Exeter Times., 1909-12-02, Page 6itatir‘A sb for ever. The realization ti� able erel '011ie great dis- . 4 ing air Children with hem,$ob- 'ing out their cries of deseair.. (any Men in Cherry still cling to be *lief that with the sealing of he itte- .living• men among, the early 200 Still missing 'have been omtd to death. Mine ecpetts IET ON CAR. roman W It u .r.egirillp Cetmeetion With Thefts ber of annoYIng tricks °II the part' land d lilint t of Freight. 0 so e OW 0 , latest_prank was to pour coal oi dpach.frorn . 4., :. . n ee„. ,eli,431..-__ - 0,41„Atrceten 90.4.jas ,I. 014.._ Jekera, ,.- young _men, sons Frauds on merchants amounting ween LTha e Xing and ,the , of pronunen rest tif.-Tr/rii rife be had left in England live or --burg,- were ATrested on urs J -filir ' . 0 ix years ago led to the arrest of at Rrideeburg 013 charges connect- and one in Mitchell are interested. ay--tiftetneon-gm-lt-ed-wit0 II * • .r , William A, Aye:in...A_ ri n a 0 oiteett,' According ow the Michigan CentralAkilutereAirreeted.Ati,coritee_etie_ g-diiiffiarTiTiFITIVEIVE,Fix-Teviierc-ma,Wfa-- 4W--turlee,,,, L .cas 4.0at re era.'ealii-r-ttt- IVZ.11; '''.-,Naint;-0f'tlieeOnta'rio-- ..11 fi4 • ighVtrititi raw teliToo Jaw, e of Et. :Flintoff,. be. -something wa* zirttillbtittrart Plitece With e went to the Itome of and after kneeking 21t e -tun our cad. The women want the were killed, and about twenty -live bodies. The company will -P4Ver . head of cattle. • Vigo tdn, oOnt. it CO 1 .waIiU_ , remarks of • miners who lingered declare -the population to be 00,000, about the shaft, laid it that there 8) that a vote on Sunday cars may xisted a plot to n,rush," the Mine , he ti:then. hint and .detrey the sealing; The I ,Urs. S. J. (iintlivie And lier dangle; company ofileials scented the idea ter Clara were arrested QU a charge and declared they did' not expect ot pisiiiiry iii" bOnnection ' with- the trouble. Berrie ' fire inquest. Mr. Guthrie gave hail fc r them. . . fin muciyoznitmG magtr Mrs. Oaiirthrop of Oaradoe torn. __ 0 ship has been the object of a num- rio whoa,mb 105 outside o. d $1.0$ .. , US wife, although hay- And M. O. it:-IritectivesMoynitt. an, '"-----GPvt----AT NIIITA I o ledge of the where-- McHugh And Heenan. The men at' The Bishop of Hereford. has an - and -a -came -to -this -restedd--arel Morris Weedle6* night nourtced that' untry and secured a pesition as ardmaster for the M. O. R. ; E. , e it means sueini Av -4-cel- einpartiest 'a Toro nlaysort,-17Girvin, John Itee.tft- tare. • . a- .41)014 la weok Ago they were Clarence „Lawson. Finlayson is on a $tteett ear, when the wife was charged with receiving ° stolen Pre- ' prIllev:ns teed4t1,5artaStidenPtaslIkahnlIdrsatthYrearas .. astonishod".to Psee ging seated -at perty, the others with theft. The .firsiTiretirincet-are-employe0 by the frtIm speaking at a suffragette_gath- , , ering at Bristol. ' ' other end of the oar. She wen td1lw matter- , department, and for e -Bloodworth, RL :frilwairgl _entre r,. ostofRee. On Wedueday arch wz rewarded, and King was ikert intc, cust,ody. King, it is a . &Vire Tern eat Asks an Appropriation „ 41.08,W:10,000. _ _ frem Berlin says ¶flie Ntr4 ntsebe AlIegemeine Zeitimg pi:int s the chief features of the naval budget,: These provide Till Is unemployed. The prisoners were n taken before Magistrate Ratliven the and remanded -for -eight days,bail. --accepted-. elaX Wade British, Arab ed States 74 <Mt , Buckwheat. --5 A : WO .freight and at Ofic I ights. Corn Id No. 2 American ye 0 '72Xe Toronto, and ne per 1b. -,--sheep, 34c over. 3Y40 per lb., lambs •INe to '09 ,Per lb. Geed' lots of fat hogs sold ar. eXe. to aYate per lb. Toronto, Nov. •30. -Stockers and feeders. were in active demand,/ • eltortAeep 'steers and if *Ike and springers were ue rather ro thetows -were in t I i • • d 4. Sheep and lambs . then Amite; ogaminati; :o e bod- Thetford. • • fee indicated death from suffocation Lancashire cotton and Coroner. Scott of Newmarket; oceting 11,fautehest4er detide UNCLE ifiliAM TO ?Jr tr,. On t ItutAvisabtintl- ot,',1,;.111'841g- Grouch; aboret Henry," said Miele Hi- ram to his hopeful *young nephew„ "don't nurse a grouch.. NohodY.Ilas any use for a, man Or a•boy. with gro It is proposed to build a new Os - 1)441 at Buckhurat JIM to serve the Epping 'Forest district, at & test of $17;500.. . The_ I)raper's Cen1Pan7 have Sir.. ip 0,ft:other donation of $50,000 to the fund being raised for the new college' at Bangor. • •• Short time notices were poste4 at the Lancashire and Torkshire count ' mpl? ,3i to $7.40 f o b And $7400 to $ 105 fed and watered- ' - Straw-L*8.50. to $9.50 o - .Potatoes -15 to 50c pin. bag on track for Ontarios., Toidtry---Chlekens, dresse lac per lb. ;..fowl, to 0e; turkey owyou were-. thet-boss - r .who_t t he -wasn't geUng Pa o t-fio-At The-Sunderlaret Ufe-savitig - that it Made him gr4iuchy. Then Barry Watts, and his widow after you'd see hiriivitlei • around aAt,s414:-_ifint_ar_c_to_lmte_t_arp$ mouthist., e.tenton bttildi front Andrew( •---slioWbnrthtrt-inrvardissatiaft*-in-tro-Srki.'Vd';'ro'tlirrM-p COASCIOUS at Montreal; everything he did; grouchy and ed for offences purely *gains ---A-,,tiespatir "in tf-t/mtitre‘ viva: .itis-grtiueltto-al,e1--vethr;b0-timaye oanndis.vilta.:fibtay, way -viscare the f MUM- 'M. 011 " "Ot-UrOilt07EF, illakilja it -Ptain We tinesdaystii4;ht. Ire me 'o IMO i °716-rtable' * 1B•ir‘llingliam cthtftlilled Pml°n eq0 he, sure he'd be only a bey- proiide a place fitted with gymnst at the Blue Bells Hotel and they bad several drinks. Later mitoen and you'd be the boos and you coOd tie appliances for slum children. wa fire him if you, wanted to, but you Burglars who .• tiroke into the 1044d unconscious and bad uldn4t badly used upAy, hi *apnea nn :making everybody in the plaee The Open Spaces Association .• effi Powers, were arrested and Pkegla guftty on Thursday morn- , Toronto aid, Who Murdered Baby, Dies ii..NorthweSt. I Great Britain anti Germany are cheese 12yte tion is approaehing its, en The British 'House of , o ted- the- amendment* 0 ----,,k-despateli4zom-Ritigstoi4-4404. sat& to have reached reaehe4 wider -at 12Yot for News ceimes from the Northwest of ' standing -Mr --cii-OP4ritticiififrgeolit-'- the death of Josephine Carr., a _ing..ther rights of the natives in the HOG PRODVCTS. young„Teronto.101,_who, somelears Congo. pitirderinf& a baby. . The youthful criminal was paroled two years ago 1 Four persons. hist their lives re_of a wedding n backs to ast o '8 off h and taken to the Northweat by some through_an4 *sane Toms to begin life ,anew. She was was 0-* ;I wo 19 2 I' 20c b can ask for more pay if you Wouldn't be Pleasant to bavo g room -wall .pa around; and go he didn't et over .with lard. bis grouch, 'why, sooner or later; :Vie British you'd be to let him go. wi I o d its i _set that kit, 'You Wouldn't rant_sear.inLondc around you anybOdythaficasiturs- lin' 'President of th Roya1 IVoman SoaketsOlOtlaing in Oil and , ihg 'Pi:Vtieh. •" " o! $urgeon of Zuglaud'' ha . take your Own case, Row: norainated.President-elect.. flItklt* reaths from: Liberals*in A' despatch from Niagara Falls;' starting in and ran haven't had ,cotinty are to be, placed on the N Y., says: Mrs. Florence Bishop, much experience,' -hitt you are 'earn- Gladstone statue in the Strand on 60 years old,. committe,d ,suieide On inIt-hitraiod you are working faith- the 100th anniversary Of hil =Wednesday at her bome in Coom- ftil`!y and working hard, just a -plug.,, December 20 next.. or's lipid, s. few Milei--from this mg away the hest 701,1:know irow, The first name on the roll of free- -city. She took her life by soaking and you've learned enough abput men, of the beirou It of -Oldham, acon:44ong--clear,--W to1cher garnlcnt% in ual zl and rncrn tho business now so that you k" Lancashire 020.50; short but, 1,12S• to $28.50. I found Mrs. nishoes bOdy 'in a the concern, and maybe It is, and Ifania-Light to medium, .1.5 -to smoke hew. It was "a mass of you. thiok you doraget enough_ 1004-110-.-1, tea, tfy te-1 e; folts '-art-Welutriid -bones-a-A pax. member of the TOW11. OtITIOS At Carn_bridite the Senate- gral fully accepted the offer Was , 003, igag necessitated by pritopriation, ,for WiFtWatthtrtattieshird.bstirt He aild,LUreat owulf. Pro op is a so m e or .00mpl7,.Of She e'rniser-bat- leship der.Tann. The Sinn of -P,Irt0,49,09,qii-also-asked-for_theLcon.- litirlitlititi-otaird-t*perinientir *air siihmarines this being. an increase %0047 -over get. The lettertiliture o aval a - tillory is .estimat appre.ximate- , 46.7wz eiter"t' ti-of4he „ , S'seSteeja-it naMedEfarry.411UrraY-:-Aogopci ruck airs; 'lac; ‘`But-tviutteva.r.happons airo who died recently New tidied *litestern .40 le 4ty A despatoli from e says. e brtAtkehf. Irkit WOutd- 11-teitintr.334 4.1114 .carriage Automobile in they Mem, grolear-2-e-butc-861. Pile UP a biggprii our ivedit for yourself that.year.,...whcn ' -,Tolin-Stuart-Kort e -the million- osep me came arena arid sraii-the gar square. tu'hiblihg 06' °I' terian `Fe'religir gisSibir --ttv buslitt.-Btlett--zted-a-ac*raa attempt rotrcattee-..,,,C in JI vsc etitfiti, disposing of the child by York, left $5,090,000 to the Fresby- No 04;2 uanitobale. Hmthorities' _inattitut,„ svholo business:and upset rbwn rti -itito.-a01..vert.7141"erv_i____Plins.have_been...submitted tojlie wheat -:-.58 to_MY,,e,„„Jiour-Itatni.: 'In the Fre.teli market the zebuS-Of• : 'Tv% ste,1Tenrii,' tile ttv-d9ad- --limi)'--wash discoVered-a-Ntow-Vorlo Heard-of-Estintates-foritoba--Spring--wheat-paterttfirtst , . . rrisvorr.snra out, es that-mayhyott-d , • the construction, of an aqueduct -044; Manitoba Spring wheat pat. . ti o at dozen carcasses rought thare.ater_oan y.0,041 25,111 'BECOME' e1T1,7, ......... ..............,... ,I.,..,.... ,.,,, .....1.! .1 _ tnea104h Vii:64, iiiii-iiiill#6-Oftlitr- tit; '.e.lft'g;-irec.t;Th'ntli'ltgFstrrV, fiWk:if-it-iiirt4Mtf 1011 * -Ifeyarizes15.;:bri . . ....- . ales are back-- too losrs*„_ , tra* t rollerti tie. Urger .----- - ;- ortoba.,_ prices. of v si, "r7t446.if'" iii-ritirTniirlitt 1,45 Ilitakekt . - f . t„, ,, put up a i00 -a titrim-t :- - 0 ott , . . . .44..r,-- 0,,i,o- . „toners ir _WA s uableinva.,7a :n , . v„y:eoi, you ought 'limy , tor. „rrbaan nt rigi6oi- r -- $20 , .. .LA.,,.710 I 0 u.,e,b0 manufacture -o ,thos'utan t liatt , ' thinks his petty trouble A4re,n_ .,_i1d. im 'ItalliglitLAti vr_ _ -fii----:.: , - Thrt-- .poration for7 allots Paliers... aeroplanes, .desp Ot war says"; „ - Tenders ask' or the re -t ruetnrn of the Queb-ee bridge, the estimate . of which. is $,- 00,0O, to- replate thc old cost $1,500,00- xt, it is ,tindePtood .L tender* will a1dfor the uie, wliili is to b built agaitist eight ef thetorner prestit, piers u The new north itkw -tht Tho total 4:0t i �n 3)•0JOI and thebridge., letedw foor " i 1 I relacti•yriirvi i . a ---Out„ flair izati n a )e a in sit'..'. . ": .-"...* --_, . let n b , .,gnw ot .. , 1 MT. ,..... , 1 iar Fat ' ld.er, '---iniblects,- ' rTltag- Linerettintrilieltneti In_ vri Tfl3ir 1134 OnehY ,inent 40 - o a .'''' ile-0. "the WOrst'1444.'- m forTiCinait.':With.* ort bt-thelietretirr of State, whith ' ' 114 ColuPagnio• Zratsailantic , ...a ischile , was .tabled ,on Thiltsday. The.. planning. to ,,,run mail* st'etimera tie; s held ' a ll 74 0, Ilearly litiiit t el 4ra 11! tioarelge lunitimirs nuMber of aliens thus registered in tWVert 14'41366 .11414 Caba(14. . Itiest erertmeri4 '23 to 43.311e, and , on ditostio, an 8.,':$-"It):441:ttluU:5-:.e.: .i'igro-AltlYritiarti;iiirti°1*tvvtriltIrit Ll'irolies', was 12,07. ' ...Att" might have' Count Leo Tolstoi has appealed 01 rock lei' tOnitilabilil,K iti apt to arts ii. hceik..otptottit, . :gal:titers._ froin tht the people of the ,iiorld to 'stop the sh re!", .iPtitit3e._,.....i ,,,,g1511 'frotn the liver, bt,aile burying ,triei ,,s6 eery, temelmor. zif, .you growth of littittet.aptilaiies„ - •,_. - , aeleetett-Aromji 21 to 204-4nalxti"'.1 aceni0 railway trAek& Dynamiting think yoit' ar0 noVgetting all that's . _ . .1 iaoitedStatis, 9,000 iri all, we're tlid candle' at 2$ to 200 otr dozen.. hod te be resorted , to 'before 440' coiling, to you or thst, yott are not et:Tiernan:els class to take but • ;Quantities of , ancient art trot.. tp.szszcs mAttitit5. debit*, ettiild be deare- , .0'. appreziated. don't get gk()ti4iY over alit!ri,,,Itstiyoftr, or Attstriaris..tuetio‘. sures are said t have been diseof. elre,11,0ALAXini'staite46---•• I no .was mint . _ it6,ii,,,,rtgliAti'laTivtltoott'elarylorvitirdt- tiii.t1/4 tor :Az titie14:4#41 iiiki18, 14%2, •*114, a Galittiti ,, I i I * . rodc No. d„, .49 , . tenship., ottritit,„...,:the, . fiid, ,e4r plane and returned in the saint to ,083. :Representatives ot 49 nation litles, in All ;were Admitted to .eit- *ay, tiiirry. to n hunting .party th hi* mono- uhert Latham, the aviator, id gun 4 .Pi'; ' Os 4. es,. a 4 ''' , Ito , 4 .. to I ' : ' 0 TERM. __i,_Li : it:io viej I I an, . matOu'exeiste_4470:1107:ittliii.it!tiooitn,nuto:e;:tiliwit:i:rt411E;t0i:txn01., 11111"1•e4 -,$Irit' 'tail. Ida if you it it to, but 1904.9. 366 new' epinpanles, *it an . Northern,: mor,' regale capithlization 0,,,, ___-,--,_-_ i in.,..gingat0.0.,,,..SaY _ iniort4. and the da it'll T4X ON ,':ft,, ilbWAYS.,, „ • r lamer riir*:v- l''': , ' ) ...* i ar-I-Viiii4litetitiiiiraft _ ___. 0 , , 4 , v 1: *sting companies was i pi hose vsmtoncel T 'Ole*, 04 . 0 , 41 I tit° )1113titibeiitsd!oto:holli \ . . 0 . . '0'30)00.., 0 t.,keeive Q.'-eisitil,witi,ite ' s . \ . , o ., ' - 4 '..ti T . a A ',-_*•ititelt .i,tiy . hit ' ):0'44:ittitti:rt;t.ti errigeli fro , kr_tt, el \ If * to -d Afterteetr. - P. . In eonsegiTrecilunle *fth wlikh ititattits'70n -the' ,poliNr-. -oecur4n-th`e:S* toorolon.,-; ra werofelltritrer start a Class ,tor the t po Ice stre ' tett .4bnttndodn4ss, h 'oreAS,3 irt 14 iclzitr, Lizetlend Vara st*Caties,, wi bow that,,the intinber left in oats, orepibusts- cars ,list WAS .00,407.th 1:47n, more than tn irzdg inere this niThe arm Il .4 44 St 4,000, t .40 -, tL - Tit ioni wr. *nd det.,,' reWAV 1 'd, and- pir tint* y hlinde rs taken ihridge Eo \live. Th ierte el 11 be di tisininieipa1i uni ..41v l3 1O. fr L,hep' 11lt. o'f thCcbolkrtion of t k 4‘ 0 111.31.' .414 -