tree trona Achim pales. Dr. Theetey Etiettrie ,011 W1T1 relieve irreittillar Or otherwite. god ler us elmedt treatstest ot C01440 arid coughs it iii a pIesd1d ***did**, ContentMent "is better than rich- . "Yee: but I dont see ant ob.- , An trulOtib P1111040,_Dlier esti thit tbe amount 4)t will petite** f Ait could be traustortned„..lift weightvot titoz.tonit. _ It ibinatiMita reqUires ,gree of heroism tObrealk the ot peraitiOtte habit than to It not prase " num' lt Vreli-kuteerer people. Over-Ateeries.th03t-tos its of L best 1 llootte4sold KIDNEY PI I.. I.. 5i M