Exeter Times., 1909-11-11, Page 2n(,re elite nuiliths, *Is of th above our ose o ostofhee an-Govern- igs banks ainouiitei to decrease of $44424 , . 4) 61V4 ;la' 4 ituro t 1144 On rs spent t 3 uction o ional Trans.,. contiftefltlLl Rai 974,494 on Previo iniirovements to ro4nlbedand roll- interes hhg took on the,,.intercoloin . 1400, on the Rrinco ,co1onii ward .lan-itwy 92,47 .on tar e rate gros debt for tie year wa cornpard ,with', 9 in the ar*. ana the- net rate o t felt from 24110 1,9*. total -refc*Aii'e of the Inter. ilway for tho last -4M2E4000. and tlie nstis-oper- totafled- - LO from the. p 2,4$0,034'.; frc 0 ect and into optured by Detective o rid Tipton al4ent two bouts li t tins bullets „ r, not lose riSACOU$001 100, Year fQr 1111 ity to WaiYC vont inco TIie IIou5e of Coinrnons ascii, ,rmang bUI on it tMrd radio -7 Ttitircid 'i took 4-,0010.41)ltou occ slot! et 'the annim wer how to glorify wo We outs; Jet 40e,outaide. • . an "$44 nck -4>itO140,,; n bag, 4.0,4 '1410V. o$465 ., r the 'be t rados C0flLflOfl COll's ;ran frqi rt an 0 ehoicr sort, its antl rin :ers stead and'ui iv Miners 11 With Cage d $4100tettlir--- espatch fr�ni Cobalt• „says.: v� ininers-rin o -had a miraculou5 esape fro; . f main et o1*fur a Pat�n M j,etwei1 to bo tk School chi ren in land a ,.while going on du nanles_ofthe:toen 'were: •Claude on Mclsaac Olit*s1 Davi, WiTham hidken,d Owl ttirkcy ducks, lb,t14 0 to Be per lb. had fravtures of the leg or ea' All are doingDavis, Who* it fearcd i internaV I nets in -1 0 reiceiv tees mquut re o nitres ight had r*in tlw L1pO!fltCd on Wcdnesday throe ea to tbe 1fg!rd f Eduatioi1 one of the men miff. the first quarter of „a gained eentattonOn the Bard of E4ii- on, and the- news heralded , nzgii women!s. suffrage ranks on night, -was 'welcomed victory. Iri 199i,its‘yorliVillia,m �icfir'3t recognized e T T id of Ilducation and appointed iriembjr. Mayor . McClellan it one ettAr than t e_precedent avta or, on lane rcoo„4.04.... stncsday* 0 - all Otto. twee. Ue eovere little-ove 3,2 leilemetreS (14A inles) in four lieu :Tltlr us. hest reeord was made ,by Farnian arBethany -aviation telil; in, last, when he fortressof 1brenbreitsteifl, which was ilturninated with searchlights* tuakitig feint attacks and then ati1gneSCa1)( the ,fire of special guns. Nothingsmut. lating explosives was dropped, but the Zeppelin airship threw over a bunch ot greetings. by-CoMnt "14 on One Reeipteiit a Canadian* - from Pittmr,g, With the regular falt_ meetin the'''estrnegie Bro Fund Coir sI(U 011 'An Norman J milted suicide at Pittsbul use of Ms inability 1 eat-. • ti , 1CW8 Canadaas the inot di problem to ao1, -and fears according % to the 'official or- ganof the Republican -party. Tlio National -Geographic Soeiety o the United States has passed up- ComMander Pear's rePert of e discovery of Ilia, Pole; and *Ain• award in a gold medal. ,The Court of Appeals of the Pis. riot of Columbia at(irmed the judg. Court- of t dit,ricb adiudgingififerUomprs, ngineer 1i11etI WI Ncw Ositatio,, 4r,t 1. illiasn Diekie, , , er, ofChapleau was acci- dentaily *shot on, \Vednsiy while deer bunting near, Pogumasing,,on tho (L P. A., 1.33, miles west of rt liar- The accident resulted from the gun of a companion being trailed on 'the ground, a twig eatch- in the 'trigger; and the contents tering Diekie's back, causing al- iost instant death. Detteased vows re.----of4ge0414eaitea- n our chiuldren. P officers ot the lerican Vedera- ion, Of:Libor gugty of cotton* o! u*zrtin '12,c per lb+ or la. id ie for twin HOG 0 It% to1.1 er Ib. In ease lots; mess po short Cut, . Efams—Light to ineditriz 11 v L' to lci Airs, , eminnission -tintingy4b0- DOC three_ rnonths. One' award went to a ('a- rnldUtfl,Bertha -Aatteribury4.!:Char,.., o te Air-tireoftiort. were to peoxm in the 'United . • telr. $.31(04,-.23 iilver *ncl 27 .bronze. Medals were :the action of .tottlitea nieeting :of "the'commissionk Of the 1ft heroic act approvedt.fourteen note . neAt, of kits Oceivedthe awards,- , :41k0, ir,e1 ba,t-been 5t0ieflitan shipyard -. An aviator at liatriburg y-, made a thrilling diit rhingisieroplanc sailorst, it is reperted„. were fl Vliarisity Islands. killed- And eaten by cannibals on . the duirt, have in the inst .* _nter wboat Datent M*itobaSttOflSi n to 0f _...0botintv gum, .0g to the destructio AI -rollers, It gs; -.$'42.40.• to $21, th ther of t aye atteudanee. Sir OZie VOOCtiV Oke 446040100 o ror Zredoripk-A: uteri VictorpOs— last -illness, redeir oath Some time 4.80 Mi Aerhilt, the' Americin rnjlilonair4 requested hit physician t aceon party hini-in a voyage. - tor hositatcd, and rernnrked h his practice was worth 1, -week. The man of menet' agreed to give, him ..$1,94000 for th six week& trip and pay alt his ot e VOrt POlt GUM• entinat% AIM Oh "7CA 7t4411145716firrolree --r" ttilr‘nr-..0-itf-of ,....,..1:.........,.. _ hind Pr. dale. of .Bristol, Ei d, was vitictve litAttrort2r4 or curing the diatased knee of is " *laity gentleman. 8011414* 74' e "1 1 P 141 d- 0 largest.t.. trirtfttlen- the la o insi, _ ,.._ _ i r4044tedlt, fee nn ho gtun- ' The * t 7_1121VXMlbr.. _ - t he go. decomposod, was found; bell of Eldi isin :the sta toPto alitertfreeorrec guson laid the t11.6• .);ren:tw'iss'ite of shiPbnilditig zposed .rtee did t aeIl Montrose in inn of, II 0 1)00#1Panr- 'C)wing th tito groat .cleman4. the :chiclelit-Yneatotthave ping tho trees too often, a s roma the trees ore being d :Ved at a-rapia _ ate. thdess new _ 4:hilted fltateS with, b dls to the, to chicle forests Aili-distOirettel Yiteii. ttlit' of. $4i1; — - - , . , will hive no a iele 'Wks:port i raw Ci 40 law* ,000 for fl Marshall -Fie erclisint prince. he''dOettirr h President.,,,MairdeY aftet shot litiffalo.nresented't 'otil It years. 4 ANVIIA:111) YOU CANA0 tArg. _of 1 TtesiehilitLan ., '0* Fre 0 'The srn-is g -o ehI1 espath say: A, nitirdero rnbbery ims---tornm • *ten two men si unita the tailder of t iadisii Xspress, Contriany'aml gc 4alth .40ver 414144. Interin. 'anadian txpres3, offiee at 4 k, the two: men !asked' the r Wiltiam Dobson, tor . *bile. he -*al iookin h the bOoks eta, cal bsnk, lay on ,the count ady wrapped and sealed" to .nt and the istshier was about to Ile express mesterk- g train. Two A CaUW into the trunk was '4ftireigi- iundin tme, and Dobson asked ietn to repeat it. One man did so, d the cashier bent ,down to, get livery book to set it the name 'entered; 'Ais±liss itooPetl doivn nt of th iW 0 niaeovrca Iti.".*Ot More deign( yril Pith p1aer digging not,fi miles from Victoria.-tliggingS, frO Ch coarse go2L41 , in „.,,graintlike , is being taken--4te reported Mining field, will be Shipping i e1intip :to 'Victoria banks in this eriur of the next lissitirsty. ContraCtof lif** 13. Ln The , tamp is. at Sonibrs mysterious Stream midway' een the Zfordass -an • 'the art' win, Width deboUthet * tire. plored avern nf Titante Insight- • The, ,goli,11 found in ma The clpatia*" ttan El) SLkTE T apoii, 110. I to $1.0 , May, .01:%t cash, to $1.02; o. 1 'Nortlicth* %northern', . llorthern, s. - e Orted eteed loAtil are reit r d iP.top condition, is lwrsddcd hero 1 iiigtho Act from othOdstrigifr of being throtticd. by the,Amistkareb644tutt. ,• oitteMilts to tiring. cliilled. beet from Atmtralia have toiled, the tiniet ttf transportation 'heist great Lhe- ed Upon its rot r. o o rc'taty, wihl go ar Fouth African Earl Crewe, Secreta tho Colonies, will be ap ieeroy of India. rnnauticsl ert r4 first kit* tying * orablo interest O� fiarifirra, Rom 'of's- Birthday; fromiTokio says. uf sira-troops, was held neidav inhonorof the. Eraper Marshal Lrd 1ho arrived -hart accoip*n1d hitt Maj"ty %Hug' point., The iirter:tati 6 agiilicant one, 30404 troo dng part inthemanoeuvres. —4, - 4r iUo lower, 0. Whitt, *1,9%. low, 'ago; o.. 0 earn* Ogg o ;:onttia-isex11.80: A Arden. Man, Ott. Vt. .8. S. Bothwell, southetts n waatroyt4l b7 re star, from the Zukon has Joust Musou petimens . n1*f't nn1 but Wer If .'Tramn*n1 Term, flt1* on the Ve.oritistn, slo ' A depatch.trm 1 #af'bre'kers &r1y. urada rroring b'tw tbd,tir, ..0 , n u, *itho, nr.e To vale, th* fit I, to* G'd1r4 411 Sit lit