HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-10-07, Page 4A.`r,Kirk141 *-Oatti.11,lower. ; onLtroD. IIQflTWULTUItE •• Colitre . 1 River, N1 F1etcbr; Nohern 6p redit 1'. llazxdlton, Y.CreIghto hcirn VOA**. ReLtelific • to Ja1man Sweet, 1?. Um- Mr-- Dd gate vizt. joiostu coozetoo„Atzot LMMOTII SALE Or 01)Elar.r. cows rnb1p That col$3.acres of land lying1..0' tof ro-rd-alid-riortb-otther -vnth- blockln the village of Exeter telt. now. 1.0. river on nOrtb• Wllere ,thore is be Of first class gravel, well ad 4Hvi the Canning Factory. , top . .That 0:acres-of Iand,'being ilt,part.OX_Lcit-144._°, Cam 4 luthe 00..the:PrOPirtifiliere is a Stable never failing supply of 'water and ell:tutted tor f4orariin or growing: opooto. C. E. 11AC1NEY, Prop. 13 All that.property i between .bat propertyast-o StattonStation and guilt* fatty lying betwenn ictotia -otteettri In parceI -0, .4. and 5 there are eoine cholcc building 'sites ard 'will be sold, In ote to Snit purchaser. This proper - longs to the 'Carling kstate and t be oId to wind up the estate. ttinding purchasers may call at, **Carlbres -afire fur snaps) 1 and scriptions of property,• * Lot 35, Con. 11, STsborne„ 100 acre. -On the -prremrty there Ore±.' creS ,of good hardwood bush; .stone ilarire up to date "out 400, ---three barns and -other_h, filo. Land well undertirained; new wire fences grid never tailing' top)* of water t „well situated, being* One 01I10 trom Irensall and four nut*. from Exeter. This is theta termingt land and is meetly seeded to grass., Isf SATir OF cuoi STOCK AND 0-Tb01, Otkuloonba been oc tion 0', 1JzOItNE e 12th of t' OI3ER at one re, 'draught marc, noel choice yeathn ucketfilly draught. Cattle -4 Durham, cow, 1 _cow due of aleilt newly calved cow, 2 e iri March, acholie.beiters, 2 I &Steers taroxelira,914.. ione year old, 4 heifers ryear „,lir004 sow -broom-sow-41WIn . number of %rt.' 1MpleMentot 111-1111berwog0.4-Vrith high and tor 'WhselsJ, pairimb.sleighS0-neatirnew-. Olt. binder, 1-"5.ft. Wer,: 1 seed new, spring oo ' cultivator. aingle walking plow* 1' largo Worm/sr plow,' 1 riding plow. ben used 1 Set barrow. land rolier,. seuffiervjurnip seeder, fruiting mat; cutting box, Over head bor*PpOwer, all complete, set of latfoirin,_ scales with attachment for ei bayrack ?se • Wgobox,new, rigrovel- box, 'set !wagon springs„ set or sling ropes, vet double harness, set of single harness, cream separator, no4r1t new. incubator, new, wasbing ucbine, urnkyoke 11. Torookins, A.01310404,11' Ratcliffe Or00.0t, ;A:1144; Maidn' Dittsb, . 3. 1'1 *:tit ,v -Y746-1 a. Kirk; Coidcn 00 e san iris, ' 11, • k (nape . Cavorts, V., ral tot • 8. Douper Sweet rear,. Sparliar, A. Ar4rey ; Ouches* of Oldenbur4t Mis K. Doom; Calrula !Red Streak ar 20oz., Ratcliffe- lAr03,,, 44.-Inretheqr Collection Apples, ,V. gamIlton, Dati- •;r1fros.-t'Orttb-Appiitort"tilt-St-, I• tobinSont.lElutts, 'W. Brown., 1100.404,50,1„.10.11,..WAV‘Tatra.-&,..... Ilan- h!m, V4 1140111±00 Viaer 004r$X7 Robinson, A, Robinson Peachta, 3. MeCollough. milton grapes, white, 'Dr.- *Cam b .1;131as K. Douro; -grapes, Vinep-M. .470-anhatn. Sm. zillbStv-talitnntie* eightont '-o Pippifl, Ira Marshall. - -25 -lbs.--butter.--1 err Shier; "i5 . butter, ale. a. A. ltdbinson, U. Derry; Apricots, R. Retry, IL Berry. ---,MOWERS • •Ilection-house-plantarNrWetcher- 3., Robinson ; geraniums, N. Pletcher: Robinson ; fuchlas, , Robinson; Cacti, Xis., Shier, • 'Robinson-. Collection of rare plants, A. Duffictid, I, Ito i n ;• Collection of cut flow*, tvilawrou-s o-ntention,-- lot of class bay; It acres of choice Man* and turnips, some 'Tettoe, d under cash; over that Amount .ontbe credit on furnishing a 41818V88-1-85-ortrilitaMit--0 per ten off for easib on credit amounts No reserve as the proprietor las sold his farm, JOHN TOOKER, Prop., T. CAMERON, Auct. fiCTION SA/00F PA:R11 STOQIc- Ii Mr. Josepli has received Instructions to eell by _public, auction ortlot 10, on. 10, 'Osborne, on Thurs*, •day, October lk commencing at one -4clock, ebarpl-the-followinRi--; ' :7----- • orsee-General purpose horse five ,yearts pldi'lleavY draught mare. 5 Ire., old; iMe• mare 0 *ears old in frail; one mare rising four -yrs. cid; one filly ria- Inztwo years. one sucking colt. :T:,tt:e_T,.wo cows an0P°sedtta be in 2 calf; farrow cows; on pair steers 2 , Easy terms of payment. mr• • ears oldttbreevarling_beifers. our ; • leer 6 eX8r101.1e8A Yee* y%public auCtiori„Tuithotit Saletroriolit0 VOW, .Exe- ter, Sittiplar, Weber 20.tlit at on thorp,ait ,the abate__ .1pitae4 .'properties. ' For terms and particulars, 0PPI: to tbc proprietor* or Thos. Cameron1. tkinoelt, rarinhar. •eitritit-ktiOtton:.:$ale tack and lirpleittents oraittertineron bas been in- to sell bv pibIic 4uctiort.on „ 'October 13th, on 'London, , a'abot distance .itttort: cive o'clock sharp, the enotal purpose Itorrt., TERMSOF - Alisums of $4.00 Jul4 under, caah;. over that errionnt 12 months" credit will be givertvn, furnishing approved joint notes Or a. 'taco per for casifori Credit artiOtint$0 Ea te f 1 t 0 Godbolt, Mr e. .o lato 80. O. Eliza Caldwell, •Ackolulstratrix; jos. White, Auctioneer. Stogie top buggy, 'W. Rabb' it' Son 1 '0•4-AinAlo-'•'..oDen.-.,butf-rc'-bbctt',. tire. . Babb * Sou.,Vortiotrid cuttt, W. liabb'* Son; Single Ptano, box, cutter, W..Bart •44 Sol Iron beam pws,', 1.1.trien-144n,k_Strzw cutter, Bros.; Galli- triis-;;; 1, general purpose more, d t,1 rnir In foul to lhnd- nr1 Ilaskervilles horse; one *loiter. otrtd by friott,Vcrolz. leattle-5-year old cow dtio • to colro in marl year eld cow, due -'to Ivo In Pebroary 11, spring goitre' 2..year old was.;• 2 -year . 014 *tiers; 1 row itlqe Atet,i,calve at. time WoultrY. *elt" Bitrriq bider 12.11: ormicIc by rtke;Massey , *Uttrris drill,seed norly new; ,MoCorralck• eultivator; *tog 0010,4 walking plow arroive, new; hoh-elei toot xiithitt tit t Low rack;toltita bolt fork,- Awo cutters; harsiesit 2 "Pe 15 ton* of ovl Chains, teeirYekcit. grindatont. . 1; 1. box sioro s)nookrotti4., email fork% tier,. O'Brien tiros.* GRAIN AND SEEDS- -2: bushels fait wleat, Sort 'AL lirethour; t bnabels fall w red, O. -Andrews, 31. Broil:our bushels 11-rowi4 Inrky,M. ilretb60. 3. Ifydei 2 bushels large oats. '• Ilretheittr;.3. nide 42* hosiou men :tztf,s. M. Dretbonr: 2 bushel Wok Oat* X. firetlioar ' busbeis - are pea*. -15t. ; 2: bushel* 'unt)11 pole, M. Itraiitour Reit !Tiniotlay seed. -itr. Itrabour; GM100 ,*(bitt beans. W.. Sbiert 14. Pout)0 Litit* torit, M. nrethourt A. Slaltrt11, cirsweet torn, tit. II.' 4ohnston, A. if4ktitt: ID stalks_or cosi:lap torn and ar304, G. ,IfetiMY,, Wat5on pros.; Col; grain", titti teed to totta-Eint bottle*. 'Br; rittibour., DOUrtto ' VEGET/f186 110110' Of ilebrort.r 7. IIy 404'. P. .,:trunti4on. Emirnt, W. ilrotin,. tton. not amed On list, O. potato undo!. A. U. ',DorttriN AficiO,ort: fled tura% too. ilothwar." .P: ii) I iiir-its4*, * of each. citeque,... while In otbc Table Doylies. it. 11. 'Ore; ca h. 0188 %,t., 8Iv4i1nroi.°131vruar; Ilttfic'eVtaimit;mtl .14:450.clx:41tistri rollage, Witt 4Sif rletobor,.. 7. Bob- inf.onlvoi4 itairte-of4troo-tond- oltrubtl.; A. T. 'Creighton; - Col. of wild flowers and plants. IA. Outfield ; Screen, NV; aamiesori.; LADIES WORIC • Vounterpanei•trochetted, Miss Shier. 'Robinson ; ' Countervail* knitted. 3LamieSon, J. Rob. inson vPateltworltiluilt, Brohnn zw. Eatuitart; onderalothingy 11. N. Creech. Robinson; 4tooltlfie work„ Mrs. Wiiirtti ro,„Miss MeNeWit't Roman embroidery, 1.-iretiuniX'4‘ IvIrs."‘Itickwtre,: Ilat enbarg. laca,•111AS 748NolOgt, IATESieitiVit81-'011-1102%. knitted or croche•tted, . Mr. Wicic- wire, /Miss McNela.ht : Sofa Mrs"WiCkwire, VPeighton; drtsi, ?Trs.: Wickwire; It W. Sinclair, J. Robinson.; felt , coal/. • 5131,,1 Mr$ centrepiece .iind troy clotti, "'Ors. A. Drethour, ft. Preothi Danner orate. VI M•- C 1 ISIrs. • lanhara articio,- Mr. '10.- b. Brook ;. Uotionboles • on , Miss 1.1; Brook, Zilsa, ' Jamieson; tontr2-bandkerohltfai-, . r. A _I' IL: N. Creech; :Thindkerchief cast, ,M. Orel:hour. Mrs., Wickwire.; „Ilettlar, "IldirWealloni, , Miss $10.Neizilt;i Lady's „cotton. obirt waist, han4n10.00.1 Mal. A' Ilreook, Mrs.' Wickwire; Darn. lug,...on „net, , ,-Xlatiliaro-A4flos iletAtit ; ',Working shirt., land made. or. Robinson,. M. Bretiaour :, Entbrol. t_741 ,dery---ort-.-slik,-,,Miss.--01w4arOit1500r-litiss McNeight ';,,flatbroiclery in Linen, Ura. Ilanbara, Miss McNeight; Erabrolderi in boiring-troltirtlatfah N. ..'Creccht ;Point L4 -6-a; viiss . . Neight, U. N. 'Creech i Eyelet Cmbrot.. dory.-, !gra'. Ilanham; 'Miss McNeight; e lioulton----Lae,e7:111 41110). i lqi4t4 McNeight; Ilartlanger work, IL f Crago.. Ur& Iiinham: Teneriffe beef: t,Aitt5.;. itoollam, 51$1isi- MONO Alt ; Jrish ' ArrAalet', ,3142"4 1.iirP$ ht * •IXaSeAr4411 And• '1.16-6-a. 'riark, -11--d. Exeterl;ranch erM Harrison., Manager alOso at -Cr rt. of Ontario, and, ,HOrt Graduate of Toronto - 0 on-Drer Dickson & Clarliniest Ande.rzon'.former tors • "s S.• „ or graduate •of Toronto (Int OViltert-- We hovosidd and are selling agroot 'highelase pianos end our nurn eatietteiteuatomentictbostrong eat guarantee of this assertion, . . Our t4),d y the beat that, the- best Piano; untkers-produce, and °Or prices are right. Do—itot toiiiidik pit Sorts who tail you 41ifferent from.. th cbeap labovelOrtheAturpOseof-sellingLy soa.in some cases trashy goode. at big price*. Call and se0 a 0013,Vinekd tbAt wbst wo -se, Yourirto. VtctorIsUn rN4deboe. Damietta toner Of Huron. R. trariroluogbrt,vrimaDitate4., Ort. P. and varsity. Two years resident physician Ito 'SI Alexandra Hospital, Ate. °Mee dence„ De. Arnotr old. stand Andrew Street* Ritter. • . To pointe In Terottgatel,: points *at. . tawa to Port Arthur and to a ratniv' ber-Ot -POIntS -reached, by .• Nottberfl Navigation Co., also to certain pointa In Quebec, .New Brunswick, Scotia and.Matne. •' To .Musliotia Lakes, PerietOng,, irgenelowen er, Lakefield, Madawaska. to Pe Sound, Argyle to COboOonk Lin ..W11411b-01-on. triritibTM e bogte, 'telt 4' .P Ityr , Point* lroIi Severn to 'North ,13.0 h(cluslye; an certain' notate itttelt0 by Norther - Return limit on alt. ticket* Decent . • • ber 4th, or until Close otnavigation, owlet, to points reached by stomata. Oficketio-tro • It .--Ttne e h u -woo „,,- i --..iviti,4---14;i -ON-4-0-W,Mr' ';'-friliFiriiii A fxbrkk -cotton;-$,--,1tobtriSolit -1q0-'1 -31eCalluratiAlghatt plitChwOry, It. -N. Creech,. iNlis.,1 ; 11.". liailtam t;Drawn ;work, 0.1s8 1$1,--Brouir„:„. . N. Vraccirt- .Koitted late in . cotton; Misi Me., Neight, Miss 'McCallum : Col, tit la. diftsi work, Miss golieight,, AUSS tie* C3,1113011 'COI. -of uniettles. -Ors.- Airick4 wire, u.: N. Cre;,,eit; Iledd work. Miss 461;7witotletasot'' u!r,311-;%1V,Y11;:ries!tihrtt'fil.ta!litntintlilt: 1 matie ,ix:oves, Miss ''Alelleight, Alias It. Ou . Inaba, woollen stockings. Miss M. ieson, liiita 31,,Neight 1 ' illitin _woLIiCn-ancips, „Jt, ltiihindon, Aliso 'Ar rieixht; Wooten inittsv rittel„ '.• _ Att-'11foot4"'"Iiifs:-:,'It'llifilffi.- 7., • "- tell on stockings, Miss. MeNelltivMr - Vickwire,;-* Acrid in -g- -two Ivfary .%litettiluiri. Al.ibv) / . '17•• • NR- 4..11TR - o ar.71--•td animals, vrip,Al;:"Pletchert grayen or -Pastel . or aubject, Uri. Wickwire, F. JAM- e,4ait Col. of ,PbOt8XhIpbS. 418. Sen.' rfrIr4tTrat44- Sbnicr ; Mo. A. lIrethour; .larnis4ri; V‘tintiik-on', glass. Itcv. 5n1, NA% rantittX bit ;-C3.47 .flute, Mrs. Rev. -Strait...Mrs, "W'ickwire ; Paintingin oil, ,. fruit,' frOWOrg bfra flctv. Snell.; t/r. Jo'.'; Ptjutj0, an cbtna,, a4411‘. ittv, Sotti, Arts, A.c likethotir cu find initr_kktte4T-Iii '`- 17.!ettbor: 1'yr�raby.burnt wood. h. Wiehwire ; 'water coor. dss- ,qz, Sj7 WAN' tazwertm rt ritairo*- tanned tootbe Aire Wit Robinson, 11. Crao; .ticarot,..., Db. ivson,- ...air themts. 11. Crao, 3. Robinson: gooseberries,-., "llob3naon;.„.tit-obr-tes,.._Zas.,.11.isblu • nie . Robinson; atraWberries.. 3. Itobicson, A. Robinson; r tomatoes, 3. 'rruIinrt, Ot 11. Ilazetwoodt...0 'vent stamps,- -boy-- or A. ,i)affietdo E. W. Ilerry: In10 Bet carrinle Inflict* V.Taylor; Voi)bk. iet.t team : harness. Z. Vv; ▪ Ifouttnuade --bread, 41.-Bretlittor.. in ; ; - irkt-Ifor*y txtractedttho. 13entle as, 'Sark; ;Jelly,. J., 'Tfirthart* Anderson: Maple , pou • amonakrivitio tu Mars promises Men OW LL0-1' roe antifllbbcrt /ad office. , L. 1IV8ELV, 11. PASSIii011, We are "cops rig . 40- thhsmwyno' Wo are lug -,tiatis out Wbe we „sow our , thaewaapera,suilib S'Utt, tar_ Thebest0Tofli, - t Padding'., the ,beo uweIlasthebestfoua tinge' Fitting and 1fsklng, we respour **Ward? Tar a41.11 itioiptia to reap you as on o! our custoznera. When you need t, TrOttitets or aeey Veat, -"" to you tbat Aut. utter ; ; 4tfobn IUbbrt,* • OA, 1011101 :0101V.TtlittS1.• SUNBURY., 1ooti - +.1 esttice • its to oeed et, m:ty ef Tinder IA* 114' Poii Offifet of r.elt 1attsL