HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-11-18, Page 2•*•
eLufJo :fdin.gmimt 1-
91 t n 114
cr they are four
alv te
.alves aft
jsa'*ntage in thus forc-
traduction to you LLfter
-efwa1 t� Meet. Me.
een repre
black0$1400p of
am bilged t
tho last fe
list; tha
r*nsgressor 15
ly regret the
know o
nted to you,
10, family, ind
o the'imPeac
extent. Butchoir;
Oars X have begun
way of I
and to sl
ante to know,
, end curio
11 01 peOple, arnong whoii
1 Mr. Royalstrn
ecured an ntroductrn
vill bo. verybappy
tt griturned O I 4 leavefe
art were too full to
is taving t as
r having4t°11 made
tirough the wd, were
King looked u All ar
ou .verBiofl, and should have regarcied
00 u..itlou
in ‘th inc. shrunk0
v lit
e yon teen annoyed?"
oW,Plog at the 1,t.1.40.a
her reeen companion.
Ile ;be batsee° very affab
rceable" the
uiilk was
estion i linpa4re
kim milk wh011Y
beinggerni4aden from
long belore „
de ends n the
when . you start in
four mouths
111) 1d. , a lot(1°
aIUs ondition
o feed M at
oxne inay be
:E Iargo size
eT0.1 YV3 *
n rks ..
on DOozz:zitc 0
ns01 sPaafrying-pans
ation Jwt.' f bacon * ,
Barne QwtL of butter . *
ec - I The
d '''P'ea eca 04
bay ' Is high ... , , and
* brguP '
itS, Idale,.' gots, any
not givv, the
and sce to. it that. they
13000, A A
'Stones ; of. beef , .
_tones Of mutton
Stones of pork.
Stones of suet
ir parents, of of bein da
neral way, alfalfad
make, generally
awe .for calves the
9 mon$ wcz
ODS geta
.ounds fish.............
p!easant conipanion.
The firit inoment there was a lull
o conversation, the
remarked,ung nn with his
On, X have been re
friend to, solunt for
of an introductien to
essions with averted face, but now
ho liftcd
or eye and gazed stead.,
i- wa-a trying nionleitt for 0,r00
hat sin-bardened men 10 _entirje
t pure, steadfast look that secm-
d to
e relvhis very-soul-
J3ut he played his role very well
converation that had* passed 1
tween .Harold irvingto0 and
id, in Ilehuntali "1 begin
rtfraid at it is not right for
havo Irvington0.1 "
a* you r. itiVe little
0 partS.by weight to one' -of
corn to evory bundred poundr
weight of calf will' be betzt Ulla
most cah'es will
0 feeders ,17US'et4;4:701:QqPlanib:0, $
thatmind feed alone cannot grow
e than it an gvow
Tons of Tobriteo-,-Seap, Bill of
!.1ntil one spencls eon e
the s res TA-difirerTliTrot
great poor -law institutions one
does not realize what ii task it is
ti, feed the Louden ratepayers' pan.
famuly. It is a WOrlewhielt needs
killed and. good organiations- but
here can be 'no doubt that If the'
11 01111
isli I; University.
r: l bas*be
11:' eh
t James
nog fellow—a Cspt. Itotbford, of
the eyill GUST observed;
ni told, tit
quitetbere aro a nnxbe'r of your
Own cotifltrymen
here this fter-
uoon—having been presented by
tit afahassidor. 1114W you met
any of themil°
"No, I have not; but 1 wish that
Iznight," said Estlor, with 14,0tno
a ; "fort although suppose
„too. selLa5
• * good and loyal subject of her vat.
jesty, the queen, I conies 01 a se
yet yearning, now and then, for my
native tend and my Own people."
was wellsumed • c&leulathd
to impoze upon an ens, trust-
natures_ands -mvoluntaribr, thc
compassionate,: conscientious,
began to relent toward bon,
'Still she could not for the look
o - urn; t at convm
of the wronged litothers when he
haLto1d her how a cruel oime had
beenL astened .upon him by the
j*alonsy and spite of this man', An
twithstareding his present Appar-
ent regrets, and her,iiesire to be 1
*tient, her tones we're not eprit cer-
as Idle replied
,'not wish to e erisb •AelingS of en -
ity toward the only living Inem-
bcr of tiltd Irvingtores family. I
can understand that you mut have
4. e
eIUs ia*ia
" tended to in niaking your
op muse
e,one IV
e boneuts, harsdy, torforce.
shod or
ts bas'nu"ntbzirn
hat 4 fall---until-Al
ac- have sleekfat calve, but h
iri tho wool.
• '014 . -are you not a trifle severe
Intl"- cried Esther, ehidifla-
ruardians, says the London, Daily
aiL arenow -,engaged-in dealing..
ith the -reds of ' tenders' sent',
„;Yari0.4,4 :Oontraotorslor
Ii e supply, ot.......provii;l6s coh1'
lothes, and'ether. neeessarie in
*bleb w
s by the late
s e lo *I
good 'dairy cows.lity foflows
that kind of,managernent in the ma..±,
7 jority of eaten. -A 'Calf might far
ot a 'bit of and, as :four le- better have an .hour's run On a win -
1 adviser 1111-miroll-ai, your Iriendtiter day, even in a snowstorm, than
would- 011404 you to -beware tf b kept shut up all -day in a peri.
*But," the man eontinued, u The modern harns are, toan ex
3 re.t0134 331,not guin eakenin ebovine
'nm'ddling• of suc animals aro
there are oral Ainerieani here, , in 1 tin day after day with -
1 wont you to meet some Of out exereise, .during , the VintfOr
theni, Mr. Phelps, 40.441 moriths.,,, It is weakening
The _bare rn
ggest: that
trued mnust b
ions, It •cost
a on the
tion 'of the gus
Uie quantities eon.
enormous dnum
from 31. to 16,(om
via*. lntitutjon
•orate.Whosts n MA, Fin OurtitrOm
AsOni3 st•Skin Ws,*
e 'heeler Thos •Bennott,
• . who lives at 10_A. 1:obeirtt
49,7ciescribes th43.
ki in Mi-inagiranTto
to re-establish some" f
ustrie's or create new
nathin County,
flagons 1.07 years olds top
looting ladle* and old cotnrnuni
cups and Plate ee,teuo-1,-‘
tbe reshyterian chureb. Coe
when some repairs were
It) or $016412t5
tter of tact iteome
suered jntu3ilyt
s dervelo -
St netk, it grew oniiuiiIIy it 4
meth:408 (list oft staleS. Nelfthbors ad,/
At istat iloana e1ief 133,'D.:0.0414
ordingAto..4# 1,04a4t, voquitod-Just 081
• oTeree, utto-: r uoloportio-
n aknQ
if a Million leis t
land, and yet the number of 01
pensioners in Ireland is Itii,e0
4 tire, he . , ---
II you Will 01,11,0* me"to lIst
tyed--exprestion-1.-4What it
America'sJ---ir,)i4.--- 16-verlistilli, En
n in-I--and--i-trust-tha yo
life aiong us may he Ina of sun...
shine and hap iness. '
44Thahlt you,' maid Esthcrbright-
itter—I was ▪ 'nog *nd
been *0' rOndia.te
nd astranger put
. 1 Km sh
you will reign gracefully, ani
cimisly At Irvington Ittnner*
if had 4come into the inhertan
nrar lit! it^ t
site side of the room. A inoment
ter she_was-aelplowledsing the in
t�dnctiofl to the' Amerman arabas.
ecbrd()Ialt17,k, and luttbatS.fTheell'i-4
o his wife and daughter. •
They, in turn,: introduced her to
'e ral other ladieri, who. like
ysten VP'eturirtill%** I a
t'an *4.
winter day and al big it to
rbUnd all da o a *bit it, no
ther-ilinild it be turned- out in a
BO any'sordinary winter
day a. ealt or colt is better out for
an hour or• two than in the barn.
Warm barna lout good
for lw-poor.law--insti
amount to near.
t03. 4
Thbusines . ''su plying
Londonand* suburban workboues
with provisions -gnite s
one, and, $siatifily in the hands o
he pore's,kilis the germs and 01.1rell.
For free sample bottleof 1X -D:
D. Prescription write to the I).
Laboratory, Department WL,
g37ordan St.* 'Toronto,
rtir•sale by all druggists.
millerr;s-illilaintlegda:b*-11,010Triiso far.0,
ty Arthagh, ciit hia wift s throa
and afterioarda,cut ;•T
woman succumbed to her
but the men survives.
At Magherafelt, County Down,.
the Old Age Pension Committee
*nettled 1E4 pensions whieh had
ise been there several
oring my lite; my ,father was
den* with the lett Lord
is uncle. But I 11411 be
you to excuse me, as
"r 114.4.
f�ri[r and
she had not see
,Almost at that
• Mr. lloyairstpuappro*ding her
stecomonied by the man whoseob
resAton had annoyed her in t
teroom before her presentation
Lardy Irvington," the youtig ma
began, , ill.toneealed
TaMmnent, as he reached her
biticompanion ; "it steak Ittra
tlflat, this, duty should fall. upon
but allow me to present to 3,'-oit
Harold Irvington, 'brPthet to the
I *
y'&turncd -t
iug, *ho-
droe inc t.o wor
to stri' tQ retrieve rel 16
this has riot-J*01X
At for rut to make't will you
o me * chance tos. ' tin.
erity of my reformatio ill you,
be my friend and thus. -s help to
met r •
A ain ,EitheiftelltPhed the hand.
t blase, face beforii‘lier.
he &5 a free, from gtirle and
ntkpieion **A little child% and th
wu touttiell by ItiCappa"ifiit
• lity, wbile at the same time she
unactountably repelled by him.
"I will try,'' she said, 'with quiet d
ravity, .and then mentally Chided7,,,
self for the inwardexertion f
eh alto experienced in making
compact Of friendship.
as quick to read her attitude
feeling of irn
n at,
it itould ntiehis an e
-loin the cositidaoce
tire hat othratili so ten
rrnn crintat ttr sit tfata,t, was ci
af the
dor *gain Ptar fore itl
a lady„upon ea& arm and tollowe
by * young Man about eighteen'
pate of age.
4, (To be
MT TEEM ' ALL. • -
* 64,044 -lit
every baby is bori
with 1* mount. No &ho
t ' help.this, even 1
it o. rouratiregul
ijpns pjovidkind, wit o v
birtli ,Tf & cliild is rem. e
(1515 of the munkip*l savings bsnkt
,ball ku a bank -book in the r*id
baby'i nanie. The eity itself- the il
sits mark. (about twent u
.,., „.
ible for • ni • da, ineeet
and weed pests than r
tOffiblIftdit including tats,..Ath
Wye with' suns, •• •
The farmer has *st much ri 1 t s
any 0110 to wear a ood suit of
clot,hes and adorn an u
Owe.' facts it is hi duty to o
t is- duty --ti
g er forthe
feral s so to tit -
ate and dignify he litonnesi that
• man couhL be proud to oty,
.nts). and immediately 'allows, liii1cl
ter,8t.AV'ithithis'nest,egt Ott an. 4.1,14keis agreat
iorities believe that Abe Parents -0f .some,
ic chihl wilt be eneourage& lfl than
babv itself others.Co
f brought to
over lee- degrees
and sealed
it kept in,
ernee in he
ieh more quickly
forms, and a housan on
thing% the public, hardly, suapect
()me the eutlery and tart
oreliants,who also ua
usiness or nu*eLi
getting others to 4o so for
atitities e
zJtsberr alone. the St.
uardian pond $1,210
ia t an exaggeration to
Mlon, ,boards spend
fl tuns, cottons
tbe other articl
ad of bs,'
• i
ids is qzte
is always an interefi
and t it has not yet 1
3 need by tht'eon
two new 800 -foot Ate
aeribed in Popular
Thos are the Olympic
of t hitt.Star Line.
shini are to
an& Titanic
These hu
in lens*
of 44
°flirt seem su
pray...of th
dn*W nth is
risl likey to
did ahe it
,, e had been
1r t ' th 1