HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-09-30, Page 8e
S to0
to 5 iat00:
flhof len .
elative in Ow
reen will be the best colors. Prices ran
amily 1Icri1d-oA4 'WeeklY:
WV ATI* !in-!) f0rTWEN
Shiveott anci Kesey cloths, beautifutly triinmea, w,fth
buttons and velvets. 1.100s0A, , inliAttipg 'and' Military
styles, Let the 'girls conte in and see the new coat styles.
They Will like them. QualArnAid prices are in, your ra147,'
All the newclothsthe new shades,
our pou4-WS::: The new shades are very Ora
mew „Edwartitittp.niiiiii, smart Affic*.
of 4martDrcss Goods in
Oro all in and a. -lovely lot
they' ore. They. come to ts
'direct from the makers in the
,ota land. We *lave ou
ternwe show are cotrol-
Ied by onrseivee. for Rotor.
Come,.an&se tho,pletts,tice will be niutual, ,
*OlikO to '
thornPull dinner ,sets *SW
Ladies Far Lifled,
*OOrl7.59 to otioceioatIOini
lined witlt_print.0• 74".1131Odlit*.'
Eat and Coate and ',Reveres
of mink, and sable. VI
coat* are Alt *ado to our o
a v the
znaving to taw
the tIlltht,p-lr, Aoonts-8tne4'; $111t0r49
svtraI.,010001$* logt vtek terkdr4
bs retilnatton und 1ett:001'410:7 for
trait* *130,ro be rtX,v1:0 to illertaro
i. Uew t, 'Who')orttr
,.mLbeftlth, my book
will nt be collected untU 1 reLu
two Ontho hence. '71114
E*otor„Bpt., Oth 1909.. 0-10-5
a Vg ( -,--71,.
.1 Iand '1aor. of London, is frind of It* 40P,PY, coup'
bis -Exeter, ''''*cilIC41:;/'13t,_''t-ttjiiiiiiiiii:01:
: IOW :t . ,Xaatr: , _
' r. * 1 litiltu• 4P*00'04t! -
10., L. rt*P$0111 this wool; IOWA' 14.01.1of "16400-44t 411kinN'V'--trde::14:1:"*°8411:tts::-ffsleitir to
0..,b:rris.:::_aNtsro.,:x.,:nivotii.4.00!".;:z:4;771174,4:445::ra.i.o. . .0:eilit 7r.,,r.hAor4tUtctI9rr,nTol.:::::::fti, ti:, '0,0: ,r,::o074:
,Zurlele.O11.: 4,,*.ht.I.Alogsl• trip. . don. The couPlo will tesidg440:tioxidOS
adaY,•71tere..,,w1t4-41PcP.:A1413i,.... - • 'tter , - to magistrates, , instlees
jt IA oltpeetea the werir of 'bulldint nm71w4c‘'altextnelde-1404t11-'044. '4‘CfCh7P°11711'r°1-17:5V4,C1;tiritik77:1:611ritH
• the, new dam ,will commenee"toodaYs ' O with alternate terms of
. ,
turned after a pleWaiit, v sp,rit Zion., if" .tnent,....04.,Ate/conviation
of a
•'--:;3.00"--4::;-04441 , ''•:', - PA-
Mis$ 3, McQueen, of . flonsail, trIF-17.ersont--foi.
• • itinz at the bottle ' of George 'Cow ctat?iJ1°,$t,t,0°,16'Ividn::*:ntb4ICI:tik:2166":::•:' ,Or'diit*,41,,
-40Z-40:130ii-s--mor-ltatria.410,-;' fba;_-_14714•Veli- --
--,--,•.*„:..„,...4.v.„ IM"' , 104w-444 nit
, lolot a- woetendcd
- Mr; Al; Merlonnell. retuned Our*, At IT ., lre'44.0ovv•ili, -aitt',.;
..do:Y. ovooloiX troth 0: -triti It.0 Ott,- V114 'iia...artironts,ctt.trilint.gbe';?.,,f°14.11nott'Oltivo9ir.
attic, coost,, . . . . - • .., i :us, •the secondlarne +0.-r- Pla*In• t
Ur* T. "E.. ,liatidford last Saturday' has .brett ht the honors to Canada In.
•'elliptteci-lv-oarloall-ot ,Itotsco-,-to tho., _it 0.plink nrkS, In this line of - It
'Winnipeg •rattrket. .goilli . of 'islatit *-/teck's:'OtAn-
raCeltoroco, , rtt 0 toz ra oho ri ',1Togro„
and two-two,ycaroolds,Were amqt
ed and burned . when -the cat'-'--Ww , lc
they were being &binned rtti• Ii0140
caught Ore as the train Was pUllin
An extra Aullt teals 'good - on the
bed these nights* eVen. though they do
moll of moth hails. ,
d and' tiiird
a _IA it
net be duplicated by thejob.
bin* 'trade. .Our etyleir. ari
new and eVeryi.,g; atmerit .
es W1ofli floward and.Victra
Miners loft Monday for London to at.
tend thp 15orcaal, School. -
- ;fi-tra..:ftooinan•iiid chlld, of•
44Yturnts.r. rto
Messrs. T. E, Ilandford and .4.
`Scatheott attended, the Ototioley and
liunter meetings -at Tuesday
rvey Acheson has iecovereil from
the,eitecti„trocent operktion'tot.
stinendicitia, that he is now "able, to
Cook .ihd'Peary belonged to
would have been a declaration of Vat
by . = .
Vittneis t*Jarlirirg, the, hotel .kceper
;itt.litafto, has 'made application for
the transfet of his lirenSe to John
O. gjekmeler; of lAraltott,_ . • /
..-„ottof as Municipalities in Ilurtm
•unty are ow un et ,aca Ip ,o -
Ladiee wiabing inan
eaII /cafe, your oid
.1tit Nitta Tom, as b
ett4ing citY-
11 kindof r.0011f70*
is Top* In prapired .to each
t4adicol)resocookinz iyhtie they, are
'Ittalc.i.inttitibp:Irrticul()Aalrr% O441;t4f7,74*". tolitIte
1Jjn. at P.t.:0_0,4finliAkin1LX00.17a9
over Vitloon s Also tiiir -
rentice Wan . 9.16; .
:irncOC Stree.t, Ofl tliis property, is a
roitifF otiltolgO (brick foundation) OW.
tairili .1tve, rooms -una a goad 001-
,4 tqL.--‘tt4 WV°
-to ,..sfin
rioter*, -
rtirt sxi
„oared noros-Iota20
lOth and iltb: ,e06000e104 of.' S
hen, Fhc farm bas 10 acres good
fl:Wood,1 00014 tti,014 'bitra. 72 x
11004 franle.lbo00,,neVor failing we
olateto nt the ;barn; #004 orchard.
brert %,4"k:veirti.61.1), irton„ .0estaverrteo. got, otato of t
•Ihise farins win, he sold' to
.rossession en4 be bad on, Idaroh,,la
1910. Jf Ile
-thei en ltutitibetirivli71114:wint°g now. For
44111 fieId>4-ty
,ter hirh school will be. held blithe
noon. October 8th. This anntiarevet4
iv awaited, with much anticipation by
aoratsorolled. by our chain
Lastyear*. It' part.: 0,at.
d a link of this teat.
or. :•"& tois
o- do
' u
TI he soppy,.
Other t. .c1)1 engage'
our giaduateo 'no ateachers'
cottrae for teach-
-tNig Iretira
tt, earning, $2,'
old by tbea
• furthet-VatirciMak
' ,- l
the Puplik-who are anx11
ious. to show . -/ Vfattyn* Exeter, Ont, . • - : •
vithepi_roppilltrttetstearot $ttglelttl!att-guarcimbee,sr. 1101 ,, 1;04._ '11,_ta v:04 87114,4z...400 .0.0res .
, taad 4 th:Te t-03-iii-a-v-tp-0-6,-iotiot4 Are -,:o foutli-Stoit,:-.110oodai74,-Mrkt00*- t.tu
Jog made' to have the coming -'vcnt"'Is well situated three quarter* of - .„„ : ,•....„-- • .
the - best one in-tire---history-tir.the -mile from rest•Office, Store. black,' '-4-tsvio's,414444414471+k141.1144,
omitiVabot, mill, 012001i. eto. _Petty' .....,..„. • ,
An D olfOrd - company tatngtortnitt,,, rod.r ,ot,0101a001;----11 ., got A
tarr4040. /41 e k town Monday for „ix: stoto loondatiou, Straw barn , ', ith, ,
t• roe'n * ' engagement a - .1 : gr-Pon-ond,hen..--,- . .
. , . , . • ,
llouSe. The thail was' falrlY welt G004'froune hollow, ',Ilse bilidings and,
fitiedriVfonda:y eyen og;-• u 0 - , ppIIdd-br-•Acater---fru -
day evening 'the attendance VMS iti 44.01k0: well and ' itttgrt glitIVIN.: Onl.
01141, that ItlIC CP/Ppalty itleciileil to 'main
leave 'town yesterday morning.- Wo further partio_ul_eLrr_writo to Erts. W. ,
. „
*retlin0---1).0*-404-4-he,--Plano. ZA_Ttifts, Ifirk,toth Ont. - ;, 944.4 -
Iva -,..xvo .tiiii4,1 boor, them, • Me .
tioug t
--StVv,-Citt-irAtrav OharUis-Ailaror-
-daya with 114s.:-4danisi mother Mrs.
,Tohns, before"going to theirhainA
in Trillion* ; • . •
. ,
lars,Votter. of Toledo, 'Ohio,.
• -
who bast been )vlsitin;- her miatherr-
r4..Tbos. Oregory,-is this week the'
tot tcL'st*Irs-hr*Orlyli --given-them-4-43tt ho -Jr
T,kittdotti, - Jades; being- :dined -at r
and taken- to the nickl:a oho*.
turn game is expected on. the
qiiunds ,next : Sotar4oY*
r era of The -Timetrto
hitt; otter with, The' News,
whcrcb3r tiwy can obtam
ITO :a
tatti went to ileasaltaatu
defeat to the , Ifensaii ho 'fru!
star°, was-s.Ack.,%:--The 33)1)14..0d-1es tr.,1)ouctiss, anhttrY,:.
were ,oute4 over thoir". ,site; onto, who it' will bi..kettiebiliOrid San
ceos as theygoame all) down throtith' so ScceptablY here last 'Sprint, has
ttw-loson singing "We 4. WOO,"!:!1' 'botti enlaged to slur at two concerts
were pleased with the ,Cintertainthent in Rochester., N. Y., in company ,with
t -thioccieh
urant Of. Tittisharg- ,I)oug
.1t is hoped kbst he may he
heard, Alain at Exeter this . rum - •
soit.liaLT4u tribevjack. Evartt,
ororitgo plies of the Y. ` C. A. froni
two Ta to Friday of next week. tor.
work. On ‘Tire.Sdify night1
meet the-ineittbera''' in their tooMs.
AOn W4 rgbtJ. nilI411
-ienitta•MOtthiZot mn In4Lain Wee
. _
.ertittahe' Yit'Oct; 1sf at .
ilintitG'OCTorotitt4 wfll: 'be pre n
tan.- ,usi�oat tb�to.
ce no etto
* •
R$1301; 75 cfk•per hundia;
ronfromooe.. to15 per butt,
r-uhbet bbdto-aridi
Copper and broil 9cper lb.
bitting the plat tow weeks enorm-
ous quantities of plums have -been
shipped from Exeter to London and
ttkptli4:713sit ..-:Ittitt-ttl . ;,--ttht
ds 1,G0O baskets, • .
tekla issue we gave the
bat ef grouse-fromSept.-- "15tIt.---1
OM' Grouse cannot be tako nal paper*ublished
otion:ably POO a .tho,most Infinen--
hen "'lir, '• 7e7uTifR 1 itoi
itiiii-i• ' ' tie ti, p- ist-,ICanadair-i
year,ht alt.,, . . - ----'-' - -:-.--,--
antts.4111e4tak.0,-_..m.en4Went..--- rom ono end. 'of Canada to therither
oL st
swimmin-g.w ha :had betore':000.n„,00te. irtilir4"45111'W1-1;liti4-44445416/14-11
or ti, *mtutat nnopoikr to wetter. lind, witti- iciiitatiororgatit-,L-thereI: -
.* .b'easttpaper "i'4Tbl'n°W48ntl
)r. S. A,11011fts. pt.ef . the tooto thsofioe
rIllia.ATsilutn. called on Iiiendki, here . .
I fro*, Londor4,,-*Itors, be 'vac Mr, W., ',A, -flutitinf, ot. ,Oltailuttn#
Saturday Wod -Sunday* -burin* „ett
ji.ritili.natidotubjeilgfunrit! of Alio , late Ur . t'"411t!°. blellg(g :rtIPS14c;b1rotr:41(1:lbot ' *41*
. ,,, hero Friday investigating tho calls of
three Eirk. -children residing, near
1 The ettlidre.n •* ' out in
MUIR c,ep ,e5C V C
haw ¥kCs100snd t fcw.. otte Mitt Cott
withut topp1n In tor P, .100X at the
. new Fall are traotintrin..„
touXts And top‘oosts. ,Youwon't see
arty*Istft 1010, for -w4 ,txolt.lve1y.
YoUftelf while -your
Ie'lI snake you a ,on -e for as
ttle as poSsible and giiarantee more
oths satisfaction for tbe'
Yait Ora :1104-bdoitt4--
1i be at ths OormararOl
aours 9 a. tn. to I. p.
tuts properly fjttsd ietul dt*
*to *sir and nO*10- treated.
litOudikt, Oct. Pith, , • iota!
11 In fternoon,
.A1 n.meetin of cogregi
, rteibytofftri ehnreh -
ieT3IDg It lira.S----4ficided to .tu
Anniversary and re-openinl
likes on Pahhathl„, Oct, 17't
t with '.105 ions
turn utiI they 'fitut oixt tat
.-XiYtuinvfa f.st 'XbursdnyYen,
inZ while striving *least Will tart Bt.
Into a, pile of gravel, onthe elite
Athe mkt. Ills httga titss nose,
t fortunately he austalrie4 noin.
ittlith,e ton of tho, 31,,g, was twit!.
Iie St. .sliway ;_
t wblcb was
np atvt"
e 1Provls
2mr.,xotrts OF 81008,
P abysm* on band 0'4 r
sortable pries, suitable for ktt
poets, [voicing boulloorcling,
ortten 1n»M»roet
Mason la 0 -powerful spea
etinps should be ',largo!
peso tralit,pg_ac 00
Vrifellterla ' 00440* Wine*c*zIhL:
rtg110001 ' -
det.a rn
Uob, O_Or *radii*
*114 Are tneei
el Get our fz
OK :Cattalo.
%Ott to At-
e witlt
o tidal. 0.
he sr, p,
ell.hut the 'third. manclo to go
'W11Y. IbTt'frtfulclotriTt.
4,4 fleguier Storer Der
overthe -1st tO the eth. having
eb 3rd. Tb' trenry
twrio4 Also votiffat tha, 4tb,
todiot ,i:tulte to . tto 14th. General
4441be ' rEtol*
. x
toxaakted by t
n of d ,
d -state
I tb cost ot whlch
pl 04,
d tfe, 0
1a rormer• tnmn,
1tbIt 11odn:
uIt�iit t1*4.0.044;411a4liout
Inw1kheither- catan