HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-11-18, Page 7**Amy ei Cost h Ithek,o live an d, after ye *a of su c 5ottni1,--rili -.1)411litr' ,, and here i a , lend 4, Ie .eturl:ter:;tts141;aledwabez, tOotre, 'tat"1an4 usedua enry or the 151 an rate duffere4*,0 D. r tiaoro overy Sects ,0r0n,gh- digestion will * icy enrich tlu eh ana u rc. in This lias been 'hat the ret ofyou g, or w inueh noiSe QU are cke5ut bother me., and 1 am able to cone -entre; mind fully on the object in hand without interrup. ton. Give up anrit ge:like Not mu • ;Telma& IL Choate, the fatu- ous American lawyer, has he repo - Mien of belog one -of the wittiest, err to ;the Statai thou 41 I. e . , ti i , ath bfetitti. , onepill„ and he gotlief rota' 1 gave i 're too preciousto give iii persons suffering from Back tild nite .0044r1 Ritine is. Why do, Dodd's, Kidney Pilis uro becaue 1i acb' -and. Ddd's, i.!s. it ” -s-an .111/1. -hist. in thou.,* ds ' of eases in if voubaven2t used the 1r. Ch11ate"s w1] 10W 010,141d go in he yetingster had him U ,mingled.curiosity&nn you're, the man that gave the omcers se much trouble 41". his hero) ai1cd. "I itittletatandAhat jt. took sven policemen 'to lock you "Yes-yer renimult&Jhe Cclt, with**, broad grin; "kilt it would take only:one to let me out.!' Zittn-Vok by its healing power bai* earn*d the polite of-iketrand wo inen in the highest stations o One'oheo;aeltb sii.te*, prominent n ,in Zam Sanford is luat Of t Sanford ac favor r. of ton,' Ring's. • o.t for the Coil y„ PoArtlii, t ft e'. Ire it a so de on of h liertht thc clress' so ed , t Every mea ._, . „ _roug t ith it more' agony - is usetl as• and T400tried to -2 haye a-wimplete .and this fact distaste for fOod.I had sdmost hc- ith joy by the wo-:gun to think ' 'my 04Se incurable` 0vamphletPills, ad- . .-' 1 1 a 'rni': 'Pida tneghwtre r : wellretliisilrur tire..- Pink v * e ' he, 'tole -I decided ok, u . h trial. am wedded to my • .re .P . Choate,.glancing . cally, at the painting,- m dear young friend, you need not let that discourage you -you have ant- i° grounds for a divorce!" one : and onc-half pi of the above gruel and two tal oont 4,1ckalated".. sugar. . b niluga e hand, waving frantically, "Carl,,,you may tell uswita groundhog is." lease, ma'am; i$4,44 a sausage. RAISE CALVES WITHOUT MILK Letts, or stale ad ed to 441,--(4--41,04,11,1 a one-quarter Of.'ar pint Very .Wo:and one-half. hou C If the baby won't retain the 'Mil feed it the stile'. mixed with the sugar. . • - This is an , Old nurse's recipe and ,stood the test of time, bring-- - ones. It to, sttengtb and npc d at -the same e regulation solid e f0111611Itt1et, • They art 3—aro blanket hair• and -diagonal obd-loolo• earthy alrnost an nolougere ri an zseoni arta ter tat ng. It is ause Dr William rink . Pills make now, rich blood that they mire such troubles as indigestion, rheumatism,.'nettralgia headaches an -backaches, a. - oiturn f white 'cioth- *has' a- roat, crosiing to the right side* i• • 4, hitc buttons, A bittek velvet root in a traight line on -me tan or by mail at 50 cents a box of da for digestive troubles ratty gijIjeLif careftill.v Joao' eff but is dangerous to taniper -wit A hilt teaspoonful of baking sod o a glass- of water will viten -our acute indigestion: or -settle a di$‘ rdered stomach, but one should net get into the habit of takint,t-t't after each, meal, ait,is often (Ivies Even.nooreinjorions is*the pritetice- 'g,,,,,d4LaoslAtr__Shisu not ec f ?ham as opium or cocaine. Carried to excess it eats out the lining the bon brittle. boxes for $t1.40 frotn The Dr. e • zone o„, roe e, •Ont. ; ntit1ed "How to Baise Calves Cheaply and_iluccessfully., Withoutj aWa elfir-SP • "lamerls have one. It tells hew to raise • ree --calves at the --0041-of .onct, avoid scours and keep calves heal- thy and fat. Tells . how to veal calves -at -about Itedf thir-usual -cost, how' to save the milk and, in fact, how- to make r mom - money out -of calves than you ever thought:pos.. I e oth.er day-Ite asked- me ut mit in tmigue, an . a i e quite • ttrt me.. Mr: Gabbel (interposing) -:"Did he, treat& on it" • • .4.: , tow 4140:4001:::7:1,_ To. 1X000 utim'OesteI.: Atom. W0000st,13,4 b • , 134 P 11," 4t -1 -ever Por ' I*� s*p1�� n4 dress, co0 ntford, D1$VUCT AD LOCIIi „A, or .4'Stvir *morale tootclisintl • anutneturtiL:l seise. 101 is • ellera; ' "---. ti 04000 a * ., Itto,; t ' Co. Mas tist ni -Berwick He iny ankle, whichAla vinAlialte;for over, twentyyeak.- ornetimes o.the diseasewould break out o nijshou1ders1 had taken soltition, itoutrWitit-' '00 *zih *1i .'. e ot e titse i i r -.hheeel _004FatAt ty ob a n titre. Im-j°/ t. btalktru-" ' Asrieultlar -ait-x-g-TOW-So. 0 I:, elle r 11 11, 4 _ 1 haiigilleYnt. a, f.aotoll, and cured th04°Isboanuicalt wh*Dattitittloar-r4tus° yurvoha,Ict-irilltikokk ,_. 1-141-IngliaipiTe'llass, a&-nriuldhaZsan"tiliccured 'tit'f:0) l're°srlitclue'utll'aellAtri°41.1egv' imit"L '1:"t* mpletely also. I take comfortin • putpiiincagdt013;;,f broofthmerygreen;p:ruideniefet, Ito; Zam-Iluk.. will lcad other - suffe.VOr 't trklt,c I sii� ,1 h g1ad'27 4 , ores!, chapped hands,.' e (4es, --ailt1-41L-Arin -11111 • all - m cases o co J. relieves e ll n to itithe tow t hest • ,I30 be praised ms sm. solo, sec Rubbed it "'Yes; her WAS heavenly. and Au druggists and "Really 1" "Well, something -sc:17s7ss"-efla-t:115te% boxir past, free that. He -aid it was unearthly." Retains Old and Itakes Xew Price, 3 tH)1,°s f" ,*142.5. fricads.;-"Tircie -was when -Dr-. 'rho. 14451 Ecleetric 011 tad but.a small COURAGE. 12 *Mg' 11 tythillittut -It amtnations in. February' *tid SYLLAIDL ,,,*001111,104"0410, Ono, ukr,, 'Chin territory is widespread. Tb se who A go 'd first recognized its curative quali- vitheyjohnyeretvlieersceoutrhaegedeoef4enirvochoent; while it retains its Old friiis 1,1 eY 'Rover i--T-th-.0"Pugoiw'. e‘er making new. It is certain that InaY cost mone$. w .oever once uses 1 vgit no thatit it., - rilltnirliTaTi1 .11111 Won w th _this stut 13 a large hat of hite ottoman silk, lined with , civet, on Which a(black,l, itet_bow ears.. a $ 0 cflS in thistgondition i a IC Avz gtve onarchs be taost-ettrio-was Are those , An oiessionat -dose of- Babes aged tniperor of 'Austria, Own Tablets, These Tablets care t) 118:5 boxei-of,rnenus And tills colic, ,,- indigestion, ' /constipationJ i h6 wo-itus, -Waal* trou. ch he 1Ik1' andother-Iiiiiii:Of 'eiiIiire-ati: .. eKing ofe, o a )3 teeCt tO-cojititTa a0 01)106.0k on of rflocs ''soothing stuff." Itra. . , flLUSC tt _ Artie ,U Irvine tt North Portal„Saslc., -1. "I liav.e used Baby's Own .stueI ' u'e 0. Wbrwa, 1 'for - —IIendiL teeth. Ittins '"'* iii c ,ititieti-6-u-tives, , 1, _ h *km toptli. iss Eadith-ben IV/kilter, 1,, an:d have touti(1 them all sou claim itior _ irti-e-ictofore thrpt .1:egstinliA_L_Iallte • hC 61* Of the' diKir*,: Th! th , fOX, '1104-1bOsSUM are * whic but 44 Ortlititt" int - inost-dinlitiurt r.und sealskin miff and queer li Ilarette, 'at p u lo oWns 0 A short skirt Anti a co hned Ecommanited- by fashini 1 the neck IS -Covered -it all bv ti - dress it is only by tran rent fabrics that'never rise aibol collar /inc. Austrt i in tke 04 he is 'LO "iVe lanai tizc .41 pd,ste4,10 i1/2,4*:040-1Y St'elii$ of *OIL thOae. 1,1114* .11.rgei 'through. swoc.(.1- :i'ticrettent -derives- *nt of beauty are Iwo tul, from the tould of tsypt. int stnritt4inettOemteek,,totli;h4e1,ithas Mt Of 'the The a. ,*Pd thitital* t *lots, of-that-latid-halle-- s ight to the West by twentieth ti ariahe, 04 elunt vixin „ AO' lets, or The • I hung" Medicine • 1 na P., I : 1Y tecoan.c1P40:etale_tamilble,oad rPilleah lors11:111: elicited to at the inception of a old, will invariably give relief, and r 07-40 4411000!!.. - •_ Pxico',2 cerkts, at al _ - _ dealers. stAskisHEri. tow 0.A. Bldg" 1011001`0. 44t 'i•to.tt (toed teirt, equip r. M. IVAT80%, A Cure for Fever and Ague. - • iaturbanee of the stomach . and Idways., predede attaelts-4f-ra-... tlid--attue4-show*Lslerantittuen ---- t.iktlic_rligeitive,prgans_via-aeteiiort tr1 P2 frIrr. f When two women begin to - talk over the back /Once his -Satanic M- a, ot"---About ` migh- t be never even st • fectiit, abating the feVer an cluing- the ague in a few days. 'ihere are :Wally Who are subject to these dJ'sLresing and t i&t,edintnented on Marina' ese there is 11Z -better fp-nor:m*7 ter • Ita.-ontilfrntior%7-iir er * troublea.",totultina Aron, Itto5UraY Meallt$ ;`ie 1 twat** and IWO, rover, 'and: 7lattr- etissmentied to th. tsteees0 SXPleteri, the 34Kvi *he -4w tetAtes beta, as the Dieetro "Your tlaughtor's rmisicAs 4 *rex, of the, NOrto Pole4 Vold. Cutting ..r f wino -sea nAot route Eta, Weak. Watery 'Palu proiessor 'Eyes, Muria., Sri iteetedl .egrotde-AW 114i4s. Oe.. bl Mi1 FOR' ALE. .i IeotLoD alioaed ilItriglisbittoetingitt oft_ronte. »tlinr „Ulm arno0,Y. _Qo e. FARM Wok 11! ARM frE -ateres, unItior trt t rstrWrfirlivi" kinner "-Good morainic earn you ever see -4.1wtVng ,/14 led AS the weather has been -II*WeY, *.sis your °Ara blIlk ne-,- th -I Ser -Ire' t and Egyptian,* in evening c1rees of this 1 Beads are used to brio* 1 1 round o • 1li *- : *Iiear i.i1 borders,. s tlecidedlr Oriental ' * ' 1 This'iearr ithoultI-1 is lE generi1 idva, and To .)Front ri wrapped o it llJ1O1l• whie ' - _ -Itte,4111, hypocrite i" P by my, ton, is nI*0 who pnbliciy' idente ftte. success situ* arhtflit"64t itsible for it itiniself.'i "Your husband. stiys he works' les 1,vry answered tho other*. ‘,.'110., tomes in witiOnudd teeti. Makes- ternfortaittleby - the--Are4-404.-waitcto., Ikeher father) XSNUri cHe ade his money in the Ion t atm obi r, we r donors r ntralbetto- ramiltirtIttt4,MACOVIISIKd., A ECTESS. are ',minable ovIr I'frtra;:ve esued- and let orties going by.," ica Liver Pill. ilments that I444 1A*St with have their cd liver, which is delici peettliarly suseeptib ttrhattPtoot thaA Come r *bits or laek ifcare 4 F&dith wt t4i-lierst Czar of n morairc ight„ and $pe his writi ylpIlrtarkt ma, [1 till liven 'Mildly *titles the istate .Ii 4ki paper is writing 1. advertisers., rn :121T 'EX 0 di . Inquisitive ltranZer " (to co 1 slaib1el--`11: understand that t measles bro tly.."' ' Constable - 1y) - -' Ya1',, Mit Ur l_tild .5#0$ i t ein." germ - 11110i your errands ▪ .boy that lives next door. him to errands hteaf iy own boy won't" - "Ah :our, bog doing no;S1 r j3, -rushing on an -err* dy next door!" - Pain with your_bootm n, pain with.them off pain night and ,dtty lynt relief is sure. to those who uiie 110110Way'a ,,C,Orit Curt. • • *Meg resscd y - nu or on the attenttoit r. Of these there none tutu. .j°4 /4.5- *14 d* *Vegetable her tatb."'#' stioft thbogh gentle'0 effettive, sh14.0611'idi aptit: to yawn." na the most, &tittle can use them. - tit IL It's the o get' that w ied het