HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-11-25, Page 3intitntin Thtlfrctu ", biasand prejudfee,AeOnl The lorkg I, dream of chnreh unity. for ntdLeetuL 1ionrty$ mal aI healthy, .3entia1 to jiju1 Ita1ti.u ioibl..to turn*o the . r 'supP110. . in vanonishing teiujtation ep a tI$cnwc'a adfa or nd this is soul growth. Al owth Proceeds troni, rudimentzr. tatc tormative frem OA _ , . goal oknan aims kor»e pt ugar, and o e.rinar stard e . 1 o on a go' bread.it , ate .,...,'al O ii i*U4' -'- ii.;' 4, ',,,, , ..1I t4'of ehociiiiite .11L%L4- -spoonful of butter. fl 1 o 1 dissipation. I 1) ,ss- of the o o d o stop short of the eutitured tagc. 'IllEvr011eTIONS In Spring the blossotit contes and tIu feelingsis to Act us- thinking. 11,7"hli.b,rti.6".‘"ni-tianvgetnat fott.'11.44‘e4)1fullf,"1:11)- abitually refuse to -heed them or= f s vonteft-tholitl-ap Mollo _ e fr a ajr,_,iev,4 iii'dTral (1,1 9, 0., e.,ali ale . cow -.'r ok eat deparLrnent.- of ,r u eco out is railing0 ` VATION AND BLOT); rent dep*rtrncnth are ex 1V trrbute front he_tion, 4.4.7iFf :cretory organ .the Peanut Twist --To, l)reaclsponge add one ten, one -cupful confeCtioner's SU - gar. one cuir4111 Ailitert milk. and one cupful salted peanuts.„thrtope wisit ir*Tiv7ithTiloUr. -Ora” bread,. rollout, 'tot itt ' solute- Atilt alsw t soutlealth.• Met 1L i le n COflUL 1 x Inaativcj easy ¶the on purpe ..,w dQm1nat * ou *ere in the fir plaee merel wishes. niallows.lA well tr8ct.t , n u molasses, out cupful of iugar. one vi.ttretgualrifl'f('aw4stritafilwioen-ellsi,lfbttitrefrutsi:er of, an egg. Boil tintil hrittle.„ then. stir in the peanuts (take the skins t)4 and ,pouy outow.,av sed I) er(anuie nglisli walnut r " hickory OS ong a 1 01'10 wk-L, tula togot :ttu „ greased bolt- „„ e -bruolt:tofrvirittr-------Jiaott-otarch. bake thirty.. mtnutell toid. stiekirig 1'e out prospers. nd Ong. fal not why 1we should "vitAzielt. Mistaken Conscience bas 4750 t -demand- on t meeb*rnsmIt s our dustrious bandn bei structive bons , in. flowin -ui e I len, begins "ePiPo-opegrtioivere issue, actively ethod- of in' ' just epj. bakingt,, ,eVel'' Save both titie- flour, patience tUI ,11 ' . powder, o..u. ,,-,-Fsurci:g- bod-1-Woli goo , Poonful f sad.' Ann in, oti,rd,cin bottiat y .8,010604; ovi' 'one -t enpful of hatter, and add; pieee:„of bOard., li, f:014ar443ruliv,:::_i.rtiii.:011::,,r7. fa teol t n' . - - cupfulioeu.0:I, i , oi I t , .._ pc; tt _. .4b,othitfiktrati,4012, 410:14 *ell ' into. a rectangular :sheet ene., ird inelt thick. , Ortilit .with softhnttc; and:dredge with 'two' table. 0 Sugar , it . with. st r*then the conum nvigorate the feeble,*and i the est susceptible alt but agarntit jaundice in "ith most nant phase., Floui- should b bougbt it.. 114)11tarelt well t. whe08 ironing thin Have It T---- }Iadra% urtaltis—Whe launder ing madras curtains instead_ of • o the 'her this sl en roas vet .a n whit nntsliu lay over the op of the meat. 11. * getting hard and 0 rt, ancl the meat is,zon Polish *a. lesitlle.c begun t�' look shabby Jure:. One lablespo4nful of boited inseed oil and two of vinegar. r -SJ t one rl. His zt love with this girt and opsetpwently bis -,own son-in-law and ug , Two classcs nrcntfoneclv rs he ,w ak are not to their judgment of the strong, ner are the strong to despise the scruple* of the weak:- All are bre- thren with a claim on one another's ation ant! 14_iitirkiee; We . shall all St11114,41,1011Cling those that r judge, those na m use of :neat Ity., broth is, It is Inconsistent with true but UOn isnghtswlienhis hermit hisweaker broker. • - Destroy not with thy 'Meat hiin for whom Christ :Notethe - clue e folkwng o mendatio like a jelly in niebslices. n re 06 nth ee „.ifif fit:1.141e o' at- tained by J1ling his - stoma& at tided intervals. Vigorous, grow - children, and those engaged itt of the turdy C'br-istian o- pay at least t I Price of refraining from a..eberiM11ed habit, if by so do- ing be 'may save from ruin one for whom ..ehritit paid so .dearly? Destroy--Viotztion of the jaw of w n :itt:41::EiT,J,::w4.11:lit!::'7,1;iti;ii,th. 3 io r a *,--.114% three enpftris 1 sehonle inespecially fseed for barredj and at _uoen ,curtains, as they are sure to tnp_nnt' • • „To reinove rain from a, mantle take & damp cloth and damp • the ' with the rain thin tale - hotiron and iron, t e Mantle alt over the wrong side and the marks .will be removed 'When ironing bole -pleated waists ' plaits:are twisted together i i t fa and dinner, thee tw nrea1 of • potato water. about lukewarm, Dmtiyomtnyr—A: or PROTEIN. :arm ,ciiritietl:r4aenatilwrihaen'thuePfl°ofurillaicneii. containingmoat of . - . , . Tim supper be plentiful in stir in the yeast well. At night take . .. quantity, but should consist of suchl n , and one-half uarto f 1.1 arm stimulatethe nerve cent tail:walk product -Son • te) _ Sugar, one-half enp1411u1 oj and biter ;add the_ t. and, stir 'well; iti erion h areuse• Kerte rnay be freshened by thh rnethod: Wash With any scented toilet soap, or white soap will d0;,,n1336 itt Seit- TO clear, waterit'ir‘ which a bit of borax has been added, 014 white still et drtw over a. dull knife, or od '\Vs::14isirrtigefrwilu71:44-48., - cent; O tluro annnonia. Ave cents' sa ta_ii 1 liolv4 itt a gailon of to 4 inettit' , and you will ' . A -.--'.,-, - ean be ironed quite radily. 3iank.ts 'need ' not be throt*n *ken they become worn -an ithab - Washed and ut toetber , covering o pretty eretonn ity,they make very twice, Wits. wite also 'who was his tw1iis 01 -nation as on tfhis daughter 11i* ow. his gratidnsothe te MOther-orhiamothe t thi , Tfl nos iiiilie 11. It m 'Written— 45. V, Ofu broldik d fered as_prOof tniversalk* Mint. Every knee' signifies visible wci-r.' ship, and, every "tongue, audible. -.Confess to Gott --Make :aeknow. orie and the sante ,ledgment of his might and goo lisbind and grand- ,.'ness. Thi voluntary and universal tsband Of per-isrbmision la Paul's idea of the con. he 3$ !Mt- i ka'rts. one Of WIoL binrelf hat he is his infersnm from the 00, 111 b not merely uniVert‘a .hu lit With the responsibility thaLjiunr- (ltrfl ourselves, not 71rit4 the weak- nees and faults \of ‘our brethren, but 1r the stern etork of malAng ;air Alood. *geo,unt of ourselves ittkoningliply flptrit itt 43t. ds3S, • • 1$. Iferein—In • 13-21. Iti ell tonciuet «we IOU:st„gratea. et) righttetlatt think,, not merely whether what WO SerVeth Chrlat in itself right,.. but wbether„it 1 bondage, to Christ,' of •11 111MV• 41, baneful r.freir uPon Fnot to his own *motel ,f1 hers.- Ity, the law -of-love -8v43-4tri'-'it,- `ASteltpleasing to t *Intl to, desist from any aet. that 'fore fit wrienther of his kingdotii. likely._ to injure., smother,• our : i Ming." ' 1* • nt Vt. :Kingdom of Gott-.."Connectin ' e lira teaching with, (A -4W*. _No: generous 1 I the:- striking contrast o t three to versewith Matt. it. .4t-33. If ia wrie lowed,- so insists 'upon 4ting and drinking' eeT.4_11.)- tli.inr-4 in'heinge.1-vsi41-11_ harmful,---bist-- iii -iiiiftriitailei . &rupest it. leeks. *s. -if he thought r , he Affiff1POitAnt; things Of- I- onsncss in on dons d dealings wgit, (Alio, * e trong„. * lig eldest. Went ful lunch, -and Lthe work*. provided that After • waking hours. are al- sychic reflexes may rtunitv to contribute tbe 0 'of VI,: 't half -cupful of stigsr, trie.half'.iiiPliil-of two nitres f eltotolate Let boil. Set aside to c One. cupful of sugar, one- ictf butter _ _ lonoilalfw milk, two eggs, one tea, lie and three.'" u o t Al rolate, and bake in ;loaf. joy, thrietian brotherhoml A bit _or .1taop mirottlfeAionimo pure atar Anit rol Went.wiron t bbed fli f*in.Z IIkI ii or me, y waist nee. upfnl of , 1 *IN zix - • , cgg8 " VIVO' 111S. of '.fuh of bakng—po p9und • walnuts ,chopped, one..pound-dettachoppedr -Zest the white and yolk of eggs sep*ratdy. Oriarn auger and yolk of ,mir first Add tt‘, white of egg. Gradual! add our withOitt baking powder. Then the, Jchopped *itts:smit dats - Cake. Sift .onts eupful 1 M. liti!g0 '.e t1ws **tit . ke ..ko'f.! be p 'husk ev 4 . . ro Aecti$1911 *bent $our brother's 4. , .An itt. I 'hararter, but . make this ittelsio,n,iLl,44-VrttdulAtIgwittlecNitnigliktintslrirtelthe'' 4 I your Ow* futuri conduct eachen consistently that the (ith°r• but rEodglig *114'4"n" 1 for Christian liberty tone another's rights, and, scritplea. ..iilify,-.4, wilerlilly-i* ' ) toWir stiiiiilillirg. , erectIon of i's bui •r ' occasion, of fallingwhen tb w other's iiiway is* foil* hinw,:-\ iii, tant_that the S mobstriteted path to heaven. hould harmonite persuade 1 OverthroW 0 4. 1Cnirsr . . ant persuade .;•=4., ttut pull- oltmn it,' •growing ' 0' he , 'building, 4 . tit. Iiia withr' nnui.i ' 4. ., 1 ir ' , . n bite* if witit pine unti asit -'tiff put in,ont. bird teaspoo wil ot of tartar and beat un. Adtl sugar and sitlks cri*ndbeat*g*hVeld n ib r lightly. Bake in m rkn -i Iirop the last th *ft • elp.' -tes kerosene added to ga no gloss to clothing fro* sticking.tv n gives revents ronin tr. Then ling a ain' always aeuPful of vinegar and si' eightwatitelOrvele for eaeli galhnThey wond the and it be (wily moit and irwraill Pull lace ently, , opening th& baii - mesh with th tt1it &ouon 0 -- Cutting oid'on, turnips iot zross the Abre m*kes tbem way Jbet i ror nitski, lausttln: ih":tere is nit v et -the- Witya-twf preparin mbioldmits tnia olored gat rnts stliou14 1* ironed on the wrang side . wher*ver possible V!iovbe:ftnri'the upper ctn*ts of .141° st ,71iwtoVe.nytiiiikle tem the rust:11er° iitct e nt usnI Iouwite, 81»1I4 neer alio* erdoors be painted; hey should be t*intL• . 811el1aAtit Or waxed. 4i %LV'iseveral hours before lled.out, and much d.a,_ better „result ob.- hrown bead *n bntt ,s stnpannneilm°* tz' tiii•Uteorr- intit salad r-- ng it Ittuilt and etow to tsItifilligenee Two. euplit eupful or Boil until it herd. *ddcoeoenut o* 'butter'J di'1t.