HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-01-05, Page 5f. tdttnt•w'of : lbs: A,dvoeats arae altsaoe►t itlectrocuted in 'bis' benne Wednesday nbcbt. . Onn$readhing i4 borneNearlyev:isle th+e, eve•ul' #itl f Blend"`1t arly. ery tcbh*rged":twitingin:•be,he• botise tot stn `Iron''nstiirir 1 neelmetitItyinjtl ;knit,piaiispin''the.ki en was.'e t ting.fnt under;thes flan . aind at>Ie of Mr..1 uriaiiabtei' receivt' ds, M+ rete shon s diick ,la •Lakin bo1.l a>t; tt ln,iini cnrc t Tht:iclec4ri I,ight'at'ation:ssiisi'csiletl,up rte r the, epotipeeep,otifei1 of the ogcur"M i neees. brig• he.;.eieeriirvd.,tlle 'upants of-thi' biut thit',there;was oatlirnger Svh4levrr..7Mr*,'D.iv�ht tIieit want to the um;;;g-etx roe e nfe ei tips sooner touched the iron •haiidie '.. loin ate_waa.ti*Iated;onto(sbnpeR-.Iiia. • HosotOetdwte Ontario Veterinary e; goo• • assay PI!UIW la Ontario Veterinary Asioci AU dlassess of doesedk- =hale scientifically tNated. fearer trema by Use latest. oxygen treatment. • ., ,Orr1C i Ons door smith of Tows Hall. EMI PE98; fNooat house north of_Presbyterian - DE. ‘1, $. KINSMAN, ' L. D. 8.. D.D. 8•, 000rYraivate of Toronto Uaalverlsty. E*TIST.' ?rain.>rtraot�d es_joet 107 Run, orae toed affects , g u'D D,'�a,LTotf ANDlra5ON N.DB. L.D.8 -----ORNTIifT=- Blyth:'::A=quiet hilt pretty wedding :;.::�[ orwl dt�o. ni+L ez-..► _ t� 'wits celebrated:at the residence'of Mr. Ossdseti of Mimeo fichooi of Prosthetic DsatLNs7 __ ��iret ifilttri • , pour i snows ie mention.) ._, ,, I Dec. 21.'wh ,• Mico Ma ret+ Qovier, Jlluslaum, Void vulcanite Moos Mute la the of London, .t: was married'. to Harvey " ,.iah:c� it d for. i �f ' ethl Rnia ti ll I y g- -- --- _ ��' °i'-" forme , ke-Re, i; .. . - — " _ - t _ ___ _. Dliisotsr of -More eyed °-"" the-wildingiurtrch ria `the:birida part 'ateetteal 1 enters d the -parlor, :The Bride looker ' =^'• • baindsome in a dress of ivory silk. trim. P. Anonr-tx-�yttl±eea:=or irc_'neer withrpearls:,.• Th -going, College of • Physicians nd 'Surgeons - Ontario. lot with white beaver to match. ....:r;:., ii;11111d.,. • nv R: „ . the •t itatiletAirletroisident to minor liiir eyt s �bilur �In. the bush- n+'�"=I,•opdasta�iaro:.... •: • . ,... . `"&rtieritbgof ng iwtyfop souse cx ala -the :otht r•� eiay� - J, . .Robert ,►last on the attepa ,duff, fell; ' f reactor 'ir,g tri a of hierites. .•a. , • rsca+r tat?4i► esN►Milii4t iR a,' - 'ney ►boggle,, trroert4(8bttedieteC•� Juv niters.` 1ltr � ccsrrn ..heeeiYeei a • a • gong!" Iltiol '411 -ku '. �: lla'Nii ibit`cct , , ',' p11 - W ii 'rad ;w& ;ie�7[t?$.ttaict�; I ii t ti .iirden rya _ t! rr Ro:stir`r►ftCr' is.,few . Nht kli '•Illaesi *1 thw agv.of gl r►Pa�rti ,? u�otetaa%� • ‘..P1 th `:Wali. Itifi i t .on` tit; Mr. .,rind..Nire. W:: Mondor funer.+il.teok place on Wedne y. 1111411 t:- O,i Mundn M .--Tbom u the time'and'•°who fortune :ly ore let, fu' this rnhbet� e• sae n \wa s an • pulled him film + bisdfiri-1 a �ative of Notrtlwal `gerous position, when, he collapsed id ilA iaiuii.lvrd-b .at heap:on the ttoo contact • ng made by the iron piping leading to the pnaap and an electric wire.. • Mrs. Davis trod two sons *oak. end over the, proetrats form` for nearly ter! . minutes, -when consciousness re. tumid. Dr. grnith ' wits . immediately ensntanned.'and for,nearlyy two. boiirs administered hypodermic injections and did alt that was possible to relieve the sufferer., The patient slowly . ree- vived` from . the terrible shock. Mr. Davis is suffering, great . pain. about • ' : r.' . '-rnest • tten en. of the 5th concession of McKillop. and son "of. '.A. K...Cltittcnden, of this town. met with ri very seriousaocide•nt 00 Supdny.. Ile was tyiog one' of .his cnttie•in the. stable when the animal kicked, striking him on the leg' and iract:tiring the bone' beLw'een the knee and ankle. Mullett= •The beritrtiful borne of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Henderson. was on -the 21st nit., the scene of a most pleaaisig and' toss , • t , , •' ,. internalinjuries- it is'expected`that ,he . will soon be about again. • int any , rate •hie-ternporery:recovery is-almost-`cer- tein,:bUt wbetber he will be affected hereafter from the effects of 'Aho elec. 4 see-eestnet-ipe the first severe xccident_o tg_kluii__to happen in Mitchell, and will bo it lest- 0OU Q tither Bolen their-btuine*L • • eFlitriVille �...._. ...__. A lisp FNew Tear ttoall 'the Advo. cute r� �M-- -No -1-- � -- ,• lt-i H$&OWN, Rlneluleen. ' Creased Auctioneer :r for the Counties of Perth and )Middlesex. i also for the township or . Usborne. Hain promptly.. attended to and tenni reasonable. • Sale.- arranged at rat oelfoe' Wlncbetsea.. • - . ofTba ut,rrri Re o ie r cinly:�+iugtt-' ter. Mina Helen, to •Mr. John henry McIntosh: of Asainabolrt N V T, -'flte ceremony' was pet•fot'nitd by 'the Rev. Mr. OitrsN ell. .. r'3-st-"'JrrttYt+�K'T'txe'ettYe;"6+i`giq'= wuu_nt._the G.T.R: town station, met n ith a;wibhup Saturdaiy evening., Just • utter-_the-rash-of-thrrerrning-tram z he stoners.-inc�n_lipprl and fell -betty ilk lin 6 -is Ir16 side-im-the-roadwat, -and sustained a compound fracture of his left arra near the grist» • eras is. b t; o ep era and'islso'her parents; Mr. and Mrs. kions: 3ttsi'8pritip,"iterid; -a . Marys, Is visiting h r eotrsin,-_ _ism Lena Miners. -Mr. Fred Miners. of London,apent it few days of the past week renewing acquaintances and vis. sting relattvfs:_--The Misses Pollard. of Tilsonhurg,s nt the holidays ;chin ing wi cultivated ,varieties":"in • In a, Ceylon: ma. an • e w • ere. , n w ►Irl state, it ' ow* t is only threii to four feet high, Assam being the natural homeof the tea bush, it is • • not surprising that' this, and other districts in , •Northern India prgduce the richest, most pungent teas grown in the world• teas that command. higher prices `than even the finest Ceylons ; but Ceylon teas are very flavory and, fragrant, and seem: to be specialty made to blend with he richer,' more syrupy tea of India. When combined, the ()diens, richness and strength. • The -distinctive--characteristic- oi' - Red Rose -Tea.-that alch, fruity flavor, is • obti ned by blending these fine ,u ronin an ey ons: and' u o 'her very important eature • gf.'Red Rose' Tea, vis„ its Uniformity of flavor all the --- y�rsar-round; ls7se curets -the` *amet Way ;eontethi�g off ' -. ,- passible o - .__.. - _� __.�.___.....�_. � ..,.�,r to.-. btie nowhere. ?Ce Ion�_.oF- Indian .teas aroused --_ • alone. — - • - The. Blue Label is recommended, and unless you -like "`� . vetj► =st>rurig tea; ose :a►nly three-quarters as :;ouch: for _a - i t-Latte . "Why does Amelia hate Cholly sol:' "Wiii when she told him site could never Learn' to -love -him, -he -insisted.. that one was never too old to leant." —Puck. my time .a • • ut accepting him. 'Belle—Indeed i'` Waited until he ac- tually proposed, did out'-Philadel Wi"iiwi `n eek Til EIt"PIAfiOK'-:`�M`' - - • which have been-=in-use-•-for-at-aborti. j rr time only,•and wanting to make room ,• fora ew good.a, we are going to sell ; these Pianos at it price` that they. will 7a • have to go.:. - ,. Intendin ptnchneenrwonld•dir-welt - to call and ittspect,these bargains 'Sem a (ore., braying: • ,.... : . • i is tjje bli t lneedas, to witness an :Werth*: to Mr. Charles ' V. Johns. son Of Dir. John Jobns,,of-Elituvllle....Uev. eitori=BailL,:nt.4.VR�t,1ey'�==ttttClt►��'thr Rrooat.--4tftcirtted-_ the -event tai ng Face at• 11 o'clock, rt.m. ' • The happy' eouple were unattended:-(3ciwited- bi- le. n .a Handsome costume of whites silk the _brideresented a..pictuiv: of-lovlinoss. All enjoyed re srstuptnoue Wedding din- ner afterthe ceremony.. .Tho' gift* : to ber-hrida',.rrre'erlriretbra x tilffereti AN the young conoleare widely known and highly respected. we predict for them at happy and. prosperous fiiti; a -side em tbo groom.'s tine teem near Elirovflle. • is your ro er � a col- lege 1" asked the.kirl who is .deeply.in-; lerested'_inlhe ssibletrerher-inquiry: --quarter-back.' proudly - -answered- tht;—ya ng's .--• ew"i r7t Times.. ..; Tommy—When jou want to ,call at person selfish you always say he's looking out for number one. don't you "widow. my ion. = She s loolan out for number two.—Philadelphia Press. • • . HEAD OFFICE,' XO.`5TItEAL capital Paid Up • s - 8,000,000 eat_S linilteldexi..•Profte_ 3418,989 03 BRANCHES IN CANADA, r dCit1ia.tntereitat nry+t farorable current rates !nen-date deposited ��lays ofr Ravings Bank accounts sad De- w �� • � , : -.o� aftffnf' zt:lwsorais .CAIwR. Japan and otber forefim conatrfa • Trarellan tetters til. dikkll�S16 VATsbnia,,* A general stolons badness transacted: Beet Cem eat .Can _--- • �SAVINGS. BANK. • lstaionaI-Bran4. - ,_ .' ' �► t 211108 _Oaoaa as ..Hasva, _tsMwart. Ia�seRis; . i „_,;F ,.. • - 'CREDITON BRANCH . iobbledck W . .. ,, • �. .. : s CIII9HOLD[. !fans � - . eran " . rdon-nic-,—;rentiernen-" -Et r -tb"e individual who had just moved into lite-iittle~toni-as-'h :here , e ro-. cert -store, • "but is. there a chi en= Isefbere Y'- • • "Why don't yeti take an axe Y" ask- ed the village alleyrand •.,�_rasor 11M -on -1 edtie=s&i erenfn`� verbenhi:e -_ tr tily�d�uu�i r tae- iiet, waw mn Il t� tied to Mc. W. Ernest -Lawrence, a "Madam," began the agent as Mrs.- rosprp�-•nonefitrnetae.MsK1lhsn:. Short o ned the door. "have you j. ever Srai'art. _he home •cures taste. ptanoi� ueaday morning after an • Illness of four weeks of appendicitis. He was a, fine young. snan and. had the esteem- White was 25_yeare of agaiindllced._ai isotne'withliis parents. , - .,. iieK111opt±,.,Thethenceof- t eat Dodds Yrs). the scene of a<. very- retry. Meshliotcr;`11i "-Addie O.; wiui united In mar.. nage, to Charles R. 'Smith. of _Hut lett.. The cerebron was performed by the Rev. (Unwell in the presence of about fifty Invited guests..: , for only a fortnight before his death Tuesday of hearttronble. IIe ' was it native. of •Ireland: imt-cxnieW-to�•'this``- - Ten years n • failiy • decorated for• the occasion, ,"Yes " she answered. • • Promptly. at s!x_b'clock. the bridal 'parr- ' - -"Well,"-he continued. ---"I • am:intro- r Rr t e• - tici e1rEItomatt • amen o din bell of holt and,_.Hkmersr:an_th• ' • - e e et we ing march Was •. "Don't want it,", nterrupted 34p. S. Ing played byMisr Overholt, of St. Our piano -his-a sheriff's attach ent, Catharines.. Miss Pearl Lawrence sis- 'and I suras__that._vri1L_hold_it-.-foc,.a- tt�rot the grtioan =