HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-09-30, Page 7a do..— and iO eriousIy injured. were athouand Ie&e• ca9tutlt. ndipitab1e t from LILt t4 Pol to nYok fortlie Pole,04 at b ro'ship n advaTLta rrny of hito men a.udTi5i'h, ),iety.. ' The J'ews 11 nwans III atid, , . siuceeded ixi kiil I of their Ruiaa as. ci in ' - On Thurday he turrn head of the asoeiati ci need his rectal Iitious, and which shares the den of present on which his a disewerer I al ,o prOgrCSS- sirnplc a3 we forced tJie en Uralic* to * other way. rdcnc4 with the OUaiie .% (IaflCed bnut t .0' h any amount o 'Tisdale ha. rinte.ndentof t vision ofid 0 pree Oth .of itily found Lt riolk s of rivers r t stilt tho 'er the.. Ontario white ea o. form, •moren augurato, th with another )e4?amo enraged eir support. of tt� nt, and decik4 •-/Yr1;_t, at 9- '.:.TOtont old at froni otherth grades were .to,t work,eto rtuh tWer*4 the rabhi "iVAIXbutcl cied 4114 tht *oust. gation iau,g.. The erlifloollv to ctespateti from Montreal s is stated here th.it & number of 1 Qnhirlont shipping men aro form- a bigship-building tompianz. toy- are loaning ,to build &plan rning out men-01-wari very kind of steain- ontagu AIlan, inter- .14).• ;discussing the proj iuktly for some time, arid. had to unite th Snautirtg' thlt "There, has .been nothing ,"'-he- said, "but ee very. :shortly to see the eom- any well under way." Sir Mon- a. u said h p„• site o1 a shipbuikling lar*t had --beendetermirted on, but znitted th.at a largo ono would - 4II Ini y04, g rr1$1 o.',• ia brain, 1. ident .9 tit .ef•rith I.st pr p ort Recruited From Fully Mon. ording tor a Louden Times, d. regarding the Australian ec iellomet cadet training be- Ahd citizen training in When -the spliente is • atory. o id wit died a few- th been znarriedless year. , New York 'hetgrave the temeterhere. At noon. „o , th ceinetery arid asked for for thri: are of the plot* ;moments later ai pistol abet w ar rave-ot,Mrs.Baui - iltort; and thelifeless body of dpspoode ibandwas found -m,inutes- later:protmo- of age, an4 r -of 'lief County tr an uncle. p ai 'States Alter Chi- cago that who. ,thr0u.gh,401.43 eii4 of jiitatx00. Grand limy at Couneil as:indittert ieighty-three 'men- -leb4riitt--4,C;SA-TtPAI fraud in connection with nr-4:# Three women- 0. killed and t reo men anda woman Wriously injured when. the automobile in which they Niri'r6 riding jummil Pool -freagar -Or Seattle, - int:-Wodn* ;hiIt its bed former Method is r I tea' d Ott used consi csz "downb_Under"; idfl p,e.of America, Attentioyi.Jias attrao te years to the poSsittilities overin • old fro the river !eedhaid er..sof tho i_ut 4)0 rougher dt I Choice 'tows' tt'ady "equally 'strong, 04,Was the de for good in kers and spring.* loro -lower. 0 quartz o the land .of the Inc'as- thc people who cover , heir temples with - plates of gold 4. used the. precious inetal to fashMn coolingtonsils. broken down denudinge oi veiserisioeFfroa_ 1,0 e remained unchscovcrod, until r nt explorations reveated ishing soureo of wealth. • 410,000,000 - TAU the' itiver rnarnbari ributaries, for ,instanc ariti046012thirty . miles of thii - ix , ..v`„ .ubs and large rO1IM, !erior, 17 t. _came r to ,.;..t:14. -T to 3c fiA23 per cu.ic ,could he.extracted nt 4 cost of tv,telve, tents only. . The result of tbis examination led•to the Lonna - lien. of fthe Inambari Gold Dredg- 04 Senfejiced.to P,io nerd "14abor. A despatch from PIL ,is'oninent 'now ailed to checic rioting on the part ttei, a Magktra,to it Biriningharn on Wednesday a ernoon sentenced Mar y Leigh aml har1ottc Marb, two of he- tin et .er koutbre t 4 to meting in thitigitairt the xxx et, o Septeinber I7 when Premier As d .qUith delivered an address,, uten ' -Frt-V4r-ltiut-t • 12c per ib. for loge, months, -rovectivelrrat d at 13,4e for twins. • Another woinuu was giveti month at hard labor -and. others 4 tlitvu t terms of 'simple imprison- ment; When the sentences were atinottne' • -t-rtunthe high0ak M 1bc retria Vout th-tt - i —aifdthere -OW-- - t a o - i4.4 villages reater : kva- tiona.d It is Also true that there are higher railway stations, for on the, Arequipa.Vuno 'lino the tation of -Vrticeto---*Ito-----attaircr-ths-st — dr'U5 ,elevation Of -4,000`feetj hut *A 4,200 feek:AbOVO the sea level there rio crreal, town of 8,000, in,. ith a railway station, telephones, ehurches, ecnSn s. 4 AS a won' er u exarnde. American, entorpriSe, says the London tator*- hick c... - go te 1 r Paitoo, Min. ing Conpany, and is extremely .c'rnfortab1e, smooth running and - Usti 'considering the gradients. It 'passes -through 'fine grassy; valley* grillsz,1:f"a.:41hrttlhi"eLgri.Lteyelillt:skaLettithlte5444x0HPspark-- ng--strearns, the snow peaks; tom- - 1* htfia variety of oolors 'which ii,; eon rzis o urn o 'rown hue of -the .barrea Chilean Andes. To get a. f.lir view of Cerro de Pasco it is neeessary-to-go-to the hih rock, near the railway ion 1he to-';'*L,A;Iii, tiTdtgritalittto---- tykrivrnuwi'ari tiaroxiCstreets_ .. .41 m 0.3. •ft-- r•-• rr- ar, rt a -25,-000 st 0. -on o uIy4tarned num, It is hoped that *[tor 1O1G Austraha. will have * first izi f410,000 me redy to 11.1 1Ta M garrisons, a..<1 a third 40,000.compos4._ partly • of liutv-hut.eitirettitritiblY tly -of older -trained rezerv.: days o Prested the belief --or-thron hand, had blown rL e riod Sept. 18 illoanott Crowd Ipplanded. The polite thoughtless ants -the. -Int • A dch was wedibat The oors were diifoated' with A 1osi of 400 men- In with ti Spaniards on it0P410' and Tuets Auitiallicii imsos.to e9en4 X2,600,,00(anow., ally on the military and naval fort- ts---o, tho Corntnonwea1h.. • wk • • II) lb ft• hIE ii IIMMINI wiuch-tho-Ineas, f welt eame to the', toridlusion`ThaL in Certain.. area *no less than $10,•000 dprofit : was be Made- by tjr. ting gold from, the rivers and 30. Order to begin Obtaining this ,groid it was only necessaryF to have 'a dredge on the: spot. Tbc sante lour in *Mobthe dire Ara be. •gins to 'turn g0141, HOW T1IE d DREDGES Only al ti t.t?tug nimmil baeks, i 10,001 to 17%1.4, ard—Tierces"---Mr;:--tubs' d -to=104 ra. la to ta3. "%MESS AT MONTREAL. pntreal, Sept. ate Canadian Western, to, 44Y0 Canadian \Sesfern, 49. to 4e; barley..No. 2, 04 to Ole.; Ma- Three I3erruyer, David andliottard decapitated for * series of us:tornes in the Department e which created *reign.of No lea than -twelve loitotc, tin -d 200 heries Aro, 1adto .71 .* '04- tzne. the 14414 in e Ort Cobzlt. spateli from. Cobalt say ell, a; roung Swede,: slit had oply btert a short eountry and had just str1 ntr onWac irn Ily it was- eseerid. broken and Ifs OttDayMuieeuvr. eat* the formation an- ant lat -!AlFar--..1:kt. _ Spring beat patent, firsts'', Manitoba Spring A seconds,.*Mo.Winter wh'. - Montreal, • .Neunnt Heavy A doopateh from The lifoutree1 %Vito guttered by Aft, wI *bout; 0.30 ou Thu! glemage ie etinuited 000 to :1$74' tanec.a airgo a e tart ati around the horizon is studded 14, 4Aositertived heights., our, feet is a busy 400ht. tiefii1 ia everywhere—I:tow driving llamas, the univer- titio,..iVektiiri. now - riding - ntules eariving.terptigesover the undulating roads -Ana All his busi- is apart of, the greet work ttt. exiracting o per and silver front e Indian children, whose heal- thy color shines throu their kiir '4'441 Mutsu* ,sig ia sallow South America, f , :matt 4w -ht 777 .7r I - thc winter tbere would * ass tin the iictd manoeuvres• bettC.011 Than Is. giving I)*y, 4041 expected trial will axle of their practi -cabilitt in Unix treopt, ;ear.. vying zuppliest keeping 'op lines of comtnutneation,, etc, If the eiperi- giontl_proves successfulhero the 'boulders, which, oleo thrown. r to the -hank of the riser, while, the dings, Anis material flows-0er tablet tory, ' tred-with ineott.nut rnattirig; *hitt* acts like An* riffles; catching .the gold in the interstices. The mitt. ting IM orialeally lilted up and tinted ,4)1i' the_rintin ting returned another. :char In _ . the ease of the Inarnbarl Qol Dredging 'Comptuy* s nlodei'fl ate ' dredge! has `been vaa4ofwhich ie. oortAilently estimated will *or :far quicker, „.,,> 'ffcetive' their Way,down Itroughtb - ther ileors to the press, ioors in the basement. Itradttition to the souttbi the:' loss by *ate 11 contkierabit. nts have been Mule 'Twith The sem to publish Aho paper for the resent., There Waia latinaUr- , . v therm los* r prgv:;14 spiteions club where. bo la -id tt* htt and in the Jiro Both these antes haratte tiraily Ainer at high pressure tho whoe timo the bigiost 'mite 30 AUlitt half he-play*rit are near enough to th peets,tors to hear the en*ourajn. dor otherwise, that ar� tib-erally -bestowed.' This hospita of the Americans is untiotitult4 iud the life is one ,of tit* utniost good feeling ad goL tliowskip. Th only drawback visitorfis out i the sbr tMn icknots, *hie kill ruing w While' in the in rned omplete 4sshd to th 6 tgeftittittmen were ,00 1 v w to reaehin n4, s *shin liing miIl, t toot spproxu one-thrt1 if a xiI1ion dol thegrin the wheel little p the ride. T tbor lsy then11 4*wn, t 'the int'44:rtt ago:'srtli, rte ;roa—t