HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times., 1909-09-30, Page 510,1 RN. ,... ,. he.lit***;,,couipteted :tb, dir4.'ci, ., a 00044. „ ,tuuz,;. th".• 'ix 0.: V. 1.10.°, tri,,t4,... . r A 1 r to Itimi le to •properIy ctzltivate tr • nafly year* Mr. O1ivr bas been growing Us ow1V-tobace.q. 4n4 SiriOvita , 444w to ProVet40.eute eorneJiat desarted eoptiooally fine na.. .On. Mou. day 'evening a special preUtani was ivenrat'w ets ,the Mioisters of the neLzbtorp POIntmenis assisted. _orti horo.nttertdeo od. tim %lion lta isspent • Friday Pa'Slawtfird Visitingfrkiid r..01trist,,gliber and . dauhter of Zurich, 'tcpeniFrriday..-ltr towir:the guests of Mr. and Tars. W. Wenzel..? • On 'Wednesday ofi knit , the oderieli 3r0Ung Indn drove in artd P':1704 •friendly 'game of baseball II i boys. The ScOrn WAS ^rn to in of the Stars. We under- tand that when they were ..ativin0 in the,: wanted to know whether this vas-Crealton,iiiid4141471V,11Floir ittlo country 'place and that farmers vett „here, but, before vory long they Nv-Vv"Uit ftfrrAVAlfra-tOn14-40", 4f41.L.11,:toAirt.Tronl the: County -town peaks well for Vrediteri and adds another laurel ,to their long fist o victories. "' • MiSs--Glatlyof:ssery-wattitrtown.--o --7.; Mr.. and Mrs. AV pn ..the.guest.afAtt..0 . awn,, Mrs. lioniefer.'of' Ilatiover, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Weiner. Xt., and Mrs. rioffnian and childret of .Dashwood, spent. SagdaY in towni -litri.LilVfni-Sr-A001-400-utus--worleing in- Dashwood, 1ft-for -Pittsburg', where-baluts_ttceepted a situation._ Mrs. Il1uett4tind Glatlys. aro spena. few weeks in Vorrest visiting , ,441'4,4 ve_out_new., litoc of IteadyMade Suits an nvite, you: to Se0 them Ore ,Of Clover, Titootio" Is Seeds, Live Poultry Apples and all kinds of ete, Highest Market Price, -- Having purchased the blacksmith property and usiness-of-Mr. A E. Privi,-nearthaZow anrpreparedr4o.Blaolmoi - ror -the General Shop----- 1. believe we can give you and.many New Ones. 6 entire satisfaction.. Yours, „ , Send us your nAnie WA addle, VaMt3 Of publication to wideh thl* advertisemen • ,appeara,uno we wm manyouLatisolutel free a .bul'fi• orthe. beautiful, 5.1.4"1:0*!•!. -• Wonder, Plants treckiilf' Properly treated. It's grand fOr winter blooming„producing-uPwords of OnO.thoteiatir pretty flowers in a season. Toted: 1.10:404 lighted and astonished with this plant., Withi the bulb. we will also Send '701A 4,t0173 '00114, our HANDSOME MILO cperaLouvE tre0;-• width tells you ail about hundreds of other, varieties some Of which you Mar Want* . IMIOHAfct--141SED CO,o-Linlited • tut hall You Rear constantly sewing on ',cloths money can buy ping sat4s4 . SOUSES - IlEAVt• DRAUGHT ,ltrifeirt-tiar0 -nrcomptraied Nat John- ,{j-Tjaibell4tiali John -campbell; oe C.3 Va. tit adieriiihment I ber-pri tader. • , alma slog st, we include the Wm. Pepper. Wm. lAMOnt ;r:Enal. •of eirerytliing in that suit, 7. Pepper„.4.. Stelek, •Wm:,Laroont one The t the test Linnets, the car old, Wm. Pepper; --two- year bemt rsuitting'is, the . best Thread etc.. i 3. Campbell, A. Itelehert, E., Troyer; ia ,Vtitli SS the best of our ibilitrin Cub. t three year old, P. 1tyckman t• span in ttaigia flitting and Making, .abouldn'ti"harness mut wagon, P. Willert, Ileichert. - 10)*•reap.Our reward? TbIstia. ea to _ - ,PflItPOSE Virben /cu. novit reaP You as one broos' mare .accompanied , on Deieliert A. Stelek T, Co "t* tion,sa,Alkr: iint# -year -old,- A. Jacobi ;,two year old, S. Solara% B. Jacobi: thtee .Xeat old, J. Dcelccr, jr.,Fncob Veber B. Bar; span in hArneStr And buggy, I). Schnell J.'Decker, sr:, ;E, io04--,04-41S,--PPAtillankt.-1 041 .AVurm„,:L...M'eAVtllUltrfOA1 Arthur, Li ViriXtrn) Srb_*11: One 11 YottrOldt La WUrm. 3$10Mtbialti. tut year old, G. Clauslos; three year old • 11. Itoehler,. ..Decker, jr.; span In harness and buggy, J. Pecker, sr.; bums -Wow loartiess and buggy, .I. Geiger, W. Itubif S. Unoter. . 310,40nEllit /trawl .niure accompanied by fell 3. Deeker, ,tr.‘• G.\ Moir, W. Love; foal, T. J. Amy, W. Love. .1r,Decker, ir.' 'one' tear old, 4/.. Decker, Jr., J. Ataher,-8.-Jacobf4-ton_ �n 0Or 0abibits. Ober* will room for au. otarorother,inf bon writio, thtt ,01111_ HAZr.EwooD. "e 7r!;, are rtig V weeIs in and Stratford -visiting' frie relatives and. attending the nvention6-in-41m-lattor--4.1 na Mr ; William 13. Geiser t vest this week. ?Mrs. E. 11. Peen with sons William fut$ Emerson, are spending a few weeks visiting friends in Manchester. her mother, returned-' - Marys,. loaf week. The World's fair will be held her to -day and to morrow. • Iiiirkton big, fair October 1st, • ;Mrs'. Dennison who has been visit. log 'her sister Mrs. :P. W. Taylor re. turoed-to her lame in Detroit', The-forth-ot-lhe Auto, W. 3.. Tate has been . Porahait hy Nfti..-,--'241itailw Gregory for $1,000. We congratnloto atim_ftn_14, novisition .of Such a' dc'. rabic up-to-date 0001-74.T'ivris. don., - • I' Mr.Ed.:i-tlables, of St; Marys, paid ,a ft*Ing .vlsit hero on Sunday . ,Don't forget the Dig Concert on a iiitOF. t o Misses Annie and- -They,-.*,report:torving4-, too1 time. ..;-1Pranit ;Mills is Nisitingunder the .parental roof. Miss Mora. 13rown Visited 'in t. Marys on Thursday. and 13/Irs. lloflidiyupent 'Sunday with" -Mr. ltudivfxs.--1,horoas.13htke. ' Mr. Neson WAtSort spent Sunday at , Oh t you Jack 'the coon 4 are -in the. .,r, have-oonlrnen�ed f10 fihIng Uerlui Messrs M. Watson and gay' attend- " A:',4 ed the. Exeter fair and concert. ' . Brethour; :of - Ease Line, e ''`xeter. , Fair oii - s_ramie d the, we k before of a marriage at Shipka of jobn jr., to gide artlea 'Geiser on Septi -15th. This „ 0 -tit luested to deny the unnouncement. However the notice did not appear in 'the Times. - Thames Road Tho ViefhlinT of Mlulreeil„ Ir.-14.11,17-Paismorr.,-- fon to' tiiir Shop Where to you that, wet UV. tip tef WiAii.e..blay„, Sea, It., tho,,,tererininy '4001 Performe4 arm .near se 'urs - A eleyorp. ploputtirro 4,;014 -Cur Tablet -.-called Preventics--is being _dispensed- br ,(1ruZgitits everywhere. In few initifs, Prerentics are said to break no rnbAtr.enmsgetely. And Preveinties,_heing eir-satei rind tooth.' Mer. -..are- very limi-'forLelilidren...11• Quinine, no laxative, nothing berth nOr nitkenink.:' flux of 48-45c... Sold ty 110010E T'S .11IDE ON AreAT ATUItALIS',$ tedn,rdslivr-ivtrittria ell',,tite,-,Tate to---vive-.witit o me,' ow I think it. would be o 01(4 'as I think -)it would be .to most men fond of natural history, the most intvresting. railway journey In the word. It was tieregroor i'L' a'ftiekson'S special train, Oa lb- addi.tion to .his own party aort our* there was !only Seleus; and we traVelled ivt.th the uttOoSt comfort through a riatiiratiSt a woriattlona. All ettriliked Worri- ment** are noitv :walking- Mac It is thelr. duty here- hint, there to _preserve sitader, D. Schnell.. 144 • Kra''' t ntlitattood tracts of wild nature, :with year old, Wes. Miler,' 0. Mel3ride, 3. thereowthe. Wild things the destrue.«, 'farmer; span in,...harotiat sna_buggy, tion et' which meansthe destruction W* Trooper, G.' ILOPbtleiit Z sherritt of -lea the charm of wild . nature. Iniggy bore in .harriess and bu ' ' , I.I. 1 •Errglisli ,Goveratnent has made Daters„ 1‘. Fasstifd, 0. -iroddt adY Lure .garat re -serve . of uccVTi driver,' J. Deeker, ar.1 P. PaileOla a ti on the way to Nairobi. tretci 1,7344'. '''' ' g 10' the istintir,- and tot I . 1 Botial--, Haver' etiP. by ,M. Y. Meo., north of the ttraCk. -rteht Lean for ,heavy , draught mare and.. rots with tame: it would,„ :foal, jottfctin3. plitm- -- - -- ----. Itttle ritine it -14*$. as 'a 4riserve ' Jude, ttichard Welsh; ;Exeter. ,' and the , attraction it now otters t , •„.,.,,,,..Cianit: . ,, , ,,'..si traVelter*_fetultra: It tin asset sit fr., •..' ' DiglivEtAU: ' - I cortsolnetice to the whole colortY. Cow, E. Elder, Pi.Delch:l.rtic Satoh” Oa .our train' the locomotive w', Piker ;,....,2 .ye''.116 ed .hgttne,rt. 1elell:41C Jilted. with it .65trifortableY1Seat p'' IL littoppp.Varlittl' holler. t'l Bauchi the 'row...catcher,- and' en ' LbIs, vxc' F.. It P.. Deich.,:qt: i.heiter cplt W. it in. t1Um. I * ent. in ' Iireik elous, ,tnd ofLn, wlth Goy sot, o wbonzthe, tt'rrIti , ga1110,'wcr. alike. - Amt. ..Th irt afternoon we '.414 not • hoots,. bat birds about. tie Was; both besul „ 3, Ilaberer. ,e1 year *IA 11!ifer,„ .rd and...aro:It; 1:ear1i revs ltd r, 11‘.1Xt Iftincit. tIon3, ia yin Ito 0037 visited. a'1'rkli11 nre4,144.40-3\44444-4UIAN-r-lanta at present, which will nodoubt den corn and other tate crops limn. - 'hreshing is about completed in this ne4hhorhood some props have 'turned out flue, while others have not been SO .lood.. No:sett itavelle, who lias, boon witht his brother in the ,tort hero for the .last-9-..Yotirs-removed-t0-41s brother Aloes, farm 1-1 mile north of Om • Bend on Monday. The. store's loss iI1 'elate farmer. . The-Ifuron-Countyrroad-aturhildg intaittee, also the county- engineer passed through here ou Thursday for the Aiiirposo of looking after the eree- tloo Of a br1-4O 4cmgs the-river,.Att ' 1‘1,01111vra • Georse Oliver was in Pa'rk 11 vis- iting. on Monday. - W. IL Oliver contractor for tho cement blear portion of Jos. ',Brenner, eiat barn has it completed. it 'looks Oe. Mr. D'rent.eris rebuilding a much more commodious building, -be- ing 4.1x76 ft. 3. stories high, Mrs. 'Thos. Ibbitson„ who has been. vrAting 'bor. brother and sister. W. 1.11; 0;iver ana Mrs. Wm. tattersall, rOurnea to her home near ist., Thoma3, •on VX it .- and Mrs. Nelson alletcher and family took in the fair at London. Miues Anna and Marie Watson, of Toronto, Who have been 'spending a few days at their home 'here, left Wednesday for Detroit, &fiche - r. Wm;(..ttitelt is on the sick list. unlialcklirtgr-are ithe order o the riaY around here for the .wo., Hurongaio . „ A very pretty event $otem- nised at the -home of Mr. and Mrs. .Gestrge Verges:on, AOPteInbmiliths .when their youngest daughter, Miss Victorb, 11.1 was uniteti in marriage to Mr. Thomas Ferguson, a prosper - ones young- farrner of Tuckersmith. _wctiding....march-was bein zplar e.44.;lir..411" SW - '•%J.:1 their places -on the -14Wni' under beautiful arch of cvergrliens, • 'dio I , In the:iirestinee-ot-one-buttd" ed-gue%ts. The ',tilde was gowned in white sink, in empire style, and wore, tire-usuat 1.41411 veil and ortmgc. b:ossoms. and carried a bouluet of bridal. roses and maiden hair tern-;, :910 WAS !Avert. A4v0try by her father and was unattended, 'Ili& terernOly Was perforated by Itev. Colin Fletcher, . of gratulatitas ,sat down to 4 sump- tuous repast.. The brideAs one of was shown by Abe many useful and sha.,rerel.ve4.-,,Ap,mr tile 1fta was tt- beautiful 014 Watch eLith.''.from the.,. Mite un„r•-eouple,..!-Iert- that" evening for heir new home on the ninth. tottec'S.. Sion of Tuckers:111th. t "' An Art1cle for 'Mothers: . When the thilarett "break atitt'y with ionotions and fikirt disensc,.**to com- mon In the 1411# /don't' run 10 use - hs and hatuieatitt4: ,ffiedielnes. 'Ono. link is what is needed. Tt hVii 'skin f9od as well as a healing halm . Mrs. Vitas: levere, of Viestotf, North Chatinel,LOnt.t. tells how Dui( Sure( her bnby 8Ittt 001$ baby's head and. toce. WAS 003 t Otto mess of ooret., The Itchlugand irritistkin were :cart -tit, arid the little one's Plight was to'harful that e-f€a"ted'Vr..001‘ Would' id five $1, fr11atft one of them id her 'Ittin0 tit her rubbing entl es.' Doctor ittix?r. th viln, „ttutil wi Thor nit agrcea se: gf ezeortti, any permanent 4AS last reitottreeW We The h good thrit.10', re r about it next 'week. 3„ W. Volt aecompanie4 bet Mrs. 'Jolt was a Parkhill visito 6 Won - ,Siterbeg to announce to the !ladies of Dasitwood and vicin., ty that our formal ' millinery openings will. be held On. SATIEIP, 4th- azui 25th Inv' 6 les-6171railiiflierriasiiiiiiliTi.dlirgmiroi—Mt, to-Isit-our-Show-rooms-on-ahove-clates-an4--foilowlig--7. - days teitnspect our beautiful display of Ladies ileafigear. idence -from Rich. Ilamllron and In- tends coming to our town in tho near future. • Ik4o-ry.--rkre4 but -4 to, ikveddiu I was, solemnised at the °Me of Mr; and Mrs. John Itose 1011 Ttlektersmith._on ,W e a September 20th, when Opt*. (laugh. *daughter, Miss Ethel A. Goabolt, Of Winche1nea; was united in 'wedlock to VI t 33 II of St Paul Minn can sa_ r. u e -After-the- wading cire.1- left - many; bride, who is-oneef Wincheitiees. charming. young ladies will be :grail. . • • ve-Yegrs ,ago. We bave tamed Ow it in two ways -by getting the very best El*. fish wheel we can forpopulerselling,an& • aswing to our customers all interntettate pro. fits by filling orders direct ibr instead'of th .-r4141.k.itgliIEWarvre cam $50 Wheels - for, $25 nn4-Eive better satisfactillhe goilityLOrtlie only the best materials. used and only skilled mechanics employed in construction.. The equipment is right -up-to.date ami tt'e machines th-rcmghou-tate'suilt-if we can triiiiinighly recommend. We reit automci- hilts as well as bicycles and our plan is to make wheels.setve'as a good advertisement to the entire' business. Senator illustrated folder. •.. . 14)*Plg, 4.0 . . ha potties'', . _ The lolloWing Is the report :of -the September examinations held in fil, 'S. No. 6 Nsborne.f.a.Sr; AR', -total, 450; atrimnAleywood 392; Sr. III. total 410, Inez 'Oreery 355. Edward ICellett 341, 1 flay Goulding- 287, trie, Coward-- 2.30. : Jr. III. total ,f190, flartiwick ternish. 30-i--Dia--tornisir -31-0,. May -Olarkr-221, Iola fleywood 218. Sr. 11.' total 18.50. Gordon Duncan 200, Lloyd Johns 208 Jr.- {1. tutat.-230„---Mirtiti 185, LewLs Cornish 154,, ;Vera .woo ...A1A4,.4',„_____,:___• . '-', - . ___• . . Jessie ' A.- itamiltort. r" * • !Mr. 'Zurich A. -tonalantine. of ' into* Tflis brooch here. . Mr. land Mr*.Stetttbieh left lost Week tor.Ib licritte in Jktroit. Ur; I. 3. Mel,. 4,..,ft last wee for the AireSto te.OVVIe 210140 hatifeSto •. teVa Jk. 1). Oisliter attended, I Yountx .rco'ples Conventloii in Stratford last week. nese. Mr. Milier occupied the pu !lit of 1120,2,Kitangelletil church Inst **day', OPOrted7Zutish wjlL havAl _ new store in the near futtire. ZIre W. 11 Gabel and daughter* 01 ristteit friends here last weck. ,14 Wk MS% has itUreliaSeCt tinSineSS Site. On the Steinbach Pr pertjrriiiitt a on ;$ Vora Tr. fi. ititunle,-movo- JI wearry stern ii telt. , Peter nearer, a it resident ,Oetlie 14th in on died onAhursday, 1Gth1 from rt: White, tb effectsot tt, cnn- wlth bkb11ac afEJIc-ited IC few month, having rettehed the •.of 71 years. and 0 'days. Tit. eessed'wiS born .in floc Toviros rusl1ttoli4and cun4" toln, is -tb +I dattpn4