HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-12-02, Page 7�T 7:40,
r DOI)
Pkr 00"01044053r
iti00$ Y3f:
pittatEVtZ •W
irwti 1114. I
lr was.
own in M1w m
prepay -
, with China, used comparative- '0(MT1 w ndprful ore,
Tv torpedoea of a ver s
Iniles.between the two peluts. Such
Ijvbanl Via the beginning, of wiutIt seem
,cn "gr aria
d Ting -11011,
pride ot th tt th greate t torture
wit4 ban sluted tops of suffer' g from anaetuts or blo d- Navy. ..ttohoilTheureationt, Stiffness of tlie
et -al are to be hat inyeral leasnes3' "Is bringl to the 'n'z't a 3rd, , §80, the 10hilian Joints and Pains in the Loins /
[teal .eance neuralV40 14,,Inch tra,0400rt toskwas destroyed in 01,1„, had dark eireies under my eyes; my
I aed shawl draperies are Oorto bt4tir4t1.012, 1)100d Willeh b
ao r y a, noni-dirgible„ tor- bead achcd and 1 was often dizzy,
l new tarries to thee handsonie ev- norma• peuo ,coneealed in a fruit :/.10$11t, . WAS attended by five doctors, but
een et:timely of th
eing frocks, , nerves a 3 all xbeir "1111841nen4'1".14 -which carried a berating charge of not one of them could •heip
perform this duty eats- .
Ileavy serge and the 01(1 -fashion-: unable to 30C pounds ef dYnauxe,e- Awe, watt Altqn I began to use Dodd s
•ed peplins are exceedingly smart for
toilered suits.
10 as lona le stationery Is in
sltule4 With hcmstit3bed hors
/' era of white.
- 7and-otars-madt-t
We Call the attentions of ur read -
ere to the tulvertiaement of Gunn,,
Langlois & ,Co., .Montreal, which
appears elsewhere in this paper,
you have any poultry to place on
u."L'e tben had been usetlift naval war-, closes began to improve. I used
the first few .00 market during the holllay sea -
tibia, take their advice and commit-
uild up the bleed and the e iggest , .a,nel after
factorily when it is weak or imquantity
pure. I h that up tillneY Pills
tt-was-4erribler-Atar:,-Itit—all—and—noiy, I nu-nouris 144ate-45411—tb *
tiL, t Not only was the Loa -lie -rad' ,bleut,);1 working every day ,,thgt farma„ goods to .market. It is a good plan
twithibeileio• -It10 -men out well ..Mart, : -1- ewe -40Y' vonderful,AtUreA4
write to these p1e if.yoti- hare
anuor 175 of her
s-1ack55a ,•4
e4.4A441-Lev: of 200, ships, b_t1;t:eve_r.y._ house tn Dodd Kidney plus and nethmg butter,,, poultry or ;bones to
o 44,),*
Deri"seVel"thaarr-Doclkir"-Rd'e Kidney *rocked to and fro as from an earth- 'ney
tialtv shock. -Pills. will . not cure.
;srJorw Innat_strakt_.
heay---chwrgc--of-hih elowe contit t t
e elves Ilk
of this medielue Makes new,
Some of the late winter bat ,,,, , t,,,,, i
• els show the use of silk ribbons "i'?"`4, :wow,* leetb the a -re
Ateri7,,,iidth-gctWtttie' and -drives---(aut---thes_ sharp.
- Vrale—s-eatttthcfbrttid—is---hcddm *alibm aint-of-- I-
ouray-rattait,braid4i.growing,ex, ,„,
e o — -
coutrid plumes are, worn atoll I was a great sufferer from neural- Ise on Lookout fOr Good it Will
ea in My head and face. At tiMili an ihinatatV8 bl3tt("In' Wa° aff°rded "
on black . lists, being 'ia,hosen; Of ttae s were, sirup y ex
7- Mother .-of -pearl and -let -form a •
s catirse, to match the gown. '
. I ing, and 1 would bd` forcer, to cirat; Tv"ark. dThiltgsydtellnedid.R.::6612;Paaantehstek stintivoerYna. woman has her- PFt anPer-
tiontething, to her, stands
main in bed. I'tried doctors inedit, ', flag ,..p
shi of the Russian Admiral for luck—a horseshoe picked up,
eeedingly popular.
, ter„ a
the a k
• d t t" ftii 'P
y es es rue ion o e etronav„ Surely- Come to Vow. ,
f the . •
,gembination seen in some o . ernes, but did not receive anY bene-, makaroff
. ... • and was first-class in eve- '0 four -leafed clover ft und, 13111
.•'newest buck,les and pine- . fie until I began using Dr.
Miffs, all of which -are enormous, !pink Pills. cry- resPect..'Yet She was. blown ul) gathered up from the floor, .a black
and an heiTY t° say 'Arid sunk with the greatest case by
e apparently to be used as_much d -from °-
that the benefit rectave contact mioc, ,43,eptikining,.09, The, cat straying into the house, a birth.
• is
t ler- strict tailormades, and'. te-sineme sulrerin- from
. iinn or vi
reilthe longjac. ket conceals the •
bare dress. • You can get Dr. Willistius'• rink
*The smartest, thing in gloves are Pills from amy dealer in medicines
hite glace kind, with three side or they will be sent by mail at 50
Strands of \heavy black embroideryre----wti-box- or sit boxes for
down the hack. • by The Dr; Williams' Medicine Co,
it Silks which have all over figures Brockville, Ont.
'411111 -"Woven Into the fabric have their
Re (fiereely)--AlVe don't' need
-more-than. a eat -needs
,t -to—buy-
oecause ebearpl"
(kith in air of one who- has got tb
better of the argument)—"Rut
wasn't cheap, my love; it cose$20."
An Always lleady Pill. To those
of regular habit medicine is of little
concern, 'but the great majority of
men are not of regular habit, Thei
ro e- I
0. 0060,40R.D.AgEtit: cO:iiPENSED MILK -0001,
%Votive, cere
•dtlC. will tumble you e ,
Our iesone ter wan win lie
you to study to odvantagot tkark cook.
, merood work. Public *Ind lititb- '104
eubie to. wit= Dogiueort Atechgott
TAW 1114 r
Ettioing.-in-d- 100 otbor.00ursects-. Ask
..vskat yott,o Callitdialf-'041)0044440,4,
-r "
COnegt. Limited DOS X 'Toro_uto, OM*
-bUdder nOWnw
tan:anWif Of eteldly*Ilk
Yrfill4te*6 trity;t4a4
rtuns),Migst Totooto.
you WO VP44, ration list tasks rotiorm.
Ssie 14 DrossiOfi & Nam* 504 & $1
. Dr. t
' TOltOlffq:
anaeinia. andC . me8 ictmole and in this she is usuituy of f yspepsii, indigestion
hCU. we he quantity is to be nee'd, and in db."- terarecst: What she calls luck has liver an kidney troubles -4--Pro
gibie torpedo The next naval .1
rtftsmy,come-40--her the,Nery---da or test. The - jsystem - - •ae-
Vcid lull:. anvnipkt ttreiZe8"4"4",
noughts. 1141' weo An no s oun e s wands corrective antrlifireig.
own special name this season. They
are lz
°Ituffles, appear_ cut the left. side of
ome of the otherwise tailored br thankful f
blouses—giving a dainty and is
tinctly -feminine touch.
wtty-bl-iusesof Japaneee
made with Dutch collars,, are list
ut,--ottithewthrthday-ring. none- better -th.sit-Paurtelee's Vege-
LE liKtiltiNg haPPened as` she says'. The only composition and can be. taken by
" as not teem ceencidence. It has table Pills. They are simple in their
ttt nritipliEN thing she fai,ls to. sec Is just why the most clelizately constituted;
Own -Tablets are abaci u „ 11.74t/re;—:— She-Ikti)-Usser).faes-a--wettider
W" ja"..7 4'444441 !MU 40W it has happened, says liar -
5 5
.8 medicine iii° as;:good * The most iniPertetnt thing in life 'you don't use soap and water once
for the'newThorti babe, a, the well 1$ one's attitude toward it. To the or so in a month. have
"coicitelnit no opiate wrong agitudelife brings nothing. thought of it, =Um, but, there's so
0 Atte OttADES'
AVANTFUL. PoiAiertout stuff. ,The mother who .To. tho right attitude it brings ev- ! many kinds of soap,. an' it's
so ..&_,,itomiaw_soidomhas_4241y_time._ to „gives this medicine to- her child has ei7thinir The bill5d doctrine .of Jo& , hard to tell which is and which is moo oats. Irons, liteTale—, ‘itubters,'
A:0ml position is giutraatood to.,
every person- who. Fomptotest our
- lysetWi-Wiro--4-717stifewsi ,- . --f-ATursi--
114 0 4...1 41
A trt....sedervAiii - ti-(#'-";
.onotoffoi.ali-suchlei-,'aifier*"e -
.. short time; Witto-for tutrttetgars, to
, s
T. M. WATFOR. Vitheio$11.
Wm: lieuitsgeteloo
. • tug ,
, wirso. t* foion pos. .
gm Agy,,skoisnyasota co4 aox$, !sout!**-11
guarantee ore.-ktivern-rifeiit -iiipT-71trtlreirandinattl=ettllir den-. tnitlK'I-Ira-itryt*rrious- to. the -skiir-that-÷----r lifittAluirtriwitevi an til 003tiiIii,
wo . .. 0 , Toronto. ent. '
the thin" s she has* tile
raany ether th•ings -st---thak-these----statementa-are_.Wometi who finds a four-leaved ' don't, like to take any riiiks."
0, ,
tru.',.Vilis° lis worth something to clover and is tOnvinced th-arlife -----7--- ----- -----..--...:.---- :— -..,--
19r solcalvt,Matin 491f
01-ery mother for 'Baby's Own Tatb,„ holds sontithing pleasant for her in Mrs. Robert e. Puri, raw* tnan tuns
3 tiAA elikkiPirthatlirWirthe' imuiediate7-future geta *at, oecerwmitsoetevotom
eti_ittemeeit. afterft a.»l,att
01- iitTaiirirfarrAilteAT-Ine-TAii--7-Loto-tho-Tig4t-attitualitr Sho-looks44)
,-raaviti t. E tlult1
.0 ies soud Fer
y r And Ute-
-atid-ivovitej---etotii-tione-butlii.tach--..ira sours,it W
• , will-ka-considered-correet„ stressinge..id
vent deadly eroup.
lflRflY dietialerrOrisrmail-st-21reente-Wetieed- lit -thing it
The filet of blac.vvelvet about half „pane to it. in diti
tiny bow either in .front or to orie
„„,„i4wh,„.41444146,air,,hc41_1614.1az=6,d2r„faxeixtzt,,,=47n "I a itt. 1402C from The Dr. Williams' Me- -That is the whole , bolo
quo * Vegttab1c Pills which drei •
'--*14&; isieen a great - - - • -
warranted to s ee true:444, really. it a simplieity is Its
Ionic beautiful black silk hats mad° eine in the entire list of pull prel
.rgi.. i
„ man to .ssu direct to torsters. Quit
wee; Every farinee-iyenn4 one. .71
profit F4perietice ..valuable out tinkeeeff4i.,
Os Pottal to.410 staXtical,
s ;flarnis.,
tro 4Rumirinz..rabbiag,ot pollebing regal
eroall amount or gtectinilltilttor C14111tgeraisil w p.
**towel. All tarniob, veto and ,dirt qiiintIy
remake& Mates eldest silver an•bright ae
Can be Usitii forebear/fit platerontrinotteterant. .
• Cannot 4,rut silver in any, waytientlIbirtv,atets
cents Or ,package.
ettie't 'given freeJor*feW *buttes /A oLurtivel
Cockburn manuractering C4.0 8ranttord Wit04401,1
_fro ittusrrorts-itoult maw
bur oc sou stocks will re*eie ray
Verentott Attention. 8 M lifitpielys„ ReOvi
cr,4$ Brett St... To
02FECTIVE HEAR!' wen:tome by the
_ _ rentittes
of Ili; marts of the .t 3 -c$ age. n ntall
throughout tho world. Write tem cull*gno.
p dily correct thite rma
-For between, -seasons there are
The manner in which poultry is
dreesectdetermines largely the
it bring in market. All
looking peeimens, -"ragged and
torn, w be passed by for a bet-
ter appearing bird by nine people
t of -001,v/et-en' though-tlie.
reality bc
altager and fatter bird:It is no
hard r dress them. to low(
disorder. There is be I DR,V4S POULTU sign 'manual of verity.
-lieve good --and becomes /
pen- frames, .11ere-satin and_moiee,i.puru,tio!,s„. „ . „ _ , . ,.
. Ottoman and bettjgaline are equally .•
,s°tte,./Ii.,14145- -1' 111,.d -t) -.,T ; I Lte0' Ail t'i;IllOgt aild I dont
WI181.1itell°111" i
ffroWn---"Let os the street.'
. ,
dressy bif.11iAe.il' 1,41iiiidtr. it wei.,._. 6111.4' *ant to Ingi,tbinir,4?,. .1(z. him a lit- ,
it itty,7,4tethe,itorg4trAj'ralstg- - —
----,-:-=------tristt' crochet ii-actItil on all the
'- _,_ - lle-lovettier-and-4neete-ef ' e
s f--etue ii3.' ' 14fige_ -tts: Veer --
—went for
, cottoki ere -Pe. ca.
many perils. ii
Dancirig slippers, whether of pat. il bruises cannot be. aiic . 1
t leatheror of- velvet, now have. gcthcr *voided in ptotiatin* tiniter
ze-cra1 straps, over thspinstep, each for the drive and in river work,
ral°°rated in E'ra6 intlenner with where, wet and coldcombined are '
bad or tinsel. ot daily experience, coughs and colds
- :At..'r AS A lIEDICINE. and totwnbir psies.cannot but en-
, s .. ttr.' Thomas' Eciectrio ad.
ave in the past seven or eight when t* -d to the injured or ad-
c.L.A.11,__AhoL,,,airn rk
grt.era are after it Jays to do
th work
The bird shbuld have had access
to neither food nor water, ret
twenty-four hours, and should bo
taught carefully so as not to bruise
it or badly frighten it. This is etii-
done, darkening thee place
where they are Null:410d, or cateh-
ing with: a crook, eimilar 'to the
cId-time,sliephererik crook.
&the_ a_hird„i_witit.A.r,double-
edged poultry knife mit each side
I the throat to sever,,the jugular,
ien up and backward tarOugh tee
of of the month into the brain\
destroy, the 'vote of pain. Place
liin lower _boaki with
eightTer, -and ffigiri-to picic
he *lugs as these tool 'fluieltes
he breast: feathers, come ',off very'
and there is small -need ef
ariathe, skin if tare 13 exereised.
'When picked rtreeve from 'boo
d, 'where the market, requires
iit the head -and time, thkin :$
six -ie'dcit
'ver tarty yea
t for a sprained ankle
ion to eall ki 11
kc atty medieine ili
-1 believe every
o,,,tropks would
p,athl'&ttcr it ho_us •
_ Mistriii'l- r
ii , nlit with that "eg, Mr. 1
F-urpr 1 see yt-n. are sietording '
ritioal examivatiou./' :1
or • ItiOt any -
thing wrang •witlt thc *ggi, .
killaftents.• -.1.1v3l itst lookitg l'
t hitt' II. 1 '
Often what appear thie niost
vb41 ocetirrenres-of-lif v
be the most momentous. Many are
disposed to regard ateld as a slight
think, dils-e*Vinfrorlittle Viiisid-
ationt, and this neglect often results
*U-raost,setiot• tsailnicntt, eutailit!'
Ides -
0 live$ ut Roberbutri,l,trtet0, Vort4conswilitivS1rup,thereo
1 ma i s tied h.
side and head terribly,
"11. so happoued,° said Dittos to
our representative; "that i had 10
lelit Of Zam-Duk in my pocket, whkir
1 usc.d- f r a sore on my lip, and
Alert I -li 4 recovered from the ,frit f
shok of thif. a&ident, I Voroduced
thek bairn and had it_appliedL hid
, the scalded part. , At the time
agonv. but within a wonderful short
i Puk gave IRO V,111145. I. was
able to continue my- journey, and
upon ruehinF home. I obtained
0 ' -.continued th
ill+112,41e-Plin,,-Ott***44 Crsitetinli and
anir., Ahem ivell nut
109Z—Brooeh. stroll& ,intli4htish•di
wlth sparkling
0640.,t_ gott,preral4 On tecOPt• ot1Pilet,
eis milking flings nieisAm ,An*A't with ri
thick plot* Cki psrsr.
PARK lAtES COMPANY*. 4.9101004, Ont,
Boit .t.rt
xrg,....4iptua. .tr.,,,:4tiiii:t2ar.bn
-.-..-44.1**,, ....P1.49“....
WV ofie.:rOligift4,:..77
wlaritest- el 'a1414 '41°f1t4i.a:.....,
,., .. ,Attti
t , tiottootrtsfioettbAppitvittaiL, ..
ALLAN' ' TORONTO:„..,-, 7,,,,,-,,.4.,-,..
sitisfied with what1s7,
what he liasn't*'
0W, Sabin of Eglington, sa
VC removed ten eons from
feet - with liellowaes Corn Cure.
Reader i go thou and do likewile;
papc'r 1. rittig-to
ut4sea the yo
mao in the riot steno,
fot about
:r*YS , ha 11"," - -----
• I be 'eve ;$4,2% roll:
it ntii,ttioart. 0.006
love to
. *is
OM don't need to we
ur itself."
Mother raves' Nior
tor )ian nn
etit%rixtuatti ***ilk?* "1
4. g -
*Is Di 1.4
y is t
Ile spell
ow isdtir,—;,:iitt
et hixn to do
in at liteot everything be
for his. birthday, **n
t yo. yr., aid Ou lesire roui'
esr the latly asked tof the
p &to in(1 ed. to-
tb and them?, inetkil of tale-
htttotheion salt with the
t t,Tio would tne
of cat'es nod 60 they'
Jat require -ttrotdr
fl d