HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-10-07, Page 7t 1 A ea
1 _
I h. ougli wa4hn1.,
7 43, ": llshing
«ept. for extremely soiliid
' soaking binders eleauli..
IQ s rather than helps it
prueeeci lt., pair. When
in, fring to 410 ati
• •
for hira before -the r
Pa rotes
1JYi 1.
went into
sUffering intense' for tour lam
'bort time atter *
.0 44
FOR tamps
ALL�W 14
bcdy •is (M,)xmtat1y giving•
ou 41..the, ,sholm ot, Pets °
4 ti t)141 041$.0004$ •
11441IttlitS6xt i1Oti MCI 446.
If thit
oath is bound
uffer, as the AOUs--xinAtter,
bad$, and is absorbed
••t 0. Therefore, the. Most laygie.
orade is Caught..
Attila Japanese. waters
is the Ori-
cnt1ail fish (211istiophorio oriezt-
general liante,i,given-by
t4i• the -huge dorsal fin
nie underwear is natural tindY*4
• wool. The mere,open the meshes
the better as an absorbent and the
warmer=i)r tlie gainent..
For the 'Want o a ittle
ledge in laundering such woo/
, Alitrugh.
oval), pt in perfect 'oentliti
it one .goes about. it in the ri
In WaShinrall tindy
advant4go - rendering •-•ttieni'
-Etat& 'higher ihalr-C4c1,6- pare 4, lather, always using a•
14(1 :le1'iuusIy-ouiortab1e •.:.i•
lsoVe it and is used as a sail leny for tho. rarpose. : The alkai
• 'it length and--yeW4n.g1:04
4 -ed .le$* ,111WSe o. harm - the - wool.
They sisiim anent 1114144y s‘p i.$,,•140410 thitst.• Shreel the
44114 r411,0i. 44d windy'44'°4- soap finelY, .nsing ends aid bits for
r with, the huge fins above the
, 'the purpose .1' fast cover with water,
and put in a pan'Or plage
is favetripv food fish' and the en the. lakk of Ole stove' until- the
1 t nearly 2 oo0,0op
t t I
tab1cspeonfiilii to eaT:h pow,
bialnkets soak tor * 'few nio.
in thiswater then rub out
inish' through,- tepid
as been -added as
much bluet Will -Make the
blanketsa good color., .
Dry as quickly as pos -but
tu the air rather than by rtiffcia1
!teat. --Shape o. the -liue-so
i-r)frig win, not be needed. Iron.
indeed, shrinks woollens near-
ef the -wind. It is a large fish xxx the _aoapily 18; moo, modified
irnrpo2, al
An�ther food fish .known as
deXpili or dorado is sometimes
caught in a euriotti way. The fish=
"emagiegaWunder----ts=deeor bus
I kept lone. Use he proportion
et a quarter of is Poprid of soap to
one .quart of water. It should be
le area iuski:4.1.fore, washing da
and. raft made of bamboos andl tO be ready forwuse. •
otatoes,-- t 0114
-cute er
red radiSlies cut th,zi Mi
• t'$1t)
put in salad bowl, t one- large
ripe tomato thin Slices on top
with, a few "'=”4p
-Cover witirlAyped-or.
. • Delicious - -two,
heads of eelery, one cupful of Eng
hsh walnuts, and six good ,size
tart applea. Cut 'apples and nuts
fine 4,40 just bef servi add the
810 then caught by hooks l'itait See that the ivatot only a M-
t more thaii boat; work up
witit squids Or the id b h
eeoy us IS
•surrounded by eine net and the lather' with the hand, , add a
e tablesPoonful to
4.lt_- jEL tb zilloo,:anee
�ftie liter wath sticks.
rbia telt is eaten both frela and salt
as as great a favorite in west
n Iapara....as_the salmon is the
• rtheast.
OW Marriages are Aeranged Away
'Out in Alaska.
North-Western Alaska,. one • secs a
and- Priingw ht the garment. ever
rub on .soap or ran between the
hands. "lather shake about in the
water, using' A squeezing sort ot
motion. Squeeze out of this first
water,.-Lturn-and ifIlirty-put into-
Second,wat_f3r with 'rather less_ soak
jelly and .no (ammonia. Pass
through this water in the same
way, then into clean, warm water
to rinsing. A tablespoonful of
Itimierttay- -1*----add0110---the rips -
frig. water.- Pass-thretigh- the wain
Take one-half t ul I
toe teaspoonful of 0our, two -eggs
(yolks only), three-quarters of mils-
ar two lablesrloonfuls. of -saga- -
o a tespoonfit s butter,.' - 521
e-quarter.cupful of vinegar': 'Mix
the dry ingredients with the but-
ter, add *yolk of eggs, thin cream,
and vinegar, and boa. .
Chestnut Salad.. --Soak a cupful
o 'theittiuts-ia-.in-olive oil for
'one hour. Then adOl-irlifigirr
shredded celery isnd a few olivr
Coiter with salad dreAsing and "s'erv'e
or. lettuce leaves. A little cress is
whet. Salad. -Talcf two large
fresh cucumbers. .Crisp in ice
water, ;2 -Peel antteut in small -cubes,
add onecupful of thepped cabbage,
one-haff cupful of grated earrots;
ifti• wit' -half-- th-i-Tiftlettelr
dresrng An;-- ra *r v
u rn 5
n gra
othi surfo 'icing.
can, line sandpaPer ea u
Th the same way. The Cake s
c handled. delieately and not un-
til 40,1 .)r-- -w* Ilan and turn
ree �n the ,
brown <I burnt
on the as •I,V611 AS bOtt0111,
particularly in small akes, *over
the sides as well as p -with
It you all hen and
II al n
-at of look p the
6 dishes as ithey coma -out al
ter It course "purehase. a- 417411
cutting, table and saw the legs. off,
b •
kitcheirehairia a
the back off, 'so that this eai be
slipped under both tables. Thus
dishes ean plaeed on the eatting
table, and in under the kitehen
table until needed, and the ehair
6411, be .placed in and -Oilt AS
sired. '
Rang °its, convenient nail inour
"tehen air .of sharp iu
WWS it
the ruts from slie(---iirotbacon, m.
ailing the edges as they fry tor pre.
vent eurling.
Trim ,the -edges of -your steak be--
especially the rings, With marrow
inclosed. All these can be utilized
111 soup. Cut off the green .0:Ts of
eelery and dry oven.
When lining pie tints with 'pastry
trim the margin with your shears;
also out ot,penipts_in orust tot
I -of -steam "eseape.
Cat YPUt "leftovers" of meat for
;neat pie in strips,ror cubes, thus
,sayhig- inany„,a_cut 4)ri the In crs
as ilitRViliarp kW, Vag -CVO
• usedi----When-elitting--eelery-fee-sal
ads, etc., alwaya lite shears.. '
X e-loifgre
Th k two families may be living
--,*.elose together, yet the mother of.
this yonng-rnao will call' en her
has intended to 'be More neighbor.. •
been so busy.
The neighbor Axil' declare how
• the vIsitor begins to tell how good
r 'sortrarlher,: they nevtr
o-EurtgrY, son is melt a
penty ,
Th_ ri's maker, in retur
fates on her 'daughter's skill
i'eolokortidlitragroodirhols-itt sw
It is finally decided that the
-,..-40ungLmate--sitair enter *Ike erlii
family ea a sort of trial... If the
4r1- turns' up her nose and 'Makes
aces he inay as well Wave, as the
tinntelt will never *mount to AttY.
thing; but should she greet hitt
'th an oceasional smile...and • al.
him' to it by lier side in the
all be elear sathng
1 r• 'Moisture can be siakeii
out Zrid the shaking. also raises the
pile of -the Wool and makes. it soft
and _cozy. • Indeed, lightknitted
that such thirls • „era, pulled into
heir-nab:trot slow. 1;reflire dry,
d hang in the air,. but not"in
tied to,do ,not hang" tee near
ihe fiiIf
re.ar. ntoo lereat,..a.„heat.,,,
the slightest at -earn arises fromthe
in" aii hard as
they can •
in regard he steeping of flan.
us 25 ii'cesary
w 40,0110 or body woollens that
are greasy and ballot ,&rspiratio
'MakeXlatliett WktiCifiWielt-Y4
arninonia, pet in the article and
sttcp .for half arr °hour with the
cover On, Use the water for the
first washing. This process gets
all the sulphur dressing out,of the
One or IV6 pecaitionst !Neve
ue 1
1,; :
nise the s
a fr.', # ":111
is h I thou
lose -their •color. PJune into cold
water, • skin, and slice, then dice
and .cetribine with equal quantities
leed--testerr-and-trats-,---, meat
with several finely nilneed new on-
ion.- Arrange in * nest of crisp
1ettitc leaves and strive. with a rich
decipher, u o wit the
lany 4
VXXI, Norden -a- agarme.'' at•
sticcessfullY copied with the camera
the utterly faded "photograph of a
chosinate o forty nars previous•
undiseover eye, ,ap.
Ipear with distinctn-
ess on the ten.
sitive pinto. and ; it is • said that.
lot (jr oso, cold, just tepid, h.
iug gel tinging and all at the sane
tenperature Too much soap I a'
en and discolors. It possible wab
thinghe about et they
Iai the ds �f our gtan4mot
&. sprng blanket waking' was
ro of an undertaking. than
now. The **sting of
(*fl Tie quitr rnply *11
k u
mix one.half pint et
ith it. Serve on a
tin& and:- Tonne. -String
and wash three, pints of green
beaus, Drop, into a 'kettle of bell-
'ite(' water and took for for.
inutes. Now *&I two.pints 01
zeen 'corn shaved from .cob, and
LoiL for. -thirty ,minutes longer. Sea-
sowith blaelgitt
•poonful of flour blenrled withlum
elieed thin. baking dish with
talternate loye
tongue and
ticcotash, add one cupfuI or boil.
g - atcr 'bike in i1ow Jove
ne heur„ or It inaV he hakci in a
.ae'ks toOker. This dish with
)tilled slieed tomateest:* fruat e»,
take forms a delicious, ineal.
ookiinit Round Steak...tfow
stk. out Oree,,ttuartetLci an int
se has hereby given;
The earner*, takes pictures of
thlijectii- which eatillOt-he macle to
those lc _eye, of man has nw
er seep. " The human cye Oatn• Pe
e rate space no obthirther .113 ho
eye of the camera will
,the -sky for hours, looking deeper
aid seelYit -10tift`Ifitlft'ts0
that, passe*,*
Through this attribute of the 6461.
era icgteatielutrt of the heavens is
.now being made. In this work die.
tiguished istionottiers- and Photo;-
graphert throughout the world are
-0 Yet' not one in .3,
hu * red of the stars already plain -
•. .. ,
u OA bet't•.,e 11
i fora 5
fling Lo, the Jevis o hitt
,,but. t ore bitter of his`foes
plotted to take his: lifo. News o
this being. carried to the *Mot *AP.
tato by PoilIN -nephew, ae.
meats., were -made toelatil ret
ranaterence by night tti44r ill
aid, to Colaarea, the abode- the
Boman g ernor,
hoter v
w the certain
4 440easedr-iii a Rom
s. ben
iustio --was
A grot a
oity a .guarKi Of sev ne to
. . .
s no-
ullicient, That Ialoas aught
necessary to isot, out With 4 Itetath.
went of tc1,4r,h4ltdm4 and teventY
bolts the . desperate 'state •of the
'Ovjueo.,....,Titeo., • diet:4 '
everywhere,owing to the and
cruelty Of iFellx.
were initqlr *winces
at. Oilioia-Judtft
o 2suporior 'bovine
Iiiis 'iliac w u n
-t1nt1 the ase eatne within his j
r's-t- '1'7' 'in t ts ef:r '11 -cdu-441 ni tht 0 •
BIM:act' of
r, after that
d * t r.
il N
speedy reier i e9ifiatinole"AeVtorei
now cured f this
draabut.1 sii nritintatityt.torThoilflboillittiisittcsmoustoll: ,
I ,
ommend it highly for the curt
A is not a new and marls& remedy.
for.' lalorettiur010"To
sak substitutee.• They're
The chief the
couneil----Thee were, of coursei.the
Chief religions authorities, tiel the
eulty was -a -religious .one. The
, Chapter 23, verse 42, 'Ananias,
Bt held the high 'priesthood trent
A D. 41,0 59„ and was noted for
hisi...),iolenee of. temper,
To smite tilioLtreat.
Ment of our Lord (John 1.11.'22)In
Paul's ease the blow was strucki
either lieeirtme .he, behig /a-prison-
rm.a helot' (iv,,SVaa-Ailkt-
t e eons .0 utript
oua language.
3. God ,shall smite the This
to 3atto_ea Annul
pie hecy-- Waf$ fulfilled, according
as meta Comport, -
ton is often made between this ut..
teranee and that of Jesus when
,onnilarily provoked.
- Thou whitei.U**11---Expression for
:hantegeor:oteltacriltime`ultewt4ealNiF4 i'lliwnnorirdwehritoh:
the semblance 'justice, but was
really 'nest nov• a,. .
Contrar,y law.--Yrom. John 7
5r Tfi ne,
ight•-••:to-ba---heard --before--bei
judged,- - -
.5. I know not . he was high
'priest......A- plausible explanation of
this agnorance_is_that Paul was
tioubled With defective eye'ight.
-Both the ver ono.
' that the apos clOse
tied.. This palace was built by
erod as IC, refa,4enee ▪ ant
tors must- - Q
ose of Relijc
-Dead Ilasseagers.
gers that ever - sailed from New
York on one steamer loft recently
n board the Shimosa bound for
China, .<liougli the sShiniiisn.
no means a large ship, she car-
ried on this trip nearly 8,000 pas-
Then 8,tX)0 • assen r towever,
'First .111-entie ed hi llitory in 11
B. C. Knee Returned '•
- • If Tlittese----- --
Astronomers are .often asked if
they are not swan e.vecting fine
omet. They always answer no;
eau'se with one exeeption,_ all, the
fine 4nets belong to the tinexpect,
ed clasS. s one "cception is
emet. Its periodyearaid-it is due i18:It5T
is Va
arante was -in
*. when ;t was said to have be
swor for ..several weeks...prior to
he death of .Agripia, nee,
eturneet..24 tunes.
We have a drawing #1,5 it **Pear -
ed 984 1\tureinburg Chron-
re attorof
pie reasoni4-they were 4164 Eat!)
in Ids calla they were packed be.: -
tweet), decks.
The Chitrese have a firan belief
soil their chances of reaeh.
lug their beavers are very small. Of
course, if he 6414 a Chinaman 'al-
ways pref4ars to dic'. in his own
eountry. 4litt it this is inipostible, -
he must. at least be buried there.
So the-bedies of Ohinamen in all
or1d are final! laid
. During `u"f Chin
s It etinat,
itman'i altre d' ars a srnall sum
gtry to a some y w.ic guar -
burial atittation-lAten-
nows that, when the 041 comes
him, Although he may be tempor-
l• laid in alien, soil,- his remains •
n 'war his.,tatterherid
belief best
roastpoi-k, ehieken,
due' provision.
detect.- Paul's
b4tween the two
means, Of sett
the dead. tipon
Pharisees' faith
rested •
to 111
a4tlueee4 considered
se ortherivalry
arties was simply
ng a hearingfor
which both the
and ,Christianity
rn in pieces-- his si)cech 1'8
had% won the sympatby of thc'
Pharisees, and his person, cons-
tion betparties.
The ookliersThty were prese
I 'mei, oWing, to the 'totei
state f the populaee.
nyllear.witness 4160 at Some'
This. was the great desire of the
\APottlela life (compare nom. 1, 11
Ana Acts40. 21);
It, The Jews banded theinse v
cprihibl t
party he list le
(Acts T invoked the
vengeltitee of' OW, Upon tlient•if
they failed to carry out ticir put,
14, 6
to the thief priest*
elders --The mayority
• — f
feesethw% unquestionably .441; the
Saddacee party and -would use
their lauettee..with the council to
have the captain bring Paul one*
risilefore them•
, tWO,
the tirru"that it-tofet-OId
quest of ANTilliam the. Conqueror•
iSimitarly in 1ir it foretold the
death of 'Philip Avistus of France.
/ .
In iga- it was a saperbobjet,
appearing about the time the Turks
weivobservod by ,tho Astronomer.
Edmund, liallf% who computed its
'orbit on the plan sit
a. 4r.
1 ,y knew that he wouli
"o see the verification
iction-he was born in if
lielett'ii Somewhat piai
aswell as-pattiotte appeal,
Mm: "Wherefore if it aliA
turn aeotaing to our
pre -
about the icar_of21`,754Iran
ste that
by in Englishman" Th -e
reappeared Cb' nom**
it last, return in 135
fine ()beet with a tall 30 c
to length. Neverthelemi it -
appointing and by 60 Me**
in bri1Iiany to ,111' earlier
ar traerdinary the
bt-ing a young Irian named Stephen
Toth, who had been drinking, /how.
iloatriazovasarliely. The gypq
1,4na as discoursing lively strains,
when Toth taiddeuly •called tbo leacts
y tunes,"
p oe45*1.1 t rho: rwa
Mare unchre f Ch
tik A moment later
ime MHO
zie thouand niovsble kthens
ivC been 44r4er
fli Each kithen oonsists of *
ur.wheeled vehicle drawn hy,two
sea -and weighing about half a
s, an oven, clip-
. „
*tient- otner
in he field.
y tk
'.11 bdskezk
J1c4i4 k
ii hav
thurngb1p b*kn thft*
1 rItnitybepreparc4t
itn rdittary tub,
v and ‘feovo. witb
q tionnej pfloa
the, stov
;at -th
that p'rhaps this id
stleruslleM, ts his
19. The ehif eaptain
hie-hitist Paul Wit*
so.." nittrzsar
r "but
-ken *a
14 I pieces,