HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-11-18, Page 6.47 r0ItTe rIte* TRE TIZADR r. tit* , • ..Ali'or,t 4 AND ,-.•..• . • , • . . • Ji tell ratou.. 314-c3-1Teifllr'Xxid, 1 in a e00604 and Well- vision * 4tream,\ drawn from the 'Muni 1. •,.. ,' * 4' 4.-.,, ' •,,,,,-;t• „ ,,, • 49O t 1 4 . ' tr , •'.4';. :. -;4. ' ' : .fei - .....,. .., .f, .........._.! ,,,„,.. :.;. e$ - ., , .., I . thronecon . 'bac. p0ured-into the tain , W viion; good was i* 00'0r, open tor, traffic from g t e SuIeTwr Juflc- urope.tTradeticI commerce have itSeltwho% o work ado rapid vaiieWirl a 0,ec.- *tweert Winnipeg on is now • Thr . revenue hititlilmost.com., •under contract.; . ozt,reniarkatile 110 '4ectn. the' ;1 pid recovery from the .Art*4'041.041- rrassment which for fa Short time was the cause of anxiety ftniongat '•• nal.' of business there has hoenia revival ••of iketivitv-' which gives us\ dy • vernmentraiLway 14. to .41”,we e, push- ed energetieally during tie whole of lest .suiunier. It is. lioped, ''that .a•.report.of the operation,, Will bo, laced ed the..pubil .suirance 'Of coniiiiiied progress men3bra, my Ara e . - conterent Y-Jiis Majisty's Governiunt estion of defence. A Plan - . tette to en - b the rtee-tlieir value* rt of thc reat r-p.npoxtaUon ay m.'da, m bill will be , su niitt for the littiposeof enabling Min- ister of • Railways, on . the recoil.; ,t -of-• the,Goire' tlat, NY ntt .oL"rated o ht rttrain uf WlLe4t" , AtiOnlitTranzcontinental from, Winnipeg arrived at Fort on .TueSday. - Fort William has been bi1le1 for . • h „ ; ,101147"11.106IT' • ie in connection, with the • • • - teeent Strike ^ TIie steanier . '07-4.AViiieriesn. Soo, 'Canal, a d the locks will robaISI,be.clos, or. . e 'seaFo. -, People of•Razieton„ ilk. O., are• :petitioning Premier . McBride for, • constables to protect, them against- ossible. trouble iwith theIntlieue.• 1re7d427ET'Pitefaeri,' eolore .man, was ittelibeil inIV litied'ialt imtlt has been *Wrested. 0n. "t e °at(1°litttleItIt and toa Anie iimot!iies .11? igo .t.ru:tiu in€bwe t , , ti';ou* 'the gr.owing Barley " -N°. 2't ti) °”'e 4)uttaide Abe' t 7 - s • and 0. .3 extol, g4 to 47,0 out* 1.14).1147tP' '.Volmumou Agents .41y are,, t110 xratawy43 and spea.abouidlO Inn„ at4No 2 Qntario r1nte, new, t0 aEfe -outside- ew Canada toio at 044to ' Bar I)otL , Pas -80 to filo outside.• ' • \ et -55 to 50c, Outside. -o o. 2 'American yellow, 71 Lo 114.eon track, Toronto. ., . Bran -$21 in bags, Toronto, „ ..sUAls' at-- -- jig -G. -Toro o. • Doininion sider it* b. CoI aws ; theirz are so much stricter, elude front star ietoundation stoneo the new ' • ren a as.litirl recently; 'Thedeath. Marinen.m,ie ta of, frut-growing jin Ontario. iate in Ontario.We have the 0140-114 conditions of tbo.Western States and soil and climate to produee the best laugh at our 44) ic per lb. ..11Ood lots of flit hogs 0 EA .sold.at gX to Oe • per ib. • �r�nto, Nov. 16.—T1'ho exportCanadii, rade Was quiet. Butchers' of the •• w o served through tbG and ehin**wars. ,•• A. Ream \of New York,„ Izas given ,00e to•purchitie picture* • • r thtr'permanent collection of the Liverpool. (illadisto.ne :state* that 'there. e now '*(e'r'sn Youi-$ u4aesiltolo$* penal stkvitude-for offence* corn ted betweerho'43,getpot stcn and p!.ir busbei : ozen,- the lines of the resolution of ilit Jeise anv line or Ines' connecting owe of Commonsthe with the Intercolonial lest. The paers „A measure will be submitted to N 414'447 bM11016'410.”- -au4.,16, Vol-- for the purpose•reodetiog itroduced accordingly-. more- effective tile 1)resent legislau ye now convention between his tion, reSpeeting combinations, which faje' and the -President of the unduly enhance prices. . Pani 4_1 the win 0.,w.sinashing to ace ow oin Wednesday were seri rt. dBoth hay: jittruird laborne znernbe" During 'Aikhurist, .Organizikt the banquet at'ouoti ann in honor; it the lEing'S birthday *tones were thrown through a window -of- tti -dining-hail, the cresli-of-----gle atartling the eompany and inter. ' avineiaLtipverzimeti r„ t sit_ •r* 11413-4111101111 that a (*Ilttraet 1104 ‘41/14 v 1)1: '47'111'1;4"V 444' '4`411•Y t • 4P4, t from • 4,1,2-lecided that oral betting wait nOt dogerl trail, and 26 -to '47e fotieny Ihiee tlielf'diy-s.. the' illetteiel-dePreasio " less severely be - Montagueitague Ouest, a'ciose friend of :Xing, 'Edward, died 'while :141nting. with his Majesty at Jandringham.. -The. British Committee' on tho Dramatic gensorship• has adviSe4 004 the.ceosorship'.be retained. an extended_ to mimic • Lord -Dundonald advises the' towns and populous counttes of E -gooa 1044 iiita eely at..$4.60-to $4, -Choice( cows: were -firm sit$4 25 to $4 -tn$ Milk- ers : and iiiiiriik.04.ore7.41. aid -w rat -and dearer,_ averaging WAS. Hogs quoted at $7.50 trNV Sg4,50 $9.5 a otatoes.„.40, totO 540 0. pc_r bag, on -and.' $7.75, f:Cti -and watered., , RA& rot Ontitriosi-.• - - ---,*-- ' ,' 4 '''-'''''''-"4,--'-"*"-s. -. ---'. Poultry --Chickens, dressed, 11 to -RAILROAD TO BLACKS . To, lac per lb.; fowl, 9.to 10e; turkeys, .1' . , le to itUi per lb..* ducks, lb.lt to British Corernmeat Makes Grant • o; geese 9 to ift. r lb. of .e124 000.. • espateh from ,London dillft, Year. The Deputy J i. Canada iedthe • world; 'with the exception of Argontii,01i34. the ttacom- parativey6Inienrease; in et,rraOe oin I897•„ tee, -o 8horedjt was r At the 'instenee. or poll -en order waa-roade for • if ou ranks • This- ..ntost * tempting fact brought ,out in the .f._4_,o.n441 report the Trade m14 _ .mmeroe Defartment, issued 1-4k Wednesday. - Vor the last -fiscal year the statistics of trade, as at. ready stated show .4 o eg/ 010 2841 Isa 'compared with the * ing 'war gspita Fund ° eription .i114:;61,::::ti bfia.°04 st the'0.• tvek Ogwr-sluthdon fs $25, being e:e!'toof,11414111:1111- (117eTt.1110:7)4::rtronalt, '&s compny for aet up its near vfllage bas become quite At the Voliitcoleil4 ..invitation, • . - ,tubs and lari;0 rollti, 20 to 210i. in- rte Joilksoft Bay Baii.Aray„•..- m" opt., port's,' ,ves7r0,, .2.n..,t07n'cooteis eoneit, ' 10; vi IP04 gresinpv. 2014 1$-Constritcted. r4o,rtdca-vill.iyo wbolly in y. - VUIJ .t97 ,and nbd 9j $O., Per ib. only fourteen hours .fromillacksod: 580;. Compared with other nations. I s 00 to per Ray -r ichic• liarizoc ler db. itarliatt--trade-Aguree JUL snu •. Wiui snow tnat been made .. ,7thito.1.1 eMsaiebkiTantizmieeiltailoat itie64,4611-*-T:-:-.*.'4 , . • , : * . IStO„rAge* t. ' ,' . this dee sion, prop, ego& 6., wowfelt.roue , ,.. , .. . . — .fie,....tite . Nine ,zrten lost their lives in - an .,..._Cht-Se""a12/4'e Per lb. for large, Standard,„c."the 'early' opening of tbAti elseiiiiere:_- triett•-z-r, -act route eeonl 0 a mos , / --- - -•-••=-- ” ' a - --Went at Nenti. and •at 12%c tor twins - the all -red •' h e l - t ' ' ----,0"--------,-* 141°3 to aet-ii-re-der4 to th"'trattielcorre ra`..--- ' •--- - . .,,-.,_1 — ----.-------7-7 -- *aura,. its -recognition Wy the'101,0-s-Erry-tilt-itti,Til 14.1„., , . . ;,. . • • , .. e speee r ie or yer; The Affair proved to be a 15-ngtfation;-' and -thee wo, ceder* were arrested. trade. Another four-st,taruer One. while in a notie trance. The • of the Northern RaibliraY Co..) which I „itol to • Nuitteipai ilL will be extended to the e04116*-Mintr the ste trade the Itormisteed steel •• • jang 0 e ral way. e 00 ou ng. e--44-Pan"end-41-0W4i-on pork- $26 50; /wort cut1027.60. tonio:-Tar - • 4/4.c.4)=Itt_inL:eivie,---------------,.rom _roc— . vs: , • Imo xvium wut uu- mgivaL !or • . . 0 • 4 A delipate f , .0111e Ba., , itigh I hint seenger-steamere -tun oirdotie.timo. ,___. a .11acort--- . ear,_ commencemen $h ----- 'children' ot • ' . t a• their •duty is niad bill introduced , It is rocenimert ways 'Committee of fax, Borougb Councii that --1 4ar workman over 50, yea *-e* Oil. Oya.ano giris t it • 4 P Y-4 *4 1.6trii*-4141"--11-45.• lih-141tutliti t"*.r *it " . 14 140; 11`0.:'heavy, 14 i.e. ge ; . • .e... -0-t13 interest; $303an entertainment , nd $7,* a‘ndr a ,re land ports, while modern vessels slaughter. • . , I A. Vitt zairtirerrityttgriairiavir,- -Thtrz-aertiresittoiti-br cr.` -1"Vitril 14 '10 -14,744 'VW tti Ueraf 451X.to-43eptettii-dfit-fir-.1r-e•-ii.wa * eat e 0 ur backs, 10 to 20c; breakfast bacon, • plartt, the Brockville Light oral /Art son Barclay Sound the terminus, of the ter Tr s trer f tit Wg and* ProPoSea vanctiuvet: is- Railroad at .Cinciunati, s,inollat to -,t7A to 18o: ' a POwer DePartnient*.01vn64 enla "Avone Who offers to se t **NY • • / .14n tstwyg:,,, 4 ito e I . • ,4 d and the-. ,eaes--operamona. reet'd r t.antliatt port 01. A bandit who iittem-pted to rob , 4 r`" • ... . - obert M. Ittotherwelt, 'ohterver at -Ent"-Taffr$,AND .110.31Efir.SS ., . . , ............ . A I) 0 Min i IA( Oble Ora 0 r7 13.6 n Wed- . .,. ht ,,,,.. .. . ,.. , . ,. ,. .-:-,_ _ .,------• _ . eiulijig • Eramogiriw....A.A. - .....-...----------------- - --4 - - '--- ---- . . telescope. - The-voniet came it Alt . 0 all*Y. ' . visible 'at- i o'clock in the morning. . It will not be visible, to the taloa. •eve until .1,*nuary! ' This is the fixs,t . appearance vrits 7:i years ag.ty, „ * • *PROSPECTING 'PERMIT& car -s engage yin an og. water ; to' foetus...and ..collieries ui the thratite :coal region or re.tinv:4,40,_ BarleY-No. 2,,66 tManitoba feed. •'harley, '152..to 53'0; buckwheat, 53 to Flour-- -Msnitoha fl' SPring ,wherit .patents; firsts, $3.70; • seconirs,, r titm, . • • . • Fran* rerdinand of Austria. and strong bikkerei t&S'i $tr4ight railer*, Panay, of the iriseltike group, WI" tit, wife are on .4.i. yisit10 the ital.; ,s6,144.0to. .41.2..V-; •ido.- in bags" *. , crossed by * typhoon' last Sund*Y* -sfsr at Potsdam. - . - . 2.. Feed -Ontario bran, This storm ifria.vspetisity severe, iik . . .7„,,,, v, :, .1 40 to $50ree •. ., ,v..4--uto vrz--T, um -an ,..4,,atra, ... . ...arta-. tr I * 1 ' • ,:ither .1 it •• re daatroyd. , . 0M:4 -Mart -FEL ' - ft--; *---...:- 1-'14- l'..•;* ,r..., 4,,,,4...k.m.e. ., rriv6t,...40404:: ----,-;;; last, 4and - eropt , ..,_ . - -op* .. - : Manitobashoris, *23 to $24; pure ' ' ver-At'arkisea-llave-Ilarrovr grain_mouille„,... Alto* , tfir e " • '19 eastern* 11Y. to 1114' ' • fleSTO, rOtti,; ..*1)emilitr, 4 tte. . - -Ct* , u mest,cres,inem to to 2$1.0. •,.** Wtortetil411..ii *T -t$14 vit 26(40 °XLwar. Eggs - t.o.it.storey .b16014... '.eorner flasto; *loci% .*:t to 21k1; 'MOW ingi and Abbott rstreets, •1011- from. n't 280, he up atoiet 'dawn the. 00170 -Or' ,shaft on Thursday -morning, *rad UNITED' STATESIlt.811M8'': 'bothare still living. Tait *is pick- , _Maslow Nine. Wheat 't*4-,101.trofft„ -1,1144,00$1202,,tut;'; *kr asik' fitting. wheat stronger; . No. 1 •evi tOt glas'i TOL •,.w4ts re*, _Northern, eat:load* store, 411. ; thuved to the hospital, severely ;Winter eatier'.• Corn-4irm ;-No. 3 erect, 1:fopie are .entertained for yellows new, age. ,• Oattitgasier- ., tralhat7.:.116347';.' -1 *1344,-;.:.74.4,1:41,-;1.7-Kii-L-- soilrata 74.4tiA5 421;t; X.o. 4 *Witty Vint, tie elevator Shalt, when the rood*.' reed to malting, 61 to fold 'gave wayi, Russell* escapt . heat 'miraculous.- Ire say* tlott 'N:46. 2. red, sz.06 tost,20; No, 3,•10, **bac falling he :ought. hold of ii•,$.1.0i to $1.14; No. 2 hard, **$IM' rot thathe knew was banging in $1.00; NO. 4 hard, *Lot to $L0;. Ott short and elutelattl. it with ,liticH,Isto: $1,47 lands and The frietien, biro- g Nofiern,, toll...07n; NO. - :WU& Re;slidNortberit, 21;02 t641.0.1. down two at three_ stories, and *0, ft; fgq: to.CONe; /to. finally rescued Al* storitl.; AO*n.. ',6331 to .6.1c;x.13.1,04,14; other 1046111016,. 001V. Oats No. 2white, lit15.00s0 IN: 141 Nt0114#' .114 41.0.; 14,4 4iitet,47..tO , • -41V It• 2.17, c- , No. Zt white . , !,Mint. tiTIVX • 1446, IL:. Says: *trial'N dar 0141, d Will lames, -the :at 'tet-• !near' &n J1 34 ta 414_ derer of X* innie Pelier. Re ,mrnon toek., 2, to Ile pert,lk; Jean hin Ats._ in thi,lariOst,pliblic' coneti-shostt 1'. per lb; • A sper- squau- in the city.' TheloPe hrolr4 ini titilkti. Was soldfOr $1,. • and liundreits ,fttifiots were poured. ,others at $04). **eat,.ot.her r.0500aad int MS body. "Ttio. mob thou the body .thios,th eke •14retts' floss* r tea 4'o p for * la* pts.60. *fere slot, Ili.; gond rqa1ii. �e pr tb -rcht woo, otioutittoi. at ' Theft -tar - ter tabs -Area - A dest' atela frottiL tinebbe says eProvincialo rn en has an*---Ordei.in:Coniteit thorizing the Minister. Of Coloniza- tion titi-isatte,-prospeeting.-permits for arestiAlandi.net excedingLwo -" ._,Aterestlitt.,extent--- ttury ttpAn which these 'ormits will be issuM wilI detcrmined A deapatck froin. Ottawa A' valuable gift has been. nude \to Caftatla by the British Government, namely, . the tornplete and original torre - raors-Oeneral to the Briti,li au *ttetfrom. the year, 1. t .i4v per Lower Caps/4 ,were SetAllttil prOV. la ,0 b Te broken. • -' -their-.11 'imit the same nats girl* Atoka Jolts q»etie1y, overdo** .and twelve dal ter *ad sop or the pr- )rietur of the hotel. Three, other rod bj tbe mother littIe brother, A In *, adble effort 'to save,bia. EThq huh,' ei . to t1ii soindese wtk intention of jumping* to Alio f,,-• but .ori, 'tankfuls' tItst,t Sam had n6ti ,olow ,oloo west beck to look f�r •. w n ghlin fired -a. title .emong tli wounded Reny- llosnell,, aged teen, - ital here,. his life is despaired tighlin•was* widower Arid ecu quietly married tew 4, heme. the eelebration. ea Eispleye itNew Vorkto. **stoat Leaves ro rostor;Jor the waiter at Delmon. eoss that * waiter at the 04044 tan get up „;1, biartilos wot17 that Lein it for half day. tate valued ` at: 1400,000. 4 his widow APpliia for letteri of *4.- ministration, default ‘of * aurant sin50 esk saved tI1 of twenty males an hour, and sus - on lais death reeently he letflit 034 *4,40.444444444444.4 ilcintrz • Vas - #fx'ViiiV'i Or' el Fort Lal A despatch from Ottawa sePot Wheat grown at. Fort .*Laird has been received y • the Trade and mist- missioner Perri, of the NortliMe 04413' trot: taird on bobly. fell from Ofs pocket of ono 4 - - the OOth all I Of latitude -and has 'bean found Lo muleseast of the. • rUkon Predoitiuktif4 - e wells from a.)mrst'lle‘a His body was- covered with battie *vars. At the inquest a verdict,. of "natural .causea" ws,S "return fiIrt Rifle. Jtsn*e, Major 6 trtfordshiro' Yotoosors, scored twenty-one 44bUIVI: Site' inget "-W SOG. and an es. known---en-ltednesdar when lo_ovIer ti roitd bcoksin thOr native language, V nese pupil* must be fautillar.wit -4.00,0 different sign*. despatch froin say*: Conferente sktr* itPtilied to loott eon- The Nsevit• Zealand proposoils, iititionesi.ot A*1041 b.:irtautoteths liettr:tewiriti lotthe ,lerz , ,w4'ii. ,.... a wentv- t of t 'one, will indergo two yeart! cora .,.. nhg I. x * u t • a I- ' ir le 41 *, A A ' 1107711,:idovHarTitity4_1. would4)6:* •qi• --------- a barrelful uf irogoa 4**-fitsrtitte7tlistTutiftti.;' ,ful to. be •nsitle in au* quantit ILmay sound like a joke* be tlevertheless the truth that tread of * house ity exp1ode this danger 'L il 't 000***r, iNsk* waIk+.10Yet..the..&021*.tattd",, .It isaa le to let one foot, .eoute At* toot. et: with- k whets tiva. jolt cause* it to explode and to blow \ *the inseet into the -air« .. - “Another 'manger 10, wtoifii ..„:/tlit.q'Pl?.:)PrtY of c'plc ,,,,,, _ 0,,voildwiught litoo:t 0 cfleal atitl lots Iing isittriJor*If' to rforsto. pcn liivoo cp. !'00 totifesicts taq • forthe',.' ' ';* tb , 41, , •