HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-10-07, Page 6rfor,i7-1 of 'rnin1e.d (Us - r s, 1 have ,plaYed f.eavesdrop for onto in my life, and I not caje what you thinktof mo f .the enraged lg sionate vehemence. thought you were faltered her companion. "I know ou did -I was in my •ro 11.0W -a4.41.141 -r' fiea you tell Donald you want- ee a private talk with him here I knew that, the uors between the reception-remn and--thisTwere---not ttAllta.4$41c,(1;4k4 4'444'4;. h1741 *otild hear 'for -mull in recreant lover's opinion of me, ,for Iknew'We:1r fair s wanted to say to him," Miss' Dex- ter explained. . "It was not quite the ri.hb thin a er, witli :411n-ut(4.13 jh-4e!Oos.suldbe cultivat .th.o belle pursued, ."and probably sPare no effort tor ,ettelfeli that ' Douala' told if, there is whore A big deo eonies in -if she cares enough for hint-torlrerirl w stAVit that adoring ook his eyes yesterday, as they rested Open her, I eould have set my heel upon her 'love • .1 n 0 Vali' no 4 e eltd ' n y . n the 4:10.1 . , , ,.-, . t ,ered aboit - ointed lyak t . able, cdnel;Sa „rt.; La taster and Marjorie,' W. tho latter looking eXpeetell. I e inh 'a l'-tigtir .0-0°';r: l' e ink -cash- ' lv to '" o the hour 'pass AS delight/11d- I titi X) .4441.440-044.11"..Waikt 1 e -aitsPooted, front tho tender glances that the mother bestowed upon. her .sert, or . from her fond tone when -addressing him,. that e..$* --41,4-41.0 ror) ha Q, prcvious, ,ort1iat 'She *ea secretly b1.4.111319.11,-tt.tiopk,.-iiii-baximutfg aut) crnsti. the :girl fie loved, - They 4tigit.feo. over:Ito for vvoortp seemed, unusually - jolly, dwhen- naily .-- oso t -o crucl turo," said her cempanyin you--know-that jealgusris ELS cruel as the grave," was -the ood res onse. w. 4,1143-a "I know it,- and'I have no ewes- : s wanted -TO.' OW just how I stand with °Don- akL' Truly,„,..readeaa, your- son(MN lertains strangw-icteas---,regarding - --honor toallow-me to beliemfor-the lrftSt ten years that ho intended to marry me, and then leave._ mein .the lurch like, this!" the beauty 'evraplained, with a, sudden pout. - Mrs.' Lanwtor flush hod "Wby! did I never tell you aboub tiWir &Whit railway accident at Oakland, vixen: he was returning from. California, about two years go,and .oamo sck-noar losing his 11/ "I knew -that there wa wey-aeoderat anctthat he AS Vurt, but I never leareed the 'particu- lars." "Well, really, a thoueen ffmei-iat-hifr sit iii iithi r:0,9 genial atmosphere than bury...my- self in my sanctum among my mils - ;cid taw books." - -41hzealetifon, , tinted" saucy--Mar- toss -ef-lte---- 1:rreft'y, bleu: ead; Thi.. -glad to know that you appreciate your sur- roundings.," _ehcep should tb-e1A vory r should have orcooccei;40;e:44:149 rehaasvoif ill, he infertpr eW5- so keep Improvioritho,.11 Keep the ram in a dr iilirreStin t1';'1) a r W411. ' • Seven. or eight; theeTt wifl pasture wher-e one cow would/ Ioroza this ion cart tell bow many sheep you al interest the kingdora *aria has established agrleultu al schoohi "ii almost every town,' ys, z faller of Munich, .Germany. est\ sch9O1s. are, in 1014. 4C1,*,ef ers'who in,e4ditiore to a*n es, rinstry, pbysi °faciaand natural' history At time when .nothing -is doing in tho fields,. from November to March, these schools are \open, and the r;:tt n ro es of 8 ittui * 11 T.1 All WitS ra1104” \ for ftwieus:041:10,0110 ftet044.:11 t might be' earved. conaoq en colnpellcd 1 se sever 0 h twenty-fivigo';'ens.' TILE 4TABERT. XEX011TAL. vu-lrave,,-.any-patchee .M. 1an3 re weedy, teem thenl_at a ;he sheep, 42.---elmuce at thein y will trim thek „up in shor t icrWntl- -the t hem - 4/, -1 0 0 pot anew the dealer to come it and. sort out the largest and finest lambs and leave' the etills mettiniiiiiiiners sell their -fmedsuircper-head_early in he sonc-ThiSTdeiler will call when ho needs laPlhe and sort out the best and never eome to get the mailer elms tit all. ingust she experienced -in Tearful- cold, and haa rain fever viow f- the rude speech that had in its worst form. Fate east him just offended her aristecratic. ears. into the home of this girl. who But she had set her heart upon nursed him for weeks. 'Donald in- tWeepirg -Dexter millions into sista that he owes his lite -to her; 'zig'14aneaster coffers, if by any and so I suPpose that interthifies possibility she could -achieve such his sentiment for her,while there -A result. is no doubt in my mind that she SG, curbing her irritation -over made the -most of her. opportunity - ._ • &aimed out of thc co,r?emr f her eye at Donald, and was 300 in sea- son to catch the slight simile„thet, for an instant, curled _his' flexible The slight *loused all the demon in her. - ,"He even dares to,nrOelOt reel"' the said -to-herself, in a terrible . , g ._ _,,,, ,,,.• , ... It- revers - -sometime,then it.i.:iiiii he my turn to mock athini." .. IBut she allowed no sign of her rage tobecome apparent; but, turning from Mrs. Lancaster UT hint, she sweetly observed: "Donald, T WORdel if your en- gagements to -day will permit you te take meto,see that picture that is talked of.. so muchl'7. • • "I think so, Marjorie," he ,re..- lliestpi.,wAh MatiY 'comPtia-W- • . "I have an -itPiitiintn-Te-nt . or en. evening, and her -displeasure at leaving her an orphan. ,She is• re- laring her idelized. son: so triti- lated to the Outruns:ins,and it .was cued, she, set herself to soothe the arranged that She should tome to spoiled beauty's ruffled- plifinage. New Yerk to live as the ward Of "Dear -Marjorie, I do not wonder Mr. .Cusinnon, whoa yeu one* met that-yon-am-woundeili"---siergettly-- here..-Scr-shircame-oir-ander the rtomarked, as she wool; to her side -fare of .Don and an old lady -ea - and fondly slipped her arm around other patient who hid escaped the_grrra slender -b•-aist.... "It eer- "-Emir), the -same -disaster. After the- tainly was very' taifortirtiate • that 'death of- Mr. 'Cushman, thieve, was' you sh'oirld overhear Donald's con- wino trouble hetweeh the girl and .versation with me, but do not lay it Mrs. Cushman. wheren,..0 I * 1410 iiiiierf4711eifirrTirr retiefliave - - ,L.helieve,that e;np Viat-*K—U '-frilliiilaVV-411MI4rtii--1-6171eierred4filit740*11-14ittitb , *ri interposed, with exceeding baud. * But what is yoiir plan for rness;--441e has been hard, hit by ketiking up this entaligienierit that rnisera.ble little beggar. 'Ha she concluded, eagerl • • er..44-thismowl4e1i s a go to see the reale af New IL'es_k_l_,Ske„tirane..4......,-_-__Blvid—,41.1.8„ --soltfeen &non, sacred four lain- thoughtfully, "and X will mike her .;ttred I Mrs. 14aneaster, I give you understand,.plainly, that she is no oy of your future- ' daughter -in- fit mate for insr son. Of course,I taw with her st I nd- 'Mar r.e-lk.arjorie -donl-ithild... VIA cpilte, to distraction,' 0144 the thought of having all her dear. lost projects overthrown. "I will itavo_no daughter-I-44*w butiyout , tear , you -Shia win him 3et, and - Make", iepetto all the ..harsh 'believe, if we use tact, we shall he ,Aible to bring him to his senses. Tclfu. 1411 help me, will -you' not, Ilarjoriel You Jove him well notigh, do you not, to join mo in wide plan': to •_prevent. himfrom throwunr himself away' upon- this elthed_little nobody 1" ll'APTEft XXIT. , .hirni" refloated Marjorie Dexter, with startling vittemence. "You cannot conceive how love woidd almost 'fell my birth. - right, to win hini--,ti) win even JOiie s'ach es he he4towed upon tioA, Ii yecterday, Ifeavriorthittlfrar , 41rovei:OrNild to see thorn fp- ',cohort While his rhapsodies' to, night e matidenins.' -"IT 16es *bent- strangely1 nate ." s.aid' • o dict.ribLkna -an have progiessed between them but 1 think I *halt be iak r realize her insignificance a .toAfrodo-botsirf " to my commands to relinquish all claim upon him." , "Ithink you will, too," her4zont. 4ioUseiIjoyment, in her eyes. '31 lir- ing who has it. in her power- to make another feel so small aliti mean when you have your stilts and War paint Jon. I should 'like toJo behind the stenos and, the squelching act. 1#,V1ten,wi11 your resolve into execti- .toonflett ;textual " -teinniands tor ii thirmorniregV,. YOU; Don,: I *Clad liko. browsing animals, living in SWAIM° *11 pasture and in winter on dried herbage:or on, the oft •sprouts of ..lualiet, • We de .net..thango_the an- tural habits' of tititualo by 4004057. tication to any such extent as to alter their feeding' or Ittodei of life. Shoop cannob_feed on ,7;---sou'r- food; y h f re rlso --•w&tery- iiiy U4 A a V•a : * ,,t 10 proper tation rk, of ero n the same la gdoni 4191)118h- t $ ous 417. it gee se ' atien andthernising- • an) made ,aequainte4,1' rnpi1ovcfltentsA14---new in o even in le winter 0 main in 'best condition. That the sheep of Great Britdin have become the fin- est in the world- FS the =result of the cermitozi practice of feeding roots 'during winter. This succulent feeding, for the simmer, Shows in extel- loneo of Meat as well,as of fleece. FARM NOTES. . Drawin out of the soil without 91znert.... ..aticp,to ton_of_xttich can he „resoIk, mended. 'They are taught the•rudi. Ix:tents-Tot ---booklreeping-trn&-othrr ImitttiOretalictiotolo4/0 esagAtialfor the up to date farmer. -gin-the-spring after these lulu.' workin the fields it beedmesthe-dutyof the teachers who instructed them dur- ing the winter to travel from coun- ty to *emits, and to net as advisers te the farmers iiek good results arotitid to 'Arnold, Inc that Turkish rug which 1 1o4k- d at yesterday.. Your judgment of etteh things is good,irand might o e ide it, s 'us what "Now, Aunt Ethel, you can. call et without-iae _tear of .Tiinning Against: snag," Dexter rkedr laugh,. as the door ,closed'after their reeent companion. nn<lerstana„ dear, and you Managed the arramgement very tievtrin," Irs. Lancaster returned **he, eel' Two hours later her nt care rioe_irollott Into the stre where Lore Ltonald Int on o porturiity to se her," the matron replied, re, -"But what excuse will you make for seeking tuttran interviewyron surely 4.1ob not want *Monter -that° yoii feir, your roil is going, to m 1101,0831 you are, sure lit has teti Pr to hope Ito will," ltfisl hserved, noi t °firsts. riot. But 1 ientlyt given her an order me atrons,-, bon (To - pined.) El coma= PLAT. he and caro of supti animals. Anyone not fauilliar with the,use fo;i4i4plittrie-etitHrtitl--befter-tea. it atone, and buyfertilizer. from a, ,compotont-AaufActurer, There, is usually on the .farin no means for thoroughly mixing the void hones, and on the thoroughness -of thi work success will jEs.0 .14-valuable,elements-talces stable =allure immediate, -mav ,so good *gain.13 Josi is email when the manure i kept under coverand spres4 out but when put ,t41.4.!1,fgert Inebtatti011 1104 itee iiig iiTe4 in and 'becomes material waste in the „ bor and inaterisi Is affected when it is hauled: tlirectly, to the field.. We Would 4,01 -to say to all Utm- ost and those interesW in poultry - raising, i(lo not try to breed the the, prattkaL---ikete the practical first; .then see what you ettat_clo, with the fanci But we dock for practical purpose, by *11 means, getting new 0043 *pleb year tt.o 014 virr to fie young chicks, remembering what hos been done One man can **Wile? done 4140 Ibo of as so Iona eiences been raised at ,Iast I. It be sT tem has been 'Verteeted that reve*is witb reasonable iteentaer the efiaraoter, and ,dIspositiOnot an ,indivIdual. and ao outlines 'the lite tiw-soisist4--in-aroidlteitlerrere andleklotd. yarltag.11 of nortunitleal- wan win) 'has for twenty twenty- ars- bcen Win* into -the ntrateries the occuit. rn*ki!g s. seientite ettuly ot the vortoo.rortbotin, reading the tires of 14134.1:11%$ gid'erol 1Z:21;ta: 1,dese1sors., Letter* ar naming into !rhhre- lri offte fro I pr of the,worldtellinaot "tit* -4021/6% 10 OSt-pro%ided xiven. 13..CM t it is asserted that Queen . rias tivrite 'ontriKtieW rat-PaitiOuntz-Vhe-frIbcrt--- _ ii11-.is really 1144---4,---t-10--Albert litlentaroti, for it was alter the hibition of I8i that Prince -Albert proposed the .,erection a .great 1 hallof rouge,' and -when he had passed away a nationalsubscriptxon was, raised to carry out his wish* A grateful nation, t000subserib- ed $225,000 for the crottion the y piac Ica suggostaon to the farm- m&n tii *vire :'i to .te.,eue talonoeto *a: °ori., 1 ihrt 050 000 -$pent ow I, that every .ers they induce, them to make 1 W buthe Modoettr assortg. t what OVer, able improvements in the OW , i ingot guttural law,. . I ' 0 . ..,,, ' -e. itatue ''-i-1111Park 'was- rais- ThIlVtilarieidref40710.18.0*: ell. er htlrisc-io label .11/11t11-7)r!nifire.,1,4:01title'lluic_wolgrloidnelotallbYtetrkilse‘tei(Ltitretrirt::::'it:t:Stiekileltttettfue;.'21444, el:ohlitt--%:'Isomenlict-='44, icloriler12' ,,,, ,pci 1,.. ..: 'form -Co--ciperattve clubs for the aetter. iloom- A joint interests -of .4 Auttiker of farm- I lose rIr'obiAntiraiti, e to _tabor read- • And this% w4' .S.' net the only honor °tilt eintbcolieto-aut11Fr6ketitatint: itt°1,1 rrt trait. till1111.444Z"414111trilrlr.:rtoll' Eht7i#442 trglertir1.11(lohne to tthe itplemoryt 21:WetiliitiLtsosan.,t':, ,- -.- --, .. , : T-304,tettaritrx - . .. . - Paull$ Fraritrelirs1 ioutheran Chureb In a X-0 ange cos 0 ) 11 , .1V I Might. prove et interest to thein - later '441Roirox. xi .re argon gt other memor1018 t , 030 bora. Then visits and .lectures to certainly:: the grrai,est Arevinilat and. mast- ,g 1,34 entirely er at TOur Dri:4014W YFeryorn consAlting gleav. E0.4autter ttlight. be, -rept ' the different districts are you will .nutriel1 .11t th0 earteetatOSS Pf",-t: e areli ' the north :otdo of free to the people, since the Slate r I d 1 adi fk 4 . hon .. assumes all expenses. There is vice: The znoktoatter corresretzttical • wilt corimat YOU .nave in St. Pexil's -Cathedral, winen -4 43104 *the ..(,01,ta. in thp aain .,ndinE with .. , cost $100,000, 'ted the college ne world in hieb s much is done -by ,n,routtrerl'off,,* 46-4litah,"1.1 nf,,°,,,,,x' a"{lh'u'sit- 4" 't11° .°41"°°11 the SLAW for -its- rural inhs.bitants iiiiieirt- ie. - .. It Oord Tour lintei month -Old Avar -0 • •' -r a G a ^ Eons of taxers on Which* 41300 ... at; is the case in Bavaria.... • Other lot birth. ;Ante whether lir.. Mr". or M. was spent., German States; have these agri- 04;ra goondorrrolltrintrbV°111°wing. .1'mo in relir ' 'f5b4y-eight thoustInd .five hundr are not sent- in such a Practieal ^ -11)"Ple's nves* And iivnula ask *hitt ler me dollars Was.eXpended by our fo fathers •en the monument in, l'iS cultural schoolt, but their teachers t hIlle ifillard of Yalu' 130var .1. 4.40... ....-..,.... . ..,,, ,.....- teek_jlilli.„..ezliklir -Will4,---ili eik-T11014 0414. , -s-4o ..- ye rya oorrevt o too nod' coMineniorate the _Great .Fire t,f o-result -ter to] ROXR0 * f :u you er you may sue itO .4 ja..10.31,e,t ttostitt.,. cal work, et• nos enclose,cO 51 1,")uti thtie Straw, ex the ood it7 grows' 411:41:16tthrreitriit143-C-t7itt'. njtr4v1018iLff' !re atttbai :4111: ire ird of * liquids. Nature, it strong s easily ut or n nome el 4' resistant and vraipiet litittra., very littte kusture, and ic4t. AA which had been eree ed 'about 1,i -- Little Bits of ,Enowledge, '* About rb49.1, -14%e:trlung1TalfutrilethAtirldril,°:*ttueeht.tho - ,ofter was aut.; it lay., en Switzerland has on area of the 44114* 41t 'ESr° by the' 000.,squar inites. 'generosity of 1)t.' Erasmus The workt's heivieit locomotive -.11; til"ItP4)tted t.6 1;4*118141i4 and reitcd-4t-4110,- :AVIA* worn, 14, the totiti merit in 1578. Et tot+, him 1$54,000; And. was flNI st,i,j the -Bay of )3i,cay es of tiv-he° ou'sekhleld 11" 1 .'— amount i to 'Xixr,000' Denthn eat ;,tet4)14zar.a.4441-441142tutounteitiato".6,4t10. o.:entite apace covered by 'the! of,lioxklon ia.ahoutlhirtrenacr. At one n'e time barbers were tot per. milted to talk when shaving ens. t<itte‘ittrileSMagett on."PosteArdS are 'forbidden 44,4* nimaistil postal r' gulations. :.Iti,:0011antl it—stv6riiii# number n4 ex, *s,therkl too year Iruzn the teavlatit third. nep has hmarines built u reit- Britaiint-Te5 si 3 , Germany, * Britain's. , AN rettlitile' rillintie et are alien toilets, who, los pay of £.- wtiich originallyt on the hesen-ier the Victoria ovt4de Buckingham 11e. ct r likerri4 and & Attract sum take down, 'remove; and rt.otot -itt-pretent.2position-n arlx- petite Zigvitire flout. The other great entrable to the park, Ilyde Park Corner' thorith not to pressive, costnearly twice as much Iltarbl$s Aid), namely 4,655,006. ......• • 1110101ME$ Washing - _ An iron s,t*ir ,ps This, thc ii,ifth in the, ‘word, 4 t1)fr!Tv 14)strlls Pen dow he highest *pest .. o her , tern 1 ion la o arny kuetliat t ittlakes 4 iliti .SUUShin6,011 ,theStt grtatt,-11 ,,, et ccs WeI, ons ' d 't * MST)exter �r kne Olt 3!arj4)rie, to make thoroiigt work ,f the hirid ligbt Jiaped into her- 'c' a* sho. ded: 'X don't cL,tbt yni i11 he e pos 'asily t n thing* if the rich ; tnit know abni our niOtin lodging"With Ether or ep hen hi b4 . ttv'e4 I I ve shin O and thr.»v otf the' ilight erp1o'iun like the ouj r ut zn4 red; friipervi0w4 to pretaid icre tourit s wilt in fidAt rf railway eliA1t4R1- to,la