HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-10-07, Page 5JL er 1xntt. rear it nitie,,tatcUftq irt 'heel"; ley el 4 have - our n'fl stock of Ready -Made Slats and Over - them before, purchasin r range Buyere of „Qloier. ElOothy ai etivike Seed', Live ou1tr 11:Orled. 4pplesand afl Inds ete, -1110 Having -purchased --the blacksmith property and vsirte4,37of-Mu.---Art.- Trsr,'-nearAe Town Rail, rn prepared- to ,do all kinds Of Blacksmith. for the General. Public, andrespectfullysolicit t patronage tot all the Old Customers of th.e. Shop and-rnany-New-One% I believe we :can give you entire aetifan, ZOfl V. Aga - V. Gaiser e e'atixei;40.,7:4, oe'Laryteitii,:.x.a,1:001,:te,ber'..i1,33 . a yegir out. 'rims. e r;' Year old, Divis.ion 1U.Jr. /i, 4;:t. Oestrele A. PrInPae, .J, r : /Single Carriage,. tither.tee'-''.1S4 1 ii; 00 ''' 7. M...'' ilinettree er, . , 2* a S.S.,'' el --,W - , . 0, .'1‘131171stie ''. reazin, row -i4 ''II; 'Ulna.- Mile4, letoTerietter. . ' - e----.- . 1t Wh August ICulan,', f.....41tratfo-r4r, . 1,, nudity' in e town -, lift14*--with ,- 1111L e: • rid° relatives;' . •••• ' god ham \bull, 14, • A. Ken- . I ted Harris, of Parkhill, was irk, J. Rohl . -11; 2 year old hara, ft Vtor in town Sunday. I I, Llyile; 1 year old"' Rotate a, Ira Mr. and Mrs; S.' Martin and daugh- ', Marshall, - __,.. rt,ric ,.., „.„. DtiftnAllT " the•guests of Mr. and Mrs. '0. Pahner, Mifer07,'W":"Al""NtiC - Mrs. George Essery and. children. Year old heifer, W. A. McKenzie. J, of Centralia, evere-ein toWn ,one ail tRobieson; 1 year old heifer, li`*. Deem - lest weekvisitingfriends. 1 ilten 1-2: „Bull calf under one year. 'brr. Loran ,Brown enteiVined a. P. Ifieniltore Ilataliffe -Rtes.: eielter neintber Of hisefiltiende to it blitharYircitif. 7: Robinson. l'i-Iraniiit-orifilest rty.. --=----Loran-certainly 'did 4-' thbers Lartimal-tn---claes,- We A. -McKenzie, - cow, 1. ann-iereil'hunee 7 Tireridey , - year Old' heifer, J. ___timil2 Arkrifie3 lliand e Pearl goltc- Mile 1lt 314/1tWo; 10PO ' The OTI: 1-2; in -great oty:e. - ' 3,.., after spending a few weeks -114: r year old heifer. J. Timmer Op n, Sebringville visiting friends. , Sons 1-2; Heifer. calf; J. MCCol1oae14- 31iss Ettie Palmer, of Zurich, evae-le-liootier-ect-Sons% nest- ovialtd in ' tiese J. noonee..L.4 Sane. --, - - -.POI.ALEre ANG , Vg TY* of 40entraliaeler .1.111,011,...tow. G..11-11nzetwood; -Best. wonditir-Ift, -anyr-filiy-oat -of) animal -in -Class, G. -lfeeifasetwoodree I Miies Delphine- Ery. .;' IIOLSTEIN The *Misses Lillian and E. Raist, Milch cow, W. A. Kirk; 2 year old of' Miehigatte whowere visitinie re- 1. heifer. 1. Marshall; Jteiter call, W. kitties and friends and -here here have A.. Kirk, I. Marshall;.e-flest animal 'tnrn.d tb th.iz.- ome;, --111r,-----ilarris-efiiiegone to 1 teRAtee. GATL1E - . *Parkhill, where lie-. will remain for- -1Ntilele -cow, pi s. -Atiricsmae-Dawso a while,. re '. • 13rose J. Mere; S year old beifele dt. few from here attended the Park W. Stephenson: 1 year old heifer, hill fair. W. A. McKenzie, 'J. More; treifere .The 'Mimes Sean spent Tuesday in . calf, W. Stephenson 1-2; Steer calf, , BULBS OF THIS: Pit CITY PLANT Send us your nom andsiddroare' and e ut publication in which this advertisement apPee,se and we will, malt tt abootutel ••1 wonder. Plants will itOvret•In eek.* roperty. treated. It* gralnl for. Winter , loombnr, producing ittPlOrAs Or 0116 1-1101aand 'Pretty- llowereln t.seasoalroirlee.-• ilghted and astonished with this. 1th .the bulb: we win also send or our HANDIMME--111.11...13-VAIWattatirto which tells you all about hundelidemormother varieties some of which you may waist. cr, ..-PAINILIALIIIINT.ER SEED CO., *Limited, London, Ontario., Any (ugtedaitt be without "'cold cures," cough, mixture?' and t-metlicitittr-AlWiujotireto, do is to:open your bowels Wide Witir 4.103E .acting as bush ranger, has returned Brea.; Fat ex or steer. Dawson Brost home from New OntarloveGtenige-vereLlearTi animal in class. W. A. Me- tainly looks well. - tIenzk. . • • J. J. Youngeour tax -collector.- - is R. 0, Robson Gene Andrew, judees. on the war path, • SHEEP . -The women tire running for -the I Oxford 'DoWilaseeJ. Mountain -.took flats. *The 'town will be booming for 1st and 2nd or all prizes offered in tawhile with hatiericke. . this es Ss. "\ 4. Leicester -Ram 2 peer *id, W. Cur- relly; Item 1 year cid, W. Currellye Boy; Ewe. J. Boy 1-2: Sherling ewe, .' Dr. Shoop's. CouRemedyRey 1-2: Ewe lamb, It Curren?gh its curative , propertits. Tickling or dry bron- Shroohlre Down --Wm. Iloy took chial coughs quickly and safely yiet4 all the prizes in this atlas, to this highly effective Cough rued14 Lincolnee?Jram 2 ycars old. W. Oil. he°0-1"641`46-1"theirVf7rs4,,1;3-- tint' they eau with, Ofeteegive it. lei keetl',..i.11e.; item areiamb., 0„eyear o rem. even very' Toting babies. No opium, ilaie • ebtorofortnabs.olutely nothing harsh of harmful. It calms the, dis- tressing cough, and heals the sen- sitive membranes. Accept no other. 1)emand Dr. Shoop's. Sold by W. S. Ilowey. . •• t For Sale 0 ar re boo the ic au ie, and 1 u . insme , itaothis, does lit It resod maw* . * iteelotts** and hue vs. oasis nervous st i And etuentesi it b 'about Take Dr. Shores rebuts* fm d-,tala general looks Yorpositivelocsibelp.usess wall he Old Rellablik Pit** JacksonM. e door south o Me . Just look at the f�llowlnp prices (no trade,, and no all eaSb. gs..773 c. per hundred n from tiOe to ie. per hun. Old -rilhbei. boots to shoes 7e. Copper and braes Pe. per lb. or*, lige loc. per lb. ad and gift' • lb. r 'here' and gel the worth'Of yourimonor. at. 'variety- I" IRON be 1*.arton_ t price ik suitable for tetra bracing hooky-an:lingo Jackson I. The wholesonte, harmless ;Teen leaves---aad.--tenderestems- of a- t healing mountainous. shrub. give .to 2 :Whalen , niversaries-att peri-are- 12the taze.. aronndlere. Our.youn peojelr_Aett.„Jecrtaililyeeltitarige.- lust-no6*. Several of our residents are suf. fingsferorn, had cods. - ersers."-akilierteliforley=andeeWilio Morley eisited their brother at Ellin- ville on Sunday. Many of our young people attend ea the !special. services Ellenviille Oundey' evening., Our fTruatees have tritinged for their annual Anriiversary_on Oct. Al Rev. et. K. Mirk% of Akin street reendeiti,---teetexpected -to preath Sunday and a fowl ,supper will be held seneAtonsioerseningeWi tweramme,from St. Maris. Mr. --end Mrs. Frank Gunning -were llellal say, an person wentin.g anl"." 1441°01) 1316041 hive+, in the-. millinery 3ine ea 4 ;ometIiin toault every ilimt.„111 etp:tbe --M.antiTgeite-Tit Of' Miss 'Cook, teeilese+4,41111xlex 4ml owl" vonite ansee for you'ree and be leonvi;c0 \ W. B. 011 r hasiferiig"iirrnen work making' ,cement blocks, for 1910 delivery. Any one Ivantine anythine in that line give him a call. A very pretty .wedding took place teth.tellitgaeriLenee..andeNMeliifre• iedeinann. on"Virednesdayeeept. 29th, at 2 o'clock p. tn. when, .violet, their eldest daughter was united in mar- eitigoeto --Ile.rtefloit -second -son -of - andenrs.-J-ohnelloitieof-Stephene Mae bride Who, entered the parlor leening MILL1N ‘• On the' arm of Iter tattier, to the ins ofthe Lohenerin weddingi , We wish to again remin(t.yoU of_this,Department..of-0 looked eharmine in a gown of white in• 'Ll'm"'-11"4"6tt2"1' bris'es'6. --1Ve clam to have jist asgood'a showin in this, taffeta, vhiffon. silk, trimmed- with, line as anywhere-elsei We have one of- the Dest illinem -elik-chiffett-over laceandbraid. eThe , , , ( , - Iii.ide wore tbe Ilsoal- bride...Le:ex-el , Wer-001.1la -get 4Tra-snerhaving attended the lar4.),:est whOleattIOW- t-ti. leaand floweee and ca and ' boulder or x-iiiite ralstS, tied with white satin strearecirs.."--Blie"-ii:as at-Gwe . tended- by her ishd.er Miss' 'Viola, who Leave von!, orderand get Satisfaction. was daintly ' attireel _lin a (tress e o blue silk male trimeierl with, ;white Auk everlace end--carried----a-boulu of-pinkerases,-Itied-withesetin-oh.ea . ers.' The room Ursa, attended by his nidles .6.---ittve Olds Coatal.'n the leading colors and rock, . rother oy. , The grOorn'a gift . to 7 , , the bride was a loVely gold chain and "tinter . \ "i"eiv bottom_prices. to the bridesmaid a crescent pin. At- l'if Underwear i's reaoffly for you. ' 'Soon be time to wear ter the ceremony was over nut; the themr, Ask fur, them. ha couple had -, In this seasons mostlasliionableShadiNe rie3tr1ped.-- hale 1-2; Ewe. G. renbal° 1-2 ; Sheri- ing ewe. G. Penhale.; fl'ive lamb, W. Oliver, G. Penhale, Grude-Ewe. J. 'toy 1-2: Storting - ewe, G., Penbele, F. Andetson; Ewe lamb. F. Anderson1-2 ; Vat eheep, W. VierrillyrW.-011ver.. o-rkthireee.eAeg-edebtrrree;-it..-,e-D'iretrr iflreh 1.teratin_ 191W -rig -Sitar -W-13 Delted Ilampshire-L. Goodwin Son*, It. S. hiceolleugh; Boar, littered. tered in 1909, It. S. "Me-Collough, L. Goodwin & SOXIS. Derhibire-Aged boar, R. Douglas. *.flons, Dawson -Bros.; Sow. PaYrs son Bros., It S. McCollough: Roar littered- in 1051). It S. McCollott2;14 Dawson Oros.; Bow, littered in -1909, Tamworth -D. Dou;las Son took 11 prizes in thia abyss. retn.---Fetirviewe eit their brother and sister, uedson tionVs13:1:1:611:es, .iidsobn tight lirabtruas.' Vegan 'Pletettniii 3. - r. said Mrs. Fred Grinning; _et iaLsittortss,_blaCtc., riltiO -00111_1 tin riymbrith .1t0VCS, whiz to the steadY dowtipet/r of ram during I7ridey morning and early the' lareet crowd whieli wactpectod to attend ihe seconti'day of e Kirktoa Fair. -did tmt ineter- dlowever. quite a number of bmvely defied the dishearten- ements; nnd were not 4118ap- iittritt•- tions this. year were much superior o what they have been for years past]; "there is to doubt that if tile rather had bzen fine, there would re been a retard. attendance. The tnanagemilt, after Viewing Oa ribbon of mud which formed the °lin 'Jar -Imes s a few days ting ) 'fafeth--Ler Gds 1 took in the 'Stratford (nit. raou Gregoty bad osisfor. ett:.*,.. of torisls«, Ir Jogeph WiliorP has pa e ptopnly Mr. iaer sud %tin 'Move', in allot _ ekt deele.recl off th3_.raecs, wthb re to Wife been particularly good. be olleplar of Bowers, fruit atd tables was pirticuiurly fine this was also ths. hand Werke, fhe' tiocre' lstiettifut veihrobler rk being shown. SPZCIATZ dsoir, Wynndottes, rbite, J. Sons; Rhode island fteds Sweitzer, 3. 11.04son ,& Sons; Lezhorns. white. D. Douglas ‘41c Eon, G.t Bentley; Leghorits, white, irOfic comb. a• on it &ins. N. Fletcher; tmghornsi brown. Pletcher, Wo Mack: Aft- daluslans. blue, A. Sweitzlr 1-2; Po - lands; white crested. G. Ilentley ilansbur;s, silver spangled, J. 1104. sott_ALBous4,:fitOliiii 141,Aus,_wblle 1'. P. Num; Orphingtons.' flat, Z. i4Ori & Sons: Orphicgtons, Week, Sweitzer. V. Jamieson; Game. 3. Itudson itc Sons 14; Dorliirils raver grcy, J. ltudlon * Sons: Geese, D. nutteas * lion% If.. Inetcher; Duck* D. Douglas *. Sons 'rurkeys, • 1). Dough's & 80113i N. -rieteber. t Old -Leghorn, Sweltx:Tr Illaelclaeg- ' horn, li.,gweitter, YOUNG 0017/It 1,141st flirtshruas. NelsOis Fletcher. Noon & $cns; Minor. W lirown 4114;0004s. Week, rose comI.r. P. Deup 144; PlYtriouth ItotkeietarrOtle A. Sweit'zer 12: Wyandotte% Anvers. rn.iirn ri. ' 1 1Z13 hv, is makitirt seitt ittirrOvetu pe4.-tbat*rt-lvili-tai•Iinal f his troublfoi.. ' iieitn., boot,, dots h h Vatic, liorar,Itifol-att 4 SlYg did • cut..., .is 14144.- it-te Itteitts;!, thie )r.'flroeta.*S Ithecenetie-R: telhir the tne.:!tt peteeter in r1* /t 4.4teit 1+tir *ea it r • romolo.r. t1it :Ittidly orprr3d titottl. It t of hemeatity, tiok 4. 4041.1tir. ire4ti Stettet, *or ltive rn,• hi 11$ N.. rut browstr4 ekruletteet r 3. 44 i _ . istio lt n . ve a Int° wasepent until 5 o'clock when ..eneats Our New Growls are in. New linderwertr, New BuitioKS, New to the Cumber of 126 partook of a: made Suits, Caps. Sox, Mitts, Gloves. Jackets and Sweaters. boentitul weddirtg supper, 'The core - rawly was performed by the Rev. T. AU kinds -of -tradetaken at-highe84riees. -Dried apr A. Steadman under an Ora of lace Vir T AMOS • -GRAND with rteen back ground. Thoae- ate .. i tending from a distance were, _Mr. • and Mrs, %Moran,. Emmett, Mich.: Mr. Fred White, of Capac, Mrs Wrn. Bolt. of Sarnia, and her Kra IQ duagirter-Etiretri-s.,..4 Alfred Tiedemann, of *Goderich; others' belie; present from Parkhill. Cri.,diton and Dashwood. The pre - scuts received were numerous, tost- ly and useful. showing the high es. are-herdeby- ' hosts Of fiends,' if. e • dv'e Stpinach troubleswould more quick - It disappear if the ideaief treating the cause, rather than the effect, would make into practice. A tiny, inside elaiddenerve.--.Strys-Dre-S, , - - and givesetrength to the- reettee.A e.YSt„, is, es fail, then e- organs- enustelaiter."Dr. Obeitire-Itestorrit ve 13"-eede'reOteit Iliese"-faits IngenioveC-7Within eirbouri a ter istartier the Restorative • treatment' .petierits Say they gein. Sold by W. S. Ilowey. tapioly fio3c17inegle4baacrist . into _peeular favor, being raree"tilatitiatOteit vellta.teetistiwonelerineareforpopturrzule:r-settriate_ilinzand_. • iits by, filling Orden direr/ jute:44 of through agents. In this way we can offer _Tbe--home of- Mr. irrid-Mr-x 'Stephen Webb wris the neene Of A very happy event on Vuokisty $81.11 of Sept. When their Aden- 41i141110 'MISS -!MY1.11:4' yras united by ttht.-bondeeot, matt; -many to John 11. McGregor, 0 prise: petetta young fanner of ToliGillivary Vownsitsg---Ale-bride- wite'uttirest--,h, white silh trimmed very beautittlar with ribbon and la'ee itecomPanita -the usual- bridal veil held in -br graItille-b410%Ore Antl-eartis 'hand's bouquet tbite *stets 11-Idetorattet with Itie-r • avenue VinfiS formed by sir zt.;1,1 cousins of -the bride WItieh the- bride advanced, * the arm of her fattor.,0* t the ztooni, who etieivel) alter. The marriage ie • preformed by the Itev., of Grand 'lend, in a 11, manner. The Weddiee o te:a3,041 by miss ga 4.t terof_I:hike/00p _ _ '4‘ t mory and usual , • I oettitetny repaired dinning room, where e. .t tsr- - past was arranged for ter, etcasiet. Attot the 111We:email was zetialled, iteVerfai touts were a:mai:lased-and' res. 00464 to. A toast to the health of the bride Wes 'proposed by.......11,ev. A. -Oarriere and, treatioaika to by -John. Linke uncle of the bride. Oa' toasts followed among which * ' ' the ftroom tessroonded to l Mr. &uarL Usicaterat totber itod iMi. 3ames Itodal !t toist was proposed to Our atisl 'and t'ountry d wee Ably reepondesi 0Ittit and give -hotter satisfittion all round. The quality of -the wheel's is all tight ....only the Vest matesials used and only skilled mechanic i employed in _coc.structitta.-4111e-ecntipment-is-right-Vptia c an !Pe It" throUghoat aresuch as we cart therouzltlx recornmenti._We tea its---werf as bicycles and our pian is to make wheels serve as a good adiortislastantio the eutitelattsineas.-„Sen&for iiinstratad-foklezi.- tO 11a brid6. Wu efr wait:Attie-a ld or