Exeter Times., 1909-11-25, Page 2la, t aud-alway lmt' ib*sizcior hadfLnislled 1 then oita colk romanoluid--trB. *nd a drudge of he urteously to eat Le red to And tit t nor .Uad iz er _althetx ed her, .1 us 4t as x nietMng about her th • faltered Madge, who' gently. Iow o p tied alt; "X told you oeuted to the (1uecn-have ma' sC loolced like ome one We kner; del:out/so zpeak, and .forh 0. , 'AO. of tike lairbs, ter *et-ar shorn.,•_in th0 „Sit•rie fairly weli _ it• ere 'the .ptio.i tiek" leave the closely -shore eWes t.3k'sheIter in the lo ger wool,. . of the hie But as autioo .,._ . , , theirare yery ILelL)fnl to ewes ig 41. e ore _ , n t sil) ! hunt -from i by the o , I romantic woman's lips. Yet, even as she he wa nterelg ,ke. ' ‘ was coneu md o i dof t e truth -0 1wwith that the r'stitemen 1wLons r *nee 40, anubiloti in Sheroarizod, at Imo, that- the,,,her own home was sO superior - to wondrowly beautiful, elegatitic her in every respect, and omtipyin clad girl who stood, before her with a position SO far ebovelier 9 that air of refined oelftposseasion I ' 'Anil you are ,really Lady I ; ng - lad' 911c°. tteellsie7r,indessifi!ed_ Beam- i tw,n baadtititted Alear171401"iie4r4dstotYYraiik •w# What could it nlean• o'vit, coo s / allY6ne, amount forsucha -remark- Iady Lrwas -like the transforination mik; "hu -t talian ' I , is , f neai, umne surely is no —Prr.edl-Eith7T'it to p - reifeti7-thottgh-she it tivery:Trust-ineyitatt. for she had caught sight look ay.,' start liment the shehad and Jet ,ikr_e_that he had diseerned the truth, matron,to the "the name ly sh, nevertheless land." ,JAU-alst-wiall to telt•eforc theilk) "I sboukt think not, indeed l' -!--re- torted the haughty WOMAU; with spitefutasPet4Y,L, Esther lifted a ifinyiering look to -4fer only object in reartitig-the-re. legation private had been to save the woman and her children the misery of beti{aying their chagrin -in I the presence of the distinguished iiy,idthout, , Or , I tok eicit f Mad e v_ven tu�k1 ot enjymCnt, and knuwing lenile and no , with hot. -be had *1- vel7 friendly in the old To.replied netts. d are. you very aid I am," she fraelr-17,611;310* is 4 be wroug. • ---------Wrong!" tite Terul Tr.“14:teejlithtly.y rd have w'on to know :Exit fond leie, and X ;have a sensitive ear, d I'm Staying here on purpose to 6 totheopera; and if yputhink, after hearing Patti at night, I'm going to put. up With a squealing stenr on the other side of a thin •adinn P$tiLba ," said tbe c e ',is your next-doo • our on the.ew so ution,of the dip. ck, a dipping tank 01' Plank either ed and glo tel, or lined with galvapizediron. If US$41 only for dippmg lambs, it need not be more thar;\ 4 feet long,. 12% feet high', and 20 iliche°4 at the bottom, reading to about feet at top. at one end of the , on whieli to w he sur his o -"1 rnean that. tile. possessw', eat wealth- eems aiieavyrespofl "And have you a large with a big rent roll and all that eagerly Inquired the youth. - "VS, there is an estate,- and— , ••,,, ere sounding nomol Esther laughed- out musically. "I am afraid, Frank, you sa looking for more • romance tb is0011 ti "s , but now all 4 t o ent toee-and Man* MA Many milee*trom Len, er motives" "I suppose ft is ver' . ssible .that poor,te pised reirse and 'seam, me transformed int,o WNW tit] d brilliantly beautiful more thin Ite coUld-ce - ,._. -other-distinguished natives of un- happy Poland, rederewski, Ma- claine Sembrich and -the two Do e filling professienal -&erigaiteintmts. As her eonvaieeenee pregressed, they visited her with affectionate as. siduitv neatly evety- dayand de - invalid with imptpriptii ohne 4s, rte Reinke; Sinibrich. "Esther, "Vtrellington,"? she went some groundsSurrounding the on with -White set lips and with a sion and an extensive park sullen fire m her eyes asthey .rested I Mrs,: Cushman here arose quiver - upon the regal, figere and ,rure, ing with anger, herP,face deepiy itower.liko bow before her, f' what flushed, her. eyes blazing. „. mixelees-impostiire-is-thisi.--. • Are, heard_ u't -eno do -I find 'you masquerading here,' this romancing," reezi n. at one of her. majesty's drawing- served, "and I do not`hesi 1 rooms, under false ,eoloriti". say- that -1 do not believe orte leo Esther flushed at -the . Woman's of the Preposterous story. Of tone and manner, but course tether, 1.have no means of wi—tliout losing in t 6-11 fire° her -,'se qinetly May lialre led smce returned.; - I ter of my bogie- and reekless "I do not quite 'undoes o our fate' t ur OW bend o yo n s sentiI Modjec; :p7-11:)titLe e iing farm, when chlyerowergreettflopruclitloannorartite aouree f tbe disturbance, stead, it e n Waft -Mirth ro,PrAle. tan O 6 e hotel residents soon ton d errands wlikb took there git.the rest corridor when o ' progre*, and far from good he SO 300, is q eesed Out o te vool, and runs back into the tank. n theease of a large lloelt, and here' ft is necessary to die ewes, WM", tarkand draining devio is- ucee- 'ary, and - tak should be slopirig and slatted; ;sheep can walk out -of the tanl and up to the drainer. But, by, good' maiingement, * flock can be kept- clean by dipping the lambs Pi spring, and pouring the solution on the entire flock in the late Tal or the bekinning of winter. For this purpose,the., advertised pro. 'Motet/ dills 0;r0 atisfac- tory if used according to direetions. timbs ey ar them to eorae lackfoglii ambition, and ct vcitre. 4n enlargement of(be \ -tjiv roil:glands of the neck or thro, disease Whieli in eoum years prove fatal to a considerable percentage Of lambs soon atter birth. To avoid this trouble, it is well to give tlie eves slAtile room for oxereisc in gal dr ee 807ea • 4 reSS 0 0 donear Berlin Ireds f ack ot goldo ta it3,0OO,O00•rt a , i rant Man war irideninit. re jealouSly hoarded for this POT Dy law this war fund tan be„itsed only for reuirenients that ati nagistrates --Vietime at 'Nes +•-r• .exe-Tfi Migland)-magistrates. Arthur Davis was charge Southwestern Police Court with at- e ,1 thtf-wo'r al tempting to tonamit auivide 41.Y Inebilize4 for livr ting the veins of his left leg with sir se"ing a war Iona. bot -knife. Ile was discovered m_AY.'se.e. insignilaek mg on AWubledott-Conlinon. Pare ut Tenderly NVit ernel.'vrafit. ,444444444,0,1, spreads more thorough' over the urface of the skin . w le" wenn., one • may be done from cc, ee if - PP. an onet , grown sheep is generally suffident To make rapid Progress'. the tier- viees of three -Men or boys is re- quired, one to hold :the .sheep, one to ' n the wool it. intervals ,of. tho tion alorig thcse-- -open ugib- Th.?, sheep is first plated upon. its rump. its back resting against, the knees of the holder, while the woof. is opened down the brisket, belly - ho_anintai then turn- . r on o• et ,er, While the -wool is opened or e thvoine of the body, and is Olen 4-- • 0 ned • h hi b elc you silk of Some one whom . • knowt" Madge here in- , , V • on :At' cntly Stud fae�, ail' had- begun,- fling1y familiar lines up - don't know—and yet-- ,,when.Esther,..see-, dnouement 10/000 n4 whli1g to save ihenr n of betrayins ti&ztio▪ ituL4ntrpoed with wonder - near thent _ vacated while we e.breptre iorne life. Mr. Cumb- ria will you *et aslny escort thi- ter' Coueluded,, turning to 0 weld have fallen at her feet .aud sed the hem of her robe for her t spirit of :charity and rig to therborior of ber,atteudictit. utgto her :side iii;(1 m.*died; its she friendly sfIueeZC. with her, "I see You know You hove glad rArtaiintai,7-44 r his breath.. d-ont e it to coVer the embafrase 4110 bleu wtarrrireirinoTirifirkitoti follow the revelationof ray t.y by withdrawing a little from, the rewd until the first ,shook of ur- se-- to- you hon1d have ClitAPTElt XXXI. " bile she was speaking', Mrs. Cushinan and Madge had stared at rriarrae-r-every ato of a I yi r, lavi . dizplay of finery, but you cannot play an such game upon me,-- Lady Irtipg Irving- ton! Irvington Manor, and it big ren ro 4-Indee4It ritme to take a peep. behind' the scene* and know tad hove all these Prirels velvet and 14.6 *re pat4 for.", Esther's face was like sculptured o 14 .witi. Wrest envy. 11.!;:Ot :4iiiiuqe,driegn„ /rpm . it_by. the Ain wait choice, ..-het manner= olfglifi r insiat nisi spite6Iii-.1.' and refined, -sifeWing that she .,rtins cern hiiire,:,enliwet thii -bestof education. the. Woin414*-1310--*P at advantages, since leaving thern,Madge 'Stood by, an ugly sn n -fou -r- ears- pr *on eurhn. her lips, 4.,liats Showin _ ..._ .,. tie her' jewels -of- the -rates mother x and acknowledge this, whatever ringl.ed And•*flatten. they might believe regarding her "I say, 'mother, that was down - position in life. right *rue' -of you-- he began, ' t ' "How exceedingly:, topsiderate!" fliotlyt, when he was interrupted by moekingly observed Mts. Cuslimitn,1 the sudden appearance of lat. Hum' - when, Esther concluded. "flow'. belt Xing, who, with a menaein about your own ,desire to torteeal loelt upon hit *tern fate and in -117 from the public the knowledge that eagle eye, torifroxited- 11-m- oli were once ntitt'tinalctri an with a heating that made lier v titatikr:eower before h* ' how can. oiCtelle.id 1-Isth-or 'I ant Sure it was very kind of her to wish to save you such a actually reside her flesh tree shock," btitett forth -in* will very excreta Veit/after • 7 -They hut -beerr-riuick.-44 ober* 13ut Frank, was rt,. h 'tier,' es Addington Bruce in Suweeehass6 out ,ine, a"viisitretatii.w clthat ' as which elawe rriy s yby a! hugo cat, - 'mat. That * there, WAS to the Area*, Or at any tato tbat. was *It/ remembered on awakening in * toturanYc-Onou-gh, my mind as tio, .$utlyilett.x• 0144 te. (be sarn dream gain 1 beg* wonder 1.0*.siblr avidly tit va-..11F---eit et,ail. Alas, howeve‘the.etir the.**ree—the eat .bad int he throat *rid was biting 'OCieutly. Altogether, Lhis dream net lest than a. score: -o times in six mouths. ‘4Shortly before ellicistittas took eold' which settled iny throat* affeetieg, it to badly as to require he attention -744 * to my ,astordithteent. it was theit4is- ered that drowth had been de. te re day or slyi-irr.ieVen hours, _ Lfeekinore_teref wAi as his flock, from .tbe knowledge -Wit the animaiS are frce front blood'-aticking vermin,and their skin in a bealtby condi: tlert;-,-ealmilated -to• inerease the gi-owtir-91,-woolf-WW011- IVO): 1 thiPotal eit de - had been employed at Smithfield war uugh Market for twelve years, but walt . eoun discharged through slack°Vet Outs grit few days, ness of wi work since When he , fa muster the Arst,Jilose offeted togve him work, the rnag* trate a lose& his discharge. • 41:laborer named 'William Bough. • ten pr9Vl$Wfl 0 ;have been emu mo t °miners . e .---. Police Court ith -frequenting anger0 Wood street for the purpose of tif°m"eao stealing from. vans. '- Detective Slitter(' said when he minium tvisi cl • Boutzlitonts:lodgings, he , All -German., forts at .__ ., b Ike ehildree„ a"- lomed7- a ,*lun) . . , i honest indignation, "and X am sea; you do mit- repeat the remarks you Von isa, ling- to wager almost any *mount hoe JUit made in teonueetion ,,livit,h, ,i;ftbatulliYit that th.r_le is no i store or vas- Irvington." quetrolingabout her .position.ttg now • Esther right yell, and'Ihst,pea -ed Mr, Cush netticd *1- tini t A *,b,0v0 -dedePtion of any Most .bcyond endursne. by the dream „Clear, incWve tones her Iatigteige (4 Esther rn 41 champion; "that, girl a titled 1* 0.4: the ' she sok Yoe. Tr$441.!ii/(.nni hie- ltcartllT, alld bestowing111)0 hat,,broit stir, laterthe oper performed eueeess °centred to. me Ionger being troubled For the Ars IAINTEtt FEEDING 01?' SIIEE tarn atotk can be housed, mor-e'rehtiolrfor-wintevand-Wo.-4.- ing :than can sheep. Any -old barn or shed Ith a- TOO1 that- -will k tisem dranswers the purpose Welras'*ft`elaberot*--and, expensive building, provided the hted •to4 roduce theft •n a, genuifle pretnorn, SeiottslY I h*d been rauee of the danger- mY throat. It liad riot -the -verge 414. atarvtiofl. 0 boitg.lit food forthein. Made inquiries, and ,sseertainedthat two Winer employers gave •the, man ex- cellent teetimonialt. They were, n •axul inchistrious people, , w ' sir Zobll 13ell dealt w fast offender, and b orer. fl� requested a em :foundjo hiobaud A co ga, eatrice--Thigiterty,- bran 40011,*road, liottertbarn, cbarged ith p_04ling"Witb011t eartitett id the women-, who liad & baby in arms, was trying -to -sell 'post - swished - We gate- it son)* ' mak," be added. The woinan'a id should have to sit at liorne with teiri;c 1 in Apti or 'ay, an werage r the* is no adeant- age the lam ome-ear. ear - Her. If -one chooses to prepare -fez aising show sheep, or eater to the early Jamb market, *Welt latter is ve-ry prOlitable,; intist be made for leetpleg frost out of their quartets, et, lambing time, but that ti novo, not experisive, iis xxouole- vol,ram vats, 'with felt .paper -be- tween, Make, the phiee prrfect- ly safe, and it, the/0_410a km thrive better ay° quer tb dose, tm `buiblings,. and to lie out the ground, - inter, as long at it is dry eators and proviiiofl8, 410..„ readyare for the outbreak of and could undergo proi ed siegel. Sueh foret.bought is stowed On these preParitiOn P • a dark brow ea IL • t brot, is.especiaig pre "v$11 444- At for. Weeks. illions It u Ten i s- bedding, - and suf. i tea are 11 ' OV readi- litr-.1-000, MO-nien . • ' a supplies being. otdist -'fleit tliti-.46i to e • button.0 ' eJast.Solditie* , is ready. Ocers .013Sire been. prese the trias of ‘111W---titA0billegu - are strong n its PrOfilii- lv urge it ion. u — lerr "Sometimes ra. man dit is tat an' geod-natuted,' - said 'Uncle Eben, -• "spoils the disposition lof several other people dat has to .figh his battles fur Imo.", 44,),„,, unding. 0 itiosnetoW. bly 4... gun are , _. The li , dello ieports I 3'1(094..4, er4,1)00 rounds were tett/roma single gun, -an:Average peed bi 460 Shot! * „ minute, for .a couple of. on showing no signti ot wear. -..,,,..1/44,11,...,.....44,.....-. • ... ti'VE TEE wnisnx. 0 .h mon hilt 0 other o or dollars." "Well;, ;tear, ) teatvie ni.ek en n. and f d to, hitt., r bzs 'et gee'ne 4lOr1 iedispu eolt4inte exe titir tato