HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-10-07, Page 30 .4t041404.',D. the'Wiflei' Okell /41T PA111§1,,, tis* to Sup. , ,Ya3&ou,PI. froi Tr,nto ays: o tic tS wero .o.hav4,nrowitte t.hiPo1ice of 4 to all. Hamilton ti the *in n, to r'8tr tering into Iryaro-tloeiri , i thecity* 0 contrat ,wt Power Com " ln .4.TILC funerall:Infitiog a 48.ka:ijoit.two.1-1/1:3-i041p4r0nioetaatbt° 0 In, Ili tutors* e 0 ur ''Ili\c.;1 ,i: 1 jo i sitAt .1t4 a a ,TIte quiek t& reeognzG ,tactieal 'anil itntinted t .. apprOval'of 1 .. 1 „xi a theirh!o el . of battIe3 ani1 hard verY.. ,rt- of tho world. ket-Upai1ors froni'th hills itijilieir •.sei'ieeu e r of fakir: arm ecs at !irs and ret varts ,Toekio AVilson, Ficnniker Heziton 0 0 all the b A 4) 'cr.. in Itazi-no outsklo Ontariu bran, ria $O.5 for r '"**11 COUNTRY FRODUC f per -4 0, '.11:n()' widenedtd .uPlAilieiS to in ties twih extra;- tire, St at9,4; &ed .great it 11 tho detaUs of precisio . una, n , hroiagh the sfrof Ye*1, The Inflexible's •haid bead Britisliers, and, well did it su -4 .00#4,04011-44-010. of t, ...06Y „1,110.114.,A.Lithe,„.,s . .. a e Th0 Ilritisliera got a *tea.t r e lfe;aii he t le color -bearers, with tli viee Jack and the Admiral's 'peon ' Th ssed, the people stoo.d Up in rt- r o( tbe lors,'_,while th Anu ifo. cans reitrn * ee 47, O'Vr 4 ' t ,, k I I ,at.3 am her right do ,, Al lute. n lia p v a 1 apples , i fMnd.nureestat . i u- uida . ignated "The 1nns of court u el Cers' Training Corps." • ,A17...404nriiiest on eJ f ,100kjam. theEast.T4on *20W, i - ,.tim ,. igatio ' i ' e ger .•prints 1 ai., in th.e, tTu !rC, a ibeIevedt1La •,, t 1 1 , . ese "caUS ITYoik h'tcetives are bcinK e out liyi-tob01. ho department I/about the, know- Jur men were killed in a etvc- ledgo or request of any fair oiaei,,, 1 : w teilorks tunnelat Now als., In many instances ths VCIi.Conn. , gainb!i'rs carry oa-thoir iiitatious Thccdore Bin has- einfesed to praet.ies withont the knowledge of ttto POlICO I Utica. N. thab e tho dliroctors, having secured spate murdcrtd -two ehihlren, in ' hat eitsr. gounh ostrib1y I ilegi- The assachuetts ,flemooratie mite busin ' State Oonv i Boston flociar- ../ ,I 0-,,,. ', o 1 v, , toes -45 to 430e per 1tg on Or Ontario, and 75e for e Lek, , oultry-:-Ohickens aressolif tc 14c per Th.; foul, 11 to 13e;,tur. trto 100 Ett lb. ;:ducks, 11 to 13e. d *e1I,-as,beiig paid iows. Calv unchanged.t.ea(I and Sheep tieluarly about Va stow. The 4estbourno 'Gas CompanY, of London; recently, declared 4= 417 end of 15% per cent. on the ori - nal -capital -and. the 0 Fhare‘ ich-was Statt4:tot.ie a reeord'for any las exiinparty.- Police *instable Jacksoni '010 retired h's pentseieiionh i ncrea the rerxinel of tie nav3, Y 17,000 Men. Th paper, ‘that Via-Adinir d e Seerird ca.ti rported to bethe-an rew rnannbg• iire, has 4 teOga perists . pretentTiefizsal to ancrease prsonnel, *bib Admiralof the eet Sir la* Fisli&o retention `thit .o.trie of First sett, Lord.' is ee(zning df1i2UIt. _ : OVEI tgagolan Shoeina1or- ' KilIetI Ithi Wife, p*'Ireeliester, r making his -six * <lien go to bed at hi& home,here,j 111111gAri0.11, rnak.er, kilhd his wife in AA 0416i11,-* 'fro day. with an an axe' on .Nireines.7,* nipg. . but: eaptured.. AVheir 011)1 --the-seene-tlie a. we found ,OrVirig bi bedside. -Airs. Xlemtes was anostsevared from her. rrOl-oVer-`/non cspateh • from •st Joseph. Gay Of Ottaw o agct, arelertrii` rth Iirhi • nt and at one time &retary Hon. Mr. Brodeur, .ernrnitted sia. rldo on Thursday moranj-bilomP- * ff the interprovincial bridge o• , into the Ottawa Itiver. ,f -Several men saw „hint run out half way. ehiI across the bridge, and leap from the intOM raVe-F,7Tif-ortf feet -be- low. '4 boat -was hastily procured and put off to the reeue,, but the, twift-fIowin river bore the' body Ise2xtit;:e. for: tw 15 r ineasetots vio$3- Po o 20:50 ; -short-cAttr- Vt1.1740 • ams-atight to medium. 10 to 10,14e;•,do., lieavy„1434 to 15c; 143/ to 1-1¼e; 'shoulders; 13% to acks; IS to 19c; breakfas -11140- - Wiereesi 15 to 15 e tu 15 Eo 153.16; pais, -l5 to 13 Salvation ents of , the '11 ie a -war, a tolleetion was taken in an old ket- tle used by General 'Piet °Anil during the siege or Ximberley, The tentlor lost ehildren provid- d, on the beach at Yarmouth by the-tlfrifOratOir' proved Most. , During the Eettenn more ri hundrc41"ehildren haVe„,t) cared - for and restored to their zits. viligraur-of Notting Hill; Who alcd 'for help, isvariug boots wleeli his 1,mre tons rrotr Tried- in ***n."4;) day 15' pairs of .ts and when -arrestedWAS ill e*sion Of another nine pairs, u they rintieipat nisi &use 4., g Threoleartold toy round Dend by A despatch' fr�m Galt ays The ittle tlitei-yearold $011 of Mr. and Mill David Hastings Xorth,Water street, strangl.ed himself on Thurs- day morning ,in-tht kitchen- While 10 towel, iurJ it issupposed- becorning 0 ble to extricate.h-iinself. The li , W mzidc iio outcry,a-niIIiis nrnther-1144: n� intirnation • of -the aeeidente until slio had oecasioit ,to 'viit t,lie kitchen, when she Was bor. tifi to • find her son vntangled in the. towel and stispevred'in it. Drs. Wardlaw and Charlton were gt Onite summoned .and .• every Imiwn method of ros,uscitation was tri but without. afoot. Lit- .-anpp ently extinct when the mother made her discovery. ' ...... ..........4. 1140411T4T RENT , AUX ER. Mariposa Pitiller -(3.1nrgoil With „Alinsing florne noys. • .Aberdeert one day lately 33 steamers landed 231 tons of whitJisb.4 , " A-liundrod,,-,wasons-were- *th--lamb.sixt Thornhill in tine' day reeently. ,An organized gangof boy ibievo noneolder 'than 17, was discover , g1,1. inn nes pound mon in the Nith. At enfreiTgo-041 liRigreisisT)e. -the -,oreetion--of-the xicw police buildings. Purt lasgow people still Iivel* bc'pe of getting a brand new rail. way station tome day. The- Itenfrow Old Age Pensions Committee are still examinint -claimants tor theye-0510-11. , Miss Hekn T. Baptiste, dress. maker, Selkirk, was fined ,tilLiot woMag her girIileyond statutorl lours. Candrustothaoz.Sntroolitoltiiris rect "a, school for the 'education lOk - detective ehildren in thc parish. ltte$,.,6rs. A. -Rodger & Co.; Poij Glasgow, have 'contracted to Inn a. steamer of vox feet in length f h trona' Lindsay says': - Swansea. own`ers. norriu for, a d men-. hjytk-,, The ___ , a hie dvtroyJ . ,win Par!a .. nt• huikihigs ha&, been oilleialty dete ' . o emMetn, Fa' s!gt idt!:es.xtre, ' !thefire," ":„-itid, t James Ntlait- y, when int e'rviowed 'on, Wedties- ay, t"and there,ii no douht-WIrat- vthatit Aruas:,oxr edit„Izthr.cliaic. o t brazier, left among the rift - by repalirta*; ritiornberg,.. The Oovernme'it ha§ had good reasons traFrmaclutiou.„.."-4'" 0glja .0 .010$: n unknown maxi, al'out 35years 0141 0Ai'lly OA Well- tienlarittroprd frourthe upper- ste4 reh bridge -into the Illawara ltivo and was'drowned.- Si was seen to make the kali by grank 01414 a . (JrkflVL.,, and by WO:Mt , bridgt e'upTnyei. the811tkee for an instant and theta was lost, to - ' -A ibpateh frOrit Ir r-pr5 4 la the ieinit oI is ',city has 5troyel1'the or 1 vr4p.8,Tt.i okiiiiated pat the ti3i4.1. tit:00403. The tlion- eter on Vednocday nzorning rto-e1 two 41tott '10*IS ondon has an oune ion, of opening • floas fund to assist ptainif Robert V" &Ott to 'raise money for his apedition to,plant • thetmoo the South Pok. - in the eauntry. north ere---be,,went-to reeover from AA illness brought on over. Mudy -it- is supposed Ite-SU* ,eide WAS the result of a recurrence of the malady -from which he pire. Doh& from litingSton se tut foi-Clare. n ect with gtavat -assault threatening to shoiit.bis ,wife, sentent'ed on ThursdaY t car t- ltaiTtrof ,n.to drunk, , his wife. He finaily ired a.rif at her, the ball:tnoWng tqato,. hor head and ,entering 'the Wall side the bed.. l. , 64 to6e. iuekwheat,- --„,.. 55 (.. p. ) -SJriIlg-wbcat patentirfir, 0; second. $5.20; Winter wheat pateiits; ,;485.50; -ManitOlia stroug bakers', $5; straight 'tellers, do.t .in liags, $2;25 to $2.50. 1,44.- --:,-0,iiiiAirii-Friii4:11-rw-w.r.-o-ii-: tio: nilddlings,„$,-,2.50 to $23.50; nitoba, litnnt • t; ' 3riiiitobi rho, 'As% to ` !into • grairt inotiille ,$33to.. n _ onill‘ 4 A 1 1 Z1 t 11% mervi, toe NO, 1 .candIeiJ at t2' ununWinesoererowded. • -*five years, was in the service of hirlate. Eiriptess -frederick.of rftriYa died Itt Griektewodo , two ,eeks since. She was rdeknameo „YAtte:: iser..,wlima...„11e. was Tlie number of patients ill the aliens fever hottittala of the Alet- ropolittait Asylums floird on ,Sat- rday-',was 3,41S. These -lingering rom 'scarlet fever ICtiris5 145211, etii, enteric .57, a. d there „ 00)1I1ION 104111111.14, o 1,4 to in h3eir, Minneapolis,990:d.ix;".., .0411 xo.:1 :sortht.r. ", 0, '2 Xottliorn,„ irthern, 4' e. letir-LFirst'pa *514 ,Seeond pat - *SAO '$5.10";i'fr -1 10 „ tago,„,'Oct,.' 5. • ed,,, -4L10 to 1,00i.to:f1.14o . '4,03,111.1070.4,0. 1 No 0e1low, (-1,„ -o lfl) 04 • -- eg' to St; Vit fluedjJe,j) 01411 jut ndii ot -no ovo total tolk epttine, tlep o errelfirk,:. it at? t viGeisl$e on- .Sear a ir four ai-i$1'ir btt'iti"‘ a , lire- of 'siteress. 'SIIREAD.EST 01? flon 000.. 84r1160 h11141(!5tfrf 0 ough runisheil, Orem ho *MMUS Sarah* cluolips. UiritiorouW451 tliPittrelti' II&1rdly *liSiliievergot - tho better of her.'The fiisiaornih c"rnaker *f he day ICA4 A Mrtt. fluda, -and-the duchess sent her *, material to h- made tonttAffelit.'41117ion the home, 'ter grace nitic that the Amount, of ralteritt 441 riot eorrespen&Isith 4.144k. quantitj' Cent and tesolvrd tt:) pun- ih he fraud. Mrs.. Buda :was 'wearing beautiful diamo,z7-4.1 ring which the, duchess p grestly admire, and ah& ak-d. 'the fattred dmstaiker 4-1(1 1irin order that she mi I. nnne r a thT,1 yeai' .q,f n1 J'JuiW f age ho wer iild-4431ing* ttl*red t40 1:11111 argo. s made by Mr. -Chaii. kf, Blake, intipeetor for the Homes, who tit- ter AA tOOk them hack to the litonie in Toronto. (az- ler, the cliff:3r, testified -to his hav, Jag leen assaulted by itis tuasto first striking him with 'his fists then _hitting with twr91 - 4 ot * di "in it .The _Donald Institut° lFe!ng erected, i giving -employment to a large number of met)... one day recoritly at Vie, 3( .boats landed AA average of -eigt Jans ,or herring. 'The. week's,tota, is estimated' at 5;500 crans. Mr. James Coats, 'jun., 'Fergus. IfOuse;'---Paisloy, 'has gift -- - chbol library of over 150 voltimet -19 loston ,d'istaitei rnri TI� e(iltraet for the new'graving 'BurnLisIand, which obut 0100; rtrIfrfflhi * 're ponsib dtatb oit Thursday of George3i!ur- ray, tho four-year-old 0441 of 30, loe chant° The boy .was play - an Ids bottle, reeeritlY with` r loss, vplit'n they were ettagked by a. sErango otlie'r, two were bitten w(re PO 10 PatAtur In stitate for.tra:titrMreanyteauSud,siii soori.4*sItu ThC d„ lioweater,, ti no alarm was felt. On AV vel.s0PO4.1.4 utinlistakable srmptorns f rabies A dird "On in Arleta agony. MeSirs, "td.; Glakow. dros6an pariNh who idiot the rot -year tfIL '""fJ .and upwards, and tto ver 60 years. °'opith 4::nl4i1:3Pby 0r;#par IJi 4::toe iw:sg Oon ,:t4tte ta a *v.e3 into an the dty, and The ttecufi 0 *Ix, 1 at ,t