HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-11-18, Page 6.47
r0ItTe rIte* TRE
• ..Ali'or,t 4
,-.•..• . • , •
. . •
Ji tell
in a e00604 and Well- vision
* 4tream,\ drawn from the 'Muni
•,.. ,' * 4' 4.-.,, ' •,,,,,-;t• „
49O t
1 4 . ' tr , •'.4';. :. -;4. ' '
.fei -
.....,. .., .f, .........._.! ,,,„,.. :.;. e$ - ., ,
.., I
thronecon . 'bac.
p0ured-into the tain
, W
viion; good was
i* 00'0r, open tor, traffic from
g t e SuIeTwr Juflc-
urope.tTradeticI commerce have itSeltwho% o work
ado rapid vaiieWirl a 0,ec.- *tweert Winnipeg on is now
. revenue hititlilmost.com., •under contract.; .
ozt,reniarkatile 110 '4ectn. the' ;1
pid recovery from the .Art*4'041.041-
rrassment which for fa Short time
was the cause of anxiety ftniongat
nal.' of business there has hoenia
revival ••of iketivitv-' which gives us\ dy •
14. to .41”,we e, push-
ed energetieally during tie whole
of lest .suiunier. It is. lioped, ''that
.a•.report.of the operation,, Will bo,
ed the..pubil
.suirance 'Of coniiiiiied progress
my Ara
e .
- conterent
Y-Jiis Majisty's Governiunt
estion of defence. A Plan
- .
to en -
b the
rtee-tlieir value* rt of thc
reat r-p.npoxtaUon ay m.'da, m bill will be ,
su niitt
for the littiposeof enabling Min-
ister of • Railways, on . the recoil.;
,t -of-• the,Goire' tlat,
.oL"rated o
ht rttrain uf WlLe4t"
AtiOnlitTranzcontinental from,
Winnipeg arrived at Fort
on .TueSday.
- Fort William has been bi1le1 for .
h „ ; ,101147"11.106IT' •
ie in connection, with the
• • • -
teeent Strike ^
TIie steanier .
'07-4.AViiieriesn. Soo, 'Canal,
a d the locks will robaISI,be.clos,
or. . e 'seaFo.
-, People of•Razieton„ ilk. O., are•
:petitioning Premier . McBride for,
• constables to protect, them against-
ossible. trouble iwith theIntlieue.•
1re7d427ET'Pitefaeri,' eolore
.man, was ittelibeil inIV litied'ialt
imtlt has been *Wrested. 0n.
and toa Anie iimot!iies
.11? igo .t.ru:tiu in€bwe t , , ti';ou* 'the gr.owing
" -N°. 2't ti) °”'e 4)uttaide Abe'
t 7 -
s •
and 0. .3 extol, g4 to 47,0 out* 1.14).1147tP' '.Volmumou Agents .41y are,, t110 xratawy43 and spea.abouidlO Inn„
at4No 2 Qntario r1nte, new,
t0 aEfe -outside- ew Canada
at 044to ' Bar I)otL
Pas -80 to filo outside.• '
• \
et -55 to 50c, Outside.
-o o. 2 'American yellow, 71
Lo 114.eon track, Toronto. ., .
Bran -$21 in bags, Toronto, „
..sUAls' at-- -- jig -G. -Toro o.
it* b. CoI
aws ; theirz are so much stricter, elude
front star
ietoundation stoneo the new
' •
ren a
as.litirl recently;
'Thedeath. Marinen.m,ie
ta of, frut-growing jin Ontario.
iate in Ontario.We have the 0140-114 conditions of
tbo.Western States and soil and climate to produee the best
laugh at our 44)
ic per lb. ..11Ood lots of flit hogs 0 EA
.sold.at gX to Oe • per ib. •
�r�nto, Nov. 16.—T1'ho exportCanadii,
rade Was quiet. Butchers' of the ••
w o served through tbG
and ehin**wars. ,••
A. Ream \of New York,„
Izas given ,00e to•purchitie picture* • •
r thtr'permanent collection of the
(illadisto.ne :state* that 'there.
e now '*(e'r'sn Youi-$ u4aesiltolo$*
penal stkvitude-for offence* corn
ted betweerho'43,getpot stcn and
p!.ir busbei
the lines of the resolution of ilit Jeise anv line or Ines' connecting
owe of Commonsthe
with the Intercolonial
lest. The paers „A measure will be submitted to
414'447 bM11016'410.”- -au4.,16, Vol-- for the purpose•reodetiog
itroduced accordingly-. more- effective tile 1)resent legislau
ye now convention between his tion, reSpeeting combinations, which
faje' and the -President of the unduly enhance prices. .
Pani 4_1 the
win 0.,w.sinashing to ace ow oin
Wednesday were seri rt. dBoth hay:
jittruird laborne
znernbe" During
'Aikhurist, .Organizikt
the banquet at'ouoti ann in honor;
it the lEing'S birthday *tones were
thrown through a window -of- tti
-dining-hail, the cresli-of-----gle
atartling the eompany and inter.
' avineiaLtipverzimeti r„ t sit_ •r*
11413-4111101111 that a (*Ilttraet 1104 ‘41/14 v 1)1: '47'111'1;4"V 444' '4`411•Y t • 4P4, t from
• 4,1,2-lecided that oral betting wait nOt dogerl trail, and 26 -to '47e fotieny Ihiee tlielf'diy-s.. the' illetteiel-dePreasio
" less severely be
Montagueitague Ouest, a'ciose friend of
:Xing, 'Edward, died 'while :141nting.
with his Majesty at Jandringham..
-The. British Committee' on tho
Dramatic gensorship• has adviSe4
004 the.ceosorship'.be retained. an
extended_ to mimic •
Lord -Dundonald advises the'
towns and populous counttes of E
-gooa 1044 iiita
eely at..$4.60-to $4, -Choice( cows:
were -firm sit$4 25 to $4 -tn$
ers : and iiiiiriik.04.ore7.41.
aid -w
rat -and dearer,_ averaging
WAS. Hogs quoted at $7.50
trNV Sg4,50 $9.5
otatoes.„.40, totO 540 0.
pc_r bag, on -and.' $7.75, f:Cti -and watered., ,
RA& rot Ontitriosi-.• - - ---,*-- ' ,' 4 '''-'''''''-"4,--'-"*"-s. -. ---'.
Poultry --Chickens, dressed, 11 to -RAILROAD TO BLACKS . To,
lac per lb.; fowl, 9.to 10e; turkeys, .1' . ,
le to itUi per lb..* ducks, lb.lt to British Corernmeat Makes Grant
• o; geese 9 to ift.
r lb. of .e124 000.. •
espateh from ,London dillft, Year. The Deputy
J i. Canada iedthe • world; 'with
the exception of Argontii,01i34.
parativey6Inienrease; in et,rraOe
oin I897•„
tee, -o 8horedjt was r
At the 'instenee. or
poll -en order waa-roade for
• if ou
ranks • This- ..ntost
tempting fact brought ,out in the
.f._4_,o.n441 report the Trade m14
_ .mmeroe Defartment, issued 1-4k
Wednesday. - Vor the last -fiscal
year the statistics of trade, as at.
ready stated show .4 o
eg/ 010 2841 Isa 'compared with the
ing 'war gspita Fund
.i114:;61,::::ti bfia.°04 st the'0.• tvek Ogwr-sluthdon fs $25, being e:e!'toof,11414111:1111-
'&s compny for aet
up its
bas become quite
At the Voliitcoleil4 ..invitation,
• .
- ,tubs and lari;0 rollti, 20 to 210i. in- rte Joilksoft Bay Baii.Aray„•..- m" opt., port's,' ,ves7r0,, .2.n..,t07n'cooteis eoneit, '
10; vi IP04 gresinpv. 2014 1$-Constritcted. r4o,rtdca-vill.iyo wbolly in y. -
VUIJ .t97 ,and nbd 9j $O., Per ib. only fourteen hours .fromillacksod: 580;. Compared with other nations.
I s 00 to per Ray -r ichic• liarizoc ler db. itarliatt--trade-Aguree
JUL snu •. Wiui snow tnat been made .. ,7thito.1.1 eMsaiebkiTantizmieeiltailoat itie64,4611-*-T:-:-.*.'4 , . • , : * . IStO„rAge* t. ' ,' . this dee sion, prop, ego& 6., wowfelt.roue , ,.. , .. .
. — .fie,....tite . Nine ,zrten lost their lives in - an .,..._Cht-Se""a12/4'e Per lb. for large, Standard,„c."the 'early' opening of tbAti elseiiiiere:_-
triett•-z-r, -act
route eeonl 0 a mos , / --- -
-•-••=-- ” ' a - --Went at Nenti. and •at 12%c tor twins - the all -red •' h e l - t ' ' ----,0"--------,-*
141°3 to aet-ii-re-der4 to th"'trattielcorre ra`..--- ' •--- - . .,,-.,_1 — ----.-------7-7 -- *aura,. its -recognition Wy the'101,0-s-Erry-tilt-itti,Til 14.1„.,
, . . ;,.
. • • , ..
e speee r ie or
yer; The Affair proved to be a
15-ngtfation;-' and -thee
wo, ceder* were arrested.
trade. Another four-st,taruer One. while in a notie trance. The •
of the Northern RaibliraY Co..) which I „itol to • Nuitteipai
will be extended to the e04116*-Mintr the ste trade the Itormisteed steel •• • jang 0 e ral way. e 00 ou ng.
e--44-Pan"end-41-0W4i-on pork- $26 50; /wort cut1027.60.
tonio:-Tar -
4/4.c.4)=Itt_inL:eivie,---------------,.rom _roc— . vs:
, •
Imo xvium wut uu- mgivaL !or • . .
0 •
4 A delipate f , .0111e Ba.,
, itigh I hint
seenger-steamere -tun oirdotie.timo. ,___. a .11acort--- . ear,_
commencemen $h -----
'children' ot
' . t a•
their •duty is niad
bill introduced ,
It is rocenimert
ways 'Committee of fax,
Borougb Councii that --1
4ar workman over 50, yea
Oil. Oya.ano giris
t it • 4
P Y-4 *4 1.6trii*-4141"--11-45.• lih-141tutliti t"*.r *it " . 14
140; 11`0.:'heavy, 14 i.e. ge ; . • .e... -0-t13 interest; $303an entertainment ,
nd $7,* a‘ndr a
land ports, while modern vessels slaughter. • . , I A.
Vitt zairtirerrityttgriairiavir,- -Thtrz-aertiresittoiti-br cr.` -1"Vitril 14 '10 -14,744 'VW tti Ueraf 451X.to-43eptettii-dfit-fir-.1r-e•-ii.wa
* eat e 0
ur backs, 10 to 20c; breakfast bacon, • plartt, the Brockville Light oral /Art son
Barclay Sound the terminus, of the ter Tr s trer f tit
Wg and* ProPoSea vanctiuvet: is- Railroad at .Cinciunati, s,inollat to -,t7A to 18o: ' a POwer DePartnient*.01vn64 enla "Avone Who offers to se
t **NY
• • /
.14n tstwyg:,,, 4
ito e
I .
• ,4
d and the-. ,eaes--operamona. reet'd r
t.antliatt port
01. A bandit who iittem-pted to rob
• ... .
- obert M. Ittotherwelt, 'ohterver at -Ent"-Taffr$,AND .110.31Efir.SS
., . .
, ............ .
A I) 0 Min i IA( Oble Ora 0 r7 13.6 n Wed-
. .,. ht ,,,,.. .. . ,.. , . ,. ,.
.-:-,_ _ .,------• _ . eiulijig • Eramogiriw....A.A. - .....-...----------------- - --4 - - '--- ---- . .
telescope. - The-voniet came it Alt . 0 all*Y.
' . visible 'at- i o'clock in the morning.
. It will not be visible, to the taloa.
•eve until .1,*nuary! ' This is the fixs,t
. appearance vrits 7:i years ag.ty,
car -s engage yin an og. water ;
to' foetus...and ..collieries ui the
thratite :coal region or re.tinv:4,40,_
BarleY-No. 2,,66 tManitoba
feed. •'harley, '152..to 53'0; buckwheat,
53 to Flour-- -Msnitoha fl'
SPring ,wherit .patents; firsts, $3.70;
• seconirs,, r
. •
• . • Fran* rerdinand of Austria. and strong bikkerei t&S'i $tr4ight railer*,
Panay, of the iriseltike group, WI" tit, wife are on .4.i. yisit10 the ital.; ,s6,144.0to. .41.2..V-; •ido.- in bags" *. ,
crossed by * typhoon' last Sund*Y* -sfsr at Potsdam. - . - . 2.. Feed -Ontario bran,
This storm ifria.vspetisity severe, iik . . .7„,,,, v, :, .1 40 to $50ree
•. ., ,v..4--uto vrz--T, um -an ,..4,,atra, ... . ...arta-.
tr I * 1 ' • ,:ither .1 it ••
re daatroyd.
, . 0M:4 -Mart -FEL ' - ft--; *---...:- 1-'14- l'..•;*
,r..., 4,,,,4...k.m.e.
., rriv6t,...40404:: ----,-;;;
last, 4and - eropt , ..,_ . - -op* .. - : Manitobashoris, *23 to $24; pure
' ' ver-At'arkisea-llave-Ilarrovr grain_mouille„,...
Alto* ,
" •
'19 eastern* 11Y. to 1114'
' • fleSTO, rOtti,; ..*1)emilitr, 4 tte. . - -Ct*
, u mest,cres,inem to to 2$1.0.
•,.** Wtortetil411..ii *T -t$14 vit 26(40
°XLwar. Eggs -
t.o.it.storey .b16014... '.eorner flasto; *loci% .*:t to 21k1; 'MOW
ingi and Abbott rstreets, •1011- from. n't 280,
he up atoiet 'dawn the. 00170 -Or'
,shaft on Thursday -morning, *rad UNITED' STATESIlt.811M8'':
'bothare still living. Tait *is pick- , _Maslow Nine. Wheat
't*4-,101.trofft„ -1,1144,00$1202,,tut;'; *kr asik' fitting. wheat stronger; . No. 1
•evi tOt glas'i TOL •,.w4ts re*, _Northern, eat:load* store, 411. ;
thuved to the hospital, severely ;Winter eatier'.• Corn-4irm ;-No. 3
erect, 1:fopie are .entertained for yellows new, age. ,• Oattitgasier-
., tralhat7.:.116347';.' -1 *1344,-;.:.74.4,1:41,-;1.7-Kii-L--
soilrata 74.4tiA5 421;t; X.o. 4 *Witty Vint,
tie elevator Shalt, when the rood*.' reed to malting, 61 to
fold 'gave wayi, Russell* escapt . heat
'miraculous.- Ire say* tlott 'N:46. 2. red, sz.06 tost,20; No, 3,•10,
**bac falling he :ought. hold of ii•,$.1.0i to $1.14; No. 2 hard, **$IM'
rot thathe knew was banging in $1.00; NO. 4 hard, *Lot to $L0;.
Ott short and elutelattl. it with ,liticH,Isto: $1,47
lands and The frietien, biro- g Nofiern,, toll...07n; NO.
- :WU& Re;slidNortberit, 21;02 t641.0.1.
down two at three_ stories, and *0, ft; fgq: to.CONe; /to.
finally rescued Al* storitl.; AO*n.. ',6331 to .6.1c;x.13.1,04,14;
other 1046111016,. 001V. Oats No. 2white,
lit15.00s0 IN: 141 Nt0114#' .114 41.0.; 14,4 4iitet,47..tO
, • -41V It• 2.17, c- , No. Zt white .
!,Mint. tiTIVX
• 1446, IL:. Says:
dar 0141, d Will lames, -the :at 'tet-• !near'
&n J1
34 ta 414_
derer of X* innie Pelier. Re ,mrnon toek., 2, to Ile pert,lk; Jean
hin Ats._ in thi,lariOst,pliblic' coneti-shostt 1'. per lb; • A
squau- in the city.' TheloPe hrolr4 ini titilkti. Was soldfOr $1,. •
and liundreits ,fttifiots were poured. ,others at $04). **eat,.ot.her r.0500aad
int MS body. "Ttio. mob thou
the body .thios,th eke •14retts' floss* r tea 4'o p
for * la* pts.60. *fere slot, Ili.; gond rqa1ii. �e pr tb
-rcht woo, otioutittoi.
at '
Theft -tar - ter tabs -Area -
A dest' atela frottiL tinebbe says
eProvincialo rn en has
thorizing the Minister. Of Coloniza-
tion titi-isatte,-prospeeting.-permits
for arestiAlandi.net excedingLwo
-" ._,Aterestlitt.,extent---
ttury ttpAn which these 'ormits
will be issuM wilI detcrmined
A deapatck froin. Ottawa
A' valuable gift has been. nude \to
Caftatla by the British Government,
namely, . the tornplete and original
torre -
raors-Oeneral to the Briti,li au
*ttetfrom. the year, 1. t
Lower Caps/4 ,were SetAllttil prOV.
la ,0
b Te
• -' -their-.11
'imit the same nats girl*
Atoka Jolts
q»etie1y, overdo** .and twelve
dal ter *ad sop or the pr-
)rietur of
the hotel. Three, other
rod bj tbe mother
littIe brother, A In *,
adble effort 'to save,bia. EThq huh,'
ei . to t1ii soindese wtk intention
of jumping* to Alio f,,-• but .ori,
'tankfuls' tItst,t Sam had n6ti
,olow ,oloo west beck to look f�r
•. w n
ghlin fired -a. title .emong tli
wounded Reny- llosnell,, aged
teen, -
ital here,. his life is despaired
tighlin•was* widower Arid
ecu quietly married tew
4, heme. the eelebration.
ea Eispleye itNew Vorkto.
**stoat Leaves
rostor;Jor the
waiter at Delmon. eoss
that * waiter at the 04044 tan get up „;1,
biartilos wot17 that Lein it for half day.
tate valued ` at: 1400,000. 4
his widow APpliia for letteri of *4.-
ministration, default ‘of *
aurant sin50 esk saved tI1
of twenty males an hour, and sus -
on lais
death reeently he letflit
ilcintrz •
Vas - #fx'ViiiV'i Or' el
Fort Lal
A despatch from Ottawa sePot
Wheat grown at. Fort .*Laird has
been received y • the Trade and
missioner Perri, of the NortliMe
04413' trot:
taird on bobly. fell from Ofs pocket of ono 4
- -
the OOth all I Of latitude -and has 'bean found
Lo muleseast of the. • rUkon Predoitiuktif4 -
e wells from a.)mrst'lle‘a
His body was- covered with battie
*vars. At the inquest a verdict,. of
"natural .causea" ws,S "return
Rifle. Jtsn*e, Major
6 trtfordshiro' Yotoosors,
scored twenty-one 44bUIVI: Site'
inget "-W SOG. and
an es.
known---en-ltednesdar when
lo_ovIer ti roitd
bcoksin thOr native language, V
nese pupil* must be fautillar.wit
-4.00,0 different sign*.
despatch froin say*: Conferente sktr* itPtilied to loott eon-
Nsevit• Zealand proposoils, iititionesi.ot A*1041 b.:irtautoteths liettr:tewiriti lotthe ,lerz
a wentv-
of t 'one, will indergo two yeart! cora
I. x * u t • a I- ' ir le 41 *, A A
would4)6:* •qi• ---------
a barrelful uf irogoa
,ful to. be •nsitle in au* quantit
ILmay sound like a joke* be
tlevertheless the truth that
tread of * house ity
exp1ode this danger 'L
il 't 000***r, iNsk*
waIk+.10Yet..the..&021*.tattd",, .It isaa
le to let one foot, .eoute At* toot.
et: with- k whets tiva.
jolt cause* it to explode and to blow \
*the inseet into the -air« .. -
“Another 'manger 10, wtoifii
..„:/tlit.q'Pl?.:)PrtY of c'plc
0,,voildwiught litoo:t 0
atitl lots
Iing isittriJor*If'
to rforsto. pcn
liivoo cp. !'00
totifesicts taq
• forthe',.' '
';* tb