HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-10-07, Page 8„ •ii or Tailor -Made, fittingorset '-4-0100;: 0-01 Of 4firwiltb-nifirb-areti ors. rtc tinge om $6.50 to $23.00 , . 13ni'Veraatt ful- '1.t 1 ainter*-and decorators__, . . P. *god on Wiitel rI*1-0,/ttellarS telYartga t#a . .. . . _ e Wn Wit Oleee el a,Qmtlr• .attended tot • It. MLLES, S lovely tange d in' • iveott and Kersey cloths; beautifully trinimed with • buttons and velvets. Loose, Semi -fitting and Military --styles4 Let the erls come intand see the new coat styles. They; will like theth. Qualityand.prices are in yourlav. • All the new cloths and,all the\ new shades are on atirs_ot_Antas,.... The new_e_ba.des_Am_ym_prefty. We sbOw Sig distinct shades in the new-Wistenta and all the - 'new Edward Gregns'and fitrtart 13lues„ Come and see e best display of smart Dress Goods in town. e old land. ,We -ssNe yoU all theraiddle names pro te and that* titlite'anitero too. The patterns we show are control- led by onmelyes for Exeter. tionm, and See -them the ideas . - tire w ifl be mutual, welticelo show them.. You'll like to see them Fall dinner sets $3 LaclieS-Fut Lined • _ Coats \ -- - Nearly 50 to choose :froM;. • lined; w* prime*ea 'nedian..,2 `ir • man tririlas e es coats are all mule to our owtt order. We are ehowiog real genuine valttea Ouch as can not be ditplicatedtk the job- bing trade. - Our styles are new and every garment we ecu goes out under a double guarantee. Buy early and get first choice; ,Mr. Fred Ilawkshaw .ieft last Nw lc tor/Toronto. • Misi r4Yrt1e ADatUteei vislte4 Parkbfll last week. Mlss UartaibiiactitePet ,London, .1 trattlaz reari'l.eaVitt, of London, I visiting Tetra: liarry Gould. • Mr. IN'tn.*Arnold.11ate.eold. his race horse to it lady: in valiforitia, Ur. Geo. Stitheriand:-*erel mother. -.1)Wensei1e-vittitzt-40:--.tewn -41endaY_ Mr. 'Walter- Xristeett left last wecl his_brothet 4.1V...in if, a h"Uiabit-lt.tti":'ftiSt-WtrtIC".ttrT(W flume .141a studies at the Loudon Clor ege.# Medicine. , Mr. Thos. Buster', returned trhurs. day overdo; from a 44g -through the old fu.bio 4 ete-meet Jug on the ,Monday evening following, :The new • Pestor. Itv. isikmugt I. 'Sharp„ :ptlacit arid a opea. lil 141410,10. 4r4USIO is being pre.; tared, , •r1,19fr. Janie* been ap- pointed agent roPtiny t Zurcb, shortly for that 'pinto to commeno hie works... Mr. Vilryte, is an exoep- tionaily fiee gentleman'and there in no dottht.' he will -build up fol business. Although not ft f-Xxeter-44rertt-while, re- nd b As,'' sure toat 41. • o Dr. PreScoti Bose, wife and child, ot Idabor -are •iteiting theforincee parents. Mr. and Ms. D. A. 'Boss. Notwithstandin4g the disagreeable Weather -last Friday, a number 1.6301 ,Exetpr attendedibe-1,0-rktonftailv. • Ed.- rowel!, Mrs. 11.. Powell and Mass Cora, yeturned,last wok f,rom the Bend, Where theanent the eum- mere . • ta.t.ema 2,,er .of jurors, 'ars. Morlock 'Is moving. to tier „residence on Mill street, litre'. Jobo., ston, who has been rooting it having - moved to another houtte. . Mr. 3. 0-. lotus spent"a couple of days visiting Dr. and Mrs. Ilarrison, of Detroit. lie was •ftecomparaield borne by Mrs. Ilarrison. sr. •et'-itumbeiresidenti. np their lawns With dirt from tile in 1 dam- property recently purchased the taw% tronl 3..N. Howard.. - Tho-baskethallAnatehLheen-Allo. rad liar-SaturdaY-Citeitin4,-Wita eft on account of the unfavorable weath- im-, • .-Owirwto-the-unfavorable-weatliiif the- work of ..constroeting the new dam was not started last Thursday. • This week will see the work corn- Meneed: purpase.of aran zinga, band. Ever nerson iuterested is expeeted to be T Miss Irekn f Detroit. who --0*.entlr-underVient;otroPeritiri appendicitis. Is viertingThir motile Andremairt her until -she x -e - All -Our -Furs -a Xab-rs her strength. mris. Fred flIT8. or E-xe-ter-Niirthc Itasmourchaiteillroguit1ra,Bartitit,,.. . vost-ot_4.1*-town,i-tornielly- Ar ova, t e property on Ttiarztes • Rowned by Jaes • Moore. N. 110WE wmMrs. Jelin, McMahen and two..third- rep, 'of 'W`inniPem_trecompapie,C. -t-3-mrieloorttorth--P.--0„ "litri.-WMahonts sister., Miss :Steil renhale, are visitirre. their parent*. *.An d renhalet_ nday...wtth o titer. . has :resigned his sin= .r•tka' tr.:1*k- man with the .0. end- expecte to loalfc today for California. London hospital last *week to under,: :go an Operation. •-Thp .0peration was --aornreUlUndar. With----iffespeetti " that 41‘te. Ilarneie will soon be\ahle to Around. • • •\ , Ito. E. A. Fear. will preach\\Stm. ilay School Anniversary services\ at • 'Ise Craig 'next Sunday. Ite.y. Piair7WMF*4----11.-forx char gc 'or the eervtoes.in Main Street Church during the day. '1.3 .1fratEtifir'lle IjlJ'UjJjCJC,oL at Sunday. lick...has just re - the coaat,Itak. Ing in the exhibit at Beattie and eso visiting San Franc!** * Mral Thos. Cregory was urifottutet Ittit--04-Beturday in sustaining * fracl tt.re of her wrist. She srat 'walking ia the 'Orden when .she eliPPed on a bottril, and In falling threw. ant ho rsin to protectlherself, the breokin, ot her wrist resultink, thii $ounx.on of Tboinia Nttebster. „Eiet broken btwcc theaunklr and the knee Tu he rojtir rival Una I .dy morning Stith n Sid Atria, whe • lect-Onse.-tim ott,At-t-n -Monday,Morning wisIi John tillleapiett, out Ottniel's WaSdrh!n for Itattiftttn+ Londn Thiat,ro Dowling mad ooL r-t-igaionf-tlis-eVangelis o-aeo- etary. of -the Y. M. 0. A.• arrived I ' towA Tsestlaz ..orthinZi and Ad" eAt brieficiod-siumber---••-o Y. men in sthe Y. Itt. C. A. room. The meetly woe more for witb the Mtn"; and getting the Cbria- tians upfort-bt---wo* thatis: to follow. Nifeduesday night to speak* to Min and bore, only in the Main Street :Church; ThuredaY ..ttiXht he ndarezses a inectitig_to_. root and . boys in the nmes 'Sty.* ilturala,and Friday nightsho 'speak to every- body in the Mein 'tkt. 'Church.. 110 is a winning kale*, '0; Veasingt- cattiest lie wants tomeetevery' fafl to beak hhn 4 IX here. '-The question'of free ntivertioin doereTtait- wide to Omar mean or to offend hie friends,andYet he -intuit emember that. he has to depend up- on therevenue from his paper to pro.. vide. hie bread and butter ' and no small portion of this revenuemust be emlfait °Ittre.° iti4dardovletrti*itil•that ;;s; hrilenel*eth'sr' an adadesion fee is charged to an en- tertainment Or meeting', we--- charge' for ,a . advertIsip ther I ' '- firat fitao acid ..c mote o 'WO • OVENS EXE AND*4tAll Oaramerelel tact. aclurs 9 a, in; to I.p. (*lose* properly fitted and dbl., see of eye ear l'sle?Et visit V011 .110.012.. etlg NOTICE As I am nowinthe west OA „VP' trits.for my health, my boof eccountet Will not be eollested until, t returit two months hence. A. E. ?YM. . 9-165 • - f TML0144, MA:011 81/1114. -oat ana-mcfrYtitit orddiitasu With Miss Tom, as eh. repreaentti (fading city tailor. DIES MAIM YOUR OWN $3!..13 ' Miss TOM .,ALPNParea to_ t4adies-Drestanairittr • wale they makina their Own-,-tittases.:-Ter The best we fullned coats, extra value tti e. ' P AireW these cheap DreaB Goodi left. A epecla thie.Week only when we wil glye you a, sPeCtal price and Ohambet Set* and odcl P kid f n Poultry taken..., Butter 200 Applea Sc. new seleniltic Aleeoveri-,-a. secretWe antou t linoW and enjoy iettentsee-tbe,manuy- the smoont-seavne„.--conteort • ore of zuor. Teeverseovary en.; obtain.' orgy tneotren the long **Teo, abIeu to Otter you blade of Carbo r Jug diagonal stroke of a „straight bred* e .tattt._ lout _earboax,,,,erbien 'yoii itaturarzer-,6440,--cerno-Itaitoe 14:4!4 and 41411 particulars may be learned 11.7:04111112;' -at her dressrae.iting r0002$ 4nr0 Wilsott aros; store. Also an lap" • prentice wanted. „. FOR SALE • vottage and three lots in Exeter,' being rote Nos, 66, 56 and 67 soutb. of rig Alec rooms utt a good ea. I r also a good .well arid a tette' t . . . loett-garden-ond- frUll'ireee; to, an estate._ Apply to • . ',to seroperty'' has to be anusold tter08:17 G -LA -sum-Am-Y. • ' Exeter, . Ontario. :.......:-...,,,,,.-........ ,., ., r.s.phr FOR 1§4.LE . • -ondred` acres iottf-20'• ea.:20 10th and lith coneesition; of' 'Stet,* hen. The farm has la :octets god ba'dwood bizarr. bank ban 74 x • • vords-___ .10--,_ --+.. ..,, r- unitcr-rorri_4:ienem_tter - m'.'1,--et),:.,e oottbaerltilivEationfr*..e% to7:413'-:c-arn,h-tigo.0; which any porson or organization ex- wcuo, orchard, math Are la good Tilebeetststeollrelere1.ecan_b; 44 '13,0t cxPeeted 'to b -farms. vviii bio so d together • tond-otit-fra of charge the goods he Or separate or will aoi 150 „tort's. should aot be expected to give away • A SMATILIIIA, has for sale: the publisher boa his ad- possession .can be ha,d on Myatt ist, vertising space fax sale and IS -- 1010. it par tic wlah ' to Purchase _ s.byetvteer:th. aset no..baAg_at'All,...11,hat's. his goods. - . , they cao do their plowing now. For 11 .". EuRT s''..t:_9?c_1°.f.../.:54:1!'! nu. . ,...* .,. „ .._,..-farthex------partiettittreetotRit -4:AL7-t .. - b t th. icoult Ir.u„-bc.,... ' if:Snit-4i Col -1Arras. Youn of 13, Mart E 111*---114We knowttr-v -144ga, . 7-41"44144.1 4"'51111114.1. - • .spiltang them or turning the en_ Stays I a agnotIO ItazorS °a 311 Aty0,-.TWatlitiw-noolue4. atid-drett7WdiVd.triii,ibrdii7--E0 isLons bete for Sortie. in ,today 'ankt.get; rk-Otrbo*Itag,s YOu. • ,• - tactic !Razor on 30 ,_This Razor is tempered by a secret e.Isctrio...Procetoo at an aliaolutely avert temperature Or SAO degree* • There. ettit•I0 the hardest vetting. edge Icnowu to setenee..A., blade of otrbo4teettlutt .w.0.4oarantee for tt, Uretinto ot perfect Veer*, nOttoninrirorne AgArba-,_ AtieStaatteicholtli. iktinderinh4.**Por eteat-Veritruction of shoe Owing to otner engagement*. HIS by dogs among the flocks of far illett-t.h*vonetlintit-Thittoodar ,who strittfed are Mr Sainp. noon. Co!...Y0InAtttlied the -cool rir---Paristare•-who 1ot FevrtI, Ir for the return of $1.750 Paul by 'him 'Winer for %Orem they destro34 five On 100 sharet of capiftictockit-IL who company for which he had eubseribed flock tiles, have been at feast three under. about a dozen ethers. The destrUc0, for the s *tin in put ma anytnottey. but th would he carried for bi ir" led baiting O LI'Healsodei a copy of the co md churned that &creta.ry as e law req tt eewerti allod Ori het Indira struck -Ont. thOurylkoU� - Wed the tor himself, finding tto Ye one-atltight-41 he stoat the dogs have escaped and their own- tutil the Vt'S"are unknown. As a- conseguence •C de sin •trod the fieMs tb7 sbcep viltrierg' have for tua weeks been_taking. their /Aeon into -of the meiwugIe la favor h any dismissing -the-net/ow inuff and g. company. Vtf:‘, ht _last ...w,cek_liowever white Mr, ne -flojurth:vms...at Hamilton,- Zartir heard- -the-sheep' .beire ringinginet ond:colled to the betal who 'W--er-6-in ist ra -Itt`the'Utrzi'witb the un found O. dog, madly thesing the' ttiteep;-e-Yerfiritit arukout of the cn- bliing-sur -e-and---trimr, 1175Ther. • Olfford who had the ,gun luelti4 Maki Aged to got tut° aim on the beast and 1 shot him -dead • •thus putting ars., end ' A Gt- on fuira; ,41.!nlitsia„,,yrnt: iie Iry know ;o! and ,s_lifrocitteshl.yiroutvirueuand prorder ..at the milli A Iteactiertary.,•13icrin is some of f • ta at leest one of the vicious trittet. ---.4ntrtl 1-ild--1,0t1----441-*'--" some stilr I found, liefith-tho 110.renti • P3riteirt, ...„,„an,i," bowels trailed OUt tl,m and Earth's autumnal eltitinix -64,40,,'FN.,2" other* again the flesh eaten kern bearing on all this part' or uett)wr** , their shoUldera aud thi.ghs and, the figure that this reattionar The tenipera and tlae barometcr creased cloudiness mi =ins, with .ehengoli in, *hoot the leth Ite4olar Ste= ler wi * . all' and in - result in light' aocr retern. .central Tr- 4 gib to eoverinx 17th. Tbis period etabracta Moon in po&p .04* on the,_.cerestral ,eguator on the • 13tit# strd New Moon on tit .th. About the 12th ileeiti.4 storm eondttions will begin forming In the Ily the I3t1i.and Ilth, the t **tote meterWill :bele" lons„ on eep lacinstry lius dClined- whenFo niany useless ,dogs.are _permitted by the mitnielpality to be kept then by !those wlio. have-. ne Erse' for . them,' 'The enutreil refute* to compensate - the «hcep tivoir$ tor I -without e appl new allit many fa tied what filahle• niter it tea a *hay nth). therwi - he a pro*, Y ORDER A SUIT A for yourself white P:0,4 make you a **veal litt1e as possible and gnats clothe satisfaction fax tbc m than you ,ever had before.